Constraints on the generalized natural inflation after Planck 2018
本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01
Nan Zhang1, , Ya-Bo Wu1, , Jun-Wang Lu2, , Chu-Wen Sun1, , Li-Jie Shou1, , Hai-Zhou Xu1, , 1.Department of Physics, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China 2.School of Physics and Electronics, Qiannan Normal University for Nationalities, Duyun 558000, China Received Date:2020-05-22 Available Online:2020-09-01 Abstract:Based on the dynamics of single scalar field slow-roll inflation and the theory of reheating, we investigate the generalized natural inflationary (GNI) model. We introduce constraints on the scalar spectral index $n_{s}$ and the tensor-to scalar ratio r for the $\Lambda$CDM $+r$ model, according to the latest data from Planck 2018 TT, TE, EE+low E+lensing (P18) and BICEP2/Keck 2015 season (BK15), i.e., with $n_{s}=0.9659\pm0.0044$ at 68% confidence level (CL), and $r<0.0623$ at 95% CL. We find that the GNI model is favored by P18 and BK15 in the ranges $\log_{10}(f/M_{p})= 0.62^{+0.17}_{-0.18}$ and $m=0.35^{+0.13}_{-0.23}$ at 68% CL. In addition, the corresponding predictions of generalized and two-phase reheating are discussed. It follows that the parameter m has significant effect on the model behavior.
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2.The single field slow-roll inflationWe provide a brief review of a single field inflationary model [19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 36-38] by starting with the equations of motion induced by a scalar field $ \phi $ in the frame of a spatially flat FRW background universe,
where $ H\equiv\dot{a}/a $ is the Hubble parameter, $ V(\phi) $ is the potential of field $ \phi $, $ M_{p}\equiv\frac{1}{\sqrt{8\pi G}}\simeq2.435\times10^{18} $ GeV is the reduced Planck mass, the dot denotes differentiation with respect to cosmic time t, and the prime denotes differentiation with respect to $ \phi $. In the case of slow-roll inflation, the potential term dominates the total energy density, and the scalar field changes slowly with time, Eqs. (1) and (2) can then be written as follows:
$ H^{2}\simeq\frac{V(\phi)}{3M_{p}^{2}}, $
$ 3H\dot{\phi}\simeq -V'(\phi). $
Thus, the parameter $ N_{*} $, which represents the e-folding number between the pivot scale $ k_{*} $ exiting from the Hubble radius and the end of inflation, can be expressed in terms of the potential $ V(\phi) $ under the slow-roll approximation
where the subscripts “$ * $” and “${\rm end}$” correspond to crossing the horizon and the end of inflation, respectively. Next, introducing the slow-roll parameters:
The power spectra of curvature and tensor perturbations $ \cal{P}_{\cal{R}} $, ${\cal{P}}_{t}$ respectively, can be well approximated in the case of the usual single field slow-roll inflationary models. Thus, the scalar spectral index $ n_{s} $ and the tensor spectral index $ n_{t} $ can be expressed as:
$ n_{s}\simeq 1-6\epsilon_{v}+2\eta_{v}, $
$ n_{t}\simeq -2\epsilon_{v}. $
Then, using the scalar power spectra amplitude $ A_{s}\simeq\dfrac{V}{24\pi^{2}M_{p}^{4}\epsilon_{v}} $ and the tensor amplitude $ A_{t}\simeq\dfrac{2V}{3\pi^{2}M_{p}^{4}} $, the tensor-to-scalar ratio r can be obtained as
$ r = \frac{A_{t}}{A_{s}}\simeq 16\epsilon_{v}, $
which means that $ n_{t} $ is not a free parameter due to $ r\simeq-8n_{t} $. We adopt the data from P18 [27] and BK15 [30] to obtain the constraints on $ n_{s} $ and r for the $ \Lambda $CDM $ +r $ model. They are given as follows by using the Cosmomc code [34]:
$ n_{s} = 0.9659\pm0.0044\; \; (68\%{\rm CL}), $
$ r<0.0623\; \; (95\%{\rm CL}). $
The contour plots for $ n_{s} $ and r are shown in Fig. 1. The plots indicate that the power spectrum of the curvature perturbation deviates from the exact scale-invariant power spectrum at more than $ 7\sigma $ CL. Figure1. (color online) The marginalized contour plots and likelihood distributions for $ n_{s} $ and r at 68%CL and 95%CL from the data of P18+BK15, respectively.
3.The constraints on the model parameters of the GNI modelThe ordinary NI potential was generalized simply by adding the parameter m in Ref. [18]. The form of potential for the GNI model is expressed as follows:
where the energy density $ \Lambda^{4} $, decay constant f, and the constant m are the parameters of the model. It follows that when $ m = 1 $, the model reduces to the NI model. If $ f\rightarrow\infty $, the NI model seems to behave like the chaotic inflationary model. Similarly, the GNI model behaves as a pure power law model when $ f\rightarrow\infty $ [18]. Fig. 2 shows the evolving tendency of the potential. The horizontal axis is $ \phi/M_{p} $, and the vertical axis is $ V(\phi)/\Lambda^{4} $. From the trajectories, we can find that if f is a fixed value, such as $ f/M_{p} = 6 $, $ V(\phi) $ changes more slowly for smaller m in the beginning, and becomes steep in the end. The trajectories reach zero at the same value of $ \phi $. Figure2. The evolving trajectories of $ V(\phi) $ in the GNI model for $ m = 0.5, 1 $ and $ 1.5 $, respectively. Here, $ f/M_{p} = 6 $ is taken.
According to Eqs. (6) and (7), the slow-roll parameters $ \epsilon_{v} $ and $ \eta_{v} $ of the GNI model can be given as follows:
$ r = \frac{16m^{2}M_{p}^{2}\exp\left(-\dfrac{mM_{p}^{2}}{f^{2}}N_{*}\right)}{m^{2}M_{p}^{2}+2f^{2}\left(1-\exp\left(-\dfrac{mM_{p}^{2}}{f^{2}}N_{*}\right)\right)}. $
It can be seen that when $ m = 1 $, Eqs. (21) and (22) reduce to the results of the NI model. The predictions for $ n_{s} $ and r in the GNI model are given in Fig. 3, where $ N_{*} $ is taken in the usual range of $ [50, 60] $, and the shaded regions represent the constraints given by P18 and BK15 at 68% and 95% CL, respectively. It can be seen that the case of $ m = 1 $ (NI model) is disfavored by the data of P18 and BK15. However, the case of $ m<1 $ can provide the small values of r in the proper ranges of the values of $ n_{s} $. Thus, the GNI model is worth investigating in the case when $ m<1 $. Figure3. (color online) The plots of r and $ n_{s} $ in the GNI model for $ m = 0.3, 0.5 $ and $ 1 $, respectively. $ N_{*}\in[50, 60] $ is taken and the shaded regions represent the constraints given by P18+BK15 at 68% and 95% CL, respectively.
Fig. 4 shows the allowed ranges of values of $ N_{*} $ and f when $ m = 0.3 $, $ 0.5 $ and $ 0.7 $, respectively. It can be seen that the allowable parameter space becomes large, and then becomes small with increasing m according to the areas of the shaded regions in Fig. 4. Moreover, when $ m = 0.7 $, $N_{*}^{\min} = 51.1$ can be obtained, which suggests that the minimum value of $ N_{*} $ could be larger than $ 50 $ when the value of m is relatively large. Moreover, the value of $ f/M_{p} $ is smaller than $ 10 $ in Fig. 4. Figure4. (color online) Allowed ranges of values of $ N_{*} $ and f for $ m = 0.3 $, $ 0.5 $ and $ 0.7 $, respectively. In each panel, the solid curves bracket the range of values of $ n_{s} = 0.9659\pm0.0044 $, the dotted curves bracket the range of values of $ r<0.0623 $.
$ N_{*} $, $ f/M_{p} $, and m are all taken as free parameters of the GNI model, and the contour plots obtained by Cosmomc are shown in Fig. 5. It shows that the majority of the points are located in the range $ f/M_{p}<10 $, and the points corresponding to the small values of $ N_{*} $ vanish when the value of m is large. This result is consistent with our simple predictions in Fig. 4. In order to provide a direct visualization, we present the marginalized contour plots for $ f/M_{p} $ and m in the usual range $ N_{*}\in[50, 60] $ in Fig. 6. The constraints on $ f/M_{p} $ and m at 68% CL can be read as Figure5. (color online) The contour plots for $ N_{*} $, $ f/M_{p} $ and m in the GNI model from the data of P18+BK15, the values of $ N_{*} $ are represented by the color of the points.
Figure6. (color online) The marginalized contour plots for $ f/M_{p} $ and m in the GNI model at 68%CL and 95%CL from the data of P18+BK15, respectively.
$ \log_{10}(f/M_{p}) = 0.62^{+0.17}_{-0.18}, $
$ m = 0.35^{+0.13}_{-0.23}. $
Moreover, we can also calculate the higher-order slow-roll parameter $ \xi_{v}^{2} = M_{p}^{4}\dfrac{V'(\phi)V'''(\phi)}{V(\phi)^{2}} $ and the running of the scalar spectral index $\alpha_{s}\equiv \dfrac{{\rm d}n_{s}}{{\rm d}\ln k}\simeq 16\epsilon_{v}\eta_{v}- 24\epsilon_{v}^{2}- 2\xi_{v}^{2}$ of the GNI model as follows:
In Fig. 7 , we plot $ \alpha_{s} $ with respect to $ N_{*} $. The values of $ f/M_{p} $, and m are taken as the boundary values of Eqs. (23) and (24). It can be seen that $ \alpha_{s} $ is negative and, its value increases with increasing $ N_{*} $ for the fixed values of f and m. The allowable range of $ \alpha_{s} $ becomes wide with increasing m, when $ \log_{10}(f/M_{p}) = 0.62^{+0.17}_{-0.18} $, $ -0.0006\lesssim \alpha_{s}\lesssim-0.0001 $ and this can be seen in Fig. 7. Figure7. (color online) The running of the scalar spectral index $ \alpha_{s} $ with respect to $ N_{*} $, the values of $ f/M_{p} $ and m are taken as the boundary values of the GNI model given by the data from P18+BK15 at 68% CL.
In addition, another important issue of the single field inflationary model is the trans-Planckian field excurison of the inflaton. This problem appears in models with large tensor-to-scalar ratio r, as indicated by the Lyth bound [39], and will spoil the basis of the effective field theory. In the GNI model considered here, r is constrained to be small, and thus, this will not be a serious problem. We plot the excursion $\Delta\phi = \mid\phi_{*}-\phi_{\rm end}\mid$ of the inflaton with respect to m in Fig. 8, and find that the excursion $ \Delta\phi $ decreases with lower m and f. One can see from Fig. 8 that with small f and m that fits the observational data, $ \Delta\phi $ might be below the Planck mass $ m_{p} = 1/\sqrt{G} = 1.2\times10^{19} $ GeV. Figure8. (color online) The excursion $ \Delta\phi/m_{p} $ with respect to m, the values of $ N_{*} $ are taken as $ 50 $, $ 60 $, and the values of f are taken as the boundary values of the GNI model given by the data from P18+BK15 at 68% CL, respectively.
4.The reheating phase of the GNI modelFollowing the approaches proposed in Refs. [36, 40, 41], the starting point for the reheating phase is $ k = aH $. This leads to:
where the subscript “${\rm re}$” corresponds to the end of reheating, $ a_{0} $ means the present value of scale factor, which is equal to $ 1 $, and the pivot scale $ k_{*} $ is chosen to be 0.05 Mpc$ ^{-1} $. Based on the conservation of the entropy density $g_{\rm re}a_{\rm re}^{3}T_{\rm re}^{3} = g_{\gamma}a_{0}^{3}T_{\gamma}^{3}+\frac{7}{8}g_{\nu}a_{0}^{3}T_{\nu}^{3}$ and the relationship of temperature $ T_{\nu}/T_{\gamma} = (4/11)^{1/3} $, the expression $ a_{re}/a_{0} $ can be written as $a_{\rm re}/a_{0} = (43/11g_{\rm re})^{1/3}/(T_{\gamma}/T_{\rm re})$, where $ T_{\gamma} = 2.7255 $ K is a known quantity. The parameter g with subscripts is the effect number of degrees of freedom, $ g_{\gamma} = 2 $ and $ g_{\nu} = 6 $, $g_{\rm re}$ is assumed as $ 10^{3} $ for single scalar field inflationary models in keeping with Planck results [25, 27, 42]. Considering the energy density of the universe at the end of reheating, $\rho_{\rm re} = g_{\rm re}\frac{\pi^{2}}{30}T_{\rm re}^{4}$, the continuity equation is $\rho_{\rm re} = \rho_{\rm end}\exp[-3(1+w_{\rm re})N_{\rm re}]$, and the expression of temperature at the end of reheating can be obtained as
where $w_{\rm re}$ is regarded as the average EoS during reheating, and $V_{\rm end}$ is used to substitute for $\rho_{\rm end}$ [42]. The relation between $V_{\rm end}$ and $\rho_{\rm end}$ can be deduced by taking $\epsilon_{H} = \dfrac{3}{2}(1+w) = \epsilon_{\rm end}$, and $\epsilon_{\rm end} = 1$ indicates the end of inflation. $ \epsilon_{H}\equiv-\dot{H}/H^{2} $ is the first Hubble hierarchy parameter, and in the slow-roll approximation, $ \epsilon_{H}\simeq\epsilon_{v} $. For a scalar field, $w\equiv P/\rho = \dfrac{\frac{1}{2}\dot{\phi}^{2}-V}{\frac{1}{2}\dot{\phi}^{2}+V}$. After a simple calculation, we can get $\rho_{\rm end}\simeq\frac{3}{2}V_{\rm end}$. Hence, the third term on the righthand side in Eq. (27) can be rewritten as $\ln\dfrac{a_{0}}{a_{\rm re}} = \dfrac{1}{3}\ln\dfrac{11g_{\rm re}}{43}- \dfrac{3}{4}(1+w_{\rm re})N_{\rm re}+\dfrac{1}{4}\ln\dfrac{45V_{\rm end}}{g_{\rm re}\pi^{2}}-\ln T_{\gamma}$. Therefore, $ H_{*} $ is the only uncertain quantity in Eq. (27), and it can be fixed by combining Eqs. (3) and (10) with the scalar amplitude $ A_{s} $ as $ A_{s}\simeq H_{*}^{2}/(\pi^{2}M_{p}^{2}r/2) $. Finally, the expression of the e-folding number $N_{\rm re}$ during reheating can be written as follows:
For the general reheating epoch, substituting the expressions of $V_{\rm end}$ and r into Eqs. (28) and (29), $N_{\rm re}$ and $T_{\rm re}$ can be obtained for the GNI model. It is known that the EoS for the scalar field is in the range $ [-1, 1] $, and it should be smaller than $ -1/3 $ to meet the requirement of accelerated expansion. Thus, when discussing the reheating phase, the value of $ w_{\rm re} $ is usually taken in the range $-1/3\leqslant w_{\rm re}\leqslant 1$. In addition, it is easy to show that the denominator of Eq. (29) will vanish if $w_{\rm re} = 1/3$, which means $w_{\rm re} = 1/3$ is the boundary of different evolution tendencies of the reheating parameters. The evolving trajectories of the reheating e-folding number $N_{\rm re}$ and the reheating temperature $T_{\rm re}$ are illustrated in Fig. 9, three different values of $w_{\rm re}$ are considered in each panel as $w_{\rm re} = -1/3$, 0 and $ 1 $. The values of $ f/M_{p} $ and m are taken as the boundary values of Eqs. (23) and (24). Figure9. (color online) The evolving trajectories of the reheating e-folding number $N_{\rm re}$ and the reheating temperature $T_{\rm re}/$ GeV with respect to $ N_{*} $ are respectively plotted in the upper and lower panels, $w_{\rm re}$ are taken as $w_{\rm re} = -1/3, 0$ and $ 1 $ in each panel from left to right, the values of $ f/M_{p} $ and m are taken as the boundary values of the GNI model given by the data from P18+BK15 at 68% CL.
It can be seen that the high limit of the reheating temperature $T_{\rm re}$ and the limits of $ N_{*} $ can be obtained by the physical condition that the reheating e-folding number $N_{\rm re}$ should be non-negative. The maximum and minimum values of $ N_{*} $ for the cases of $w_{\rm re} < 1/3$ and $w_{\rm re} > 1/3$ are respectively $N_{*}^{\max} = 56.34$ and $N_{*}^{\min} = 55.5$. Moreover, the ranges of the corresponding values of reheating parameters first increase, and then decrease with increasing $w_{\rm re}$. And we can find that $N_{\rm re}$ and $T_{\rm re}$ are slightly more sensitive to the value of m than the value of f. When $w_{\rm re} < 1/3$, $N_{\rm re}$ increases, and $T_{\rm re}$ decreases at the fixed value of m (or $ f/M_{p} $) with increasing $ f/M_{p} $ (or m). When $w_{\rm re} > 1/3$, the reheating parameters evolve in the opposite trend. The results of the corresponding ranges of values of $N_{\rm re}$ and $\log_{10}(T_{\rm re}/$GeV) for $w_{\rm re} = -1/3, 0$ and $ 1 $ in the ranges $ \log_{10}(f/M_{p}) = 0.62^{+0.17}_{-0.18} $ and $ m = 0.35^{+0.13}_{-0.23} $ are listed in Table 1.
$w_{\rm re}$
$N_{\rm re}$
$\log_{10}(T_{\rm re}/$GeV)
$ -1/3 $
$ 0-12.7 $
$ 12.6-15.3 $
$ 0 $
$ 0-25.5 $
$ 7.0-15.3 $
$ 1 $
$ 0-9.0 $
$ 9.5-15.3 $
Table1.The corresponding ranges of values of $N_{\rm re}$ and $\log_{10}(T_{\rm re}/$GeV) for $w_{\rm re} = -1/3$, 0 and $ 1 $ in the ranges of $ \log_{10}(f/M_{p}) = 0.62^{+0.17}_{-0.18} $ and $ m = 0.35^{+0.13}_{-0.23} $.
24.2.The two-phase reheating -->
4.2.The two-phase reheating
Here, we consider the reheating scenario as a simple case of a two-phase process. After the end of inflation, the scalar field inflaton starts to oscillate, and decays into the radiation field $ \chi $. This is the oscillatory phase. At equilibrium, the energy density of the oscillation field equals that of the relativistic particle field, i.e., the expansion Hubble constant H equals to the decay rate $ \Gamma $, the universe is dominated by radiation. Therefore, $ H = \Gamma $ is regarded as the indicator of completion of the simplest two-phase reheating. Note that, the system is not at thermal equilibrium during the process, and has gone through a process called the thermalization phase. When the $ \phi $ field oscillates around its minimum value, the potential in Eq. (13) has an approximate form $ V(\phi)\propto\phi^{2m} $. For the $ \phi^{2m} $ form-like potential, the EoS can be expressed as [36, 43]:
$ w_{\rm sc} = \frac{m-1}{m+1}. $
The reheating e-folding number $N_{\rm re}$ is reconsidered as the sum of two phases, $N_{\rm sc}$ and $N_{\rm th}$. We know that $N_{\rm sc} = \ln\dfrac{a_{\rm eq}}{a_{\rm end}}$ and $N_{\rm th} = \ln\dfrac{a_{\rm re}}{a_{\rm eq}}$, where $a_{\rm eq}$ is the dividing point of the two phases. They can be written as
Fig. 10 shows the evolution of the oscillation e-folding number $N_{\rm sc}$ and the temperature $T_{\rm re}{\rm e}^{N_{\rm th}}/$GeV, with $ N_{*} $. We find that $N_{\rm sc}$ decreases, while $T_{\rm re}{\rm e}^{N_{\rm th}}$ increases with increasing $ N_{*} $ for the fixed values of $ f/M_{p} $ and m. Similar to the cases of the general reheating phase, $N_{\rm sc}\geqslant 0$ is required in order to make the two-phase reheating meaningful. The values of $N_{\rm sc}$ and $T_{\rm re}{\rm e}^{N_{\rm th}}/$GeV are in the ranges $ [0, 12.4] $ and $ [12.7, 15.3] $, respectively. Figure10. (color online) The evolutions of $N_{\rm sc}$ and $T_{\rm re}{\rm e}^{N_{\rm th}}/$GeV with respect to $ N_{*} $ in the two-phase reheating scenario are respectively plotted in the upper and lower panels, the values of $ f/M_{p} $ and m are taken as the boundary values of the GNI model given by the data from P18+BK15 at 68% CL.
In addition, we consider the elementary decay $ \phi\rightarrow\chi\chi $ with the interaction $ -g\phi\chi^{2} $, where g respectives the coupling constant. And following Ref. [36], we take the corresponding decay rate $ \Gamma $ as $ \Gamma_{\phi\rightarrow\chi\chi} = \dfrac{g^{2}}{8\pi m_{\phi}} $, where $ m_{\phi} $ is the mass of inflaton. Considering the Friedmann equation $ H^{2} = \dfrac{\rho_{\rm eq}}{3M_{p}^{2}} $ and the equality $ H = \Gamma $, it can be directly obtained that $(\dfrac{\rho_{\rm eq}}{3M_{p}^{2}})^{1/2} = \dfrac{g^{2}}{8\pi m_{\phi}}$. Substituting Eqs. (30) and (33) into the above equation, the coupling constant g of the GNI model can be expressed as follows:
$ g = \sqrt{\frac{8\pi m_{\phi}}{M_{p}}}\left(\frac{V_{\rm end}}{2}\right)^{1/4}\exp \left[-\frac{3m}{2(m+1)}N_{\rm sc}\right]. $
Utilizing $V_{\rm end}\sim 2^{1-m}\Lambda^{4}\left(\dfrac{mM_{p}}{f}\right)^{2m}$, the effective mass of the inflaton is $ m_{\phi}^{2}\sim m\dfrac{\Lambda^{4}}{f^{2}} $ at vacuum, and Eq. (34), g can be expressed in terms of ($ N_{*} $, f, m). Therefore, we can use the evolution of the coupling constant g to realize a successful simplest two-phase reheating scenario. In Fig. 11, we plot the coupling constant g with respect to $ N_{*} $, the solid (red) line corresponds to $ N_{*} = 56.34 $ from the requirement $N_{\rm sc}\geqslant 0$. From Fig. 11, we find that the value of g increases with $ N_{*} $ for the fixed values of $ f/M_{p} $ and m. Moreover, it can be seen that the value of g is more sensitive to the value of m than the to value of f, and g decreases with increasing f for the fixed value of $ N_{*} $ and m. However, it decreases first, and then increases with increasing m for the fixed value of $ N_{*} $ and f, and there are turning points for $ \log_{10}(f/M_{p}) = 0.79 $ and $ 0.44 $ as $ N_{*} = 55.8 $ and $ 56.0 $, respectively. The minimum value of g to complete the two-phase reheating is in the order of magnitude of $ 10^{11} $GeV. Figure11. (color onlie) The evolution trajectories of the coupling constant $ g/ $GeV with respect to $ N_{*} $, the values of $ f/M_{p} $ and m are taken as the boundary values of the GNI model given by the data from P18+BK15 at 68% CL.