

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

刘妍心,1,2,3, 李华姣,2,3, 安海忠2,3, 管建和4, 刘宁5, 韩晓丹2,3, 李超6, 史江兰71.首都经济贸易大学管理工程学院,北京 100070
2.中国地质大学(北京)经济管理学院,北京 100083
4.中国地质大学(北京)信息工程学院,北京 100083
5.山东工商学院经济学院,烟台 264005

Dynamic coupling of the resource-economic-environment systems of China’s steel industrial chain based on scrap steel recycling

LIU Yanxin,1,2,3, LI Huajiao,2,3, AN Haizhong2,3, GUAN Jianhe4, LIU Ning5, HAN Xiaodan2,3, LI Chao6, SHI Jianglan71. School of Management and Engineering, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing 100070, China
2. School of Economics and Management, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China
3. Key Laboratory of Carrying Capacity Assessment for Resource and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China
4. School of Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China
5. School of Economics, Shandong Institute of Business and Technology, Yantai 264005, China
6. School of Quality and Technical Supervision, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China
7. School of Management, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China

通讯作者: 李华姣,女,山东烟台人,博士,副教授,博导,主要研究方向为资源环境经济与政策.E-mail: babyproud@126.com


作者简介 About authors
刘妍心,女,山东临沂人,博士生,主要研究方向为资源环境经济与政策。E-mail: lyxinnn@126.com

关键词: 钢铁产业链;资源-经济-环境;耦合协调度;政策模拟;废钢回收

To accelerate the transformation and upgrading of industries and promote circular economy, evaluating the sustainability of steel industrial chain has a positive significance for the development of the industry. This study constructed a resource-economic-environment system coupling model based on life cycle assessment and energy accounting. It analyzed the coupling mechanism of China’s steel industrial chain at the product, enterprise, and industry levels, and identified the key driving policies affecting the coupling at different levels by considering the scrap steel recycling rate, which could provide a reference for industry managers. The results show that: The coupling coordination degree of China’s steel industrial chain subjects is significantly different, and generally presents the pattern of downstream > midstream > upstream. The resource-economic dimensions are the dominant factors affecting the coupling of industrial chain in the resource-economic-environment systems. With the significant increase of scrap steel recycling rate, the policies of “reducing capacity”, “technological progress”, and “improving resource utilization” can have a positive impact on the coupling of different types of subjects in the steel industrial chain. To improve the resilience and risk-resistance ability of China’s steel industrial chain, this study put forward targeted policy recommendations for the comprehensive development of the industrial chain from the perspective of different types of subjects.
Keywords:steel industrial chain;resource-economic-environment systems;coupling coordination degree;policy simulation;scrap steel recycling

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刘妍心, 李华姣, 安海忠, 管建和, 刘宁, 韩晓丹, 李超, 史江兰. 基于“废钢回收”的中国钢铁产业链资源-经济-环境动态耦合. 资源科学[J], 2021, 43(3): 588-600 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.03.15
LIU Yanxin, LI Huajiao, AN Haizhong, GUAN Jianhe, LIU Ning, HAN Xiaodan, LI Chao, SHI Jianglan. Dynamic coupling of the resource-economic-environment systems of China’s steel industrial chain based on scrap steel recycling. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2021, 43(3): 588-600 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.03.15

1 引言





2 研究方法

2.1 研究框架




Figure 1Technology roadmap of the study

2.2 资源消耗-经济收益-环境成本耦合系统模型



式中: Ui代表了产品i的太阳能量; fi代表了产品的量; UEVi代表了产品的单位能值。本文中产品层面和行业层面的耦合评价指标主要利用了这一方法,过程中使用的大多数UEV均来自Brown等的最新数据[46]

生命周期评估旨在从大气[47]、土壤[48]、水文[49]等多个角度评估产品在生产过程中对环境造成的总体影响,本文应用该方法来评估钢铁产业链企业主体在生产过程中造成的环境影响。环境影响评估使用与Ecoinvent v3.1数据库集成的OpenLCA 1.10.3完成。


2.2.1 资源消耗-经济收益-环境成本耦合评价指标




Table 1
Table 1Coupling evaluation indicators at the product level of the steel industrial chain




Table 2
Table 2Coupling evaluation indicators at the enterprise level of the steel industrial chain




Table 3
Table 3Coupling evaluation indicators at the industry level of the steel industrial chain



式中: Xm即不同层面的指标值, 0<Xm'1

2.2.2 资源消耗-经济收益-环境成本耦合协调度


式中: f(M)分别是各层面的单位资源成本强度、单位土地生产效益、行业经济密度; g(U)分别是各层面的环境负荷率、环境影响强度、从业人员环境影响指数; h(E)分别是各层面的单位环境成本收益、单位价值影响强度、行业环境负荷率。 γδε分别代表资源、经济、环境两两方面间的发展程度,且 γ+δ+ε=1。在本文中,假设 γδε对于中国钢铁产业链的可持续发展具有同等重要性( γ=δ=ε=1/3)。


2.3 情景模拟


Table 4
Table 4Policy scenarios
技术进步提高矿山采选率矿山开采效率提高5%模拟“提高矿山采选率” 来增加铁精粉产量
去产能提高转炉废钢比生铁用量降低25%,废钢用量增加25%模拟“增加废钢使用” 来限制国内生铁生产进而保护环境







2.4 数据来源

2.4.1 产品主体

为研究中国钢铁产业链在生产过程中的资源-经济-环境耦合关系,首先基于当前文献[65]确定了主要生产流程及对应的钢铁产品,基于中国产业信息网(https://www.chyxx.com/data/)确定了下游行业及其占比(图2)。之后基于生产流程选择了铁矿石(铁精粉)、球团铁、烧结铁、生铁、粗钢、铸铁、宽薄板、热轧钢、线材及废钢作为研究主体。各产品主体的产量数据来自2018年《钢铁年鉴》。有关产品生产流程的数据来自现有文献及相关数据库,矿石开采过程的数据来自Ma等[65]的研究和Ecoinvent v3.1数据库,球团铁、烧结铁、生铁和粗钢产品生产过程的数据来自Ma等[65]的研究。铸铁、宽薄板,线材和热轧钢生产过程的数据均来自Ecoinvent v3.1数据库。废钢回收过程的数据来自Allegrini等[66]的研究。



Figure 2Framework of China’s steel industrial chain system

2.4.2 企业主体

“企业”部分包括生产各环节产品的企业,考虑到中国钢铁产业链部分环节的企业集中度较低,本文根据产量选择了排名前10或整体产量占80%的主要企业作为研究对象(图2)。企业主体的选择基于中国钢铁新闻网(http://www.csteelnews.com/)。企业层面的流程数据同样来自现有文献及相关数据库。其中,矿石开采企业的流程数据来自Ferreira等[67]的研究和Ecoinvent v3.1数据库,粗钢冶炼企业的数据来自文献“World Steel Life Cycle Inventory Methodology Report”,汽车用钢、房屋用钢、机械用钢、家电用钢和船舶用钢企业的流程数据分别来自Ribeiro等[68]、Tulevech等[69]、Xiao等[70]、Ling等[71]的研究成果和Ecoinvent v3.1数据库。

2.4.3 行业主体

与前两个层面相比,行业主体的确定更加直接。图2展示的产业链“流程”即为本文行业主体。由于产品、企业、行业间呈递进关系,因此行业主体的活动过程基于产品和企业主体整理得到。数据来源包括此前列出的文献[65,66,67,68,69,70,71]和Ecoinvent v3.1数据库。

研究过程所使用的UEV数据主要来自Brown等[46]构建的UEV数据库和国家环境核算数据库NEAD v2.0(http://www.emergy-nead.com/home),还有些UEV数据根据具体情况重新进行了计算(②篇幅限制,相关主体生产及回收过程所需的资源数据及具体核算过程未能在文中呈现。如有需要,可通过邮件向作者索取。)。

2.5 不确定性分析


3 结果与分析

3.1 中国钢铁产业链主体的资源消耗-经济收益-环境成本耦合机制分析




Figure 3Resource-economic-environment system coupling coordination degree of the steel industrial chain



Figure 4Resource-economic-environment system coupling evaluation indicators of steel products




Figure 5Resource-economic-environment system coupling evaluation indicators of steel enterprises




Figure 6Resource-economic-environment system coupling evaluation indicators of the steel industry

3.2 废钢回收下中国钢铁产业链主体动态耦合的关键驱动政策识别




Figure 7Change of coupling coordination degree of the steel industrial chain subjects under different policy scenarios



4 结论与政策建议

4.1 结论






4.2 政策建议




(3)对行业主体而言,上游相关行业可从降低从业人数,提高行业收益等角度来推动可持续发展。下游应用行业可考虑通过提高生产效率来降低资源的使用及消耗,进而降低从业人员在生产过程中的环境影响。最后,考虑到各行业耦合度在 “提高资源利用率”情景中均有显著提高,中国应尽快调整钢铁产业结构,提高废钢再利用率。例如,通过加大投资来帮助相关行业提高报废家电及报废轮船的拆解技术,进而提高优质废钢的产量,以实现废钢回收率的提高。


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This study examined spatial variations of precipitation accumulation and chemistry for six sites located on the West and East Coasts of the U.S., and one site each on the islands of Hawaii, Bermuda, and Luzon of the Philippines (specifically Manila). The nine coastal sites ranged widely in both mean annual precipitation accumulation, ranging from 40 cm (Mauna Loa, Hawaii) to 275 cm (Washington), and in terms of monthly profiles. The three island sites represented the extremes of differences in terms of chemical profiles, with Bermuda having the highest overall ion concentrations driven mainly by sea salt, Hawaii having the highest SO 4 2 - mass fractions due to the nearby influence of volcanic SO2 emissions and mid-tropospheric transport of anthropogenic pollution, and Manila exhibiting the highest concentration of non-marine ions ( NH 4 + non-sea salt [nss] SO 4 2 - , nss Ca(2+), NO 3 - , nss K(+), nss Na(+), nss Mg(2+)) linked to anthropogenic, biomass burning, and crustal emissions. The Manila site exhibited the most variability in composition throughout the year due to shifting wind directions and having diverse regional and local pollutant sources. In contrast to the three island sites, the North American continental sites exhibited less variability in precipitation composition with sea salt being the most abundant constituent followed by some combination of SO 4 2 - , NO 3 - , and NH 4 + . The mean-annual pH values ranged from 4.88 (South Carolina) to 5.40 (central California) with NH 4 + exhibiting the highest neutralization factors for all sites except Bermuda where dust tracer species (nss Ca(2+)) exhibited enhanced values. The results of this study highlight the sensitivity of wet deposition chemistry to regional considerations, elevation, time of year, and atmospheric circulations.

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This paper examines the role of entrepreneurs in advancing sustainable lifestyles (SLs) to address climate change and social inequity. It is based on empirical study of eight U.S.-based sustainable entrepreneurs, focused on reducing material consumption. While business has a key role to play, many large companies are unwilling to promote SLs as this is contrary to their current business models which are focused on growing consumption and sales. This presents an opportunity for entrepreneurial companies with innovative business models who are passionate about sustainability and social impact, and better positioned to take risks and innovate. The research examined emerging business models for advancing SLs, key success factors and challenges reported by the entrepreneurs, the social and environmental impacts of their actions, and the future opportunities for scaling up such practices. The study found that entrepreneurs are well positioned to address simultaneously environmental and social issues, however, they lack resources to effectively measure these impacts to demonstrate an overall positive benefit and strengthen their value proposition. Promoting green attributes alone is not enough to change the behavior of most consumers. It is critically important to emphasize other benefits such as a product/service quality, time or cost savings, or social impact. Social media, formal and informal sustainability networks, IT, sustainability policies, and consumer awareness are key to developing viable business models and competitive strategies that are difficult to replicate. The study found that sustainable entrepreneurs often face

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Bottom ash, the main solid output from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI), has significant potential for the recovery of resources such as scrap metals and aggregates. The utilisation of these resources ideally enables natural resources to be saved. However, the quality of the recovered scrap metals may limit recycling potential, and the utilisation of aggregates may cause the release of toxic substances into the natural environment through leaching. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was applied to a full-scale MSWI bottom ash management and recovery system to identify environmental breakeven points beyond which the burdens of the recovery processes outweigh the environmental benefits from valorising metals and mineral aggregates. Experimental data for the quantity and quality of individual material fractions were used as a basis for LCA modelling. For the aggregates, three disposal routes were compared: landfilling, road sub-base and aggregate in concrete, while specific leaching data were used as the basis for evaluating toxic impacts. The recovery and recycling of aluminium, ferrous, stainless steel and copper scrap were considered, and the importance of aluminium scrap quality, choice of marginal energy technologies and substitution rates between primary and secondary aluminium, stainless steel and ferrous products, were assessed and discussed. The modelling resulted in burdens to toxic impacts associated with metal recycling and leaching from aggregates during utilisation, while large savings were obtained in terms of non-toxic impacts. However, by varying the substitution rate for aluminium recycling between 0.35 and 0.05 (on the basis of aluminium scrap and secondary aluminium alloy market value), it was found that the current recovery system might reach a breakeven point between the benefits of recycling and energy expended on sorting and upgrading the scrap.

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This study examined spatial variations of precipitation accumulation and chemistry for six sites located on the West and East Coasts of the U.S., and one site each on the islands of Hawaii, Bermuda, and Luzon of the Philippines (specifically Manila). The nine coastal sites ranged widely in both mean annual precipitation accumulation, ranging from 40 cm (Mauna Loa, Hawaii) to 275 cm (Washington), and in terms of monthly profiles. The three island sites represented the extremes of differences in terms of chemical profiles, with Bermuda having the highest overall ion concentrations driven mainly by sea salt, Hawaii having the highest SO 4 2 - mass fractions due to the nearby influence of volcanic SO2 emissions and mid-tropospheric transport of anthropogenic pollution, and Manila exhibiting the highest concentration of non-marine ions ( NH 4 + non-sea salt [nss] SO 4 2 - , nss Ca(2+), NO 3 - , nss K(+), nss Na(+), nss Mg(2+)) linked to anthropogenic, biomass burning, and crustal emissions. The Manila site exhibited the most variability in composition throughout the year due to shifting wind directions and having diverse regional and local pollutant sources. In contrast to the three island sites, the North American continental sites exhibited less variability in precipitation composition with sea salt being the most abundant constituent followed by some combination of SO 4 2 - , NO 3 - , and NH 4 + . The mean-annual pH values ranged from 4.88 (South Carolina) to 5.40 (central California) with NH 4 + exhibiting the highest neutralization factors for all sites except Bermuda where dust tracer species (nss Ca(2+)) exhibited enhanced values. The results of this study highlight the sensitivity of wet deposition chemistry to regional considerations, elevation, time of year, and atmospheric circulations.

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