
Key factors affecting the spatial variation of summer maize yield in Henan Province, China
WU Zhenfu1, ZHAO Yanfeng2, CHENG Daoquan3, CHEN Jie
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巫振富, 赵彦锋, 程道全, 陈杰. 河南省夏玉米产量空间分布特征及其影响因素. 资源科学[J], 2019, 41(10): 1935-1948 doi:10.18402/resci.2019.10.15
WU Zhenfu.
1 引言
2 数据来源与研究方法
2.1 数据来源及处理
本文基础数据主要包括河南省2008—2010年夏玉米产量、作物品种类型、肥料结构和施用量、夏玉米种植区域的土壤性质和田间灌排设施条件、夏玉米生长季气候条件,数据来源和处理过程如下:(1)作物品种、施肥量(kg/hm2)和对应的夏玉米产量(kg/hm2)。为验证河南省县域测土配方施肥效果,2008—2010年各县农业局进行了三区示范田间试验,即不施肥处理的空白对照区(Control Check, CK)、按照当地农民习惯进行施肥处理的传统施肥区(Conventional Fertilization Treatment, CF)、根据土壤化验结果优化施肥处理的配方施肥区(formulated Fertilization Treatment, FF)。CK、CF和FF处理均详细记录了每年作物品种、氮肥(N)、磷肥(P2O5)和钾肥(K2O)施用量以及与之对应的作物产量。收集整理633个(2008年)、716(2009年)和694个(2010年)河南省夏玉米三区示范田间试验样点的上述数据(图1),并按80%与20%的比例分年度将试验样点随机划分为训练样点和验证样点。

Figure 1Spatial distribution of summer maize planting areas, meteorological stations, and field fertilization experiment sites in Henan Province
为实施夏玉米产量空间预测,将河南省夏玉米种植区耕地进行2 km×2 km格网化处理,并将影响夏玉米产量的因素(不包括作物品种)按照空间位置一致性原则赋值给相应位置的格网。
2.2 研究方法
本文采用Boruta特征选择算法定量评价影响因素对夏玉米产量及其空间分异的重要性;采用随机森林(Random Forest,RF)模型计算不同因素组别对夏玉米产量及其空间分异的解释百分比,并对研究区夏玉米产量进行空间预测。2.2.1 Boruta特征选择
Boruta是围绕随机森林(Random Forest,RF)构建的用于特征选择的一种包装算法。本文应用Boruta特征选择算法定量评价研究区田间试验样点土壤类型、日照时数、作物品种、N施用量等17个影响因素对CK、CF和FF三种不同处理下夏玉米产量及其空间分异的重要性程度。
基于“RF中单棵树之间不相关”的假设,RF自身具有特征重要性评价功能[34],但是相关研究[35,36,37]表明这种假设并不总是成立。Boruta算法通过向原始特征(Original Features)增加随机性有效解决了这个问题,其核心思想如下:首先,通过随机复制原始特征创建阴影特征(Shadow Features),并将两者合并构建扩展特征(Extended Features);其次,基于扩展特征训练RF模型,以重要性指数(Z-score)为指标评价原始特征与阴影特征的重要性,Z-score越高代表越重要;第三,比较每个原始特征与阴影特征的相对重要性,只有重要性高于所有阴影特征,即高于最好阴影特征(shadowmax),的原始特征才被判定为重要特征[38]。
2.2.2 随机森林模型
RF是一种多功能机器学习算法,既是一种能够执行回归和分类任务的弱无偏分类器集合,同时它也是一种有效的数据降维手段。RF通过组合一定数量的分类器,能有效解决单一决策树分类规则复杂、局部最优解、过度拟合等一系列问题[34]。决策树的数量ntree和每棵决策树节点分裂时选用的随机特征数量mtry是RF建模的两个关键参数,本文参考以往相关研究,设置ntree=1000、mtry=log2 M+ 1(M为RF模型选定的特征总数量)[39]。
河南省三区示范田间试验样点施肥量和耕地地力调查评价农化样点土壤养分空间插值(相关方法参考文献[40]和[41],插值结果为2 km×2 km栅格图)、夏玉米产量空间分布图绘制均利用ArcGIS 10.1完成。本文涉及的Boruta和Random Forest相关分析计算在软件R 3.5.1环境中完成,分析结果整理和图表绘制使用Microsoft Excel完成。
3 结果与分析
3.1 施肥量和夏玉米产量统计特征
研究区2008年、2009年、2010年三区示范田间试验样点CF和FF处理的施肥量统计结果显示(表1),CF偏重施N,轻施P2O5、K2O特征明显,FF则更注重在肥料类型与施用量两个方面优化N、P2O5、K2O结构。以2008年抽选的506个训练样点为例,FF采用N、P2O5、K2O配施的样点数为499个,配施样点比例远大于CF,并且FF处理在减小N施用量的同时,增加了P2O5、K2O施用量。本文在三区示范田间试验实施期间,CF处理总施肥量从2008年的287 kg/hm2逐年增加至2010年的307 kg/hm2,而FF处理则通过不断优化调整施肥结构的方式,将施肥总量从2008年的329 kg/hm2减至2010年的299 kg/hm2。Table 1
Table 1
肥料类型 | 样点数 | N | P2O5 | K2O | N、P2O5、K2O总用量平均值 /(kg/hm2) | |||||||
平均值 /(kg/hm2) | 变异系数/% | 平均值 /(kg/hm2) | 变异系数/% | 平均值 /(kg/hm2) | 变异系数/% | |||||||
2008年 | CF | NPK | 230 | 218 | 25.41 | 56 | 49.18 | 50 | 62.26 | — | ||
NP | 74 | 213 | 17.15 | 70 | 58.99 | — | — | — | ||||
NK | 9 | 198 | 25.30 | — | — | 35 | 44.26 | — | ||||
N | 193 | 248 | 26.11 | — | — | — | — | — | ||||
小计 | 506 | 228 | 25.78 | 36 | 107.16 | 23 | 139.30 | 287 | ||||
FF | NPK | 499 | 203 | 23.06 | 64 | 34.78 | 63 | 39.59 | — | |||
NP | 7 | 166 | 20.98 | 43 | 31.49 | — | — | — | ||||
小计 | 506 | 203 | 23.13 | 64 | 34.99 | 62 | 41.59 | 329 | ||||
2009年 | CF | NPK | 274 | 219 | 26.62 | 50 | 47.42 | 45 | 45.65 | — | ||
NP | 58 | 230 | 16.25 | 58 | 52.13 | — | — | — | ||||
NK | 9 | 233 | 11.83 | — | — | 41 | 16.91 | — | ||||
N | 232 | 265 | 22.28 | — | — | — | — | — | ||||
小计 | 573 | 239 | 25.29 | 30 | 106.71 | 22 | 119.92 | 291 | ||||
FF | NPK | 510 | 211 | 21.72 | 58 | 42.79 | 55 | 36.99 | — | |||
NP | 30 | 168 | 15.62 | 41 | 39.59 | — | — | — | ||||
NK | 22 | 187 | 13.23 | — | — | 37 | 24.93 | — | ||||
N | 11 | 252 | 17.20 | — | — | — | — | — | ||||
小计 | 573 | 209 | 22.01 | 54 | 51.02 | 51 | 47.77 | 313 | ||||
2010年 | CF | NPK | 255 | 232 | 32.61 | 62 | 54.03 | 52 | 49.85 | — | ||
NP | 65 | 231 | 17.05 | 66 | 46.91 | — | — | — | ||||
NK | 15 | 249 | 8.25 | — | — | 43 | 24.63 | — | ||||
N | 217 | 266 | 29.19 | — | — | — | — | — | ||||
小计 | 552 | 246 | 30.13 | 36 | 109.62 | 25 | 124.14 | 307 | ||||
FF | NPK | 491 | 211 | 23.42 | 48 | 35.42 | 52 | 37.96 | — | |||
NP | 30 | 144 | 47.84 | 49 | 34.78 | — | — | — | ||||
NK | 14 | 197 | 12.96 | — | — | 32 | 26.73 | — | ||||
N | 17 | 222 | 27.94 | — | — | — | — | — | ||||
小计 | 552 | 207 | 25.48 | 45 | 43.96 | 47 | 50.50 | 299 |
Table 2
Table 2
年份 | 施肥处理 | 最低产量/(kg/hm2) | 平均产量/(kg/hm2) | 最高产量/(kg/hm2) | 标准差/(kg/hm2) | 变异系数/% |
2008年 | CK | 2460 | 6020 | 10485 | 1429 | 23.74 |
CF | 3240 | 7630 | 11550 | 1355 | 17.76 | |
FF | 4509 | 8460 | 12495 | 1410 | 16.67 | |
2009年 | CK | 1889 | 5826 | 11505 | 1445 | 24.80 |
CF | 2154 | 7455 | 12150 | 1367 | 18.34 | |
FF | 2334 | 8137 | 13395 | 1430 | 17.57 | |
2010年 | CK | 2906 | 5787 | 11595 | 1282 | 22.15 |
CF | 4050 | 7332 | 11645 | 1345 | 18.34 | |
FF | 4200 | 7992 | 12338 | 1431 | 17.91 |
3.2 不同因素对夏玉米产量空间分异的重要性分析

Figure 2Z-score values of influencing factors and shadowmax (error bar represents ±1 standard deviation)
3.3 不同因素组别对夏玉米产量空间变异的解释 程度

Figure 3Percent of spatial variation of summer maize yield explained by factor categories
3.4 夏玉米产量空间预测
基于Boruta特征变量甄选结果,研究区CK处理试验样点选择蒸发量、降水量、土壤类型、10~30℃积温、日照时数、有机质、全氮、≥10℃积温、速效钾、灌溉保证率、土壤剖面性状、排涝能力和有效磷等13个因素为特征变量,CF和FF处理试验样点在上述13个因素中另加N、P2O5、K2O施用量共16个因素为特征变量,分别构建CK、CF和FF处理下夏玉米产量与重要特征变量的RF模型,实施研究区夏玉米产量空间预测。输出结果显示,2008—2010年不同施肥处理下夏玉米产量实测值与预测值呈极显著相关,相关系数0.60~0.75,均方根误差952~1145 kg/hm2,基于验证样点的预测精度列入表3。根据空间预测结果可以发现(图4),首先,CK、CF和FF三种施肥处理下研究区3年平均单产分别为4035~8491 kg/hm2、5953~9808 kg/hm2和6302~10385 kg/hm2,虽然不同处理方式下夏玉米3年平均单产差距明显,但空间分布格局基本一致:高产区主要分布于濮阳、安阳、鹤壁、新乡、开封等河南省境内的黄淮海平原北部地区,中产区主要分布在商丘、周口、漯河、郑州、许昌等黄淮海平原南部地区以及南阳盆地,低产区则分布在豫西、豫南山区以及南阳盆地周边的丘陵山地。另外,相同施肥处理下夏玉米产量存在明显年际变化,其产量空间分布格局也存在局部差异:如FF处理下,2008年、2009年、2010年研究区夏玉米单产分别为5849~11102 kg/hm2、5570~11047 kg/hm2、5449~11219 kg/hm2;产量空间分布方面,2008年低产区集中分布在郑州、许昌、平顶山3市和洛阳交界的山地丘陵区,2009年低产区则零散分布于平顶山和许昌交界处、洛阳北部和西部、南阳盆地东侧等山地丘陵区,2010年低产区扩展至驻马店南部,而商丘东部则由原来的中低产区变为高产区。本文田间试验开展期间(2008—2010年)与2015—2017年期间的河南省各市夏玉米平均产量散点图表明(图5),虽然各市夏玉米产量水平在两个时期有所变化,但是全省夏玉米产量空间分布格局并未发生根本性改变。
Table 3
Table 3
2008年 | 2009年 | 2010年 | |||||||||
CK | CF | FF | CK | CF | FF | CK | CF | FF | |||
相关系数r | 0.60*** | 0.64*** | 0.66*** | 0.75*** | 0.69*** | 0.71*** | 0.67*** | 0.65*** | 0.73*** | ||
均方根误差RMSE/(kg/hm2) | 1145 | 1045 | 1060 | 965 | 997 | 1011 | 952 | 1018 | 982 |

Figure 4Spatial distribution of predicted summer maize yields in Henan Province

Figure 5Scatter graph of average summer maize yields over three years of 2008-2010 and 2015-2017 of different cities in Henan Province

Figure 6Spatial distribution of standard deviation of summer maize yields, 2008-2010
4 讨论与结论
4.1 讨论
4.2 结论
参考文献 原文顺序
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With consecutive occurrences of drought disasters in China in recent years, it is important to estimate their potential impacts on regional crop production. In this study, we detect the impacts of drought on wheat and maize yield and their changes at a 0.5 degrees x0.5 degrees grid scale in the wheat-maize rotation planting area in the North China Plain under the A1B climate change scenario using the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) model and the outputs of the regional climate modeling system - Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies (PRECIS). Self-calibrating palmer drought severity index was used as drought recognition indicator. Two time slices used for the study were the baseline (1961-1990) and 40 years of 2011-2050. The results indicate that the potential planting region for double crop system of wheat-maize would expend northward. The statistic conclusions of crop simulations varied considerably between wheat and maize. In disaster-affected seasons, wheat yield would increase in the future compared with baseline yields, whereas in opposite for maize yield. Potential crop yield reductions caused by drought would be lower for wheat and higher for maize, with a similar trend found for the ratio of potential crop yield reductions for both crops. It appears that the negative impact of drought on maize was larger than that on wheat under climate change A1B scenario.
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The consequences of changes observed in climate and management to yield trends in major crop-producing regions have implications for future food availability. We present an assessment of the impacts of historical changes in sowing date and climate to the maize yield trend in the U.S. Corn Belt from 1980 to 2006 by using large-area crop modeling and a data assimilation technique (i.e., the model optimization based on the Markov chain Monte Carlo method). Calibrated at a regional scale, the model captured the major characteristics of the changes reported in yield as well as the timing and length of maize growth periods across the Corn Belt. The simulation results using the calibrated model indicate that while the climate change observed for the period likely contributed to a decreasing yield trend, the positive contribution from the reported shift to an earlier sowing date offset the negative impacts. With the given spread in the assessment results across previous studies and in this study, the conclusion that the negative impacts of climate change on U.S. maize yield trend more likely derive from a decreasing trend in growing-season precipitation than to an increasing trend in temperature.
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Different long-term experiments were carried on chernozem (Debrecen) and loamy (Hajduboszormeny) soils. They included the most important agrotechnical, biological (hybrid) and agroecological (crop year, soil) factors in maize production. This paper evaluated the results of polyfactorial long-term experiments. For the maize the most favourable crop rotation was winter wheat (in a tri-culture) with an N 60-120, P2O5 60-70, K2O and 90-110 kg ha(-1), and a density of 75-90,000 plants ha(-1). The different input levels of maize crop management systems can modify an adaptive capacity to ecological conditions and the resilience of agro-ecosystems. The optimalization of agrotechnical elements reduces the harmful climatic effects. The yields of maize varied between 2-11 t ha(-1) in extensive and 10-15 t ha(-1) in intensive crop management systems, respectively.
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Clarification of influencing factors (cultivar planted, cultivation management, climatic conditions) affecting yields of summer maize (Zea mays L.) would provide valuable information for increasing yields further under variable climatic conditions. Here, we report actual maize yields in the Huanghuaihai region over the past 50 years (1957-2007), simulated yields of major varieties in different years (Baimaya in the 1950s, Zhengdan-2 in the 1970s, Yedan-13 in the 1990s, and Zhengdan-958 in the 2000s), and factors that influence yield. The results show that, although each variety change has played a critical role in increasing maize yields, the contribution of variety to yield increase has decreased steadily over the past 50 years (42.6%-44.3% from the 1950s to the 1970s, 34.4%-47.2% from the 1970s to the 1990s, and 21.0%-37.6% from the 1990s to the 2000s). The impact of climatic conditions on maize yield has exhibited an increasing trend (0.67%-22.5% from the 1950s to the 1970s, 2.6%-27.0% from the 1970s to the 1990s, and 9.1%-51.1% from the 1990s to the 2000s); however, interannual differences can be large, especially if there were large changes in temperature and rainfall. Among climatic factors, rainfall had a greater positive influence than light and temperature on yield increase. Cultivation measures could change the contribution rates of variety and climatic conditions. Overall, unless there is a major breakthrough in variety, improving cultivation measures will remain important for increasing future summer maize yields in the Huanghuaihai region.
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<a name="Abs1"></a>Random forests are a combination of tree predictors such that each tree depends on the values of a random vector sampled independently and with the same distribution for all trees in the forest. The generalization error for forests converges a.s. to a limit as the number of trees in the forest becomes large. The generalization error of a forest of tree classifiers depends on the strength of the individual trees in the forest and the correlation between them. Using a random selection of features to split each node yields error rates that compare favorably to Adaboost (Y. Freund & R. Schapire, <i>Machine Learning</i>: <i>Proceedings of the Thirteenth International conference</i>, ***, 148–156), but are more robust with respect to noise. Internal estimates monitor error, strength, and correlation and these are used to show the response to increasing the number of features used in the splitting. Internal estimates are also used to measure variable importance. These ideas are also applicable to regression.
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<a name="Abs1"></a>Are present nutrient management recommendations for the world's major cereal cropping systems adequate to sustain the productivity gains required to meet food demand while also assuring acceptable standards of environmental quality? To address this question, the current nutrient management approaches and their scientific basis in large-scale, mechanized maize (<i>Zea mays</i> L.)-based cropping systems of the USA and more labor-intensive, small-scale irrigated rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i> L.) production systems in Asia were evaluated. The principal challenges in both systems are similar: (1) there is no compelling evidence for significant increases in the genetic yield potential in both systems during the past 30 years, (2) farm yields are presently about 40–65% of the attainable yield potential, and (3) nutrient management mostly relies on approaches that do not account for the dynamic nature of crop response to the environment. Because average farm yield levels of 70–80% of the attainable yield potential are necessary to meet expected food demand in the next 30 years, research must seek to develop nutrient management approaches that optimize profit, preserve soil quality, and protect natural resources in systems that consistently produce at these high yield levels. Achieving these goals will require novel strategies for more precise plant nutrient management tailored to the technologies, dynamics and spatial scales relevant to each system. Significant advances in soil chemistry, crop physiology, plant nutrition, molecular biology, and information technology must be combined in this effort. Future field-oriented plant nutrition research must be of a more strategic, interdisciplinary, and quantitative nature. Systems approaches at micro- to meso-scales are required for gaining a more quantitative understanding of crop response to nutrients based on interactions among the essential crop nutrient requirements and on response to dynamic environmental conditions.
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South-central Nebraska is one of the most extensively irrigated areas in the U. S., with over 65,000 active irrigation wells, and maize is the major agronomical crop produced. Maize production in this region requires supplementary irrigation for maximum productivity. Effective on-farm implementation of full and limited irrigation practices for potential improvements of crop productivity requires knowledge of locally developed crop yield response to water functions. In this study, the effects of full and limited irrigation practices on maize (Zea mays L.) plant height, leaf area index (LAI), grain yield and biomass production, actual crop evapotranspiration (ETa), yield production functions, yield response factors (K-y), and harvest index (HI) were investigated. Field experiments were conducted in 2009 and 2010 under center-pivot irrigation at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, South Central Agricultural Laboratory near Clay Center, Nebraska. Four irrigation regimes [fully irrigated treatment (FIT), 75% FIT, 60% FIT, and 50% FIT] and a rainfed treatment were evaluated each year. Maize ETa, LAI, biomass production, grain yield, and HI were significantly affected by the irrigation regimes. Maize yields varied from 9.05 Mg ha(-1) for the rainfed treatment to 15.5 Mg ha(-1) for FIT in 2009 and from 11.7 to 15.5 Mg ha(-1) for the respective treatments in 2010. HI ranged between 0.49 for rainfed and 0.57 for FIT with an all-treatment average of 0.54. ETa ranged from 481 mm for rainfed treatment to 620 mm for FIT in 2009 and from 579 to 634 mm for the same treatments in 2010. Strong yield vs. irrigation relationships (R-2 >= 0.98 in both years) and yield vs. ETa relationships (R-2 = 0.94 in 2009 and R-2 = 0.97 in 2010) were measured. There was a strong linear increase in ETa with increasing irrigation amounts (R-2 = 0.97). The yield-irrigation and yield-ETa relationships showed variation between the two years due to the impact of weather variability on these relationships, indicating the importance of accounting for weather variability impact on the slopes of crop yield production functions. Based on the slopes of the ETa vs. grain yield relationships, 1.2 Mg ha(-1) (in 2009) and 1.7 Mg ha(-1) (in 2010) of grain yield was produced per 25.4 mm of ETa beyond 280 mm (in 2009) and 403 mm (in 2010) of ETa that was used by maize to start producing grain yield, which is also called the amount of ETa required for establishing grain yield. Yield response factors varied between treatments and with year for the same treatment and averaged 1.65 in 2009 and 2.85 in 2010, with a two-year average of 1.82. No statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) in grain yield was found between 75% FIT and 100% FIT. In terms of crop response to water performance, the 75% FIT and 60% FIT treatments were very comparable to the fully irrigated treatment and are viable practices in increasing crop water productivity of maize with supplementary irrigation under these experimental, soil and crop management, and climatic conditions.
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