Analysis on the national geo-setting of geo-strategic intersection area: Take Ukraine as an example
YE Shuai![](http://www.dlyj.ac.cn/richhtml/1000-0585/richHtml_jats1_1/images/REemail.gif)
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叶帅, 胡志丁, 葛岳静, 黄宇, 胡伟. 地缘战略交汇区类属的国别地缘环境解析——以乌克兰为例[J]. 地理研究, 2021, 40(9): 2591-2605 doi:10.11821/dlyj020201033
YE Shuai, HU Zhiding, GE Yuejing, HUANG Yu, HU Wei.
1 引言
乌克兰以其特殊的地缘战略区位成为后冷战时期俄罗斯和欧美的共同觊觎点,历次危机更是外部势力引燃其显著分异的国内环境导火索进行地缘政治博弈的结果。在西方鼓动和支持下,乌克兰持续推动“脱俄入欧”进程。同时,俄罗斯也积极拉拢其加入前苏联地缘政治空间范围。乌克兰在东西取向问题上俨然陷入了一场多边地缘政治博弈的“拉锯战”中,其地缘环境是地缘战略交汇区国别地缘环境的天然标本。围绕乌克兰问题,国外****分别从乌克兰国家认同[19]、俄罗斯与欧美战略互动[20,21,22]、危机对欧盟外交政策的影响 [23,24]等视角展开讨论。国内研究更多关切斯拉夫历史渊源及多元民族宗教文化分歧[25,26]、民主政治制度改革与社会转型[27]、俄罗斯与欧美国家地缘政治博弈[28]等方面。既有研究为本文提供了有益的借鉴和丰富的基础资料,但是这些研究大多是从国际关系学、历史学、政治学等学科视角针对单一要素分析乌克兰问题,未能有效地把乌克兰地缘环境各组成要素进行有机串联,由此导致对乌克兰问题的解释力差强人意。为弥补上述缺憾,特别是开启国别地缘环境分析的类属化和精准发力,本文在前人对地缘环境解析思路、跨学科融合路径和分析框架研究的基础之上,进一步提出地缘战略交汇区类属的国别地缘环境解析方案。以乌克兰为实证研究的案例国,洞悉其显著分异的地理环境、高度依赖的地缘关系、主体之间的地缘结构,以期破解乌克兰危机的地缘政治谜题,为其他同类属的国别地缘环境分析提供参考。
2 类属划分、属性特征与解析框架
2.1 类属划分与属性特征
地缘战略是把具体国家的安全和发展放到全球宏观背景之下,从地理的角度考察国际政治关系,制定出一个国家当前和未来一段时间内对外的政治、军事、经济、文化战略,该战略同时也为本国的政治、军事、经济、文化发展服务[29]。体现国家意志的地缘战略一旦付诸于实践,最终都将在具体的地理空间中得以施展。地缘战略的实践对象是具有一定地域空间的地缘体,包括国家地缘体以及非国家地缘体。一些国家因其地理位置、资源条件、历史文化和民族宗教等地理要素的特殊组合状态时常成为多个大国权力角逐的交汇区域。按照是否受到地缘行为体地缘战略实践的影响,可以将国家地缘体划分为三种类属,一类是永久中立国,二类是承受单一地缘战略的国家,三类是地缘战略交汇区国家(见表1)。这里要说明的是,虽然一个国家的自然地理环境不会在短时间内有太大变化,但经济社会文化环境的变化却日新月异。加之国际政治格局的风云变幻,地缘战略制定国也会适时对本国的地缘战略进行动态调整,制定更加符合时代背景的国家地缘战略。因此,随着内外部环境的变迁国别地缘环境也可能会发生类属转型。本文对国别地缘环境类属的划分是参考已有的可视化成果,选取的是2000—2019年承受单一地缘战略及处于地缘战略交汇区的部分国别样本[30]。三种类属的国别地缘环境中,地缘战略交汇区国家因其承受两种及其以上的地缘战略的影响,国内政治局势变化多端。同时,由于域外势力的频繁介入,地缘战略交汇区国家往往是国内问题国际化、简单问题复杂化,其地缘环境演变规律最为扑朔迷离[30]。Tab. 1
Tab. 1
国别地缘环境类属 | 代表国家 | 地缘环境描述 |
永久中立国 | 瑞士 土库曼斯坦 | ① 不签订承担战争义务的条约,如同盟条约;② 不采取使本国卷入战争的行动及承担相关方面的义务,如承接外国军事设施的布局;③ 不参与对别国的经济制裁和封锁;④ 不接受附有损害中立地位的条件援助 |
承受单一地缘战略的国家 | 日本 韩国 以色列 | ① 意识形态高度聚合;② 民族构成较为单一或主体民族占绝大多数人口;③ 与某一大国或集团签署军事同盟条约 |
地缘战略交汇区国家 | 乌克兰 缅甸 叙利亚 | ① 战略区位价值较高;② 国内环境显著分异,具有脆弱性和暴露性;③ 经济发展高度依赖周边大国;④ 外部势力对其内政和外交干预明显 |
2.2 解析思路与框架构建
Fig. 1Analysis framework of national geo-setting of geo-strategic intersection area
3 实证研究——乌克兰地缘环境
地处欧亚大陆西缘文明断层线上的乌克兰,是东方和西方相遇之处,许多个世纪以来都是亚洲通往欧洲的门户地带[38]。当战争和冲突到来之际,关闭的欧洲之门成为阻挡东来或西来侵略的屏障,而当欧洲之门开启,乌克兰就成为连接欧洲与亚洲、东方与西方的枢纽[39]。每当周边地缘行为体东向或西向发展受阻时,总会选择不惜一切代价将乌克兰纳入自己的势力范围,这从1783年叶卡捷琳娜大帝发动的俄土战争、1854年英法土联盟与俄罗斯之间的克里米亚战争以及二战期间德国进攻乌克兰都可以得到历史佐证[40,41,42]。美国著名地缘战略家布热津斯基曾指出,地缘战略支轴国家乌克兰因其所处敏感的地理位置及潜在的脆弱状态,成为后冷战时期欧亚大陆地缘政治棋手国际博弈的重要棋子[43]。因此,独立后的乌克兰所发生的历次危机都是其国内环境与国际环境交织作用下的结果[44,45]。3.1 地理环境
乌克兰位于欧洲东部,北方和东方与白俄罗斯、俄罗斯接壤,西邻波兰、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、罗马尼亚与摩尔多瓦,南滨黑海和亚速海与土耳其隔海相望[46]。地处“三洲五海”要冲之地的乌克兰,自古以来就是人类迁徙的十字路口,各种文明冲突交汇于此,致使历史上周边大国彼此征伐、竞相争夺[26]。公元882年,维京人征服基辅及其周边地区,定都基辅,建立了东斯拉人为国民主体的君主制国家,史称基辅罗斯。这是俄罗斯族、乌克兰族和白俄罗斯族共同的斯拉夫文化渊源。公元3世纪,基督教已是一个以主教自治和普世大公会议至上为基本纲领的国际性宗教组织,它承认主教团中每位主教的绝对权威[47,48]。罗马帝国瓦解后,基督教顷刻分化成为以希腊语地区为中心的东派和以拉丁语地区为中心的西派[47]。起初,弗拉基米尔一世带领基辅罗斯皈依的是基督教东支东正教。然而,自奉天主教为圭臬的波兰-立陶宛王国入侵后,就拉开了乌克兰国内宗教信仰千年决裂的大幕。公元13世纪,蒙古金帐汗国入侵基辅罗斯,导致基辅罗斯内部封建势力割据。其中,东北罗斯(今俄罗斯部分)和西北罗斯(今白俄罗斯部分)先后臣服于蒙古,而西南罗斯(今乌克兰部分)则在波兰、立陶宛等基督教国家的支持下保持相对独立[46]。此后,古罗斯部落逐渐分化成俄罗斯人、乌克兰人和白俄罗斯人三大族群,语言也发展成俄语、乌克兰语及其他语系分支。随着宗教、民族、语言等社会要素的历史分化,社会分异的高阶表征,代表一定阶级利益的现代政治党派也出现显著分野。各政党利用国内族群分裂为少数经济寡头的一己之私而争权夺利,国际政治立场和国内执政理念分歧较大(见表2)。Tab. 2
Tab. 2
政党名称 | 政治立场&执政理念 |
波罗申科联盟(Блок Петра Порошенка «Солідарність») | 全面加强与西方合作,坚决抵制俄罗斯,恢复国内秩序 |
人民阵线(Народний фронт) | 倾向西方,主张重建经济、根除腐败及平息东部冲突 |
季莫申科集团(Блок Юлии Тимошенко) | 建立民主国家,推行市场经济,增加社会福利,加速私有化进程 |
反对派联盟(Опозиційний блок) | 亲美党派,利用美国与俄罗斯的战略分歧获得西方政治支持 |
乌克兰争取改革民主同盟(Украинский Демократический Альянсза Реформы) | 亲欧同盟,积极治理腐败,营造良好的经济发展环境 |
乌克兰自由运动(Всеукраинское объединение "Свобода") | 右翼党派,民族主义和民粹主义的拥趸 |
乌克兰共产党(Комуністична партія України) | 改革和完善国家管理机构,取消总统制和州长制,国家权力交给劳动者,强调地方代表大会的作用 |
3.2 地缘关系
无论民族起源、文化认同还是宗教信仰,乌克兰与俄罗斯都有着厚重的历史渊源[51]。这从上文对国内环境的分析已经可以得到答案。同时,因果作用所产生的地缘关系也是既有研究主要关注的[25,26],此处不再详述。地缘关系不仅是历史渊源所形成的关系,还有地缘行为体利用乌克兰国内环境而主观建构的双边关系。苏联解体后,俄罗斯曾幻想融入西方社会,在处理乌克兰等前苏联加盟共和国的问题上采取“甩包袱”的态度。加之在黑海舰队的归属、前苏联债务分配、克里米亚主权以及核武器处理等问题上双边分歧较大,两国地缘关系处于不温不火的状态。俄罗斯多次尝试加入西方换来的不是欧美国家的信任,却是北约和欧盟东扩的“号角”,俄罗斯人越发意识到加强与文化更为接近的前苏联国家合作的重要性。叶利钦对独联体国家总体战略构想是构建一个以俄罗斯为中心并在国际社会中有一定影响力的政治、经济、军事联盟。独立国家联合体(Commonwealth of Independent States)组织成立后,一系列条约协议的签署、联合军事演习及高层互访标志着俄罗斯开始积极改善与乌克兰的地缘关系。普京当选俄罗斯总统后,采取更为灵活的地缘方针,一并解决了能源供应、独联体自贸区、统一电网等多个搁置多年的问题。2013年乌克兰危机爆发,克里米亚共和国和塞瓦斯托波尔市加入俄罗斯,乌克兰(波罗申科政府)解除与俄罗斯之间的友好关系,并启动退出独联体国家程序。此后,乌克兰和俄罗斯之间的地缘政治和地缘军事关系几乎处于决裂的态势,地缘经济关系相较于其他欧美国家也渐行渐远(见表3)。
Tab. 3
Tab. 3Bilateral trade volume between Ukraine and Russia, Germany, France and the United States (亿美元)
乌俄贸易额 | 乌德贸易额 | 乌法贸易额 | 乌美贸易额 | |
2011年 | 489.52 | 102.78 | 20.48 | 37.15 |
2012年 | 450.50 | 96.38 | 20.61 | 39.29 |
2013年 | 383.21 | 96.37 | 21.13 | 36.60 |
2014年 | 224.78 | 72.09 | 17.30 | 26.00 |
2015年 | 123.20 | 55.00 | 12.75 | 19.66 |
2016年 | 87.42 | 62.76 | 14.31 | 21.20 |
Tab. 4
Tab. 4
时任总统 | 对西方的外交政策 | |
1991—1994年 | 克拉夫 丘克 | “亲美不成蚀把武器”:任内多次会晤美国总统布什,承诺销毁核武器,乞求美国经济援助。然而,对于俄罗斯的援助美国都勉为其难,再加上乌克兰更力不从心。最终,没有得到西方任何安全保障承诺。看到民不聊生、动荡不安的乌克兰,作为苏联解体的主要发起者晚年后悔不已 |
1994—2005年 | 库奇马 | 第一任期“左右逢源的外交”:积极开展与俄罗斯互利合作,同时加强与北约交流,建构欧洲国家身份,主导并参与独联体内部的离心活动 第二任期“识时务使经济升温”:与俄罗斯开展互信对话,双边贸易额回升,构建俄白哈乌经济合作框架。但在天然气合作方面与俄罗斯存在分歧,而后转向与西方更多的经济联系 |
2005—2010年 | 尤先科 | “全面亲西方”:在西方支持下发起“橙色革命”,重选中力压亚努科维奇成功当选。任期内始终以加入北约和欧盟为外交目标,但并没有得到“加盟”和“入约”的确切时间表 |
2010—2014年 | 亚努科 维奇 | “实用主义”:奉行独立自主、结伴不结盟的原则,积极推进加入欧洲一体化组织,继续保持与北约军事合作。同时,积极发展与俄罗斯关系,并在黑海舰队、边界划定、天然气等问题上达成诸多共识 |
2014—2019年 | 波罗申科 | “西靠新高度”:曾资助尤先科完成“橙色革命”的胜利。2013年乌克兰危机,克里米亚共和国、塞瓦斯托波尔市入俄以及乌东部局势的持续动荡,与俄罗斯关系持续降温。外交政策全面转向西方,尤其渴望得到美国为首的北约军事保护,多次力促乌克兰东正教会转归君士坦丁堡牧首区管辖 |
2019年— | 泽连斯基 | “政治素人待观察”:没有从政经历的泽连斯基意外当选乌克兰总统。执政伊始,外交政策不甚明了,但“通话门”事件的曝出,其与美国的关系可见一斑。多次造访东部地区,可以看出其解决国内危机的决心,但如若不能很好地处理与俄罗斯的双边关系,即便有美国支持其东部政策也很难落实 |
乌克兰和欧盟(European Union,EU)的地缘关系主要体现在地缘政治层面,其进程大体可以划分为三个阶段。1999—2005年,欧盟经济共同体日趋完善,在外交和安全政策上也达成了诸多共识。面对新成立的独联体国家,欧盟先是采取以俄罗斯为主,其他国家为辅的政策。但随着欧盟睦邻政策的实施,乌克兰等东欧国家不再被欧盟国家看作俄罗斯的附庸国;2005—2010年,“橙色革命”爆发,尤先科提出加入欧盟的要求。然而,让乌克兰失望的是,此时欧盟对于乌克兰的态度是建立共同的价值观而非乌克兰加入欧盟。亚努科维奇政府也渴望加入欧盟,但一直没有从欧盟方面得到具体时间表。2010年至今,这一时期的欧盟与乌克兰地缘关系更加清晰。首先,欧盟愿意给出乌克兰“入盟”远景;其次,欧盟针对乌克兰、白俄罗斯、摩尔多瓦等独联体国家制定了东部伙伴关系峰会机制,以期深化与独联体国家之间的关系,稳固其东部边界[53]。乌克兰和欧盟密切的联系最终引燃了2013年乌克兰危机。尽管波罗申科执政后继续强化与欧盟关系并签下了欧盟联系国协定书,此时的欧盟却因为忌惮俄罗斯在乌克兰危机中的强势介入,并没有进一步发展与乌克兰地缘政治关系的意愿。
北约(North Atlantic Treaty Organization,NATO)是以美国为首的西方军事一体化组织。从第二任总统库奇马开始,乌克兰一直致力于逃脱俄罗斯的地缘辐射空间,加入北约组织是其军事“脱俄”的重要途径[54]。冷战后北约不但没有减弱对欧洲的控制,反而进行了多轮东扩,意在进一步压缩和封锁俄罗斯的地缘战略空间,乌克兰为代表的东欧国家是北约东扩的终极目标。因此,独立后的乌克兰一直与北约保持密切的双边地缘军事关系(见表5)。
Tab. 5
Tab. 5
乌克兰地缘愿景 | 北约地缘战略 | 地缘军事实践 | |
1994年 | 回归欧洲,实现军事层面的乌欧一体化 | 继续围堵俄罗斯,尝试吸纳前苏联势力 | 参加北约“和平伙伴计划” |
1997年 | 为深化合作奠定基础 | 东扩已经开始,保持与乌克兰密切联系 | 签署北约《特殊伙伴合作宪章》 |
1999年 | 争取尽早加入北约 | 进一步与乌克兰建立特殊 伙伴关系 | 加入乌克兰-北约行动计划,出席在华盛顿举行的北约成立50周年庆典 |
2004年 | 寻求地缘安全保障 | 深入欧亚大陆,直接接触乌克兰 | 签订《关于支持北约行动的备忘录》 |
2009年 | 军事协防,节约国防成本 | 配合先前东扩,对俄罗斯实行“双钳”夹挤 | 议会通过特别法案,允许北约军队入境参加联合军事演习 |
2018年 | 彻底脱离俄罗斯,积极寻求西方军事援助 | 回应俄罗斯在处理克里米亚和顿巴斯事件时的强硬态度 | 放弃不结盟地位,为加入北约夯实法理基础 |
3.3 地缘结构
由于特殊的地理空间位置,俄罗斯一直把乌克兰当作其传统势力范围和突破北约围堵的战略要塞。以美国为首的北约致力于东扩,乌克兰是其东扩的终极目标和围堵俄罗斯的前沿哨所。由此,乌克兰与周边地缘行为体之间上形成了俄罗斯-乌克兰-欧美这种主体间钳形的地理空间格局。俄罗斯拥有丰富的天然气和石油资源,欧洲拥有庞大的消费市场,乌克兰是俄罗斯油气资源输往欧洲的能源大通道,资源禀赋的结构性差异生产出能源供应国-通道国-需求国物质链国际结构模式。近年来,影响乌克兰的地缘行为体主要是俄罗斯、德国、法国、英国和美国等国家[55],其中德国、法国、英国和美国基于欧盟和北约组织共同的身份建构成乌克兰问题上的利益集团[56,57],这是乌克兰所处的地缘结构理念性的一面,即乌克兰始终在欧美与俄罗斯二元利益集团对立博弈的夹缝中生存。随着中国“一带一路”倡议在东欧的不断推进以及欧洲内部的分化(诸如英国脱欧等黑天鹅事件的出现),影响乌克兰地缘环境的周边地缘体身份、利益和现有地缘格局的不断互构,地缘秩序不断进行着重组,乌克兰所处的地缘结构将趋于多边网络状。在主体间地缘结构作用下,俄罗斯和欧美对乌克兰不断进行着交互争夺,乌克兰国家危机事件还会再出现。受多边网络地缘结构影响,乌克兰国家危机事件的激烈程度会有所降低。4 结论与讨论
Fig. 2Analogue analysis process of national geo-setting
本文进一步深化了国别地缘环境研究,基于地缘战略实践的空间视角,划分出单一战略型、战略交汇型及永久中立国型3种类属的国别地缘环境。凝练出地缘战略交汇区类属的国别地缘环境的脆弱性、依赖性和主体间性等属性特征,并构建出该类属国别地缘环境解析框架。在此框架的指导下对乌克兰地缘环境进行了实证研究。主要结论如下:① 无论是自然地理还是社会经济文化,乌克兰都呈现出显著的地域分异。自然地理方面,地形河流的分布影响着周边地缘体对其国内环境的干预方式和速率。社会经济文化方面,乌克兰复杂的东斯拉夫历史渊源、对立的宗教信仰、特殊的民族构成、派系林立的政党制度都为俄罗斯和西方国家的渗入提供了可能性和可操作性。② 因果关联作用下,共同的斯拉夫历史渊源导致乌克兰在社会文化领域对俄罗斯的依赖程度较高。建构作用下,出于对乌克兰特殊的战略位置及优越的资源条件的觊觎,俄罗斯和欧美都在积极构建与乌克兰的地缘关系。同时,这种基于国别利益而主观建构的关系波动较为剧烈,双边互构的乌克兰与欧美的地缘关系维系时间明显长于俄罗斯单边建构的。③ 俄罗斯、欧美和乌克兰之间不仅形成了空间和物质上的显性结构,还有隐性的主观理念结构以及历史演变的过程结构。空间结构上,乌克兰地缘格局呈现出欧美-乌克兰-俄罗斯主体间钳形状。物质结构上,乌克兰是俄罗斯能源输往欧洲市场的过境国。理念结构上,乌克兰在欧美利益集团与俄罗斯二元力量对立的夹缝中生存。过程结构上,乌克兰所处的地缘结构将趋于多边网络状。显著分异的地理环境、高度依赖的地缘关系及主体间的地缘结构综合作用下的乌克兰,国家危机事件频繁出现。未来,乌克兰危机的激烈程度会有所降低。通过对缅甸和叙利亚与乌克兰国别地缘环境的类比分析,再次证明了地缘战略交汇区国别地缘环境解析框架的可行性和可操作性。
真诚感谢二位匿名评审专家在论文评审中所付出的时间和精力,评审专家对交汇区国别地缘环境属性特征提炼、解析框架构建及类比分析等方面的修改意见,使本文获益匪浅。参考文献 原文顺序
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The Western-oriented foreign political geography and geopolitics theories provide a good reference and basis for the development of Chinese political geography and geopolitics. In this sense, it is a very vital issue related to the direction-guiding for the disciplines of Chinese political geography and geopolitics, in particular in regards to how to rationally treat the studies of political geography and geopolitics in the West as well as how to correctly handle the relationship between these subjects' localization and internationalization within China. Nevertheless, the current development of China's political geography and geopolitics still has confusion and even dilemma on this issue. On the one hand, the over-reliance on the Western research frameworks and theories has brought certain risks to the discipline construction of Chinese political geography, while on the other hand, we cannot move towards the extreme of closedness or even xenophobia while being cautious about Western research, and most importantly we must break up the trap of "Chinese particularism" while breaking "Westernism". To this end, young scholars engaged in political geography and geopolitical research in domestic Chinese universities and research institutions have voluntarily organized a Youth Forum themed on "The Frontiers of Political Geography and Geopolitical Theories" in 2019, which focused on the references and reflections on the development of Western political geography and geopolitics, and reached preliminary conclusions. Most specifically, the multi-scale nature of Western political geography topics, the diversity of research methods, the critical spirit of the research atmosphere, the internationalization of research horizons, and the integrity and standardization of research paradigms are worthy of reference for Chinese political geography, and meanwhile Chinese political geographers should avoid the lack of historical perspective, imbalanced knowledge production, inadequate map space expression, excessive discourse analysis, and inadequate solutions to real problems that are identified in the forum discussions. We hope that this discussion will attract more scholars to jointly promote the development of the disciplines of Chinese political geography and geopolitics.
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DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2015.02.129 [本文引用: 1]
通过梳理西方100多a海洋地缘政治的发展脉络,系统总结和归纳其海洋地缘政治发展的4个阶段与特征:自然演进模式下的海洋地缘政治理论形成阶段( 1890s前)、国家空间-权力关系下的理论发展阶段(两次世界大战前后)、海洋地缘政治的现代化阶段(1960s-1990s)、新海洋地缘政治理论阶段(1990s后)。与国外相比,中国的海洋地缘政治研究起步较晚且未得到足够的重视,通过分析新中国成立以来中国地缘政治****在海洋地缘政治领域的探索历程发现:中国海洋地缘政治发展缺乏相关学科理论的支撑和整合,难以形成完整的理论体系,研究手段也较为单一并缺乏建设性的实证研究,这与中国在世界“海洋地缘环境”格局中的现状严重不符。因此,面对批判地缘政治学的“多尺度转向”背景与中国发展的具体国情,提出发展中国“海洋地缘环境”的研究作为响应,并深入探讨“海洋地缘环境”的内涵与研究的空间尺度。最后,对海洋地缘环境近期重点研究方向做出展望:① 深化海洋地缘环境理论基础与研究方法;② 加强不同尺度的海洋地缘环境时空分异格局及其形成机理研究;③ 安全转向背景下的多尺度海洋地缘环境系统脆弱性研究;④ 结合中国实际,加强边境与边界的相关研究。
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The 21st Century is the century of the ocean, which has become an important guarantee for the sustainable social and economic development of coastal States and the national hot space of interests. Based on the macro mode of thinking and sensitive to the reality of international problems, marine geopolitics theory has influenced the whole process of world history greatly. After summarized the research progress during 100 years of western marine geopolitics, found that it has 4 development stages and each stage has its distinctive development characteristics: natural evolution of marine geopolitics pattern formation stage (-1890s), the state space of power relations theory development stage (around World War I and World War II), the stage of modern marine geopolitics (1960s-1990s), and a new marine geopolitics theory (1990s-). Compared with foreign countries, China marine geopolitics research started late and did not got enough attention. Through the analysis of modern exploration process in China of marine Geopolitics, it can be found that China marine geopolitics is lack of theory support and integration, which is difficult to form a complete theoretical system. Moreover, the research methods are empirical study single and lack of construction, which is seriously unfit the pattern —‘the marine geo-setting ’in the world. Therefore, combine critical geopolitics "multi scale to" background and specific national conditions of China development, the paper puts forward the research direction of "marine geo-setting" in China as a response to the spatial scale, then explore the connotation of the marine–geo environment. Finally, prospect the content of the research of marine–geo environment: ①develop the theory and method of marine–geo; ② strengthen the variation pattern and its formation mechanism of different scales of marine–geo environment; ③ vulnerability research on multi-scale marine geo environment system under the background of steering the security; ④strengthen border research combined with the actual situation in China.
DOI:10.11821/dlyj201702002 [本文引用: 1]
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb201908004 [本文引用: 1]
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Geo-relationships, as an important field of research in geography, have attracted much attention from scholars. Quantitative research on geo-relationships based on big data is an important supplement to traditional geo-relationships study. This paper uses GDELT mass media data to express the geo-relationships between China and its neighboring countries as a global relationship of cooperation and conflict, and identifies the stage division of these relationships using ordered cluster analysis. Social network analysis is conducted for each stage of the cooperation and conflict relationship, and community detection is used to further analyze and interpret the networks of cooperation and conflict. Finally, we highlight bilateral relations in various stages and conduct a China-centered equilibrium analysis. Three main results are presented. First, from 1979 to 2017, the cooperation and conflict relationship between China and its neighboring countries demonstrated an obvious three-stage temporal division. China has gradually become the center of the network, and a broad cooperation pattern centered on China and supported by Russia, Japan, and South Korea has formed. Second, the highlighted bilateral relations in each stage, such as China-Vietnam, China-Japan, China-Russia, and DPRK-ROK, show varied development trends and driving factors. Third, with the process of China's peaceful rise, cooperation between the country and its neighbors is becoming more and more balanced, and conflict between them is expanding.
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Geographical circumstances are the fundamental background for all kinds of geopolitical events. The geopolitical environment system (GES) refers to a system that combines both physical and anthropogenic subsystems. Research on the geopolitical environment system simulation is a key to understanding the international geopolitical phenomenon. The theory of GES arose from the integration of the traditional geopolitics and earth system sciences. As an interdisciplinary system composed of many different fields, integrated reviews and a metadata study of GES are urgently needed. This paper presents a comprehensive view into the origination and advance of the GES theory. The conceptual framework of the GES is described in detail. The methodology for simulating and forecasting geopolitical events is also provided. It is proposed that the core topics of the GES science may include, but are not limited to, issues as data acquisition technologies; principles on the interactions between multiple subsystems (or factors) at different scales; evaluating and mitigating the global geopolitical risks, including the political risks, economic risks, the social risks, the environmental risks and the technological risks; and forecasting the geopolitical events with machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques.
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DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2018.06.002 [本文引用: 1]
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Highlighting the significance of ‘humanity’ in understanding of ‘human-land relations’, the humanist thinking has a great impact upon the current research in the field of human geography. Taking the sub-field of geopolitics as an example, the current geopolitical research has focused too much on the element of humanity for the production of geopolitical knowledge, which is majorly related to the study of ‘critical geopolitics’. However, the most recent studies in human geography have begun to re-emphasize on the importance of ‘materiality’ under the theoretical framework of posthumanism, discussing how the materiality subverts the subjectivity of the humanity. On this basis, this article draws on the case study of People’s Daily and Sina Weibo and adopts the methods of NVivo and comparative study to explore how topic of the US war on terror is discussed in these two various media spaces, from the lens of posthumanism which, to a great extent, can be read as an extension of critical geopolitics. Specifically, this article explores whether and (if so) to what extent the humanity and their understanding of geopolitics are under the impact of the ‘materiality’ (which is embodied as Internet technology in this article), and whether the dominance of humanity in the understanding of human-land relationship is and will be challenged. The NVivo analysis and the comparative study shows that, the Internet technology to a significant extent impacts Chinese people’s subjectivity and their geo-understandings, for the reason of its revolutionary influence upon political communications. To be exactly, the feature of the multi-intervention and exponential ways of communication in the Internet based communities has finally resulted in the multivariate media landscape in this space. Moreover, the Internet technology has urged the contemporary media to pursue ‘fast’ and ‘new’, and thus abandoned the authority, authencity and logic that are underlined in the traditional media. Such technology-based media behavior to a certain extent leads to the emotional and affectual geopolitical expressions in the Internet space. On this basis, this article has contributed to the renewal of theories, methodologies and philosophies in the recent studies of human geography, paying attention to whether ‘material’ elements have impact upon people’s understandings of human-land relationship. In so doing, this article has contributed to the development of posthumanist geography in geographical studies. From an empirical and practical perspective, this article warns the danger of that, the Internet technology and related equipment are becoming extensions and parts of human bodies and so that are gradually eroding the humanity’s biological characteristics.
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DOI:10.11821/dlxb202010002 [本文引用: 1]
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Although many theoretical schools have been developed and thrived in the field of "geopolitics" in Western academia over the past 120 years, the influence of geopolitical research has been declining partly due to the lack of concern for realistic issues, which is embedded in its traditional research agenda. In China, geopolitical studies have mostly followed the Western approach until 2010 when a new "geo-setting" research agenda was launched. This geo-setting research agenda incorporates geographic knowledge and politics into the process of geopolitical analysis, which has demonstrated both theoretical and practical significance because it not only brings reform and innovation to geopolitical studies but also contributes to the promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. This paper proposes a research approach and an analytical framework for nationa-state based and integrated interdisciplinary geo-setting studies, according to previous academic findings on geo-setting, including conceptualization, leading elements, structure, and simulation. This framework is illustrated by a case study of Japanese geo-setting during the period of Tokugawa Bakufu. From an integrated interdisciplinary perspective, this paper unveils how the Japanese geo-setting had evolved under the combined effects of both domestic and international factors at multiple scales. It also sheds light on Japan's domestic and external policy formulation and changes during the period of Tokugawa Bakufu. Finally, three suggestions are put forward to strengthen the current nation-state based geo-setting research: (1) to continue to apply the interdisciplinary approach; (2) to highlight an integrated approach featured by multi-factor, multi-scale and long-term analysis; and (3) to pay consistent attention to long-term dynamic simulation.
DOI:10.2307/143141URL [本文引用: 1]
DOI:10.11821/dlyj201801001 [本文引用: 3]
“一带一路”倡议是人类历史上最伟大的全球治理工程,开辟了政治地理学研究的新纪元,为地缘关系研究提供了大舞台。地理学是从时间、空间和自然—社会系统三个维度理解陆地表层过程的科学,对地缘关系研究具有独特的功能和作用。因此,从地理学视角研究地缘关系具有其他学科无法比拟的优势。“一带一路”是当前最具挑战的科学和政策命题,从地缘关系视角研究“一带一路”,需要加强四个方面的结合:① 在科学思维上,需要还原论与系统论思维相结合;② 在科学数据建设上,需要社会人文与自然环境数据相结合;③ 在科学问题选择上,需要社会过程、人文过程、政治过程和自然过程相结合;④ 在研究方法上,需要经验方法、实证方法、系统方法与大数据研究方法相结合。中国地理****应兼顾政治地理学科建设、地缘关系的学科交叉研究和“一带一路”全球实践开展研究。
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The Belt and Road Initiative is the greatest project aimed to improve global governance in human history ever before. It opens a new era for the research of political geography, and in particular it provides great opportunities for geo-relation research. Geography is a science that explores the surface of earth from three perspectives including the time, space and nature-society system, which equips it to undertake geo-relation research with unique tools and advantages. The Belt and Road Initiative is one of the most challenging scientific and policy issues in the world. To better study the Belt and Road Initiative from the geo-relation perspective, geographers need to make combinations in the following four ways: (1) combining reductionism and system theory in scientific thoughts; (2) combining data of both human-society and nature-environment; (3) combining research questions based on social, human, political and natural processes; (4) combining research methods on empirical, positivism, systematic, and big data. Chinese Geographers need to give considerations to balance the development of political geography, multi-discipline oriented research on geo-relations and the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative globally.
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The rise and fall of the great powers undoubtedly is not dominated by geo-political and geo-economic rules. Since the end of the Cold War, with the rapid economic development of China and other emerging countries, the international power structure is undergoing profound restructuring and the world is entering the new geo-political and geo-economic era. At present, China's geopolitical environment has become increasingly complex and its peaceful development urgently needs geopolitical and geo-economic theoretical support. Based on analysis of the current world geopolitical and geo-economic development trend, this paper discusses the ideological origins on the fundamental role of geography in the development of geopolitics and geo-economics; analyzes the deficiencies of the Chinese geographers in the field of geopolitics and geo-economics; and then puts forward some suggestions how to strengthen the geopolitical geo-economic studies.
DOI:10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.03.001 [本文引用: 1]
在对19 世纪末和20 世纪西方代表性地缘政治与地缘经济理论进行重点介绍的基础上,分析了中国周边地缘政治与地缘经济的历史和现状特点,阐述了中国周边地缘政治与地缘经济的基本格局与发展态势,即:北部地缘政治关系紧密,地缘经济发展较快;西部地缘政治关系持续发展,地缘经济合作前景广阔;西南部为地缘政治破碎带,地缘经济极具潜力;南部地缘政治与地缘经济关系总体良好,但南海问题是不稳定因素;东部地缘政治热点问题敏感复杂,地缘经济结构相对稳定。最后提出了改善提升中国周边地缘政治关系与发展地缘经济的“北联、西进、南合、东拓”地缘战略及对策建议。
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Based on the introduction of representative Western geopolitical and geoeconomic theories of the late nineteenth century and the twentieth century, this paper analyzes the characteristics of historical and contemporary geopolitics and geoeconomics in China's surrounding areas. It also discusses the basic patterns and trends of geopolitical and geoeconomic situations in the area. The main patterns and characteristics are as follows. China's geopolitical relationship is close and geoeconomic relationship develops at a relatively rapid pace with northern neighboring countries. Its geopolitical relationship continuously develops and prospect of geoeconomic cooperation is very promising with neighboring countries to the west. On the other hand, China's geopolitical relationship with countries to the southwest is very fragile but the geoeconomic relationship has great potential to develop. In the south, China's geopolitical and geoeconomic relationship with neighboring countries is overall healthy, but the issue of South China Sea can be a potential cause of instability. Last but not the least, the geopolitical situation in the area to the east has sensitive and complex hotspots, whereas the structure of geoeconomics maintains relatively stable. This paper puts forward strategies and countermeasures in order to improve the geopolitical and geoeconomic situations, which can be summarized as "Uniting in the North, Advancing in the West, Cooperating in the South, and Extending in the East". More specifically, "Uniting in the North" focuses on building a stable zone geopolitically based on mutual trust, economic and trade ties, science and technology, culture and other fields of cooperation with countries including Russia and Mongolia. "Advancing in the West" means expanding the economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges with five Central Asian countries, Russia and West Asia, Eastern Europe and the European Union countries through the development of the "Silk Road Economic Belt", which vigorously promotes the vast development of geoeconomics and creates a favorable geopolitical environment for Western China. "Cooperating in the South" aims at further strengthening traditional cooperative relations with South Asia and Southeast Asia countries by means of negotiation and dialogue, gradually resolving the Sino-Indian border dispute and territorial disputes in South China Sea. It also means promoting regional cooperation between China and ASEAN countries and countries located in the South Asia subcontinent, deepening the strategic friendship relations. All goals under "Cooperating in the South" cannot be accomplished without the development of the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, the China-Burma-India-Bangladesh economic corridor and the twenty-first century maritime Silk Road. At last, "Extending in the East" places emphasis on breaking the first and second island chain encircled China set by USA and Japan and makes an ambitious plan that captures the mastery of the seas in 2020.
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DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.04.002 [本文引用: 1]
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China's rise is faced with the most complex geo-setting in human history. Establishing and improving the geo-setting analysis framework and researching and forcasting the changing situation of China's geo-setting are the needs of both the disciplinary development in human geography and national development. Currently, the research on China's geo-setting is progressing. The main researching contents are seperate studies on geo-setting definition, geo-setting analysis, driving mechanism of change in geo-setting, geo-relationships, and research methods of geo-setting. However, there is a lack of systematic research on geo-setting elements, and a complete set of recognized geo-setting change driving mechanisms has not been proposed yet, nor has a completed geo-setting analysis framework been established. Based on the past research and looking into the future, this article holds that geo-setting is an important research issue of human geography. Geographic elements influence geopolitics and geoeconomics through geo-setting. Geo-entities, geographical environment, geo-relationships, and geo-structures constitute the geo-setting system. Geo-distance and geo-flows are the core variables of a geo-setting. Therefore, future geo-setting research needs to pay more attention to the geo-relationships under the influence of geo-structures, strengthen the discussion of multidimensional, multiscale, and long-period geo-setting change driving mechanisms and interactions of geo-setting elements, expand geo-setting research methods and techniques, and deepen the geo-setting research of the Belt and Road region.
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DOI:10.13249/j.cnki.sgs.2019.07.002 [本文引用: 1]
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With the diversification of the research paradigm and methods of human geography, the research perspectives and methods of geopolitics, as an important branch of human geography, also become diversified. Especially since the 1960s, the structural turn of geopolitics has led to a number of important research results in geopolitics. However, on the whole, the study of geographical structure is too simple and immature. Drawing on the latest progress of structuralism in philosophy and related disciplines, especially the study of social theory on social structure, international relations on international social structure and geography on spatial structure, this article discusses the theoretical basis, concept and analytical framework of geo-structure. The analytical framework of the geostructure consists of 5 parts: structure as a component, structure as a process, structure system, 2 levels of structure and 2 mechanisms of action. The contents that constitute the geo-structure can be roughly divided into 3 kinds, namely, material structure, conceptual structure and spatial structure. The structure as a process focuses on exploring the relationships and their interdependence within the structure, and the impact of these changes on the identities and interests of geo-bodies, which means that the structure itself is changing. The geo-structural system has not been seriously studied. But with the advent of the geo-economic era, the transformation of Hobbes culture to Lockean culture, especially the interdependence under various relations, makes the international anarchic society move towards a structural system composed of politics, military, economy and culture. The 2 levels of the geopolitical structure and the 2 mechanisms are closely linked, reflecting the relationship between geo-bodies and the geopolitical structure in which the geopolitical body is placed. Each part of the geo-structure should form a whole in order to explore its impact. In the end, some problems in using geo-structure and the current international situations are briefly discussed in this study.
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DOI:10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.06.007 [本文引用: 1]
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At present international geopolitical pattern is drastically changing, which may have a profound influence on the complexity of Myanmar’s geopolitical context and vulnerability. Myanmar and the Greater Mekong Sub-region are becoming the world's major forefront and focus of geopolitical power game. Consequently, research on Myanmar geopolitical vulnerability would have great theoretical and practical significance for the development of western China and the “Belt and Road” initiative, as well as China’s surrounding geopolitical environment. National geopolitical vulnerability is a geopolitical concept, especially related with traditional implication of “small country.” Based on theories and methodologies of geopolitics and human-environment system research, this study defines national geopolitical vulnerability with regard to exposure, sensitivity, and adaptability, combining normative analysis with empirical study, and then systematically explores the structural effects and typical characteristics of national geopolitical vulnerability of Myanmar. With regard to internal vulnerability (sensitivity and adaptability), Myanmar has a vulnerable geopolitical location with the narrow shaped territory surrounded by multi-national powers, traditional agriculture-based economy and widespread poverty conditions, complex regional structure with multi-ethnic and multi-cultural conflicts, and long-term instability of government system. All these geopolitical factors and their succession mechanism determine its national geopolitical vulnerability. Significantly, China-Myanmar geopolitical relations fundamentally affect the geostrategic position of Myanmar. Myanmar’s geopolitical vulnerability and the corresponding dependence on China make it a weak point of the Western U-shaped besieging strategy and future critical point of the power competition, also an important geostrategic opening to China for breaking the geopolitical siege. It would be indispensable to continue to strengthen interdependence between China and Myanmar, and to maintain sound friendly bilateral relations. Myanmar is being faced with parliamentary election changes at present. Its political orientation will determine the future national development process and the corresponding geopolitical landscape of Southeast Asia, South Asia, and even the Asia-Pacific region for decades.
DOI:10.11821/dlyj020200357 [本文引用: 1]
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The in-depth promotion of the Belt and Road Initiative has accelerated the pace of outward foreign direct investment of Chinese enterprises. These “going out” enterprises often face multi-scalar challenges such as the reform of the host country's social and political environment, institutional constraints, and cultural conflicts. The “active embeddedness” and “obligated embeddedness” proposed by the early economic geographers cannot fully explain the correlation between the “foreign capital” and the host country's governance structure and the local institutional culture in the process of “going out” of Chinese enterprises under Belt and Road Initiative. This article argues that the process of outward investment is influenced by “multi-scale” factors from the global, national and local levels, and the key to success is for enterprises to make timely adaptive adjustments in dynamic environmental changes to better embedded locally. By constructing an analysis framework of “global-national-local multi-scalar embeddedness”, it explains how Chinese enterprises are embedded in the social reform of the host country and break through the constraints of institutions and culture through social innovations. A cooperative model of the “win-win” situation of the government, enterprises and local communities had been built, so as to understand the multi-scalar and inter-scalar connections from a new perspective. Taking the Letpadaung Copper Mining Project invested by China in Myanmar as an example, the Chinese firm Wanbao has taken multi-scalar actions to embed into the political, economic and social environment of the host country. On a global scale, Wanbao has considered the international relations with major countries such as the United States and Japan and the influence of western non-governmental organizations on the global production network and local areas. On the national scale, the cooperation model between foreign capital and different political parties, economic benefits and employment of host countries, ethnic and religious issues as well have been considered comprehensively. On the regional scale, attention has been paid to the social impact, religious issues, people's livelihood issues and environmental protection issues brought by the entry of foreign-funded projects. The paper finds that multi-scalar factors are highly coupling with each other and act in different models. Meanwhile, the impact process has timing effects. Research is of great significance for revisiting “institutional and cultural turn” and guiding Chinese enterprises to “going out”.
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