Monthly calibration and optimization of ?ngstr?m-Prescott equation coefficients for agricultural comprehensive area in China
XIA Xingsheng,1,2, PAN Yaozhong1,2, ZHU Xiufang,1,3, ZHANG Jinshui1,31. State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 2. Academy of Plateau Science and Sustainability, Qinghai Normal University, Xining 810008, China 3. Institute of Remote Sensing Science and Engineering, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
National High Resolution Earth Observation System Technology Projects of China Local Scientific & Technological Development Projects of Qinghai Guided by Central Government of China Disaster Research Foundation of PICC P&C.2017D24-03
作者简介 About authors 夏兴生(1989-), 男, 甘肃庆阳人, 博士, 讲师, 主要从事作物需水量遥感估算研究。E-mail:
Abstract ?ngstr?m-Prescott equation is the recommended algorithm for calculating the radiation coefficients for the Penman-Monteith formula, which is the standard method for reference crop evapotranspiration recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations. The calibration and optimization of as and bs coefficients in the equation is the key to accurately calculate the surface solar radiation. This study aims at obtaining the ?ngstr?m-Prescott equation coefficients as and bs, which are optimized for China's comprehensive agricultural areas. The monthly average solar radiation (Rs) (from Dataset of Monthly Values of Radiation Data from Chinese Surface Stations) and srelative sunshine duration data (from Dataset of Monthly Values of Climate Data from Chinese Surface Stations) at 121 stations during 1957-2016 were collected. Using the data from 1957 to 2010, we calculated the monthly as and bs coefficients for each area through the least squares regression. Then, taking the observation values of Rs from 2011 to 2016 as the true values, we estimated and compared the relative accuracy of Rs calculated by regression values of coefficients as and bs and that calculated by FAO suggested coefficients as and bs. The results showed that the monthly average coefficients as and bs of each area are significantly different from the FAO recommended coefficients both temporally and spatially. There are some differences between regions and within regions, and the relative value of as and bs shows the opposite state. The relative error range (0-54%) of solar radiation calculated by the regression as and bs coefficients is small, while the relative error range (0-77%) of solar radiation calculated by the FAO recommended value is large. So, overall, the relative accuracy of Rs calculated by regression values of as and bs coefficients is better than that calculated by the FAO suggested coefficients. The relative error was reduced by 1% to 6%, and the relative error decreases more in winter and spring than in summer and autumn. However, regression values of as and bs coefficients perform worse in some months and some agricultural areas for verification in application. It is said that the regression values of as and bs are not entirely reliable. For each month and each agricultural area, the best scheme is to combine the regression values of as and bs coefficients with the FAO recommended values. Therefore, we chose the as and bs coefficients with the minimum Rs estimation error as the final coefficients and made a coefficient recommendation table for 38 agricultural production and management areas in the Chinese mainland. This study further illustrates the necessity of localization modification of ?ngstr?m-Prescott equation coefficients in application, and enriches the case study of coefficient calibration of ?ngstr?m-Prescott equation in China, which is helpful for improving the accuracy of calculation of surface solar radiation and reference crop evapotranspiration based on existing data. Keywords:solar radiation;coefficient calibration;?ngstr?m-Prescott equation;China
PDF (3350KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 夏兴生, 潘耀忠, 朱秀芳, 张锦水. 中国综合农业分区下的?ngstr?m-Prescott公式系数逐月校正与优选. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(4): 888-902 doi:10.11821/dlxb202104008 XIA Xingsheng, PAN Yaozhong, ZHU Xiufang, ZHANG Jinshui. Monthly calibration and optimization of ?ngstr?m-Prescott equation coefficients for agricultural comprehensive area in China. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2021, 76(4): 888-902 doi:10.11821/dlxb202104008
注:基于自然资源部标准地图服务网站审图号为GS(2016)2923号的标准地图制作,底图无修改。A东北区:A1兴安岭区,A2松嫩三江平原区,A3长白山山地区,A4辽宁平原区;B内蒙古及长城沿线区:B1内蒙古北部区,B2内蒙古中南部,B3长城沿线区;C黄淮海区:C1燕山太行山山麓平原区,C2冀鲁豫低洼平原区,C3黄淮平原区,C4山东丘陵区;D黄土高原区:D1晋东豫西丘陵区,D2汾渭谷地区,D3晋陕甘黄土丘陵区,D4陇中青东丘陵区;E长江中下游区:E1长江下游平原区,E2豫鄂皖低山区,E3长江中游平原区,E4江南丘陵区,E5浙闽丘陵区,E6南岭丘陵区;F西南区:F1秦岭大巴山区,F2四川盆地,F3川鄂湘黔边境区,F4黔桂高原山地区,F5川滇高原山地区;G华南区:G1闽南粤中区,G2粤西桂南区,G3滇南区,G4琼雷及南海诸岛区,G5台湾;H甘新区:H1蒙宁甘区,H2北疆区,H3南疆区;I青藏区:I1藏南区,I2川藏区,I3青甘区,I4青藏高寒区。 Fig. 1Location of agricultural comprehensive areas and data stations in China
Tab. 1 表1 表1中国不同农业区逐月的?ngstr?m-Prescott公式系数优选值 Tab. 1Monthly optimum value for coefficients of ?ngstr?m-Prescott equation formula for each agricultural area in China
Fig. 7Comparison of the monthly mean values of RMSE, MRE and NSE between the fixed as and bs coefficients regressed within a yearly scale and of the monthly regressing as and bs coefficients from 2011 to 2016
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