

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

徐云帆,, 黄贤金,南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,南京 210023

Progress and prospects of geography in public health: A review of literature abroad

XU Yunfan,, HUANG Xianjin,School of Geography and Ocean Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China

通讯作者: 黄贤金(1968-),男,江苏扬中人,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为资源地理与土地利用。E-mail: hxj369@nju.edu.cn


作者简介 About authors
徐云帆(1997-),女,江苏盐城人,硕士,主要研究方向为人居环境与可持续发展。E-mail: yunfani42@163.com

关键词: 公共卫生;地理学;健康地理学;演化转向

World Health Organization defines health as ‘a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’. Therefore, public health, the art and science of promoting health, is an interdisciplinary field which benefits from communication of different research perspectives. Of these perspectives, geography has a unique advantage in that space and health are intrinsically linked. The geographical context of places and the connectedness between places together play a major role in shaping public health. These features allow geography to theorize the associations between different variables and health from a unique angle of view and tackle public health challenges around the world. Many core geographical research themes in recent years, including inequalities, urbanization, and globalization, are directly related to public health. However, with the definition of health and public management constantly evolving, public health and geography research starting stressing emphasis on socio-economic factors, and crises like climate change and COVID-19 pandemic bringing external pressure, the geographical dimension of public health research has become much more complex and experienced many changes in connotation, theory, content and methodology. This paper starts with a brief review which shows relevant literatures at home and abroad have both experienced a slow rise, an accelerated rise, and the current rapid rise, but are divided in perspectives and topics concerned. It is worth noting that numbers of both reached a maximum in 2020. Then the paper is organized in a set of theories, methods and topics which have dominated much of the recent literature abroad: neighborhood effect, therapeutic landscapes, post-humanist thoughts, evolving quantitative and qualitative methods, healthy aging, health inequalities, and urban planning measures aimed at promoting residents’ health. In particular, it points out current opportunities in which global crises such as climate change and COVID-19 pandemic opened up for geographical research. The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to examine recent research in the geographical dimension of public health research abroad; second, to introduce relevant theories, methods, and topics which might prove valuable to support future quests and build in-depth research on domestic public health problems.
Keywords:public health;geography;health geography;evolutionary turn

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徐云帆, 黄贤金. 国外地理学对公共卫生问题的研究与启示[J]. 地理研究, 2021, 40(9): 2638-2656 doi:10.11821/dlyj020201058
XU Yunfan, HUANG Xianjin. Progress and prospects of geography in public health: A review of literature abroad[J]. Geographical Research, 2021, 40(9): 2638-2656 doi:10.11821/dlyj020201058

1 引言

2020年3月11日,世界卫生组织宣布由新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)引起的新型冠状病毒肺炎(Corona Virus Disease 2019,COVID-19)(以下简称新冠肺炎)疫情全球大流行。公共卫生作为“一门通过有组织的社区努力来预防疾病、延长寿命、促进身体健康的科学和艺术”[1],其重要性再次被重申。地理学研究地理要素的时空分异与演变,帮助解释遗传、职业、生活方式如何与自然、社会、建成环境相互作用,是保障和促进公众健康的前提。近年来许多地理学的核心议题,如尺度、全球化、城市化、不平等与极化更是与公共卫生直接相关[2]。相较于其他领域,公众健康涉及的人地关系更加敏感复杂,国内外均有大量研究从地理学视角出发对公共卫生问题进行了审视,但其切入角度和关注议题存在差异。鉴于此,本文首先通过文献计量分析简要回顾近年来国内外研究演化,由二者差异引出对国外相关研究的梳理。通过总结国外地理学对公共卫生问题的讨论,归纳其理论、方法、议题的热点与发展,以期拓展视野、聚焦问题,为国内相关研究的深化提供参考与借鉴。

以中国知网(CNKI)北大核心、Web of Science(WoS)核心合集数据库分别为中、英文文献数据来源,设置检索时间1992—2020年,借助CiteSpace科学计量软件进行分析[3]。在WoS中进行高级检索,设置主题包含“public health”且包含“spatial”“spatiotemporal”“geospatial”“geograph*”至少之一,文献类型限制为“article”和“review”,人工排除临床医学等无关研究类别、第一作者和第一单位均为国内属性的文献,经去重和整理后最终提取9915篇文献记录。在CNKI中进行专业检索,设置主题包含“地理”“GIS”“空间”“时空”至少之一,且主题同时包含“公共卫生”“健康”“疾病”“慢性病”“流行病”“传染病”“传染性疾病”“感染”“疾控”“预防”“防治”“防控”“医疗”“卫生”“保健”至少之一,人工排除会议介绍、卷首语、新闻通知、成果介绍、地图只作为呈现工具而未进行空间分析、研究对象非人等无关文献,经去重和整理后最终提取2712篇文献记录。图1给出了各年度发文数量的变化情况,国内外地理学对公共卫生问题的参与均经历了缓慢增长-加速增长-快速增长三个阶段,其中英文文献的增长总体较为稳定,中文文献波动增长。值得注意的是2020年中文文献数量的年增长率超过85%,为1997年来的最高值;英文文献数量的年增长率超过25%,为2010年来的最高值。

使用CiteSpace 5.7.R4对1992—2020年的中英文文献进行切片年限为1的关键词共现分析,分别提取中英文文献中出现频次最高的20个关键词,将其在1992—2002年、2003—2012年、2013—2020年三个时序阶段的出现频次制成表1。地理信息系统、流行病学和健康风险在中英文文献关键词中均排在前列。对于中文文献,1992—2002年期间,其研究主要集中在克山病等地方病、血吸虫病等自然疫源性或人畜共患病的空间分布规律、生态学特性和环境病因上。2003—2012年期间,地理信息系统得到推广,健康风险评价理论被国内学界普遍接受,围绕水污染和重金属的健康风险评价始终是热点;同一时期,随着基本公共服务均等化被明确为建设社会主义和谐社会的目标和任务,基于公平性的卫生资源配置研究开始受到关注,基尼系数、泰尔指数等方法被广泛采用。2013—2020年期间,伴随国内生态社会环境的变化、健康城市等倡议的提出、高致病性禽流感等突发公共卫生事件的出现,国内地理学对公共卫生的参与进一步深化,越来越多的社会、经济、文化要素被纳入研究考量,城乡健康、人口流动、老龄化等主题均积累了一些有益的探索。对于英文文献,相较而言其起步更早,更关注慢性病、儿童老人等特殊群体的健康权益、社会人文因素对健康的影响等,强调探索多元尤其是新兴变量与健康过程、健康结果的关联;且近年来研究重点已从应对疾病拓展为支持性环境和健康身份的构建,孕育了大量新的概念转变和理论视角。目前,面对传染病大流行和气候变化等全球威胁,公共卫生的跨学科性愈加明显,国外地理学在相关研究中的切入和聚焦可以为解决本土公共卫生问题提供参考和启发。下文将从理论、方法、研究议题三方面入手,梳理国外地理学在公共卫生问题中的积极探索。



Fig. 1Publication records related to geography in public health, published from 1992 to 2020

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Word frequency of top 20 keywords in three time phases
地理信息系统4119133public health573821142
健康风险评价02268united states51178514
重金属0528risk factor21111316
时空聚集性0427physical activity795262


2 主要理论与方法

2.1 理论


2.1.1 对邻里效应的关注 对邻里效应的关注是地理学和公共卫生研究社会文化转向的主要表现形式之一。新公共卫生对邻里及社区身份的关注和地理研究中“地方”概念的强化,都促使研究者将目光投向社区环境对健康产生的影响;同一时期多层次模型的推广也从方法论上极大地刺激了对情境和邻里效应的思考。



2.1.2 对康复景观的关注 人口健康视角的兴起使人们意识到有必要对创造和维持健康的环境进行投资,由此利用文化地理学观点探索环境、个体和社会因素的康复景观应运而生。


这一领域积累的实证研究大致分为三个类别:① 特殊的疗愈场所。这类研究关注历史遗迹、国家公园等场所如何从整体上解决包括身体、心理和社会在内的健康问题[17,19]。② 日常的疗愈场所。这类研究强调人们在平凡生活中创造健康,致力于发掘社区花园、家等日常场所的健康功能[20,21]。③ 医疗卫生服务场所。这类研究聚焦医院、疗养院等,强调社会环境和象征性景观在这些场所的重要性,主张为患者赋权[22]。康复景观是文化的、去医学化的,因此其研究内容在世界范围内呈现出高度多元性。它可以是新西兰一座叫“星际飞船”的儿童医院创造出的主题公园式的室内空间[23];可以是英格兰北部老年人在家庭和社区花园里进行的园艺工作[24];可以是让热爱泡澡的日本人享受身心舒缓的温泉洗浴[25];也可以是冈比亚的土著信仰和当地环境之间的文化共生关系[26]


2.1.3 非表征等后人类主义理论的引入 20世纪后半叶,公共卫生和地理学经历了文化转向,人本主义思想帮助地理学将地方概念牢牢植入了健康研究。然而进入21世纪以来,一方面,人们生活的世界快速重构,和公众健康产生互动的行动者持续增加,动摇着从前人本主义赋予人、地、健康系统的稳定性。另一方面,伴随着令人眼花缭乱的科技革新、政治辩论和社会思考,健康的定义本身也愈发复杂。为了不迷失在各范式为健康贴上的标签注脚中,地理****选择回到问题的根本,思考健康是如何发生的[27]。在这样的背景下,行动者网络、精神分析、超越人类的地理学、非表征等后人类主义理论逐渐渗透蔓延,在对身体与健康的分析中占据了一席之地。这其中,非表征理论较为典型,积累了较多的探索。



2.2 方法


社会文化因素被纳入健康考量后,与社会科学联系紧密的定性方法进入学界视野。研究者开始意识到以“批判、定性甚至非表征的方式”对待健康问题的必要性[38]。例如康复景观由于涉及了对特定环境中多层含义的分析,一直是定性研究青睐的主题。通过观察、访谈、调查、参与等经典方法和摄影、录音、影像发声等创新手段,关注身份和叙事的定性研究提供了定量所不能的视角。采用这些方法的研究者认为个体的处境和经验可以是有效的认知方式,通过对研究对象的观察甚至互动发掘新鲜视角。例如吸烟在定量研究中大多仅作为一个负向变量出现,过分关注吸烟的医学影响,而忽视了吸烟可能带来的情感和社会福祉。新加坡的一项研究就通过对66名吸烟者的半结构化访谈和民族志观察,记录了吸烟区对提升吸烟者整体幸福感的作用,强调了吸烟区的空间赋权以及物质和社会文化空间对健康结果的塑造[39]。近年来,除了定性方法本身应用范围的扩大,在其内部还出现了越来越多研究者亲身参与的倾向,如参与式观察、同行访谈(go-along interview)、自我民族志等均由研究者加入了自身的沉浸式体验。

20世纪末,Elliott在面对定性方法的兴起时呼吁“让研究问题来决定研究方法”[40]。诚然,健康问题的答案里既包含客观现实也包括主观现实,定量和定性方法可以从不同的角度观察空间和地方在这些答案里的角色。但目前从文章数量上看,定量仍占据主导;且定量和定性关注的议题交集较少,无法起到互补作用[41]。这种定量和定性研究之间议题的分割在近年越发引起研究者的担忧。公共卫生的公众性、公益性决定了它在很大程度上是一门社会科学。在理论层面,本体论的动摇表现为后人类主义在各分支学科中的生长;在方法层面,方法的选择实际上前置了研究者以自身价值判断决定什么值得关注的过程,在某种程度上这或许比理论或议题的选择更能体现研究者的研究理想。也许正因如此,近年方法上的进展除了定量的不断复杂化和定性的不断多元化,还出现了不少对混合方法的探索。如最近在公共决策领域收获关注的参与式制图(Public Participation Geographic Information System, PPGIS),通过邀请受到决策影响的民众参与地理信息系统的设计,实现本土知识到制图形式的落地。在描述问题、评估现状、反馈意见、最终呈现的互动过程中,参与式制图通过整合不同视角的信息,尤其是边缘化群体对空间的定义和认知,一方面延展了地理信息系统的内涵,另一方面极大地提升了决策的影响效力。另外,也有不少研究将可穿戴技术和定性方法混合,采用可穿戴设备和地理信息系统记录研究对象的生理条件、运动状况和位置距离,再结合访谈、观察等定性方法捕捉叙事,既保留了实证主义的严谨,又通过和研究对象的直接对话实现了对个体细节的把握。定量、定性和混合方法在公共卫生研究中的创新极大开扩了研究视野的可能性,实证研究的广度和丰度不断拓展(见表2)。

Tab. 2
Tab. 2Examples of research methods


3 主要研究议题

3.1 对传染病大流行的响应


3.1.1 大流行重申了传染病研究的重要性 20世纪中叶前,传染病一直是研究的主旋律。但过去的几十年中,一方面,传染病的发病率、致残率和死亡率大大降低;另一方面,心血管疾病、糖尿病和癌症等慢性病的流行蔓延至中低收入国家,超过传染病成为主要的全球健康问题。然而,随着病原体、环境和宿主行为不断变化,新发与再发传染病层出不穷。其伴随着人口的快速流动、种间接触的增多和全球气候变化的加剧,持续威胁人类健康和社会稳定[52]

基础和临床医学之外,地方背景也成为了理解传染病的关键。在新冠肺炎大流行中,很大一部分的死亡人数都集中在最富裕的那些国家。要理解这样的结果,就必须综合考虑地区的自然条件、社会结构、城市化形态以及多种文化因素的影响。如Iwasaki等猜想日本人传统的非接触式问候和在冬天佩戴口罩的习惯可能是日本确诊病例远少于其他同等人口密度和老龄化水平国家的原因之一[53]。Cash等认为中低收入国家总体较低的确诊率和死亡率可能源于这些国家年轻化的人口结构和老人在家居住的社会现实[54]。归因之外,疫情的应对措施同样需要综合考量地方情境。南非的非正式住区内,定居点的密度和布局让2 m的社交距离几乎不可能实现[55]。在印度,交通设施的关闭使大量低收入群体无法获得必需的医疗卫生服务,儿童麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹疫苗的接种减少了69%[56];学校关闭影响了全球超过70%的年轻人,但在低收入国家中他们中只有18%有条件通过在线学习的方式继续学业,远低于高收入国家的65%[57]。妇女、儿童、低收入人群等脆弱人口总是在全球事件中承担更高的风险和负担,一刀切的防控措施将扩大已有的经济差距与社会不平等。公共卫生是公众性、公益性的,公共卫生问题的解决绝不能止步于数学和医学,研究者和决策者需要兼具全球视野和地方视角,“从群体的角度看待医学问题,用社会的方法解决医学问题”[58],以免走向“何不食肉糜”的道路。

3.1.2 大流行强调了地理学概念对理解全球事件的意义 在过去的几个世纪内交通和通讯技术不断发展,“地方失去了它们特殊性,变成了功能性的抽象概念”[59],但传染病的全球大流行以强烈的姿态召回了地理空间的重要性。“与他人交往时保持2 m的社交距离”[60],“将家改造成有办公氛围的工作间”[61],从前人们打招呼时关心“你怎么样”,现在人们打招呼时关心“你那儿怎么样”[62]。空间、地方、联系,扩散、距离、尺度等地理学的核心概念渗透进了每个人的日常;人与地方相互关联、相互塑造的共生关系越来越清晰。Mostafanezhad等研究了大流行期间来自东亚的游客是如何在历史上的种族地理因素和当代的地缘政治关系影响下被妖魔化的[63];Singh等记录了疫情中一线医务工作者由于工作场所被标记为不洁而受到的歧视、孤立与污名化[64];Tedeschi从非表征理论出发,采用自我民族志方法记录了自己从意大利到芬兰的行程,探索了大流行期间身体、法律与空间的相互作用[65]



3.2 对气候变化的响应


3.2.1 气候变化产生差异性的健康影响 气候变化加剧了环境的敏感性和脆弱性,其对经济和基础设施的破坏还将影响基层医疗卫生服务的供给,对公众生理和心理健康产生进一步的不利影响。虽然在全球尺度上已有大量成熟的研究论证了气候变化对公众健康各方各面的影响路径,但是一方面气候变化对不同地区的影响不同,另一方面虽然大多数人都认可气候变化的影响是真实存在的,但他们普遍认为这种影响距离自己所处的时空非常遥远[78],很难感受到切身的紧迫感。因此各个国家和地区迫切需要充分的具有地方意义的研究支撑起因地制宜的公共卫生工作。

另外,气候变化带来的健康影响是不公平的。在全球尺度上,经济发展水平相对较低的岛屿国家更容易受到影响[79]。在国家尺度上,沿海地区易受风暴潮和海平面上升威胁[80],而在沿湖地区由于降水增加和水体渐温导致的有害藻类增殖将严重威胁居民的饮用水安全[81]。在地方尺度上,儿童、老年人、低收入人群、残疾人、慢性病患者等原本就承担着较高健康风险的人群更可能受到气候变化的影响。有研究表明一氧化碳的平均浓度增加0.8 ppm,抑郁急诊患者将增加15.5%[82];在患有心血管疾病的人群中,PM10污染的加剧甚至将自杀风险提高了18.9%[83]。社会经济地位较低的人群更容易受到空气污染的影响[84],且在极端高温事件中呈现较高的死亡率[85]。气候变化带来的健康风险严重损害了边缘化的地方和群体,使脆弱人口更加脆弱,进一步加剧了健康结果的极化与不平等。

3.2.2 气候变化下的公共卫生发展策略 在全球气候变化威胁日益突出、减排行为难以立即奏效的情况下,采取有针对性的、以提高抵抗和恢复能力为目标的适应战略已经成为世界各国的重要选择,包括改造城市老旧空间、重视防灾减灾规划、构建韧性城市等[86,87]。气候变化和新冠肺炎疫情是近年来最显著的公共卫生外部压力,Manzanedo等总结了二者的共同点:干预措施滞后、影响不可逆转、加剧社会和空间不平等、削弱国际团结、预防成本低于治疗成本,并强调了即时响应压力、快速采取行动的必要性[88]。气候变化不仅是21世纪全球健康最大的威胁,更是21世纪全球健康最大的机遇[89]。在全球层面,全球化的不断推进使环境变化、疾病传播、人口迁徙和医疗革新等过程均在全球范围内进行[90];在地方层面,气候变化与社会、经济、政治条件相结合,驱动人口迁徙与社会变迁[91,92]。地理学研究讨论全球趋势和当地环境之间的相互作用,为气候变化下的公共卫生战略提供全局视野与全球参与。

3.3 对健康老龄化的关注


3.3.1 对老龄人口的污名化 年龄具有深刻的社会学意义。虽然老人会给人德高望重、知识渊博的印象,但更多的情况下老人面临着针对年龄的歧视。这种歧视破坏了积极的代际互动,纵容甚至鼓励了对老人的回避和不敬,表现为贬低其工作贡献、经济上的剥削、忽视其获得的医疗卫生服务质量等[94]。负面描述与年龄的绑定已对老龄人口的健康产生了不利影响,与健康老龄化的愿景背道而驰。与性别歧视、种族歧视类似,年龄歧视引发的年龄隔离在空间、社会和经济上日益显著[95]。新公共卫生运动主张审视更广泛的、尤其是社会文化属性的健康决定因素,已有研究表明对衰老和健康的积极态度可以在一定程度上帮助机体抵御衰老[96]。积极态度的形成需要挑战年龄歧视等观念定型和污名化,这些根深蒂固的社会态度与价值观表征在老龄人口与他们生活地方之间的动态关系中[97],地理学帮助聚焦身份的多样性和流动性,强调了地方如何影响特定语境下对老龄人口的态度[98,99]

3.3.2 构建对老龄人口友好的环境 人们生活的环境大多由壮年人设计,有时会考虑儿童、但甚少关注老龄人口的需求。在外界环境的压力下,老龄人口需要不断调整自身行为以适应不断流失的身体资本[100]。地理学关注消极环境因素对老龄人口健康的影响,主张为他们提供多元便利的活动和空间以帮助他们将环境转化为资源。康复景观研究大量涉及了这一议题,面向老龄人口的公共花园和园艺活动几乎是康复景观研究最为经典、最具代表性的主题[21,101]。这类研究一方面特别关注了特定活动对老龄人口生理、心理、情感的积极作用,另一方面强调了康复景观的社会文化构建,主张人们在生命的不同阶段以不同方式体验环境、与环境共同实现历史、社会、文化的身体构建。除此之外,养老模式的选择也是研究热点,围绕就地安养和机构养老孰优孰劣的争论积累了大量实证研究。就地安养的支持者认为家可以提供养老机构无法提供的私人空间、情感意义和安全感,他们关注居住地在依恋、意义和身份构建中的重要作用,地理学考量在此贡献了大量对老龄化、健康和地方之间动态关系的批判性解释[102]。机构养老的支持者则认为家并不是保证老人安全感与自由感的必要条件,机构养老可以在保障社区完整性的同时提供更为专业的医疗卫生服务。争论之外,2017年的一篇涵盖了世界各地340项研究的综述显示,就地安养和机构养老的健康结果并没有显著差异[103]。对于不同的养老模式,研究焦点应放在模式特征与人的匹配,帮助人们做出知情的健康选择上。

3.4 对健康不平等问题的关注


3.4.1 健康不平等中的空间 评估健康不平等通常有两种方法,第一种是测量人口中未分组个体间健康状况的分异并将研究限于无价值倾向的描述;第二种是根据某些特征划分群体并检验他们之间健康过程和结果的差异[107]。第二种方法存在的问题是先验分组假定了存在不平等的社会阶层,可能导致因果关系的预先判断。由于任何形式的不平等都必然存在一定的空间表达,在所有的先验分组方式中,空间分组也即传统的地理学方法是相对为研究者所接受的。采用这种方法的研究通常从健康现象的空间不均衡出发,揭示空间单元的特定社会经济轨迹。这里需要注意两点,首先,对空间不平等的关注只是健康不平等研究的起点。把空间作为一个包罗万象的类别来控制自然、经济、社会、文化、宗教等因素可能会掩盖空间与健康的复杂关系[108],忽视不平等的结构性基础。其次,并非所有的空间不平等都是不公平的,也并非所有空间平等都是公平的。如对于健康不平等研究中备受关注的邻里效应,Rosenberg就批评道,设计良好的街道布局、有组织的社区活动、良好的邻里氛围,包含了这些要素的理想邻里实际上是“田园诗般的郊区中产阶级社区”[109],当人们依照这样的愿景在城市中构建了“健康的空间”,最有可能的结局是原居民由于生活成本的提高被排除在这些空间之外[110]。由于因果关系论证的缺乏,社会公平和空间平等之间的桥梁还未明晰。近年来,研究者试图透过康复景观、非表征理论等视角构建起多样的解释框架。通过本体性安全、命运掌握等概念的引入,社会经济不平等和健康结果不平等之间可能的中介不断丰富,研究思路不断扩展[111,112]

3.4.2 健康不平等中的地方 区别于空间,地方不仅由人和物组成,更是由社会关系构建的。这些表征了社会公平的象征性维度和空间实体相互作用,共同影响地方上的公众健康[113]。伴随着公共卫生和地理学的社会文化转向,研究者开始思考人们如何被地方不好的名声所“污染”以及人们如何与这些“污染”抗争,“地方的污名化”由此被提出以概括边缘化社区的负面表征对社区居民健康产生的影响。Tabuchi等通过对大阪地区1994名居民的调查发现人们感知到的地方歧视与抑郁症和精神疾病诊断显著相关[114]。Thomas通过访谈经历了经济衰退和媒体贬损的后工业城镇梅瑟蒂德菲尔中的56名青少年,发现他们内化了外界对家乡的贬损,限制了对自身身份和前景的叙述,并尝试在访谈中把污名转移给其他地方以减轻自身承担的健康压力[115]。Keene等总结了污名化影响健康的三种途径:物质资源可达性、压力和对压力的响应、身份的形成与管理[116]。居住在被隔离社区的居民不仅因基础设施退化承担更高的健康风险,而且常被限制了教育和就业机会。社区环境的恶化随之被居民纳入自身的身份和声誉构建[117],进一步威胁了他们的健康状况。地方的污名化可以源于人口结构、建筑环境等各种因素,但最终由社会文化构建,因而可以呈现超距作用。在这个意义上,地方的污名化研究是对邻里效应的延伸和拓展,其通过考虑更广泛的社会意义和文化逻辑在特定地方环境中的表现,为邻里效应提供了启发和参考。

3.5 融合健康考量的城市规划


3.5.1 满足活动需求的道路交通和社区环境 已有大量研究表明经常性的体力活动可以有效降低心血管疾病风险、促进心理健康、降低死亡率[119]。但据世界卫生组织统计,全世界四分之一的成年人和五分之四的青少年都未实现推荐的活动量。20世纪80年代起,研究者开始探索通过环境干预增加公众日常体力活动的可能性。该领域的核心理念是“步行性”,研究者主张通过社区和街道的设计提高可步行环境的可达性和舒适性,鼓励公众以步行或其他非机动方式出行。步行性的许多关键概念如地点、位置、距离、运动都与地理学紧密相关,早期研究大多将视线投向物质环境的生产,如将楼梯安装在显著位置,提供方便、安全、富有吸引力的步行路线等。但身体的活跃是一种流动的状态而非静态的指标,提高人们的活跃程度需要更广泛、更多元的思考方式。多年来研究者从步行性的测量、步行性的影响因素、公众对步行性的感知、步行性对公众健康的影响、可步行环境的生产五个方面积累了丰富的文献[120,121,122,123]。另外,步行安全[124]与步行文化[125]也受到了一些关注。但步行性的概念也不可避免地受到了一定的批判。首先,没有充足的研究可以建立起建成环境和步行行为的因果关系,旨在提高步行性的城市设计很可能只是为那些已经习惯步行的人提供了一个更舒适的步行环境[126]。其次,主流的实证研究对较大样本量的需求使研究者丢失了对参与者身体和步行背景的注视,同时方法论的规范性要求还使研究者失去了一定因地制宜的自由度,只能提供高度同质化的干预措施。另外,城市中的步行者可能大多拥有充裕的可支配时间和良好的居住环境[127],因此针对步行性的研究将不可避免地倾向城市中一小部分人的兴趣和利益。

3.5.2 促进公众健康的开放空间 街道广场、户外游戏场、城市滨水区、公园绿地以及自然风景区等城市开放空间不仅提供了体力活动和社会交往的空间,也是人们实现自我疗愈的重要场所。尤其是通过“绿色空间”和“蓝色空间”提升公众福祉的可能性正受到越来越多的关注。“绿色空间”广义上包含各种形式的城市绿地,对公众健康的积极影响通常以三种途径作用:降低城市伤害(如减少污染、噪音暴露、缓解城市热岛),促进精神恢复(如提升注意力、降低压力水平)和营造健康社区(如鼓励户外活动、促进社会凝聚力)[128]。已有大量研究证实了绿色空间对生理和心理健康的益处[129],但也有一些研究得出了相背的结论[130,131]。实证结果之间的分歧、对影响机理剖析的缺乏导致绿色空间和健康间的关联还未有很好的解释,而绿色空间的扩张又无疑将挤压住房、教育和其他基础设施的存在。因此研究者开始质疑扩大绿色空间对城市大部分居民的现实意义,他们警告过度追求理想中的绿色城市实际上将加剧不平等[110]


4 启示与展望







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By using the methods of literature induction and theoretical speculation, this paper systematically analyzes the representation and non-representation expression, relationship transformation and power politics of the production of social and cultural geographical knowledge. It is believed that the essence of representation is the practice of symbolization of objects as substitutes, while non-representation is the practice of manifesting the invisible characteristics of dynamic objects. Representation and non-representation are the multiple expression channels of people's information transmission, as well as the overall thinking framework of meaning writing in geography. They have mutual construction and complementarity in the expression of information and meaning. Due to the different logical abstraction, there is a big difference between representation and non-representation. Representation is mainly concerned about the emergence of “knowledge nodes” of special significance, which has the characteristics of sharing, sociality, explanation and stability; Non-representation is mainly concerned about such aspects as “flow and connection between knowledge nodes”, “inter relationship and relationship subject” and “physical life vitality experience”, which is experiential and situational, physical and experiential, structural and interactive. Representation and non-representation are not only intrinsically related, but also have the necessity of transformation, which is a possible solution for people to deal with the epistemological crisis of social and cultural geographical knowledge, and also the premise and foundation for people to understand the production of geographical knowledge more accurately. With the rise of postmodern geographical context and people's attention to discourse, identity and other elements, the representation and non-representation of social and cultural geographical knowledge production are influenced by power politics, which makes the representation and non-representation practice have the meaning of expression negotiation. This discovery will innovate and expand the traditional understanding of representation and non-representation. In the future research, we should focus more on the connotation interpretation, content and method presentation of representation and non-representation, which is not only conducive to the multiple expression of geographical writing, but also conducive to people's scientific guidance of geographical practice.

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1970年代以来,伴随着消费主义和女权运动,身体研究在人文社会学科中兴起,一个被布莱恩·特纳(Bryan Turner)称之为“身体社会崛起”的时代来临了。身体研究成为西方人文与社会科学研究的“新大陆”,众多哲学家、社会理论学家纷纷投身于身体研究,重新解读了身体在认识世界和知识生产中的重要性。身体转向作为文化转向的一部分,同样受到了人文地理学家的关注。许多批判地理学家,如女性主义、马克思主义、反种族主义、后殖民主义、酷儿地理学家认为,身体研究是改善社会、文化、经济关系的可能途径。在“身体转向”的影响下,身体研究逐渐渗入到情感地理学、旅游地理学、乡村地理学等众多研究领域。与此同时,人文地理学家从人文社会科学中引入多种理论,如表演理论、精神分析法、非表征理论等对身体研究进行了探讨和阐释。基于这样的背景,梳理了西方人文地理学中有关身体研究的文献,归纳了人文地理学中身体研究的主要议题和理论,以及由此而展开的一系列具体的研究成果,此工作具有切实的学术意义并对后续相关研究的展开具有指导意义。
[ Tao Wei, Wang Shaoxu, Zhu Hong. The body, the view of body, and the study of body in human geography
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Since the 1970s, along with consumerism and the feminist movement, the body research rises in the humanities and social sciences, one era of "upsurge of body society", called by Brian Turner, has coming. Body research becomes the "New World" in the western humanities and social sciences. Many philosophers, social theorists have engaged in and explained the importance of the body in the understanding of the world and knowledge production. Turning to 'the body', as a part of the "cultural turn", sparks the concern of human geographers. Many critical human geographers, such as feminists, socialists, antiracists, post-colonialists, and queer geographers, focus on the body as one possible route to changing social, cultural, and economic relations for the better. Under the influence of "body turn", the body research gradually seeps into numerous research fields, such as emotional geography, tourism geography, and rural geography. At the same time, human geographers borrow a variety of theories, such as performance theory, psychoanalysis, and other non-representational theory from gender studies, phenomenology, anthropology and other social sciences and humanities, to discuss and explain the body. Against such a background, we review the concerned western literature in the Western human geography research for the first time in the mainland of China, classify the main topics and the concerned theories of the body research in the field of human geography and a series of related studies. This article contains really academic significance and practical value for the future research in this trend.

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Accurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere - the "global carbon budget" - is important to better understand the global carbon cycle, support the development of climate policies, and project future climate change. Here we describe data sets and methodology to quantify the five major components of the global carbon budget and their uncertainties. Fossil CO2 emissions (E-FF) are based on energy statistics and cement production data, while emissions from land use change (E-LUC), mainly deforestation, are based on land use and land use change data and bookkeeping models. Atmospheric CO2 concentration is measured directly and its growth rate (G(ATM)) is computed from the annual changes in concentration. The ocean CO2 sink (S-OCEAN) and terrestrial CO2 sink (S-LAND) are estimated with global process models constrained by observations. The resulting carbon budget imbalance (B-IM), the difference between the estimated total emissions and the estimated changes in the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere, is a measure of imperfect data and understanding of the contemporary carbon cycle. All uncertainties are reported as +/- 1 sigma. For the last decade available (2009-2018), E-FF was 9.5 +/- 0.5 GtC yr 1, E-LUC 1.5 +/- 0.7 GtC yr 1, G(ATM) 4.9 +/- 0.02 GtC yr(-1) (2.3 +/- 0.01 ppm yr(-1)), S-OCEAN 2.5 +/- 0.6 GtC yr(-1), and S-LAND 3.2 +/- 0.6 GtC yr(-1), with a budget imbalance B-IM of 0.4 GtC yr(-1) indicating overestimated emissions and/or underestimated sinks. For the year 2018 alone, the growth in E-FF was about 2.1% and fossil emissions increased to 10.0 +/- 0.5 GtC yr 1, reaching 10 GtC yr(-1) for the first time in history, E-LUC was 1.5 +/- 0.7 GtC yr(-1), for total anthropogenic CO2 emissions of 11.5 +/- 0.9 GtC yr(-1) (42.5 +/- 3.3 GtCO(2)). Also for 2018, G(ATM) was 5.1 +/- 0.2 GtC yr(-1) (2.4 +/- 0.1 ppm yr(-1)), S-OCEAN was 2.6 +/- 0.6 GtC yr(-1), and S-LAND was 3.5 +/- 0.7 GtC yr(-1), with a B-IM of 0.3 GtC. The global atmospheric CO2 concentration reached 407.38 +/- 0.1 ppm averaged over 2018. For 2019, preliminary data for the first 6-10 months indicate a reduced growth in E-FF of +0.6% (range of -0.2% to 1.5 %) based on national emissions projections for China, the USA, the EU, and India and projections of gross domestic product corrected for recent changes in the carbon intensity of the economy for the rest of the world. Overall, the mean and trend in the five components of the global carbon budget are consistently estimated over the period 1959-2018, but discrepancies of up to 1 GtC yr(-1) persist for the representation of semi-decadal variability in CO2 fluxes. A detailed comparison among individual estimates and the introduction of a broad range of observations shows (1) no consensus in the mean and trend in land use change emissions over the last decade, (2) a persistent low agreement between the different methods on the magnitude of the land CO2 flux in the northern extra-tropics, and (3) an apparent underestimation of the CO2 variability by ocean models outside the tropics. This living data update documents changes in the methods and data sets used in this new global carbon budget and the progress in understanding of the global carbon cycle compared with previous publications of this data set (Le Quere et al., 2018a, b, 2016, 2015a, b, 2014, 2013).

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To investigate the potential correlation between ambient air pollution exposure and emergency department (ED) visits for depression.A hierarchical clusters design was used to study 27 047 ED visits for depression in six cities in Canada. The data used in the analysis contain the dates of visits, daily numbers of diagnosed visits, and daily mean concentrations of air pollutants as well as the meteorological factors. The generalized linear mixed models technique was applied to data analysis. Poisson models were fitted to the clustered counts of ED visits with a single air pollutant, temperature and relative humidity.Statistically significant positive correlations were observed between the number of ED visits for depression and the air concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and particulate matter (PM10). The percentage increase in daily ED visits was 15.5% (95% CI: 8.0-23.5) for CO per 0.8 ppm and 20.0% (95% CI: 13.3-27.2) for NO2 per 20.1 ppb, for same day exposure in the warm weather period (April-September). For PM10, the largest increase, 7.2% (95% CI: 3.0-11.6) per 19.4 ug/m3, was observed for the cold weather period (October-March).The results support the hypothesis that ED visits for depressive disorder correlate with ambient air pollution, and that a large majority of this pollution results from combustion of fossil fuels (e.g. in motor vehicles).

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The effects of both ambient air pollution and socioeconomic position (SEP) on health are well documented. A limited number of recent studies suggest that SEP may itself play a role in the epidemiology of disease and death associated with exposure to air pollution. Together with evidence that poor and working-class communities are often more exposed to air pollution, these studies have stimulated discussion among scientists, policy makers, and the public about the differential distribution of the health impacts from air pollution. Science and public policy would benefit from additional research that integrates the theory and practice from both air pollution and social epidemiologies to gain a better understanding of this issue. In this article we aim to promote such research by introducing readers to methodologic and conceptual approaches in the fields of air pollution and social epidemiology; by proposing theories and hypotheses about how air pollution and socioeconomic factors may interact to influence health, drawing on studies conducted worldwide; by discussing methodologic issues in the design and analysis of studies to determine whether health effects of exposure to ambient air pollution are modified by SEP; and by proposing specific steps that will advance knowledge in this field, fill information gaps, and apply research results to improve public health in collaboration with affected communities.

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The potential link between climate change, migration, and conflict has been widely discussed and is increasingly viewed by policy makers as a security issue. However, considerable uncertainty remains regarding the role that climate variability and change play among the many drivers of migration and conflict. The overall objective of this paper is to explore the potential pathways linking climate change, migration and increased risk of conflict. We review the existing literature surrounding this issue and break the problem into two components: the links between climate change and migration, and those between migration and conflict. We found a large range of views regarding the importance of climate change as a driver for increasing rates of migration and subsequently of conflict. We argue that future research should focus not only on the climate-migration-conflict pathway but also work to understand the other pathways by which climate variability and change might exacerbate conflict. We conclude by proposing five questions to help guide future research on the link between climate change, migration, and conflict.

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Boland L, Légaré F, Perez M M B, et al. Impact of home care versus alternative locations of care on elder health outcomes: An overview of systematic reviews
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PMID:28088166 [本文引用: 1]
Background: Many elders struggle with the decision to remain at home or to move to an alternative location of care. A person's location of care can influence health and wellbeing. Healthcare organizations and policy makers are increasingly challenged to better support elders' dwelling and health care needs. A summary of the evidence that examines home care compared to other care locations can inform decision making. We surveyed and summarized the evidence evaluating the impact of home care versus alternative locations of care on elder health outcomes.Methods: We conducted an overview of systematic reviews. Data sources included MEDLINE, the Cochrane Library, EMBASE, and CINAHL. Eligible reviews included adults 65+ years, elder home care, alternative care locations, and elder health outcomes. Two independent reviewers screened citations. We extracted data and appraised review quality using the Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews (AMSTAR) checklist. Results were synthesized narratively.Results: The search yielded 2575 citations, of which 19 systematic reviews were eligible. Three hundred and forty studies with 271,660 participants were synthesized across the systematic reviews. The categories of comparisons included: home with support versus independent living at home (n = 11 reviews), home care versus institutional care (n = 3 reviews), and rehabilitation at home versus conventional rehabilitation services (n = 7 reviews). Two reviews had data relevant to two categories. Most reviews favoured home with support to independent living at home. Findings comparing home care to institutional care were mixed. Most reviews found no differences in health outcomes between rehabilitation at home versus conventional rehabilitation services. Systematic review quality was moderate, with a median AMSTAR score of 6 (range 4 - 10 out of 11).Conclusions: The evidence on the impact of home care compared to alternative care locations on elder health outcomes is heterogeneous. Our findings support positive health impacts of home support interventions for community dwelling elders compared to independent living at home. There is insufficient evidence to determine the impact of alternative care locations on elders' health. Additional research targeting housing and care options for the elderly is needed.

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PMID:1644507 [本文引用: 1]
In 1984, the 32 member states of the World Health Organization European Region took a remarkable step forward in agreeing unanimously on 38 targets for a common health policy for the Region. Not only was equity the subject of the first of these targets, but it was also seen as a fundamental theme running right through the policy as a whole. However, equity can mean different things to different people. This article looks at the concepts and principles of equity as understood in the context of the World Health Organization's Health for All policy. After considering the possible causes of the differences in health observed in populations--some of them inevitable and some unnecessary and unfair--the author discusses equity in relation to health care, concentrating on issues of access to care, utilization, and quality. Lastly, seven principles for action are outlined, stemming from these concepts, to be borne in mind when designing or implementing policies, so that greater equity in health and health care can be promoted.

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PMID:12177079 [本文引用: 1]
In this glossary, the authors address eight key questions pertinent to health inequalities: (1) What is the distinction between health inequality and health inequity?; (2) Should we assess health inequalities themselves, or social group inequalities in health?; (3) Do health inequalities mainly reflect the effects of poverty, or are they generated by the socioeconomic gradient?; (4) Are health inequalities mediated by material deprivation or by psychosocial mechanisms?; (5) Is there an effect of relative income on health, separate from the effects of absolute income?; (6) Do health inequalities between places simply reflect health inequalities between social groups or, more significantly, do they suggest a contextual effect of place?; (7) What is the contribution of the lifecourse to health inequalities?; (8) What kinds of inequality should we study?

Tunstall H, Shaw M, Dorling D. Places and health
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PMID:14684719 [本文引用: 1]
This glossary aims to provide readers with some key conceptual tools with which to address the issue of place and health; it is hoped that it will provoke thought and debate on the range of ways that places are connected to health.

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Graham L F, Padilla M, Lopez W D, et al. Spatial stigma and health in postindustrial Detroit
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PMID:26833796 [本文引用: 1]
An emerging body of research suggests that those who reside in socially and economically marginalized places may be marked by a stigma of place, referred to as spatial stigma, which influences their sense of self, their daily experiences, and their relations with outsiders. Researchers conducted 60 semistructured interviews at partnering community-based organizations during summer 2011 with African American and Latina/o, structurally disadvantaged youth of diverse gender and sexual identities who were between 18 and 26 years of age residing in Detroit, Michigan. The disadvantaged structural conditions and dilapidated built environment were common themes in participants' narratives. Beyond these descriptions, participants' framings and expressions of their experiences in and perceptions of these spaces alluded to reputational qualities of their city and particular areas of their city that appear related to spatial stigma. Young Detroit residents articulated the ways that they experience and navigate the symbolic degradation of their city. © The Author(s) 2016.

Tabuchi T, Fukuhara H, Iso H. Geographically-based discrimination is a social determinant of mental health in a deprived or stigmatized area in Japan: A cross-sectional study
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Markevych I, Schoierer J, Hartig T, et al. Exploring pathways linking greenspace to health: Theoretical and methodological guidance
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PMID:28672128 [本文引用: 1]
In a rapidly urbanizing world, many people have little contact with natural environments, which may affect health and well-being. Existing reviews generally conclude that residential greenspace is beneficial to health. However, the processes generating these benefits and how they can be best promoted remain unclear.During an Expert Workshop held in September 2016, the evidence linking greenspace and health was reviewed from a transdisciplinary standpoint, with a particular focus on potential underlying biopsychosocial pathways and how these can be explored and organized to support policy-relevant population health research.Potential pathways linking greenspace to health are here presented in three domains, which emphasize three general functions of greenspace: reducing harm (e.g. reducing exposure to air pollution, noise and heat), restoring capacities (e.g. attention restoration and physiological stress recovery) and building capacities (e.g. encouraging physical activity and facilitating social cohesion). Interrelations between among the three domains are also noted. Among several recommendations, future studies should: use greenspace and behavioural measures that are relevant to hypothesized pathways; include assessment of presence, access and use of greenspace; use longitudinal, interventional and (quasi)experimental study designs to assess causation; and include low and middle income countries given their absence in the existing literature. Cultural, climatic, geographic and other contextual factors also need further consideration.While the existing evidence affirms beneficial impacts of greenspace on health, much remains to be learned about the specific pathways and functional form of such relationships, and how these may vary by context, population groups and health outcomes. This Report provides guidance for further epidemiological research with the goal of creating new evidence upon which to develop policy recommendations.Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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