

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

孙思奥1, 郑翔益2, 刘海猛11. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
2. 贵州大学管理学院,贵阳 550025

Local and distant virtual water trades in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

SUN Si'ao1, ZHENG Xiangyi2, LIU Haimeng11. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. Business School, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China


Fund supported: National Natural Science Foundation of China.41590842
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41601167
National Natural Science Foundation of China.41801164

作者简介 About authors

虚拟水贸易能重新分配区域间的水资源。在京津冀协同发展的背景下,厘清京津冀城市群与外部的虚拟水贸易及城市群内部的虚拟水流动,有助于深入理解该地区的水资源供需现状及问题,为制定虚拟水贸易相关策略、实现区域水资源优化配置、保障区域水资源安全提供决策支持。本文基于2010年全国区域间投入产出表,测算了京津冀城市群各省(市)水足迹及与全国各省域单元的虚拟水贸易量。从近远程视角定量评估城市群地区对内、外部水资源的依赖程度,并分析虚拟水贸易的距离特征。研究发现:① 京津冀城市群各省(市)各部门用水系数显现出差异性,农业部门用水强度最高,直接用水与完全用水系数分别超过300 m 3/万元和400 m 3/万元;② 京津冀城市群内部各省(市)人均消费水足迹差异大,北京、天津、河北的人均水足迹分别为405 m 3、565 m 3、191 m 3;③ 京津冀城市群的消费水足迹遍布全国各省域单元,近程水足迹与远程水足迹分别为91.4亿m 3、198.5亿m 3,其中,近程水足迹主要来源于本省(市),西部地区对远程水足迹的贡献最大;④ 京津冀城市群的虚拟水输入总体偏向来源于距离较近的省域单元,北京、天津、河北水足迹距离来源地的平均距离分别为1049 km、1297 km、688 km;⑤ 北京和天津为虚拟水贸易的净流入区,对外部水资源的依赖性强;河北为虚拟水贸易的净流出区,为京津冀城市群及其他地区供给水资源,虚拟水净流出进一步加剧了河北的水资源短缺。未来,受人口增长、经济发展等因素影响,京津冀城市群的水资源压力将进一步加剧,提高用水效率、升级产业结构、提倡低水足迹消费模式、实行虚拟水战略是实现京津冀城市群可持续发展的有效途径。
关键词: 京津冀城市群;近远程;虚拟水贸易;水足迹;水资源管理

Virtual water transfers can redistribute water resources among different regions, hence to reduce or aggregate water scarcity in one region. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, which is located in the North China Plain, has long been suffered from water scarcity. Knowledge on virtual water trades within and beyond this region is vital for understanding water resources problems and making responding strategies. In this study, water footprints and virtual water in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei are computed based on the multi-regional input-output table and provincial water uses in China in 2010. Spatial patterns and characteristics of virtual water flows are analyzed, with an emphasis on separate accounting of local and external virtual water transfers. In addition, the relationships between virtual water transfers and distances from Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to provinces where virtual water is from are examined. Main results include: (1) Water use intensities of different sectors in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei present a big variability. Agricultural water use intensity is the highest. (2) Per capita water footprints in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei present large difference, which are 405 m 3, 568 m 3 and 191 m 3, respectively. (3) Imported virtual water in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei come from different provinces all over China. Local and external water footprints are 9.14 billion m 3 and 19.85 billion m 3, respectively. The region contributing the largest share of external virtual water to Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is the western region in China. (4) Overall, virtual water inflows in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei tend to come from neighbouring provinces. Average distances of virtual water inflows in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei are 1049 km, 1297 km and 688 km, respectively. (5) Beijing and Tianjin import net virtual water, indicating that the socio-economic development in Beijing and Tianjin heavily relies on external water resources. Hebei exports net virtual water, providing water resources to Beijing, Tianjin and other provinces in China. Net virtual water export in Hebei aggregates local water scarcity. The results benefit policy implications on sustainable water resources management under the framework of virtual water trade. Solutions possibly relieving water scarcity in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region include increasing water use efficiency, upgrading industrial structure, promoting low water footprint consumption mode, and implementing virtual water strategy.
Keywords:Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region;local and external virtual water;virtual water trade;water footprint;water resources management

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孙思奥, 郑翔益, 刘海猛. 京津冀城市群虚拟水贸易的近远程分析. 地理学报[J], 2019, 74(12): 2631-2645 doi:10.11821/dlxb201912015
SUN Si'ao. Local and distant virtual water trades in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Acta Geographica Sinice[J], 2019, 74(12): 2631-2645 doi:10.11821/dlxb201912015

1 引言

京津冀城市群(包括北京、天津两个直辖市和河北省)是以首都北京为核心的世界级城市群,是中国东部地区的重要增长极、国家经济发展的重要引擎、高水平参与国际竞争合作的战略区域[1,2]。京津冀城市群属于资源型缺水地区,1997-2016年期间人均水资源占有量不足200 m3,不及全国人均水资源量的1/9,是中国水资源匮乏最严重的地区之一[3,4,5,6]。长期以来,京津冀城市群水资源供需矛盾突出,高强度用水导致地表水断流、地下水超采,造成水环境恶化、生态退化、地面沉降等一系列问题[7,8,9]。由于人口和产业高度密集,京津冀城市群的可更新水资源量难以维系当地居民的生活与生产用水,外部水资源成为缓解该区域水资源供需矛盾的重要组成部分。近年来,南水北调东线与中线工程相继通水,将水资源从相对富足的南方流域调入,直接缓解了京津冀城市群的水资源压力。然而,南水北调工程耗资巨大,并可能给水源地的生态环境带来负面影响[10]。国际上通过地区间贸易实现隐含在商品中“虚拟水”转移的概念已得到广泛认可,进口虚拟水成为缓解贫水国家或地区水资源压力的另一重要途径[11]。虚拟水的概念最早是由Allan于20世纪90年代年提出,将水资源消费与经济活动联系起来[12,13]。虚拟水是指生产商品和服务过程中所需要的水资源量[14]。水足迹的概念与虚拟水紧密相关,是一个国家、地区或个人在一定时间段内消费所有产品和服务所包含的虚拟水[15]。在资源配置全球化的背景下,Hoekstra提出虚拟水战略,即在贫水国家或地区可以通过从其他国家或地区进口水资源密集型产品减少对当地水资源的开采、缓解当地水资源短缺[16]。在京津冀协同发展的背景下,全面分析京津冀城市群虚拟水贸易流动,厘清京津冀城市群与外部的虚拟水贸易及城市群内部的虚拟水流动,有助于深入理解该地区的水资源供需现状及问题,为制定虚拟水贸易相关政策、实现区域水资源优化配置、保障区域水资源安全提供决策支持。

随着全球面临水资源短缺人数的持续增长及区域间贸易的发展与加强,国内外****广泛开展了虚拟水贸易及其对水资源配置影响的相关研究[17,18]。一个地区的水足迹可以通过自上而下法(top-down method)或自下而上法(bottom-up method)两种方法进行核算[19]。前者通过计算一个地区消耗的水资源与虚拟水贸易量的差值来测算水足迹,后者通过累加一个地区所有消费者消费产品与服务中隐含的虚拟水来测算。目前,在区域或多区域投入产出表的基础上通过追踪产品生产的产业链过程来估算商品中隐含的虚拟水成为测算水足迹与虚拟水的重要方法。应用该方法,国内外****已在国家、地区、省市等多个尺度开展了中国虚拟水贸易与水足迹的研究,深入分析了中国虚拟水贸易与水足迹的空间格局及特征[20]。Dong等[21]发现虚拟水的净流入区主要分布在发达地区,包括上海、北京、天津、山东,虚拟水的净流出区主要分布在北部和西部欠发达地区,包括新疆、黑龙江、内蒙古、广西;Chen等[22]通过分析中国省际之间虚拟水的转移量,发现中国虚拟水呈现出从南方向北方,从内陆向沿海,从不发达地区向发达地区流动的格局。在京津冀城市群地区,Zhao等[23]基于京津冀三省(市)区域间投入产出模型,分析了京津冀城市群地区的水足迹和内部虚拟水流动,结果表明,北京、天津是虚拟水的净输入地区,而河北是虚拟水净输出地区。

资源生态要素的近远程耦合成为近年来的国际研究热点[24,25]。从近远程角度来研究城市群与生态环境要素之间的耦合关系,能够区分城市群各城市对内外部生态环境资源的依赖,有助于研究城市群社会经济活动产生的内外部效应[26,27]。然而,当前关于区域虚拟水贸易与水足迹的研究,很少明确区分近、远程地区的作用与影响,无法辨别区域对内外部水资源的依赖程度,难以探讨内外部社会经济活动对区域水资源供给的效应。因而,本文借鉴近远程视角来分析京津冀城市群近远程虚拟水贸易流动具有一定的创新性。将京津冀城市群看作一个地域系统,其中近程虚拟水贸易流动指系统内部即北京、天津、河北三地之间通过商品和服务贸易形成的虚拟水交易,远程虚拟水贸易流动指系统以外各省域单元通过与北京、天津、河北的商品和服务贸易形成的虚拟水交易。本文在2010年中国区域间投入产出表的基础上,通过测算京津冀城市群与全国各省域单元之间的虚拟水贸易量,从近远程视角讨论京津冀城市群内部与外部水足迹特征及内外虚拟水流动的空间格局。在已有的京津冀城市群虚拟水有关研究的基础上[23, 28],明确区分近远程水足迹,分区讨论远程水足迹的贡献作用,并分析虚拟水贸易的距离特征,是本文拟解决的核心问题。本研究为提高京津冀地区水资源协同管理,实现水资源区域联合调度与水资源安全提供有效依据。

2 数据来源及方法

2.1 数据来源


Tab. 1
Tab. 1Main data sources for analysis of local and distant virtual water trades in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration


2.2 方法

2.2.1 基于投入产出的虚拟水与水足迹测算 本文在区域间投入产出表的基础上,计算区域之间的虚拟水贸易量与区域水足迹。在一个考虑R个区域N个经济部门的经济系统中,区域间的投入产出表可用下式表达:

式中:xrN×1向量)表征r省域单元N个部门的产出;ArsN×N矩阵)为技术矩阵,其元素 aijrs为在s省域单元生产单位j部门产品所需r省域单元i部门产品投入量;yrrN×1向量)为r省域单元各部门产品在本省的最终消费量;yrsN×1向量)为r省域单元各部门产品在s省的最终消费量;exrN×1向量)为r省域单元各部门产品的国外出口量。根据式(1),各区域各部门的总产出可以表达为最终消费量的计算式:

式中:I为单位矩阵; I-A-1为Leontief逆矩阵。将用水量引入式(2),各区域各部门用水量可表达为:

式中:wrN×1向量)代表r区域N个部门的用水量;D为对角元素为[d1, d2, …, dN]的对角矩阵,其中,dTN×N对角矩阵)代表直接用水系数,即各部门生产单位产品的直接用水量;T为包含直接与间接用水的完全用水系数矩阵。区域r流入到区域s的虚拟水量可由下式计算:


区域r的消费水足迹 wfr可由下式计算:

式中:vwsrs = r)为本地水足迹; srvwsr为外部水足迹。

2.2.2 京津冀虚拟水贸易近远程分析 在省域单元虚拟水贸易量测算的基础上,区分京津冀城市群虚拟水近程与远程的交易量,分析该地区水足迹的近远程供给结构,评估该地区水资源的自给状况与对外部水资源的依赖。其中,近程虚拟水贸易指京津冀城市群内部即北京、天津、河北三地之间通过商品和服务贸易形成的虚拟水流动,远程虚拟水贸易指京津冀城市群与外部各省域单元之间随贸易产生的虚拟水交换。为方便对京津冀城市群远程虚拟水来源地进行分析,按照国家统计局公布的经济带划分标准将中国各地区分为东部、西部、中部、东北四大区域[33],除去京津冀,东部包括上海、江苏、浙江、福建、山东、广东和海南等7个省(市);中部涵盖山西、安徽、江西、河南、湖北和湖南等6个省(市);西部包括内蒙古、广西、重庆、四川、贵州、云南、陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏和新疆等11个省(区、市);东北包括辽宁、吉林和黑龙江等3个省(市)。


式中: drˉ代表北京、天津或河北消费的虚拟水距离来源地的平均距离;r指代北京、天津或河北;dsr指北京、天津或河北到其他省域单元之间的距离,由两个省域单元几何中心之间的距离代替。

3 结果与讨论


3.1 京津冀各部门用水强度分析

京津冀三省(市)2010年30个产业部门的直接用水系数与完全用水系数结果如表2所示。京津冀地区各部门的直接用水系数为0.01~352.2 m3/万元,完全用水系数为7.6~544.4 m3/万元,由于完全用水包括直接用水与间接用水,完全用水系数总是高于直接用水系数。不同部门用水系数差异大,其中,农业部门用水强度最高,直接用水系数超过300 m3/万元,完全用水系数超过400 m3/万元;工业与服务业各部门直接用水系数显著低于农业直接用水系数,其中直接用水强度较大的工业部门包括电力、热力的生产和供应业、金属冶炼及压延加工业、非金属矿及其他矿采选业和纺织业,有些省(市)直接用水系数超过10 m3/万元,但仍然低于农业部门直接用水强度一个数量级。由于中间投入产品较多,工业与服务业各部门的完全用水系数显著高于其直接用水系数,食品制造及烟草加工业等部门的直接用水不到完全用水的2%。完全用水强度较大的部门包括农林牧渔业、食品制造及烟草加工业、纺织业、住宿餐饮业等,其三省(市)的完全用水系数均超过100 m3/万元。

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Direct and total water use coefficients in 30 sectors in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei (m3/104 yuan)



根据各部门的直接和完全用水系数以及各部门的总产出,计算北京、天津、河北的所有部门综合直接用水系数分别为5.7 m3/万元、6.2 m3/万元、30.1 m3/万元,所有部门综合完全用水系数分别为37.8 m3/万元、44.9 m3/万元、86.9 m3/万元。产业结构的不同导致京津冀各省(市)所有部门综合的用水系数差别较大,北京农产品产出占比最低,占各部门总产出比例不足1%,因而各部门综合的直接与完全用水系数最低;河北农产品产出占比相对最高,各部门综合的直接与完全用水系数最高。这说明除了注重提高各生产部门的用水效率外,升级产业结构、优化用水结构也是节水、减少水资源供需压力的重要途径。

3.2 京津冀水足迹分析比较

根据全国各部门完全用水系数和产品与服务的最终消费量,根据公式(4)~(5),计算得到京津冀各省(市)的水足迹(图1)。北京、天津、河北的总水足迹分别为79.4亿 m3、73.4 亿m3、137.1亿m3。尽管京津冀城市群地区农业用水占生产用水总量的70%以上,由于很多农产品并非直接用于最终消费,而是作为中间投入品进入生产链用于生产其他产品和服务,因而农业产品消费水足迹远低于用于农业产品生产的用水量,北京、天津、河北农业产品消费水足迹分别占总水足迹的24.0%、27.0%、34.6%。工业产品消费水足迹最大,北京、天津、河北的工业产品消费水足迹占总水足迹的比重分别为34.9%、51.7%、48.3%,其中食品和烟草加工业产品的消费水足迹最大,该部门产品消费水足迹占工业消费水足迹的50%以上。京津冀三地服务业消费水足迹分别占比总水足迹的40.1%、21.3%与17.1%,其中住宿餐饮业和其他服务业是消费水足迹最大的两个部门,这两个部门水足迹占服务业消费总水足迹的65%以上。



Fig. 1Sectoral water footprints in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei in 2010 (a. total water footprint; b. per capita water footprint)

京津冀三省(市)的总水足迹除以总人口,得到各省(市)的人均消费水足迹,分别为404.7 m3、565.3 m3、190.6 m3。省(市)之间人均消费水平的差异是造成人均消费水足迹差异巨大的最主要原因[35]。2010年北京、天津、河北的人均消费水平(包括最终消费支出与资本形成总额)分别为6.7万元、7.3万元、2.4万元,其中人均最终消费支出分别为3.8万元、2.5万元、1.1万元,人均固定资产形成分别为2.9万元、4.8万元、1.3万元。由于河北省人均消费水平远低于北京与天津,其人均水足迹水平也很低,仅为北京的47%、天津的34%。另外,用水效率也是造成人均消费水足迹地区差异的原因之一[36]。2010年,由于固定资产形成(指产业部门、政府服务生产者和非营利服务生产者在其固定资产存量上追加的净支出)较低,北京的总体人均消费水平低于天津8%,但由于北京的综合完全用水效率高于天津,北京的人均水足迹低于天津29%。

3.3 京津冀近远程水足迹分析




Fig. 2Water footprints from local and external areas in 2010 (a. Beijing; b. Tianjin; c. Hebei)



京津冀城市群的消费水足迹遍布全国各省域单元。京津冀三省(市)在全国各省域单元单位面积的水足迹和京津冀与各省域单元距离的关系如图3所示。图3显示,北京、天津、河北三省(市)在各省域单元单位面积的水足迹与到各省域单元的距离呈现出显著的负相关,相关系数在-0.53~-0.47之间(P < 0.01),这表明距离因素对虚拟水贸易有一定的影响。受运输难度与费用等因素的影响,在其他条件相似的情况下,虚拟水贸易倾向于在较近距离的区域间发生。图3d显示北京、天津、河北累积输入水足迹占比与虚拟水来源地距离的关系,各省(市)曲线均在对角线之上,再次表明京津冀城市群的消费水足迹总体偏向来源于距离较近的地区。其中由于河北很大一部分消费水足迹来自于本地,其水足迹来源于距离较近区域的偏向最明显,而天津的这种倾向最不明显。北京、天津、河北的消费水足迹距离来源地的平均距离分别为1049 km、1297 km、688 km,河北的消费水足迹距离来源地的平均距离最短。



Fig. 3Relations between water footprint intensity provided to Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in different provinces and distances in 2010 (a. Beijing; b. Tianjin; c. Hebei; d. cumulative proportions of virtual water as a function of distances)

3.4 京津冀近远程虚拟水贸易分析




Fig. 4Virtual water inflows and outflows between Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and other provinces in China in 2010(a. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region; b. Beijing; c. Tianjin; d. Hebei)





Fig. 5Virtual water trades in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and their structures in 2010

4 结论与建议

4.1 结论


(1)京津冀城市群内部各省(市)各部门用水系数显现出差异性。农业部门直接用水系数最大,其直接用水系数超过300 m3/万元,完全用水系数超过400 m3/万元,因而节水潜力最高,是未来重点节水部门。

(2)京津冀城市群内部各省(市)人均消费水足迹差异巨大。北京、天津、河北的人均水足迹分别为405 m3、565 m3、191 m3。由于河北省人均消费水平远低于北京与天津,其人均消费水足迹水平也最低。消费水平与用水效率为影响省(市)人均消费水足迹的重要因素。在协同发展的背景下,可以预见河北居民的消费水平将逐步改善,该因素的变化会带来京津冀城市群水足迹的显著增长,从而带来区域水资源压力的增大。

(3)京津冀城市群的消费水足迹遍布全国各省域单元,近、远程水足迹分别为91.4亿m3和198.5亿m3,远程水足迹大于近程水足迹,表明远程水源对于促进京津冀城市群发展的重要性。远程水足迹来源中,西部地区贡献虚拟水的总量最大。近程水足迹中,本地供应超过50%,河北给北京和天津输入的虚拟水远高于北京和天津对河北的输入量。受运输难度与费用等因素的影响,贸易倾向于在较近距离的区域间发生,距离因素对虚拟水贸易有一定的影响。京津冀城市群的虚拟水输入总体偏向来源于距离较近的省域单元。北京、天津、河北的水足迹来源地的平均距离分别为1049 km、1297 km、688 km,河北省的水足迹距离来源地的平均距离最短。


4.2 建议


(1)京津冀城市群的人均水资源量不足200 m3,但北京与天津人均水足迹远超过人均水资源量。在人口和经济密度大的城镇地区,应充分考虑远程虚拟水贸易对于提高当地水资源承载力的作用。未来在制定京津冀城市群水资源管理策略时,一方面需要利用南水北调水资源的调入为该地区增加直接的水资源供应量,另一方面需充分考虑虚拟水策略,通过远程虚拟水输入缓解京津冀水资源短缺。




参考文献 原文顺序

Li Guoping, Luo Xinran . Coordinated development between population and economy in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
Progress in Geography, 2017,36(1):25-33.

DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.01.003URL [本文引用: 1]
The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is an important population agglomeration area and economic growth pole in China. Research on the coordinated development between population and economy under the backgroud of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is of great significance for promoting sustainable development of regional economy. Based on the population and GDP of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei, this study applied elasticity, geographic concentration index, inconsistency index, and gravity center methods to analyze the coordinated development between population and economy in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The results are as follows: (1) The degree of coordination between population growth and economic growth was generally high in the whole region, but differs among the cities. (2) Population and economic activities are concentrated in the southern and central parts of the region while the north was sparsely populated with few economic activities. The economic concentration index values were higher than the population concentration index values in Beijing and Tianjin. The population concentration index values were higher than the economic concentration index values in most cities of Hebei. The population gravity center and economic gravity center both moved towards the northeast of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, with the economic gravity center displaying a stronger movement momentum. Moreover, the population gravity center of each city in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region deviates from the economic gravity center to different extents. This article also puts forward some policy recommendations for promoting the coordinated development between population and economy.
[ 李国平, 罗心然 . 京津冀地区人口与经济协调发展关系研究
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The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is an important population agglomeration area and economic growth pole in China. Research on the coordinated development between population and economy under the backgroud of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is of great significance for promoting sustainable development of regional economy. Based on the population and GDP of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei, this study applied elasticity, geographic concentration index, inconsistency index, and gravity center methods to analyze the coordinated development between population and economy in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The results are as follows: (1) The degree of coordination between population growth and economic growth was generally high in the whole region, but differs among the cities. (2) Population and economic activities are concentrated in the southern and central parts of the region while the north was sparsely populated with few economic activities. The economic concentration index values were higher than the population concentration index values in Beijing and Tianjin. The population concentration index values were higher than the economic concentration index values in most cities of Hebei. The population gravity center and economic gravity center both moved towards the northeast of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, with the economic gravity center displaying a stronger movement momentum. Moreover, the population gravity center of each city in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region deviates from the economic gravity center to different extents. This article also puts forward some policy recommendations for promoting the coordinated development between population and economy.

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Zhang Da, He Chunyang, Wu Jianguo , et al. Assessment of constraint factors of resources and environment of sustainable development in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region: Based on the framework of landscape sustainability science
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The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region is an important engine for China’s socioeconomic development. Timely and effectively assessing constraint factors of resources and environment is of great significance for the sustainability assessment and the sustainable development of this region. However, comprehensive assessment research considering key resource and environmental constraints are still lacking. In this study, therefore, the limiting factors of resources and the environment in the BTH region were assessed based on the framework of landscape sustainability science. First, we chose five limiting factors, including topographic condition, geological environment, water resource, land resource, and atmospheric environment, to assess the constraints of resources and the environment using the single-factor evaluation method and the multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method. Based on the results, we divided the whole region into five subregions, i.e., the ecological conservation subregion, the geological disaster subregion, the water resource scarcity subregion, the atmospheric pollution subregion, and the cropland protection subregion. The results revealed that the northern BTH region was highly constrained by topographic conditions, the central BTH region was strongly constrained by geological environment and water resources, whereas the southern BTH region was constrained mainly by land resources and atmospheric environment. In addition, water resource was the main limiting factor for regional population growth and economic development. In 2010, the water resource scarcity subregion had a total population of 39.59 million, an urban population of 76.90%, and a gross domestic product of 2 455.57 billion yuan. We argue that the sustainable development of the BTH region should explicitly consider the resource and environmental limiting factors, implement land use optimization according to local conditions, maintain multiple land use types and diverse management strategies, based on the perspective of “strong sustainability”, so as to promote the regional sustainable development.
[ 张达, 何春阳, 邬建国 , . 京津冀地区可持续发展的主要资源和环境限制性要素评价: 基于景观可持续科学概念框架
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The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region is an important engine for China’s socioeconomic development. Timely and effectively assessing constraint factors of resources and environment is of great significance for the sustainability assessment and the sustainable development of this region. However, comprehensive assessment research considering key resource and environmental constraints are still lacking. In this study, therefore, the limiting factors of resources and the environment in the BTH region were assessed based on the framework of landscape sustainability science. First, we chose five limiting factors, including topographic condition, geological environment, water resource, land resource, and atmospheric environment, to assess the constraints of resources and the environment using the single-factor evaluation method and the multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method. Based on the results, we divided the whole region into five subregions, i.e., the ecological conservation subregion, the geological disaster subregion, the water resource scarcity subregion, the atmospheric pollution subregion, and the cropland protection subregion. The results revealed that the northern BTH region was highly constrained by topographic conditions, the central BTH region was strongly constrained by geological environment and water resources, whereas the southern BTH region was constrained mainly by land resources and atmospheric environment. In addition, water resource was the main limiting factor for regional population growth and economic development. In 2010, the water resource scarcity subregion had a total population of 39.59 million, an urban population of 76.90%, and a gross domestic product of 2 455.57 billion yuan. We argue that the sustainable development of the BTH region should explicitly consider the resource and environmental limiting factors, implement land use optimization according to local conditions, maintain multiple land use types and diverse management strategies, based on the perspective of “strong sustainability”, so as to promote the regional sustainable development.

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The correlation between the?presence of HLA-B27 and ankylosing spondylitis has been a known entity since the early 1970s.? Although common in the general population, this allele strongly contributes to the susceptibility of development of the linked family of inflammatory rheumatologic conditions collectively known as spondyloarthritis. Additional associated diseases, particularly acute anterior uveitis, are also highly correlated with possession of HLA-B27. Although associated with spondyloarthritis, the pathologic role of this allele in immune dysregulation remains under investigation. With lower frequency, the presence of the HLA-B27 allele has correlated with inflammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthritis, and reactive arthritis.
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The correlation between the?presence of HLA-B27 and ankylosing spondylitis has been a known entity since the early 1970s.? Although common in the general population, this allele strongly contributes to the susceptibility of development of the linked family of inflammatory rheumatologic conditions collectively known as spondyloarthritis. Additional associated diseases, particularly acute anterior uveitis, are also highly correlated with possession of HLA-B27. Although associated with spondyloarthritis, the pathologic role of this allele in immune dysregulation remains under investigation. With lower frequency, the presence of the HLA-B27 allele has correlated with inflammatory bowel disease, psoriatic arthritis, and reactive arthritis.

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Water shortages and related environmental degradation in North China are major issues facing the country. As runoff from the mountainous parts of the region steadily decrease and water resources become overcommitted, serious water and environmental problems have resulted. These include drying-up of rivers, decline in groundwater levels, degradation of lakes and wetlands, and water pollution. Thus, 4000,km of the lower reaches of the Hai River – some 40% of its length – has experienced zero flows and, as result, parts of this river have become an ephemeral stream. The area of wetland within the Basin has decreased from 10,000,km2 at the beginning of 1950s to 1,000km2 at present. Over-extraction of groundwater occurs beneath 70% of the North China Plain, with the total groundwater over-extraction estimated at 90,billion m3. Thus, problems of water shortage and related environmental issues in North China have become the most significant limiting factors affecting sustainable development in this important region of China. This paper addresses the water security issues facing North China in the 21st Century using the Hai River basin as an example. We describe hydrologic cycles under changing environments, water-saving agriculture, assessment of water resource security, and efforts towards achieving integrated catchment management.

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Water availability and water demand are not evenly distributed in time and space. Many mega water diversion projects have been launched to alleviate water shortages in China. This paper analyzes the temporal and spatial features of 59 mega water diversion projects in China using statistical analysis. The relationship between nine major basins is measured using a network analysis method, and the associated economic, environmental and social impacts are explored using an impact analysis method. The study finds the development of water diversion has experienced four stages in China, from a starting period through to a period of high-speed development. Both the length of water diversion channels and the amount of transferred water have increased significantly in the past 50years. As of 2015, over 100billionm3 of water was transferred in China through 16,000km in channels. These projects reached over half of China's provinces. The Yangtze River Basin is now the largest source of transferred water. Through inter-basin water diversion, China gains the opportunity to increase Gross Domestic Product by 4%. However, the construction costs exceed 150 billion US dollars, larger than in any other country. The average cost per unit of transferred water has increased with time and scale but decreased from western to eastern China. Furthermore, annual total energy consumption for pumping exceeded 50billionkilowatt-hours and the related greenhouse gas emissions are estimated to be 48milliontons. It is worth noting that ecological problems caused by water diversion affect the Han River and Yellow River Basins. Over 500 thousand people have been relocated away from their homes due to water diversion. To improve the sustainability of water diversion, four kinds of innovative measures have been provided for decision makers: national diversion guidelines, integrated water basin management, economic incentives and ex-post evaluation.

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Children are the foundation of the United States, and supporting them is a key component of building a successful future. However, millions of children face health inequities that compromise their development, well-being, and long-term outcomes, despite substantial scientific evidence about how those adversities contribute to poor health. Advancements in neurobiological and socio-behavioral science show that critical biological systems develop in the prenatal through early childhood periods, and neurobiological development is extremely responsive to environmental influences during these stages. Consequently, social, economic, cultural, and environmental factors significantly affect a child's health ecosystem and ability to thrive throughout adulthood. Vibrant and Healthy Kids: Aligning Science, Practice, and Policy to Advance Health Equity builds upon and updates research from Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity (2017) and From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development (2000). This report provides a brief overview of stressors that affect childhood development and health, a framework for applying current brain and development science to the real world, a roadmap for implementing tailored interventions, and recommendations about improving systems to better align with our understanding of the significant impact of health equity.

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In the older population, one of the serious health concerns that are associated with comorbidity, impaired functioning, excessive use of health care resources, and increased mortality (including suicide) is a depressive disorder.[1] Depression that occurs among individuals greater than or equal to 65 years with no previous history of depression is known as late-life depression, which is characterized as the affective state of sadness that occurs as a response to various of human situations including loss of a loved one, failing to achieve goals, or disappointment in love relationships. Major depression differs only in the intensity and duration or quality of the emotional state.[2] The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) defines major depressive disorder by the presence of depressed mood or a marked loss of interest or pleasure in activities along with 5 or more of the following associated symptoms: changes in appetite or weight (5% of the total body weight), sleep, energy, concentration, and psychomotor activity, feelings of inappropriate guilt or worthlessness and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. There should be an impairment in social, occupational, and other areas of functioning. The symptoms of depression should have been present during the last two weeks.[3]?Depression in late-life is underdiagnosed and inadequately treated.?It is a serious and life-threatening disorder which affects every 1 in 5 individual in a lifetime.[4]?When it occurs in old age, it becomes challenging to distinguish it from dementia, as both these diagnoses have overlapping symptom profiles, especially when depression affects the cognition and is presented as ’pseudodementia.’[5]

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With rapid economic development in China, water crisis is becoming serious and may impede future sustainable development. The uneven distribution of water resources further aggravates such a problem. Under such a circumstance, the concepts of water footprint and virtual water have been proposed in order to respond water scarcity problems. This paper focuses on studying provincial disparity of China's water footprints and inter-provincial virtual water trade flows by adopting inter-regional input-output (IRIO) method. The results show that fast developing areas with larger economic scales such as Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shandong, Zhejiang, Shanghai and Xinjiang had the largest water footprints. The most developed and water scarce areas such as Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and Shandong intended to import virtual water, a rational choice for mitigating their water crisis. Xinjiang, Jiangsu, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Guangxi and Hunan, had the largest per GDP water intensities and were the main water import regions. Another key finding is that agriculture water footprint was the main part in water footprint composition and water export trade. On the basis of these findings, policy implications on agriculture geographical dispersion, consumption behavior changes, trade structure adjustment and water use efficiency improvement are further discussed.

Chen W, Wu S, Lei Y , et al. China's water footprint by province, and inter-provincial transfer of virtual water
Ecological Indicators, 2017,74:321-333.

DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.11.037URL [本文引用: 1]

Zhao D, Yu T, Liu J , et al. Water footprint of Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration in China
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Liu J, Hull V, Luo J , et al. Multiple telecouplings and their complex interrelationships
Ecology & Society, 2015,20(3):44.

DOI:10.1002/jobm.201900550URLPMID:31856361 [本文引用: 1]
Fungal biofilm is ubiquitous in natural environment. The major constituent of fungal biofilm other than biomass is the extracellular matrix (ECM), in which fungal hyphae are embedded. Physical properties of biofilms such as attachment, mechanical strength, and antibiotic resistance can be attributed to ECM. The present work probes various stages of biofilm formation by filamentous manglicolous fungus Aspergillus niger BSC-1. The spectroscopic analysis revealed that with an increase in incubation time the biofilm formation was significantly increased (p?&lt;?.0001) up to 36?h. Scanning electron micrograph and confocal micrograph depicted the development of fungal biofilm comprising of six stages, that is, (a) adsorption, (b) active attachment, (c) germling and monolayer formation, (d) hyphal development and formation of ECM, (e) maturation of ECM, and (f) dispersal of spores. At maturation stage, thickness of biofilm was observed upto approximately 15?μm. Approximately, 8.1?mg of ECM materials were extracted from 20?ml of broth culture using ethanol precipitation method. Furthermore, attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopic analysis exhibited peaks at 3,398, 2,930, 1,571, 1,391, 1,092, 977?cm-1 which confirmed the presence of protein, carbohydrate, and lipid in the biofilm-associated matrix.

Deines J M, Liu X, Liu J . Telecoupling in urban water systems: An examination of Beijing's imported water supply
Water International, 2016,41(2):251-270.

DOI:10.1002/(sici)1097-4636(199808)41:2&amp;lt;251::aid-jbm10&amp;gt;3.0.co;2-oURLPMID:9638530 [本文引用: 1]
We report here a novel method for blocking acute platelet deposition at the site of vessel injury by molecularly masking thrombogenic vascular wall proteins with covalently attached polyethylene glycol (PEG). To evaluate this technique, blood containing 111In-labeled platelets was perfused over damaged human placental arteries for 2 min at a wall shear rate of 200 s-1. Denuded vessel segments were incubated for 30, 15, 5, and 1 min with a solution of either reactive PEG-diisocyanate (PEG-ISO) or nonreactive PEG-dihydroxyl (PEG-OH). Vessels treated with PEG-ISO for 1 min exhibited 87 +/- 12% less platelet deposition (p &amp;lt; 0.01) than untreated control vessels, and this reduction did not vary significantly among treatment times, indicating that this reaction occurs rapidly enough to be clinically applicable. To investigate the duration of this thrombotic barrier, denuded pig carotid arteries were treated with reactive PEG-ISO for 1 min, perfused with plasma for 30 min, and then perfused with blood containing radiolabeled platelets. PEG-ISO-treated arteries exhibited 84 +/- 9% less platelet deposition (p &amp;lt; 0.05) than untreated controls. These data demonstrate that damaged arterial surfaces can be rendered resistant to platelet deposition after short contact periods with reactive PEG. Molecular PEG barriers ultimately might find application following vascular procedures to sterically inhibit blood cell interaction with damaged vascular surfaces.

Fang Chuanglin, Ren Yufei . Analysis of energy-based metabolic efficiency and environmental pressure on the local coupling and telecoupling between urbanization and the eco-environment in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration
Science China Earth Science, 2017,47(7):833-846.

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Fang Chuanglin, Zhou Chenghu, Gu Chaolin , et al. Theoretical analysis of interactive coupled effects between urbanization and eco-environment in mega-urban agglomerations
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Cao Tao, Wang Saige, Chen Bin . Virtual water analysis for the Jing-Jin-Ji region based on multiregional input output model
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Sun S, Fang C, Lv J . Spatial inequality of water footprint in China: A detailed decomposition of inequality from water use types and drivers
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Zhang Z, Shi M, Yang H . Understanding Beijing's water challenge: A decomposition analysis of changes in Beijing's water footprint between 1997 and 2007
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Children are the foundation of the United States, and supporting them is a key component of building a successful future. However, millions of children face health inequities that compromise their development, well-being, and long-term outcomes, despite substantial scientific evidence about how those adversities contribute to poor health. Advancements in neurobiological and socio-behavioral science show that critical biological systems develop in the prenatal through early childhood periods, and neurobiological development is extremely responsive to environmental influences during these stages. Consequently, social, economic, cultural, and environmental factors significantly affect a child's health ecosystem and ability to thrive throughout adulthood. Vibrant and Healthy Kids: Aligning Science, Practice, and Policy to Advance Health Equity builds upon and updates research from Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity (2017) and From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development (2000). This report provides a brief overview of stressors that affect childhood development and health, a framework for applying current brain and development science to the real world, a roadmap for implementing tailored interventions, and recommendations about improving systems to better align with our understanding of the significant impact of health equity.

Liu Haimeng, Shi Peiji, Yang Xuemei , et al. Self-organization evolution simulation and empirical study of human-water system
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