

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

王丽萍,1,2, 姚子婷2, 李创,31.集美大学财经学院,厦门 361021
2.河南理工大学财经学院,焦作 454000
3.集美大学工商管理学院,厦门 361021

Effect of environmental strategy on environmental performance and economic performance: Based on the regulating effect of enterprise growth and market competition

WANG Liping,1,2, YAO Ziting2, LI Chuang,31. Finance and Economics College, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China
2. School of Finance and Economics, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China
3. School of Business Administration, Jimei University, Xiamen 361021, China

通讯作者: 李创,男,辽宁辽阳人,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事环境经济研究。E-mail: lich607@sina.com


作者简介 About authors
王丽萍,女,山西昔阳人,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事环境经济研究。E-mail: wangliping18@sina.com

关键词: 环境战略;环境绩效;经济绩效;企业成长性;市场竞争性

Whether environmental strategy can create a win-win situation of improved environmental performance and economic performance is directly related to the enthusiasm of enterprises to develop and implement environmental strategies. Therefore, this study empirically tested the relationship between environmental strategy, environmental performance, and economic performance by using the panel data of China’s four main polluting industries in 2014-2018. The results show that: (1) Environmental strategy as a whole can significantly achieve a win-win situation of increased environmental performance and economic performance; (2) Further grouping study shows that enterprises have different environmental strategies because of their different growth stages and market competition conditions, which in turn have varied effects on the two performances. The environmental strategies of enterprises with rapid growth have a significant positive impact on environmental performance but do not bring significant economic benefits, while the environmental strategies of low growth enterprises have no significant impact on environmental performance but can bring significant economic benefits; the more fierce the market competition, the more obvious the role of environmental strategy in promoting environmental performance and economic performance, while the effect of environmental strategy in weak competition environment is relatively limited; (3) From the perspective of the content of environmental strategies, only when enterprises attach importance to long-term environmental management, green technology innovation, and green culture construction, rather than being satisfied with meeting the emission standards or avoiding environmental violations in the short term, can they achieve improved environmental performance and economic performance; (4) After the implementation of the new Environmental Protection Law, the promotional effect of enterprise environmental strategy on environmental performance is more prominent, but the impact on economic performance is falling.
Keywords:environmental strategy;environmental performance;economic performance;enterprise growth;market competition

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王丽萍, 姚子婷, 李创. 环境战略对环境绩效和经济绩效的影响——基于企业成长性和市场竞争性的调节效应. 资源科学[J], 2021, 43(1): 23-39 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.01.03
WANG Liping, YAO Ziting, LI Chuang. Effect of environmental strategy on environmental performance and economic performance: Based on the regulating effect of enterprise growth and market competition. RESOURCES SCIENCE[J], 2021, 43(1): 23-39 doi:10.18402/resci.2021.01.03

1 引言


环境战略是企业战略的重要组成部分,旨在降低或避免企业生产经营活动对环境的负面影响,其环境战略的制定受到外部制度环境和内部组织因素的影响。学术界围绕企业环境战略的影响因素展开了深入细致的研究,概括为以下3个方面:① 从环境规制的视角看,由于环境污染具有负外部性,企业实施环境战略会受到环境规制的影响。一方面,****认为环境规制有利于企业环境战略的制定,促使企业构建主动型的环境战略,以实现经济和环境的双赢局面[1]。Jiang等[2]的研究发现,国内企业为了减少污染和遵守国家法律法规,会根据地方监管机构的决策制定有关环境战略。另一方面,由于企业面对环境规制的压力不同,导致对环境战略的选择存在差异。Chen等[3]认为低监管地区的企业并未实施合法化的环境战略,导致污染加剧;尹建华等[4]发现在环保政策压力增加时,企业更倾向选择环保型的环境战略,而监管压力越大,企业越不会选择反应型战略。②从利益相关者压力视角分析企业实行环境战略的动机。Alt等[5]基于自然资源的观点,发现企业在制定环境战略时考虑利益相关者的共同愿景,是企业实施积极环境战略以及推动企业环保工作的重要动力。潘楚林等[6]基于利益相关者理论、自然资源基础观理论和领导力理论,证实利益相关者压力对前瞻型环境战略有显著的正向影响。Earnhart[7]把利益相关者的需求与合规能力相结合,研究发现自觉的应对策略与更强的环境保护实践有关。Dai等[8]、Yang等[9]从利益相关者理论和熊彼特的竞争观、管理者认知角度入手,表明当企业感知到竞争者、商业压力时,更有可能制定积极的环境战略。③从内部因素视角看,企业内部因素如董事、管理者、创新主动性等都会影响环境战略选择。衣凤鹏等[10]认为连锁董事可以提高企业的资源获取能力和降低地区制度环境的不确定性,从而对企业采取环境战略有促进作用。和苏超等[11]研究发现当管理者意识到环境问题的重要性、认为环境战略是企业的发展机会时,更容易实施前瞻型环境战略。Perales等[12]研究认为,进行研发投资的企业在环境战略中具有更高的地位,即创新主动性是环境战略重要的驱动力。基于上述分析,企业实行的环境战略是外部条件和内部因素双重作用的结果,其中内部因素是实行环境战略的主要驱动因素,外部因素如政府的环境规制和利益相关者的压力等通过内部因素能起到催化作用。

随着企业环境战略的转型,尤其是自愿型或前瞻型环境战略的不断涌现,围绕环境战略与企业环境绩效、经济绩效的研究开始增多,得出的结论也是多种多样。国内外文献主要从以下3个方面展开研究:①环境战略与环境绩效的关系,已有文献存在不同甚至相反的结论。一部分****认为,企业实施积极的环境战略能够改善环境绩效。Graafland等[13]发现在政府监管压力下,环境战略的有效实施是改善中小企业环境绩效的最佳途径;张兆国等[14]的研究结论同样支持正相关的观点。另一部分****认为,环境战略的实施不能提高企业的环境绩效。Boiral等[15]发现企业实行环境管理认证的目的是响应利益相关者的诉求,满足合法性管理的手段,不能提高环境绩效。②环境战略对经济绩效的影响,****们的观点也不一致。有的认为,企业实施环境战略是为了更好地提高经济绩效[16],并且有利于树立企业的绿色形象[17]。另一部分****认为,企业在压力条件下选择实施环境战略,不利于企业长久发展。如Eccles等[18]、Ren等[19]认为,企业进行强制性的环境披露会增加环境管理成本,使得强制性的环境信息披露负向影响经济绩效。③环境战略对环境绩效和经济绩效的影响。在研究视角方面,****们主要利用战略匹配、动态能力、生产者扩展责任等视角进行研究。薛求知等[20]、Yu等[21]基于战略匹配视角、权变理论和动态能力观点的实证研究,发现环境战略不仅有利于企业环境绩效的提高,而且能促进企业的经营绩效。而Peng等[22]从生产者扩展责任入手,发现积极的环境战略与环境绩效之间没有显著的关系,与经济绩效之间存在显著正相关。在研究方法方面,****们采用层次回归 法[23]、轮廓偏差分析方法[24]、元分析法[25]、多元线性回归[26]等方法进行了实证分析。从研究结论看,环境战略究竟对环境绩效和经济绩效产生怎样的影响仍然存在较大争议。


2 理论分析和研究假设

2.1 环境战略与环境绩效的关系



成长性是企业不断增值的能力,代表了企业的可持续发展能力,是企业全要素综合生产力的反映,体现为盈利能力的增长和无形资产的增值 等[32]。现有研究主要集中在成长性对机构投资者行为选择[33]、权益资本成本[34]的影响,对成长性与环境战略的关系探讨比较缺乏,特别是关于成长性调节作用的实证研究少有提及。实际上,成长性与企业实施环境战略紧密相连,具有高成长性的企业一方面能为环境战略的实施提供财力和技术支撑,另一方面,高成长性的企业往往能将环境战略作为企业成长的一个重要方面,并通过实施环境战略,向外界传递企业的战略规划、战略目标和战略措施,使利益相关者更好地对企业的成长潜力进行全面的评估和判断,降低因信息不对称而影响企业成长的风险。基于以上分析,提出如下假设:




2.2 环境战略与经济绩效的关系







3 变量定义、数据来源和计量模型

3.1 变量定义


环境绩效(Environmental Performance,EP)和经济绩效(Economic Performance,OEP)为本文的因变量。环境绩效的指标选择在国外和国内是不尽相同的。在国外主要有两种主流的方法衡量环境绩效,即美国《有毒物质排放清单》(Toxic Release Inventor,TRI)数据库披露企业有毒物质排放清单或者CEP(the Council on Economic Priorities)指标,但国内这种权威的数据披露较少。为此,一些****采取定量和定性的方法来衡量环境绩效。在定量方面主要包括环境支出[45]、环境投入[46]等,但是学术界对环境支出、环境投入等尚未达到统一理解,公司内部披露的相关成本和费用口径差异大,且环保支出属于投入型指标,衡量环境绩效存在一定的问题。在定性方面,衡量环境绩效的指标主要包括是否获得环境荣誉称号[47]、是否因环境问题受到处罚以及处罚的类型等[48],这些指标较为单一,难以全面反映企业的环境管理情况。因此,本文根据全球报告倡议组织发布的《可持续发展报告指南》G4中文版,从环境、行为、愿景等不同方面反映企业的环保情况,并结合Henri等[49]对环境绩效的指标设置,将环境绩效分为管理绩效、公益绩效和生产绩效,具体指标选取和变量赋值见表1。本文结合Clarkson等[50]的内容分析法,将定性描述转化为定量型指标,按照未披露/披露、定性/定量结合的原则对文字内容进行量化打分,分值为0~2,最终得到每个公司的环境绩效综合得分。

Table 1
Table 1Environmental performance indicators and variable value assignments


经济绩效是企业财务状况的综合反映。现有文献对经济绩效的衡量指标主要包括资产收益 率[51]、Tobin-Q值[52]、权益资本成本[53]等。考虑到这些单一的指标不利于全面反映企业的经济发展水平,本文结合国资委公布的《中央企业综合绩效评价实施细则》中设定的指标,并借鉴张爱美等[54]对经济绩效指标的选择,同时从偿债能力和盈利能力两方面衡量企业的经济绩效,具体包括流动比率、总资产净利润率、息税前利润与资产总额比、长期资本收益率。这样一方面能避免在回归模型中经济变量过多而产生多重共线问题,另一方面也能够较全面地反映出公司整体的经济绩效。这4个都是正向指标,即数值越大,企业的经济绩效就越高。在此基础上,本文通过因子分析法和主成分分析法对经济绩效的2个维度共计4个指标进行合成处理,最终得到经济绩效综合指数得分,从而实现以单一指标代替多指标、简约变量的目的。


环境战略(Environmental Strategy,ES)为自变量。本文认为环境战略是内部管理和外部合法行为的统一体,考虑利益相关者的实际需求和企业个性化的特征,将环境战略进一步分为环境管理和环境合法性。环境管理是公司治理的重要方面,支持环境战略的有效实施,能够改变整个企业的经营方向,预防与环保相关的潜在危险。本文将环境管理分为环境管理人员、环境教育培训费用、环境目标和管理层的环境价值观、环保投入。环境合法性强调有效应对外在威胁,反映一个公司的环境倡议和社会规范程度[55]。本文将环境合法性分为排污许可证申请、是否受到环境处罚、新环境法规对企业经营的影响、是否存在环境奖励等。基于以上分析,环境战略指数主要通过环境管理和环境合法性两个分维度来测度,而各维度指数又通过不同的基础指标来反映。环境战略除了排污许可证申请、新环境法规对企业经营的影响这两个变量赋值为0、1外,其余指标赋值均为0、1、2,赋值原理同前面的环境绩效。在信息编码基础上,本文借鉴汤亚莉等[56]、傅传锐等[57]的方法,环境战略指标值采用某公司环境战略条目(共计9个条目)的得分之和与最佳环境战略条目得分之和的比值来计量。



市场竞争性(Market Competition,MC)反映了企业在竞争环境中获取相对竞争优势的能力。现有文献关于市场竞争性的指标主要表现在两个方面,其一是表现行业间的企业竞争,如赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数和熵指数;其二是反映行业内的企业竞争,如勒纳指数和主营业务利润率。本文认为,行业内的市场竞争比行业间的市场竞争对企业环境战略的影响要大,故借鉴Chang等[58]采用主营业务利润率(即营业收入减去营业成本和营业税金及附加之后的剩余与营业收入的比值)衡量市场竞争性。显然,市场竞争性指数越大,表示竞争程度高。因此,本文将市场竞争性程度高于中位数的企业样本划入高竞争程度组,将低于中位数的企业样本归入低竞争程度组。




Table 2
Table 2Variable definitions


3.2 数据来源



3.3 建立模型


式中: i表示企业; t表示时间; a0b0c0d0为公共截距; αβηλ为各个变量的回归系数; Control表示控制变量,包括 AGER&DH5OWN; ε为随机扰动项。


4 结果与分析

4.1 描述性统计与相关性分析



4.2 环境战略与环境绩效、经济绩效的回归分析

4.2.1 环境战略与环境绩效的回归分析


Table 3
Table 3Test results of environmental strategy and environmental performance


4.2.2 环境战略与经济绩效的回归分析


Table 4
Table 4Test results of environmental strategy and economic performance


4.3 环境战略对环境绩效和经济绩效影响的分组分析与讨论


Table 5
Table 5Group regression of environmental strategy to environmental performance and economic performance


4.3.1 不同分组模型中环境战略对环境绩效的影响



4.3.2 不同分组模型下环境战略对经济绩效的影响



4.3.3 不同环境战略内容下环境绩效与经济绩效的差异

前文证实了企业的环境战略确实能够提高环境绩效和经济绩效水平。为了进一步激发企业开展积极的环境战略,有必要探究什么样的环境战略更有利于实现环境绩效和经济绩效的双赢。为此,本文从环境战略的内容出发,将其分环境管理(Environmental Management,EM)和环境合法性(Environmental Legality,EL)分别进行检验,结果如表6所示。

Table 6
Table 6Regression results of different aspects of environmental strategy and environmental performance and economic performance



4.3.4 新环保法对环境绩效和经济绩效的影响


Table 7
Table 7Annual regression results of environmental strategy and environmental performance, 2014-2018


Table 8
Table 8Annual regression results of environmental strategy and environmental performance, 2014-2018




5 结论与启示

5.1 结论






5.2 启示




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和苏超, 黄旭, 陈青. 管理者环境认知能够提升企业绩效吗: 前瞻型环境战略的中介作用与商业环境不确定性的调节作用
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[ He S C, Huang X, Chen Q. Does manager’s environmental cognition improve firms performance? The mediating role of proactive environmental strategy and the moderating role of business environmental uncertainty
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Suárez-Perales I, Ayerbe C G, Rivera P, et al. Is strategic proactivity a driver of an environmental strategy? Effects of innovation and internationalization leadership
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When multiple institutions with strong sustainability initiatives use a new environmental impact assessment tool, there is an impulse to compare. The first seven institutions to calculate nitrogen footprints using the Nitrogen Footprint Tool have worked collaboratively to improve calculation methods, share resources, and suggest methods for reducing their footprints. This article compares those seven institutions' results to reveal the common and unique drivers of institution nitrogen footprints. The footprints were compared by scope and sector, and the results were normalized by multiple factors (e.g., population, amount of food served). The comparisons found many consistencies across the footprints, including the large contribution of food. The comparisons identified metrics that could be used to track progress, such as an overall indicator for the nitrogen sustainability of food purchases. The comparisons also pointed to differences in system bounds of the calculations, which are important to standardize when comparing across institutions. The footprints were influenced by factors both within and outside of the institutions' ability to control, such as size, location, population, and campus use. However, these comparisons also point to a pathway forward for standardizing nitrogen footprint tool calculations, identifying metrics that can be used to track progress, and determining a sustainable institution nitrogen footprint.

Graafland J, Smid H. Reconsidering the relevance of social license pressure and government regulation for environmental performance of European SMEs
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张兆国, 张弛, 曹丹婷. 企业环境管理体系认证有效吗
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Studies analyzing the effects of ISO 14001 certification and determinants of environmental performance tend to be based on a traditional and instrumental model of efficiency. Using structural equation modelling developed through a survey of 303 organizations, this paper compares the validity of this instrumental model with two alternatives models: the legitimacy-based model and the hybrid model. The findings question the efficiency of ISO 14001 and show that the traditional model does not explain the environmental performance of the surveyed organizations. Study results show that the legitimacy-based model, which questions the efficiency of ISO 14001 certification, is more pertinent in explaining the environmental performance but leads to a rather critical view of management practices. The development of a hybrid model based on the principal hypotheses of the legitimacy-based model, but integrating certain managerial and operational practices distinct from ISO 14001 certification, results in a less critical and more pertinent view of the determinants of environmental performance. Study results suggest that this hybrid model provides the best data fit.

和苏超, 黄旭, 陈青. 创业导向、前瞻型环境战略与企业绩效关系研究
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陈泽文, 曹洪军. 绿色创新战略如何提升企业绩效: 绿色形象和核心能力的中介作用
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[ Chen Z W, Cao H J. How the green innovation strategy improves corporate performance: The mediating role of green image and core competence
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Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries present a great potential to displace current energy storage chemistries thanks to their energy density that goes far beyond conventional batteries. To promote the development of greener Li-S batteries, closing the existing gap between the quantification of the potential environmental impacts associated with Li-S cathodes and their performance is required. Herein we show a comparative analysis of the life cycle environmental impacts of five Li-S battery cathodes with high sulfur loadings (1.5-15 mg.cm(-2)) through life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology and cradle-to-gate boundary. Depending on the selected battery, the environmental impact can be reduced by a factor up to 5. LCA results from Li-S batteries are compared with the conventional lithium ion battery from Ecoinvent 3.6 database, showing a decreased environmental impact per kWh of storage capacity. A predominant role of the electrolyte on the environmental burdens associated with the use of Li-S batteries was also found. Sensitivity analysis shows that the specific impacts can be reduced by up to 70% by limiting the amount of used electrolyte. Overall, this manuscript emphasizes the potential of Li-S technology to develop environmentally benign batteries aimed at replacing existing energy storage systems.

薛求知, 伊晟. 环境战略、经营战略与企业绩效: 基于战略匹配视角的分析
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Peng B H, Tu Y, Elahi E, et al. Extended producer responsibility and corporate performance: Affects of environmental regulation and environmental strategy
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While contemporary manufacturing technologies stimulate the industrial revolution and promote the rapidly changing global economy, it has caused enormous environmental negative externalities and managing the industrial waste remains a primary challenge, especially for fast developing countries such as China. Though existing studies explored the influence of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) legislations on environmental externalities, only fewer researches aimed at policy issues. Particularly, the relationship among environmental regulations, environmental strategies and corporate performance in the EPR system has not been deeply investigated. To fill this gap, this research will focus to assess the economic aspect and environmental performance associated with the environmental regulations and strategies. For this purpose, 208 cross-sectional questionnaires were administered with three major high-pollution industries, electrical and electronic, automobile and lead-acid storage battery industries. To accomplish this study objective, we employ a two-step approach: firstly, validity tests for environmental regulation and environmental strategy along with the corporate performance are performed by the factor analysis method, and secondly, the structural equation model is utilized to test the study hypotheses. Results reveal that command and control (CAC) and market-based incentive (MBI) environmental regulations are significantly impacting on the reactive environmental strategy (RES); however, the proactive environmental strategy (PES) only has a significant relationship with MBI regulation. On the other hand, RES only has a significant relationship with the enterprises economics performance, while PES has a statistically significant relationship with both economic and environmental performance of enterprises. Therefore, the central government and its local offices are strongly urged to coordinate the industries by making, implementing and monitoring necessary and feasible environmental laws and regulations.

Natalia M G, Oswaldo David F D. Classifying and studying environmental performance of manufacturing organizations evidence from Colombia
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Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries present a great potential to displace current energy storage chemistries thanks to their energy density that goes far beyond conventional batteries. To promote the development of greener Li-S batteries, closing the existing gap between the quantification of the potential environmental impacts associated with Li-S cathodes and their performance is required. Herein we show a comparative analysis of the life cycle environmental impacts of five Li-S battery cathodes with high sulfur loadings (1.5-15 mg.cm(-2)) through life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology and cradle-to-gate boundary. Depending on the selected battery, the environmental impact can be reduced by a factor up to 5. LCA results from Li-S batteries are compared with the conventional lithium ion battery from Ecoinvent 3.6 database, showing a decreased environmental impact per kWh of storage capacity. A predominant role of the electrolyte on the environmental burdens associated with the use of Li-S batteries was also found. Sensitivity analysis shows that the specific impacts can be reduced by up to 70% by limiting the amount of used electrolyte. Overall, this manuscript emphasizes the potential of Li-S technology to develop environmentally benign batteries aimed at replacing existing energy storage systems.

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Environmental sustainability is driving firms to extend their green effort across their supply chain. However, the literature has not thoroughly examined the multiple relationships among supply chain (SC) strategy, corporate environmental (CE) strategy, and firm performance. As such, this paper, adopts an alignment perspective to empirically examine the complex links between four SC strategies and four CE strategies on 172 manufacturing firms in Taiwan. Using profile deviation analysis, it is found that overall an SC strategy when properly aligned with a CE strategy leads to improved firm performance. Specifically, a risk-hedging SC strategy should be aligned with a defensive CE strategy to yield improved firm performance. Likewise, a responsive SC strategy should be aligned with an accommodative CE strategy, and an agile SC strategy with a proactive CE strategy. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V.

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Pollution of livestock and poultry breeding waste seriously endangers the rural environment, but farms often lack the enthusiasm for the treatment of livestock and poultry breeding waste. Improving the economic performance of livestock and poultry breeding waste treatment will greatly improve the enthusiasm of farm owners, therefore it is very important to fully understand the economic performance of the farms and its influencing factors. In this study, we imported the data from the 2017 survey in Beijing to measure the economic performance of livestock and poultry breeding waste treatment and analyze the influencing factors using the data envelopment analysis DEA-Tobit model. From the results, we found that technology, management, and scale of waste management all have a strong support for the economic performance, and the supporting roles of technology and management are greater than scale. Other factors that have a significant positive impact on the economic performance of livestock and poultry breeding waste treatment include higher business risk preference, long-term experience in breeding, advanced method of clearing the manure, strong willingness of conducting environmental impact assessment, and high enthusiasm of the surrounding farmers to apply manure. Factors such as farmers&#x02019; willing to reduce the use of antibiotics on an appropriate basis and the high level of binding policy cognition have a significant negative impact on the economic performance. Although livestock and poultry breeding waste treatment with high environmental performance can directly lower the economic performance of farms, it can also improve social relations. The conclusions of this study have important implications for improving the enthusiasm of farm owners for livestock and poultry breeding waste treatment, thereby improving the environmental and social performance of livestock and poultry breeding waste treatment and promoting sustainable agricultural development.

袁丽静, 郑晓凡. 环境规制、政府补贴对企业技术创新的耦合影响
[J]. 资源科学, 2017,39(5):911-923.

DOI:10.18402/resci.2017.05.11URL [本文引用: 1]
[ Yuan L J, Zheng X F. Coupling induction of environmental regulation and government subsidy on enterprise technological innovation
[J]. Resources Science, 2017,39(5):911-923.]

DOI:10.18402/resci.2017.05.11URL [本文引用: 1]
Although lots of countries are committed to win-win development of environmental protection and economy growth, the gap between regulatory results and objectives shows that the study about the field still needs to go further. More attention has been paid to the single-layer relationship between environmental regulation and enterprise technological innovation, while the coupling induction of multi-policy was ignored. Nowadays one of the trends in the analysis of policy impact mechanisms is multi-policy study, since business decisions are the result under multiple policies in practice, and the effectiveness of individual policies is closely related to other policies. This paper analyzes the coordinative role of government subsidy between environmental regulation and enterprise technological innovation based on complementary advantages, and constructs a comprehensive influence model of environmental regulation and government subsidy to enterprise technological innovation. The study finds that the government subsidy does not affect the U-shaped relationship between environmental regulation and enterprise technological innovation, but the appropriate government subsidy can weaken the negative impact of environmental regulation on technological innovation and promote enterprises to implement technological innovation earlier. Through the analysis of large and medium-sized industrial enterprises in 30 provinces during 1998-2008, the paper puts forward the threshold of the intensity of China's environmental regulation and the moderation range of government subsidy, and then proposes the adjustment plan of environmental regulation and government subsidy in different provinces, which contributes to related research and policy development.
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