The inter-generational differences in the effects of job-housing optimization in Shanghai
ZHU Wei,1, LIANG Xuemei1, GUI Zhao2, FENG Yongheng2, YAN Jia21. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China 2. Smart Steps Digital Technology Co. Ltd., Beijing 100031, China
Abstract Job-housing relationship in city has always been a concern of scholars. Excess commuting is a well-accepted concept for evaluating commuting efficiency and potential of optimizing it. By calculating difference between observed commute and theoretical minimum commute, excess commuting can measure to what extent the commute of a city is wasted. Studies on excess commuting are rather scarce in China, especially in perspective of different age groups. Using the mobile phone grid data in September 2017 in Shanghai, this paper analyzes the residential locations, job locations, and commuting distances of three age groups, namely, the young, the middle and the old. To calculate their excess commuting, a modified algorithm is devised, simulating individuals exchanging their residences based on the principle of Pareto Optimality, so that no one has to sacrifice their status quo. The new method also uses large-scale individual data instead of small-scale aggregate origin-destination data adopted in the traditional linear programming method. The job-housing relationships under the optimal commuting are estimated and compared between age groups. The results show that: (1) There is an evident inter-generational differentiation in the job-housing relationships. The young people are the disadvantaged group with the longest commute distances and the farthest residence locations from the city center; the elderly are the dominant group with the shortest commute distances and the closest residence locations from the city center; the middle-aged are in-between. (2) The excess commuting rate in Shanghai is 69%, indicating a large potential in optimizing the job-housing relationships. (3) The benefits of the optimization are immense: the average commuting distance declines, the inter-generational differentiation moderates, and the spatial structure of population age becomes more balanced. (4) The young group will benefit most from this process. It is suggested that the spatial planning and policy making of Shanghai should set a target for an ideal spatial structure of the urban population age, so as to increase the fluidity of the job and housing spaces, youthen the city center, and make the perimeter areas more livable for the middle-age and old people. Keywords:job-housing relationship;excess commuting;age;mobile phone grid data;Shanghai
PDF (5781KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 朱玮, 梁雪媚, 桂朝, 冯永恒, 闫嘉. 上海职住优化效应的代际差异. 地理学报[J], 2020, 75(10): 2192-2205 doi:10.11821/dlxb202010011 ZHU Wei, LIANG Xuemei, GUI Zhao, FENG Yongheng, YAN Jia. The inter-generational differences in the effects of job-housing optimization in Shanghai. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2020, 75(10): 2192-2205 doi:10.11821/dlxb202010011
Fig. 1Age distribution of the sample compared to the sixth national census
2.2 方法
在基于空间分析单元(如交通小区、人口普查区、行政区等)的过剩通勤研究中,大多采用的线性规划方法[35],假定单元之间人的居住地和就业地可互换,在约束单元中职住总量的条件下,求得最优的居住和就业分布,以使得理论通勤距离最短。过剩通勤的概念基于个体,但该方法的实现基于空间单元,个体信息经空间集计后产生损失,影响到过剩通勤估计的精度。Niedzielski等[36]证明过剩通勤指数对空间单元尺度非常敏感,尺度越小,过剩通勤估计越大,离散度越小。当下大数据资源的不断丰富,为个人尺度的过剩通勤分析提供了更多可能,例如有研究采用手机信令数据[14]或采用公交智能卡数据[21],但他们都将个人数据集计到了交通小区。本文则以概念上最为精确的个人为分析单位,不作职住量的空间单元集计,因此也就避免了可变空间单元问题(Modifiable Areal Unit Problem, MAUP)。线性规划方法也就不适用,代之以直接模拟个人互换居住地(精确到网格点)的方法。Hu等[37]用3565人的模拟数据进行个人换居模拟来估计过剩通勤,并与空间集计的线性规划方法比较,发现个人换居方法的估计值更高。与之相比,本文采用真实的职住数据,且样本量更庞大,为此开发了专门的算法,基本逻辑为:
① 遍历样本中所有的个人,判断其居住地和就业地的直线距离是否超过1 km。这是一个主观确定的阈值,如果在1 km内,认为职住关系已经很好,无需换居,移出样本,判断下一个人;
② 如果超过1 km,则在所有需要换居的个人中随机选择一个换居对象。如果该两人互换居住地后,彼此的通勤距离均降低,则互换居所,同时判断两人新的职住距离是否小于1 km以及是否要移出样本;否则重新选择一个换居对象,直至换居成功或者无人可换;
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