

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

王可逸,1, 刘晓宏,1,2,3, 曾小敏1, 徐国保2, 张凌楠1, 李春越11.陕西师范大学地理科学与旅游学院,西安 710119
2.中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院 冰冻圈科学国家重点实验室,兰州 730000
3.祁连山国家公园青海研究中心,西宁 810008

Stable nitrogen isotope in tree rings: Progresses, problems and prospects

WANG Keyi,1, LIU Xiaohong,1,2,3, ZENG Xiaomin1, XU Guobao2, ZHANG Lingnan1, LI Chunyue11. School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China
2. State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, CAS, Lanzhou 730000, China
3. Qinghai Research Center of Qilian Mountain National Park, Xining, Qinghai 810008, China

通讯作者: 刘晓宏(1972-), 男, 陕西韩城人, 教授, 主要从事树轮稳定同位素记录与生物地球化学循环研究。E-mail: xhliu@snnu.edu.cn;liuxh@lzb.ac.cn


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.41971104
The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.GK202107009
The Open Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Institute of Earth Environment.SKLLQG1817
The Qilian Mountain National Park Research Center (Qinghai).GKQ2019-01

作者简介 About authors
王可逸(1995-), 女, 内蒙古呼和浩特人, 硕士生, 主要从事树轮稳定氮同位素方面的研究。E-mail: wky@snnu.edu.cn

关键词: 树木年轮;稳定氮同位素比率;气候变化;氮循环;森林生态系统

Stable isotope in tree rings are effective proxies for the study of climate change and environmental evolution. Coupling analysis of stable isotope records of tree rings can reveal the spatiotemporal variation characteristics and interactions of carbon, water and nitrogen in forest ecosystems, and reflect the physiological effects of environmental changes on plant-specific compounds. The stable nitrogen isotope ratio (δ15N) in tree rings is closely related to the environmental conditions of tree growth, and the change of ratio can indicate the dynamic characteristics of nitrogen cycle in forest ecosystem on a long-term scale, and make up for the lack of monitoring data. Herein, we reviewed the theory of the stable nitrogen isotope fractionation and measuring method, and found out the issues that need to be paid attention to in sample pretreatment and measurement. Furthermore, we synthetically stated and evaluated the reports of climate and environment evolution based on δ15N of tree-rings, and the effects of human activities on nitrogen cycle in forest ecosystem. We suggested the great potential of tree-ring δ15N in combination of the multiple isotope proxies and its development directions in the future, which should promote further studies on the spatiotemporal characteristics of nitrogen cycle in forest ecosystems.
Keywords:tree ring;stable nitrogen isotope ratio;climate change;nitrogen cycle;forest ecosystem

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王可逸, 刘晓宏, 曾小敏, 徐国保, 张凌楠, 李春越. 树轮稳定氮同位素记录的进展与展望. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(5): 1193-1205 doi:10.11821/dlxb202105011
WANG Keyi, LIU Xiaohong, ZENG Xiaomin, XU Guobao, ZHANG Lingnan, LI Chunyue. Stable nitrogen isotope in tree rings: Progresses, problems and prospects. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2021, 76(5): 1193-1205 doi:10.11821/dlxb202105011

1 引言


树木年轮以其定年准确连续性强、分辨率高、对气候环境变化敏感及复本量好等特点成为研究过去气候环境变化的首选生物代用资料,在揭示长时间尺度环境演变规律和机理方面发挥了重要作用[8,9]。保存在树轮中的氮化合物能提供十年到千年时间尺度上的植物氮吸收利用信号,成为陆地生态系统氮循环特征的可靠综合度量指标。树轮中15N与14N的相对比值(δ15N)可以作为生态系统氮循环历史变化的生物代用记录。基于树轮 δ15N重建森林生态系统氮循环的优势在于:① 以高分辨率覆盖较长的时间尺度,② 揭示良好的地理空间相关信息,③ 反映植物直接吸收氮源的同位素信号变化[10]。到目前为止,有关树轮稳定氮同位素的研究大多数集中在国外,研究区域广泛分布于北美洲、西欧、东亚、大洋洲、以及赤道附近的热带地区。关注点集中在以下4个方面:基于自然丰度变化研究、肥料施用与示踪研究、污染物排放研究以及海洋氮源追踪研究。其中,对树轮氮同位素自然丰度的研究最为集中。然而,国内基于树轮δ15N记录的相关研究成果相对较少,处于起步阶段,有必要对树轮δ15N研究方法和需考虑的问题给予关注,拓展树轮稳定同位素指标的应用范围。本文综述了基于树轮δ15N进行气候和环境演变方面的相关研究成果及其发展趋势,系统阐述了树轮δ15N的分馏机理、测试方法及需要注意的问题,并指出未来树轮δ15N研究需要着重发展的方向。

2 树轮稳定氮同位素研究方法

2.1 氮循环过程中树轮稳定氮同位素分馏




式中:Rp为产物的氮同位素比率,Rs为底物的氮同位素比率。ε > 0表示分馏过程使产物同位素比值变高;ε < 0表示分馏过程使产物同位素比值变低,ε 一般写成‰的形式。



Fig. 1The fractionation mechanism of δ15N in tree rings


植物在吸收利用土壤中的无机氮时,不同组织发生不同程度的分馏,其分馏程度取决于地面根部表层的氮浓度;当土壤氮浓度较高时,分馏作用明显(图1)。其中,矿化作用对氮同位素的分馏作用比较小,仅约2‰左右[18, 22-23],而硝化作用对氮同位素的分馏作用介于-35‰~-5‰之间[22]。此外,NO3通过硝酸盐还原酶(NR)还原成NO2的过程、亚硝酸盐还原酶(NIR)将NO2还原为NH4+的过程和谷氨酰胺(Gln)合成过程也存在氮同位素的分馏,分馏作用对15N值的歧视效应(即优先吸收14N的分馏机制)在 15‰~17‰之间变化[24],这些分馏作用使未被吸收的NO3-相比植物有机氮更为富集15N [25]

叶片可以通过气孔吸收大气中的可溶性无机氮。气态氮化合物(NOx、NHx)通过气孔进入到植物中,被转运到细胞内部,以蛋白质、氨基酸、酶等有机氮形式在植物内部迁移(图1)。Lindberg等认为干沉降是大气沉降氮输入树冠的主要形式,大气沉降中50%~70%的氮被树木冠层吸收;同时,叶片也会吸收被雨水捕获或沉降到叶表面的湿沉降氮源[26]。叶片在吸收干湿氮沉降物的过程中会发生分馏效应,通过气孔或叶表皮直接从大气中吸收气态NH3或湿沉降中的NH4+会降低叶片氮同位素组成,而分馏的程度与氮源类型直接关联,比如针叶δ15N值偏高的直接原因是叶片气孔吸收较高δ15N值的NO2[10, 27]



2.2 树轮稳定氮同位素比率测定方法

随着稳定同位素分析技术的进步,基于连续流分析的稳定同位素质谱仪实现了无机化合物中多种元素(C、H、O、N)的自动分析,获取可靠δ15N值所需的样品氮总量降低到约20~25 μg。树轮δ15N测定一般采用固体全木样品,借助元素分析仪—气体稳定同位素比质谱联用(EA-IRMS)系统来进行测量,不仅可以将样品自动分离与纯化,缩短样品分析时间,而且精度也接近传统的双路进样同位素质谱仪。在木材样品中氮含量较低,一般为0.05%~0.3%之间。根据氮含量的变化范围,测定自然丰度的树轮δ15N,需要更多的样品来达到气体稳定同位素比质谱仪对氮同位素比率检测信号的要求,一般所需木材干重的样品量约为10~30 mg。根据不同树种的木质特征,可以对树轮样品采取化学前处理或者不进行化学处理的方式,测定其原木样品的氮同位素比值(图2)。



Fig. 2Flow-chart of pre-treatment of tree-ring material for stable nitrogen isotope analysis

在样品制备阶段,将剥离混合好的样品进行干燥、粉碎和研磨,使其均质化,有助于降低大样品量导致的不完全燃烧风险。其次,通过固体自动进样器将样品送入元素分析仪,样品中含氮物质依次经过元素分析仪的氧化炉和还原炉反应生成N2,生成的N2 通过万用接口进入到气体同位素比质谱仪进行测定,得到15N/14N比值。此外,大量样品燃烧产生的其他含碳产物(例如CO、CO2等)需要在进入质谱仪前被捕获并完全去除。一般采用大容量的CO2捕捉收集管进行,以避免频繁更换捕捉剂对质谱本底值产生影响。

在测得树轮δ15N之后,需要用一个普遍接受的有机氮同位素分析的木材标准进行校准。美国地质调查局(USGS)制备了3种粉末状的全木参考标准:来源于美国黑松(Pinus contorta)的USGS 54((-2.42±0.32)‰)、墨西哥破布木(Cordia cf.dodecandra)的USGS 55((-0.27±0.36)‰)和南非红象牙木(Berchemia cf.zeyheri)的USGS 56 ((1.85±0.37)‰)[29,30]。由于3种标准材料制备量有限,且价格较高,无法满足长期大量的校准工作,有必要在实验室制备一定量的木材实验室工作标准,并通过通用标准的校准使测得的树轮δ15N值与其他序列得到真正的比较。树轮δ15N样品准备和测试流程见图2

2.3 树轮稳定氮同位素比率测定问题考虑

2.3.1 不同区域树种木质影响 树轮稳定氮同位素相关文章涉及到硬质木与软质木。有研究表明,单一木质特征树种的生长生理特征会对森林氮循环有个体影响[31]。因此,在树轮样芯采集时,应尽可能对林分内混合分布的多个木质特征的树种进行采样,避免在进行氮循环空间尺度分析时,单一树种个体生理趋势的影响。对不同木质特征的多个树种在洲际尺度上进行研究,其树轮稳定氮同位素比值所呈现的长期变化趋势整体一致,但区域样点间存在差异。北美洲地区研究主要集中于美国和加拿大的温带森林中,树木质地多为软木,多个树种树轮δ15N在该区域内呈现下降趋势,指示该区域较为封闭的氮循环特征[31,32,33,34,35,36]图3a);东亚地区的相关研究也皆为软木,但是不同树种在不同站点的树轮 δ15N变化趋势差异较大[7, 37-40],在一定程度上可能反映样点局地环境与人为活动的影响(图3b);欧洲地区的相关研究集中分布在地中海沿岸,包含软木与硬木,两种木质类型的树种树轮δ15N均表现出下降趋势[41,42,43]图3c);热带地区广泛研究了赤道附近分布的硬木树种,涉及北半球与南半球的8个树种,绝大多数树轮δ15N呈现为上升趋势[44,45,46]图3d),表明热带地区相对其他研究区域,氮循环系统更为开放。此外,在热带森林中,由于异养土壤微生物和豆科植物根瘤菌的高固氮率,天然氮的有效性比大多数温带森林要高,将豆科植物作为树轮δ15N的研究对象,有助于理解热带地区氮循环特征的变化[45]。不同区域的树种和木质特征存在差异,含氮化合物尤其是抽提物含量上存在差异,在验证树轮δ15N对空间氮循环的指示作用时,应针对不同树种的木材特征,采取不同的样品前处理方式或进行对比分析。



注:a图数据来源[32, 50]、b图数据来源[7, 37-40]、c图数据来源[42-43]、d图数据来源[44-46];图中虚线表示硬质木,实线表示软质木。
Fig. 3Comparison in the regional trends of global tree-ring δ15N investigations

2.3.2 氮在年轮中的径向迁移 研究表明,年轮氮含量相对较低,从心材到边材树轮氮含量都较为恒定,在最新形成的年轮中达到高值[34]。也有研究表明,树轮氮含量在边材和心材的交界处有明显的上升趋势[46],这种变化在很多类型的森林生态系统研究中均有报道。针对多样化的研究结果,****们从不同角度做出解释,但较为普遍的认知是:树轮中细胞壁的碳基结构上所包含的结构性蛋白质,是树轮氮的主要研究对象[47]。氮含量较为恒定的趋势是树木生理迁移过程的结果,不会受到样品处理方法和生态系统氮有效性的影响。因此,认为树轮氮含量记录的是在树木成熟过程中有机氮的再分配利用,作为环境中氮可利用性的代用指标时具有局限性[48]

然而,研究发现树轮心材和边材边界处的δ15N并没有明显的变化[27, 40],也不存在明显分馏作用[48]。主要由于树轮稳定氮同位素记录了生长环境中氮源的变化,不会直接记录生理迁移作用,是环境氮有效性变化的可信指标[49,50,51]。为更好的反映树轮结构性氮同位素的记录作用,排除非结构性氮的影响,建议利用树轮稳定氮同位素探索环境影响的长期作用时,需判定高氮含量的非结构性潜在影响,若存在一定影响则需移除非结构性氮[39]。此外,为验证不同氮含量树种的迁移作用,建议将样芯分为心材、边材、心边材交界3个部分,并将每部分的年轮细分为更高分辨率的季节年轮来验证其科学性。

2.3.3 样品混合与化学前处理 对生长在高海拔或高纬地区的年轮相对较窄的树木来说,在树轮δ15N测定时需要采取多样芯混合的方式来获取足够的样本量进行δ15N分析。常见的混合方式有3种:① 将同一树木不同方向相同生长年份的样品进行混合[50]。由于受到树种个体生理特征以及树木微生境等的影响,这种混合方式对于研究区域环境氮循环代表性较弱。② 根据具体实验目的,将同一树轮样芯的多个相邻年轮进行样品混合[34, 48, 51]。此方式混合既不利于对氮径向迁移的研究,也掩盖了树轮作为氮循环综合指标的高分辨率(年)优势。③ 将同一树种多棵树木相同生长年份的样品进行混合[52,53,54]。不同混合方式对获取的树轮δ15N序列的环境代表性和时间分辨率的影响不同,在对年轮δ15N时空变化进行分析时需要考虑潜在偏差。研究森林生态系统氮循环长期动态变化,高分辨率的δ15N不是必需的,但是年分辨率的δ15N可以在一定程度解译高频气候变化或者其他干扰事件的影响[52]。因此,建议在条件允许时,尽量将相同采样点同一树种的年轮样品按高分辨率进行混合。


3 树轮稳定氮同位素记录研究进展

3.1 树轮δ15N与气候变化


尽管如此,气候变量对树轮δ15N值的具体影响尚不一致或不明确[57,58]。研究表明,生长季降水和春夏季温度对年轮δ15N的影响作用是相反的[45]。也有研究表明,树轮δ15N与生长季降水量呈负或正相关,与生长季温度也呈负相关,但这种相关关系并未存在于所有研究样点[52, 59],这意味着气温、降水等气候因素对树轮δ15N的影响并未形成明晰且一致的认识,可能主要是通过影响土壤氮矿化过程和植物可利用氮水平来改变树轮中的δ15N 信号[55,56]。此外,在一些区域,树轮δ15N与研究区域的土壤生产力显著相关,表明研究地点生境特性对树轮δ15N的驱动力大于气候作用。


3.2 树轮δ15N与人类活动氮排放





4 问题和展望


4.1 加强不同树种氮同位素样品的前处理方法研究

目前,不同木质特征树种的氮同位素特征研究广泛存在,对于不同树芯样品的前处理方式也进行了多种尝试,但是仍未得出一致或统一的样品处理方式与结论。问题在于① 受实验测试仪器限制,样品处理的混合模式易掩盖树轮年际与个体生理特征;② 对树轮中非结构性含氮化合物认知的缺乏;③ 对相邻树轮之间迁移和不同组织之间氮同位素分馏的具体机制了解较少。因此,针对不同树种和不同研究目的与要求,应加强对树轮非结构氮化合物的了解,探究氮同位素记录在植物组织之间的分馏与内部径向迁移机制。基于树种木材组成成分特征,采取相对应的样品混合与化学前处理方法。

4.2 深化多稳定同位素指标耦合的探究

树轮δ13C和δ18O已用来评估树木生长对CO2浓度变化、气候因子变化的响应。不同类型树轮的δ13C、δ18O和δD反映的生理与生态环境信息也不同[68,69,70]。考虑到不同指标记录气候环境信息的互补性,在树轮稳定同位素气候和环境研究中,综合多种同位素代用指标已成为一种趋势[68, 71-73]。因此,需结合多个树轮稳定同位素代用指标,相互补充,获得更丰富的、详尽的生物地球化学循环变化资料,提高评估全球变化对森林树木生长、碳氮耦合循环以及污染物来源的准确性(图4)。



Fig. 4The concept diagram of coupling of multiple stable isotope proxies in tree rings

4.3 拓展多来源氮同位素的对比研究


中国****对于氮同位素的研究已经深入到各个圈层的多个载体中,比如大气、降水、植物叶片、土壤、海洋沉积物、冰芯以及地下水等[63, 74-78],这类研究主要集中于中国东部以及华北等人类活动较频繁的地区。这些研究丰富了氮同位素记录的氮循环相关变化信息,反映了中国的氮循环系统相对较为开放;然而利用树轮稳定氮同位素来探究区域氮循环过程的研究较少。加强区域不同载体氮同位素信息的对比,可以从不同角度剖析全球变化和人类活动对氮可利用性的影响机制和过程。

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Projections of future changes in land carbon (C) storage using biogeochemical models depend on accurately modeling the interactions between the C and nitrogen (N) cycles. Here, we present a framework for analyzing N limitation in global biogeochemical models to explore how C-N interactions of current models compare to field observations, identify the processes causing model divergence, and identify future observation and experiment needs. We used a set of N-fertilization simulations from two global biogeochemical models (CLM-CN and O-CN) that use different approaches to modeling C-N interactions. On the global scale, net primary productivity (NPP) in the CLM-CN model was substantially more responsive to N fertilization than in the O-CN model. The most striking difference between the two models occurred for humid tropical forests, where the CLM-CN simulated a 62% increase in NPP at high N addition levels (30 g N m(-2) yr(-1)), while the O-CN predicted a 2% decrease in NPP due to N fertilization increasing plant respiration more than photosynthesis. Across 35 temperate and boreal forest sites with field N-fertilization experiments, we show that the CLM-CN simulated a 46% increase in aboveground NPP in response to N, which exceeded the observed increase of 25%. In contrast, the O-CN only simulated a 6% increase in aboveground NPP at the N-fertilization sites. Despite the small response of NPP to N fertilization, the O-CN model accurately simulated ecosystem retention of N and the fate of added N to vegetation when compared to empirical (15) N tracer application studies. In contrast, the CLM-CN predicted lower total ecosystem N retention and partitioned more losses to volatilization than estimated from observed N budgets of small catchments. These results point to the need for model improvements in both models in order to enhance the accuracy with which global C-N cycle feedbacks are simulated.? 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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Temporal changes in the acquisition of nitrogen (N) are recorded in tree-rings together with unique N isotopic values. Some debate continues regarding the importance of wood pre-treatment in isotope analysis and, thus, this study focuses on the removal of labile components to determine the intrinsic nature of N in tree-rings. The total concentration and stable isotopic value of N in annual tree-rings were determined for two cores from Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii) from areas colonized by black cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). One core sample was also collected from a control site, without cormorants. Sharp increases in tree-ring δ(15)N values associated with migration of the cormorant population indicate positive incorporation of N from soils, whereas a less pronounced trend was observed for ring samples for periods without or substantially less migration, and for those obtained from the control site. All labile N components were removed by repeated extraction with toluene/ethanol (1:1) solution. Radial translocation of labile N is limited in tree-rings from Japanese black pine, providing intrinsic records on N acquisition. The difference in N isotopic values (up to 7.0‰) following pre-treatment was statistically significant for trees affected by the avian colony, whereas the pre-treatment of the control samples did not influence N values. The implication is that in agreement with previous studies pre-treatment is not necessary when trees are exposed to natural N concentrations in the soil but the removal of enriched δ(15)N labile components is necessary when woody plants are exposed to unusually high inputs of N into soils. However, the temporal trend in tree-ring δ(15)N series of the avian N affected trees did not change. Thus, if the priority is not the value but the trend then pre-treatment is not necessary.Copyright ? 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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It has long been evident that plant (15)N chiefly reflects the processes which fractionate (15)N/(14)N rather than the (15)N of plant N source(s). It has emerged recently that one of the most important fractionating processes contributing to the whole plant (15)N is the presence/absence, type or species of mycorrhiza, especially when interacting with nutrient deficiency. Ecto- and ericoid mycorrhizas are frequently associated with (15)N-depleted foliar (15)N, commonly as low as -12 per thousand. As shown by the present study, plants having no mycorrhiza, or those infected with various species of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM)-forming fungi, interact with varying concentrations of soil nitrogen [N] and moisture to enrich plant (15)N by as much as 3.5 per thousand. Hence the lack of a mycorrhiza, or variation in the species of AM-forming fungal associations, can account for about 25% of the usually reported variations of foliar (15)N found in field situations and do so by (15)N enrichment rather than depletion. Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Isotopic studies of nitrogen and sulphur inputs to plant/soil systems commonly rely on limited published data for the N/N and S/S ratios of nitrate, ammonium and sulphate in rainfall. For systems with well-developed plant canopies, however, inputs of these ions from dry deposition or particulates may be more important than rainfall. The manner in which isotopic fractionation between ions and gases may lead to dry deposition and particulates having N/N or S/S ratios different from those of rainfall is considered. Data for rainfall and throughfall in coniferous plantations are then discussed, and suggest that: (1) in line with expectations, nitrate washed from the canopy has N/N ratios higher than those in rainfall; (2) the N/N ratios of ammonium washed from the canopy are variable, with high ratios being found for canopies of higher pH?in conditions of elevated ambient ammonia gas concentrations; and (3) in accord with expectations and previous work, S/S ratios of sulphate washed from the canopy are not substantially different from those in rainfall. The study suggests that if atmospheric inputs are relevant to isotopic studies of the sources of nitrogen for canopied systems, then confident interpretation will require analysis of these inputs.

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