--> --> --> -->2.1.The model
O. Catà et al. [16] considered that DM can nonminimally couple with the Ricci scalar, whose global symmetry is broken in curved space-time. In this paper, we focus on ssDM. In the Jordan Frame, the action $ {\cal{S}} = \int {\rm d}^4x \sqrt{-g} \left[-\frac{R}{2\kappa^2}+{\cal{L}}_{\rm SM}+{\cal{L}}_{\rm DM} -\xi M \varphi R \right], $ | (1) |
The Einstein–Hilbert Lagrangian
$ {\cal{L}}_{\rm SM} = {\cal{T}}_F+{\cal{T}}_f+{\cal{T}}_H+{\cal{L}}_Y-{\cal{V}}_H , $ | (2) |
$ {\cal{T}}_F = -\frac{1}{4}g^{\mu\nu}g^{\lambda\rho}F^a_{\mu\lambda}F^a_{\nu\rho}, $ | (3) |
$ {\cal{T}}_{f} = \frac{i}{2} \bar{f} \stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\not\!{\nabla}} f, $ | (4) |
$ {\cal{T}}_H = g^{\mu\nu}(D_\mu \phi)^\dagger (D_\nu \phi). $ | (5) |
In Eq. (1),
The research content of this paper comes from the last term of Eq. (1). Specifically,
Using conformal transformation,
$ \tilde{g}_{\mu\nu} = \Omega^2 g_{\mu\nu}, $ | (6) |
$ {\cal{S}} = \int {\rm d}^4x \sqrt{-\tilde{g}} \bigg[ -\frac{\tilde{R}}{2\kappa^2} +\frac{3}{\kappa^2} \frac{\Omega_{,\rho}\tilde{\Omega}^{,\rho}}{\Omega^2} +\tilde{{\cal{L}}}_{\rm SM}+\tilde{{\cal{L}}}_{\rm DM}\bigg], $ | (7) |
$ \tilde{{\cal{L}}}_{\rm SM} = \tilde{{\cal{T}}}_F+\Omega^{-3}\tilde{{\cal{T}}}_f+\Omega^{-2} \tilde{{\cal{T}}}_H+\Omega^{-4}({\cal{L}}_Y-{\cal{V}}_H), $ | (8) |
Eq. (8) indicates that DM
$ \tilde{{\cal{L}}}_{\rm SM,\varphi} = -2\kappa\xi \varphi \bigg[\frac{3}{2}\tilde{{\cal{T}}}_f + \tilde{{\cal{T}}}_H +2({\cal{L}}_Y-{\cal{V}}_H)\bigg]. $ | (9) |
terms from | physical process | Feynman rules |
In the table, |
Table1.Feynman rules for DM decay.
2.2.Branch ratio
The decay branch ratios of ssDM were drawn according to O. Catà et al. [16] and are shown in Fig. 1. O. Catà et al. also provided the asymptotic dependence of the corresponding partial width on the ssDM mass, using the limit of the massless final-state standard model particles, as shown in Table 2. This work focuses on the ssDM whose mass is around the electroweak scale.Figure1. (color online) Decay branch ratios of ssDM via non-minimal coupling with gravity.
Decay mode | Asymptotic scaling |
Table2.Tree-level decay modes of ssDM [16].
Below the electroweak scale (
Above the electroweak scale (
Around the electroweak scale (
Only the channels shown in Fig. 1 were included in the following numerical calculations.
3.1.Decay spectrum at production
Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group) [37] provided a detailed procedure to calculate decay rates and decay spectrum at production. These authors gave expressions for differential decay rates, e.g. Eq. (10), relativistically invariant three-body phase space, e.g. Eq. (11), and relativistically invariant four-body phase space, e.g. Eq. (14).For convenience, we indicate the three product particles arising from three-body decay as particle 1, particle 2, and particle 3. The nomenclature used to indicate the rest frame of particle i and particle j is
The expression of the differential decay rate is
$ {\rm d}\Gamma = \frac{1}{2m_\varphi}|{\cal{M}}|^2 {\rm d}\Phi^{(n)}(m_\varphi;p_1,...,p_n), $ | (10) |
$ {\rm d}\Phi^{(3)} = \frac{1}{2\pi} {\rm d}m_{12}^2 \frac{1}{16\pi^2} \frac{|\vec{p}_1^*|}{m_{12}}{\rm d}\Omega_{1}^* \frac{1}{16\pi^2} \frac{|\vec{p}_3|}{m_\varphi}{\rm d}\Omega_{3}, $ | (11) |
The relationship between
$ E_3 = \frac{m_{\varphi}^2+m_{3}^2-m_{12}^2}{2m_{\varphi}}, $ | (12) |
$ \frac{{\rm d}{N}^l}{{\rm d}E_3} = \frac{\partial\Gamma^l}{\Gamma^l \partial E_3}. $ | (13) |
There are three channels for the four-body decay:
The element of four-body phase space
$\begin{aligned}[b] {\rm d}\Phi^{(4)} =& \frac{1}{2\pi} {\rm d}m_{12}^2 \frac{1}{2\pi} {\rm d}m_{34}^2 \frac{1}{16\pi^2} \frac{|\vec{p}_1^*|}{m_{12}}{\rm d}\Omega_{1}^* \frac{1}{16\pi^2} \frac{|\vec{p}_3^{**}|}{m_{34}}\\&\times {\rm d}\Omega_{3}^{**} \frac{1}{16\pi^2} \frac{|\vec{p}_{12}|}{m_\varphi}{\rm d}\Omega_{12},\end{aligned} $ | (14) |
$ g(E_1,m_{12}) = \frac{1}{2}\frac{1}{\gamma_{12}\beta_{12}|\vec{p}_1^*|} \Theta(E_1-E_-) \Theta(E_+-E_1), $ | (15) |
The energy spectrum of particle 1 produced per decay in the channel with final state l can be described by
$ \frac{{\rm d}{N}^l}{{\rm d}E_1} = \int\int g(E_1,m_{12}) \frac{\partial^2{N}^l}{\partial m_{12}\partial m_{34}} {\rm d}m_{12}{\rm d}m_{34}. $ | (16) |
Spectra have been obtained for many stable and unstable particles, such as the Higgs boson, Z boson, and neutrino. However, the spectra of final–state stable particles (i.e., photons and positrons) also need to be calculated for comparisons with observations. Cirelli et al. [38] used the PYTHIA codes to generate spectra of photons and positrons
$ \frac{{\rm d}{N}^l}{{\rm d}E_{\gamma,e^+}} = \sum\limits_s \int k(E_s,E_{\gamma,e^+}) \frac{{\rm d}{N}^l}{{\rm d}E_s} {\rm d}E_s , $ | (17) |
3.2.Fluxes after propagation
The spectra that can be detected by satellites are calculated via PPPC 4 DM ID [38]. In the following, we uniformly adopt the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) DM distribution model: $ \rho(r) = \rho_s\frac{r_s}{r}\left(1+\frac{r}{r_s}\right)^{-2}, $ | (18) |
The differential flux of positrons in space
$ \frac{\partial f}{\partial t}-\triangledown({\cal{K}}(E_{e^+},\vec{x})\triangledown f)-\frac{\partial}{\partial E_{e^+}}(b(E_{e^+},\vec{x})f) = Q(E_{e^+},\vec{x}) , $ | (19) |
$ Q = \frac{\rho(r)}{m_\varphi}\sum\limits_l \Gamma_l \frac{{\rm d}N_{e^+}^l}{{\rm d}E_{e^+}}. $ | (20) |
$ \begin{aligned}[b] \frac{{\rm d}\Phi_{e^+}}{{\rm d}E_{e^+}}(E_{e^+},r_\odot) =& \frac{v_{e^+}}{4\pi b(E_{e^+},r_\odot)} \frac{\rho_\odot}{m_\varphi} \sum\limits_l \Gamma_l \int_{E_{e^+}}^{m_\varphi/2} {\rm d}E_s \frac{{\rm d}N^l_{e^+}}{{\rm d}E_{e^+}} \\ &\times(E_s) I(E_{e^+},E_s,r_\odot), \end{aligned} ,$ | (21) |
The calculation of gamma rays consists of three parts: the direct ("prompt") decay from the Milky Way halo, extragalactic gamma rays emitted by DM decay, and gamma rays from inverse Compton scattering (ICS). Synchrotron radiation is prevalent where the magnetic field and DM are very dense, near the galactic center. This work focuses on a high galactic latitude (
The differential flux of photons from the prompt decay of the Milky Way halo is calculated via
$ \frac{{\rm d}\Phi_\gamma}{{\rm d}E_\gamma {\rm d}\Omega} = \frac{r_\odot \rho_\odot}{4\pi m_\varphi} \bar{J} \sum\limits_l \Gamma_l \frac{{\rm d}N^l_\gamma}{{\rm d}E_\gamma} , $ | (22) |
The extragalactic gamma rays received at a point with redshift z are calculated via [38]
$\begin{aligned}[b] \frac{{\rm d}\Phi_{{\rm{EG}}\gamma}}{{\rm d}E_\gamma}(E_\gamma,z) =& \frac{c}{E_\gamma}\int_{z}^{\infty} {\rm d}z' \frac{1}{H(z')(1+z')}\left(\frac{1+z}{1+z'}\right)^3 \\&\times\frac{1}{4 \pi} \frac{\bar{\rho}(z')}{m_\varphi}\sum\limits_l \Gamma_l \frac{{\rm d}N^l_\gamma}{{\rm d}E_\gamma'}(E_\gamma') {\rm e}^{-\tau(E_\gamma',z,z')}, \end{aligned}$ | (23) |
Galactic electrons/positrons generated by ssDM could convert their energy into photons by inverse Compton scattering. The greater the mass of the ssDM, the higher the energy of the electrons/positrons generated by the ssDM, and the more important the effect. Inverse Compton gamma rays are calculated as follows:
$ \frac{{\rm d}\Phi_{{\rm{IC}}\gamma}}{{\rm d}E_\gamma {\rm d}\Omega} = \frac{1}{E_\gamma^2}\frac{r_\odot}{4\pi}\frac{\rho_\odot}{m_\varphi} \int_{m_e}^{m_\varphi/2} \!\!{\rm d}E_s \sum\limits_i \Gamma_i \frac{{\rm d}N_{e^+}^i}{{\rm d}E}(E_s) I_{{\rm{IC}}}(E_\gamma,E_s,b,l), $ | (24) |
4.1.Statistical methods used to define constraints
The IGRB is measured using Fermi-LAT data [33]. We compared theThe cosmic positron flux is measured by the AMS on the International Space Station [34]. We also compared the positron flux produced by DM with the measured flux to define constraints on the lifetime of ssDM.
The comparison strategies used in this paper are as follows. Define
$ \chi^2 = \sum\limits_i \frac{(\Phi^{\rm{th}}_i-\Phi^{\rm{obs}}_i)^2}{\delta_i^2} \Theta(\Phi^{\rm{th}}_i-\Phi^{\rm{obs}}_i), $ | (25) |
4.2.Treatment of the background
Unresolved sources, such as non-blazar active galactic nuclei, the unresolved star-forming galaxies, BL Lacertae objects, flat-spectrum radio quasar blazars, and electromagnetic cascades generated through ultra-high energy cosmic-ray propagation, can contribute to the IGRB. When the IGRB is used to constrain the lifetime of DM, some studies consider the contribution of these sources to obtain the most stringent constraints [42]. Other studies do not consider the contribution of these sources to obtain conservative constraints [41]. In this study, we do not consider unresolved source contributions to the IGRB; therefore, the results we obtain are conservative.The cosmic positron spectrum is believed to have a power-law background. We do not consider this contribution in the total predicted flux; therefore, the results obtained using the cosmic positron flux are also conservative.