Review of forest policy research progress and theory frameworks
FUYimin, LIUJinlong, ZHAOJiacheng School of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China 通讯作者:通讯作者:刘金龙, 收稿日期:2017-12-6 修回日期:2018-03-14 网络出版日期:2018-06-25 版权声明:2018《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:国家自然科学基金项目(71673288) 作者简介: -->作者简介:傅一敏,男,湖北监利人,博士生,研究方向为林业政策与环境治理。
关键词:林业政策;发展历程;理论框架;启示;综述 Abstract Interruption to forest policy analysis and a lack of sufficient attention has meant that forest policy study in China lacks strong theoretical frameworks. Here, a literature review and Delphi approach were adopted to examine the historical process of forest policy analysis research, and understand why China’s forest policy research lags behind western countries. We summarized three important features shared by the forest policy research community: potential complexity, emphasize interdisciplinary thinking and stress issue-oriented study. We introduce six practicable theory frameworks: Policy Stages Model, Multiple Streams Approach, Punctuated Equilibrium Framework, Ambiguity—Conflict Model, Institutional Rational Choice, and Advocacy Coalition Framework. China’s forest policy research community should turn their attention from policy appraisal and comment, both highly affected by official authority, to theory analysis of forest policy processes such as policymaking, implementation and evaluation. Based on China’s development stage we anticipate that focus on historical forest policy change research and academic frontiers can act as two critical entry points for China’s forest policy research community integrated into the international research community. We should keep our eyes open on whether western theory frameworks fit China’s fact as these theories were established using a Western context and may need to be adapted for China. Policy philosophy should keep pace with theory application.
由于能力有限,本文在内容上重点介绍了西方林业政策研究的常用理论,以供学界参考。但并未就其在中国的适用性做深入探讨,这部分工作还需要学界同仁的共同努力。必须强调,借鉴西方理论时要时刻警惕西方林业政策理论分析中国情境时失真。西方政策分析理论建立在西方政策系统之上,其政治体制、经济发展阶段、社会文化环境都与中国有较大差异,若完全套用西方的理论框架分析中国现实,可能会产生理论分析失真,或是遗漏影响政策效果的重要变量。此外,还应加强中国本土化的林业政策哲学研究。政策哲学是公共政策学科更深层次的理论指导和更坚实的理论支点,缺乏政策哲学研究将使得我们的一些学术立论的基本前提显得十分脆弱[87]。随着中国林业政策分析理论的发展,在不断积累“中国经验”的基础上,学界不能仅仅局限于借鉴理论框架研究中国案例,总结和测试西方理论,而要同时加强政策哲学的研究,完善林业政策分析的哲学基础。致力于构建系统的理论体系,并结合中国丰富的林业政策实践为国际林业政策分析的学术共同体做贡献。 致谢:感谢匿名审稿专家和编辑老师对本文内容和写作规范提出的中肯、详细的修改意见;感谢耶鲁大学Benjamin Cashore教授关于林业政策分析的授课及课后多次耐心的交流与指导;感谢中国人民大学林业、环境与资源政策研究中心团队成员的讨论与意见。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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