The influence of development of family farms on the land transfer willingness of rural people inhabiting Xinyu in Jiangxi Province
ZOUXiuqing1, GUOMin2,, ZHOUFan1, WANGYan1, LIUYangqianyu1, ZOUSunzhong3, 1. College of Tourism and Urban Management,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330032,China2. Institute of Poyang Lake Eco-economics,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330032,China3. Institute of Land and Resources Survey and Planning in Jiangxi Province,Nanchang 330000,China 通讯作者:通讯作者:郭敏, 收稿日期:2016-08-26 修回日期:2017-05-9 网络出版日期:2017-08-20 版权声明:2017《资源科学》编辑部《资源科学》编辑部 基金资助:基金项目:国家社会科学基金重点项目(13AGL007)江西省自然科学基金项目(20171BAA208016)江西省教育厅科技项目(GJJ160451) 作者简介: -->作者简介:邹秀清,男,江西庐山人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为土地经济与制度。
关键词:家庭农场;农地转入意愿;农地转出意愿;Logistic模型;江西省新余市 Abstract As a new type of agricultural management,family farms have strong practical significance in promoting modern agricultural development and rural land resource distribution. Scale merit is a distinctive feature of family farms,which is an important prerequisite for the development of family farms into moderate pieces of land available for a stable period of time. Under the current legal and policy framework,land transfer is an important way for family farms to concentrate required land. Based on surveys of 265 randomly sampled households in Xinyu city,Jiangxi,we used normative and empirical methods and binary logistic regression modeling to study the impact of developing family farms on the land transfer willingness of farmers. We found that family farm development influences farmers' willingness for inward and outward land transfer. The more family farms in a village,the more that farmers in the village are willing to transfer out land,but less willing to transfer in land. Local government economic subsidies for family farms increase the willingness for transferring land in and decrease willingness for transferring land out. Sex,non-agricultural income as a proportion of total household income, pieces of land,and average yield of agricultural land affect willingness to transfer out agricultural land. Age, non-agricultural income as a proportion of total household income,level of education and the average yield of agricultural land affect willingness for transferring in land. We conclude that the development of family farms promotes resident land transfer willingness and we discuss policies and suggestions for the development of family farms and agricultural land transfer.
Keywords:family farms;the willingness of transferring in agricultural land;the willingness of transferring out agricultural land;Logistic Model;Xinyu in Jiangxi Province -->0 PDF (747KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章收藏文章 本文引用格式导出EndNoteRisBibtex收藏本文--> 邹秀清, 郭敏, 周凡, 王彦, 刘杨倩宇, 邹孙忠. 发展家庭农场对农户流转土地意愿的影响——来自江西省新余市的经验证据[J]. , 2017, 39(8): 1469-1476 ZOUXiuqing, GUOMin, ZHOUFan, WANGYan, LIUYangqianyu, ZOUSunzhong. The influence of development of family farms on the land transfer willingness of rural people inhabiting Xinyu in Jiangxi Province[J]. 资源科学, 2017, 39(8): 1469-1476
本文应用STATA13.0软件,选择最大似然估计法对二元Logistic回归模型进行估计。在处理过程中,首先采用vif命令对选定的变量进行多重共线性诊断,发现两组模型的方差扩大因子均小于10,可以认为各个变量之间不存在显著的多重共线性。其次,运用ovtest命令对选定的变量进行Ramsy检验,从两组模型输出结果的p值来看,均拒绝原假设,可认为模型不存在高阶遗漏变量问题。再用变量全部代入法进行二元Logistic回归处理,得到回归结果如表2所示。从模型的检验情况来看,两个模型的Pseudo R2分别为0.462和0.379,说明自变量对因变量的变化有一定的解释力;似然比(LR)的卡方检验值分别为124.87和165.43,伴随概率均为0.0000,表明该两组模型在1%的水平上显著。总体来看,模型整体拟合效果较好。 Table 2 表2 表2调研区农户流转意愿模型估计结果 Table 2Results of model parameter estimation of farmers’ willingness to transfer in survey area
发展家庭农场是中国农业经营组织的制度创新,现有研究证实,由于土地流转不畅,已严重影响家庭农场适度规模经营的形成和发展。不少****从农户个人及家庭的个体性特征、现有相关政策、农地市场发育程度以及外部环境等方面研究了农户的土地流转意愿,但几乎忽略了家庭农场这一变量对农户土地流转意愿的影响。本研究基于江西省新余市的实地调查数据,采用二元Logistic 回归模型,实证分析发展家庭农场对农户流转土地意愿的影响,研究发现:“村中是否有家庭农场”对农户土地转出和转入意愿均具有显著影响,并且回归系数最高。“村中有家庭农场”或“家庭农场个数多”对农户土地转出意愿将产生显著的正向影响,反之,如果“村中没有家庭农场”或“家庭农场个数少”将抑制农户转出土地意愿。可见,家庭农场的发展需要土地流转作为保障,而家庭农场又能以较低交易成本实现土地流转,两者存在正向互动关系,将土地流转与家庭农场有机结合的经营模式有利于实现农业适度规模经营。研究同时发现,“是否有专项经济补贴”对农户转出土地意愿具有显著负向影响,而对农户转入土地意愿具有显著正向影响,说明对家庭农场的经营者进行经济补贴有利于促进土地流转和农业适度规模经营。总之,村中有无家庭农场及与家庭农场发展相关的因素均有可能对农户土地流转意愿产生影响,家庭农场与土地流转关系的研究,对家庭农场的发展、完善及土地流转相关政策的制定有重要意义。 本研究认为,未来相关政策制定可以重点考虑以下两方面:一是应该意识到,发展家庭农场是撬动农村闲置土地资源的有力举措,政策层面需要为家庭农场发展提供良好的市场环境,鼓励、引导农村闲置土地资源规模化运作,并在经营时限、权属纠纷、制度完善等方面做好服务配套,培育家庭农场运营常态化、投资长线化、品质优质化;二是应该考虑到,政策层面的引导会直接刺激家庭农场的供给数量,即可能会有越来越多的运营主体参与农村土地流转行为,因此为了进一步规范家庭农场供给秩序,有序促进资源高效利用,未来应该对家庭农场进入门槛、行为规范等方面的政策规定进行完善。 The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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