The impact of ATLAS and CMS single differential top-quark pair measurements at \begin{document}${\
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01
Musajan Kadir1, , Alim Ablat1, , Sayipjamal Dulat1, , Tie-Jiun Hou2, , Ibrahim Sitiwaldi1, , 1.School of Physics Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China 2.Department of Physics, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China Received Date:2020-08-15 Accepted Date:2020-11-02 Available Online:2021-02-15 Abstract:By applying the Error PDF Updating Method, we analyze the impact of the absolute and normalized single differential cross-sections for top-quark pair production data from the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider, at a center-of-mass energy of $ \sqrt{s} = 8 $ TeV, on the CT14HERA2 PDFs. We find that the top quark pair single differential distributions provide minor constraints on the CT14HERA2 gluon PDF when the nominal CT14HERA2 inclusive jet production data are included in the fit. Larger constraints on the gluon distribution are present when the jet data are removed (CT14HERA2mJ) and/or when increased weights are given to the top data in the CT14HERA2 fits. The weighted $ t\bar t $ data provide significant constraints on the CT14HERA2mJ gluon PDF, which are comparable to those obtained from inclusive jet production data. Furthermore, we examine the top quark mass sensitivity of the top-quark pair single differential distributions.
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I.INTRODUCTIONPrecise measurements of and predictions for $ t \bar t $ pair production are crucial for tests of the standard model and for searching for new physics beyond the standard model [1]. Thus, an understanding of the uncertainties resulting from an imperfect knowledge of parton distribution functions (PDFs) is crucial. The large integrated luminosity and the high center-of-mass energy of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) provide a large sample of $ t \bar t $ events. The dominant production mechanism for $ t\bar t $ pair production at the LHC is through gluon-gluon fusion; thus, $ t\bar t $ data have the potential to constrain the gluon PDF, especially at high x. In the analysis carried out in Ref. [2], theoretical predictions for the final-state top quark $ p_T^t $ and $ y_t $ distributions in $ t \bar t $ pair production at the LHC at approximate next-to-next-to-leading order (aNNLO) in QCD are used to study the impact of ATLAS and CMS 7 TeV differential cross section measurements on proton PDFs. The aNNLO theory prediction in [2] uses methods of QCD threshold resummation beyond the leading logarithmic accuracy and is implemented in the xFitter platform [3] using fastNLO tables to facilitate the global PDF analysis. A moderate improvement in the uncertainty of the gluon distribution at high x was observed. More recent analyses in Refs. [4, 5] have also provided fastNLO tables for the exact NNLO predictions of the invariant mass of the top-quark pair, the average transverse momentum of the $ t,\bar{t} $ quark, the average rapidity of the $ t,\bar{t} $ quark, and the rapidity of the top-quark pair, i.e., the distributions measured by the ATLAS and CMS experiments. The fastNLO tables are at NNLO in QCD with $ m_t = 173.3 $ GeV, renormalization scale and factorization scales $ \mu_R = \mu_F = H_T/4 $, $ H_T = \sqrt {m^2_t + p^2_{T,t}} + \sqrt {m^2_t + p^2_{T,\bar t}} $ for $ m_{t\bar t} $, $ y_{t\bar t} $, and $ y_t $ distributions, and $\mu_R = \mu_F = m_T/ 4 = \dfrac{1}{4}\sqrt {m^2_t + p^2_{T}}$ for the $ p_{T} $ distribution of the average top/antitop quark. In their calculation, they use the same binning (see Table 1) as the ATLAS [6] and CMS [7] 8 TeV measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections.
Table1.Summary of the fastNLO tables provided in Ref. [5].
In this paper, we study the impact of the ATLAS [6] and CMS [7] measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections data on the CT14HERA2 [8] and CT14HERA2mJ PDFs; thus, in Table 2, we provide the relevant basic information. For the measurements in Table 2, the ATLAS experiment has provided statistical errors, with fifty six correlated systematic errors, including luminosity errors. CMS collaboration provided the statistical errors, along with eleven correlated systematic errors, including the luminosity errors.
Table2.Number of data points and $ \chi^2/N_{pts} $ for inclusive jet and top-quark pair data, after ePump updating from the CT14HERA2 and CT14HERA2mJ PDFs.
In Table 2, we provide the number of data points and $ \chi^2/N_{pts} $ for inclusive jet and top-quark pair data, after updating using ePump from the CT14HERA2 and CT14HERA2mJ PDFs. For the top-quark pair data, the $ \chi^2/N_{pts} $ decreases for CT14HERA2 rather than for CT14HERA2mJ PDFs. This shows that the quality of the original CT14HERA2mJ PDFs is enhanced after including inclusive jet data. However, this is not the case for the ATLAS absolute and normalized $ p^t_T $, as well as the absolute $ m_{t\bar t} $ distributions; $ \chi^2 $ also did not decrease visibly in these distributions, even when we set the weight = 9. The $ \chi^2/N_{pts} $ of the four inclusive jet distributions are very different from those of the top-quark distributions. $ \chi^2/N_{pts} $ is considerably larger in CMS normalized $ t\bar t $ distributions than in ATLAS normalized $ t\bar t $ distributions. This result means that, at the least, there are some comparable differences between CMS and ATLAS data for the same measurements while using the same theoretical predictions. Refs. [13, 14] have previously studied the impact of top-quark pair differential distributions measured by ATLAS [6] and CMS [7] at 8 TeV on the gluon PDF within the NNPDF framework. They found that the differential distributions from top-quark pair production provide relatively strong constraints on the large-x gluon. Within the MMHT framework, Ref. [15] found that the impact of the ATLAS [6] data on the gluon PDF is relatively weak. With the CMS data [7], they found that both $ y_t $ and $ y_{t\bar t} $ distributions have a noticeable impact on the gluon PDF at high x, where the impact of $ y_{t\bar t} $ is greater than that of $ y_t $. This paper examines in detail the impact of the LHC $ t \bar{t} $ data in the CTEQ-TEA framework. Despite improvements, such as the use of fastNLO tables, global PDF fitting is still very CPU-intensive. In Ref. [16], a software package, called the error PDF Updating Method Package (ePump) [16], was developed, which can provide both the updated best-fit PDF and the updated eigenvector PDFs from a PDF set previously obtained by a global PDF analysis. ePump has been previously used [17-20] to perform analyses that have the potential to reduce PDF uncertainties at the LHC. In this paper, we use ePump to study the impact of the LHC 8 TeV single differential top-quark pair distribution data from ATLAS [6] and CMS [7] on the gluon PDFs, starting from the global PDF sets CT14HERA2 [8] and CT14HERA2mJ. CT14HERA2 is an updated version of the CT14NNLO PDFs [21], with the HERA Run I data replaced by the combined HERA I+II data [22]. The CT14HERA2 PDF fit contains inclusive jet data from the Tevatron and from the LHC. Because inclusive jet data also provide constraints on the gluon distribution, additional PDFs, called CT14HERA2mJ, were constructed by a full PDF global analysis, without the jet data, to examine more closely the impact of the $ t \bar{t} $ data alone and in combination with the jet data. The absolute and normalized (to the total $ t \bar{t} $ cross section) single differential $ t\bar t $ measurements from ATLAS in the variables $ |y_{t\bar t}| $, $ {\rm d}m_{t\bar t} $, $ p^t_T $, and $ |y_t| $ and the normalized single differential $ t\bar t $ measurements from CMS in the variables $ y_{t\bar t} $, $ m_{t\bar t} $, $ p^t_T $, and $ y_t $ are listed in Table 2. We also show the number of data points for jet data that are included in the CT14HERA2 fit. The values of $ \chi^2/N_{pts} $ in the Table 2 are calculated using ePump to update the CT14HERA2 and CT14HERA2mJ PDFs with the inclusion of each individual $ t\bar t $ data set. These will be discussed in detail later in this paper. This paper is organized as follows. In section II, we first calculate the degree of correlation between the CT14HERA2 gluon PDF and the ATLAS and CMS 8 TeV $ t \bar{t} $ data. Then, we compare the ePump updated gluon PDFs obtained by adding those data one by one, to the original CT14HERA2 PDFs. The corresponding NNLO theory for $ t \bar{t} $ predictions using the updated PDFs is then compared with the corresponding ATLAS and CMS measurements. The impact of the updated PDFs on the Higgs boson gluon-gluon fusion cross section $ \sigma_H (gg \rightarrow H) $ is then discussed. In section III, tensions between the ATLAS and CMS 8 TeV absolute and normalized single differential $ t\bar t $ data with the other data sets in the CT14HERA2 PDFs are described. In section IV, using the same method utilized with the CT14HERA2 PDFs, we analyze the impact of the ATLAS and CMS 8 TeV single differential $ t\bar t $ measurements on the CT14HERA2mJ PDFs. In section V, we compare the impact from the CMS 7 TeV inclusive jet data and from the $ t \bar{t} $ data. In section VI, the impact of the value of the top quark mass on the single differential $ t \bar{t} $ cross section predictions is analyzed. Our conclusions are presented in section VII. Before beginning the full discussion of the analysis, we summarize the notations used in this paper: ● The suffix “.54” in CT14HERA2.54 indicates that the error band is obtained with 54 eigen-vector PDF sets, rather than with the entirety of the 56 PDF sets. The last two sets are omitted, which expands the uncertainty for the small x gluon, a region not relevant for this study. ● CT14HERA2mJ PDFs are obtained after excluding the four jet data sets present in the CT14HERA2 PDFs. ● The ePump updated CT14HERA2.54 (CT14HERA2mJ) PDFs using the ATLAS 8 TeV absolute and normalized data in the $ |y_{t\bar t}| $, $ m_{t\bar t} $, $ |y_t| $, and $ p^t_T $ distributions are denoted using suffixes XXX and NXXX attached to the absolute and normalized distributions, respectively.
A.Correlation between the CT14HERA2 gluon PDF and ${t}\bar{{t}}$ data
The correlation between a specific absolute or normalized $ t\bar t $ data point and $ g(x, Q ) $ gluon PDF at a given x and Q value is represented by the correlation cosine $ \cos\phi $ [23, 24]. Here, the quantity of $ \cos\phi $ characterizes whether the data point and the PDF are correlated ($ \cos\phi \sim 1 $), anti-correlated ($ \cos\phi \sim -1 $), or uncorrelated ($ \cos\phi \sim 0 $). Large positive and negative values of $ \cos\phi $ indicate direct sensitivity of the $ t\bar t $ data point to the gluon PDF in a particular region in x. In Fig. 1, the correlation coefficient between the CT14HERA2.54 g($ x, Q = 100 $ GeV) PDF and the absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential $ t\bar t $ data is distinguished by varying the type of line used. Each data point is represented by its own correlation curve. Solid green lines, magenta dotted lines, red dashed lines, and dark blue long-dashed-dotted lines correspond to the LHC 8 TeV absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential $ t \bar t $ cross-section data as a function of $ |y_{t\bar t}| $, $ m_{t\bar t} $, $ |y_t| $, and $ p^t_{T} $, respectively. We observe that, because of the kinematic range, the absolute $ t \bar{t} $ distributions are highly correlated with the gluon PDF for $ 0.08 \lesssim x \lesssim 0.4 $ and highly anti-correlated for $ 10^{-4} \lesssim x \lesssim 10^{-2} $. We also observe that, because of the total $ t \bar{t} $ pair production in the denominator, the normalized $ t \bar{t} $ distributions show correlations that are basically the same for each variable and are a mirror image of the dominant behavior of the $ \cos\phi $ distributions for the absolute data. Figure1. (color online) Correlation cosine $ \cos \phi $ between the CT14HERA2.54 $g(x,Q = 100\;{\rm GeV})$ PDF and fastNLO predictions for each bin of the $ t\bar t $ differential distribution absolute (left) and normalized (right), as well as inverse of the total cross sections (bottom). Note that the thickness of the line for each distribution changes from thin to thick, which corresponds to moving from the first bin to the last bin.
2B.Updating CT14HERA2 PDFs using ATLAS and CMS 8 TeV ${t}\bar{{t}}$ data -->
B.Updating CT14HERA2 PDFs using ATLAS and CMS 8 TeV ${t}\bar{{t}}$ data
In this section, using the CT14HERA2.54 PDFs as a basis, we study the impact of the the ATLAS (absolute and normalized) and CMS (normalized) 8 TeV $ t\bar t $ full phase-space differential cross-sections as a function of the $ y_{t\bar t} $, $ m_{t\bar t} $, $ p^t_T $, and $ y_t $ variables on the gluon PDF. The ATLAS and CMS $ t\bar{t} $ data are included individually using ePump. The results are shown in Fig. 2. The impact on both the central gluon distribution and on the gluon uncertainty band (with respect to the CT14HERA2.54 gluon PDF) is shown. It is evident that there is no notable impact on the central gluon from either the absolute or normalized ATLAS 8 TeV $ t\bar{t} $ data for the $ m_{t\bar t} $ and $ p^t_T $ distributions. However, both the absolute and normalized $ |y_{t\bar t}| $ and $ |y_t| $ distributions have a relatively minor impact on the best fit gluon PDF $ x > 0.2 $. It is also evident that none of the distributions result in a significant reduction of the gluon PDF uncertainty at any x value. This implies that the ATLAS $ t\bar{t} $ single differential data are in strong tension with the other data included in CT14HERA2, the gluon PDF is well constrained by other data, or both. In contrast to the ATLAS data, we observe that the CMS normalized $ y_{t\bar t} $, $ m_{t\bar t} $, and $ p^t_{T} $ data provide relatively larger impacts on both the central predictions and the uncertainty bands of the CT14HERA2.54 gluon PDF at high x, while the $ y_t $ distribution does not. In the region $ x>0.1 $, the inclusion of the $ y_{t\bar t} $, $ m_{t\bar t} $, and $ p^t_{T} $ data leads to a decrease in the gluon PDF, but it is still well within the PDF error band. It is known that, in general, the gluon PDF is primarily constrained by the DIS and jet data. Figure2. (color online) Gluon PDF error bands (left) and ratios (right) for ePump-updated PDFs over the best-fit of the base CT14HERA2.54 gluon PDF.
2C.Optimizing CT14HERA2 PDFs -->
C.Optimizing CT14HERA2 PDFs
In this section, we apply the ePump optimization method to further explore the impact of the ATLAS and CMS 8 TeV $ t\bar t $ differential cross section data on the gluon PDF uncertainty. The ePump optimization method is similar to the data set diagonalization method [25]. For the optimization, we use CT14HERA2.54 error PDFs that have 27 error set pairs, the absolute and normalized 8 TeV $ t\bar t $ differential cross sections from NNLO $ t\bar t $ fastNLO tables [4, 5]. The optimized error PDFs are ordered by the size of their eigenvalues, and one can determine how many error PDFs are necessary to obtain the dependence of the observables on the PDFs. The sensitivity of each $ t\bar t $ data point to the gluon PDF in the relevant x-range can be illustrated by comparing the pair of gluon error PDFs (two for each eigenvector) with the original CT14HERA2 gluon error PDFs, relative to the CT14HERA2 best fit values. Therefore, in Figs. 3 and 4, we have plotted ratios of the first pair of gluon error PDFs (red and green lines) and the original CT14HERA2.54 gluon error PDFs (blue band) at $ Q = 100 $ GeV to the CT14HERA2 best fit value of the gluon PDF. In addition, in Table 3, we provide the maximal amount of gluon error bands covered by the first and second eigenvector pairs for four $ t\bar t $ differential distributions. From this table, we see that the first and second eigenvector pairs of gluon error PDFs almost completely cover the CT14HERA2.54 gluon PDF error bands for the whole x-range, indicating the dependence of the $ t\bar t $ differential cross section on the gluon PDF. Because the other eigenvector pairs, after ePump-Optimization, have a negligible effect, the total error band of the gluon PDF, in the relevant x-region, can be approximated by taking the quadrature sum of the error bands from the first two leading eigenvector sets. The contribution from the remaining 23 eigenvectors pairs is almost identically zero. The first eigenvector pair gives the largest contribution to the PDF uncertainty for each $ t\bar t $ distribution; in particular, it is greater than 90% for absolute $ m_{t\bar t} $ and $ p^t_T $ as well as normalized $ |y_t| $ distributions. Because the PDF uncertainty for each $ t\bar t $ distribution depends mostly on the first and second eigenvector pairs, we may use only these four eigenvector PDFs to study the PDF-induced uncertainty related to the $ t\bar t $ production, instead of using the full 54 error sets of CT14HERA2+$ t\bar t $ PDFs. Figure3. (color online) Ratio of the first pair of updated error PDFs and original CT14HERA2.54 error PDFs to the CT14HERA2 central value of gluon PDF at $ Q = 100 $ GeV.
first eig.vec.
normalized (%)
absolute (%)
second eig.vec.
normalized (%)
absolute (%)
$ y_{t\bar t} $
$ m_{t\bar t} $
$ y_t $
$ p^t_T $
Table3.Eigenvalues of the first and second eigenvector pairs.
Figure4. (color online) Ratio of the first pair of updated error PDFs and original CT14HERA2.54 error PDFs to the CT14HERA2 central value of gluon PDF at $ Q = 100 $ GeV.
2D.Comparison between 8 TeV ${t}\bar{{t}}$ data and theory from original and new CT14HERA2 -->
D.Comparison between 8 TeV ${t}\bar{{t}}$ data and theory from original and new CT14HERA2
In this subsection, we show the theoretical predictions after considering the $ t\bar t $ data and compare them with the experimental measurements. The comparisons between the theoretical predictions from before and after updating the CT14HERA2.54 PDFs and the ATLAS 8 TeV absolute and normalized differential $ t \bar t $ data, as well as CMS 8 TeV normalized differential $ t \bar t $ data, are presented in Figs. 5, 6, and 7. In these figures, the magenta solid lines correspond to the theoretical predictions from CT14HERA2.54, and the blue solid lines are the theoretical predictions from updated CT14HERA2.54 PDFs. The black and red error bars for each data point and shifted data point (upper part of the figure) include only statistical error. Shifted data $ D_k^{sh} $ is defined as Figure5. (color online) Comparison of differential cross sections ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_{t\bar t}|$, ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}m_{t\bar t}$, ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_t|$, and ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}p^t_T$ from CT14HERA2.54 PDFs and from ePump updated CT14HERA2.54+ATLAS$ |y_{t\bar t}| $, CT14HERA2.54+ATLAS$ m_{t\bar t} $, CT14HERA2.54+ATLAS$ |y_t| $, and CT14HERA2.54+ATLAS $ p^t_T $ PDFs and differential ATLAS 8 TeV $ t\bar t $ production cross section data as functions of $ |y_{t\bar t}| $, $ m_{t\bar t} $, $ |y_t| $, and $ p^t_{T} $.
Figure6. (color online) Comparison of normalized differential cross sections $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_{t\bar t}|$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}m_{t\bar t}$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}p^t_T$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_t|$ from CT14HERA2.54 PDFs and from ePump updated CT14HERA2.54+ATLASN$ |y_{t\bar t}| $, CT14HERA2.54+ATLASN$ m_{t\bar t} $, CT14HERA 2.54+ ATLASN$ |y_t| $, and CT14HERA2.54+ATLASN $ p^t_T $ PDFs and normalized differential ATLAS 8 TeV $ t\bar t $ production cross section data as functions of $ |y_{t\bar t}| $, $ m_{t\bar t} $, $ |y_t| $, and $ p^t_{T} $.
Figure7. (color online) Comparison of normalized differential cross sections $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_{t\bar t}|$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}m_{t\bar t}$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}p^t_T$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_t|$ from CT14HERA2.54 PDFs and from ePump updated CT14HERA2.54+CMSN$ y_{t\bar t} $, CT14HERA2.54+CMSN$ m_{t\bar t} $, CT14HERA2.54+ CMSN$ y_t $, and CT14HERA2.54+CMSN $ p^t_T $ PDFs and CMS 8 TeV normalized differential $ t\bar t $ production cross section data as functions of $ y_{t\bar t} $, $ m_{t\bar t} $, $ y_t $, and $ p^t_{T} $.
where $ D_k $ is the k-th data point (value), $ \lambda_\alpha $ is known as a nuisance parameter, and $ \sum_{\alpha = 1}^{N_{\lambda}} \beta_{k\alpha} $ are the correlated systematic errors for the k-th data point. The blue bands in the ratio plots indicate the total uncertainty, which is the quadratic sum of statistical and systematic uncorrelated uncertainties, of the data in each bin. The yellow bands in the ratio plots indicate the statistical uncorrelated uncertainties of the data in each bin. The error bars on the theoretical predictions show the 68% C.L. There is an overall shift for all raw data points. This means that the correlated systematic errors, weighted by their corresponding nuisance parameters, play an important role in the fitting. We find that there is little improvement in agreement with the measurements after calculating theoretical predictions evaluated with the new PDFs obtained by adding the ATLAS and CMS 8 TeV $ t\bar t $ production differential cross section data. -->
A.Correlation between CT14HERA2mJ gluon PDF and ${t}\bar{{t}}$ data
We first check the correlation between the absolute and normalized differential $ t\bar t $ data and the CT14HER2mJ g($ x, Q = 100 $ GeV) PDF. Without inclusion of the jet data in the CT14HER2mJ, the gluon PDF receives constraints mostly from the deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data, demonstrating a behavior different from that of the gluon in the CT14HERA2 PDF. As shown in Fig. 10, the correlation between $ t\bar t $ data and the gluon CT14HER2mJ PDF keeps the main features as those of the gluon PDF in the CT14HERA2 PDF shown in Fig. 1. Figure10. (color online) Correlation cosine $ \cos \phi $ between CT14HERA2mJ $g(x,Q = 100\;{\rm GeV})$ PDF and fastNLO predictions for each bin of the absolute (left) and normalized (right) $ |y_{t\bar t}| $ (solid green), $ m_{t\bar t} $ (dark magenta), $ |y_t| $ (red), and $ p^t_{T} $ (blue) top-quark differential distributions.
2B.Updating CT14HERA2mJ PDFs using ATLAS 8 TeV ${t}\bar{{t}}$ data -->
B.Updating CT14HERA2mJ PDFs using ATLAS 8 TeV ${t}\bar{{t}}$ data
In Figs. 11 and 12, we show the ePump updated PDFs, starting from the CT14HERA2mJ PDFs and including the absolute and normalized ATLAS 8 TeV $ t\bar t $ data one by one. The impact on the gluon PDF from those $ t\bar t $ data can be seen by comparing the difference between the gluon PDF before and after ePump updating. It is apparent that, without the jet data in the fit, the CT14HERA2mJ uncertainty band is larger than the CT14HERA2 band, the absolute ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_{t\bar t}|$, ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_t|$ and normalized $1/\sigma \;{\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_{t\bar t}|$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_t|$ data have a larger impact on the central PDF (and to a smaller extent on the uncertainty band) of the CT14HERA2mJ gluon PDF. Figure11. (color online) Gluon PDF ratios for ePump-updated CT14HERA2mJ+ATLAS $ |y_{t\bar t}| $, CT14HERA2mJ+ATLAS$ m_{t\bar t} $, CT14HERA2mJ+ATLAS$ |y_t| $, and CT14HERA2mJ+ATLAS $ p^t_T $ PDFs, which are obtained by including ATLAS 8 TeV absolute ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_{t\bar t}|$, ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}m_{t\bar t}$, ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_t|$, and ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}p^t_T$ data, over the best-fit of the base CT14HERA2.54 gluon PDFs.
Figure12. (color online) Gluon PDF ratios for ePump-updated CT14HERA2mJ+ATLAS $ |y_{t\bar t}| $, CT14HERA2mJ+ATLAS$ m_{t\bar t} $, CT14HERA2mJ+ATLAS$ |y_t| $, and CT14HERA2mJ+ATLAS $ p^t_T $ PDFs, which are obtained by including ATLAS 8 TeV normalized $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_{t\bar t}|$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d} m_{t\bar t}$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_t|$, and $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}p^t_T$ data, over the best-fit of the base CT14HERA2.54 gluon PDFs.
More specifically, we observe an increase in the CT14HERA2mJ best fit gluon PDF for $ 10^{-4} \lesssim x \lesssim 0.15 $ and a decrease for $ x \gtrsim 0.15 $ after including ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_{t\bar t}|$ and ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}|y_t|$ data. We also observe a small reduction in the gluon PDF uncertainty bands for $ x \sim 0.05 $. However, there is still no obvious impact on the CT14HERA2mJ gluon PDF after including the absolute ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}m_{t\bar t}$, ${\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}p^t_T$ and normalized $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}m_{t\bar t}$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}p^t_T$ data. The results shown in Figs. 11 and 12 directly confirm our understanding from the last section that the reason we see only minor impacts on the CT14HERA2 gluon PDF is because the CT14HERA2 gluon PDF is well constrained by the four jet data sets included in the CT14HERA2 PDF. The removal of the jet data increases the constraining power of the $ t \bar t $ data, but the impact is still smaller than that of the jet data sets. 2C.Updating CT14HERA2mJ PDFs using CMS 8 TeV ${t}\bar{{t}}$ data -->
C.Updating CT14HERA2mJ PDFs using CMS 8 TeV ${t}\bar{{t}}$ data
In this section, by including the normalized CMS 8 TeV $1/\sigma \;{\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}y_{t\bar t}$, $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/{\rm d}m_{t\bar t}$, $1/\sigma \;{\rm d}\sigma/ {\rm d}y_t$, and $1/\sigma \; {\rm d}\sigma/ {\rm d}p^t_T$ data one by one, we update the CT14HERA2mJ PDFs. The impact on gluon PDF from $ t\bar{t} $ data can be seen by comparing the difference between the gluon PDF before and after the ePump updating. From Fig. 13, we see that, without the jet data in the fit, the normalized differential CMS 8 TeV $ t\bar t $ data $ y_{t\bar t} $, $ m_{t\bar t} $, $ y_t $, and $ p^t_{T} $ have a rather obvious impact on both the central predictions and uncertainty bands of the CT14HERA2mJ gluon PDF in the region $ 10^{-4} \lesssim x \lesssim 0.6 $, i.e., each $ t\bar t $ data point increases the gluon PDF in the region $ 10^{-4} \lesssim x \lesssim 0.15 $, while each $ t\bar t $ data point decreases it in the region $ x \gtrsim 0.15 $; however, the updated gluon PDFs in the four cases are well within the uncertainty bands of PDFs. Figure13. (color online) Gluon PDF ratios for ePump-updated CT14HERA2mJ+CMSN $ y_{t\bar t} $, CT14HERA2mJ+CMSN$ m_{t\bar t} $, CT14HERA2mJ+CMSN $ y_t $, and CT14HERA2mJ+CMSN $ p^t_T $ PDFs over the best-fit of the base CT14HERA2mJ gluon PDFs.