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李旭,, 熊勇清,中南大学商学院,长沙 410083

Characteristics of the impact of corporate average fuel consumption-new energy vehicle credits (CAFC-NEV) mandate on the new energy vehicle industry: From the perspective of business and environmental performances

LI Xu,, XIONG Yongqing,School of Business, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China

通讯作者: 熊勇清,男,江西临川人,教授,研究方向为新兴产业与创新战略。E-mail: xyq@csu.edu.cn


作者简介 About authors
李旭,男,湖南汉寿人,博士研究生,研究方向为新兴产业与创新战略。E-mail: lixu151601038@163.com

关键词: “双积分”政策;经营绩效;环境绩效;新能源汽车;反事实分析

To promote the synchronous growth of business performance and environmental performance, the corporate average fuel consumption-new energy vehicle credits (CAFC-NEV) mandate was implemented in the new energy vehicle industry. The implementation can be divided into two stages: the “brewing period” (2014-2016) and the implementation period (2017-2018). Using new energy passenger vehicles as examples, this study examined the dynamic change of business performance and environmental performance of new energy vehicle enterprises from three dimensions significance, agility, and stability. The results show that: (1) The CAFC-NEV mandate had shown its positive effects during the brewing period, in which environmental performance growth was more significant and stable, and business performance responded more quickly to the policy; (2) The positive effects of the brewing period were further enhanced in the implementation period. The growth of business performance is more significant, and the environmental performance policy response is more agile and the growth is more stable. Accordingly, the CAFC-NEV mandate needs to further improve its adaptability, coverage, and precision and control the pace and strength of implementation by taking advantage of the policy signal release mechanism.
Keywords:corporate average fuel consumption-new energy vehicle credits (CAFC-NEV) mandate;business performance;environmental performance;new energy vehicle;counterfactual analysis

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李旭, 熊勇清. 新能源汽车“双积分”政策影响的阶段性特征——经营与环境双重绩效视角. 资源科学[J], 2021, 43(1): 1-11 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.01.01
LI Xu, XIONG Yongqing. Characteristics of the impact of corporate average fuel consumption-new energy vehicle credits (CAFC-NEV) mandate on the new energy vehicle industry: From the perspective of business and environmental performances. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2021, 43(1): 1-11 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.01.01

1 引言

中国近年来依托政府补贴、税费减免等“补贴型”政策,虽然在短期内促进了新能源汽车产销规模的增长,但是这种“补贴型”政策缺乏可持续性[1],并且引发了部分车企的“谋补骗补”等问题[2]。为此,中国借鉴美国加州地区的零排放汽车积分政策(Zero Emission Vehicle Mandate,ZEVM)和欧盟排放交易体系(European Union Emission Trading Scheme,EU ETS),从2014年开始酝酿并于2017年9月正式推出了“乘用车企业平均燃料消耗量与新能源汽车积分并行管理办法”(简称“双积分”政策)。“双积分”政策作为中国新能源汽车“补贴退坡”后的主要承接政策,其目的是促进新能源汽车产业经营绩效与环境绩效的同步增长,并建立新能源汽车产业的长效发展机制[3]。积分管理政策尽管在户籍管理[4]、环境保护[5]、社会服务[6]等公共事务管理领域被认为是一种有效的政策工具,但是能否促进新能源汽车产(企)业的经营绩效与环境绩效协同发展,目前还处于探索过程中。


关于新能源汽车积分管理政策的已有研究也存在类似争议。国外部分****认为积分管理政策(主要针对ZEV积分政策)在促进新能源汽车产业双重绩效增长过程中具有显著效果,如Cristello等[13]的研究发现美国加州ZEV积分管理政策体现了环境保护与产业创新的潜在互补性,环境绩效与经营绩效呈现协同增长。Wesseling等[14]研究认为ZEV政策能够诱导新能源车企从“防御性”应对向研发创新和支持规制等“主动性”战略转变,研发专利和市场规模等经营绩效增长更显著。Sykes等[15]的研究认为ZEV政策的强制性有效避免了技术创新溢出中“搭便车”现象,车企经营绩效中的技术绩效提升更明显。但是,也有部分****认为积分管理政策在促进新能源汽车双重绩效增长时效果十分有限,如Rhode等[16]的研究认为政策制定者可能因为经济效率、行政可行性、公平和政治可接受性等原因缺乏制定和执行ZEV政策的动机,环境绩效改善困难。Wessling[17]的研究认为最终很难将汽车产业技术突破或经营绩效增长归因于ZEV政策。Dua等[18]的研究认为传统燃油车的促销政策会弱化ZEV政策的效果。Hammond等[19]的研究认为单一的ZEV政策以及执行不严格反而导致了环境绩效下降。由于中国实施“双积分”政策时间不长,仅有一些****针对“双积分”政策实施后汽车制造商生产决 策[20]、研发补贴方式[21]、政策协同[22]、公众感知[23]等问题开展了研究,关于“双积分”政策在促进新能源车企经营绩效与环境绩效中作用的研究比较少见。



2 理论分析与研究假设

2.1 “双积分”政策与新能源车企的经营绩效

技术和市场是影响经营绩效的两个关键要素,“双积分”政策的实施不仅可以促进新能源车企的技术绩效,同时也有助于促进其市场绩效。一方面,“双积分”政策中“企业平均燃料消耗量积分”(Corporate Average Fuel Consumption Credits,CAFCC)规定了逐年提高平均燃料能耗达标的具体要求,“新能源汽车积分”(New Energy Vehicle Credits,NEVC)则通过计分系数差异和续航里程门槛明确了新能源汽车的技术创新方向。相关研究表明,基于“特定”技术类型和标准的政策规制对于加速技术创新和形成规模经济等短期经营绩效效果更 好[25],因此“双积分”政策对于新能源车企的技术绩效有着积极的促进作用。另一方面,“双积分”政策规定了新能源汽车产销量的强制占比,同时结合路权优先、基础设施建设等鼓励新能源汽车的供需双侧政策,为新能源车企创造了更好的竞争环境和市场机会,有助于促进新能源车企的市场绩效。因此,可以提出研究假设:




2.2 “双积分”政策与新能源车企的环境绩效



2.3 “双积分”政策对新能源车企绩效影响的阶段差异性





3 研究设计

3.1 分析过程与模型构建


步骤一:基准面板向量自回归模型分析。面板向量自回归模型(Panel Vector Autoregression,PVAR)可以分析变量受到另一变量冲击时所表现出的短期响应和长期变化趋势,并且能够避免变量互为因果等内生性问题,被广泛应用到产业政策与技术绩效、环境规制与可持续增长等政策效果评价研究中[33]。为此,本文以PVAR作为基准模型,估计“双积分”政策冲击对新能源车企双重绩效的影响。



式中:Yit是被解释变量,包括[MP,TP,EP],为三维列向量;MPTP分别表示“市场绩效(Market Performance)”和“技术绩效(Technical Performance)”,EP表示“环境绩效(Environmental Performance)”; 为待估计的参数矩阵;n表示样本数量;p为PVAR模型选择的滞后阶数;Xi(t-p)为解释变量,表示“双积分”政策对新能源车企绩效的冲击;i代表新能源车企;t为时间;γiηi分别为个体效应和时间效应;μit为随机扰动项且服从期望为0、协方差为Φ的独立同分布。该模型可以进一步分解为:

新能源车企经营绩效(Business Performance,BP)由模型(2)和(3)构成,新能源车企环境绩效由模型(4)构成。



②解释变量。“双积分”政策(CAFC-NEV Mandate,CNM)为解释变量。“双积分”政策的两类积分分值反映了上一年度车企应对“双积分”政策规制的策略意图和行为结果,工信部从2013年以来,每年年初都会通过公示纳入考核的新能源车企两类积分分值,藉此释放“双积分”政策的改革信号。为此,本文以“双积分”政策(CNM)作为解释变量,并以标准化后的上一年度CAFCC与NEVC之和作为测量指标。

③中介变量。“双积分”政策目标必须通过促进新能源车企研发创新才能实现政策信号传导。因此,本文选取“研发投入”作为中介变量,以研发投入强度(R&D Intensity)作为测量指标。


3.2 研究样本与数据来源

(1)时间窗口及阶段划分。2010年被认为是新能源汽车产业“元年”,初期以“政府补贴”“税费减免”等补贴型产业政策为主。从2014年起,中国开始酝酿“双积分”政策并逐步实施“补贴退坡”计划。尽管“双积分”政策于2017年正式公布,但是从2014年“双积分”政策进入酝酿阶段,已经对汽车制造商的经营活动产生了实质性影响。据此,本文将2014年作为检验“双积分”政策影响效果的分界点,具体划分为“双积分”政策 酝酿期(2014—2016年)和实施期(2017—2018年)两个阶段。


4 结果与分析

4.1 模型的稳定性检验


Table 1
Table 1Unit root test results of panel data
检验方法MPTPEPCNM 属性判断


Table 2
Table 2Test results of optimal lag order



4.2 政策效果的动态性特征分析


Table 3
Table 3Generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation result of corporate average fuel consumption-new energy vehicle credits (CAFC-NEV) mandate effect coefficient






Figure 1Impulse response chart of business and environmental performance of new energy vehicle enterprises under the impact of the corporate average fuel consumption-new energy vehicle credits (CAFC-NEV) mandate

Table 4
Table 4Variance decomposition results of the corporate average fuel consumption-new energy vehicle credits (CAFC-NEV) mandate promoting business and environmental performance of new energy vehicle enterprises
MPCNM 环比/%同比/%TPCNM环比/%同比/%EPCNM环比/%同比/%











Table 5
Table 5Characteristics of corporate average fuel consumption-new energy vehicle credits (CAFC-NEV) mandate promoting business and environmental performance of new energy vehicle enterprises in different stages


4.3 政策效果的反事实检验分析




Figure 2Counterfactual analysis pulse response fitting diagram



5 结论





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Could industrial policy successfully induce new energy technology innovation plays an important role in building a clean energy system and a green technology innovation system. It is vital to promote China's industrial energy revolution and green development. Establishing the Quasi-Natural Experiment according to the key industrial policy in national and provincial governments&#x02019; &#x0201c;Five-Year Plan&#x0201d; and combining the panel data of new energy patents which is matched to the industrial sectors of use in China during 2006 to 2015, the current study examines the impacts and mechanisms of key industrial policy on new energy technology innovation from the demand side with fixed effect model, difference-in-difference method, and triple difference method. The findings show that the key industrial policy significantly promotes new energy technology innovation. However, the effects of key industrial policies differ significantly from each other due to different governments, implemented regions, and industrial characteristics. In terms of different governments, the key industrial policy that promoted by national government and provincial governments synchronously has a stronger impact on new energy technology innovation. In terms of different regions, the implementation of key industrial policy in the eastern region is better. In terms of different industries, new energy technology innovation in high-tech industries requires a higher quality industrial policy environment. From the perspective of mechanisms, the key industrial policy promotes new energy technology innovation by foreign investment and inhibits new energy technology innovation through environment regulation. However, the market competition mechanism is polarized. On the one hand, it can positively promote municipalities&#x02019; new energy technology innovation. Alternatively, it postpones new energy technology innovation in general provinces. The central government and local governments should combine development practices and form the &#x0201c;industrial policy synergy&#x0201d; to promote new energy technology innovation.

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The automobile industry is in a remarkable state as not one, but multiple alternative fuel powertrain technologies are challenging the gasoline/diesel fueled internal combustion engine (ICE). This indicates a high level of uncertainty and suggests that the automobile industry might be transitioning past the ICE powertrain as the dominant design. Our research analyzed the technological diversity of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) from 1991 to 2011. We collected an unique database of 884 AFVs from the 15 largest auto manufacturers. This data was analyzed on a firm, technological, and industrial level. Results showed an increase in technological diversity over the study period. Although electric vehicles are the technology du jour, auto manufacturers are continuing to develop a variety of AFVs. This indicates that incumbent firms do not know if/which powertrain design will emerge as the dominant technology. Indeed, high heterogeneity in vehicle demand through influences such as government policies could lead to several different types of AFVs competing in distinct markets. In addition to analyzing industrial dynamics in the automobile industry, we also provided policy recommendations for how governments can support the transition toward more sustainable automobile transportation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd.

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