1.Institute of Particle Physics (IOPP) and Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics (MOE), Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China 2.Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Nuclear Science, Institute of Quantum Matter, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China 3.Physics Department and Center for Exploration of Energy and Matter, Indiana University, 2401 N Milo B. Sampson Lane, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA Received Date:2020-06-28 Available Online:2020-11-01 Abstract:We investigate mesonic condensation in isospin matter under rotation. Using the two-flavor NJL effective model in the presence of global rotation, we demonstrate two important effects of rotation on its phase structure: a rotational suppression of the scalar-channel condensates, in particular, the pion condensation region; and a rotational enhancement of the rho condensation region with vector-channel condensate. A new phase diagram for isospin matter under rotation is mapped out on the $ \omega-\mu_I$ plane where the three distinct phases, corresponding to the $ \sigma,\; \pi, \;\rho$ -dominated regions, respectively, are separated by a second-order line at low isospin chemical potential as well as a first-order line at high rotation and are further connected at a tri-critical point.
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2.FormalismTo investigate the mesonic condensation of isospin matter, we will adopt a widely used effective model, namely the two-flavor Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model with four-fermion interactions in various channels at finite isospin chemical potential $ \mu_I $:
In the above, the $ m_0 = 5\;{\rm{MeV}} $ is the light quark mass parameter while $ G_s = G_v = 5.03\ {{\rm{GeV}}^{-2}} $ are the scalar and vector channel coupling constants, respectively. The NJL-type effective model also requires a momentum cut-off parameter $ \Lambda = 650\ {\;{\rm{MeV}}} $.These choices are quite standard, leading to the correct pion mass and decay constant in the vacuum as well as the vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the$ \sigma $ field to be $ \sigma_0 = 2\times(250\;{\rm{MeV}})^3 $. The NJL model is dissimilar to the QCD but effectively captures its low energy chiral dynamics. In the most general case, we consider three possible mesonic condensation scenarios these being the condensation of the $ \sigma $, $ \pi $ or $ \rho $ fields. Following the standard mean-field method, we introduce the corresponding condensates:
At the first assessment of the operator level, the operator in the $ \rho $ condensate is nothing but the isospin density operator; however, the rho-meson condensate itself is determined by the gap equations, whereas the isospin density is determined by the derivative of the system's pressure with respect to the isospin chemical potential $ n_i = \dfrac {\partial P} {\partial \mu_i} $. They are two different physics quantities. We will show thatonly when the rotation is strong enough the real ground state is in $ \rho $ condensate dominated phase. Note that a possible extension of the present analysis is to include an axial-vector channel coupling term into the Lagrangian Eq. (1). This may allow a new axial-vector mean-field condensate in competition with those above that directly couples the baryon density and acts as a shift of the baryon chemical potential. Here, we focus on the interplay of rotation and isospin chemical potential and leave it as an interesting possibility for further study. Furthermore, this system is being considered under global rotation around the $ \hat{z} $-axis with an angular velocity of $ \vec{\omega} = \omega \hat{z} $. To do this, one can study the system in the rotating frame and rewrite the spinor theory with the curved metric associated with the rotating frame [28]. In such a description, the main new effect is a global polarization term in the Lagrangian density:
where $ \vec{S}_{4\times 4} = \dfrac{1}{2} {\rm Diag}\left(\vec{\sigma} , \vec{\sigma} \right) $ is the spin operator with $ \vec{\sigma} $ being the $ 2\times 2 $ Pauli matrices. Physically, this term polarizes both the orbital and spin angular momenta to be aligned with the global rotation axis, and its effect is identical for particles and antiparticles. Within the mean-field approximation and assuming $ \omega\ r \ll 1 $, one obtains the NJL model's thermodynamic potential for isospin matter under rotation as follows:
with $ \widetilde{\mu_I} = \dfrac{\mu_I}{2}+G_v\, \rho $. At a given temperature T and isospin chemical potential $ \mu_I $, one then determines the mean-field condensates by solving the gap equations:
These equations can be solved numerically. When there are multiple solutions, the true physical state should be determined from the absolute minimum of the thermodynamic potential. Note that also under rotation, the system is no longer homogeneous, with the thermodynamic quantities varying according to radial coordinate r. For the numerical results presented later, we use a value $ r = 0.1\ {{\rm{GeV}}}^{-1} $. This is a rather modest value that ensures $ \omega\, r \ll 1 $ in all our calculations and renders negligible the finite boundary effect. Only when r is very large, will the boundary effects influence the results. When r has a realistic size, the boundary effects are negligible. The qualitative features of our findings do not depend on this particular choice and the rotational effect generally increases with larger r values. For other relevant discussions, see e.g. [29].