

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

孙晶,1, 刘建国2, 杨新军3, 赵福强4, 覃驭楚5, 姚莹莹6, 王放7, 伦飞8, 王洁晶9, 秦波9, 刘涛10, 张丛林11, 黄宝荣11, 程叶青12, 石金莲13, 张劲松14, 唐华俊1, 杨鹏1, 吴文斌,11. 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
2. 密歇根州立大学系统整合与可持续发展中心,美国 东兰辛 48823
3. 西北大学城市与环境学院经济地理与规划系,西安 710127
4. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,沈阳 110016
5. 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院 遥感科学国家重点实验室,北京 100094
6. 西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院地球环境科学系,西安 710054
7. 复旦大学生命科学学院,上海 200433
8. 中国农业大学土地科学与技术学院土地资源管理系,北京 100193
9. 中国人民大学公共管理学院城市规划与管理系,北京 100872
10. 北京大学城市与环境学院城市与区域规划系,北京 100871
11. 中国科学院科技战略咨询研究院,北京 100090
12. 海南师范大学地理与环境科学学院,海口 571158
13. 北京工商大学国际经管学院国际旅游管理系,北京 102488
14. 中国林业科学研究院林业研究所,北京 100091

Sustainability in the Anthropocene: Telecoupling framework and its applicationss

SUN Jing,1, LIU Jianguo2, YANG Xinjun3, ZHAO Fuqiang4, QIN Yuchu5, YAO Yingying6, WANG Fang7, LUN Fei8, WANG Jiejing9, QIN Bo9, LIU Tao10, ZHANG Conglin11, HUANG Baorong11, CHENG Yeqing12, SHI Jinlian13, ZHANG Jinsong14, TANG Huajun1, YANG Peng1, WU Wenbin,11. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
2. Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, Michigan State University, East Lansing 48823, USA
3. Department of Economic Geography and Planning, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi'an 710127, China
4. Institute of Applied Ecology, CAS, Shenyang 110016, China
5. State Key Lab of Remote Sensing Sciences, Aerospace Information Research Institute, CAS, Beijing 100094, China
6. Department of Environmental Science, School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710054, China
7. School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
8. Department of Land Resource Management, College of Land Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
9. Department of Uran Planning and Management, School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University, Beijing 100872, China
10. Department of Urban and Regional Planning, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
11. Institutes of Science and Development, CAS, Beijing 100090, China
12. College of Geography and Environmental Sciences, Hainan Normal University, Haikou 571158, China
13. Department of International Tourism Management, School of International Economics Management, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 102488, China
14. Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China

通讯作者: 吴文斌(1976-), 男, 湖北潜江人, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事耕地复种、智慧农业及农业可持续等方面的研究。E-mail: wuwenbin@caas.cn


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.41871356
US National Science Foundation.1924111

作者简介 About authors
孙晶(1982-), 男, 天津人, 博士, 研究员, 主要从事人地系统耦合、环境可持续等方面的研究。E-mail: sunjing@caas.cn

关键词: 远程耦合;人类与自然耦合系统;调水;粮食贸易;自然保护区;系统反馈

With increasing global integration, distant coupled human and natural systems have more interactions than ever before, which often lead to unexpected outcomes with profound implications for sustainability. The integrated framework of telecoupling (socioeconomic and environmental interactions over distances) has been proposed to address such cross-border and cross-scale challenges, helping better evaluate and understand telecouplings. We first provide an introduction to the telecoupling framework, including components, definitions, and functions, and then offer an overview of the growing number of telecoupling studies. Particularly, we use three Chinese cases to illustrate the methods, results, significance, and implications of applying the telecoupling framework. We also point out some research gaps and critical unsolved questions in the applications. The telecoupling framework provides a powerful tool to incorporate feedbacks, trade-offs, and synergies across multiple coupled human and natural systems, and helps improve the understanding of distant interactions and the effectiveness of policies for socioeconomic and environmental sustainability across local to global levels.
Keywords:telecoupling;coupled human and natural systems;water transfer;food trade;natural conservation area;system feedbacks

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孙晶, 刘建国, 杨新军, 赵福强, 覃驭楚, 姚莹莹, 王放, 伦飞, 王洁晶, 秦波, 刘涛, 张丛林, 黄宝荣, 程叶青, 石金莲, 张劲松, 唐华俊, 杨鹏, 吴文斌. 人类世可持续发展背景下的远程耦合框架及其应用. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(11): 2408-2416 doi:10.11821/dlxb202011010
SUN Jing, LIU Jianguo, YANG Xinjun, ZHAO Fuqiang, QIN Yuchu, YAO Yingying, WANG Fang, LUN Fei, WANG Jiejing, QIN Bo, LIU Tao, ZHANG Conglin, HUANG Baorong, CHENG Yeqing, SHI Jinlian, ZHANG Jinsong, TANG Huajun, YANG Peng, WU Wenbin. Sustainability in the Anthropocene: Telecoupling framework and its applicationss. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(11): 2408-2416 doi:10.11821/dlxb202011010

1 引言





2 远程耦合总体框架及应用

2.1 远程耦合总体框架




Fig. 1Sketch of the telecoupling framework

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Components of the telecoupling framework
发送系统(Sending system)输出流的系统
接收系统(Receiving system)输入流的系统
外溢系统(Spillover system)影响并受影响于发送系统与接收系统相互作用的系统


远程耦合具备一般人类与自然耦合系统的复杂属性(例如:恢复力、时间滞后、非线性、异质性等)[10, 15],还有其自身鲜明的特点。首先,远程耦合不是多个人类与自然耦合系统的简单相加,该框架有机整合了发送系统、接收系统、外溢系统,实现了不同地点多个耦合系统、特定地点单个耦合系统不同尺度之间、不同地点多个耦合系统不同尺度之间的关联研究。其次,远程耦合框架强调反馈作用,包括耦合系统内的反馈:大尺度上的系统动态驱动小尺度上的系统变化,小尺度上的系统动态通过尺度推演反馈到大尺度的系统变化,反之亦然;耦合系统间的反馈:发送系统和接收系统之间的关联变化会改变外溢系统与发送系统和接收系统之间的关联,并影响外溢系统,同时外溢系统的变化通过反馈也会影响发送系统和接收系统。远程耦合明确内化了外部性的研究,当发送系统的动态导致接收系统显著变化时,将发送系统通过流对接收系统的影响作为主要驱动因子纳入到接收系统的研究中,反之亦然。

2.2 远程耦合框架的应用

远程耦合综合框架相关研究逐年递增。在“Web of Science”和中国知网(CNKI)搜索关键词“telecoupling”“telecoupled”和“远程耦合”,并去掉结果中(硕、博)学位论文、学术报告、会议论文集、专著,选取同行评议且使用远程耦合为主要研究框架的学术论文。自2013年远程耦合提出截至2020年10月1日,使用该框架的相关文章共计145篇,数量逐年递增(图2)。



Fig. 2Number of papers that used the telecoupling framework


3 远程耦合框架的规范化应用案例


Tab. 2
Tab. 2Applications of the telecoupling framework in China


3.1 揭示尚未涉及的重要研究领域:密云水库流域“稻改旱”工程



3.2 明晰隐藏问题:全球粮食贸易的环境效应评估



3.3 强调反馈作用:卧龙自然保护区退耕还林




4 远程耦合应用中需要重点关注的问题

首先,远程耦合框架及相关研究的推广使用需要统一专业术语,方便沟通协调学科内和跨学科交流,本文使用术语参见文献[14, 40]。例如:在远程耦合的相关术语中,人类与自然耦合系统(Coupled Human and Natural System, CHANS)[10],社会—生态系统[41],社会—经济—自然复合生态系统[42,43],三者意义相似,但前者往往具有更广泛的内涵,因此在今后的研究中可以采纳内涵较为广泛的人类与自然耦合系统。

其次,正确理解远程耦合的远程,准确定位研究对象。远程指代空间距离,可以是相对的远程,例如:“稻改旱”工程中的河北省供水区与北京市只有100 km左右,而中巴大豆贸易中北京到巴西利亚的距离17000 km。远程也可以指代环境、生态、机构、社会、制度、文化上的远程。例如:不同阶层、不同文化背景的人群,虽然文化上相去甚远,但是物理距离上可以很近,从而发生互动并产生一系列影响。

再者,外溢系统是远程耦合框架的组成部分,具有重要的科学内涵和政策价值,是可持续性研究的前沿领域,也是未来远程耦合应用的重要方向[44,45]。外溢系统的研究虽然与转移影响(Displacement)[13]、异地影响(Off-site Impacts)[46]、空间外部效应(Spatial Externality)[47]、渗漏影响(Leakage)[48]等相关研究具有相似性,但远程耦合框架下的外溢系统不是孤立的,它与发送系统、接收系统、原因、代理、影响都有明确规范的关联,可以更加全面准确地辨识外溢系统并评估其影响。例如:美国曾经是中国最大的大豆出口国,但是自2013年起这一位置由巴西取代,新兴的中巴大豆贸易挤压了传统的中美大豆贸易,根据远程耦合框架作为发送系统的美国被重新定义为外溢系统,这一转变及由此产生的影响是国际大豆贸易的潜在研究重点[17, 45]。在辨识、分析、理解外溢系统的基础上,应当整合不同学科、不同方法来管理外溢系统,制定有效的政策,减少负面影响,促进正面影响,实现远程耦合系统及组成部分的协调可持续发展。

第四,使用工具模型辨识、分析远程耦合的各个组成部分及其相互关系,是解决与之相关的社会、经济、环境问题的重要基础。目前已经有基于Web的远程耦合应用工具(Telecoupling Toolbox)发布,主要侧重远程耦合关系的可视化和初步的统计计算[49,50],其功能有待进一步完善。在分析远程耦合科学问题中常用的工具是全球贸易分析模型(Global Trade Analysis Project, GTAP),它常用于分析各国间的贸易活动[51],通过对每个国家的生产消费进行建模,量化各国贸易关系,分析与此相关的一系列问题,实现国际尺度上国家间远程耦合的研究。如GTAP模型数据库可追踪大豆生产、分配、贸易和消费过程中的温室气体排放,评估大豆贸易对全球气候变化的影响[52,53,54]。基于主体的模型(Agent-based Model, ABM)是用来模拟具有自主意识智能体(独立个体或共同群体,例如组织,团队)的行动和相互作用[55,56],可以分析地区尺度上受远程耦合影响的代理行为。例如:受到巴西大豆进口影响,中国大豆主产区黑龙江省大豆种植面积大幅减少,通过收集相关社会、经济、环境数据建立远程耦合ABM模型,模拟并预测政府和农民对进口大豆的应对行为及与此相关的社会、经济、环境影响。同时,开发整合模型来连接大尺度(如GTAP模型)与小尺度(如ABM模型)模型的数据和结果,实现跨国家、多尺度、多学科的分析是未来远程耦合模型工具开发的重点。整合模型可以分析地区尺度与国际国家尺度上人类与自然耦合系统的相互影响,获取对远程耦合影响全面系统的认知,将系统动态和情景分析进行整合归纳总结,服务相关政策的制定和实施。


5 结论




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Science China: Terrae, 2017,47(7):833-846.

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[ 方创琳, 任宇飞. 京津冀城市群地区城镇化与生态环境近远程耦合能值代谢效率及环境压力分析
中国科学: 地球科学, 2017,47(7):833-846.]

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Yang W, Hyndman D, Winkler J, et al. Urban water sustainability: Framework and application
Ecology and Society, 2016,21(4):4. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.5751/ES-08685-210404.

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Ringel M. Tele-coupling energy efficiency polices in Europe: Showcasing the German governance arrangements
Sustainability, 2018,10(6):1754. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.3390/su10061754.

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Fang B, Tan Y, Li C, et al. Energy sustainability under the framework of telecoupling
Energy, 2016,106:253-259.

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Zheng H, Robinson B, Liang Y, et al. Benefits, costs, and livelihood implications of a regional payment for ecosystem service program
PNAS, 2013,110(41):16681-16686.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1312324110URLPMID:24003160 [本文引用: 1]
Despite broad interest in using payment for ecosystem services to promote changes in the use of natural capital, there are few expost assessments of impacts of payment for ecosystem services programs on ecosystem service provision, program cost, and changes in livelihoods resulting from program participation. In this paper, we evaluate the Paddy Land-to-Dry Land (PLDL) program in Beijing, China, and associated changes in service providers' livelihood activities. The PLDL is a land use conversion program that aims to protect water quality and quantity for the only surface water reservoir that serves Beijing, China's capital city with nearly 20 million residents. Our analysis integrates hydrologic data with household survey data and shows that the PLDL generates benefits of improved water quantity and quality that exceed the costs of reduced agricultural output. The PLDL has an overall benefit-cost ratio of 1.5, and both downstream beneficiaries and upstream providers gain from the program. Household data show that changes in livelihood activities may offset some of the desired effects of the program through increased expenditures on agricultural fertilizers. Overall, however, reductions in fertilizer leaching from land use change dominate so that the program still has a positive net impact on water quality. This program is a successful example of water users paying upstream landholders to improve water quantity and quality through land use change. Program evaluation also highlights the importance of considering behavioral changes by program participants.

Liu J, Yang W. Integrated assessments of payments for ecosystem services programs
PNAS, 2013,110(41):16297-16298.

URLPMID:24072648 [本文引用: 1]

Sachs J, Remans J, Smukler S, et al. Monitoring the world's agriculture
Nature, 2010,466:558-560.

URLPMID:20671691 [本文引用: 1]

Brown C, Murray-Rust D, van Vliet J, et al. Experiments in globalisation, food security and land use decision making
PLoS One, 2014,9(12):e114213. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.1371/journal.pone.0114213.

URLPMID:25437010 [本文引用: 1]
The globalisation of trade affects land use, food production and environments around the world. In principle, globalisation can maximise productivity and efficiency if competition prompts specialisation on the basis of productive capacity. In reality, however, such specialisation is often constrained by practical or political barriers, including those intended to ensure national or regional food security. These are likely to produce globally sub-optimal distributions of land uses. Both outcomes are subject to the responses of individual land managers to economic and environmental stimuli, and these responses are known to be variable and often (economically) irrational. We investigate the consequences of stylised food security policies and globalisation of agricultural markets on land use patterns under a variety of modelled forms of land manager behaviour, including variation in production levels, tenacity, land use intensity and multi-functionality. We find that a system entirely dedicated to regional food security is inferior to an entirely globalised system in terms of overall production levels, but that several forms of behaviour limit the difference between the two, and that variations in land use intensity and functionality can substantially increase the provision of food and other ecosystem services in both cases. We also find emergent behaviour that results in the abandonment of productive land, the slowing of rates of land use change and the fragmentation or, conversely, concentration of land uses following changes in demand levels.

MacDonald G, Brauman K, Sun S, et al. Rethinking agricultural trade relationships in an era of globalization
BioScience, 2015,65(3):275-289.

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Yang W, Liu W, Vina A, et al. Nonlinear effects of group size on collective action and resource outcomes
PNAS, 2013,110(27):10916-10921.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1301733110URLPMID:23776222 [本文引用: 1]
For decades, scholars have been trying to determine whether small or large groups are more likely to cooperate for collective action and successfully manage common-pool resources. Using data gathered from the Wolong Nature Reserve since 1995, we examined the effects of group size (i.e., number of households monitoring a single forest parcel) on both collective action (forest monitoring) and resource outcomes (changes in forest cover) while controlling for potential confounding factors. Our results demonstrate that group size has nonlinear effects on both collective action and resource outcomes, with intermediate group size contributing the most monitoring effort and leading to the biggest forest cover gain. We also show how opposing effects of group size directly and indirectly affect collective action and resource outcomes, leading to the overall nonlinear relationship. Our findings suggest why previous studies have observed differing and even contradictory group-size effects, and thus help guide further research and governance of the commons. The findings also suggest that it should be possible to improve collective action and resource outcomes by altering factors that lead to the nonlinear group-size effect, including punishing free riding, enhancing overall and within-group enforcement, improving social capital across groups and among group members, and allowing self-selection during the group formation process so members with good social relationships can form groups autonomously.

Liu J, Hull V, Yang W, et al. Pandas and People: Coupling Human and Natural Systems for Sustainability. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
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Yang H, Lupi F, Zhang J, et al. Feedback of telecoupling: The case of a payments for ecosystem services program
Ecology and Society, 2018,23(2):45. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.5751/ES-10140-230245.

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Liu Jianguo, Hull V, Batistella M, et al. Framing sustainability in a telecoupled world
Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2016,36(23):7870-7885.

[ 刘建国, Vanessa Hull, Mateus Batistella, . 远程耦合世界的可持续性框架
生态学报, 2016,36(23):7870-7885.]

Holling C. Understanding the complexity of economic, ecological, and social systems
Ecosystems, 2001,4(5):390-405.

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Ma Shijun, Wang Rusong. The social-economic-natural complex ecosystem
Acta Ecological Sinica, 1984,4(1):1-9.

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[ 马世骏, 王如松. 社会—经济—自然复合生态系统
生态学报, 1984,4(1):1-9.]

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Wang Rusong, Ouyang Zhiyun. Social-economic-natural complex ecosystem and sustainability
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012,27(3):337-345.

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[ 王如松, 欧阳志云. 社会—经济—自然复合生态系统与可持续发展
中国科学院院刊, 2012,27(3):337-345.]

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Dou Y, da Silva R, Yang H, et al. Spillover effect offsets the conservation effort in the Amazon
Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018,28(11):1715-1732.

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Liu J, Dou Y, Batistella M, et al. Spillover systems in a telecoupled Anthropocene: Typology, methods, and governance for global sustainability
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2018,33:58-69.

DOI:10.1016/j.cosust.2018.04.009URL [本文引用: 2]

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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2004,104(1):19-34.

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Lewis D, Barham B, Zimmerer K. Spatial externalities in agriculture: Empirical analysis, statistical identification, and policy implications
World Development, 2008,36(10):1813-1829.

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Lambin E, Meyfroidt P. Global land use change, economic globalization, and the looming land scarcity
PNAS, 2011,108(9):3465-3472.

DOI:10.1073/pnas.1100480108URLPMID:21321211 [本文引用: 1]
A central challenge for sustainability is how to preserve forest ecosystems and the services that they provide us while enhancing food production. This challenge for developing countries confronts the force of economic globalization, which seeks cropland that is shrinking in availability and triggers deforestation. Four mechanisms-the displacement, rebound, cascade, and remittance effects-that are amplified by economic globalization accelerate land conversion. A few developing countries have managed a land use transition over the recent decades that simultaneously increased their forest cover and agricultural production. These countries have relied on various mixes of agricultural intensification, land use zoning, forest protection, increased reliance on imported food and wood products, the creation of off-farm jobs, foreign capital investments, and remittances. Sound policies and innovations can therefore reconcile forest preservation with food production. Globalization can be harnessed to increase land use efficiency rather than leading to uncontrolled land use expansion. To do so, land systems should be understood and modeled as open systems with large flows of goods, people, and capital that connect local land use with global-scale factors.

McCord P, Tonini F, Liu J. The Telecoupling GeoApp: A Web-GIS application to systematically analyze telecouplings and sustainable development
Applied Geography, 2018,96:16-28.

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Tonini F, Liu J. Telecoupling Toolbox: Spatially explicit tools for studying telecoupled human and natural systems
Ecology and Society, 2017,22(4):11. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.5751/ES-09696-220411.

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Hertel T, Lee H, Rose S, et al. Economic Analysis of Land Use in Global Climate Change Policy
New York: Routledge, 2009: 123-153.

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Golub A, Hertel T. Modeling land-use change impacts of biofuels in the GTAP-BIO framework
Climate Change Economics, 2012,3(3):1250015. Doi: http://www.geog.com.cn/article/2020/0375-5444/10.1142/S2010007812500157.

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Yao G, Hertel T, Taheripour F. Economic drivers of telecoupling and terrestrial carbon fluxes in the global soybean complex
Global Environmental Change, 2018,50:190-200.

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An L, Linderman M, Qi J, et al. Exploring complexity in a human-environment system: An agent-based spatial model for multidisciplinary and multiscale integration
Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2005,95(1):54-79.

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Dou Y, Millington J, Silva R, et al. Land-use changes across distant places: Design of a telecoupled agent-based model
Journal of Land Use Science, 2019,14(3):191-209.

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