

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

封志明,, 游珍,, 杨艳昭, 施慧中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源利用与环境修复实验室,北京100101

Comprehensive evaluation of resource and environment carrying capacity of Tibet based on a three-dimensional tetrahedron model

FENG Zhiming,, YOU Zhen,, YANG Yanzhao, SHI HuiResource Utilization and Environmental Remediation Laboratory, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China

通讯作者: 游珍(1980-), 女, 湖北武汉人, 博士, 高级工程师, 主要从事人口地理与区域发展研究。E-mail: youz@igsnrr.ac.cn


Fund supported: The Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program (STEP).2019QZKK1006

作者简介 About authors
封志明(1963-), 男, 河北平山人, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事资源开发与区域可持续发展。E-mail: fengzm@igsnrr.ac.cn

关键词: 资源环境承载力;综合评价;四面体模型;监测预警;西藏

Quantitative evaluation and comprehensive measurement of resource and environmental carrying capacity are the technical keys in the research of resource and environmental carrying capacity from classification to synthesis. From a system perspective, this paper proposes a three-dimensional tetrahedron model with physical meaning to comprehensively evaluate resource and environmental carrying capacity, which is conducted on the structure of "human settlement environment suitability classification - resource and environmental carrying capacity restrictive classification - socioeconomic development adaptability classification - resource and environmental carrying capacity warning classification". Its results have clear policy guidance significance for the establishment of the dynamic-monitoring and early-warning mechanism for regional resource and environmental carrying capacity. Based on the above methods, this research, taking Tibet Autonomous Region as an example and using 1-km gridded data, quantitatively assessed regional resource and environmental carrying capacity at county level. The results show that there were about 3/4 areas in good condition of resources and environmental carrying status (surplus or balanced state), with more than 4/5 of population; the human settlement environment in Tibet was mainly characterized by unsuitability and critical suitability, while the socioeconomic development level there generally lagged behind. Within this context, we suggest that human settlement environment suitability and socioeconomic development level have greatly restricted the performance and improvement of resource and environmental carrying capacity in Tibet.
Keywords:resource and environmental carrying capacity;comprehensive evaluation;tetrahedral model;monitoring and warning;Tibet

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封志明, 游珍, 杨艳昭, 施慧. 基于三维四面体模型的西藏资源环境承载力综合评价. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(3): 645-662 doi:10.11821/dlxb202103011
FENG Zhiming, YOU Zhen, YANG Yanzhao, SHI Hui. Comprehensive evaluation of resource and environment carrying capacity of Tibet based on a three-dimensional tetrahedron model. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2021, 76(3): 645-662 doi:10.11821/dlxb202103011

1 引言




2 基本思路与研究方法

2.1 理论框架与基本思路





Fig. 1Research thoughts for comprehensive evaluation of resource and environmental carrying capacity

2.2 研究方法与技术流程








Fig. 2Flow chart of comprehensive evaluation methods of resource and environmental carrying in Tibet



Tab. 1
Tab. 1List of calculation methods for human settlement sub-indexes






Fig. 3Human settlement environment index model

由于基于公里网格数据的人居环境适宜性样本数据量大,本文采用均值标准差分级法,能最大化显示要素属性值与平均值之间的差异(表2)。当HSI = 1时,代表区域人居环境的平均状态,STD为研究区域HSIone的标准差。

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Classification criteria of human settlement environment suitability
不适宜地区 HSI < 1-0.5STD
临界适宜地区1-0.5STD HSI < 1+0.5STD
适宜地区 HSI ≥ 1+0.5STD



区域水土资源和生态环境限制性可以通过资源承载限制指数来表征。资源承载限制指数是土地资源承载指数、水资源承载指数和生态承载指数的数学综合,用来反映区域水土资源和生态环境的综合承载状态,计算方法如表3所示[12, 17, 66]

Tab. 3
Tab. 3List of calculation methods for resources carrying sub-indexes
LCI为土地资源承载指数;Pa为现实人口数量;LCC为土地资源现实承载力或土地资源承载潜力;En为耕地资源产品转换为热量总量,Enpc人均热量摄入标准,现实承载力以2521 kcal 人/天计。





Fig. 4Schematic diagram of hyperbolic tangent function

Tab. 4
Tab. 4Weights of three carrying indexes
初期阶段[0, 30%]
加速阶段(30%, 70%]1/31/31/3
后期阶段(70%, 100%]


RCI = 1时,代表资源承载的理论平衡状态。根据专家咨询及作者多年承载力研究的经验,将资源承载状态划分为3种限制类型(表5)。

Tab. 5
Tab. 5Classification of the carrying capacity
超载RCI < 0.9
平衡0.9 ≤ RCI < 1.1
盈余RCI ≥ 1.1





Tab. 6
Tab. 6List of calculation methods for socioeconomic development sub-indexes




Fig. 5Socioeconomic development index model

SDI = 1时,代表区域社会经济发展的平均状态,STD为研究区域SDIone的标准差。通过均值标准差分级法,能最大化显示要素属性值与平均值之间的差异(表7)。

Tab. 7
Tab. 7Classification criteria of socioeconomic evelopment
社会经济发展低水平地区 SDI < 1-0.5STD
社会经济发展中等地区1-0.5STD SDI < 1+0.5STD
社会经济相对发达地区 SDI ≥ 1+0.5STD







Fig. 6Resource and environment development index model

PREDI = 1时,代表区域资源环境承载的理论平衡状态。根据PREDI指标,可以将区域资源环境综合承载状态划分为如下3种警示等级(表8):PREDI < 0.9时,代表资源环境承载力处于超载状态,发展空间有待拓展;PREDI介于0.9~1.1时,代表资源环境承载力处于平衡状态,需要适度调整;PREDI ≥ 1.1时,代表资源环境承载力处于盈余状态,尚有发展空间。

Tab. 8
Tab. 8Classification criteria of resource and environmental comprehensive carrying capacity
超载 PREDI < 0.9
平衡0.9 ≤ PREDI < 1.1
盈余 PREDI ≥ 1.1


2.3 数据来源与处理


人居环境主要数据包括气象台观测数据、数字高程模型(DEM)、归一化植被指数、土地利用数据以及河流水网数据图层。其中,温度、相对湿度和降水气象数据来源于国家气象局数据共享中心,本文分别采用克里格法、样条法以及梯度距离平方反比法对各要素进行插值,进而获取了西藏1 km×1 km网格气象要素图层;DEM来源于由USGS制备的全球GTOPO 30,其空间分辨率为30′,本文经过正轴等面积双标准纬线割圆锥投影,得到1 km×1 km西藏DEM图;2000—2017年逐旬1 km×1 km归一化植被指数数据来源于中国地球科学数据共享平台;1∶10万土地利用类型图、水网分布矢量图源于中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所数据中心,土地利用数据经过矢量与栅格数据的转换工具转化为1 km×1 km栅格尺度,水网分布矢量数据通过构建1 km×1 km的fishnet,运用“intersect”等空间分析工具,计算格网的水网密度后,将fishnet转化为1 km×1 km栅格尺度,由此完成了气候、地形、水文、地被4个关键因子的基础数据归一化处理。县界、乡镇界线和居民点的矢量数据是在中国地球科学数据共享平台提供的1∶25万基础地理信息数据基础上,通过最新地图比对更新、修正取得。1 km×1 km栅格尺度的人口密度数据来源于美国橡树岭实验室提供的LandScan 2017。


社会经济发展数据主要涉及基于分县尺度的出生人口预期寿命、成人识字率和小学、中学、大学综合入学率、人均GDP、城市人口的统计数据,矢量的道路、铁路、水路、港口、机场分布数据,以及土地利用数据和夜间灯光数据。其中,道路和铁路数据来源于DIVA-GIS,水路用50 m河道数据来替代,来源于Natural Earth,与上文水网密度计算方法相同,本文计算了栅格尺度下的道路密度、铁路密度和水路密度;港口数据来源于联合国粮农组织的全球地理信息系统(FAO GeoNetwork),机场数据来源于OurAirports,为获取各区域到道路、铁路、机场、港口最短距离的栅格图层,本文提取了网格几何中心,并通过“near analysis”工具计算了各网格中心点分别到4种交通工具的最短距离,最终将其转化为栅格数据;300 m×300 m土地利用数据来源于欧空局,通过计算各网格内城市用地的占比获取土地城市化的栅格图层;DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据来源于美国国家海洋大气局,通过与城市人口统计数据相融合,获取栅格尺度下的人口城市化数据图层。

3 基于PREDI的西藏资源环境承载力综合评价:从分类到综合

3.1 基于HSI的人居环境适宜性评价:适宜性分区




Fig. 7Classification of human settlement environment suitability in Tibet

Tab. 9
Tab. 9Statistics of different regions for human settlement natural environment suitability in Tibet


(1)西藏人居环境不适宜地区面积占比29.72%,主要分布在藏西北地区;人口占比为1.47%,相对集中分布在阿里地区西北部的札达县和噶尔县,区内地广人稀疏,人口密度仅为0.14人/km2;不适宜地区土地覆被类型以草地和未利用地为主,海拔均值高达5081 m,年均温度值为-7.27 ℃,年均湿度为0.33,年均降水量为405.32 mm,大部分区域全年基本没有气候舒适期。

(2)西藏人居环境临界适宜地区面积占比57.00%,主要分布在那曲南部、日喀则市、一江两河地区以及山南和林芝北部地区;142.67万人长期生活和居住在此,占比为41.50%,人口密度为2.08人/km2;临界适宜地区土地覆被类型以草地和林地为主,海拔均值高达4904 m,年均温度值为-2.67 ℃,年均湿度为0.45,年均降水量为528.74 mm,全年气候舒适期大部分处于为3~5个月之间。


3.2 基于RCI的资源环境限制性评价:限制性分类




Fig. 8Restrictive classification of resource and environmental carrying capacity in Tibet

Tab. 10
Tab. 10Statistics of different regions for resource carrying status in Tibet





3.3 基于SDI的社会经济适应性评价:适应性分等




Fig. 9Classification of socioeconomic development in Tibet

Tab. 11
Tab. 11Statistics of different regions at socioeconomic development levels in Tibet





3.4 基于PREDI的资源环境承载力综合评价:警示性分级




Fig. 10Distribution of resource and environmental comprehensive carrying status in Tibet



Fig. 11Distribution of resource and environmental carrying status classification in Tibet

Tab. 12
Tab. 12Statistics of resource and environmental carrying status classification in Tibet





3.5 讨论




4 结论与展望






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Liu Menghao, Xi Jianchao, Chen Sihong. Ecological carrying capacity accounting model and application in multi-type protected areas
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2020,40(14):1-9.

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[ 刘孟浩, 席建超, 陈思宏. 多类型保护地生态承载力核算模型及应用
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Xu Dahai, Wang Yu. Plume footprints analysis for determining the bearing capacity of atmospheric environment
Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae, 2013,33(6):1734-1740.

URL [本文引用: 1]
This paper discusses the definition of the bearing capacity of the atmospheric environment. Meanwhile, the calculation principle of bearing capacity by plume footprint method and its formulas are also deduced. The specific equation for calculating plume footprint function in given regional meteorological conditions and the bearing capacity of the atmosphere are presented. The method of plume footprint provides a technical support in emission tradings between regions.
[ 徐大海, 王郁. 确定大气环境承载力的烟云足迹法
环境科学学报, 2013,33(6):1734-1740.]

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Jiao Wenting, Chen Xingpeng, Zhang Yulong, et al. Evaluation on environment carrying capacity of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
Journal of Lanzhou University (Natural Sciences), 2010,46(4):53-57.

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[ 焦文婷, 陈兴鹏, 张予龙, . 宁夏回族自治区环境承载力评价
兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 2010,46(4):53-57.]

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Tan Yingyu, Zhang Ping, Liu Rongzi, et al. Comparative study on the carrying capacity of marine resources, ecology and environment in three bays of Bohai Sea
China Population,Resources and Environment, 2012,22(12):7-12.

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[ 谭映宇, 张平, 刘容子, . 渤海内主要海湾资源和生态环境承载力比较研究
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[本文引用: 1]

Gou Lufeng, Wang Yantao, Jin Weibo. Empirical study about the carrying capacity evaluation of marine resources and environment based on the entropy-weight TOPSIS model
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[ 苟露峰, 汪艳涛, 金炜博. 基于熵权TOPSIS模型的青岛市海洋资源环境承载力评价研究
海洋环境科学, 2018,37(4):586-594.]

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Han Zenglin, Di Ganbin, Liu Kai. Research on the theories and assessment method of carrying capacity of marine region
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[ 韩增林, 狄乾斌, 刘锴. 海域承载力的理论与评价方法
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Fan Jie. The scientific foundation of major function oriented zoning in China
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[ 樊杰. 我国主体功能区划的科学基础
地理学报, 2010,62(4):339-350.]

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Feng Zhiming, Yang Yanzhao, You Zhen, et al. Research on the suitability of population distribution at the county level in China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2014,69(6):723-737.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201406001URL [本文引用: 1]
The relationship between population distribution and resources, environment, social and economic development has attracted much attention for a long time. This paper set up an index system and some models for the assessment of the coordination between population and resources, environment, social and economic development. Then it used the index system and models to evaluate this coordination quantitatively at the county level. Based on this, the suitability and restriction of population distribution at the county level was graded and classified respectively, and its spatial and temporal patterns as well as regional characteristics were also revealed quantitatively. The results showed that: (1) population distribution was generally coordinated with human settlements environment in more than 3/5 of counties in China in 2010, which meant that population distribution was highly consistent with the natural suitability of human settlements environment at the county level; (2) population growth was merely not restricted by water and land resources in about half of counties in China in 2010, indicating that population distribution had medium coordination with the suitability of water and land resources; (3) population distribution was generally coordinated with social and economic development in more than 3/5 of counties in China in 2010, suggesting that population distribution was highly consistent with social and economic development; (4) the suitability degree of population distribution was larger than 60 in about 3/5 of counties in China in 2010, which showed that the relationship between population, resources, environment and development was coordinated or relatively coordinated; (5) as for the coordination between population, resources, environment and development at the county level, the eastern region was the best, the central region ranked second and the western region was the worst; (6) the suitability degree of population distribution at the county level could be identified into four grades, including basic coordination, relative coordination, under coordination and urgent need for coordination and 10 restricted classes.
[ 封志明, 杨艳昭, 游珍, . 基于分县尺度的中国人口分布适宜度研究
地理学报, 2014,69(6):723-737.]

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National Population Development Strategy Research Group. National Population Development Strategy Research Report
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[ 国家人口发展战略研究课题组. 国家人口发展战略研究报告
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Yang Yanzhao, Feng Zhiming. The population development functional zoning in Inner Mongolia
Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2009,23(10):1-7.

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[ 杨艳昭, 封志明. 内蒙古人口发展功能分区研究
干旱区资源与环境, 2009,23(10):1-7.]

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Liu Yujuan, Liu Shaoquan, Liu Bintao, et al. Bearing capacity of resources and environment of Ya'an: Heavily damaged area by Wenchuan earthquake
Resources and Environment in the Yangtze Basin, 2010,19(5):554-559.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Evaluation of the resources and environment bearing capacity is an important part of the national restoration and reconstruction planning after Wenchuan earthquake.It aims for putting forward the population quantity suitable for the resources and environment bearing capacity.This paper proposes an evaluating method based on three key factors:water resources,cultivated land resources and environmental capacity.The evaluating method has been applied to calculate the population bearing capacity of resources and environment of Ya&rsquo;an city which was heavily damaged by the earthquake.According to &ldquo;cask effect&rdquo;,the population bearing capacity based on cultivated land resources has been selected to reflect the resources and environment bearing capacity.Population bearing capacity have been analyzed from cultivated landgrain resources and income from cultivated land economy to determine the proper population scale synthetically.It is concluded that the population bearing capacity based on resources and environment before 2010 is 1535~159 million,and it&rsquo;s not necessary to transfer population in large scale.For meeting welloff standard in 2020,it is 1585~164 million.Totally the resources and environment can meet postearthquake population demand for welloff society,but it needs to take comprehensive policies to lead the population to migrate to Yucheng and Mingshan County which have more capacity potential,strong industry and population concentration abilities 〖WTHZ
[ 刘玉娟, 刘邵权, 刘斌涛, . 汶川地震重灾区雅安市资源环境承载力
长江流域资源与环境, 2010,19(5):554-559.]

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Fan Jie. Evaluation of the Carrying Capacity of Resources and Environment after the Wenchuan Earthquake
Beijing:Science Press, 2009.

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[ 樊杰. 汶川地震灾后恢复重建资源环境承载能力评价
北京:科学出版社, 2009.]

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Fan Jie. The strategy of major function oriented zoning and the optimization of territorial development patterns
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2013,28(2):193-206.

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[ 樊杰. 主体功能区战略与优化国土空间开发格局
中国科学院院刊, 2013,28(2):193-206.]

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Liu Chaofeng, Su Jingyu, Wang Wei, et al. Catastrophe model for evaluating regional earthquake- disaster- carrying capability
China Safety Science Journal, 2011, 21(11): 8-15. 2011.

URL [本文引用: 1]

[ 刘朝峰, 苏经宇, 王威, . 区域地震灾害承载力评价的突变模型
中国安全科学学报, 2011,21(11):8-15.]

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Xu Zhongmin, Zhang Zhiqiang, Cheng Guodong, et al. Ecological footprint calculation and development capacity analysis of China in 1999
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2003,14(2):280-285.

URLPMID:12827888 [本文引用: 1]
The ecological footprint method put forward and improved by William Rees and Mathis Wackernagel presents a methodologically simple but integrated framework for national natural capital accounting, which is capable of measuring the impact of Human's consumption on ecosystem. Based on the ecological footprint theory and calculation method, a flow network analysis method was introduced to illuminate the structure of complex ecological economic system, and the relationship among ecological footprint, diversity and development capacity was analyzed. In this paper, the ecological footprints of China and its provinces was calculated and compared with the national and local ecological carrying capacity. The results showed that the ecological footprints of China and most of its provinces were beyond the available ecological capacity, and China and its most provinces run 'national or regional ecological deficit'. In case of China, the national ecological deficit was 0.645 hm2 per cap in 1999. Secondly, we introduced a flow network analysis method, taking various ecological productive area as note, and adopted Ulanowicz's development capacity formula to analyze the relationship among ecological footprint diversity, development capacity and output. The results demonstrated that Ulanowicz's development capacity was a good predictor of economic system output. At the same time, two distinct ways to change development capacity were produced. Increasing ecological footprint or increasing ecological footprint's diversity would both increase development capacity. Due to the fact that the ecological footprints had already been beyond bio-capacities, the only way to increase development capacity was to increase ecological footprint's diversity. The positive relationship between ecological footprint diversity and resources utilization efficiency demonstrated that there was no conflict between increasing ecological footprint's diversity and reducing footprints while not comprising our quality of life.
[ 徐中民, 张志强, 程国栋, . 中国1999年生态足迹计算与发展能力分析
应用生态学报, 2003,14(2):280-285.]

PMID:12827888 [本文引用: 1]

Min Qingwen, Li Yun, Cheng Shengkui, et al. Ecological footprint-based comparison of living consumption of meso-scale cities' residents in China: Taking Taizhou, Shangqiu, Tongchuan and Xilin Gol as examples
Journal of Natural Resources, 2005,20(2):286-292.

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2005.02.018URL [本文引用: 1]
Urbanization is a typical feature of socio-economic development.According to the sta-tistics,from 1980 to 2001,China's urbanization level rose from 17.92% to 37.66%.Urbanization has many positive effects such as organizing mass production,improving the progress of sci-technology and education,enhancing people's living standard and so on.However,some negative effects of urbanization have been emerging especially its ecological and environmental effects. Along with the process of urbanization,lots of people migrate from countryside to city.The increase of urban residents and the change of living style increase the consumption of natural resources and natural ecosystems.So,the quantitative analysis of urban residents' living consum-ption and its appropriation to natural ecosystems can demonstrate the influences of urbanization and sustainable development in urban areas. As a new method for quantitatively measuring natural resources used by humans,ecological footprint can illustrate regional sustainable development through the analysis of energy and other resources consumption.In this paper,taking Taizhou in Jiangsu Province of East China,Shangqiu in Henan Province of Central China,Tongchuan of Shaanxi Province of Northwest China and a typical resource city,and Xilin Gol of Inner Mongolia of North China and pastoral area as examples,ecological footprints of residents'living consumption were calculated and compared. The results show that (1) about 90% of ecological footprints in Taizhou,Shangqiu and Tongchuan come from the consumption of eating and wearing but below 70% in Xilin Gol where living ener-gy consumption occupies relatively high proportion;(2)for the sake of different geographical areas,residents have different consumption styles which cause different ecosystem appropriation, e.g. per capita residents living in Xilin Gol (pastoral area) occupy 0.333hm2 of grassland ecosystem which is several times that of in other cities,residents living in Taizhou (the Yangtze valley area) occupy 0.116hm2 of water ecosystem which is two or more times in other cities;and (3)compared to the bio-productive area,the ecological footprints of city residents in Shangqiu,Taizhou and Tongchuan are all more than the whole city's ecological capacity which approves that city is one of the typical kind of ecological deficit areas.Therefore,how to effectively adjust urban residents' consumption style and structure is very significant to improve sustainable development in urban areas.
[ 闵庆文, 李云, 成升魁, . 中等城市居民生活消费生态系统占用的比较分析: 以泰州、商丘、铜川、锡林郭勒为例
自然资源学报, 2005,20(2):286-292.]

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Xie Gaodi, Cao Shuyan, Lu Chunxia, et al. Human's consumption of ecosystem services and ecological debt in China
Journal of Natural Resources, 2010,25(1):43-51.

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2010.01.005URL [本文引用: 1]

[ 谢高地, 曹淑艳, 鲁春霞, . 中国的生态服务消费与生态债务研究
自然资源学报, 2010,25(1):43-51.]

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Gai Liqiang, Xie Gaodi, Chen Long, et al. Water eco-function zoning in China based on water footprints
Resources Science, 2012,34(9):1622-1628.

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Water resources are the basic elements of ecological environments, the indispensable basis for our survival, and the key to sustainable socioeconomic development. In the wake of population growth and development, the demand-supply imbalance of global water resources has become serious, and water shortages have become an important limiting factor for the sustainable development of many nations. Water shortages, water pollution, floods and water-logging disasters have threatened and restricted sustainable development and so it is necessary to evaluate the water resources management concept. Water footprint is an indicator of freshwater use that looks at direct water use and indirect water use, and can be regarded as a comprehensive indicator of freshwater resources appropriation, next to the traditional and restricted measure of water withdrawal. This study analyzed the spatial and temporal characteristics of water stress, and the water footprint of production in China. Water eco-function zoning in China was conducted according to three-order basins and combined with water ecosystem service assessment theory. The water eco-function zoning scheme in China revealed six first level eco-function zones: the Northeast Songliao Mountain and Plain Less Water Zone, North China Huang Sea and Huai Sea Plain Less Water Zone, Northeast Inland Dry Scarce Water Zone, South Mountain Hill Wet Zone, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Water Tower Zone, Southwest Plateau Valley Wet Zone. There were 100 second level zones according to functional: water and water products supply function zone (life and production water, water products, shipping, hydropower, etc); water resources habitat sustain function zone (biodiversity sustain, aquatic habitat, spawning ground, wintering ground, etc); water resources environment regulation function zone (climate regulate, water self purification, reservation flood, etc); and water recreation service function zone (tourism, culture and education, etc). The study provides theoretical support for the scientific management of water resources and safeguards the security of national water resources. Our framework reveals water ecosystem health and trends in the development of watershed ecosystem protection and recovery strategies, and supports the transformation of national water resources management philosophy.
[ 盖力强, 谢高地, 陈龙, . 基于水足迹的中国水生态功能分区
资源科学, 2012,34(9):1622-1628.]

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Li Zehong, Dong Suocheng, Li Yu, et al. Dynamic analysis on agricultural water footprint and its driving mechanism in Wuwei oasis
Journal of Natural Resources, 2013,28(3):410-416.

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2013.03.006URL [本文引用: 1]
Agricultural activities influence the stability of oasis by changing its aquatic ecosystem that oasis depends on. The agricultural water footprint of Wuwei Oasis in 2007 is about 8 times of that in 1950, while the efficiency of agricultural water footprint grows slowly only by 1.75 times. There is significant negative correlation between the efficiency and the proportion of the food crops water footprint. The proportion of the food crops water footprint in Wuwei Oasis presents a declining trend before 2002 and upgrades after 2002. The lowest proportion is 58.63% in 2002. The rapid population growth and livelihood demand are the main driving factors for the increase of the land development intensity and the agricultural water footprint. Therefore, appropriate decrease of agricultural scale, agricultural structural adjustment, increasing the government&rsquo;s inputs to agricultural water-saving irrigation, extending agricultural water-saving technology as well as improving water management systems are all effective measures to control the excessive growth of water footprints, to achieve efficient utilization of agricultural water resources and further to maintain the stability of oasis ecosystem in Wuwei.
[ 李泽红, 董锁成, 李宇, . 武威绿洲农业水足迹变化及其驱动机制研究
自然资源学报, 2013,28(3):410-416.]

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Yan Maochao, Odum H T. A study on emergy evaluation and sustainable development of Tibet eco-economic system
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Liu Qinpu, Lin Zhenshan. Dynamic analysis and prediction on ecological footprint of Jiangsu's cropland
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[ 刘钦普, 林振山. 江苏省耕地利用可持续性动态分析及预测
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Zhang Xuehua, Li Jian, Zhang Hongwei. Emergy-ecological footprint integrated model for eco-city evaluation: A case of Tianjin City
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 2011,47(2):344-352.

URL [本文引用: 1]
In order to avoid some shortages of traditional ecological footprint model, the authors proposed an integrated model by using emergy theory, which is namedas Emergy-Ecological Footprint Integrated Model. In ecological carrying capacity calculation, the proposed model adds the carrying capacity of actual product output and virtual product supply based on material input-output theory and people ’s innovation. In ecological footprint calculation, the proposed model considers waste ecological footprint into evaluation system. Finally, the proposed model is applied in Tianjin eco-city evaluation from 2001 to 2008. The calculating result shows that the ecological carrying capacity is higher than ecological footprint, and ecological surplus is in rising tendency which expresses that Tianj in is in sustainable state.
[ 张雪花, 李建, 张宏伟. 基于能值—生态足迹整合模型的城市生态性评价方法研究: 以天津市为例
北京大学学报(自然科学版), 2011,47(2):344-352.]

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Xu Zhongmin, Cheng Guodong, Zhang Zhiqiang. A resolution to the conception of ecological footprint
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[ 徐中民, 程国栋, 张志强. 生态足迹方法的理论解析
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Chen Chengzhong, Lin Zhenshan. Debate and development of ecological footprint model during the last 10 years
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[ 陈成忠, 林振山. 生态足迹模型的争论与发展
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Xu Zhongmin, Song Xiaoyu, Cheng Guodong. A new explanation of virus water strategy
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DOI:10.7522/j.issn.1000-0240.2013.0058URL [本文引用: 1]
A new explanation of virtual water strategy is presented in this article. Based on the discussion of inadequacy of Allan's standpoint, the concept of virtual water strategy is redefined and its connotation is extended. In fact, Allan's virtual water strategy is suit for extremely water-deficient areas. In those areas, the virtual water strategy is an effective route to improve regional water security and people's living standard by allocating water resources optimally (both entitative water and virtual water). In other areas, the core of virtual water strategy is selecting an appropriate route to develop the secondary and tertiary industries that leads water resources flow to industry and service sectors by dint of positive feedback ring. Based on the analysis of the ecological economical development in Zhangye Municipality, it is found that the ecological economical strategy practiced in the city is an innovative virtual water strategy.
[ 徐中民, 宋晓谕, 程国栋. 虚拟水战略新论
冰川冻土, 2013,35(2):490-495.]

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Zhang Fangyi, Pu Lijie, Zhang Jian. A modified model of ecological footprint calculation based on the theory of emergy analysis: Taking Jiangsu Province as an example
Journal of Natural Resources, 2006,21(4):653-660.

DOI:10.11849/zrzyxb.2006.04.020URL [本文引用: 1]
Associated with rapid development of economy and increase of population,we face a series of contradictions among the natural resources,environment and economy,such as resources depression,environmental deterioration and so on.To be sustainable,humanity must live within the limits of nature's carrying capacity.In the 1990s,Rees and Wackernagel put forward the ecological footprints model,which offers an easy and rapid method to measure the environmental situations of eco-economic system. The aim of the paper is to show a modified model of ecological footprint calculation by combining emergy analysis with conventional ecological footprint model of calculations,in the framework of the theory of ecological footprint,to apply the method of emergy analysis and introduce the concept of emergy density into the calculation models,in order to translate all kinds of energy flows in the eco-economic systems into the corresponding biological productive units.In this paper we present a new method of ecological footprint calculation,based on the emergy analysis.The translation of human demand of natural resources and the supply of nature services into understandable and quantifiable concepts is the main objective of this new method.Firstly,the amounts of human consumption corresponding to six categories of ecological productive areas and the amounts of natural supply are calculated.And then,these amounts are translated into common unit emergy through the emergy analysis.Thirdly,in this new method we are proposing,we will derive the ecological footprint and carrying capacity by dividing the emergy amounts by the emergy density.Finally,we compare the ecological footprint with the carrying capacity to measure the environmental status of sustainability in the given region. With Jiangsu Province in the year 2003 as an example,we apply the modified model to it to analyze the ecological environmental situations.According to the calculation equations,we get the annual total emergy amount of Jiangsu was 7.828&times;1021sej and its emergy density was 7.629&times;1021sej/ha.And then we get the carrying capacity of Jiangsu was 0.299 7ha/cap,the ecological footprint of biological resources and energy resources was 4.722 8ha/cap,and the ecological deficit was 4.423 2ha/cap.So we conclude that the ecological footprint of Jiangsu has exceeded its carrying capacity,which conforms with the calculation results of conventional model of ecological footprints.This indicates that the new method of ecological footprint calculation is effective and feasible. By analyzing the strong points of the modified model,we find that the calculation results of the modified model give a more realistic picture of the environmental situations of the eco-econo-mic systems,compared to the conventional one.
[ 张芳怡, 濮励杰, 张健. 基于能值分析理论的生态足迹模型及应用: 以江苏省为例
自然资源学报, 2006,21(4):653-660.]

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Wei Shengwen, Chen Xianjiang, Zhang Yan, et al. Discussion to the emergy evaluation analysis method
Acta Prataculturae Sinica, 2011,20(2):270-277.

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[ 魏胜文, 陈先江, 张岩, . 能值方法与存在问题分析
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Xue Bing, Li Chunrong, Ren Wanxia, et al. Review of emergy theory applied in agro-ecological economic system in China
Ecological Science, 2013,32(1):126-132.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Agro-ecological economic system is a kind of a special complex artificial-natural system coupled by the agro-ecosystem and the agricultural economic system, which is also one of the main targets studied in the field of regional human-natural relationship, and the central agent of research on ecological economics. This paper briefly discusses the concept and framework of emergy theory, and then, by literature analysis based on the database of CNKI and Web of knowledge, we concluded that the emergy theory has universal recognition in the field of agriculture, and presents an increasing trend. The emergy theory applied in Agro-ecological economic system research makes some progress in the field of basic theory research, indicators development and empirical studies. However, there are also some key issues that need to be resolved, including agricultural emergy flow diagrams, regional applicable of emergy theory, and comparative research on space-time scale.
[ 薛冰, 李春荣, 任婉侠, . 能值理论在农业生态经济的应用与展望
生态科学, 2013,32(1):126-132.]

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Zheng Defeng, Yu Zhang, Zheng Zang, et al. Empirical research on carrying capacity of human settlement system in Dalian City, Liaoning Province
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Li Tianxiao, Fu Qiang, Peng Shengmin. Evaluation of water and soil resources carrying capacity based on DPSIR frame work
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[ 李天霄, 付强, 彭胜民. 基于DPSIR模型的水土资源承载力评价
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Wang Liang, Liu Hui. The comprehensive evaluation of regional resources and environmental carrying capacity bansed on PS-DR-DP theoretical model
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[ 王亮, 刘慧. 基于PS-DR-DP理论模型的区域资源环境承载力综合评价
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Niu Fangqu, Feng Zhiming, Liu Hui. Evaluation of resources environmental carrying capacity and its application in industrial restructuring in Tibet, China
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019,74(8):1563-1575.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201908006URL [本文引用: 1]
As natural resources are experiencing rapid reduction and the environment is degenerating, resource environmental carrying capacity has attracted more and more attention in China. However, current research on resource environmental carrying capacity still stays at theoretical level leaving the gap with applications. Moreover, the study conclusions are usually not of policy implications and lack of operability. This study develops a comprehensive analytical framework for the co-development of industries, population, economy, resources and environment. The framework first evaluates the importance of all industries to local social economy and determines the direction of industrial structure adjustment, and then identifies the interaction relationships among the socioeconomic development, resource consumption and environment emission, and subsequently evaluates the resource environmental carrying capacity, which helps achieve the maximum socio-economic development under the premise of environmental protection and efficient resource utilization. The Tibet case study estimates the local resource environmental carrying capacity under different development scenarios and therefore determines the maximum population and economic scale through industrial structure adjustments under the constraints of resource and environment. The results show that to focus on the development of tourism can significantly improve the resource environmental carrying capacity of Tibet. The results could help make decision regarding local industrial structure adjustments to achieve sustainable development. In conclusion the proposed analytical framework provides an operational decision support tool for "socio-ecological" sustainability. It can be extended to other regions through minor parameter adjustments.
[ 牛方曲, 封志明, 刘慧. 资源环境承载力综合评价方法在西藏产业结构调整中的应用
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Niu Fangqu, Sun Dongqi. Modelling the sustainability of China's growth based on the resource and environmental carrying capacity
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Considering the limitation of the traditional method to assess the ecological carrying capacity and the complexity of the water ecological system, we used system dynamics, ANN, and CA Markov to model a water ecological system. The social component was modeled according to Granger causality test by system dynamics. The natural component consists of the water resource and water environmental capacity, which were forecasted through the prediction of precipitation and change in land use cover. The interaction of the social component and the natural component mainly reflected environmental policies, such as the imposition of an environmental fee and environmental tax based on their values. Simulation results showed the different assessments on water ecological carrying capacity under the two policies. The population grew (2.9 million), and less pollution (86,63237 t COD and 2854.5 t NH4N) was observed with the imposition of environmental tax compared with the imposition of an environmental fee (2.85 million population, 10,8381 t COD and 3543 t NH4N) at the same GDP level of 585 billion CNY in 2030. According to the causality loop, we discussed the different states under the policies and the reasons that caused the differences in water ecological carrying capacity state. According to game theory, we explained the limitation of the environmental fee policy on the basis of marginal benefit and cost. The externality was cleared up by the environmental tax policy. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V.

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With the intensive research into global coupling relationships, ecological carrying capacity (ECC), seen as the crucial link between natural ecosystems and human systems, has gradually become an important tool for interdisciplinary research in ecology, resources science and environmental science, as well as for research on regional sustainable development. However, ECC research remains immature and lacks a complete theoretical system, as a result of many limiting factors and different space-time conditions. At present, Chinese and foreign studies focus on methods to evaluate ECC while neglecting to identify the internal driving mechanisms of ECC. In this article, based on the development and conceptualization of ECC, we introduce three evaluation methods for ECC: ecological footprint (EF), human appropriation of net primary production (HANPP) and ecosystem services consumption (ESC). Furthermore, we illuminate research focuses and developmental directions for ECC with respect to driving mechanisms, threshold, comprehensive evaluation systems and coupling dynamic model of multi ecological factors, in order to provide a reference for future ECC research.

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