--> --> --> $ PH_{\rm eff}P |\Psi_{\alpha}> = E_{\alpha} P |\Psi_{\alpha}>, $ | (1) |
$ H_{\rm eff} = \sum^d_{i = 1} \varepsilon_i a^{\dagger}a + V_{\rm eff}, $ | (2) |
Many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) provides a diagrammatic way to calculate
The shell model effective interaction
The angular momentum averaged TBMEs can be expressed as
$ V(jj';T) = \frac{\sum_{J}(2J+1)V(jj'jj';JT)}{\sum_{J}(2J+1)}, $ | (3) |
$ \tilde{ \varepsilon}_{j} = \varepsilon_{j}+\sum_{j'}V_{jj'}\langle\psi|\widehat{N}_{j'}|\psi\rangle, $ | (4) |
The exact treatment of the three-body diagram is involved, and is often missing when calculating TBMEs. Thus, the use of realistic interactions usually leads to incorrect spectroscopy. A simple 3bd term, which introduces corrections to the monopole elements, was shown to be powerful, as seen in Ref. [28].
We also use the spin-tensor decomposition method [29-32] to decompose the effective interaction into the central force, tensor force and spin-orbit interaction.
To fit SPEs for the
CD-Bonn | CD-Bonn' | KB | KB' | KB'' | KB3G | GXPF1B5 | |
1f7/2 | ?8.224 | ?7.787 | ?8.602 | ?8.033 | ?8.536 | ?8.6 | ?8.624 |
2p3/2 | ?5.415 | ?5.844 | ?4.552 | ?6.090 | ?5.832 | ?6.6 | ?5.679 |
2p1/2 | ?2.623 | ?4.173 | ?2.327 | ?4.419 | ?4.162 | ?4.6 | ?3.837 |
1f5/2 | 0.285 | ?5.211 | 0.168 | ?5.457 | ?1.689 | ?2.1 | ?1.883 |
Table1.SPEs used for the effective interactions. SPEs for the CD-Bonn, KB and KB'' interactions are fitted to 47, 49Ca, and SPEs for the CD-Bonn' and KB' interactions are fitted to 41Ca. All SPEs are shifted so as to reproduce the binding energy of 49Ca. The shifts are the absolute values of SPEs of the 1
The monopole matrix elements are shown in Fig. 1 central, spin-orbit, and tensor forces are also shown. As we focus on neutron-rich calcium isotopes, the neutron-neutron parts are shown only. KB3G is the KB interaction after monopole correction [35]. As a test, we also perform a monopole correction by replacing the KB' monopole elements with the GXPF1B5 elements, labeled KB''. SPEs for the KB'' interaction are fixed to 47, 49Ca, as in Table 1.
Figure1. (color online) Monopole terms of the effective interactions. Panel (a) shows the total interaction. Panels (b-d) show the central, spin-orbit and tensor forces, respectively.
In general, for neutron-neutron interactions, the monopole parts of the realistic interactions are more attractive than for the effective interactions adjusted to the experimental data. The discrepancies are mainly due to the central force, as seen in Fig. 1 (b). The interaction derived from the CD-Bonn potential contains more correlations than from the KB interaction, which includes core-polarization due to the expansion up to the second order of the perturbation [11,12]. Thus, the effective interactions from the CD-Bonn potential are closer to the empirical interactions. For the spin-orbit interactions in Fig. 1 (c), it is seen that the CD-Bonn interaction is close to KB3G. Tensor forces in realistic interactions are quite similar.
ESPEs of calcium isotopes are shown in Fig. 2. The empirical interactions are fitted to the experimental data, which may be seen as a phenomenological way of incorporating effectively the three-body forces and other many-body correlations. Thus, by comparing the results for the CD-Bonn or KB interactions with those for GXPF1B5 or KB3G, it may be seen whether the effects of the three-body force can be included as a simple adjustment of SPEs. It can be seen in Fig. 2 (c-d) that after fitting SPEs to 41Ca, the resulting shell gap at
Figure2. (color online) Neutron ESPEs of calcium isotopes. The dashed line in panels (c) and (d) are for the effective interactions with single particle energies fitted to 41Ca, and the solid lines are for the same interactions but with single particle energies fitted to 47, 49Ca.
The adjustments of SPEs simply shift the EPSE curves, as seen in Eq. (4). After fitting of SPEs to 47, 49Ca, the shell structure around 48Ca becomes quite close to that for the empirical interactions. As listed in Table 1 , SPEs for the realistic interactions obtained by fitting to 47, 49Ca are close to the empirical SPEs. One can also note that the gap at
As can be seen from Eq. (4), the interplay between SPEs and the monopole interactions determines the shell structure. In Fig. 1, it is seen that although the derived CD-Bonn interaction from MBPT contains more correlations than the KB interaction, there are still systematic discrepancies from the empirical interactions, especially for the central force. Thus, ESPEs for the CD-Bonn and KB interactions differ in detail from the empirical ones. For example, with an increasing number of neutrons, the
The binding energies of calcium isotopes are shown in Fig. 3. As shown in Refs. [5,7] the binding energies of neutron-rich calcium isotopes, for realistic interactions without the 3bd force, increase almost linearly with the neutron number. This is also the case if SPEs are fitted to 41Ca, as shown for the CD-Bonn' and KB' interactions in Fig. 3. When SPEs are adjusted to the single particle states in 47, 49Ca, the binding energies for the CD-Bonn and KB interactions are close to the experimental data. Thus, 3bd correlations can be included as an adjustment of SPEs. All other interactions show a similar trend as the experimental data.
Figure3. (color online) Ground state energy of calcium isotopes relative to 40Ca for different interactions. The experimental values are given by solid points, and the extrapolated values are shown as open circles, taken from Ref. [38].
The two-neutron separation energy S
Figure4. (color online) Same as Fig. 2, but for the two-neutron separation energy.
The excitation energy of the 2
Figure5. (color online) The first 2+ excitation energy of calcium isotopes. The results for different effective interactions are shown in panels (a) and (b). The results for the central force (“CEN”), central plus spin-orbit force (“CEN+SO”), and central plus tensor force (“CEN+TEN”) for the CD-Bonn and KB interactions are shown in panels (c) and (d), respectively.
SPEs for the CD-Bonn' and KB' interactions are simply fitted to 41Ca, and it seems that many-body correlations can not be included in these SPEs. The results for the binding energy are poor, which is commonly the case for realistic interactions without the 3bd force. Furthermore, from the results for the 2
In Fig. 5 (c) and (d), we show the effect of the central, spin-orbit and tensor forces on the systematics of the 2
The excitation energies of bound states in 48Ca and 49Ca are shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. In these figures, SPEs have been adjusted to the single particle states in 47, 49Ca. Thus, as seen in Fig. 7, the excitation energies of the
Figure6. Excitation energies of 48Ca compared to the experimental data [39].
Figure7. Excitation energies of 49Ca compared to the experimental data [39].
The energy of the yrast states of 51-57Ca is shown in Fig. 8. Since most experimental data for the yrast states of 51-57Ca are missing, we take the results for the empirical interactions as a guideline, especially for the GXPF1B5 interaction which has been fitted to the most recent experimental data. It is seen that the results for 51Ca are quite close. However, clear discrepancies can be seen for 53-57Ca. In particular, the energy of the yrast states for the KB interaction is systematically higher than for the GXPF1B5 and KB3G interactions. Thus, the adjustment of SPEs is not sufficient to cure the KB interaction. The energy for the CD-Bonn interaction is only slightly higher and fairly close to the empirical interactions.
Figure8. (color online) Calculated yrast states of 51-57Ca.
We also calculated the one-neutron pickup spectroscopic factors (SFs), listed for 49C in Table 2. A spectroscopic factor of unity indicates a single particle nature. From the table, one can see that all interactions give SFs very close to unity for the
Exp. | 0.84 | 0.91 | 0.11 | 0.84 |
CD-Bonn | 0.86 | 0.92 | 0.00 | 0.86 |
CD-Bonn' | 0.60 | 0.68 | 0.68 | 0.05 |
KB | 0.94 | 0.96 | 0.00 | 0.94 |
KB' | 0.69 | 0.77 | 0.67 | 0.00 |
KB" | 0.95 | 0.96 | 0.00 | 0.94 |
KB3G | 0.95 | 0.97 | 0.95 | 0.00 |
FPD6 [40] | 0.92 | 0.94 | 0.93 | 0.01 |
GX1A [41] | 0.95 | 0.97 | 0.02 | 0.94 |
GX1B [34] | 0.95 | 0.96 | 0.02 | 0.94 |
GXPF1B5 [33, 34] | 0.95 | 0.96 | 0.56 | 0.41 |
Table2.The one-neutron pickup spectroscopic factors for 49Ca. The experimental values are from Ref. [42].