Preference analysis of household ecological compensation in Crested Ibis protected area in Hanzhong,Shaanxi based on choice experiments
SUNBo1,, DUANWei2, DINGHuimin1, FENGYan1, WENYali1, 1. School of Economics and Management,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083,China2. School of Economics and Management,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China 通讯作者:温亚利, 收稿日期:2016-12-15 修回日期:2017-06-14 网络出版日期:2017-09-20 版权声明:2017《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:林业公益性行业科研专项课题(201404422)国家林业局-联合国开发计划署/全球环境基金项目(NP-2014-005) 作者简介: -->作者简介:孙博,女,黑龙江哈尔滨人,博士,研究方向为资源与环境经济。
关键词:湿地保护区;农户意愿;生态补偿政策;选择实验法;朱鹮;陕西 Abstract Understanding preferences for ecological compensation policies around wetland protected areas helps improve the ecological environment of wetlands and surroundings. Here,we selected 300 valid peasant households in the Crested Ibis protected area in Hanzhong,Shaanxi,and used choice experiments to analyze farmer preferences for different ecological compensation schemes and willingness to accept ecological compensation. We found that the design of compensation policy significantly affected farmer willingness to participate,among which the influence of plan implementation period,land participation and pesticide reduction ratio was negative,and the influence of compensation amount was positive. Age,education level,protection awareness,living in the protected area,family population and per capita annual income affected household preference for wetland ecological compensation attributes,the effect of age on farmer willingness to participate in ecological compensation was negative,and the effect of other individual characteristics was positive. In terms of compensation standard,the mean value of farmer annual willingness to accept compensation surrounding wetland is 608.56CNY/hm2;if the implementation period was extended by one year additional compensation of 8.09CNY/hm2 was needed. If the area involved in land compensation increased by 10% the need for additional compensation was 58.00CNY/hm2. If the farmer reduced the amount of pesticide by 10% additional compensation of 459.09CNY/hm2 was needed. Wetland ecological compensation standards in China should not only consider the influence of different household designs but also population characteristics,and carry out dynamic and elastic compensation standards.
Keywords:wetland reserve;household preference;ecological compensation policy;choice experiment method;Crested Ibis;Shaanxi -->0 PDF (812KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 孙博, 段伟, 丁慧敏, 冯彦, 温亚利. 基于选择实验法的湿地保护区农户生态补偿偏好分析——以陕西汉中朱鹮国家级自然保护区周边社区为例[J]. , 2017, 39(9): 1792-1800 SUNBo, DUANWei, DINGHuimin, FENGYan, WENYali. Preference analysis of household ecological compensation in Crested Ibis protected area in Hanzhong,Shaanxi based on choice experiments[J]. 资源科学, 2017, 39(9): 1792-1800
本研究采用选择实验法,选取生态补偿方案涉及的关键属性(包括方案实施年限、土地参与比例、农药减少量、补偿额度)进行组合,研究如何优化中国湿地生态补偿制度,尤其是补偿额及标准的确定,得出如下结论: (1)补偿政策设计对于农户参与意愿影响显著,其中方案实施年限、土地参与比例、农药减少比例的影响为负,补偿额度的影响为正。 (2)在家庭人口特征中,年龄对农户参与生态补偿的意愿有显著负影响,教育水平、居住在保护区内、保护认知、家庭人口数和人均年收入对农户参与生态补偿的意愿有显著正影响。 (3)在补偿标准制定方面,湿地周边农户年受偿意愿的均值为608.56元/hm2,若延长1年的方案实施期,需要额外对每公顷土地补偿8.09元;若土地参与比例增加1%,需要额外对每公顷土地补偿58.00元;若农户减少10%的农药使用量,需要额外对每公顷土地补偿45.91元,为我国制定湿地生态补偿标准提供依据。 根据以上结论,本文提出建议: (1)湿地生态补偿是一种为了解决湿地保护外部性问题,实现湿地资源可持续利用的利益驱动机制、激励机制和协调机制。因此,该机制需要考虑利益主体的受偿意愿和支付能力,结合本文选择实验法核算结果制定公平合理的方案实施年限、补偿标准以及适当的土地参与比例。 (2)严格规范保护区周边居民农药使用行为,加强绿色农业的相关培训和技术支持,鼓励农户采用环境友好型的生产方式,进而减轻湿地生态环境的负荷,推进退耕还湿和生态补偿工作的开展。 (3)保护区通过建立替代生计项目、引导非农产业发展等手段转变传统生计方式,增加家庭人均年收入,优先考虑务农为主的中老年群体,同时强化湿地保护宣传教育,这是农户能否积极参与湿地生态补偿政策的关键。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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