

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

刘涛,1,2, 卓云霞1,2, 王洁晶,31.北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
2.北京大学未来城市研究中心,北京 100871
3.中国人民大学公共管理学院,北京 100872

How multi-proximity affects destination choice in onward migration: A nested logit model

LIU Tao,1,2, ZHUO Yunxia1,2, WANG Jiejing,31. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2. Center for Urban Future Research, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
3. School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China

通讯作者: 王洁晶(1982-), 男, 云南蒙自人, 博士, 副教授, 主要从事城镇化、城镇体系、城市治理研究。E-mail: wangjiejing@ruc.edu.cn


Fund supported: Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China.41801146
Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China.41701182
Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China.41701462
Humanity and Social Science Youth Foundation of Ministry of Education of China.18YJC840022
Key Program of Academy of Macroeconomic Research.A2019051005
UKRI's Global Challenge Research Fund.ES/P011055/1

作者简介 About authors
刘涛(1987-), 男, 安徽宿州人, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事城镇化、人口迁移、村镇发展研究。E-mail: liutao@pku.edu.cn

关键词: 人口再流动;目的地选择;多维邻近性;嵌套Logit模型;中国

China's migrant population continued to grow for decades, but has slowly declined since 2015. In such a context, the destination choice of stock migrants has a profound influence on the future pattern of population distribution and urbanisation. Previous analysis and modelling of internal migration in China have mainly focused on the primary migration or the most recent one, while it has long been recognized that migration is a repetitive event. Migrants have various motives and strategies in different stages, and the experience gained from the primary migration will affect the subsequent one. So, the primary and onward migrations differ in their spatial patterns. This paper focused on China's onward migrants who have moved once. Considering both the origins and primary destinations, we constructed a framework of how multi-proximity, which includes cognitive proximity, geographic proximity, institutional proximity, informational proximity and social proximity, which generates an influence on destination choice by affecting the migration cost. Based on data from the 2017 China Migrants Dynamic Survey, and by the use of the nested logit model, we make an empirical test. The results show that migrants have a dual identity of the origin and the primary destination, and their onward migration is based simultaneously on these two places. After controlling the effects of cities' characteristics, dual multi-proximity has a significant and robust impact on migrants' decision-making. Onward migrants prefer destinations which match them well in education background, and are geographically adjacent to, and closely connected with their origins and previous destinations. The migration network between a destination and its origins increases the likelihood that onward migrants will migrate to such a destination. Besides, migrants are willing to return to the province of their origins subjectively, but cities in such provinces are generally lack of attractiveness due to low level of socio-economic development. However, the effect of proximities varies from different groups. This is reflected in the following facts. First, women are more dependent on their hometown networks than men. Second, the new generation of migrants is similar to the older one in many ways, but relies more on the information and social connections of their hometowns than the latter. Finally, highly educated migrants are able to take advantage of localized social capital owing to their deep social integration in the primary destinations and are less dependent on the social capital in their origins. So, their destination choice is more similar to local residents than their counterparts.
Keywords:onward migration;destination choice;proximity;nested logit model;China

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刘涛, 卓云霞, 王洁晶. 邻近性对人口再流动目的地选择的影响. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(12): 2716-2729 doi:10.11821/dlxb202012012
LIU Tao, ZHUO Yunxia, WANG Jiejing. How multi-proximity affects destination choice in onward migration: A nested logit model. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(12): 2716-2729 doi:10.11821/dlxb202012012

1 引言




距离是人口迁移理论的重点关注,尤其是地理学视角下迁移空间选择的核心因素[19,20]。距离带来的成本和不确定性导致邻近性成为人们选择迁移目的地时考虑的重要因素。迁移费用、原社会资本的丧失、寻找新工作的风险等各类成本常随着流动距离的增加而上升。本文尝试从两方面深化认识距离和邻近性因素对人口迁移空间选择的影响:其一,现有研究主要考察地理距离的影响[4, 21],但认知、制度、信息和社会等多方面的距离及相应多维度邻近性也可能影响人口的空间选择。其二,已处于流动状态的人口在户籍地和当前流入地都积累了一些难以转移的资本如固定资产、亲属朋友等,其再流动决策会受到潜在目的地与户籍地和当前流入地双重邻近性的影响。


2 理论框架










此外,双重多维邻近性的影响具有群体差异,结合上述分析和已有研究,预期女性受社会邻近性的影响强于男性;新生代流动人口受制度邻近性的影响弱于老一代人口;高学历流动人口受地理和社会邻近性的限制弱于较低学历人口[31, 41-42]

3 方法和数据

3.1 研究方法

人口流动的目的地决策是一种典型的离散选择行为。流动或再流动均面临多个潜在目的地,决策者在其中选择能使其效用最大化的地区。效用一方面依赖于各目的地的特征,如多维邻近性将通过影响人口流入某地的成本而影响效用;另一方面也与流动人口的偏好有关,如不同性别、代际、学历的流动人口具有不同的目的地偏好。条件Logit回归模型是探讨此类问题的常用方法,也有****借此检验了城市特征对个体劳动力目的地选择的影响,并通过引入城市特征与个体属性的交互项探究了不同群体的偏好差异[7]。但该模型需满足无关选项独立性假设(IIA假设),即任何两个选项被选择的概率之比与其他选项无关。而人口流动中各潜在目的地在社会经济条件、生活环境等方面可能存在一些未被观察到的相似性,不一定相互独立。因此本文进一步选用其更具一般化的拓展形式即嵌套Logit回归模型,先将潜在目的地进行分类,从而个体m选择某一目的地j的概率Pmj可以拆分为选择某一类目的地a的概率Pma与该类别下选择某一个目的地j的条件概率 Pmj|a,即:

目前对目的地尚无比较公认的分类方法,本文根据行政等级将所有目的地划分为两类:① 直辖市、省会城市和计划单列市;② 其他地级市(①本文尝试根据2010年市人口规模等级、2010年流动人口数量聚类以及东、中、西部和东北地区进行分类,但均不满足嵌套Logit模型的效用最大化假设。)。在中国的行政体系下,高级别城市具有更好的就业环境和基础设施,但也存在更高的生活成本和制度约束[43],因此对流动人口而言,同一级别的城市有一定的相似性。进而可以将劳动力目的地选择划分为两阶段:① 选择城市级别;② 选择该级别中的城市。

3.2 变量选择

本文的因变量为个体m再流动时是否选择潜在目的地j,是一个二元变量。自变量为双重多维邻近性,具体包括:① 认知邻近性。学历反映了流动人口的知识水平,是影响其所处劳动力市场等级的重要因素[44],本文以潜在目的地中与该个体相同学历人口占比衡量认知邻近性,并以全国该学历人口占比作分母进行标准化。② 地理邻近性。铁路是中国长途客运的主要方式,尤其是对于流动人口而言[45],因此本文以最短铁路距离作为地理邻近性的反向指标。③ 制度邻近性。行政边界仍是影响中国制度距离的主要因素,因此以是否属于相同省份来衡量地区间的制度相似性[37, 46]。④ 信息邻近性。随着通讯技术的发展,互联网信息联系成为了研究城市间信息连通性和信息距离的新趋势,本文以一个城市对另一个城市名称的百度综合搜索指数反映城市间信息邻近性[47]。⑤ 社会邻近性。先前迁移者形成的移民网络为后续迁移者提供了路径与支持,现有研究多以两地间既有的迁移者数量衡量迁移网络[48],本文进一步以流出地人口流出总量作分母进行标准化。

模型控制了影响潜在目的地人口吸引力的城市属性,主要包括两个方面:① 劳动力市场,包括就业机会和收入水平。流动人口更换城市主要是为了获得更好的就业机会和更高的收入[40],城市就业规模不仅反映了可提供的岗位数量,还通过“厚市场”效应影响失业风险[49,50],因此本文选取城市就业规模表征就业机会,收入水平则以城镇在岗职工平均工资来衡量[51]。② 地区舒适物,包括公共服务和环境质量。公共服务在人口再流动目的地选择中发挥着重要作用[14],而空气污染对流动人口的就业选址具有负向影响[52]。本文选取每万名小学生、每万名中学生拥有的教师、学校数,每万人拥有的医院和卫生院数、医院和卫生院床位数、医生数进行主成分分析,以其得分值表示城市公共服务水平[7, 53];选取各地PM2.5年平均浓度反映城市环境质量[52]。此外,流动人口数据来源于流入地的调查,各地抽样比例不尽相同,为减少偏差,对各地流动人口抽样比例也进行了控制。流动人口个体属性包含性别、代际和学历,将其与多维邻近性变量进行交互,考察邻近性影响的群体差异。

3.3 数据

人口再流动的个体数据来源于2017年全国流动人口卫生计生动态监测调查(CMDS 2017),其调查范围为31个省(区、市)和新疆生产建设兵团,不含港澳台地区;调查对象为跨区县1个月及以上,以工作、生活为目的的流动人口;调查标准时点为2017年5月1日零时,总样本量约为17万人。调查采用分层、三阶段与流动人口规模成比例的概率比例规模抽样(Probability-Proportional-to-Size Sampling, PPS),具有全国、省份和主要城市的代表性。本文研究的空间范围为地级及以上城市的市域,将流动人口的户籍地界定为户籍所在的地级及以上城市,将流动界定为跨地级市流动,将研究对象限定为首次流动后既不在流入地居留,也不回流到户籍地,而是选择再流动到其他地级及以上城市的劳动力。结合已有研究,根据以下标准对样本进行筛选:① 累计流动过2个城市;② 户籍地、首次流入地和现住地位于不同地级市;③ 本次流动发生在2016年及以后(②流动的时间不同则面临的外部环境存在差异,因此本文仅选取再流动发生在2016年及之后的样本。);④ 本次流动时年龄为15~64岁;⑤ 流动原因为务工经商;⑥ 目前有工作[7]

城市层面主要采用2015年的数据,滞后一年以提高外生性。其中城市各种学历人口占比来源于第六次全国人口普查;城市间最短铁路距离来源于国家基础地理信息中心 1∶100万全国基础地理数据库,以ArcGIS软件计算得出;城市间既有流动人口数量来源于2015年全国1%人口抽样调查的10%个体数据库;城市间日均综合搜索指数是从百度指数平台爬取的2015年数据;各城市的就业、工资、公共服务数据来源于《中国城市统计年鉴2016》;PM2.5数据为哥伦比亚大学社会经济数据和应用中心(SEDAC)提供的2015年数据[54,55]。由于部分地级市数据缺失,最终保留285个地级及以上城市(③缺失数据的地级市包括西藏自治区拉萨市、日喀则市、林芝市、山南市和昌都市,新疆维吾尔自治区吐鲁番市和哈密市,广东省汕头市,海南省三沙市和儋州市,辽宁省抚顺市和吉林省通化市。);个体样本为户籍地、首次流入地和现住地均位于这些城市且3个时点所在城市各不相同的3629个劳动力。每个劳动力再流动时面临除首次流入地和户籍地以外的283个潜在目的地,形成了3629×283 = 1027007个观测值。表1列出了各变量的说明及描述性统计。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Variables and statistical description
制度邻近性Province_F潜在目的地与首次流入地是否属于同一省份(否= 0,是= 1)10270070.040.20
Province_H潜在目的地与户籍地是否属于同一省份(否= 0,是= 1)10270070.040.20
性别Male女性= 0,男性= 136290.550.50
代际Gen老一代= 0,新生代= 136290.770.42
学历Higher高中及以下= 0,大专及以上= 136290.250.44


4 结果与分析

4.1 人口再流动的空间轨迹特征




Fig. 1Proportion of migrants in population (2010) and onward migrants in all migrants (2017) in China

计算3629个再流动样本流动的最短铁路距离,可以发现其首次流动的平均距离为898.74 km,再流动后,现住地距首次流入地平均826.63 km,同时到户籍地的距离缩短为816.42 km。这表明再流动的范围更小,具有靠近首次流入地和户籍地的双重特征。根据流动人口两次流动是否跨越省级行政区,可以将其流动轨迹划分为5种,如表2所示。最主要的流动轨迹为连续两次跨省流动,占全部样本的42.33%;首次流动跨省后,再流动仍在流入地所在省(区、市)(下文简称为流入省)内其他城市的占14.44%;而跨省流动后返回户籍所在省(区、市)(下文简称为户籍省)的回流者则占18.05%。首次流动未出省的再流动人口共占25.18%,其中四成以上再流动时选择出省,有13.94%依然在省内城市间再流动。这5种流动轨迹中,除省内到省际的情况外,现住地与首次流入地和户籍地距离均小于首次流动距离,再次印证了人口再流动的就近性。

Tab. 2
Tab. 2The trajectory and distance of primary and secondary migration in 2017


4.2 双重多维邻近性对人口再流动目的地选择的影响


Tab. 3
Tab. 3Results of nested logit regression model
注:*p < 0.1,**p < 0.05,***p < 0.01;为弱化异方差性的影响,对部分变量取自然对数,以“(ln)”标注,下文同。




再流动者倾向于选择到户籍地和首次流入地均较近的城市,且首次流入地的影响更强。根据模型3,到首次流入地、户籍地的铁路距离每增加1%,人口再流动时选择该目的地的平均概率分别降低0.36%和0.23%(④ 嵌套Logit模型的平均概率弹性为回归系数乘以 j-1j,j为备选项数量,本文中平均概率弹性为模型3的回归系数乘以0.996。)。将铁路距离替换为直线距离后结论稳健。这一方面再次证实了距离对人口迁移的阻碍作用,另一方面也表明人们选择再流动目的地时,虽以户籍地和首次流入地作为双重基点,但更多还是以后者为中心进行选择,而非普遍向户籍地靠近。




4.3 双重多维邻近性影响的群体差异


Tab. 4
Tab. 4Results of regression for different migrants
注:*p < 0.1,**p < 0.05,***p < 0.01;3个模型的个体属性不同,分别为表1中的性别、代际、学历。





5 结论与讨论


研究表明:① 人口再流动的空间决策存在户籍地和前期流入地两个基点,从两个基点衡量的再流动距离都比首次流动更短。② 控制潜在目的地综合吸引力之后,地理、制度、信息、社会、认知等要素的双重多维邻近性是影响再流动者空间选择的重要因素。人口再流动时,倾向于选择与自身知识水平更匹配的城市;地理距离和信息联系方面均受到户籍地和前期流入地的双重影响;老家的社会资本依然是流动人口更换城市的主要依托,流入地的社会网络缺乏支持性;流动人口具有回到户籍省的主观意愿,但经济社会发展的滞后导致户籍省的城市普遍缺乏吸引力,实际的回流仍主要集中在老家的地级市域范围内,而较少选择省会或省内其他城市。③ 邻近性的影响在不同群体间存在一些差异,女性对同乡网络这一初级社会资本的依赖高于男性;新生代流动人口更能跨越地理距离的限制,但仍在很多方面继承了老一代的特点,甚至比老一代更加依赖来自老家的信息和社会联系;与低学历群体相比,高学历流动人口在流入地的深度社会融入使其能够利用本地化社会资本,而较少依赖老家的初级社会资本,再流动的空间选择也因此与流入地城市居民更为类似。


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Lin Liyue, Zhu Yu. The choices of the destination's spatial types in the floating population's first-time migration and their determinants: Case studies of Fujian province
Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2014,34(5):539-546.

URL [本文引用: 1]
Based on the individual-level event-history data from a random sampling questionnaire survey of 2 977 migrants in Fujian Provinces in 2009, this article examines patterns of the floating population's spatial distribution, their choices of the spatial types of their destinations, and factors determining such choices, in their first-time migration, from a gender perspective, and using the multinomial logistic regression model. The results show that patterns of the floating population's spatial distribution and their choices of the spatial types of their destinations in their first-time migration exhibit strong tendency of spatial clustering, and are rather close to the average spatial patterns and choices of member of the floating population at different migration stages, which have been revealed by existing studies based on aggregate migration data. In fact, such patterns and choices establish the basis for the spatial distribution and destination choices of the floating population at their later migration stages. However, the results also demonstrate that not all members of the floating population will experience a one-step migration process, and that some of them will move to other destinations, or return to the places of origin, leading to the fact that the floating population's spatial distribution and choices of the spatial types of their destinations at later migration stages are often at variance with those in their first-time migration. The results further suggest that the floating population's choices of the spatial types of their destinations in their first-time migration are not only the combined effects of their human capital selection mechanism and their family decisions, but also affected by other factors, including the floating population's social networks, their community environment, and the general institutional context. It is particularly noteworthy that the characteristics of sending areas and families, and the status of the floating population's families in the communities, which are often neglected in the existing migration research, stand out in the floating population's choices of the spatial types of their destinations in their first-time migration. Compared to male members of the floating population, there is a stronger tendency for spatial clustering of female members of the floating population in their first-time migration, who are also more likely to reach the current destinations by a one-step process. While equally affected by human capital selection mechanism, social networks, and community environment, as with their male counterparts, the choices of the spatial types of destinations for female members of the floating population are more constrained by family- and institutional-related factors.
[ 林李月, 朱宇. 流动人口初次流动的空间类型选择及其影响因素: 基于福建省的调查研究
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Introduced in its contemporary form in 1946 (ref. 1), but with roots that go back to the eighteenth century, the gravity law is the prevailing framework with which to predict population movement, cargo shipping volume and inter-city phone calls, as well as bilateral trade flows between nations. Despite its widespread use, it relies on adjustable parameters that vary from region to region and suffers from known analytic inconsistencies. Here we introduce a stochastic process capturing local mobility decisions that helps us analytically derive commuting and mobility fluxes that require as input only information on the population distribution. The resulting radiation model predicts mobility patterns in good agreement with mobility and transport patterns observed in a wide range of phenomena, from long-term migration patterns to communication volume between different regions. Given its parameter-free nature, the model can be applied in areas where we lack previous mobility measurements, significantly improving the predictive accuracy of most of the phenomena affected by mobility and transport processes.

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During the past three decades, an estimated 200 million rural residents have moved to urban centers in China. They are

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In this paper we examine the circumstances and determinants of female migration between Mexico and the United States. Using data from the Mexican Migration Project, we considered the relative timing of males' and females' moves northward. We then estimated logit and probit models to study the determinants of male and female out-migration; among women we also estimated a multinomial logit model to uncover differences in the process of migration for work versus not for work. We found that women almost always followed other family members, either the husband or a parent; only a tiny minority initiated migration independently. Although males also are quite likely to be introduced to migration by a parent, nearly half of all male migrants left for the United States before or without a wife or a parent. Estimates of the determinants of migration suggested that males move for employment, whereas wives generally are motivated by family reasons. Daughters, however, display a greater propensity to move for work, and the determinants of their work-related moves closely resemble those of sons and fathers.

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We estimated global fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations using information from satellite-, simulation- and monitor-based sources by applying a Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) to global geophysically based satellite-derived PM2.5 estimates. Aerosol optical depth from multiple satellite products (MISR, MODIS Dark Target, MODIS and SeaWiFS Deep Blue, and MODIS MAIAC) was combined with simulation (GEOS-Chem) based upon their relative uncertainties as determined using ground-based sun photometer (AERONET) observations for 1998-2014. The GWR predictors included simulated aerosol composition and land use information. The resultant PM2.5 estimates were highly consistent (R(2) = 0.81) with out-of-sample cross-validated PM2.5 concentrations from monitors. The global population-weighted annual average PM2.5 concentrations were 3-fold higher than the 10 mug/m(3) WHO guideline, driven by exposures in Asian and African regions. Estimates in regions with high contributions from mineral dust were associated with higher uncertainty, resulting from both sparse ground-based monitoring, and challenging conditions for retrieval and simulation. This approach demonstrates that the addition of even sparse ground-based measurements to more globally continuous PM2.5 data sources can yield valuable improvements to PM2.5 characterization on a global scale.

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