Study on adaptive governance of social-ecological system: Progress and prospect
SONG Shuang1, WANG Shuai,1, FU Bojie1, CHEN Haibin2, LIU Yanxu1, ZHAO Wenwu11. State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China 2. College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China
National Key R&D Program of China.2017YFA0604701 National Natural Science Foundation of China.41722102 National Natural Science Foundation of China.41761144064 Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
作者简介 About authors 宋爽(1996-)男,宁夏银川人,博士生,主要从事人地系统耦合研究。
Abstract Social-Ecological System (SES) is composed of social subsystem, ecological subsystem and the interaction between them; its structure, functions, and characteristics are different from those of social subsystem or ecological subsystem alone. Relying on adaptive social mechanisms of power-sharing and decision making, the adaptive governance of SES aims to guarantee human well-being in a sustainable manner under dynamic conditions. Adaptive governance theory is influenced by "common pool resources management", "resilience" and "governance", and lays a foundation for the construction of transformative governance and collaborative governance. This theory has three main objectives: (1) understanding and coping with the multi-stability, nonlinearity, uncertainty, integrity and complexity of SES; (2) establishing non-confrontational social structure, power-sharing structure and decision-making structure, and match with social subsystem and ecological subsystem; (3) achieving sustainable management of ecosystem services through an integrated approach. Therefore, in the face of the "Anthropocene" of human-behaviour-dominant surface processes, achieving adaptive governance helps to deal with the complexity and uncertainty of SES. Given the rapid changes in China's environment and the increasingly complicated interactions between China and countries all over the world, it will be helpful for future studies to pay close attention to the following fields: (1) understand the multi-interaction processes of a coupled system, and enhance its adaptability; (2) emphasize the significance of a holistic approach of studying SES; (3) improve the ability to understand and predict system dynamics in the context of environmental change. Keywords:adaptive governance;social-ecological system (SES);self-organization;resilience management;sustainability
PDF (1883KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 宋爽, 王帅, 傅伯杰, 陈海滨, 刘焱序, 赵文武. 社会—生态系统适应性治理研究进展与展望. 地理学报[J], 2019, 74(11): 2401-2410 doi:10.11821/dlxb201911015 SONG Shuang. Study on adaptive governance of social-ecological system: Progress and prospect. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2019, 74(11): 2401-2410 doi:10.11821/dlxb201911015
注:① a. 粗体字表示某类学科或某研究领域;b. 常规字体及对应英文表示该领域内对适应性治理有贡献的概念;② 箭头:a. 粗体箭头表示适应性治理理论的主要发展过程;b. 细线箭头A→B表示集合A中部分概念或思想对集合B的问题产生贡献。 Fig. 1The background and process of the formation of adaptive governance theory
2.2 韧性研究的社会转向
韧性理论最早被用于分析人类活动对生态系统的影响,且有生态韧性、工程韧性和社会韧性等不同侧重[24]。同时期还有“适应”与“脆弱性”的概念,分别关注人类对环境变化的响应以及人类受环境变化影响的敏感度[25]。经典的“球—杯模型(Ball-and-cup diagram)”和“吸引盆地模型(Basin of attraction diagram)”都直观地表达了系统韧性的核心特征:稳定性、动态性与稳态转变[26]。上述模型的提出者Walker等认为,在融合了适应与脆弱等概念后,理解不同尺度下韧性的丧失、创造与维持是实现可持续发展的关键[26]。有****则认为人—环境系统的适应性能力能更好地囊括韧性、适应性与脆弱性的内涵[27]。但无论侧重何处,韧性理论都经历了从解释自然生态系统向分析耦合社会—生态系统的过程,同时积极融合了社会科学研究中的诸多概念,因此有****将这一趋势称为“韧性研究的社会转向”[28]。
注:① 社会—生态系统状态循环包括:开发阶段r,保护阶段k,释放阶段Ω,更新阶段α;图中展示旧的SES因转型治理而进入新的状态循环,并因协作治理的实现而延长开发保护阶段的过程;② 转型治理可受不同尺度系统状态变化的影响;③ 协作治理的主要实现过程包括F-F-D(Face to Face Dialogue, 直接对话),T-B(Trust-Building, 建立信任),C-P(Commitment to Process, 过程承诺),S-U(Shared Understanding, 知识共享),I-O(Intermediate Outcomes, 阶段成果)5个循环步骤。 Fig. 2The relationship between social-ecological system adaptive cycle and transition / collaborative governance
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