Connectivity characteristics for city networks in China based on innovative enterprises
HUANG Xiaodong,1,2,3, MA Haitao,4, MIAO Changhong31. School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China 2. Institute for Global Innovation and Development, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China 3. Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, Henan, China 4. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
Abstract Improving the connectivity of multi-sector enterprises at a cross-regional level can enhance knowledge and technology transfer and stimulate innovation and synergies among cities. Therefore, the study of city networks, which comprise a large number of multi-sector enterprises, can provide an important knowledge base for innovation and development at the regional and national levels. Based on an evaluation of innovative enterprises in China by authoritative institutions, data were collected on 1778 multi-sector enterprises, which included details on the headquarters, the branches (a total of 30,625) and the locations. A city-based network for the country was established, using the data for the multi-sector linkages and a model for the headquarters-branches, to explore the network connectivity characteristics via social network analysis, the GIS method and the spatial interactive model. The results showed that (1) although the network covered 353 cities across China, the spatial distribution of the network was extremely uneven. For instance, a diamond-shaped connectivity pattern emerged gradually as the network hierarchy decreased. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta were found to be the three key hubs of the network. (2) The intercity linkages between innovative enterprise sectors (innovative enterprise flows), had a clear administrative center and a provincial boundary effect. Moreover, the innovative enterprises were strongly attracted to the municipalities and provincial capitals. Beijing was at the heart of the network, followed by Shanghai and Shenzhen. (3) Differences existed in regional connectivity. There was a striking difference between the eastern region and the central-western region. The former had a high connectivity with respect to both the internal and the external networks, while the latter had lower connectivity for the internal network but a higher connectivity at the external level. At the same time, although the network structures for all the three eastern megalopolises showed strong cohesion, their connectivity characteristics were quite different. (4) The input and output of innovative enterprise flows were to varying degrees influenced by the indicator attributes for each city, and these in turn were related to the administrative hierarchy, the economic strength and the innovative environment of the region, as well as proximity indicators, which were related to geographical, technological and institutional factors. Foreign capital was not conducive to innovative enterprise flows and to the formation of innovative intercity company-based networks in China. Keywords:innovative enterprise;city network;collaborative innovation;innovation pattern;China
PDF (3779KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 黄晓东, 马海涛, 苗长虹. 基于创新企业的中国城市网络联系特征. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(4): 835-852 doi:10.11821/dlxb202104005 HUANG Xiaodong, MA Haitao, MIAO Changhong. Connectivity characteristics for city networks in China based on innovative enterprises. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2021, 76(4): 835-852 doi:10.11821/dlxb202104005
1 引言
基于企业部门布局的城市关系建构是城市网络研究的核心内容[1],不同类型企业及其“企业流”被用来探讨城市间不同功能联系。20世纪后期,弗里德曼和萨森分别就跨国公司、跨国生产服务企业的区位选择,对世界/全球城市的总部功能、服务功能以及沟通世界的“连接器”功能进行探讨,回答了世界城市间的等级关系问题[2,3],奠定世界城市网络早期研究基础[4]。21世纪初,Peter Taylor及其领导的“全球化与世界城市”研究小组(Globalization and World Cities, GaWC)突破网络研究“有属性无联系”的缺陷,运用高级生产性服务企业机构分布数据对城市间高端服务联系进行考察[5,6],推动城市体系研究范式由中心地转向网络化[7],掀起城市网络研究热潮。此后,研究者运用上市企业[8]、电子信息企业[9]、金融企业[10]、物流企业[11]等越来越多类型的企业及其部门关系构建城市网络,以解读城市间不同类型的功能联系。当今,知识经济时代业已到来,城市之间的创新联系成为重塑城市网络的重要动力[12]。以苹果、谷歌、华为等为代表的大型创新企业,作为全球应用技术创新的主导者,通过在世界各地建立大量分支机构塑造了全球创新网络[13,14]。然而,当前关于大型创新企业通过机构布局和部门联系对全球、国家和区域创新的贡献和影响却鲜有探讨。
创新企业的选择是有效模拟城市网络的基础,选择创新能力较强并能对国内不同城市的创新联系产生重要影响的国家级的创新企业,更能客观地展示中国创新企业建构的城市网络。目前对创新企业没有统一界定,不同机构有不同的认定标准。为了提高样本企业的代表性,本文遴选国内外多家权威机构对中国创新企业的认定,具体包括中国科技部、国资委、总工会2006—2012年间联合评选的5批676家“创新型企业试点”,中国工信部、财政部2011—2017年间联合评选的7批495家“国家技术创新示范企业”,中国人民大学等机构联合评选的2017年“中国企业创新能力1000强”,国际科学服务商Clarivate Analytic评选的2016、2017年“中国大陆创新企业百强”,国际专业服务机构普华永道旗下战略咨询机构Strategy评选的“2017 Global Innovation 1000”中113家中国大陆企业(表1),经过筛选去重,最终确定1778家国内(不含港澳台)最具创新能力并具有多部门跨城分布特征的企业。为进一步判断样本企业代表能力,对所选样本企业的专利数量进行统计,截止2018年样本企业共拥有专利总数为2057883条,其中99.83%的企业专利数量超过10条,87.91%的企业专利数量超过100条,远远高于国家技术创新示范企业的认定标准(3个以上)。
Tab. 1 表1 表1创新企业来源名单及其选取办法 Tab. 1List of innovative enterprises and selection criteria
注:① 基于自然资源部标准地图服务网站审图号为GS(2019)1823号的标准地图制作,底图无修改。② 首位出度网络由197个总部城市发出的首位创新企业流构成,首位入度网络由353个分支机构城市接收的首位创新企业流构成。 Fig. 4The key linkages between the cities based on innovative enterprises
Tab. 4 表4 表4中国三大区域和三大城市群内外部创新联系特征 Tab. 4The characteristics for internal and external connectivity for the three regions and the three megalopolises in China
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