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贺灿飞1,2,, 董瑶1, 周沂1,2
1. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
2. 北京大学-林肯研究院 城市发展与土地政策研究中心,北京 100871

Evolution of export product space in China: Path-dependent or path-breaking?

HECanfei1,2,, DONGYao1, ZHOUYi1,2
1. School of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2. Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, Beijing 100871, China
-->作者简介:贺灿飞(1972-), 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 中国地理学会会员(S110005164M), 主要研究方向为经济地理,产业和区域经济等。E-mail: hecanfei@urban.pku.edu.cn


地区经济发展与其生产结构紧密相联。演化经济地理学认为,地区生产结构的演化受技术关联的影响,是一个路径依赖过程;一些研究也认为产业和区域政策等因素可能创造新路径,实现路径突破。本文沿用Hidalgo等定义的贸易产品空间方法,基于2001-2013年中国31个省区市的产品贸易数据,对中国出口产品空间(Product Space)的演化路径进行探讨。结果发现:中国四大区域—东部、中部、西部和东北地区的出口产品经历了较为明显的结构转型,不同区域的转型方向与路径各异。在2001-2007年间,四大区域的出口产品空间演化受到技术关联的显著影响,体现为路径依赖的过程。在2008-2013年间,东部、中部与东北地区的产品空间演化仍受技术关联的影响,而西部地区则更多受到产业和区域政策的推动,体现了路径突破的演化过程。本文研究启示,虽然中国区域生产结构演化一定程度上受制于现有区域能力、技术和知识积累,但是区域性制度政策创新可以突破原有路径,为区域发展创造新的机会。

Regional economic development is closely related to its productive structure, which evolves constantly. Economic geographers argue that the evolution of regional productive structure is path-dependent and stress the importance of technological relatedness. However, recent studies also suggest that regional and industrial policies may help create a new path of regional development. This study follows the method proposed by Hidalgo to measure technological relatedness and generate product space of Chinese exports using the trade data of China's 31 provinces during 2001-2013. The results show that China has experienced substantial structural transformation in export products, but there are significant regional differences. The coastal region has shifted from the labor intensive to capital and technology intensive products, the central and northeastern regions have first evolved from the resource intensive to labor intensive products, and then to capital and technology intensive products. The western region has transferred from the resource intensive to labor intensive structures. Econometric analysis reports that the evolution of export products of the four regions was significantly driven by technological relatedness during 2001-2007. Technological relatedness still played its role during 2008-2013 for the eastern, central and northeastern regions. But in the western region, regional and industrial policies support the structural transformation of export products. The significance of technological relatedness implies that the evolution of regional export products in China is path dependent. The role of regional policies suggest that institutions may create a new development path.

Keywords:evolutionary economic geography;product space;technological relatedness;Chinese trade

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贺灿飞, 董瑶, 周沂. 中国对外贸易产品空间路径演化[J]. , 2016, 71(6): 969-983 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201606006
HE Canfei, DONG Yao, ZHOU Yi. Evolution of export product space in China: Path-dependent or path-breaking?[J]. 地理学报, 2016, 71(6): 969-983 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlxb201606006

1 引言

地区经济发展与其生产结构紧密相联,多样而复杂的生产结构是地区经济增长的源泉。Jacobs等认为地区多样化会产生新的创意,从而促进知识溢出,为创新提供资源[1-2]。而Nooteboom[3]指出Jacobs只强调了地理邻近性对知识溢出的重要性,忽略了认知距离的影响,认为在产业间只有认知距离合适的时候才能产生知识溢出。认知距离太远则产业间交互没有共同的知识基础,而认知距离太近则容易造成知识与技术的“锁定”,同样不利于技术与资源的有效整合。在此基础上,演化经济地理****提出“认知邻近性”(cognitive proximity)的概念[4],并引入“技术关联”(technological relatedness)来衡量认知临近性[5],认为只有关联性较高的产业才能实现知识的跨产业溢出[6]。随后Frenken等[6]、Boschma等[7]分别通过对荷兰、意大利的研究,验证了产业间技术关联对地区经济发展的促进作用。
由于邻近产品对劳动力、土地、资本密集度、技术精细化水平、投入和产出的产品价值链、制度条件等的要求较为相似,故企业更容易跳跃到距离较近(产品间技术关联大)的新产品进行生产。然而,在同一产品空间中,位于产品空间不同位置的不同区域,产业升级的机会是不同的,这导致产品结构演化过程的分岔和分化[12]。位于产品空间“核心区”的国家或地区更容易跳跃到邻近产品,从而实现多样化发展;而位于产品空间“边缘区”的国家或地区则由于缺乏与“核心区”产品的技术联系,很难实现产品结构转变,陷入“低端产品”陷阱("low-product" trap)[13]。随后****们分别利用不同国家或地区的数据构建产品空间,验证了技术关联对地区生产结构演化的影响,体现技术关联的路径依赖作用[14]。然而近年来也有****指出,并非所有生产结构演化都遵循路径依赖。如Jankowska等[15]通过韩国、巴西和墨西哥的案例研究,发现产业发展政策能够促使地区生产结构转变。Abdon等[16]认为撒哈拉以南非洲地区的生产结构位于产品空间“边缘区”,要想打破路径依赖,实现地区经济增长与结构转型必须引入有关政策。这些研究提到的政策对地区生产结构演化的影响体现了路径突破的过程。可见在地区生产结构演化过程中,不同国家或地区发展可能遵循不同的演化路径。
因此,选取2001-2013年中国31个省市产品出口贸易数据构建产品空间,通过分析技术关联和产业政策对出口产品结构演化的影响,研究中国不同区域产品结构的演化路径。本文主要回答以下3个问题:① 中国出口产品空间特征是什么,是否存在区域差异?② 技术关联是否影响中国出口产品空间演化?其影响是否存在时间差异与区域差异?③ 在出口产品的演化过程中,是否存在路径突破?本研究有助于加深对中国生产产品结构演化及其区域差异的认识,也将为演化经济地理学的演化路径研究提供新的证据。

2 中国产品空间演化及其区域差异

2.1 研究方法与数据

式中: expc,i,tt时期c地区i产品的出口额。如果RCA > 1,则表明该地区此产品出口额高于全国平均水平,在全国范围内具有比较优势。这里还可计算优势产品复杂性:
式中: ac,tt时期c地区具有比较优势产品的数量; bi,tt时期i产品具有比较优势的地区数量,通过二者可计算 ξc,t衡量优势产品复杂性。 ξc,t越高,说明该地区的产品能够被较多的地区出口,故其平均复杂性较低,反之则较高。此指标不纳入模型,只用于下文对中国产品结构演化的描述分析。
(2)计算产品间邻近性 ?i,j,构建产品空间:
产品邻近性的计算主要基于条件概率,即分别计算产品i和产品j在某一地区同时具有比较优势的条件概率,并取最小值。 ?i,j越高,说明产品i与产品j出现在同一个地区的概率大,这同时也意味着两产品对生产投入、基础设施、组织惯例和技术水平等能力的要求相似,故在产品空间中应是邻近的。
在衡量技术关联时,本文也考虑进口对出口产品结构的影响。为衡量进口的影响,这里类比式(4),计算进口产品技术关联度 ITRi,c,t。数据来源于2001-2013年中国海关总署企业层面进出口数据库(CLFTTD),按照企业编码(企业注册地)前2位表示的省市与4位数产品HS代码(总计1241种),分别汇总2001-2013年各省市各产品的进出口总额。为排除极值影响,本文只统计年出口金额大于5000美元的企业。

2.2 中国贸易产品空间演化格局

首先,识别各省市优势产品并计算产品邻近性。邻近性通过2001-2013年数据计算所得,旨在以更大数据量拟合统一的中国贸易产品空间,并为下文区域差异的分析作基础。再分别叠加2001年和2013年的全国各产品出口总额,通过Cytoscape 3.2.1软件构建2001年与2013年的贸易产品空间。Cytoscape源于系统生物学,其通过节点(生物分子)与节点间的连线(生物分子间的相互作用)构建生物分子交互网络。类似地,这里以产品作为节点,以产品间技术关联为连线构建产品空间。为使空间图更明晰,采用“边缘加权嵌入式”算法(edge-weighted spring embedded layout),并筛除产品间邻近性(?)小于0.55的边(edge)与出口总额小于1亿美元的点(node)(图1)。
-->Fig. 1China's product space in 2001 and 2013

Tab. 1
Tab. 1The average complexity and position in product space of different categories in China


2.3 中国贸易产品空间演化的区域差异

-->Fig. 2Export products with comparative advantages in four regions during 2001-2013

-->Fig. 3Export product space in China's four regions in 2007 and 2013

-->Fig. 4Import product space in China's four regions in 2007 and 2013

-->Fig. 5Export products' average technological relatedness and probability of new products with comparative advantages in China during 2001-2007 and 2008-2013

-->Fig. 6Import products' average technological relatedness and probability of new products with comparative advantages in China during 2001-2007 and 2008-2013

Tab. 2
Tab. 2“Eleventh Five Year Plan” policy of China's four regions


3 技术关联、区域产业政策与中国产品空间演化

3.1 模型与变量

Ci,c,t+k=α+β1Ci,c,t+β2ETRi,c,t+β3ITRi,c,t+β4Re gion+β5Re gion×ETRi,c,t+β6Re gion×ITRi,c,t++β7Re gion×Polictyi,c,t+HS+YEAR+εi,c,t(5)
式中: Ci,c,t+k表示t+kci产品是否具有出口比较优势(是为1,否为0); Ci,c,t表示tci产品是否具有出口比较优势(是为1,否为0); ETRi,c,t表示tci出口产品的技术关联; ITRi,c,t表示tci进口产品的技术关联; Region是区域虚拟变量,东部、中部、西部与东北地区分别赋值为1、2、3、4,通过 Region×ETRi,c,tRegion×ITRi,c,t两个交叉变量表示不同区域的出口与进口产品的技术关联;HS为二位数产品虚拟变量(HS),控制产品差异;YEAR为年份虚拟变量,控制时间差异;ε为残差项。为区分不同阶段的影响,这里根据上文研究结果,选取2001-2007和2008-2013两段,其也可控制金融危机对中国出口产品结构演化的影响。
Ci,c,t+k=α+β1Ci,c,t+β2Policyi,c+β3Re gion+β4Re gion×Policyi,c+HS+εi,c,t(6)
式中: Policyi,c为政策变量,表示ci产品是否得到政策支持(同上所述,若c省50%以上的地级市对i产品有政策支持则为1,否则为0),其余同上。模型估计使用Stata13.0软件进行。

3.2 实证结果

通过构建2001-2007和2008-2013的混合截面数据模型,实证分析了2001-2007和2008-2013年两阶段技术关联对中国出口产品结构演化的影响。由于被解释变量为0/1变量,事件发生的概率依赖于解释变量,本研究采用Probit模型。首先令t = 2001-2004、t+k = 2004-2007(k = 3),通过各省市各产品的混合截面数据检验方程(5)。观察解释变量的皮尔森相关系数矩阵,发现出口技术关联度与进口技术关联度的相关系数较高(>0.5),而其他变量之间相关系数绝对值均在0.5以内,故将上述两变量分开进入模型。各模型Prob > chi2多数小于0.01,通过检验。pseudo R2均维持在0.33左右,具体结果如表3和4所示。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Impacts of technological relatedness on the evolution of export products in China during 2001-2007

注:*p < 0.05,**p < 0.01,***p < 0.001。
Tab. 4
Tab. 4Impacts of technological relatedness on the evolution of export products in China during 2001-2007
东北×ITR-0.05 ***

注:*p < 0.05,**p < 0.01,***p < 0.001。
依据同样方法,再令t = 2008-2010、t+k = 2011-2013(k = 3)构建各省市各产品的混合截面模型。表5显示了2008-2013年段出口产品技术关联对中国出口产品结构演化的影响。总体来看,在控制2008年产品比较优势的前提下,ETR变量的系数显著为正,说明2013年新增比较优势产品出现在与2008年优势产品相近的产品中。而分区域来看,这一阶段则出现了与上一阶段相反的结果:东部模型的ETR与区域交叉变量显著变为正,说明其演化受到强烈的技术关联影响;而西部模型的ETR与区域交叉变量显著为负,说明此阶段技术关联对其演化的影响较弱。其实,西部模型的结果从描述性分析中已初见端倪:图3中2008-2013年段西部地区产品空间图显示,具有比较优势的出口产品完全从原有下集团消失,转而更多的分布在左集团;图5显示西部省市多位于“低关联—高概率”区域也验证了技术关联影响逐渐弱化的趋势。表6为2008-2013年,进口产品技术关联对中国出口产品结构演化的影响。总体来看,在控制2008年产品比较优势的前提下,ITR变量的系数显著为正,说明2013年出口新增比较优势产品出现在与2008年进口优势产品相近的产品中。然而,此阶段ITR变量的系数较上阶段明显变小,说明2008-2013年段出口产品从进口产品中学习与转化的效应减弱。从分模型来看,与表5类似,西部模型的ITR与区域交叉变量也显著为负,说明此阶段西部地区的出口产品结构已很难学习与转化进口产品的知识等。
Tab. 5
Tab. 5Impacts of technological relatedness on the evolution of export products in China during 2008-2013

注:*p < 0.05,**p < 0.01,***p < 0.001
Tab. 6
Tab. 6Impacts of technological relatedness on the evolution of export products in China during 2008-2013

注:*p < 0.05,**p < 0.01,***p < 0.001
据此,本文认为西部地区的出口结构演化可能更多地受到政策因素的影响。本文进而令t = 2008、t+k = 2013,构建各省市各产品的截面数据模型验证方程(6)。表7模型结果显示,在控制2008年产品比较优势的前提下,政策变量显著为正,可见2008-2013年间中国出口产品结构的演化也受到政策的影响,这与Fleisher[24]、魏也华[35]等关于政策导致区域不平衡的研究结论相似。结合技术关联来看,这主要是因为中国政策的制定在很大程度上会基于现有的生产结构。而从分区域来看,只有西部模型的政策与区域交叉变量显著为正,说明西部地区出口产品结构的演化比其他三个地区更多受到了政策推动的影响。这也较好地解释了2008-2013年段西部地区技术关联的影响较弱的结论,揭示了其路径突破的演化过程。
Tab. 7
Tab. 7Impacts of regional industry policy on the evolution of export products in China during 2008-2013

注:*p < 0.05,**p < 0.01,***p < 0.001

4 结论与讨论

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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Following last decade脮s programmatic papers on Evolutionary Economic Geography, we report on recent empirical advances and how this empirical work can be positioned vis-藛-vis other strands of research in economic geography. First, we review studies on the path dependent nature of clustering, and how the evolutionary perspective relates to that of New Economic Geography. Second, we discuss research on agglomeration externalities in Regional Science, and how Evolutionary Economic Geography contributed to this literature with the concepts of cognitive proximity and related variety. Third, we go into the role of institutions in Evolutionary Economic Geography, and we relate this to the way Institutional Economic Geography tends to view institutions. From this discussion, a number of new research challenges are derived.
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. Regional Studies, 2007, 41(5): 685-697.
https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400601120296URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
Frenken K., Van Oort F. and Verburg T. (2007) Related variety, unrelated variety and regional economic growth, Regional Studies 41, 685-697. In economic theory, one can distinguish between variety as a source of regional knowledge spillovers, called Jacobs externalities, and variety as a portfolio protecting a region from external shocks. It is argued that Jacobs externalities are best measured by related variety (within sectors), while the portfolio argument is better captured by unrelated variety (between sectors). A methodology based on entropy measures is introduced to compute related variety and unrelated variety. Using data at the NUTS 3 level in the Netherlands for 1996-2002, it was found that Jacobs externalities enhance employment growth, while unrelated variety dampens unemployment growth. Productivity growth can be explained by traditional determinants including investments and research and development expenditures. Implications for regional policy follow. Frenken K., Van Oort F. et Verburg T. (2007) La variete connexe, la variete sans rapport et la croissance economique regionale., Regional Studies 41, 685-697. Dans la theorie economique, on peut distinguer entre la variete comme la source des retombees de connaissance regionales, dites les effets externes de Jacob, et la variete comme un portefeuille qui protege la region des chocs externes. On affirme que l'on peut mieux mesurer les effets externes de Jacob a partir de la notion de variete connexe (au sein des secteurs), tandis que l'argument qui prone plutot la notion de portefeuille est mieux saisi par la notion de variete sans rapport (entre les secteurs). On presente une methodologie fondee sur des mesures d'entropie afin d'estimer la variete connexe et la variete sans rapport. A partir des donnees au niveau NUTS 3 aupres des Pays-Bas pour la periode de 1996 a 2002, on trouve que les effets externes de Jacob augmentent la croissance de l'emploi, alors que la variete sans rapport attenue la croissance du chomage. La croissance de la productivite s'explique par des determinants traditionnels, y compris l'investissement et les depenses de recherche-developpement. Il s'ensuit les implications pour la politique regionale. Variete Croissance; Effets externes de Jacob; Economies d'agglomeration; Retombees Entropie Frenken K., Van Oort F. und Verburg T. (2007) Zusammenhangende Vielfalt, nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt und regionales Wirtschaftswachstum, Regional Studies 41, 685-697. In der Wirtschaftstheorie unterscheidet man zwischen der Vielfalt als Quelle regionaler Wissensubertragung (den so genannten Jacobs-Externalitaten) und der Vielfalt als Portfolio zum Schutz einer Region vor externen Erschutterungen. Wir stellen die These auf, dass sich die Jacobs-Externalitaten am besten anhand der zusammenhangenden Vielfalt (innerhalb von Sektoren) messen lassen, wahrend sich das Portfolio-Argument besser durch nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt (zwischen verschiedenen Sektoren) darstellen lasst. Mit Hilfe einer Methodologie auf der Grundlage entropischer Messungen ermitteln wir zusammenhangende Vielfalt und nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt. Anhand von Daten auf dem NUTS 3-Niveau in den Niederlanden fur den Zeitraum von 1996 bis 2002 stellen wir fest, dass die Jacobs-Externalitaten zu einem Anstieg des Beschaftigungsniveaus fuhren, wahrend nicht zusammenhangende Vielfalt den Anstieg der Arbeitslosigkeit dampft. Der Anstieg der Produktivitat lasst sich durch traditionelle Determinanten wie Investitionen und Ausgaben fur F&E erklaren. Im Anschluss werden die Konsequenzen fur die Regionalpolitik beschrieben. Vielfalt; Wachstum; Jacobs-Externalitaten; Agglomerationswirtschaften; U锟絙ertragung; Entropie; Frenken K., Van Oort F. y Verburg T. (2007) Variedad relacionada, variedad no relacionada y el crecimiento economico regional, Regional Studies 41, 685-697. En la teoria economica, podemos distinguir entre la variedad como una fuente de desbordamientos de conocimiento regionales, llamados externalidades Jacobs, y la variedad como una cartera que protege una region de choques externos. Sostenemos que las externalidades Jacobs se miden mejor segun la variedad relacionada (dentro de los sectores), mientras que el argumento de la cartera se capta mejor con una variedad no relacionada (entre sectores). Para calcular la variedad relacionada y la variedad no relacionada, introducimos una metodologia basada en las medidas de entropia. Usando datos en el nivel NUTS 3 en los Paises Bajos para el periodo 1996-2002, observamos que las externalidades Jacobs aumentan el crecimiento de empleo mientras que la variedad no relacionada desestimula el crecimiento de desempleo. El crecimiento de productividad puede explicarse mediante determinantes tradicionales incluyendo las inversiones y los gastos en I + D. Tambien explicamos las implicaciones para la politica regional. Variedad; Crecimiento; Externalidades Jacobs; Economias de aglomeracion; Desbordamiento; Entropia
[7]Boschma R, Iammarino S.Related variety, trade linkages, and regional growth in Italy
. Economic Geography, 2009, 85(3): 289-311.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2009.01034.xURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This article presents estimates of the impact of regional variety and trade linkages on regional economic growth by means of export and import data by Italian province (NUTS 3) and sector (three-digit) for the period 1995-2003. Our results show strong evidence that related variety contributes to regional economic growth. Thus, Italian regions that are well endowed with sectors that are complementary in terms of competences (i.e., that show related variety) perform better. The article also assesses the effects of the breadth and relatedness of international trade linkages on regional growth, since they may bring new and related variety to a region. Our analysis demonstrates that regional growth is not affected by simply being well connected to the outside world or having a high variety of knowledge flowing into the region. Rather, we found evidence of related extraregional knowledge sparking intersectoral learning across regions. When the cognitive proximity between the extraregional knowledge and the knowledge base of a region is neither too small nor too large, real learning opportunities are present, and the external knowledge contributes to growth in regional employment. Copyright (c) 2009 Clark University.
[8]Neffke F, Henning M, Boschma R.How do regions diversify over time? Industry relatedness and the development of new growth paths in regions
. Economic Geography, 2011, 87(3): 237-265.
https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2011.01121.xMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The question of how new regional growth paths emerge has been raised by many leading economic geographers. From an evolutionary perspective, there are strong reasons to believe that regions are most likely to branch into industries that are technologically related to the preexisting industries in the regions. Using a new indicator of technological relatedness between manufacturing industries, we analyzed the economic evolution of 70 Swedish regions from 1969 to 2002 with detailed plant-level data. Our analyses show that the long-term evolution of the economic landscape in Sweden is subject to strong path dependencies. Industries that were technologically related to the preexisting industries in a region had a higher probability of entering that region than did industries that were technologically unrelated to the region's preexisting industries. These industries had a higher probability of exiting that region. Moreover, the industrial profiles of Swedish regions showed a high degree of technological cohesion. Despite substantial structural change, this cohesion was persistent over time. Our methodology also proved useful when we focused on the economic evolution of one particular region. Our analysis indicates that the Linkoping region increased its industrial cohesion over 30 years because of the entry of industries that were closely related to its regional portfolio and the exit of industries that were technologically peripheral. In summary, we found systematic evidence that the rise and fall of industries is strongly conditioned by industrial relatedness at the regional level.
[9]Hidalgo C A, Klinger B, Barabási A L, et al.The product space conditions the development of nations
. Science, 2007, 317(5837): 482-487.
https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1144581URLPMID:17656717 [本文引用: 5]摘要
Economies grow by upgrading the products they produce and export. The technology, capital, institutions, and skills needed to make newer products are more easily adapted from some products than from others. Here, we study this network of relatedness between products, or "product space," finding that more-sophisticated products are located in a densely connected core whereas less-sophisticated products occupy a less-connected periphery. Empirically, countries move through the product space by developing goods close to those they currently produce. Most countries can reach the core only by traversing empirically infrequent distances, which may help explain why poor countries have trouble developing more competitive exports and fail to converge to the income levels of rich countries.
[10]Hausmann R, Klinger B.The structure of the product space and the evolution of comparative advantage. Working Paper,
April, 2007.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[11]Hidalgo C A, Hausmann R.The building blocks of economic complexity
. Partha Sarathi Dasgupta, 2009, 106(26): 10570-10575.
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0900943106URLPMID:19549871 [本文引用: 2]摘要
For Adam Smith, wealth was related to the division of labor. As people and firms specialize in different activities, economic efficiency increases, suggesting that development is associated with an increase in the number of individual activities and with the complexity that emerges from the interactions between them. Here we develop a view of economic growth and development that gives a central role to the complexity of a country's economy by interpreting trade data as a bipartite network in which countries are connected to the products they export, and show that it is possible to quantify the complexity of a country's economy by characterizing the structure of this network. Furthermore, we show that the measures of complexity we derive are correlated with a country's level of income, and that deviations from this relationship are predictive of future growth. This suggests that countries tend to converge to the level of income dictated by the complexity of their productive structures, indicating that development efforts should focus on generating the conditions that would allow complexity to emerge to generate sustained growth and prosperity.
[12]Wu Yejun, Zhang Qizai, Xu Juan.Review of product space and the evolution of comparative advantage. Economic Review, 2012(4): 145-152.URL [本文引用: 2]

[伍业君, 张其仔, 徐娟. 产品空间与比较优势演化述评. 经济评论, 2012(4): 145-152.]URL [本文引用: 2]
[13]Felipe J.Inclusive growth, full employment and structural change: Implications and policies for developing Asia
. Asian Pacific Economic Literature, 2011, 25(1): 178-178.
https://doi.org/10.7135/UPO9781843313557URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
'Inclusive Growth, Full Employment, and Structural Change: Implications and Policies for Developing Asia' discusses policies to achieve inclusive growth in developing Asia, including those relating to agriculture, investment,...
[14]Kogler D F, Rigby D L, Tucker I.Mapping knowledge space and technological relatedness in US cities
. European Planning Studies, 2013, 21(9): 1374-1391.
https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2012.755832Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
The accumulation of knowledge is a key driver of technological change and economic growth. Significant attention has been directed to the processes of knowledge production in a spatial context, but little attention has been given to the type of knowledge produced within specific places. The objectives of the present study are to map the US technology/knowledge space, to examine the evolution of that space over the time period 1975-2005, and to investigate the character of knowledge cores within US cities. The knowledge space is based on the proximity of technology classes, utilizing measures derived from co-classification information contained in patent documents. Results show that over time, patents increasingly cluster within technology classes that are located close to one another in technology space. They also reveal considerable heterogeneity in measures of technological specialization across US metropolitan areas. In general, smaller cities tend to display higher levels of knowledge relatedness, often because invention is controlled by a small number of firms with a limited range of technological know-how. Larger cities generate knowledge that is more broadly dispersed across the US knowledge space. Some cities maintain their technological coherence over time, the technological trajectories of others fracture and dissipate, while yet in other cities new technology cores emerge and develop. Higher levels of technological relatedness (specialization) in cities are linked to faster rates of knowledge production and to distinctive trajectories of knowledge evolution.
[15]Jankowska A, Nagengast A, Perea J R, et al.The product space and the middle-income trap: Comparing Asian and Latin American experiences
. OECD Development Centre Working Papers, 2012.
https://doi.org/10.1787/5k8x7gwqsllp-enURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Rapid and sustained economic growth in the emerging world has brought new members, notably China, into the group of middle-income countries. Reaching this level of income, however, has historically presented countries with a new set of challenges to development, resulting in slowing growth and an entrapment in what is known as the middle-income trap. Limited income convergence in Latin America has at least partly been due to its reduced capacity to engage in a structural transformation conducive to higher productivity. In contrast, emerging Asia offers a few examples of these 65virtuous. productive transformations. With these two references in mind, we build a comparative analysis based on the following points: First, we illustrate differences in the process of structural transformation, both with regard to sector productivity and employment absorption. Second, we adopt the Product Space methodology to compare the structural transformation that took place in both regions. Finally, we consider the role played by Productive Development Policies (PDP) in shaping the process of structural transformation, through a comparative review of these policies in Korea, Brazil and Mexico. In short, the analysis allows us to gauge the role that the economic specialisation of a country plays in facilitating transitions to more advanced stages of economic development. La croissance rapide et soutenue dans les économies émergentes a fait rentrer des nouveaux membres, dont la Chine, dans le groupe des pays à revenu intermédiaire. Cependant, atteindre ce niveau de revenu, a historiquement supposé pour ces pays de faire face à de nouveaux défis pour le développement, entra06nant un ralentissement de la croissance et une situation de stagnation connue sous le nom de piège des revenus intermédiaires. La convergence toutefois limitée de l’Amérique latine est en partie expliquée par sa capacité réduite à s’engager dans des transformations structurelles vers une productivité plus élevée. En revanche, l’Asie émergente nous présente des exemples de ces vertueuses transformations productives. Tenant compte de ces deux différences, nous élaborons une analyse comparative basée sur les dimensions suivantes : D’abord, nous illustrons des différences dans le processus de transformation structurelle, à la fois par rapport à la productivité sectorielle et la relocalisation d’emplois. Par la suite, nous adoptons la méthodologie de Product Space pour comparer la transformation structurelle qui a eu lieu dans les deux régions. Finalement, nous considérons le r00le des politiques de développement productives (PDP) pour déterminer le processus de transformation structurel, à travers une révision comparative de ces politiques en Corée, au Brésil et au Mexique. En somme, l’analyse permet d’évaluer le r00le que la spécialisation économique d’un pays peut jouer pour faciliter la transition vers des phases de développement économique plus avancées.
[16]Abdon A, Felipe J.The product space: What does it say about the opportunities for growth and structural transformation of sub-Saharan Africa? Annandale-on-Hudson,
New York: Levy Economics Institute, 2011.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[17]Poncet S, Felipe S W.Export upgrading and growth in China: The prerequisite of domestic embeddedness. The World Bank Economic Review, 2013(3): 1-27.URL [本文引用: 2]
[18]He C F, Wei Y D, Pan F.Geographical concentration of manufacturing industries in China: The importance of spatial and industrial scales
. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2007, 48(5): 603-625.
https://doi.org/10.2747/1538-7216.48.5.603URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
, Classification Numbers: L10, L20, L60, O18. 5 figures, 5 tables, 50 references.
[19]He C F, Wei Y D, Xie X.Globalization, institution change, and industrial location: Economic transition and industrial concentration in China
. Regional Studies, 2008, 42(7): 923-945.
[本文引用: 1]
[20]He C F, Wang J.Regional and sectoral differences in the spatial restructuring of Chinese manufacturing industries during the post-WTO period
. GeoJournal, 2012, 77(3): 361-381.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-010-9396-0URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Based on the micro level data, this paper examined the spatial changes of Chinese manufacturing industries during 2002鈥2007. Liberalized and globalized industries are largely concentrated in the coastal region while low technology, resource-based and protected industries are widely dispersed in the inland regions. Some labor-intensive industries in the coastal region encountered congestion effects and are relocated to the central region. Statistical results indicate that industrial enterprises have significantly benefited from the geographical proximity of related enterprises. The agglomeration effects however differ across regions and sectors. The coastal region enjoys both localization and urbanization economies. The western region has no significant localization economies while the central region has no evidence of urbanization economies. The Capital Region enjoys urbanization economies to a certain degree. Both the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta have the benefits of agglomeration. The further agglomeration in the PRD however would generate congestion effects. Although labor-intensive industries gain from agglomeration effects they are more likely to suffer from the congestion effects of related enterprises. The empirical findings indicate that agglomeration effects are not pervasive in transitional economies like China. Industrial agglomeration would contribute to productivity improvement only in a globalized and liberalized environment.
[21]Acemoglu D, Guenieri V.Capital deepening and non-balanced economic growth. NBER Working Paper, No.W12475. 2005.URL [本文引用: 1]
[22]Hua Xiaoquan.The policy research of regional economic coordinated development in China [D]
. Hefei: Anhui University, 2011.
[本文引用: 1]

[华小全. 中国区域经济协调发展的政策研究[D]
. 合肥: 安徽大学, 2011.]
[本文引用: 1]
[23]Li Jing.The impact of industrial policy on industrial structure and environmental performance [D]
. Jinan: Shandong University, 2014.
[本文引用: 1]

[李晶. 产业政策对产业结构变迁: 二氧化碳排放的影响[D]
. 济南: 山东大学, 2014.]
[本文引用: 1]
[24]Fleisher B, Li H, Zhao M Q.Human capital, economic growth, and regional inequality in China
. Journal of Development Economics, 2010, 92(2): 215-231.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2009.01.010URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
We show how regional growth patterns in China depend on regional differences in physical, human, and infrastructure capital as well as on differences in foreign direct investment (FDI) flows. We also evaluate the impact of market reforms, especially the reforms that followed Deng Xiaoping's 鈥淪outh Trip鈥 in 1992 those that resulted from serious hardening of budget constraints of state enterprises around 1997. We find that FDI had a much larger effect on TFP growth before 1994 than after, and we attribute this to the encouragement of and increasing success of private and quasi-private enterprises. We find that human capital positively affects output and productivity growth in our cross-provincial study. Moreover, we find both direct and indirect effects of human capital on TFP growth. These impacts of education are more consistent than those found in cross-national studies. The direct effect is hypothesized to come from domestic innovation activities, while the indirect impact is a spillover effect of human capital on TFP growth. We conduct cost-benefit analysis of hypothetical investments in human capital and infrastructure. We find that, while investment in infrastructure generates higher returns in the developed, eastern regions than in the interior, investing in human capital generates slightly higher or comparable returns in the interior regions. We conclude that human capital investment in less-developed areas is justified on efficiency grounds and because it contributes to a reduction in regional inequality.
[25]Pasinetti L L.Essays on the Theory of Joint Production
. Macmillan, 1980.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-349-05201-1URL [本文引用: 1]
[26]Redding S J.Theories of heterogeneous firms and trade
. Annual Review of Economics, 2010, 3: 1-54.
https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-economics-111809-125118URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
This paper reviews the recent theoretical literature on heterogeneous firms and trade, which emphasizes firm selection into international markets and reallocations of resources across firms. We discuss the empirical challenges that motivated this research and its relationship to traditional trade theories. We examine the implications of firm heterogeneity for comparative advantage, market size, aggregate trade, the welfare gains from trade, and the relationship between trade and income distribution. While a number of studies examine the endogenous response of firm productivity to trade liberalization, modeling internal firm organization and the origins of firm heterogeneity remain interesting areas of ongoing research.
[27]Cohen W M, Levinthal D A.Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1990(35): 128-152.URL [本文引用: 1]
[28]Zhao Jian.The effect of import on the export of Chinese industrial goods [D]
. Hefei: Anhui University, 2014.
[本文引用: 1]

[赵健. 中国工业品进口对出口的影响[D]
. 合肥: 安徽大学, 2014.]
[本文引用: 1]
[29]Jaffe A B.The importance of "Spillovers" in the policy mission of the advanced technology program
. Journal of Technology Transfer, 1998, 23(2): 11-19.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[30]Mei Lixia, Wang Jici.Power concentration, production fragmentation, and local upgrading in the global values chains
. Human Geography, 2009, 24(4): 32-37.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
全球领先企业的权力集中化和生 产的片断化导致价值分配的非均衡,并进一步加剧了全球生产网络中权力结构的不对称。本文提出全球价值链上的权力是一种建立在战略资源基础上的不对称的话语 权,并归纳了八种基本的市场权力形式。通过对全球十大工业制成品及服务业的市场份额分析,发现技术能力和品牌能力是全球领先企业市场权力集中的主要根源, 也是决定全球价值链上价值分配的决定性因素。嵌入全球价值链有利于发展中国家的本土企业迅速提高生产能力、接近全球市场和技术通道,但是从生产能力到创新 能力的升级过程并非自动发生;全球价值链生产片断化带来创新过程的垂直分离和重新整合,发展中国家产业升级的关键在于本土企业的吸收能力和学习速度。
[梅丽霞, 王缉慈. 权力集中化、生产片断化与全球价值链下本土产业的升级
. 人文地理, 2009, 24(4): 32-37.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
全球领先企业的权力集中化和生 产的片断化导致价值分配的非均衡,并进一步加剧了全球生产网络中权力结构的不对称。本文提出全球价值链上的权力是一种建立在战略资源基础上的不对称的话语 权,并归纳了八种基本的市场权力形式。通过对全球十大工业制成品及服务业的市场份额分析,发现技术能力和品牌能力是全球领先企业市场权力集中的主要根源, 也是决定全球价值链上价值分配的决定性因素。嵌入全球价值链有利于发展中国家的本土企业迅速提高生产能力、接近全球市场和技术通道,但是从生产能力到创新 能力的升级过程并非自动发生;全球价值链生产片断化带来创新过程的垂直分离和重新整合,发展中国家产业升级的关键在于本土企业的吸收能力和学习速度。
[31]Zhang Guimei.The historical evolution of China's export trade structure since Chinese economic reform. Journal of Shandong Institute of Business and Technology, 2008(2): 82-90.URL [本文引用: 1]

[张桂梅. 改革开放以来中国出口贸易结构的历史演进. 山东工商学院学报, 2008(2): 82-90.]URL [本文引用: 1]
[32]Zheng Lu.Research on the change and factors of export trade disparities between different areas in China [D]
. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University, 2013.
[本文引用: 1]

[郑璐. 中国出口贸易地区差异的变动和影响因素实证研究[D]
. 杭州: 浙江大学, 2013.]
[本文引用: 1]
[33]Bu Hai.Transformation and upgrading of open economy in eastern China: Based on the perspective of foreign trade. Finance and Trade Research, 2014(2): 58-64.URL [本文引用: 1]

[卜海. 中国东部地区开放型经济的转型升级研究: 基于对外贸易的视角. 财贸研究, 2014(2): 58-64.]URL [本文引用: 1]
[34]Boschma R, Capone G.Relatedness and diversification in the EU-27 and ENP countries// Utrecht University,
Section of Economic Geography, 2014.
URL [本文引用: 3]
[35]Wei Y H D. Regional inequality in China
. Progress in Human Geography, 1999, 23(1): 49-59.
URL [本文引用: 1]
[36]Hausmann R, Hidalgo C.The network structure of economic output
. Journal of Economic Growth, 2011, 16(4): 309-342.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10887-011-9071-4Magsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
Much of the analysis of economic growth has focused on the study of aggregate output. Here, we deviate from this tradition and look instead at the structure of output embodied in the network connecting countries to the products that they export. We characterize this network using four structural features: the negative relationship between the diversification of a country and the average ubiquity of its exports, and the non-normal distributions for product ubiquity, country diversification and product co-export. We model the structure of the network by assuming that products require a large number of non-tradable inputs, or capabilities, and that countries differ in the completeness of the set of capabilities they have. We solve the model assuming that the probability that a country has a capability and that a product requires a capability are constant and calibrate it to the data to find that it accounts well for all of the network features except for the heterogeneity in the distribution of country diversification. In the light of the model, this is evidence of a large heterogeneity in the distribution of capabilities across countries. Finally, we show that the model implies that the increase in diversification that is expected from the accumulation of a small number of capabilities is small for countries that have a few of them and large for those with many. This implies that the forces that help drive divergence in product diversity increase with the complexity of the global economy when capabilities travel poorly.
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