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2. 中国科学院大学资源与环境学院,北京 100049

Theoretical analysis of urbanization and eco-environment coupling coil and coupler control

FANG Chuanglin1,2, CUI Xuegang1,2, LIANG Longwu1,21. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China


Fund supported: Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.41590840
Major Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.41590842

作者简介 About authors

关键词: 耦合圈理论;耦合器调控;城镇化圈;生态环境圈

There is an extremely complex nonlinear coupling relationship between urbanization and eco-environment. How to coordinate this relationship has become a global strategic problem and a worldwide scientific problem. First, based on theoretical analysis, this paper revealed the coupling, coupling relationship, coupling degree and coupling tower of interaction between urbanization and eco-environment. Second, by analyzing the main controlling factors, ten kinds of interaction modes between urbanization and eco-environment are summarized. Third, according to the strength of coupling degree, we have identified six coupling types, including low coupling, slight coupling, moderate coupling, high coupling, excellent coupling, and full coupling, which correspond to the random coupling, indirect coupling, loose coupling, synergistic coupling, tight coupling and control coupling, respectively. Then, urbanization and eco-environment coupling tower was formed. Finally, the theory of urbanization and eco-environment coupling coil was established. Through rotating the graph by 10°, we built 45 kinds of coupled graphs, including linear graph, index curve graph, logarithmic curve graph, double index curve graph and S-shaped curve graph. Different graphs represent different urban development modes, stages and characteristics. Among them, S-shaped curve coupled graph is optimal, and it reflects the best state of urbanization and eco-environment coupling. After that, we amplified the S-shaped coupled graph, and then constructed a coupler (UEC) based on the SD model and the complex relationship between different variables. The coupler consists of 11 regulatory elements and 201 variables, and can control the coupling state between urbanization coil and eco-environment coil. In general, the above control types include static control of multiple cities at the same time, dynamic control of a single city at different times, and dynamic control of multiple cities at different times. Through coupler control, urbanization coil and eco-environment coil can keep the best dynamic and orderly state. In addition, if one variable changes, the structure, function and simulation results of the coupler will also be affected. Finally, with the increase of control intensity, the coupler will gradually improve the coupling degree between urbanization coil and ecological environment coil.
Keywords:coupling coil theory;coupler control;urbanization coil;eco-environment coil

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方创琳, 崔学刚, 梁龙武. 城镇化与生态环境耦合圈理论及耦合器调控. 地理学报[J], 2019, 74(12): 2529-2546 doi:10.11821/dlxb201912008
FANG Chuanglin. Theoretical analysis of urbanization and eco-environment coupling coil and coupler control. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2019, 74(12): 2529-2546 doi:10.11821/dlxb201912008

城镇化与生态环境之间客观上存在着十分复杂的胁迫关系,如何协调二者的关系问题一致是世界性的战略问题和世界性难题。为了解决这一科学难题,从2005年起,一系列国际科学组织和科学研究计划开展了卓有成效的研究。2005年“国际全球变化人文因素影响计划”(IHDP)制定了“城市化与全球环境变化”科学研究计划,并将其作为全球变化研究核心项目,提出通过时空尺度交叉、时空尺度比较以及公众与政策制定者之间的交流等方式加强城市化与全球环境变化之间耦合关系的研究[1]。2005年联合国出版的千年生态系统评估(MA)报告《生态系统与人类福祉:当前与未来趋势》认为城市人口与经济的发展将对全球范围内的生态系统产生更大压力[2]。2012年发布的未来地球计划(FE)主题集中在认识全球环境变化与人类福祉和发展之间的联系,其中城镇化作为地球表层最剧烈的人类活动过程的阈值、风险、临界点是研究的前沿领域[3]。2014年11月国际科学联盟发布了“未来地球2025愿景(Future Earth 2025 Vision)”,提出在“未来地球”研究计划中须重点加强8个领域的相关研究,其中将“城市化建设”列为重要研究领域[4,5]。2017年10月26日,两个世界领先的国际科学组织——国际科学理事会(ICSU)与国际社会科学理事会(ISSC)在中国台北召开大会,超过90%的参会会员投票同意两个科学组织合并成立新的国际科学理事会(ISC),新组织将促进科学跨学科、跨地域发展(① 国际科学理事会(ICSU)与国际社会科学理事会(ISSC)会员投票赞成双方合并,www.wcsl.org.cn/ind...-018-7-28.)。所有这些国际重大科学研究计划的设立和实施意味着把自然科学和社会科学的耦合推向新的发展阶段。可见,开展城镇化与生态环境耦合理论与方法的研究,是未来10年地球系统科学研究的前沿领域。然而,学术界目前研究的重点主要侧重于城市发展的应用研究和城市内部生态环境及城市生态系统稳定性的评价,很少从耦合角度,将城镇化过程和与生态环境响应过程有机耦合起来进行规律性的基础研究。本文将从城镇化和与生态环境交互作用的耦合性出发,重点揭示二者交互耦合关系与交互耦合方式,创建城镇化和与生态环境耦合圈理论,构建交互耦合塔和耦合图谱,研制耦合器调控方法。

1 耦合性、耦合度及耦合塔

城镇化和生态环境交互耦合过程是一个涉及社会、经济、自然的复杂巨系统,针对这一巨系统,不同学科背景的****提出了许多耦合分析框架[6],主要包括人类与自然耦合系统[7]、远程耦合(Telecoupling)[8]、可持续生计框架[9]、人口发展环境研究框架等[10,11]、社会—生态系统[12]、地球边界 [13]、DPSIR框架[14]、STIRPAT框架、能值分析框架等。21世纪以来,Gunderson提出了著名的跨尺度系统自适应嵌套模型[15],Thomas阐述了人与自然跨边界耦合特征[16];Carl论述了研究社会生态系统的弹性方法[17];Liu在远程耦合基础上进一步提出元耦合框架(Metacoupling)[18]。这些耦合分析框架给我们以启示,城镇化与生态环境之间的关系实质上也表现为人与自然之间的关系,也存在着耦合性,这种耦合性可用耦合度、耦合常数和耦合剂等体现;耦合性有强弱之分,按照强弱可将耦合性分为低度耦合、较低耦合、中度耦合、较高耦合、高度耦合和完全耦合6种类型,分别对应随性耦合、间接耦合、松散耦合、协同耦合、紧密耦合和控制耦合,进而形成城镇化与生态环境耦合塔。

1.1 耦合性




Fig. 1Theoretical interpretation of coupling

1.2 耦合度


式中:xy为两系统的元素;ab为各元素的权重; fUfE分别代表城镇化圈和生态环境圈演化的函数表达式,是这一耦合系统的主导部分,按照一般系统理论[22],该耦合系统的演化方程可以表示为:

式中:AB为受近远程要素影响下城镇化圈与生态环境圈的演化状态;VAVB分别为两个圈在受近远程要素影响下的演化速度。由生态环境圈与城镇化圈构成的耦合系统演化速度V可看作是VAVB的函数[23],则:V = fVA, VB),由于V的变化由VAVB引起,可把VAVB的演化轨迹投影在一个二维平面(VA, VB)中构成一个椭圆(图2)。由图2可知,VVB的夹角a满足tga = VA/VB,a称作城镇化圈与生态环境圈耦合度。理论上在一个演化周期内,城镇化圈与生态环境圈形成的耦合系统将经历低级协调发展(I,-90°< a ≤ 0°)、缓慢协调发展(II,0°< a ≤90°)、高速极限发展(III,90°< a ≤ 180°)、螺旋式上升(IV,-180° < a ≤ -90°)4个发展阶段[24]



Fig. 2Measurement of urbanization and eco-environment coupling degree and four quadrants of the coupling coil

1.3 耦合塔




Fig. 3Urbanization and eco-environment coupling tower

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Types of coupling and structure of coupling tower


1.3.1 随性耦合 是指城镇化系统与生态环境系统两大系统之间没有关系,或者两大系统相互独立不相互干扰,两大系统之间可随意协同也可不协同,但不影响系统正常功能的发挥,这就是随性耦合。城镇化系统与生态环境系统之间独立性最强,耦合程度最低,关联关系最弱或者没有关联关系,耦合路径一般采用自适应途径,属于低度耦合类型,处于耦合塔的最低端。

1.3.2 间接耦合 是指城镇化系统与生态环境系统两大系统之间没有直接关系,或者两大系统相互干扰的程度很低,两大系统之间关联程度较低,只是通过间接关系而非直接关系发生作用,这就是间接耦合。间接耦合的城镇化系统与生态环境系统之间独立性较强,耦合程度较低,一般在10%~30%之间,耦合路径一般采用自适应组织途径,属于较低耦合类型,处于耦合塔的最低端偏上位置。

1.3.3 松散耦合 是指城镇化系统与生态环境系统两大系统中,如果一个系统访问另一个系统时,彼此之间是通过数据参数(不是控制参数、公共数据结构或外部变量)来交换输入、输出信息的,则称这种耦合叫松散耦合。松散耦合的城镇化系统与生态环境系统之间独立性一般,具有中等耦合程度,一般在30%~50%之间,耦合路径一般采用自适应调控途径,属于中度耦合类型,处于耦合塔的中段位置。

1.3.4 协同耦合 是指城镇化系统与生态环境系统两大系统中,如果一个系统的运行需要另一个系统协同合作才能正常发挥作用时,称之为协同耦合。协同耦合的城镇化系统与生态环境系统之间独立性较差,具有较密切的关联关系和较高的耦合程度,一般在50%~70%之间,耦合路径一般采用调控途径,属于较高度耦合类型,处于耦合塔的中段偏上位置。

1.3.5 紧密耦合 是指城镇化系统与生态环境系统中,如果一个系统的运行必须高度依赖另一个系统的高度配合才能正常发挥作用时,称之为紧密耦合。紧密耦合的城镇化系统与生态环境系统之间独立性很差,具有高度密切的关联关系和很高的耦合程度,一般在70%~90%之间,耦合路径一般采用调控途径,属于高度耦合类型,处于耦合塔的顶端偏下位置。

1.3.6 控制耦合 是指城镇化系统与生态环境系统中,如果一个系统内部的某控制参数逻辑关系发生变化时,就会牵一发而动全身地影响到该系统本身和另外一个系统的正常运行时,称之为控制耦合。控制耦合的城镇化系统与生态环境系统之间独立性最差,具有完全密切的关联关系和完全的耦合程度,一般在90%~100%之间,耦合路径一般采用调控途径,属于完全耦合类型,处于耦合塔的顶端位置。

2 耦合关系与交互方式


2.1 耦合关系的表现形式




Fig. 4Coupling relationship of main controlling factors between urbanization and eco-environment

2.1.1 人水耦合关系 人水关系主要以水为主控要素,重点揭示人口增长、城镇化与水资源之间的交互耦合状态,构建人水关系诊断模型与方法,分析水资源约束下的城镇化过程、城镇化发展速度、规模、质量及其调控路径。

2.1.2 人土耦合关系 人土关系主要以土地为主控要素,重点揭示人口增长、城镇化与土地资源之间的交互耦合状态,构建城镇化与土地集约利用交互耦合诊断模型与方法,分析土地资源约束下的城镇化过程、城镇化发展速度、规模、质量及其调控路径。

2.1.3 人力耦合关系 人力关系主要以能源为主控要素,重点揭示人口增长、城镇化与能源之间的交互耦合状态,构建城镇化与能源利用交互耦合诊断模型与方法,分析能源资源约束下的城镇化过程、城镇化发展速度、规模、质量及其调控路径。

2.1.4 人经耦合关系 人经关系主要以经济为主控要素,重点揭示人口增长、城镇化与经济发展、结构调整之间的交互耦合状态,构建城镇化与经济发展交互耦合诊断模型与方法,分析经济增长背景下的城镇化过程、城镇化发展速度、规模、质量及其调控路径。

2.1.5 人贸耦合关系 人贸关系主要以全球化和贸易为主控要素,重点揭示人口增长、城镇化与全球化及贸易之间的交互耦合状态,构建城镇化与全球化及贸易交互耦合诊断模型与方法,分析全球化背景下的贸易对城镇化过程、城镇化发展速度、规模、质量的影响及其调控路径。

2.1.6 人碳耦合关系 人碳关系主要以碳排放为主控要素,重点揭示人口增长、城镇化与碳排放之间的交互耦合状态,构建城镇化与碳排放交互耦合诊断模型与方法,分析碳排放对城镇化过程、城镇化发展速度、规模、质量的影响及其调控路径。

2.1.7 人气耦合关系 人气关系主要以气候变化为主控要素,重点揭示城镇化与气候变化之间的交互耦合状态,构建城镇化与气候变化耦合模型与方法,分析气候变化对城镇化过程、城镇化发展速度、规模、质量的影响及其调控路径。

2.1.8 人居耦合关系 人居关系主要以人居环境变化为主控要素,重点揭示城镇化与人居环境之间的交互耦合状态,构建城镇化与人居环境变化耦合模型与方法,分析人居环境变化与城镇化过程、城镇化发展速度、规模、质量的关系及其调控路径。

2.1.9 人生耦合关系 人生关系主要以生态环境及生物多样性变化为主控要素,重点揭示城镇化与生态环境及生物多样性变化之间的交互耦合状态,构建城镇化与生态环境变化耦合模型与方法、城镇化与生物多样性变化耦合模型与方法,分析生态环境及生物多样性变化与城镇化过程、城镇化发展速度、规模、质量的关系及其调控路径。

2.1.10 人污耦合关系 人污关系主要以环境污染为主控要素,重点揭示城镇化与环境污染之间的交互耦合状态,构建城镇化与环境污染耦合模型与方法,分析环境污染变化与城镇化过程、城镇化发展速度、规模、质量的相互胁迫关系及其调控路径。

2.2 耦合关系的交互方式


2.2.1 “一对一”的单要素耦合 “一对一”的单要素交互方式是指城镇化的人文主控要素与生态环境的自然主控要素之间及其内部存在的“一对一”交互影响过程,例如自然主控要素内部水与土之间、土与生态之间、水与气候变化之间、人文要素内部的人口与经济之间、经济与贸易之间、经济与社会之间、自然主控要素与人文主控要素中的人与水之间,人与地之间,经济与环境之间、生态与经济之间等存在的一一对应的交互胁迫、交互促进过程。这是一种城镇化系统单要素与生态环境系统单要素之间交互胁迫的近远程耦合方式,也是最简单的一种交互耦合方式。通过双向分析测算第i个城镇化系统主控要素相对于第j个生态环境主控要素的交互耦合系数,定量表达城镇化系统单要素与生态环境系统单要素交互胁迫的耦合方程和耦合曲线,揭示单要素相互作用机理及强度。

2.2.2 “一对多”的多要素耦合 “一对多”的多要素交互方式是指城镇化的人文主控要素与生态环境的自然主控要素之间及其内部存在的“一对多”交互影响过程,是一个要素对两个以上要素交互作用的过程。例如自然主控要素内部水与土、能源、生态之间、土与生态、环境之间、人文要素内部的人口与经济、社会之间,自然主控要素与人文主控要素中的人与水、土、经济、环境之间等等存在的单要素对多要素的交互胁迫、交互促进过程。这是一种城镇化单要素或生态环境单要素与城镇化多要素或生态环境多要素之间存在的“一对多”的多要素交互胁迫的近远程耦合方式,也是较为复杂的一种交互耦合方式。通过多向分析测算第i个城镇化系统主控要素相对于第j个生态环境主控要素的交互耦合系数,定量表达城镇化系统与生态环境系统中单要素对多要素的交互胁迫耦合方程和耦合曲线,揭示单要素与多要素相互作用机理及强度。

2.2.3 “多对多”的多要素耦合 “多对多”的多要素交互方式是指城镇化的第i个人文主控要素与生态环境的第j个自然主控要素之间及其内部存在的“多对多”的交互影响过程,是两个以上的主控要素之间交互作用的过程。例如自然主控要素内部水、土、能源、生态、环境、气候变化之间、人文要素内部的人口、经济、社会、创新、全球化之间,以及自然主控要素与人文主控要素中的水、土、能源、生态、环境、气候变化、人口、经济、社会之间等多要素之间存在的多要素对多要素的交互胁迫、交互促进过程。这是一种城镇化多要素或生态环境多要素与城镇化多要素或生态环境多要素之间存在的“多对多”的交互胁迫的近远程耦合方式,也是最复杂、甚至无解的一种交互耦合方式。可从区际尺度、区内尺度和尺度耦合的角度,通过多向分析测算第i个城镇化系统主控要素相对于第j个生态环境主控要素的交互耦合系数,构建城镇化系统与生态环境两大系统的耦合关系方程,定量表达城镇化系统与生态环境系统中多要素对多要素的交互胁迫耦合曲线,揭示多要素与多要素相互作用机理及强度,为实现和谐的人水关系、人地关系、人力关系、人气关系和人碳关系调控等提供定量的科学依据。

3 耦合圈理论及图谱


3.1 城镇化与生态环境耦合圈理论的基本观点


3.2 城镇化与生态环境耦合圈的理论图谱




Fig. 545 kinds of coupled graphs of urbanization and eco-environment coupling coil

3.2.1 城镇化与生态环境的线性耦合图谱 线性耦合图谱是指在城镇化与生态环境耦合圈演变过程中,城镇化圈与生态环境圈耦合边界呈现线性函数形式(图6),其表达式为:




Fig. 6Linear graph of urbanization and eco-environment coupling coil

3.2.2 城镇化与生态环境的指数曲线耦合图谱 指数曲线耦合图谱是指在城镇化与生态环境耦合圈演变过程中,城镇化圈与生态环境圈耦合边界呈现指数函数形式(图7),其表达式为:




Fig. 7Index curve graph of urbanization and eco-environment coupling coil

3.2.3 城镇化与生态环境的对数曲线耦合图谱 对数曲线耦合图谱是指在城镇化与生态环境耦合圈演变过程中,城镇化圈与生态环境圈耦合边界呈现对数函数形式(图8),其表达式为:




Fig. 8Logarithmic curve graph of urbanization and eco-environment coupling coil

3.2.4 城镇化与生态环境的双指数曲线耦合图谱 双指数曲线耦合图谱是指在城镇化与生态环境耦合圈演变过程中,城镇化圈与生态环境圈耦合边界呈现双指数函数形式(图9),双指数曲线是环境库兹涅茨倒“U”型曲线和对数曲线的逻辑复合,揭示出生态环境随城镇化的发展存在先指数衰退、后指数改善的耦合规律。其表达式为:




Fig. 9Double index curve graph of urbanization and eco-environment coupling coil

3.2.5 城镇化与生态环境的“S”型曲线耦合图谱 “S”型曲线耦合图谱是指在城镇化与生态环境耦合圈演变过程中,城镇化圈与生态环境圈耦合边界呈现“S”型函数形式(图10),体现出城镇化圈与生态环境圈之间一开始就做到了很好的人地和谐,城镇化圈的发展充分考虑到了生态环境圈的保护,生态环境圈的保护又为城镇化圈的发展提供了自然基础和承载支撑,因而是一种城镇化圈与生态环境圈的最佳耦合图谱。其表达式为:




Fig. 10S-shaped curve graph of urbanization and eco-environment coupling coil

4 耦合圈的优化调控




Fig. 11Coupled graphs of urbanization and eco-environment coupling coil and coupler

4.1 耦合器的模块




Fig. 12Causal feedback structure of S-shaped curve graph and urbanization and eco-environment coupler

4.2 耦合器的变量


Tab. 2
Tab. 2Variables of urbanization and eco-environment coupler


4.3 耦合器的动态调控


4.3.1 同一时间多城市多要素的静态耦合 是指在城市群内部多个城市多个要素在同一时间内所形成的各种复杂耦合关系,表现为在同一时间截面的不同空间尺度上,城市群内的各种资源实现优化配置,区域生态环境实现良性改善,城市间基础设施和公共服务建设实现共建共享,多个城市之间通过合作,多个城市内部多个要素之间通过合理调控,最终实现在固定时间内的静态耦合。图13体现的就是在特定时间内,京津冀城市群13个城市在各个要素层面实现的静态耦合状态。随着时间的推移,多要素静态耦合状态很快被打破,在新的时间段要么演化为新的静态耦合,要么导致静态失调,取决于两个时间段多要素之间的年际优化和合理分配。



Fig. 13Static control of multiple cities at the same time

4.3.2 不同时间多城市多要素的动态耦合 是指在不同时间内,城市群内部的多个城市的多个要素在不同时间内所形成的各种动态耦合关系,表现为在不同时间截面的时间尺度上,城市群内各城市实现各种资源代际优化配置,区域生态环境实现代际良性改善,城市间基础设施和公共服务建设实现代际共建共享,多个城市之间通过合作,多个城市内部多个要素之间通过合理调控,最终实现在不同时间内多个城市的动态耦合。图14体现的就是在不同时间尺度内,京津冀城市群13个城市的各个要素在不同时间截面上实现的动态耦合状态。随着时间的推移,多要素动态耦合状态将逐步优化为新的动态耦合状态,推动城市群内城镇化与生态环境之间由低级耦合向高级耦合方向演进。



Fig. 14Dynamic control of multiple cities at different times

4.3.3 不同时间单城市多要素的动态耦合 是指将城市群作为一个整体的多要素在不同时间内,或者城市群内部的某一个城市的多个要素在不同时间内所形成的各种动态耦合关系,表现为在不同时间截面的时间尺度上,城市群内的各种资源实现代际优化配置,区域生态环境实现代际良性改善,城市间基础设施和公共服务建设实现代际共建共享,多个城市之间通过合作,多个城市内部多个要素之间通过合理调控,最终实现在不同时间内的动态耦合。图15体现的就是在不同时间尺度内,京津冀城市群13个城市的各个要素层面在不同时间截面上实现的动态耦合状态。随着时间的推移,多要素动态耦合状态将逐步优化为新的动态耦合态,推动城市群内城镇化与生态环境之间由低级耦合向高级耦合方向演进。



Fig. 15Dynamic control of a single city at different times

5 结论与讨论





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This paper reviews and synthesizes findings from scholarly work on linkages among rural household demographics, livelihoods and the environment. Using the livelihood approach as an organizing framework, we examine evidence on the multiple pathways linking environmental variables and the following demographic variables: fertility, migration, morbidity and mortality, and lifecycles. Although the review draws on studies from the entire developing world, we find the majority of micro-level studies have been conducted in either marginal (mountainous or arid) or frontier environments, especially Amazonia. Though the linkages are mediated by many complex and often context-specific factors, there is strong evidence that dependence on natural resources intensifies when households lose human and social capital through adult morbidity and mortality, and qualified evidence for the influence of environmental factors on household decision-making regarding fertility and migration. Two decades of research on lifecycles and land-cover change at the farm level have yielded a number of insights about how households make use of different land-use and natural resource management strategies at different stages. A thread running throughout the review is the importance of managing risk through livelihood diversification, ensuring future income security, and culture-specific norms regarding appropriate and desirable activities and demographic responses. Recommendations for future research are provided.

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Knowing medications and their use in patient care is a component of safe practice. The Med-Match game transforms learning medications from a solitary task to an interactive activity. Educational games create real-life scenarios in a safe, context-rich environment without real-world consequences. Gaming is a form of active learning; learning occurs as a result of student-to-student interaction, peer feedback, and faculty debriefing. Although this activity was initially developed for nursing students, it can also be used with new RNs being oriented to a clinical setting or as an annual review for experienced nurses.

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On 28 March 2019, the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) commissioned the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) with the assessment of data-supported timely management in cooperation with a physician-staffed centre for telemedicine (hereinafter also referred to as “telemonitoring with defined minimum requirements”) for patients with advanced cardiac failure. RESEARCH QUESTION: The aim of the present report is the benefit assessment of telemonitoring with defined minimum requirements in addition to standard care and the resulting interventions as management strategy in comparison with standard care without telemonitoring in patients with advanced cardiac failure regarding patient-relevant outcomes. METHODS: The target population of the benefit assessment consisted of patients with advanced cardiac failure. The experimental intervention was telemonitoring with defined minimum requirements in addition to standard care and the resulting interventions as management strategy. Telemonitoring had to have the following specifics: at least daily transmission of at least the following parameters to a telemonitoring centre: heart rate and rhythm, as well as information on the general state of health (e.g. from self-assessment questionnaires or data on physical activity); close analysis of the data by a telemonitoring centre under the responsibility of a physician in addition to the treating physician; defined maximum reaction times of the telemonitoring centre (up to 1 working day) or of the treating physician (within 24 hours after knowledge). The comparator treatment was standard care without telemonitoring. Patient-relevant outcomes were considered in the assessment. Only randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were included in the benefit assessment. Studies with at least 6 months of follow-up observation were included. A systematic literature search for studies was conducted in the following databases: MEDLINE, Embase, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. In parallel, a search for relevant systematic reviews was conducted in the databases MEDLINE, Embase and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. In addition, the following information sources and search techniques were considered: study registries, documents sent by the G-BA, the websites of G-BA and IQWiG, as well as the screening of reference lists and author queries. In order to assess the qualitative certainty of the results, the criteria of the risk of bias across outcomes were evaluated, and the risk of bias was classified as low or high. If the studies were comparable regarding the research question and relevant characteristics and no relevant heterogeneity was observed, the individual results were pooled quantitatively by means of meta-analyses. RESULTS: The information retrieval identified 4 RCTs as relevant for the research question of the present benefit assessment. No planned or ongoing studies were identified. The last search was conducted on 9 May 2019. In the included studies, the data were either measured automatically by the implanted device (implantable cardioverter defibrillator [ICD] or cardiac resynchronization therapy [CRT]) and transmitted daily without involvement of the patients, or the patients themselves performed measurements once a day using external, non-invasive devices, and assessed their state of health. The data were then transmitted automatically. The risk of bias was high in all studies. The follow-up observation period was between 12 months and 24 months. CONCLUSION: The 4 included studies investigated 2 different telemonitoring strategies with defined minimum requirements. In telemonitoring type 1, the data were automatically measured by the implanted device (ICD or CRT-defibrillator [CRT-D]), no involvement of the patient was necessary. In telemonitoring type 2, it was the patient’s task to measure the data using external, non-invasive devices. Including all studies, there was no hint of a benefit or harm of telemonitoring for the outcome “all-cause mortality”. Data for the subgroups of patients with and without depressive symptoms were only available for telemonitoring type 2. For the outcome “all-cause mortality”, there was an indication of a benefit for patients without depressive symptoms. The joint consideration of telemonitoring type 1 and type 2 showed a hint of a benefit for the outcome “cardiovascular mortality”. There was no hint of a benefit or harm of telemonitoring with defined minimum requirements for the following outcomes: hospitalization overall, cardiovascular hospitalization, stroke, cardiac arrhythmia requiring treatment, thromboembolic events, shocks delivered by a cardiac device and morbidity due to cardiac failure. Due to the incomplete data, no conclusion on the benefit was drawn for the following outcomes: serious adverse events (SAEs), depressive symptoms, cardiac decompensation, health status and health-related quality of life.

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The Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework was developed in the late 1990s to structure and organize indicators in a meaningful way. Since then, the framework has increasingly been applied in research projects with the aim of supporting decision making. A number of attributes of the framework regarding structuring and communication issues in research further strengthen its original purpose of bridging the science policy gap. We reviewed several studies that were mainly concerned with criticism and drawbacks of the DPSIR framework Based on these studies and our own experiences in applying the DPSIR framework in an EU project to develop a decision support tool, we developed two criteria that we believe are crucial for policy relevant research: (a) the development of conceptual models integrating knowledge from different disciplines, specialists and policy makers, as well as those affected by their decisions; and (b) the potential to explain the results and analysis of research to different disciplines, specialists, stakeholders and the public and to demonstrate alternatives and provide decision options. We analyzed 21 studies using the DPSIR framework with regard to their relevance for decision making. We analyzed the definitions of the five DPSIR elements and whether specific end users were addressed in the respective studies. We found that in many studies, the DPSIR elements were defined in literature review or by researchers and that only a few studies targeted specific government authorities as users of research results. Eight out of 21 studies applied transdisciplinary research concepts and integrated broad ranges of stakeholder opinions and values into the research. Nine out of 21 studies presented alternative outcomes to decision makers and used the valuation of these outcomes by stakeholders to add further support to the decision-making process. The different positive and negative implications of the DPSIR framework are discussed with reference to research that supports policy making. Finally, we conclude that studies employing DPSIR may provide effective solutions for "real world problems" by taking into account additional criteria based on knowledge integration, stakeholder involvement and the provision of alternatives. Therefore, DPSIR is a useful tool to support decision making by means of showing solid evidence with alternatives and decision options, rather than by presenting predetermined solutions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd.

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Human institutions--ways of organizing activities--affect the resilience of the environment. Locally evolved institutional arrangements governed by stable communities and buffered from outside forces have sustained resources successfully for centuries, although they often fail when rapid change occurs. Ideal conditions for governance are increasingly rare. Critical problems, such as transboundary pollution, tropical deforestation, and climate change, are at larger scales and involve nonlocal influences. Promising strategies for addressing these problems include dialogue among interested parties, officials, and scientists; complex, redundant, and layered institutions; a mix of institutional types; and designs that facilitate experimentation, learning, and change.

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In today's society, it becomes increasingly important to assess which non-human and non-verbal beings possess consciousness. This review article aims to delineate criteria for consciousness especially in animals, while also taking into account intelligent artifacts. First, we circumscribe what we mean with &amp;quot;consciousness&amp;quot; and describe key features of subjective experience: qualitative richness, situatedness, intentionality and interpretation, integration and the combination of dynamic and stabilizing properties. We argue that consciousness has a biological function, which is to present the subject with a multimodal, situational survey of the surrounding world and body, subserving complex decision-making and goal-directed behavior. This survey reflects the brain's capacity for internal modeling of external events underlying changes in sensory state. Next, we follow an inside-out approach: how can the features of conscious experience, correlating to mechanisms inside the brain, be logically coupled to externally observable (&amp;quot;outside&amp;quot;) properties? Instead of proposing criteria that would each define a &amp;quot;hard&amp;quot; threshold for consciousness, we outline six indicators: (i) goal-directed behavior and model-based learning; (ii) anatomic and physiological substrates for generating integrative multimodal representations; (iii) psychometrics and meta-cognition; (iv) episodic memory; (v) susceptibility to illusions and multistable perception; and (vi) specific visuospatial behaviors. Rather than emphasizing a particular indicator as being decisive, we propose that the consistency amongst these indicators can serve to assess consciousness in particular species. The integration of scores on the various indicators yields an overall, graded criterion for consciousness, somewhat comparable to the Glasgow Coma Scale for unresponsive patients. When considering theoretically derived measures of consciousness, it is argued that their validity should not be assessed on the basis of a single quantifiable measure, but requires cross-examination across multiple pieces of evidence, including the indicators proposed here. Current intelligent machines, including deep learning neural networks (DLNNs) and agile robots, are not indicated to be conscious yet. Instead of assessing machine consciousness by a brief Turing-type of test, evidence for it may gradually accumulate when we study machines ethologically and across time, considering multiple behaviors that require flexibility, improvisation, spontaneous problem-solving and the situational conspectus typically associated with conscious experience.

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Widespread detrimental and long-lasting droughts are having catastrophic impacts around the globe. Researchers, organizations, and policy makers need to work together to obtain precise information, enabling timely and accurate decision making to mitigate drought impacts. In this study, a spatial modeling approach based on an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) and several metaheuristic optimizations (ANFIS-BA, ANFIS-GA, ANFIS-ICA, ANFIS-PSO) was developed to predict the spatial occurrence of drought in a region in southeastern Queensland, Australia. In this approach, data describing the distribution of eight drought-contributing factors were prepared for input into the models to serve as independent variables. Relative departures of rainfall (RDR) and relative departures of soil moisture (RDSM) were analyzed to identify locations where drought conditions have occurred. The set of locations in the study area identified as having experienced drought conditions was randomly divided into two groups, 70% were used for training and 30% for validation. The models employed these data to generate maps that predict the locations that would be expected to experience drought. The prediction accuracy of the model-produced drought maps was scrutinized with two evaluation metrics: area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) and root mean square error (RMSE). The results demonstrate that the hybridized models (ANFIS-BA (AUCmean?=?83.7%, RMSEmean?=?0.236), ANFIS-GA (AUCmean?=?81.62%, RMSEmean?=?0.247), ANFIS-ICA (AUCmean?=?82.12%, RMSEmean?=?0.247), and ANFIS-PSO (AUCmean?=?81.42%, RMSEmean?=?0.255)) yield better predictive performance than the standalone ANFIS model (AUCmean?=?71.8%, RMSEmean?=?0.344). Furthermore, sensitivity analyses indicated that plant-available water capacity, the percentage of soil comprised of sand, and mean annual precipitation were the most important predictors of drought hazard. The versatility of the new approach for spatial drought modeling and the capacity of ANFIS model hybridization to improve model performance suggests great potential to assist decision makers in their formulations of drought risk, recovery, and response management, and in the development of contingency plans.

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Progress in Geography, 2005,24(6):31-41.

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2005.06.004URL [本文引用: 1]
In 21 century, the restrictions of water resources shortage and eco-environmental crisis in the urbanization process in arid area are even more evident. However, what are the real roles of water resources and eco-environment in the urbanization process? What kind of urbanization modes should be adopted under the dual restraints of water resources and eco-environment? This paper reviewed the domestic and international research progress about the theories, ideas, methods and practices of the research of urbanization and eco-environment in arid area. Then the viewpoint that the relation between urbanization and eco-environment is mutual promotion while inter-coercing was put forward. Finally, the author pointed out the weak side of studying in this field at present, and prospected the main research directions in the future. Studies showed that international scholars generally paid close attention to the research of urbanization and eco-environment reciprocation relation, and thought much of the research of urbanization and eco-environment reciprocation mechanism in arid area. They generally adopted &ldquo;3S&rdquo; technology and quantitative analytical method to appraise the response course of urbanization and eco-environment respectively, and strengthened to research the sustainable developmental modes of urbanization and eco-environment in arid area progressively. Domestic scholars mainly studied on the phenomena of water deficiency and ecological degradation, the interactional mechanism between urbanization and eco-environment, the quantitative analysis models and the urbanization development modes in arid area. Although a series of theories to study the relation of urbanization and environment have emerged recently, there are a lot of weak points which should bring our attention in. For example the researches of urbanization or eco-environment solely were more, but the researches combining them together were less; the empirical researches were more, but the law summarization researches were less; and the researches of coercing effects were more, but the researches of restraint effects were less. So, an independent and integrated theoretical system of urbanization and eco-environment research in arid area has not formed yet. In the future, the multi-disciplinary merges, the close integration with practice and the application of new technical method and the dynamic simulation will be the main research directions.
[ 乔标, 方创琳, 李铭 . 干旱区城市化与生态环境交互胁迫过程研究进展及展望
地理科学进展, 2005,24(6):31-41.]

DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2005.06.004URL [本文引用: 1]
In 21 century, the restrictions of water resources shortage and eco-environmental crisis in the urbanization process in arid area are even more evident. However, what are the real roles of water resources and eco-environment in the urbanization process? What kind of urbanization modes should be adopted under the dual restraints of water resources and eco-environment? This paper reviewed the domestic and international research progress about the theories, ideas, methods and practices of the research of urbanization and eco-environment in arid area. Then the viewpoint that the relation between urbanization and eco-environment is mutual promotion while inter-coercing was put forward. Finally, the author pointed out the weak side of studying in this field at present, and prospected the main research directions in the future. Studies showed that international scholars generally paid close attention to the research of urbanization and eco-environment reciprocation relation, and thought much of the research of urbanization and eco-environment reciprocation mechanism in arid area. They generally adopted &ldquo;3S&rdquo; technology and quantitative analytical method to appraise the response course of urbanization and eco-environment respectively, and strengthened to research the sustainable developmental modes of urbanization and eco-environment in arid area progressively. Domestic scholars mainly studied on the phenomena of water deficiency and ecological degradation, the interactional mechanism between urbanization and eco-environment, the quantitative analysis models and the urbanization development modes in arid area. Although a series of theories to study the relation of urbanization and environment have emerged recently, there are a lot of weak points which should bring our attention in. For example the researches of urbanization or eco-environment solely were more, but the researches combining them together were less; the empirical researches were more, but the law summarization researches were less; and the researches of coercing effects were more, but the researches of restraint effects were less. So, an independent and integrated theoretical system of urbanization and eco-environment research in arid area has not formed yet. In the future, the multi-disciplinary merges, the close integration with practice and the application of new technical method and the dynamic simulation will be the main research directions.

Fang Chuanglin, Zhou Chenghu, Gu Chaolin , et al. Theoretical analysis of interactive coupled effects between urbanization and eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2016,71(4):531-550.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 方创琳, 周成虎, 顾超林 , . 特大城市群地区城镇化与生态环境交互耦合效应解析的理论框架及技术路径
地理学报, 2016,71(4):531-550.]

[本文引用: 1]

Fang Chuanglin . The interaction theory of the regional continuous circle and the development circle
Studies in Dialectics of Nature, 1999,15(2):31-33.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 方创琳 . 区域持续圈与发展圈相互作用理论
自然辩证法研究. 1999,15(2):31-33.]

[本文引用: 1]

Fang Chuanglin, Wang Jing . A theoretical analysis of interactive coercing effects between urbanization and eco-environment
Chinese Geographical Science, 2013,23(2):1-16.

DOI:10.1007/s11769-013-0591-zURL [本文引用: 1]

He Chuanqi . The forecast and explanation of new revolution of science and technology
Chinese Science Bulletin, 2017,62(8):785-798.

[本文引用: 1]

[ 何传启 . 新科技革命的预测和解析
科学通报, 2017,62(8):785-798.]

[本文引用: 1]

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