

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

符文颖, 吴艳芳
华南师范大学地理科学学院,广州 510631

Spatio-temporal characteristics and locational determinants for entry mode of German knowledge-intensive FDI in China

FUWenying, WUYanfang
School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
-->作者简介:符文颖(1984-), 女, 海南海口人, 博士, 副教授, 中国地理学会会员(S110009141M), 主要从事产业集群和区域创新研究。E-mail:fuwenying@m.scnu.edu.cn



Foreign direct investment in the knowledge-intensive manufacturing industry constitutes the key to industrial upgrading and economic restructuring in China. Present studies on foreign direct investment are still limited in regard to understanding their specific investment behaviors. Entry mode is the key strategy of foreign firms which determines their success in the host countries. Regions, as the basic spatial units with specific economic, social and cultural character, affect the entry mode of foreign firms to a great extent. This paper aims to reveal the geographical mechanism of the entry mode of FDI in the knowledge-intensive manufacturing sector, which advances the understanding of the exogenous-driven mechanism of urban and regional development within the context of economic restructuring in China nowadays. The theoretical framework of this paper proposes two fundamental locational factors influencing the choice of entry mode into the Chinese market: regional institutional environment and regional absorptive capacity. On the one hand, regional institutional environment is expected to influence the transaction cost of doing business in the host countries, in particular within the context of transition economies. When the regional institutional environment is better off, the knowledge-intensive firms tend to choose the wholly-owned entry mode to safeguard the interests of their own technology and reduce the risks of being rapidly imitated by local actors without costs. On the other hand, regional absorptive capacity enhances the willingness of foreign firms to form joint ventures with local firms in order to tap into the local knowledge pool. In regions with low absorptive capacity, foreign investment tends to constrain the scope of knowledge exchange within communities of foreign firms, and show limited willingness to cooperate and interact with local firms. Using the database of German knowledge-intensive FDI in China from 1982 to 2014, the analysis shows that the German FDI has been concentrated in the coastal areas of China. Spatio-temporal statistical analysis demonstrates that the location of German FDI has been spreading from coastal to inland provinces. In coastal provinces, it has been spreading from the central to the peripherial cities. Since 1995, the entry mode of German knowledge-intensive FDI has been shifting from joint ventures to wholly-owned mode. The logit model results further show that the entry mode of German FDI in knowledge-intensive sector is driven by multiple locational factors. On one hand, the decision of FDI firms to take joint ventures as the entry mode in the host country is influenced by the level of urban human capital and the degrees of industrial specialization. This implies that regional knowledge absorptive capacity is essential to the formation of local-global strategic coupling. On the other hand, the FDI stock and the number of authorized patents in the city significantly encourage the entry mode decision of a wholly-owned FDI firm, because the knowledge-intensive firms’ core competence lies in technology. These firms are most concerned about the issues on intellectual right protection. As a result, the regional institutional environment is an important locational determinant for the knowledge-intensive FDI firms.

Keywords:knowledge-intensive firm;entry mode;spatial-temporal character;locational determinants;German direct investment in China

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符文颖, 吴艳芳. 德国在华知识密集制造业投资进入方式的时空特征及区位影响因素[J]. , 2017, 72(8): 1361-1372 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201708003
FU Wenying, WU Yanfang. Spatio-temporal characteristics and locational determinants for entry mode of German knowledge-intensive FDI in China[J]. 地理学报, 2017, 72(8): 1361-1372 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201708003

1 引言

1978年以来,中国的制造业主要由外资推动发展,到2001年中国加入世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization, WTO)之后,受到中国巨大的市场潜力和廉价制造成本(主要是劳动力成本)的吸引,越来越多的来自欧美发达国家的企业进入中国投资。联合国贸易和发展会议2015年的“世界投资报告”显示,中国是全球接收外商直接投资最多的国家,约占全球总量的20%[1]。在这种发展背景下,知识密集制造业的全球转移对促进中国从“世界工厂”向“世界制造中心”发展有着不可忽视的作用,因此对外资知识密集型制造业在中国投资行为的研究有着重要的实践意义。

2 研究数据与方法


3 德国知识密集型制造业在华投资的进入特征

3.1 地域特征

3.1.1 沿海向内陆扩张、中心城市向周边扩散的区位变化趋势 统计结果显示,有德国知识密集型制造企业进入信息的城市共有84个,企业总数为1851家,其进入城市基本遍布中国各大省份,囊括了北京、天津、上海、重庆4个直辖市,河北、山西、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、江苏、浙江、安徽、福建、江西、山东、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、四川、云南、陕西、甘肃20个省份,宁夏、新疆2个自治区以及香港特别行政区,共计27个省级行政单元。从其地域分布的广度分析,德国知识密集型制造企业的进入区位并不限于大众所认知的沿海发达城市,也包含了众多的内陆城市,如新疆的乌鲁木齐、云南昆明、四川成都等。
-->Fig. 1Spatial distribution of German FDI in knowledge-intensive sectors by entry year

3.1.2 地域性的企业集聚现象各区位德国知识密集型制造企业数量图显示(图2),德国知识密集型制造业在华投资的地域集聚现象较为明显。而知识密集型制造企业全国分布情况统计表明(表1),仅上海、苏州、北京、广州、深圳5个城市就集中了德国知识密集型制造企业1210家,占中国市场中德国知识密集型制造企业总数的65.37%,5个城市所拥有的德国知识密集型制造企业总数分别占全国的36.84%、11.94%、9.45%、3.89%和3.24%。
-->Fig. 2Spatial agglomeration of German FDI in knowledge-intensive sectors

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Regional distribution statistics of German FDI in knowledge-intensive sectors

3.1.3 独资为各区位主要进入方式 对已建立的德国知识密集型制造企业数据库中具有进入方式信息的1127家企业进行分类统计,得到以独资为进入方式的企业数量有794家,而合资的数量为333家,采用独资方式的企业数是采用合资方式的企业数的2.38倍。
-->Fig. 3Spatial distribution of German FDI in knowledge-intensive sectors by entry mode


3.2 时间特征

3.2.1 德国知识密集型企业发展的两个高峰期 进入中国的德国知识密集型制造企业数量随时间发展变化趋势清晰地表明(图4),进入中国市场的德国知识密集型制造企业发展有两个高峰期,其峰值一个出现在1995年,一个出现在2004年。曲线中还有4个次一级的小峰谷,分别出现在1985年、1992年、1997年和2010年。这些时间点的出现与世界、中国的发展历程和FDI变化趋势是相对吻合的。
-->Fig. 4Temporal change of the number of German FDI in knowledge-intensive sectors

3.2.2 从合资为主到独资为主的时间转变 根据独资企业和合资企业随着时间发展的数量变化趋势,可以将德国知识密集型制造企业在中国的进入方式划分为两个阶段(图5):1980-1995年和1996年至今。1980-1995年,合资为德国知识密集型制造企业进入中国的首先方式;而1995年以后,德国知识密集型制造业独资企业每年增加的数量明显多于合资企业。因此,可以认为1995年是德国知识密集型制造企业进入方式从以合资为主向独资为主转变的重要时间截点。推断现象出现的原因:一方面是改革开放后市场体制建设的加快和完善;另一方面则是知识密集型制造企业已从投资的试探期进入了投资战略期,德国知识密集型制造企业在中国积累了一定的经营经验,出于利益更大化的考虑,独资成为了首选的进入方式。
-->Fig. 5Temporal change of German FDI in knowledge-intensive sectors by entry mode

3.3 小结


4 德商进入方式的逻辑回归方程

4.1 变量定义及模型构建

式中: p=proby=1|x1,x2,?,xk为因变量在给定系列自变量 x1,x2,?,xk的值时事件的发生概率; β0为截距; βk为回归系数( k=1,2,?,n)。具体的,本文中因变量y指企业的进入方式,0代表独资,1代表合资。而本文的自变量xk有控制变量和区位变量两种,其中控制变量为行业类型(I)、时间截点(T)和进入区位(L),区位变量则基于理论构建框架中界定的区域制度环境和区域吸收能力两大方面,选择4个相应的代表变量,包括代表区域吸收能力的人力资本水平(HC)和对应进驻外商企业行业的本地专业化水平(SPE)两个变量,以及代表区域制度环境的实际使用外资存量(FDI)和每万人专利授权量(PATENT)两个变量。各变量的具体定义情况如表2所示。
Tab. 2
Tab. 2Definition of dependent and independent variables
1=机械类:① 基本金属的制造、② 光学仪器及摄影器材的制造、③ 测量、检测及导航仪器、器具和钟表的制造、④ 其他机械及设备的制造;
2=化学类:① 焦煤及精练石油产品的制造、② 化学品和化学产品的制造;
3=电子电器类:① 电气设备的制造、② 电子制造;
4=交通运输类:① 机动车辆、挂车和半挂车的制造、② 其他运输设备的制造;

注:1. HC=3×文盲比重+6×小学比重+9×初中比重+12×高中比重+16×大专以上比重;2. FDI存量的核算以1990年为基年。
log itpy=β0+β1T+β2I+β3L+β4HC+β5SPE+β6FDI+β7PATENT(2)
由于逻辑回归模型是非线性模型,其变量系数不直接反映自变量对因变量概率变化的影响程度,仅能从估算系数的符号来判断自变量与因变量概率变化间存在的正负相关关系。为了更好地理解自变量对事件概率的作用,在logistic回归中还常采用到发生比(odds)和发生比率(odds ratio)来对回归系数进行解释,将式(1)进一步变形,得到:
式中: odds(p)称为发生比(odds),即事件发生的概率p与未发生的概率 1-p)的比值。当变量的值发生变化时,则有:
式中:OR即发生比率(odds ratio),其实质是组间发生比的比值,可用于比较不同情况下的概率差异。发生比率对于分类变量和连续变量的解释有所不同,当自变量被编码为代表不同分类的离散值并定义为分类变量时,发生比率表示各分类组与对照组的事件发生比之比值,而当自变量为连续变量时,各该变量对应的发生比率表示每增加一个单位时发生比变化的倍数,即 (xi+1)时的发生比等于 xi时的发生比与发生比率之乘积。

4.2 模型结果分析

Tab. 3
Tab. 3Logit model for entry mode of German FDI
变量回归系数Odds Ratio模型检验
时间截点(T)2-0.8280.437Number of obs= 741
Prob>chi2 =0.0000
LR chi2(15) = 123.57
Log likelihood = -374.91


5 结论与讨论

5.1 结论


5.2 讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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[17]He Canfei, Liu Yang.Industrial agglomeration and sectoral distribution of foreign direct investment: A case study of Beijing.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2006, 61(12): 1259-1270.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.12.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the systematic forces that determine the sectoral distribution of foreign investment. Unlike the existing literature, this study highlights the importance of industrial agglomeration and industrial linkage in attracting foreign investment. Using a panel dataset of two-digit manufacturing industries in Beijing during the period 1999-2004, this study finds that geographically agglomerated industries with strong intra-industrial linkages attract much foreign investment. Previous foreign investments have demonstration effects, information spillover effects and linkage effects, leading to industrial concentration of foreign investment. Investors also highly favor capital and technology intensive industries and are drawn to the most profitable and exporting industries, but avoid industries with high effective wage rates and high entry barriers. This study provides strong evidence to support that competitive and comparative advantages of local industries are critical to allure foreign investment. The existence of industrial clusters certainly heightens a city's attractiveness to foreign investment.
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. 地理学报, 2006, 61(12): 1259-1270.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.12.003URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the systematic forces that determine the sectoral distribution of foreign investment. Unlike the existing literature, this study highlights the importance of industrial agglomeration and industrial linkage in attracting foreign investment. Using a panel dataset of two-digit manufacturing industries in Beijing during the period 1999-2004, this study finds that geographically agglomerated industries with strong intra-industrial linkages attract much foreign investment. Previous foreign investments have demonstration effects, information spillover effects and linkage effects, leading to industrial concentration of foreign investment. Investors also highly favor capital and technology intensive industries and are drawn to the most profitable and exporting industries, but avoid industries with high effective wage rates and high entry barriers. This study provides strong evidence to support that competitive and comparative advantages of local industries are critical to allure foreign investment. The existence of industrial clusters certainly heightens a city's attractiveness to foreign investment.
[18]Morschett D, Schramm-Klein H, Swoboda B.Decades of research on market entry modes: What do we really know about external antecedents of entry mode choice?
Journal of International Management, 2010, 16(1): 60-77.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.intman.2009.09.002URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The choice of a mode of market entry is a critical component of the internationalization strategy, and numerous empirical studies have focused on this topic. Prior research, however, has provided mixed empirical evidence and thus, is difficult to interpret and review. This study examines the external antecedents of the choice of entry mode by meta-analyzing data from 72 independent primary studies. We focus on the decision between wholly owned subsidiaries and cooperative entry modes. For each variable, hypotheses about the theoretically expected direction of effect are posited and tested. We find a strong positive relationship between power distance as a cultural trait of the firm's home country and the propensity to establish a wholly owned subsidiary. On the other hand, we find a negative association between country risk, legal restrictions, market growth, and market size and the preference for wholly owned subsidiaries. We extensively discuss the implications of the meta-analytical results and investigate moderating effects of industry type and the time of the study. The relationship between income level of the host country and entry mode depends, to some degree, on the industry type. Service companies exhibit a negative relationship between income level and wholly owned subsidiaries, while manufacturing companies show a positive relationship.
[19]Zhao Dali, Gao Wei, Li Yanli.Study on the influence on regional innovative capability by the means of knowledge transfer: Based on the analysis of the data during 2001-2008 in China.
Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2011, 28(16): 32-37.
URL [本文引用: 1]

[赵大丽, 高伟, 李艳丽. 知识转移方式对区域创新能力的影响研究: 基于2001-2008年省际数据的分析
. 科技进步与对策, 2011, 28(16): 32-37.]
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[20]Javorcik B S.The composition of foreign direct investment and protection of intellectual property rights: Evidence from transition economies.
European economic review, 2004, 48(1): 39-62.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0014-2921(02)00257-XURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
While existing literature examined the impact of intellectual property protection on the volume of foreign direct investment (FDI), little is known about its effect on the composition of FDI inflows. This paper addresses this question empirically using a unique firm-level data set from Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It finds that weak protection deters foreign investors in technology-intensive sectors that rely heavily on intellectual property rights. Moreover, the results indicate that a weak intellectual property regime encourages investors to undertake projects focusing on distribution rather than local production.
[21]Yang Quanfa, Han Ying.Intellectual property right protection and FDI strategies of MNE
. Economic Research Journal, 2006(4): 28-34.
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[杨全发,韩樱. 知识产权保护与跨国公司对外直接投资策略
. 经济研究, 2006(4): 28-34.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
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