A conceptual model and methodological framework for examining urban people flow space based on complex network perspective
LUO Sangzhaxi,1,2, ZHEN Feng,1,2, ZHANG Shanqi1,21. School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China 2. Provincial Engineering Laboratory of Smart City Design Simulation & Visualization, Jiangsu, Nanjing 210093, China
Abstract Analyzing the dynamic characteristics of urban people flow is one of great practical significance in urban geography and urban space research. Traditional studies on people flow mainly use census data, focusing on the annual changes of people flow between regional, interprovincial, or municipal spatial scales, while studies on people flow characteristics at smaller spatial scales (such as areas within a city) are extremely limited. Recently, many researchers have carried out studies on spatial structure, the relationship between people flow and urban built environment, urban people flow simulation and prediction. The studies have made great achievements, which have promoted the understandings of the urban spatial organization from the perspective of spatial interaction. The existing studies, however, have obvious limitations because they only focus on the spatial distribution and spatial patterns of people from the perspective of population size and density, but pay less attention to the spatial interactions hidden behind the spatial distribution. To overcome these limitations, we proposed a conceptual model of urban people flow space based on the perspective of a complex network, which is based on the theories of flow space, of complex system, and the interaction of spatial behavior. In this conceptual model, we selected urban people flow as the study object and considered the interactions among urban space, elements, and people as a network. The model focuses on analyzing the interaction and relationships between intra-urban spatial elements based on network and flow. Based on the conceptual model, we further put forward an urban people flow space research framework, based on the theory of data fusion, support and research methods of the integration of innovation. The framework aims to facilitate the explorations of the urban space characteristic, function structure, traffic and built environment relations and flow simulation prediction research, with an emphasis on the research content, and the technical support and application development for the planning practice. The framework is expected to provide a reference for future empirical research and to deepen the application value of rich urban data in urban spatial planning and management. Keywords:urban people flow space;spatial interaction;complex network;conceptual model;urban planning application
PDF (2553KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 罗桑扎西, 甄峰, 张姗琪. 复杂网络视角下的城市人流空间概念模型与研究框架. 地理研究[J], 2021, 40(4): 1195-1208 doi:10.11821/dlyj020191007 LUO Sangzhaxi, ZHEN Feng, ZHANG Shanqi. A conceptual model and methodological framework for examining urban people flow space based on complex network perspective. Geographical Research[J], 2021, 40(4): 1195-1208 doi:10.11821/dlyj020191007
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