Fund Project:Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62075245, 52001012) and the Research Foundation for Youth Scholars of Beijing Technology and Business University, China (Grant No. PXM2019_014213_000007)
Received Date:14 August 2020
Accepted Date:22 January 2021
Available Online:14 April 2021
Published Online:20 April 2021
Abstract:Since high-mobility electron gas, which is also called two-dimensional electron gas, was discovered at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (LAO/STO) interface, SrTiO3-based heterostructures and nanostructures have become an attractive platform for novel nanoelectronic devices. Exploring the novel physical properties of LAO/STO interface and the mechanisms of interface effect is the key to designing and fabricating the new photoelectric devices. The LAO/STO sample is prepared on an STO (001) substrate by pulsed laser deposition. In order to study the influence of interface effect on photovoltaic effect in the LAO/STO sample, a KrF pulse laser with a wavelength of 248 nm and an energy density of 50 mJ/cm2 is chosen as an ultraviolet light source, a sampling oscilloscope of 350 MHz is used to measure the photovoltages, and a precision adjustable slit is adopted to control the size of irradiation area. The photovoltaic effect is studied under the condition of applied electric field at ambient temperature. The experimental results prove that the photovolatge of irradiating on the side of sample (LAO/STO interface) is higher than on the front of sample (film surface) under the same area of irradiation. Lateral photovoltaic effect is discovered in the LAO/STO sample. Irradiating on the side of sample (LAO/STO interface) can further improve the lateral photovoltaic effect in the LAO/STO sample. The open-circuit photovoltage depends linearly on the illuminated position, and the sensitivity reaches 36.8 mV/mm. The sensitivity of the lateral photovoltaic effect can be modified by the bias voltage. The experimental results not only contributes to better understanding the interface effect in LAO/STO interface, but also provides a basis for designing and using photoelectric devices for position-sensitive detection. Keywords:LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface/ interface effect/ latera thel photovoltaic effect/ photoelectric properties
使用FEI Tecnai G2 F20场发射高分辨透射电子显微镜(transmission electron microscope, TEM)对样品进行微观结构表征. 制备样品表面尺寸为5 mm × 10 mm, 厚度为0.5 mm, 经过丙酮与酒精清洗后在样品表面两侧制备了尺寸为5 mm × 1 mm的银电极, 电极之间间距为8 mm. 光伏效应测试的光源为Coherent COMPex50型准分子激光器, 激光波长为248 nm, 激光脉宽为20 ns, 激光发出后经过扩束镜扩束保证出射激光的能量均匀性, 激光能量密度约为50 mJ/cm2. 光伏效应的信号采集由采样带宽为350 MHz的Tektronix DPO4032型数字示波器完成. 测试偏压由Keithley 2400型数字源表提供.
3.结果与讨论图1为LAO/STO薄膜样品的截面TEM图. 图1(a)为LAO/STO薄膜样品的低分辨截面TEM图, 图1(b)与图1(c)分别为STO/LAO界面处与LAO/STO界面处放大的高分辨截面TEM图. 可以看出, LAO层与STO层的厚度与RHEED监测的生长厚度一致, LAO与STO的界面平整清晰, 没有观察到任何杂相和可见的相互扩散区域, LAO层和STO层都实现了外延生长. 图 1 LAO/STO样品的截面TEM图 (a)整体TEM图; (b) LAO/STO界面高分辨TEM图; (c) STO/LAO界面高分辨TEM图 Figure1. TEM images of LAO/STO sample: (a) TEM image of LAO/STO sample; (b) HR-TEM image of LAO/STO interface; (c) HR-TEM image of STO/LAO interface.
图2(a)为使用激光正面照射LAO/STO样品膜面两个电极之间5 mm × 8 mm区域不同偏压下的光生电压波形图. 测试电路如图2(b)的插图所示. 从图2(a)中可以看出, 当激光照射LAO/STO样品时, 样品中产生了瞬态的光伏效应, 并且光伏效应的复合时间较长, 超过2 ms. 由图2(b)可以看出, 激光照射LAO/STO样品正面的光生电压随着偏压的增加基本上线性增加, 当偏压为20 V时样品的光电压为177 mV, 当偏压升为80 V时样品的光电压为1292 mV. 因为248 nm激光的光子能量约为5 eV, 大于STO的禁带宽度3.2 eV, 所以当光照射在样品上时电子吸收光子能量从价带激发到导带, 形成了非平衡光生载流子. 这些载流子被偏压所提供的电场分离, 使样品两端探测到了光电压, 随着偏压的增大, 光电压也逐渐增大. 图2(c)为使用激光侧面照射LAO/STO样品界面0.5 mm × 8.0 mm区域时(如图2(d)插图所示)在不同偏压下的光生电压波形图. 可以看出, 侧面照射LAO/STO样品界面的光生电压的波形与正面照射样品时的光生电压波形基本一致, 但是照射界面的光伏效应复合时间明显高于照射膜面的复合时间. 从图2(d)可以看出, 侧面照射LAO/STO界面产生的光生电压也随着偏压的增加逐渐增加, 当偏压为20 V时光电压为52 mV, 当偏压为80 V时光电压上升到325 mV. 因为侧面照射界面的光照区域大小仅是正面照射膜面的1/10, 而激光能量密度不变, 经计算可知, 同等能量激光照射LAO/STO样品界面产生的光电压远高于激光照射样品膜面时所产生的光电压, 这说明LAO与STO之间的界面效应对样品的瞬态光伏效应有增强作用. 这可能是因为当LAO层和STO层的厚度超过30层原胞(约12 nm)时, 大约70%的电子都会被束缚在LAO/STO界面附近3 nm的区域内[28], 当光直接照射LAO/STO界面的光响应度远高于光经过膜面作用到LAO/STO界面层的光响应度时, 导致了光侧面照射LAO/STO样品界面时产生的光伏效应高于光正面照射样品膜面时的光伏效应. 图 2 (a) 不同偏压下248 nm激光正面照射LAO/STO样品光生电压波形图; (b) 正面照射光生电压随偏压的变化; (c) 不同偏压下激光侧面照射LAO/STO样品光生电压波形图; (d) 侧面照射光生电压随偏压的变化 Figure2. (a) Photovoltaic waveforms for LAO/STO sample at different bias voltages under the 248 nm laser front illumination; (b) photovoltages as a function of bias voltages under front illumination; (c) photovoltaic waveforms for LAO/STO sample at different bias voltages under side illumination; (d) photovoltages as a function of bias voltages under side illumination.
为进一步探究LAO/STO界面效应对光伏效应的影响, 在偏压为50 V的情况下测试了LAO/STO样品正面和侧面部分区域光照时样品的光生电压. 如图3中的插图所示, 光照区域左端靠近LAO/STO样品左侧电极, 通过狭缝改变光照区域的宽度d, 测量光电压. 从图3(a)可以看出, 正面照射LAO/STO样品膜面时, 样品的光电压随着光照区域的增大而增加. 光电压在光照区域宽度为1 mm 时为60 mV, 当光照区域宽度为7 mm时光电压增加到了787 mV. 这说明光照区域中产生的光生载流子可以传导通过非光照区. 当激光照射样品时, 光照区域中产生的光生载流子由于偏压的作用被分离为电子和空穴在光照区域边缘聚集. 在非光照区域中, 光照区域边缘聚集的光生载流子经由LAO/STO界面层向探测电极传导扩散, 随着扩散距离的增加光生载流子浓度呈指数级衰减, 在非光照区域中产生了一个梯度电场. 所以样品的光电压与光照区域宽度之间呈指数变化. 当侧面照射LAO/STO样品界面部分区域时也可以探测到光电压, 当光照区域宽度为1 mm 时样品的光电压为40 mV, 随着光照区域宽度的增加, 样品的光电压基本上呈线性增加, 当光照区域宽度为7 mm时, 样品的光电压为230 mV, 如图3(b)所示. 这可能因为侧面照射产生的光生载流子主要集中于LAO/STO界面附近[29], 这些载流子在非光照区经由LAO/STO界面层的传导好于正面照射膜面产生载流子在不同层之间的扩散, 所以侧面照射的光电压与光照区域宽度之间基本呈线性变化. 同样光照面积下, 侧面照射LAO/STO界面部分区域的光电压高于正面照射LAO/STO膜面部分区域的光电压. 图 3 (a) 正面照射样品光生电压随光照区域宽度d展宽的变化; (b) 侧面照射样品光生电压随光照区域宽度d展宽的变化 Figure3. (a) Photovoltages as a function of irradiated area width d under front illumination; (b) photovoltages as a function of irradiated area width d under side illumination.
当偏压为50 V, 光照区域大小不变, 位置由一侧电极向另一侧电极逐渐移动时, 在LAO/STO样品上观测到了明显的横向光伏效应. 正面照射样品膜面时光照区域大小为5 mm × 2 mm. 如图4(a)所示, 横轴X为光照区域左侧距离左端电极的距离, 纵轴为样品的光电压, 可以看出LAO/STO样品的光电压随着光照位置从左侧电极向右侧电极移动逐渐增加, 当光照位置紧贴左端电极时为65 mV, 当光照位置紧贴右端电极时为165 mV. 侧面照射LAO/STO界面时同样具有横向光伏效应, 光照区域大小为0.5 mm × 2.0 mm, 光照区域靠近左侧电极时光电压为52 mV, 靠近右侧电极时光电压为90 mV, 如图4(b)所示. 图 4 (a) 正面照射样品光生电压随光照区域位置X的变化; (b) 侧面照射样品光生电压随光照区域位置X的变化 Figure4. (a) Photovoltages as a function of irradiated position X under front illumination; (b) photovoltages as a function of irradiated position X under side illumination.
其中$ {N}_{0}={n}_{0}\left[1-{P}^{(\tau p/{n}_{0})}\right] $, p是激光能量, τ是载流子扩散寿命, $ {n}_{0} $是光生载流子密度. P表示的是样品中非平衡载流子复合的可能性, 由(2)式可知P越小, 样品电极之间的横向光伏$ {V}_{L} $就会越大. 偏压会影响LAO/STO样品中非平衡载流子的复合. 如图5所示, 当把偏压变为60 V时, 侧面照射LAO/STO界面产生横向光伏效应在各个位置的光生电压(红色虚线)都高于正面照射LAO/STO膜面各个位置的光生电压(蓝色虚线), 而侧面光照的能量仅为正面光照能量的1/10. 通过偏压的调控, 照射LAO/STO界面的位置探测灵敏度达到了36.8 mV/mm. 图 5 偏压为60 V时正面和侧面照射样品光生电压随光照区域位置的变化 Figure5. Photovoltages as a function of irradiated position under front illumination and side illumination at bias voltage 60 V.