

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

龚健雅,1, 许刚,1, 焦利民2, 秦昆1 1.武汉大学遥感信息工程学院,武汉 430079
2.武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,武汉 430079

Urban scaling law and its application

GONG Jianya,1, XU Gang,1, JIAO Limin2, QIN Kun1 1. School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
2. School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China

通讯作者: 许刚(1992-), 男, 博士, 博士后, 主要从事城市化与土地利用变化研究。E-mail: xugang@whu.edu.cn


Fund supported: Ministry of Education in China Project of Humanities and Social Sciences.20YJCZH195
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.BX20190251
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.2019M662699
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41971368

作者简介 About authors
龚健雅(1957-), 男, 博士, 教授, 中国科学院院士, 长期从事地理信息理论和摄影测量与遥感基础研究。E-mail: gongjy@whu.edu.cn

关键词: 城市地理学;城市科学;复杂城市系统;标度律;城市规模修正指标

The introduction of complexity science in urban geography has provided a new perspective to understand cities. Urban scaling law is one of the simple rules behind complex urban systems, which describes how urban indicators scale with urban population size within the system of cities. Social interaction-related urban indicators, such as GDP and innovation, super-linearly scale with urban population in a power law form, while infrastructure-related urban indicators, such as roads and gas stations, sub-linearly scale with population. Other urban indicators linearly scale with population, which are related to human individual needs, such as jobs and household electricity consumption. In this study, we first summarize the content and progress of urban scaling law during the past decade (2007-2020) from the following four aspects: the validation of urban scaling law, the explanation on the mechanism of urban scaling law, the application of urban scaling law, and the criticism of urban scaling law. We further compare the fundamental differences between the urban scaling law and urban allometric growth. Urban scaling law describes quantitative relationships between urban indicators and population size across cities, while urban allometric growth emphasizes the temporal growth of individual cities. Our analysis indicates that the cross-sectional urban scaling law cannot be applied to predict temporal trajectories of individual cities. Finally, we introduce the scale-adjusted metropolitan indicator (SAMI) for the evaluation of economic performance and urban land use efficiency in 291 Chinese cities, which is based on the theory of urban scaling law. The conventional evaluation of cities based on per capita indicators ignores the non-linear scaling relationship between urban indicators and population size. For example, the GDP per capita of large cities ranks high thanks to their advantages of population size. SAMI eliminates the influence of city size and can compare urban performance more objectively. Cities with higher SAMIs of GDP experience a higher efficiency in economic output (GDP) and they are concentrated in southeast coastal regions, middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and Xinjiang. On the contrary, cities in the northeastern China and Central China Plains experience a relatively low efficiency in economic output. Future studies are encouraged to focus on the mechanism of urban scaling law, the unified model for the evolving urban system across cities and over time, and the scaling law within cities.
Keywords:urban geography;science of cities;complex urban system;scaling law;scale-adjusted metropolitan indicator (SAMI)

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龚健雅, 许刚, 焦利民, 秦昆. 城市标度律及应用. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(2): 251-260 doi:10.11821/dlxb202102001
GONG Jianya, XU Gang, JIAO Limin, QIN Kun. Urban scaling law and its application. Acta Geographica Sinica[J], 2021, 76(2): 251-260 doi:10.11821/dlxb202102001

1 引言

城市是一个典型复杂系统,具有两层意义:一是城市本身是一个复杂系统,二是多个城市构成的城市体系也是一个复杂系统[1]。传统的线性科学不能很好地认识、理解城市,我们迫切需要新的城市科学[2,3]。一个新的研究范式是关注不同历史、不同地理、不同文化、不同体制下城市所表现出的共同性质[4]。标度律(Scaling Law)便是复杂城市系统背后的简单规律和机制之一[5,6,7]。标度律是生物学、物理学、网络科学等复杂系统中普遍存在的规律[8],例如生物学中克莱伯定律(Kleiber's Law)指出成年哺乳动物的新陈代谢率和体重呈3/4次幂函数关系[9]

城市标度律(Urban Scaling Law)是指城市体系内城市指标与人口规模的缩放关系,反映的是城市体系的状态和特征,而不是单个城市的性质。城市标度律通常为幂函数形式Y=Y0 Nβ,其中Y为城市指标,N为人口规模,β被称为标度因子(Scaling Exponent)。根据标度因子β与1的关系可将城市指标分为3类[6]:① 超线性指标(β > 1):与社会交互相关的城市指标(如GDP、知识产出、严重暴力犯罪等)的标度因子大于1(一般在1.15左右),该类城市指标随城市人口规模呈超线性增长,这是因为社会交互随人口增加呈超线性增长,体现了规模报酬递增效应;② 次线性指标(β < 1):与城市基础设施相关的城市指标(如道路长度、加油站数量等)的标度因子小于1(一般在0.85左右),该类城市指标随人口规模呈次线性增长,这是因为大城市有更多居民共享城市基础设施,反映了规模经济效应;③ 线性指标(β = 1):与城市居民个人需求相关的城市指标(如工作岗位数量、家庭用水等)的标度因子等于1,该类城市指标随城市人口规模呈线性变化[6]

城市标度律研究很大程度上受到生命系统标度律研究的启发[8],Bettencourt等引领了城市标度律这一新的研究领域[5,6,7]。近年来国内外****在城市标度律领域取得了丰富的研究成果。本文研究目标包括3个方面:① 总结城市标度律的研究内容和进展;② 澄清城市标度律和异速增长律的区别;③ 展示城市标度律的应用。本文从城市标度律的验证、解释、应用和质疑4个方面总结了城市标度律的研究进展,重点分析了反映城市系统特征的城市标度律和刻画单个城市时序发展的异速增长律的本质差异;同时介绍了基于城市标度律的规模修正指标,并以中国地级市GDP和建成区面积为例展示了规模修正指标在城市排序和评价中的应用。

2 城市标度律研究进展

2.1 城市标度律的验证


2.2 城市标度律的解释

城市标度律是不同历史、不同地理、不同文化下城市系统的共同性质,那么决定城市标度律形成的原因和机制是什么?一个可能寻找到答案的方向是网络科学。生命科学领域标度律研究的重要****Geoffrey West指出网络是所有复杂系统背后的支撑,如生命系统的血管网络,城市的基础设施网络和社交网络等[8]。Geoffrey West和合作者从网络科学视角提出了生命系统标度律的解释,包括3个假设:① 空间填充,即网络的触角需要到达所服务系统的各个角落;② 终端单元的恒定性,例如所有哺乳动物的毛细血管都是相同的,细胞大小也是相近的;③ 网络的优化,例如哺乳动物通过进化使得通过心脏为全身输送血液的平均能量消耗最小化[8]。这对于理解和解释城市标度律具有重要借鉴意义。研究者从不同角度抽象城市实体网络和虚拟网络,尝试解释城市标度律产生的原因和机制[5, 22-24]。但这些模型仍然只是城市标度律形成机制的可能解释之一,尚没有定论。

2.3 城市标度律的应用

城市标度律的核心观点是城市指标与人口规模呈非线性缩放关系,这挑战了传统采用人均指标(如人均GDP)评价城市的做法,因为人均指标的隐含假设是城市指标随城市规模呈线性关系[25]。以GDP为例,即使在技术水平、产业政策等其他条件都相同的情况下,由于规模报酬递增效应的存在,大城市相对于中小城市仍然在人均水平上具有更多经济产出[25]。对于大城市来说,其人均GDP超过中小城市并不一定说明该大城市的经济表现更好;只有跟同等规模的大城市相比,其人均GDP仍然较高,才说明其经济产出效率高。这说明人均GDP更适合在同等规模城市之间比较,要比较不同规模城市的经济产出效率,则应该消除城市规模的影响。Bettencourt等基于城市标度律理论提出了规模修正指标(Scale-Adjusted Metropolitan Indicator, SAMI)[25],并已被成功应用到经济产出、知识创新等领域的城市评价中[26,27,28,29,30]

2.4 城市标度律的质疑

研究发现复杂城市系统背后体现出一致性规律的同时,也有研究对城市标度律提出质疑[4],主要包括3点:① 不同城市范围下城市指标与人口规模间的标度因子与1的关系不稳定[19, 31-32]。城市范围是一个复杂的、模糊的边界,加上城市人口的流动性,因此很难像测定生物体重一样准确测度城市的规模。② 双对数下线性回归模型的适用性存疑[33,34,35]。标度律本身是幂函数,大多数研究都将城市指标和人口规模取对数后采用线性函数拟合,线性拟合得到的标度因子和非线性拟合得到的幂函数指数存在差异。③ 城市指标与人口规模间的标度因子受宏观经济结构、公共政策等其他外部条件影响[36,37]。值得强调的是,虽然城市标度律在某个具体方面存在质疑,但其已经成为新城市科学的重要定量规律之一。

3 城市标度律与异速增长律

3.1 城市标度律

前已述及,城市标度律反映的是同一时点城市系统内城市指标与人口规模的定量缩放关系,其函数形式是幂函数[6, 25]

式中:Y为城市指标(如建成区面积、GDP等);N为城市人口规模;Y0β为参数,其中β为标度因子。对(1)式两边同时取对数,可以得到[6, 25]

式(2)为线性函数。因此可以对城市指标和人口规模取对数后采用线性函数拟合,拟合直线的斜率为标度因子β。双对数坐标下的线性拟合方法简单易操作,因而是城市标度律研究最常用的拟合方法[6, 25]


2017年中国291个地级市GDP和建成区面积与常住人口规模的标度关系如图1所示。尽管各城市的地理文化、历史沿革、人口规模具有明显差异,但各城市GDP和建成区面积与城市人口规模在双对数坐标下高度线性相关(R2 > 0.84),具有显著的标度关系,体现了复杂城市系统背后的简单规律。城市标度律的标度因子区分了不同城市指标与人口规模的标度范式(Scaling Regime)。GDP关于常住人口的标度因子为1.17,说明从小城市到大城市,GDP增加速度快于人口增加速度,体现了规模报酬递增的效应;而建成区面积关于常住人口的标度因子为0.87,说明在城市系统中,从小城市到大城市,城市土地增加慢于人口增加,体现了规模经济效应(图1)。



Fig. 1Scaling laws between GDP (built-up area) and urban population of 291 Chinese prefecture-level cities in 2017

3.2 异速增长律

在城市研究领域,与城市标度律非常相近的另一个规律是异速增长律(Allometric Growth),函数形式也为幂函数[39]。异速增长最初是生物学领域指生物器官和个体随时间的不同步增长,例如在螃蟹的成长过程中,螯(钳子)的长度与其甲壳的长度呈幂函数关系[40];人类大脑相对于躯干的发育速度也是非线性关系[39]。城市地理学家在20世纪70年代或更早引入异速增长律研究了城市系统内建设用地面积和人口的相对增长关系[41]。虽然研究的是城市系统的标度律,但由于早期城市标度律的概念还未普及,研究者采用了异速增长的概念[41,42]。国内研究在探索城市系统标度律时也多采用了异速增长的概念[17-18, 39]


以成都市为例,2000—2017年该市建成区面积关于常住人口规模的拟合结果如图2所示。结果显示成都市建成区面积关于人口规模的异速增长指数为1.13,大于1,说明当城市人口增加一倍时,建成区面积需要超过一倍的增量,而不是只需要增加85%。这与城市标度律的理论预期相悖,按照城市标度律的理论,建成区面积作为与基础设施相关的城市指标具有规模经济效应,其关于人口规模的标度因子应该小于1(图1b)。建成区面积关于人口规模的次线性标度关系是已有研究广泛证实的规律[5, 19, 42]。另一方面,在单个城市的时序发展中,已有研究普遍观察到土地扩张快于人口增长,也即土地城镇化快于人口城镇化[48,49,50]。因此,时序上多数城市的建成区面积与城市人口呈现超线性标度关系(标度因子大于1)[51,52]。建成区面积和城市人口在截面上和时序上相对增长关系的差异有力地说明了城市标度律和异速增长律的差异[44-45, 53-54],不能套用反映城市系统的城市标度律预测单个城市的未来发展[46]



Fig. 2Allometric growth of built-up area and population in Chengdu from 2000 to 2017

4 规模修正指标及应用

4.1 规模修正指标



4.2 基于规模修正指标的中国城市排名




Fig. 3Ranks of per capita indicators and scale-adjusted metropolitan indicators (SAMI) of GDP and built-up area of 291 Chinese prefecture-level cities in 2017




Fig. 4Scatter plots of ranks of per capita indicators and scale-adjusted metropolitan indicators (SAMI) of GDP and built-up area of 291 Chinese prefecture-level cities in 2017




Fig. 5Spatial distributions of scale-adjusted metropolitan indicators (SAMI) of GDP and built-up area of 291 Chinese prefecture-level cities in 2017

5 结论与讨论




城市标度律是一个新兴的研究领域,随着复杂性科学、网络科学等交叉学科的发展以及城市大数据的不断涌现,以下研究方向未来值得关注:① 城市标度律的机制解释。城市标度律形成机制是本领域的关键科学问题,目前尚没有形成像生命系统标度律一样的完美解释,这或许正是城市研究者的机会。② 城市系统动态演化模型。城市标度律和异速增长律有着明显区别,但也存在联系[44,45,46]。需要发展城市系统动态演化模型,研究城市标度律和单个城市时序发展的内在联系。③ 城市内部标度律。城市本身也是一个复杂系统,城市内部可划分为多个单元,未来可以探索城市内部单元之间是否也存在标度律[47, 55]。近年来涌现的多源时空大数据为城市内部标度律研究提供了可能[56]

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Scaling has been proposed as a powerful tool to analyze the properties of complex systems and in particular for cities where it describes how various properties change with population. The empirical study of scaling on a wide range of urban datasets displays apparent nonlinear behaviors whose statistical validity and meaning were recently the focus of many debates. We discuss here another aspect, which is the implication of such scaling forms on individual cities and how they can be used for predicting the behavior of a city when its population changes. We illustrate this discussion in the case of delay due to traffic congestion with a dataset of 101 US cities in the years 1982-2014. We show that the scaling form obtained by agglomerating all of the available data for different cities and for different years does display a nonlinear behavior, but which appears to be unrelated to the dynamics of individual cities when their population grows. In other words, the congestion-induced delay in a given city does not depend on its population only, but also on its previous history. This strong path dependency prohibits the existence of a simple scaling form valid for all cities and shows that we cannot always agglomerate the data for many different systems. More generally, these results also challenge the use of transversal data for understanding longitudinal series for cities.

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Understanding quantitative relationships between urban elements is crucial for a wide range of applications. The observation at the macroscopic level demonstrates that the aggregated urban quantities (e.g., gross domestic product) scale systematically with population sizes across cities, also known as urban scaling laws. However, at the mesoscopic level, we lack an understanding of whether the simple scaling relationship holds within cities, which is a fundamental question regarding the spatial origin of scaling in urban systems. Here, by analyzing four extensive datasets covering millions of mobile phone users and urban facilities, we investigate the scaling phenomena within cities. We find that the mesoscopic infrastructure volume and socioeconomic activity scale sub- and super-linearly with the active population, respectively. For a same scaling phenomenon, however, the exponents vary in cities of similar population sizes. To explain these empirical observations, we propose a conceptual framework by considering the heterogeneous distributions of population and facilities, and the spatial interactions between them. Analytical and numerical results suggest that, despite the large number of complexities that influence urban activities, the simple interaction rules can effectively explain the observed regularity and heterogeneity in scaling behaviors within cities.

Jiao Limin, Li Zehui, Xu Gang, et al. The characteristics and patterns of spatially aggregated elements in urban areas of Wuhan
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