昆明理工大学国土资源工程学院,复杂有色金属资源清洁利用国家重点实验室,云南 昆明 650093
国家自然科学基金资助项目High Efficient Recovery of Oxidized Lead?Zinc Minerals from a Multi-metal Ore in the Eastern Region of Yunnan Province
Jinpeng CAI, Kaiwei SONG, Peilun SHEN, Jianmin LI, Ruizeng LIU, Dianwen LIU*Faculty of Land Resources Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Complex Non-ferrous Metal Resources Cleaning Utilization,Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming, Yunnan 650093, China
摘要: 对滇东某多金属氧化铅锌矿采用先铅后锌的工艺浮选,浮选流程均为两粗一精一扫. 结果表明,矿石中有价元素为铅、锌、银,铅主要赋存于白铅矿和铅矾中,锌主要赋存于菱锌矿和异极矿中,银以伴生形式存在,目的矿物嵌布粒度较细. 浮选所得铅精矿铅品位为61.45%,铅回收率为86.41%,银品位为451.58 g/t,银回收率为66.73%,含锌3.68%;锌精矿锌品位为42.32%,锌回收率为90.63%,含铅1.39%. 两性捕收剂R144对锌的捕收能力和选择性比十二胺、十八胺和二者混合胺更好.
蔡锦鹏 宋凯伟 申培伦 李健民 刘殿文. 滇东某多金属氧化铅锌矿高效回收选矿工艺[J]. 过程工程学报, 2018, 18(3): 612-617.
Jinpeng CAI Kaiwei SONG Peilun SHEN Jianmin LI Ruizeng LIU Dianwen LIU?. High Efficient Recovery of Oxidized Lead?Zinc Minerals from a Multi-metal Ore in the Eastern Region of Yunnan Province[J]. Chin. J. Process Eng., 2018, 18(3): 612-617.
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