

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

宓泽锋,1, 曾刚,21.浙江工业大学经济学院,杭州 310000
2.华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心,上海 200062

The impact of local knowledge base on knowledge flow of emerging industry: A case of China's fuel cell industry

MI Zefeng,1, ZENG Gang,21. School of Economics, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310000, China
2. The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China

通讯作者: 曾刚(1961-), 男, 湖北武汉人, 博士, 教授, 主要从事创新网络与产业集群、生态文明与区域发展模式研究。E-mail: gzeng@re.ecnu.edu.cn


Fund supported: National Nastrual Science Foundation of China.42001118
National Nastrual Science Foundation of China.41701140
National Nastrual Science Foundation of China.41901157
National Nastrual Science Foundation of China.71774145

作者简介 About authors
宓泽锋(1991-), 男, 浙江余姚人, 博士, 讲师, 研究方向为创新与区域发展。E-mail: mizefeng1991@163.com

经济地理****对于新兴产业的产生区位长期存在争论,在中美贸易战背景下,探究其区位规律既是重要的学科问题,又对国家培育新兴产业具有重要指导意义。通过梳理“区域产业分叉”和“区位机会窗口”的观点,辨析出知识流动是影响新兴产业区位的关键点;以燃料电池产业为例,结合“相关多样化”假说的观点,采用面板空间自回归模型对知识基础的具体影响进行测度,结论如下:① 北京、上海、大连是燃料电池技术创新的三大知识流动中心,各地区“增长极”城市间的强联系是当前知识流动的空间格局的基础,而地理邻近的作用并不显著;② 相关技术知识基础对知识吸收能力具有稳定且显著的积极作用,且除用工成本外的多数控制变量显著为正;而非相关技术知识基础在早期呈现显著负相关。正是由于早期不同知识基础与控制变量的不同作用,导致了既集中于发达城市、又具有一定自由度的空间格局。研究结果表明知识经济时代下,知识基础对创新的锚定效应明显,区域产业分叉出现的概率加大,区位机会窗口较难打开。③ 非相关多样化的作用会随着新兴产业技术的持续发展而产生变化,由早期的消极影响逐渐转变为积极影响,应从演化视角重新审视非相关多样化的作用。
关键词: 知识基础;知识流动;新兴产业;相关多样化;非相关多样化;燃料电池产业

Economic geographers have long argued about the location of emerging industry. Under the background of Sino-US trade war, exploring the location laws of emerging industries is not only a critical theoretical issue, but also has an important guiding significance for the country to cultivate emerging industry. Starting from the debate between "Regional Branching" and "Windows of Locational Opportunity", this paper identifies that knowledge flow is the key to affecting the location of emerging industry. According to the discussion of the relationship between variety and technological innovation in the related variety hypothesis, we use patent citation data to define related and unrelated variety. Then we use panel spatial autoregressive model to measure the specific impact of each factor in this paper. Finally, we can draw the following conclusions: (1) Beijing, Shanghai and Dalian are the three major knowledge flow centers of China's fuel cell industry. The strong connection between these "growth pole" cities is the basis of the current spatial pattern of knowledge flow, while the role of geographical proximity is not significant. (2) The related technology knowledge base has a stable and significant positive effect on knowledge absorption capacity, and most of the control variables are significantly positive except labor cost. The unrelated technology knowledge base has a significant negative impact in the early stage (the regression coefficient in the first stage was -0.038). Because of the different roles of different knowledge bases and control variables in the early stage (more positive effects and less negative effects), the overall spatial pattern is not only concentrated in the developed cities, but also has some freedom. The research results show that the anchoring effect of knowledge base on innovation is obvious, so "Regional Branching" is more likely to appear in the era of knowledge economy. (3) The impact of unrelated variety has gradually changed from negative in the early stage (-0.038) to positive in the final stage (0.079), which shows that the role of unrelated variety may change with the technological development of emerging industry. We should re-examine the role of unrelated variety from an evolutionary perspective.
Keywords:knowledge base;knowledge flow;emerging industry;related variety;unrelated variety;fuel cell industry

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宓泽锋, 曾刚. 本地知识基础对新兴产业知识流动的影响——以中国燃料电池产业为例. 地理学报[J], 2021, 76(4): 1006-1018 doi:10.11821/dlxb202104015
MI Zefeng, ZENG Gang. The impact of local knowledge base on knowledge flow of emerging industry: A case of China's fuel cell industry. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2021, 76(4): 1006-1018 doi:10.11821/dlxb202104015

1 引言


产业创新的区位选择一直都是经济地理学界关注的重点领域[4],而演化经济地理学又注重分析区域发展过程中内生因素的作用[5,6]。在知识经济时代,技术的迭代速度明显加快,新兴产业技术创新直接关乎国家战略,从而新兴产业技术创新的区位选择与本地知识基础的关系成为演化经济地理****研究的热点之一。“区位机会窗口”(Windows of Locational Opportunity)与“区域产业分叉”(Regional Branching)理论则对新兴产业的区位选择问题提出了不同的观点[7,8]。基于理论推演以及上世纪部分落后地区依靠新兴产业实现崛起的现象,区位机会窗口理论被提出,其主要观点认为新兴产业在技术上具有不连续性、对新的生产环境的要求具有不匹配性以及受偶然事件的影响明显,新兴产业的区位在空间上是自由的[9,10];而基于大量的新产业从现有产业中衍生而出的现象,区域产业分叉理论则认为地方基础以及空间邻近会对新兴产业的形成具有显著的影响[11,12]。从支撑新兴产业的核心—技术领域来看,两个理论也存在着争论。一方面,激进式创新是推动新兴产业发展的主要形式[13],而激进式创新的产生依赖于异质性信息[14],在创新轨迹上具有不连续性,因而本地所具有的有用信息相对不足,远距离的知识搜索能力变得更加重要[15],这成为新兴技术的产生在空间上相对自由的重要依据,也是支持区位机会窗口理论的重要论据。另一方面,地理邻近被认为是影响知识流动的重要影响因素,知识溢出倾向于以邻近地区为溢出地[16];此外,某一领域的知识也更加容易溢出到邻近领域的第三方当中[17],说明新兴技术的知识流动是有明显倾向性的,导致新兴技术产生的锚定现象显著,成为区域产业分叉的重要论据。



2 相关与非相关多样化的文献回顾及界定

2.1 文献回顾



2.2 具体界定



2.3 划分结果


Tab. 1
Tab. 1Main IPC categories and proportions of the patents cited by fuel cell invention patents


3 模型构建及数据介绍

3.1 模型与变量选取


式中:μi表示个体效应;γt表示时间效应; ηYi,t-1表示被解释变量的一阶滞后项的影响; ρwi'Yt表示被解释变量的空间滞后项; Xit'β表示解释变量的影响;εit表示扰动项的影响。本文用城市间的空间直线距离来构建291×291的空间矩阵W,且对矩阵采取行标准化处理,公式为:

式中:n是矩阵行列数,即地级及以上城市个数291; w?ij指矩阵W中第i个城市与第j个城市间的空间距离; w?ik指矩阵W中第i个城市与第k个城市间的空间距离。





Tab. 2
Tab. 2Results of index selection


3.2 数量来源及处理步骤

技术创新是燃料电池产业的核心创新形式,因而发明专利能够很好的代表燃料电池产业的创新水平。数据来源及处理步骤主要为:① 在上海市知识产权(专利)公共服务平台下载中国燃料电池产业的1985—2016年的所有发明专利,进入路径为“公共专题数据库”—“新能源与环保产业”—“燃料电池”;② 对发明专利的申请单位逐一进行二次查找,并归类至城市,由于中国地级市以外的数据难以获得,因此仅分析中国除香港、澳门、台湾之外的291个地级及以上城市的情况,共计得到申请单位属于中国291个地级及以上城市的发明专利9065项;③ 从国家知识产权局专利信息服务平台下载燃料电池发明专利的引证专利文献,共计42573项,进而通过统计得出占比在1%以上的IPC类别15个,作为燃料电池的相关IPC类别;同时下载专利被引文献18736项,以刻画知识流动格局。④ 进一步在国家知识产权局专利信息服务平台查找291个地级及以上城市历年的这15个IPC类别发明专利总数以及城市总发明专利数,每个IPC类别需搜索9312次,共计搜索148992次;由城市的上述15个相关IPC类别的发明专利数减去属于燃料燃料电池的发明专利数得到相关IPC类别发明专利数,由总发明专利减去15个相关IPC类别的发明专利数得到非相关IPC类别的发明专利数,从而得到本文所需的相关技术知识基础和非相关技术知识基础数据。公式分别为:



⑤ 在中国知网(CNKI)上搜索以“燃料电池”为主题的学术论文,时段为1985—2016年,导出文献并查找第一单位地址,将之归类至291个地级市,共计得到5924篇。⑥ 在1986—2017年的《中国区域经济统计年鉴》和《中国城市统计年鉴》中查找并得到所有控制变量的数据。


4 知识流动的空间格局及回归结果

4.1 空间格局演变

基于中国燃料电池发明专利的引证和被引数据绘制知识流动核密度图(剔除引证和被引数据中重复的部分)(图1)。① 2000—2005年全国出现了北京、上海两大核密度中心,此外大连、武汉、广州、长春等城市是重要的副中心城市。东北地区在燃料电池知识流动中表现相对突出,其主要原因是前期东北地区受到国家相关项目及中科院大连物化所等科研院所的推动,特别是大连的发展极为突出。大连不仅申请的燃料电池发明专利数稳居全国前三,还在2001年就诞生了新源动力股份有限公司等在燃料电池技术创新领域位于全国前列的公司。② 2006—2010年知识流动整体格局呈强化趋势,北京、上海、大连3个知识流动中心进一步突显,武汉、广州的地区中心地位稳固,西部地区知识流动覆盖范围加大。③ 2011—2016年北京、上海、大连的中心地位稳固,长三角地区在知识流动中的地位整体提升,武汉、广州仍旧保持副中心地位,西部重庆、成都、西安的区域中心地位开始显现。



Fig.1Nuclear density map of knowledge flow in fuel cell in China during 2000-2016


4.2 面板空间自相关分析结果


式中: x即为取对数处理的具体指标数值。


Tab. 3
Tab. 3Results of Fisher panel unit root test
lnEDU 0.00000.00000.00000.0000


Tab. 4
Tab. 4Results of panel spatial autocorrelation regression
lnScience 0.800***0.205***0.252***0.865***
注:***表示p < 0.001,**表示p < 0.005,*表示p < 0.01。



根据上述结果,针对不同时期“非相关技术知识基础”回归系数剧烈变化的情况,本文进一步展开探究。① 首先在早期,地区原有的知识基础会对新兴的技术出现产生一定的挤出效应。产业、技术发展均存在一定的路径依赖,在2000—2016年间,全国291个地级以上城市历年的15个相关IPC技术类别中,最多的IPC技术类别专利数与最少的IPC技术类别专利数的相关系数为-0.188,在1%水平上呈现显著的负相关性,虽然相关系数绝对值较小,但支持了城市主要技术类别可能会对新兴技术产生一定的挤出效应,存在消极影响。② 基于演化视角对燃料电池技术引证关系的扩张情况进行分析,发现随着时间的推移,燃料电池技术创新从非相关知识基础中获取知识的范围与频率均呈现上升趋势,表明非相关知识基础最终会为新兴技术的创新提供助力。2000年燃料电池发明专利引证非相关知识基础中的IPC类别为7个,引证次数仅为18次;而至2016年,引证至非相关知识基础中的IPC类别数高达262个,引证次数激增至1725次。可见燃料电池技术创新以年均15.4个新增类别的速度与非相关知识基础发生联系,城市知识基础对新兴产业技术创新的积极作用日益明显。


4.3 稳健性回归检验


Tab. 5
Tab. 5Results of robust regression test
lnScience 0.800***0.205*0.252***0.865***
注:***表示p < 0.001,**表示p < 0.005,*表示p < 0.01。


5 结论与讨论






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The literature on economic geography suffers from a lack of attention to the emergence of new industries. Recent literature on "regional branching" proposes that new industries emerge in regions where preexisting economic activities are technologically related to the emerging industry. This article provides a more grounded basis for the emerging literature on regional branching by confronting the regional branching thesis with the realities of an emerging industry, namely, the fuel cell industry. The analysis is based on patent data and qualitative interviews conducted in a selection of European NUTS2 (nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) regions. The findings can be summarized as follows. First, the analysis reveals that in the case of the emerging fuel cell industry, regional diversification is dominated by firm diversification, which complements previous studies' findings that entrepreneurial spin-offs dominate regional diversification. Second, the study corroborates the assumption that the process of regional branching relies on knowledge generated by nonindustrial actors such as universities and research institutes. Third, the findings suggest that care should be taken in ascribing the underlying logic of regional branching to the principle of technological relatedness alone. The article shows how some regional diversification processes occur in regions where preexisting economic activities are not technologically related to the emerging industry, for instance, when user industries apply new technologies to their product portfolio. The importance of further investigating and disentangling different dimensions of relatedness and their impact on regional branching is stressed.

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With the rapid development of knowledge economy, great changes have been taking place in urbanization pattern across the world in the current conjuncture. Considering the fact that traditional urbanization theory is hard to interpret these changes, innovation is the core concept to explain the phenomenon of the new urbanization dynamics. As one of important contents of urban geography, in the perspective of space of flows, urbanization dynamics needs to turn from research on the population flow between rural and urban research to studies on high skilled migrants flow among cities and regions. Against this background, we propose a conception of innovation-based urbanization, and use it to describe the effect of high skilled migrants and cultural diversity on urban innovation in China. Based on the sixth census data of 270 cities in China in 2010, our study calculates the index of cultural diversity of each city, and analyses the spatial structure of high skilled migrants and cultural diversity in China. Then this study measures the extent to which high skilled migrants and cultural diversity increase urban innovation, with a method of spatial regression analysis. Conceptual and empirical contributions are also compared to previous studies. The results are obtained as follows: (1) The migration of highly skilled to cities, which changes urban function and landscape and extends the knowledge activities and behaviors, is emphasized by innovation-based urbanization conception, which responds to the development of knowledge-based economy, providing a good explanation of new dynamics, new mechanism of urban development and new urban innovation landscape. (2) Innovation-based urbanization is the important driving force for Chinese urban development, especially for eastern coastal areas and provincial capital cities. (3) Highly skilled migrants and cultural diversity do have demonstrated positive effect on urban innovation output. A ten percent increase in the number of urban highly skilled migrants and the index of cultural diversity direct increase respectively urban patents by 3% and 2%. The conclusions could deepen the understanding of openness and dynamics of regional innovation system and help to improve decision-making ability on urbanization planning, promoting urban innovation and development.
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The basic theme underlying this paper is qualitative change taking place during economic development. These changes in the composition of the economic system should become one of the most important variables in models of economic growth and development. Our knowledge of the relationship between economic development and qualitative change, however, is still very limited. This paper attempts to shed light on some important aspects of the role played by qualitative change in economic development, by laying the foundations of a model in which changes in the composition of the economic system are endogenously generated by the evolution of the system itself and, in turn, affect its future development. The model has a strong Schumpeterian flavour in that the first entrepreneur entering a market enjoys a temporary monopoly. This temporary monopoly is eroded by the entry of imitators, that gradually increases the intensity of competition. The saturation is reinforced as the demand for what was a new product comes to be satisfied. In this way the adjustment gap initially created by the innovation is eliminated transforming a niche into a mature market, which becomes one of the routines of the economic system. As soon as a sector becomes saturated there is an increasing inducement for incumbent firms to exit and to create a new niche, where once more they will have a temporary monopoly. To put it in another, slightly different, form, we can say that economic development is a process in which new activities emerge, old ones disappear, the weight of all economic activities and their patterns of interaction change.]]>

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