Single-particle resonant states with Green’s function method
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01
Cheng Chen1, , Zhipan Li2, , Yuxiao Li1, , Tingting Sun1, , 1.School of Physics and Microelectronics, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, China 2.School of Physical Science and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China Received Date:2020-03-16 Available Online:2020-08-01 Abstract:This study employs the relativistic mean field theory with the Green's function method to study the single-particle resonant states. In contrast to our previous work [Phys. Rev. C, 90: 054321 (2014)], the resonant states are identified by searching for the poles of Green's function or the extremes of the density of states. This new approach is highly effective for all kinds of resonant states, no matter whether they are broad or narrow. The dependence on the space size for the resonant energies, widths, and the density distributions in the coordinate space has been checked and was found to be very stable. Taking 120Sn as an example, four new broad resonant states $ 2g_{7/2} $, $ 2g_{9/2} $, $ 2h_{11/2} $, and $ 1j_{13/2} $ were observed, and the accuracy for the width of the very narrow resonant state $ 1h_{9/2} $ was highly improved to $ 1\times 10^{-8} $ MeV. Further, our results are very close to those obtained using the complex momentum representation method and the complex scaling method.
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2.Theoretical frameworkIn the RMF-GF theory [85], the GF is applied in the coordinate space to calculate the densities for nucleons and the single-particle spectrum of the Dirac equation. The Dirac equation for nucleons in the RMF theory [64-66] is
with the nucleon mass given by M, the Dirac matrices $ {{\alpha}} $ and $ \beta $, and the scalar and vector potentials $ S({{r}}) $ and $ V({{r}}) $, respectively. A relativistic single-particle Green's function $ {\cal G}({{r}},{{r'}};\varepsilon) $ satisfying the following definition needs to be constructed,
with $ \hat{h}({{r}}) $ denoting the Hamiltonian of the Dirac Eq. (1). Starting from Eq. (2) and taking a complete set of eigenstates $ \psi_{n}({{r}}) $ and eigenvalues $ \varepsilon_{n} $, the GF is represented as
Notably, the eigenvalues $ \varepsilon_{n} $ of Dirac equation are poles of the Green's function in Eq. (3). Consequently, the eigenvalues $ \varepsilon_{n} $ can be obtained by searching for the poles of the GF. In practice, according to Ref. [49], this can be done with the help of the density of states (DOS) $ n(\varepsilon) $,
which displays similar discrete $ \delta $-function peaks for bound states at the eigenvalues $ \varepsilon = \varepsilon_{n} $ and distributes continuously in the continuum with peaks for resonances. DOSs $ n(\varepsilon) $ in a wide energy range is calculated by scanning the single-particle energy $ \varepsilon $. Notably, for the continuum, energies $ \varepsilon $ are complex $ \varepsilon = \varepsilon_r+{\rm i}\varepsilon_i $, and the energies for the resonant states can be written as $ \varepsilon_n = E-{\rm i}\Gamma/2 $ with the resonance energy E and width $ \Gamma $. Taking the imaginary part of the GF, the DOSs can be calculated by the integrals in the coordinate $ { r} $ space [85]. For the bound states, this is
where “$ {\rm i}\epsilon $” is the introduced positive infinitesimal imaginary part to the single-particle energy $ \varepsilon $, with which the $ \delta $-function shaped DOSs for bound states are simulated by Lorentzian functions with the FWHM of $ 2\epsilon $. For the resonant states, the infinitesimal imaginary part “$ {\rm i}\epsilon $” does not need to be introduced, as the single-particle energy $ \varepsilon $ is complex. Further, when scanning the imaginary part of complex energy $ \varepsilon_i $ before and after it had crossed the resonant states, it is found that the DOSs $ n(\varepsilon) $ differ by a minus sign. The DOSs for the resonant states can be written as
In practice, we calculate DOSs for resonances by scanning the entire complex energy range taking the first equation in Eq. (7), and they will reverse and become negative when $ \varepsilon_i $ is over the resonant states. According to those changes, the widths of resonant states $ \Gamma/2 $ can be determined. In the spherical case, the GF can be expanded as
where $ Y_{\kappa m}(\theta,\phi) $ is the spin spherical harmonic, $ {\cal G}_{\kappa}(r,r';\varepsilon) $ denotes the radial GF, and the quantum number $ \kappa $ labels different partial waves, which can provide the values of the angular momentums l and j,
Practically, we perform the integrals in Eq. (10) in a finite box and obtain an approximate DOS $ n_{\kappa}^{R}(\varepsilon) $ for a fixed $ R_{\rm {box}} $. Finally, a Green's function $ {\cal G}_{\kappa}(r,r';\varepsilon) $ with angular momentum $ \kappa $ and complex single-particle energy $ \varepsilon $ is constructed as [47]
where $ \theta(r-r') $ is the step function, $ \phi^{(1)}_{\kappa}(r,\varepsilon) $ and $ \phi^{(2)}_{\kappa}(r,\varepsilon) $ are two linearly independent Dirac spinors
obtained by the Runge-Kutta integrals in the whole r space from the asymptotic behaviors of the Dirac spinors at $ r\rightarrow0 $ and $ r\rightarrow\infty $, respectively, and $ W_{\kappa}(\varepsilon) $ is the r-independent Wronskian funciton defined by
Exact asymptotic behaviors in the origin and at infinity are taken for the Dirac spinor. In particular, this is regular at $ r\rightarrow 0 $ and satisfies
where $ \tilde{l} = l+(-1)^{j+l-1/2} $ is the angular momentum of the small component of the Dirac spinor, $k = $$ \sqrt{(\varepsilon-V-S)(\varepsilon-V+S+2M)} $ is the single-particle momentum for all states, and the spherical Bessel function of the first kind $ j_l(k r) $ satisfies
The Dirac spinor at $ r\rightarrow\infty $ behaves exponentially, decaying for the bound states while oscillating outgoing for the continuum, which can be written uniformly as,
with the single-particle momentum $ k = \sqrt{\varepsilon(\varepsilon+2M)} $ and the spherical Hankel function of the first kind $ h^{(1)}_l(k r) $.
4.Results and discussionThe resonant states are well known as poles located in the fourth quadrant of the single-particle complex energy plane. Therefore, in this work, we take a direct approach to explore for these poles which are also the extremes of GF according to Eq. (3). In practice, the definition of density of states in Eq. (7) is applied and a series of DOSs $ n_{\kappa}^{R}(\varepsilon) $ will be calculated by scanning the complex energy $ \varepsilon $ in the fourth quadrant, both in the directions of the real energy $ \varepsilon_{r} $ axis and the imaginary energy $ \varepsilon_i $ axis. As an example, in Fig. 1, we provide the details in determining the single-neutron resonant state $ 2f_{5/2} $ in $ ^{120} {\rm{Sn}}$. To explore the pole corresponding to the resonant state, as shown in Fig. 1(a), the complex energy $ \varepsilon $ in a wide range containing both the real $ \varepsilon_{r} $ and imaginary $ \varepsilon_{i} $ components are covered to calculate the DOSs. The PK1 effective interaction and the coordinate space of $ R_{\rm {box}} = 20\; $ fm are considered in the RMF-GF calculations. In Fig. 1(b), the calculated DOSs are plotted as functions of $ \varepsilon_{r} $ for different $ \varepsilon_i $. In particular, with the imaginary energy $ \varepsilon_i $ varying from $ -0.0175\; $ MeV to $ -0.0475\; $ MeV, the DOSs alter significantly in the energy range from $ \varepsilon_r = 0.75\; $ MeV to $ 1.00\; $ MeV. With the imaginary energy $ \varepsilon_i $ approaching $ -0.0325 $ MeV, the peaks of DOS evolve to become increasingly sharper and finally reach the extreme. A peak in the shape of the $ \delta $-function is located at $ \varepsilon_r = 0.8705\; $ MeV. Further, just after $ \varepsilon_i $ crossing the energy $ -0.0325 $ MeV, the peak of DOS reverses sharply. Subsequently, the peak of DOS evolves in an opposite way and becomes increasingly lower with $ \varepsilon_i $ reaching farther. This indicates a pole located at $ \varepsilon = 0.8705- {\rm i}0.0325\; $ MeV. Figure1. (color online) (a) Single-particle complex energy plane $ \varepsilon = \varepsilon_r+{\rm i}\varepsilon_i $ and single-neutron resonant state $ 2f_{5/2} $ in $ ^{120} {\rm{Sn}}$ located in the fourth quadrant. (b) DOSs $ n_{\kappa}^{R}(\varepsilon) $ as functions of the complex energy $ \varepsilon $ including the real part $ \varepsilon_r $ and the imaginary part $ \varepsilon_i $, obtained by the RMF-GF method by taking the PK1 effective interaction and space size $ R_{\rm {box}} = 20 $ fm.
In the following, we verify the dependence of the obtained resonance energy and width $ E-{\rm i}\Gamma/2 $ on the space size, as they must be constant against the changes of the coordinate space size $ R_{\rm {box}} $. In Fig. 2, DOSs calculated by taking different coordinate space sizes $ R_{\mathrm{box}} = 20 $ (a), $ 25 $ (b), and $ 30 $ fm (c) are plotted for the single-neutron resonant state $ 2f_{5/2} $ in $ ^{120} {\rm{Sn}}$. Notably, the shapes of DOSs for $ 2f_{5/2} $ in different $ R_{\rm {box}} $ are quite similar, and all of them reach the extreme at $ \varepsilon_i = -0.0325 $ MeV and reverse immediately at the following energy point $ -0.0326 $ MeV. Further, the peak of DOS in each case is located at the same energy $ \varepsilon_r = 0.8705\; $ MeV. Accordingly, we conclude that the energy and width of the resonant state $ 2f_{5/2} $ obtained by the RMF-GF method is independent of the coordinate space size. Figure2. (color online) Comparison of DOSs $ n_{\kappa}^{R}(\varepsilon) $ for the resonant state $ 2f_{5/2} $ obtained in different space sizes $ R_{\mathrm{box}} = 20 $ (a), 25 (b), and 30 fm (c), respectively.
The same test plotted in Fig. 2 is also performed for a wide resonant state. In Fig. 3, the DOSs in different $ R_{\mathrm{box}} $ are plotted for the resonant state $ 2g_{9/2} $ with a width around $ 3 $ MeV. Generally, for a wide resonant state, the DOS is more sensitive to the changes of imaginary part of complex energy $ \varepsilon_i $. In Fig. 3, although the DOSs do not have exactly the same shapes as the changes of the space size $ R_{\rm {box}} $, extremes at the same energy $ \varepsilon = 5.4428- {\rm i}1.6948 $ MeV are observed, demonstrating that the same resonant state with energy $ E = 5.4428 $ MeV and width $ \Gamma/2 = 1.6948 $ MeV is obtained in different space sizes. Combing the checks in Figs. 2 and 3, it is shown that the descriptions of resonant states by the new approach with the GF method is highly stable when faced the changes of the space size, even for a resonant state with broad width. Figure3. (color online) As Fig. 2, but for the single-neutron resonant state $ 2g_{9/2} $ in $ ^{120} {\rm{Sn}}.$
Another advantage of the GF method for resonant states is that it can also describe the density distributions in the coordinate space. Here, according to Refs. [50–52], we use the density $ \rho_{\kappa}(r,\varepsilon) $ defined at resonance energy $ \varepsilon = E $ to describe the distribution for a resonant state in the coordinate space, which is calculated by
In Fig. 4, the density distribution $ \rho_{\kappa}(r,\varepsilon) $ at the resonance energy $ \varepsilon = 0.8705\; $ MeV for the state $ 2f_{5/2} $ in $ ^{120} {\rm{Sn}}$ is shown. The space dependence is also verified by performing calculations in different box sizes $ R_{\mathrm{box}} = 20 $, $ 25 $, and $ 30 $ fm. Exactly the same density distribution in the entire coordinate space is obtained with different space sizes, demonstrating again the advantage of GF method. Further, we observe that the density distribution for the narrow $ 2f_{5/2} $ is highly localized, behaving as a bound state. Figure4. (color online) Density distributions $ \rho_{\kappa}(r,\varepsilon) $ for single-neutron resonant state $ 2f_{5/2} $ at resonant energy $ \varepsilon = 0.8705 $ MeV plotted in coordinate space. Calculations are performed with different space sizes $ R_{\mathrm{box}} = 20$, 25, and 30 fm.
According to the above studies, the GF method is effective and reliable in describing resonant states, no matter whether it is narrow or broad. Resonance energies $ E-{\rm i}\Gamma/2 $ can be easily obtained by searching for the poles of GF or extremes of DOS. In Fig. 5, we plot all the obtained single-neutron resonant states in $ ^{120} {\rm{Sn}}$, identified by scanning the complex energy $ \varepsilon $ in a wide range for different $ \kappa $ blocks and searching for resonant states by observing extremes. Compared with the results in our previous study (see Fig. 6 in Ref. [85]) in which the resonant states were identified by comparing the DOSs for nucleons moving in the mean field potentials with those for free particles, new resonant states $ 2g_{7/2} $, $ 2g_{9/2} $, $ 2h_{11/2} $, and $ 1j_{13/2} $ with very broad widths ranging from $ 3 $ to $ 13 $ MeV are also observed. In Table 1, we list the energies $ E-{\rm i}\Gamma/2 $ of the single-neutron resonant states obtained by RMF-GF method and compare them with the results in the previous GF calculations [85]. The accuracy is highly improved with the new approach by the GF method, both for the narrow resonant states and broad ones. For example, the uncertainty is well constrained within $ 1.0\times 10^{-8} $ MeV for the extremely narrow resonant state $ h_{9/2} $. Notably, for the very narrow resonant states, the scanning energy step $ {\rm d}\varepsilon $ for the imaginary part in calculating DOSs $ n(\varepsilon) $ must be much smaller. It is $ 1\times 10^{-8} $ MeV for the resonance $ h_{9/2} $, and only with such a small imaginary energy step, the reverse of DOSs extremes can be observed.
positive parity
present study
previous study
negative parity
present work
previous work
Table1.Energies and widths $ E-{\rm i}\Gamma/2 $ (in MeV) of single-neutron resonant states $ nl_j $ in $ ^{120} {\rm{Sn}}$ obtained by GF-RMF method with PK1 effective interaction, compared with results of previous GF calculations [85].
Figure5. (color online) Single-neutron resonant states in $ ^{120} {\rm{Sn}}$ obtained by RMF-GF method with PK1 effective interaction.
Finally, to compare our results with those obtained with CMR [18], CSM [25], RSM [32], and ACCC [39] methods, we also calculate the resonant states with the RMF-GF method by taking the NL3 [91] effective interaction. The energies $ E-{\rm i}\Gamma/2 $ for the single-neutron resonant states $ 2f_{5/2} $, $ 1i_{11/2} $, $ 1i_{13/2} $, and $ 1j_{15/2} $ by those methods are listed in Table 2. We find that the results by the GF method are all consistent with those of other four methods, particularly the CMR and CSM methods. In fact, according to our previous study for the resonances in deformed nuclei [89], it was found that GF method and CMR can obtain exactly the same energies for most of the resonant states. One possible reason for the slight difference in the present results may come from the mean-field potential obtained in the iteration calculations of RMF theory. Further, the GF and CMR methods are performed very differently. The GF method is worked in the coordinate space, where the resonant states are obtained by searching for its poles corresponding to the eigenvalues of the Dirac equation. However, the CMR method is implemented in the momentum space by diagonalizing the Dirac Hamiltonian.
Table2.Energies and widths $ E-{\rm i}\Gamma/2 $ (in MeV) of single-neutron resonant states in $ ^{120} {\rm{Sn}}$ obtained by GF method based on RMF theory, in comparison with results by RMF-CMR, RMF-CSM, RMF-RSM, and RMF-ACCC methods. All calculations are performed with NL3 effective interaction.