

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.bootcss.com/mathjax/2.7.2-beta.0/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"></script> <script type='text/x-mathjax-config'> MathJax.Hub.Config({ extensions: ["tex2jax.js"], jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: {inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\(","\\)"] ],displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\[","\\]"] ],processEscapes: true}, "HTML-CSS": { availableFonts: ["TeX"] }, TeX: {equationNumbers: {autoNumber: ["none"], useLabelIds: true}}, "HTML-CSS": {linebreaks: {automatic: true}}, SVG: {linebreaks: {automatic: true}} }); </script> 张延吉, 邓伟涛, 赵立珍,, 李苗裔福州大学建筑与城乡规划学院城乡规划系,福州350108

How urban built environment affects residents' physical health? Mediating mechanism and empirical test

ZHANG Yanji, DENG Weitao, ZHAO Lizhen,, LI MiaoyiDepartment of Urban and Rural Planning, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China

通讯作者: 赵立珍(1978- ),女,湖北武汉人,博士研究生,副教授,主要研究方向为健康城市规划。E-mail: 87327214@qq.com


作者简介 About authors

关键词: 建成环境;体力活动;饮食行为;健康城市;居住自选择

The influence mechanism as well as impact path of built environment on public health was still hidden in the black box, and the existing western fragment analysis mostly failed to consider the issue of residential self-selection, which would cause estimation bias. To solve this problem, this research did a sample survey in the core urbanized area of Fuzhou so as to identify the mediating variables between urban built environment and the physiological health of residents. In order to avoid self-selection bias, robustness test was focused on the subgroups living in Danwei, Fanggaifang, or public housing communities that were unable to choose their own house independently. By using data of social survey, point of interest, road network and according to the structural equation model, functional density and diversity, road network accessibility, image maintenance and management, and accessibility of sports facilities had positive relationships with self-assessed physical health through the mediating role of physical activities. The above three characteristics had indirect positive effects on leisure walking behavior via accumulating community social capital, diminishing criminal activity and evaluating the sense of living security, while the moderate to vigorous physical activity was directly positively influenced by road network accessibility, functional density and diversity at the macro scale. Improving the accessibility of community sports facilities can promote both leisure walking and moderate to vigorous physical activity at the same time. Through mediating effect of healthy dietary behavior and unhealthy dietary behavior, the accessibility of healthy food was strongly negatively correlated with the number of chronic diseases. Even if the interference of residential self-selection was controlled within the subgroups, the above five types of built environment characteristics still had significant impact on physiological health, which proved that the optimization of built environment was indeed an effective and proactive way to improve public health. According to the standardized total effect, the influence of sports facilities and healthy food accessibility on physiological health was the highest, and the influence of the other three built environments was similar and moderate. Therefore, it was necessary to perfect both sports environment and food environment, while we evaluate both hardware environment (increasing road network density and functional diversity) and software environment (improving image maintenance and management) in healthy urban planning. The limitation of this paper is that the analysis was based on cross-sectional data and subjective measurements of physical activities and health indicators, which remained to be improved.
Keywords:built environment;physical activity;eating behavior;healthy city;residential self-selection

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张延吉, 邓伟涛, 赵立珍, 李苗裔. 城市建成环境如何影响居民生理健康?——中介机制与实证检验. 地理研究[J], 2020, 39(4): 822-835 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190359
ZHANG Yanji. How urban built environment affects residents' physical health? Mediating mechanism and empirical test. Geographical Research[J], 2020, 39(4): 822-835 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190359

1 引言




然而目前的实证分析尚存缺憾:① 从研究内容来看,建成环境对生理健康的具体影响路径仍藏于黑箱中。部分研究试图揭示体力活动、饮食行为、社会资本或城市安全的中介作用[11],但将上述因素同时置于一个框架下的量化研究极为少见,仅凭片段式分析无法有效检验变量的中介效应,难以完整建构健康城市理论[6]。② 从研究方法来看,建成环境对生理健康的影响或因居住自选择而产生有偏估计[12]。居住自选择系指个体择居时会为自身偏好、习惯所左右,如运动爱好者更易选择体育场所丰富的社区居住。这一机制已在中外城市研究中得到证实[13],但八成以上文献没有考虑自选择干扰[14]。③ 从研究地域来看,现有分析集中在人口稀疏、经济发达的欧美国家,缺乏能指导发展中国家规划实践的本土理论[11]


2 “建成环境-生理健康”关系的文献综述




Fig. 1Influence path of built environment to physical health

2.1 体力活动和饮食行为对生理健康的影响



2.2 建成环境对体力活动的直接影响

城市建成环境涉及“硬件”层面的实体要素与“软件”层面的管理维护。前者多以密度(density)、混合度(diversity)、道路设计(design)、目的地可达性(destination accessibility)、到公交距离(distance to transit)等5D维度测量[23],后者聚焦环境美观、整洁和有序程度。


2.3 社会资本对生理健康的影响及建成环境对社会资本的影响



2.4 城市安全对体力活动的影响及建成环境、社会资本对城市安全的影响




2.5 建成环境对饮食行为的直接影响



3 研究设计

3.1 数据来源




Fig. 2Research area and sample distribution


3.2 变量测量

作为核心自变量,本文以住所为圆心、以500 m为半径界定社区范围,以密度与多样性、道路通达性、形象维护管理、体育设施可达性、健康食物可达性5个潜在变量反映“硬件”和“软件”层面的建成环境特征(表1)。密度与多样性以设施种类数(统计范围包括超市、便利店、快餐店、餐馆、商场、公交站、KTV或夜总会、网吧、幼儿园、小学、初中、银行、医院、派出所、宾馆、文化站或图书馆、政府、商务楼等18类设施。)和超市、餐馆、商场数为指标;道路通达性以交叉口数量和通达性感知为指标;形象维护管理涉及对卫生保洁、绿化景观、照明停车、物业工作的评价;体育设施可达性关注运动场馆、公园广场的邻近性及其设施条件;健康食物可达性结合中国实际,聚焦菜场、水果店的邻近性及其蔬果品种。

Tab. 1
Tab. 1Variables measurement and descriptive statistics (latent variable)



Tab. 2
Tab. 2Variables measurement and descriptive statistics (observed variable)





9个潜在变量的Cronbach a值都大于0.7,属于高信度。除公园广场的设施条件和蔬果品种的丰富程度外,观察变量的标准化因子载荷均超过0.5且具有统计显著性,说明其效度较好。但在量化体育设施和健康食物可达性时,场所、店铺的邻近度与其内部设施及食品的丰富度不尽相同。

3.3 分析框架

至此,根据“建成环境-生理健康”的影响路径框架(图1)和变量测量方式(表1表2),可设定完整的结构方程模型(图3)。利用Amos 24.0软件,首先针对全体有效样本进行估计,厘清社区建成环境对生理健康的具体影响机制。



Fig. 3Structural equation model setting


4 实证发现

4.1 全体样本中各变量的直接影响效应


Tab. 3
Tab. 3Standardized estimates of the impact of built environment (whole sample)
注:① ***P<0.001,**P<0.01,*P<0.05,#P<0.1;② 行为自变量,列为因变量;③ N=960;④ RMSEA=0.058,NFI=0.913,TLI=0.908,CFI=0.916,GFI=0.912,AGFI=0.906。







4.2 全体样本中建成环境对生理健康的总体影响效应




注:红色、蓝色箭头分别表示显著正向和负向影响,箭头粗细反映显著水平, 分别表示在0.001、0.01、0.05、0.1的水平下显著,数值为标准化回归系数。
Fig. 4Influence path of built environment on physical health (whole sample)



4.3 规避居住自选择后的稳健性检验



Tab. 4
Tab. 4Standardized estimates of the impact of built environment on physical health (no self-selection sample)






注:红色、蓝色箭头分别表示显著正向和负向影响,箭头粗细反映显著水平, 分别表示在0.001、0.01、0.05、0.1的水平下显著,数值为标准化回归系数。
Fig. 5Influence path of built environment on physical health (no self-selection sample)


4.4 控制变量的影响


5 结论与讨论





受数据和篇幅所限,本文尚有如下不足:① 体力活动和健康指标源自追忆式调查,未来可利用加速度计或体检结果进行更为客观精准的测量;② 所得结论依赖横截面数据,须通过追踪调查或准实验方法进一步确认“建成环境-生理健康”的因果关系;③ 除居住社区外,基于日常活动空间的健康地理研究仍待加强。



参考文献 原文顺序

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This article summarizes and synthesizes empirical research on relationships between youth physical activity and urban form across several disciplines, for a planning audience. It highlights how physical activity is characterized, introduces ecological theories of physical activity behavior, provides a conceptual model of interactions between urban form and other influences on youth physical activity behavior, and discusses implications of new evidence for future research and policy. Further research is needed to address several gaps and inconsistencies across studies and to build on recent methodological developments. Despite the limitations of existing research, it is evident that urban form can either serve to constrain or promote physical activity. Urban form interventions have the potential to result in lasting influences on the behavior of large populations of youth.

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The planning profession traces its origins to the efforts of 19th century reformers to improve public health by addressing problems resulting from urbanization. So it is fitting that in the 21st century, planners are once again working with public health professionals to make communities healthier, this time by addressing problems caused by suburbanization.

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Built environment attributes may be related to cardio-metabolic diseases (e.g. type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke) and their risk factors, potentially by influencing residents' physical activity. However, existing literature reviews on the built environment and health for the most part focus on obesity as the outcome and rely on cross-sectional studies. This systematic review synthesized current evidence on longitudinal relationships between built environment attributes and cardio-metabolic health outcomes among adults and on the potential mediating role of physical inactivity. By searching eight databases for peer-reviewed journal articles published in the English language between January 2000 and July 2016, the review identified 36 articles. A meta-analysis method, weighted Z-test, was used to quantify the strength of evidence by incorporating the methodological quality of the studies. We found strong evidence for longitudinal relationships of walkability with obesity, type 2 diabetes and hypertension outcomes in the expected direction. There was strong evidence for the impact of urban sprawl on obesity outcomes. The evidence on potential mediation by physical activity was inconclusive. Further longitudinal studies are warranted to examine which specific built environment attributes influence residents' cardio-metabolic health outcomes and how physical inactivity may be involved in these relationships.

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Using a health impact assessment framework, we estimated the population health effects arising from alternative land-use and transport policy initiatives in six cities. Land-use changes were modelled to reflect a compact city in which land-use density and diversity were increased and distances to public transport were reduced to produce low motorised mobility, namely a modal shift from private motor vehicles to walking, cycling, and public transport. The modelled compact city scenario resulted in health gains for all cities (for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory disease) with overall health gains of 420-826 disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) per 100?000 population. However, for moderate to highly motorised cities, such as Melbourne, London, and Boston, the compact city scenario predicted a small increase in road trauma for cyclists and pedestrians (health loss of between 34 and 41 DALYs per 100?000 population). The findings suggest that government policies need to actively pursue land-use elements-particularly a focus towards compact cities-that support a modal shift away from private motor vehicles towards walking, cycling, and low-emission public transport. At the same time, these policies need to ensure the provision of safe walking and cycling infrastructure. The findings highlight the opportunities for policy makers to positively influence the overall health of city populations.

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This study examined whether physical, social, cultural and economical environmental factors are associated with obesogenic dietary behaviours and overweight/obesity among adults. Literature searches of databases (i.e. PubMed, CSA Illumina, Web of Science, PsychInfo) identified studies examining environmental factors and the consumption of energy, fat, fibre, fruit, vegetables, sugar-sweetened drinks, meal patterns and weight status. Twenty-eight studies were in-scope, the majority (n= 16) were conducted in the USA. Weight status was consistently associated with the food environment; greater accessibility to supermarkets or less access to takeaway outlets were associated with a lower BMI or prevalence of overweight/obesity. However, obesogenic dietary behaviours did not mirror these associations; mixed associations were found between the environment and obesogenic dietary behaviours. Living in a socioeconomically-deprived area was the only environmental factor consistently associated with a number of obesogenic dietary behaviours. Associations between the environment and weight status are more consistent than that seen between the environment and dietary behaviours. The environment may play an important role in the development of overweight/obesity, however the dietary mechanisms that contribute to this remain unclear and the physical activity environment may also play an important role in weight gain, overweight and obesity.

张延吉, 秦波, 唐杰 . 基于倾向值匹配法的城市建成环境对居民生理健康的影响
地理学报, 2018,73(2):333-345.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201802009URL [本文引用: 1]
伴随着城市化和机动化进程,肥胖及其引致的慢性疾病已成为中国严峻的社会问题。本文利用2010年中国社会综合调查、空间兴趣点POI、道路网等数据,探究城市建成环境对居民生理健康状况的影响,并通过倾向值匹配法控制自选择机制的干扰。研究发现:① 高密度的土地利用对居民总体的身体健康状况具有负向影响,而功能混合、支路网通达的城市肌理、以及充足的健康设施在降低身体质量指数BMI、抑制超重和减少慢性病方面发挥着积极作用。② 各类建成环境特征对中高社会阶层的影响集中在主观的健康感知,对中低阶层人群的影响则主要作用于客观的健康指标。③ 小尺度范围内的建成环境与中低阶层群体的身体健康水平存在更为密切的关联,但这一规律在中高社会阶层并不明显。本研究证明了主动式空间干预手段在促进居民生理健康过程中的有效性,进而就建成环境的优化策略提出了初步建议。
[ Zhang Yanji, Qin Bo, Tang Jie . The impact of urban built environment on residential physical health: Based on propensity score matching
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(2):333-345.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201802009URL [本文引用: 1]
伴随着城市化和机动化进程,肥胖及其引致的慢性疾病已成为中国严峻的社会问题。本文利用2010年中国社会综合调查、空间兴趣点POI、道路网等数据,探究城市建成环境对居民生理健康状况的影响,并通过倾向值匹配法控制自选择机制的干扰。研究发现:① 高密度的土地利用对居民总体的身体健康状况具有负向影响,而功能混合、支路网通达的城市肌理、以及充足的健康设施在降低身体质量指数BMI、抑制超重和减少慢性病方面发挥着积极作用。② 各类建成环境特征对中高社会阶层的影响集中在主观的健康感知,对中低阶层人群的影响则主要作用于客观的健康指标。③ 小尺度范围内的建成环境与中低阶层群体的身体健康水平存在更为密切的关联,但这一规律在中高社会阶层并不明显。本研究证明了主动式空间干预手段在促进居民生理健康过程中的有效性,进而就建成环境的优化策略提出了初步建议。

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DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(16)30066-6URLPMID:27671668 [本文引用: 4]
Significant global health challenges are being confronted in the 21st century, prompting calls to rethink approaches to disease prevention. A key part of the solution is city planning that reduces non-communicable diseases and road trauma while also managing rapid urbanisation. This Series of papers considers the health impacts of city planning through transport mode choices. In this, the first paper, we identify eight integrated regional and local interventions that, when combined, encourage walking, cycling, and public transport use, while reducing private motor vehicle use. These interventions are destination accessibility, equitable distribution of employment across cities, managing demand by reducing the availability and increasing the cost of parking, designing pedestrian-friendly and cycling-friendly movement networks, achieving optimum levels of residential density, reducing distance to public transport, and enhancing the desirability of active travel modes (eg, creating safe attractive neighbourhoods and safe, affordable, and convenient public transport). Together, these interventions will create healthier and more sustainable compact cities that reduce the environmental, social, and behavioural risk factors that affect lifestyle choices, levels of traffic, environmental pollution, noise, and crime. The health sector, including health ministers, must lead in advocating for integrated multisector city planning that prioritises health, sustainability, and liveability outcomes, particularly in rapidly changing low-income and middle-income countries. We recommend establishing a set of indicators to benchmark and monitor progress towards achievement of more compact cities that promote health and reduce health inequities.

McCormack G R, Shiell A . In search of causality: A systematic review of the relationship between the built environment and physical activity among adults
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DOI:10.1186/1479-5868-8-125URLPMID:22077952 [本文引用: 2]
Empirical evidence suggests that an association between the built environment and physical activity exists. This evidence is mostly derived from cross-sectional studies that do not account for other causal explanations such as neighborhood self-selection. Experimental and quasi-experimental designs can be used to isolate the effect of the built environment on physical activity, but in their absence, statistical techniques that adjust for neighborhood self-selection can be used with cross-sectional data. Previous reviews examining the built environment-physical activity relationship have not differentiated among findings based on study design. To deal with self-selection, we synthesized evidence regarding the relationship between objective measures of the built environment and physical activity by including in our review: 1) cross-sectional studies that adjust for neighborhood self-selection and 2) quasi-experiments.

杨文越, 曹小曙 . 居住自选择视角下的广州出行碳排放影响机理
地理学报, 2018,73(2):346-361.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201802010URL [本文引用: 1]
[ Yang Wenyue, Cao Xiaoshu . The influence mechanism of travel-related CO2 emissions from the perspective of residential self-selection: A case study of Guangzhou
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2018,73(2):346-361.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201802010URL [本文引用: 1]

Karmeniemi M, Lankila T, Ikaheimo T , et al. The built environment as a determinant of physical activity: A systematic review of longitudinal studies and natural experiments
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2018,52(3):239-251.

DOI:10.1093/abm/kax043URLPMID:29538664 [本文引用: 2]
Physical inactivity is a global problem that increases the risk of many chronic diseases and shortens life expectancy. The built environment contributes to physical inactivity through accessibility of amenities and transportation patterns. With better urban planning, cities could be designed to enhance active transportation and population health on a permanent basis.

Sallis J F . Measuring physical activity environments: A brief history
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2009,36(4S):S86-S92.

DOI:10.1016/j.amepre.2009.01.002URLPMID:19285214 [本文引用: 1]
Physical activity is usually done in specific types of places, referred to as physical activity environments. These often include parks, trails, fitness centers, schools, and streets. In recent years, scientific interest has increased notably in measuring physical activity environments. The present paper provides an historical overview of the contributions of the health, planning, and leisure studies fields to the development of contemporary measures. The emphasis is on attributes of the built environment that can be affected by policies to contribute to the promotion of physical activity. Researchers from health fields assessed a wide variety of built environment variables expected to be related to recreational physical activity. Settings of interest were schools, workplaces, and recreation facilities, and most early measures used direct observation methods with demonstrated inter-observer reliability. Investigators from the city planning field evaluated aspects of community design expected to be related to people's ability to walk from homes to destinations. GIS was used to assess walkability defined by the 3Ds of residential density, land-use diversity, and pedestrian-oriented designs. Evaluating measures for reliability or validity was rarely done in the planning-related fields. Researchers in the leisure studies and recreation fields studied mainly people's use of leisure time rather than physical characteristics of parks and other recreation facilities. Although few measures of physical activity environments were developed, measures of aesthetic qualities are available. Each of these fields made unique contributions to the contemporary methods used to assess physical activity environments.

2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee. 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee Scientific Report
Washington, DC: U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 2018: D4-D27.

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Thorp A A, Owen N, Neuhaus M , et al. Sedentary behaviors and subsequent health outcomes in adults: A systematic review of longitudinal studies, 1996-2011
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2011,41(2):207-215.

DOI:10.1016/j.amepre.2011.05.004URLPMID:21767729 [本文引用: 1]
To systematically review and provide an informative synthesis of findings from longitudinal studies published since 1996 reporting on relationships between self-reported sedentary behavior and device-based measures of sedentary time with health-related outcomes in adults.

周景, 周倩, 王东平 , . 静坐行为和体力活动与血脂异常
北京大学学报: 医学版, 2017,49(3):418-423.

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[ Zhou Jing, Zhou Qian, Wang Dongping , et al. Associations of sedentary behavior and physical activity with dyslipidemia
Journal of Peking University: Health Sciences, 2017,49(3):418-423.]

[本文引用: 1]

Lee I, Shiroma E J, Lobelo F , et al. Effect of physical inactivity on major non-communicable diseases worldwide: An analysis of burden of disease and life expectancy
Lancet, 2012,380(9838):219-229.

DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(12)61031-9URLPMID:22818936 [本文引用: 1]
Strong evidence shows that physical inactivity increases the risk of many adverse health conditions, including major non-communicable diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colon cancers, and shortens life expectancy. Because much of the world's population is inactive, this link presents a major public health issue. We aimed to quantify the eff ect of physical inactivity on these major non-communicable diseases by estimating how much disease could be averted if inactive people were to become active and to estimate gain in life expectancy at the population level.

GBD 2017 Diet Collaborators. Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990-2017: A systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2017
Lancet, 2019,393(10184):1958-1972.

DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(19)30041-8URLPMID:30954305 [本文引用: 1]
Suboptimal diet is an important preventable risk factor for non-communicable diseases (NCDs); however, its impact on the burden of NCDs has not been systematically evaluated. This study aimed to evaluate the consumption of major foods and nutrients across 195 countries and to quantify the impact of their suboptimal intake on NCD mortality and morbidity.

Lock K, Pomerleau J, Causer L , et al. The global burden of disease attributable to low consumption of fruit and vegetables: Implications for the global strategy on diet
Bulletin of the World Organization, 2005,83(2):100-108.

DOI:/S0042-96862005000200010URLPMID:15744402 [本文引用: 1]
We estimated the global burden of disease attributable to low consumption of fruit and vegetables, an increasingly recognized risk factor for cardiovascular disease and cancer, and compared its impact with that of other major risk factors for disease.

冯宏伟, 洪忻, 王志勇 , . 南京市城市居民膳食模式与体力活动对高血压发病联合作用
中国公共卫生, 2016,32(5):676-679.

DOI:10.11847/zgggws2016-32-05-31URL [本文引用: 1]
目的 探讨膳食模式与体力活动水平对江苏省南京市居民高血压发病风险的联合作用,为高血压的预防控制提供参考依据。方法 于2007年5-7月采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法在南京市秦淮、白下2个行政区抽取7个社区共3376名30~75岁城市居民进行高血压筛查,将其中筛查出的418例新发高血压患者和782名未患高血压人群分别作为病例组和对照组进行问卷调查和体格检查。结果 418例病例组新发高血压患者中,采用西式膳食模式(WDP)和精明膳食模式(PDP)者分别占58.37%和41.63%,体力活动不足和充足者分别占56.22%和43.78%;782名对照组未患高血压人群中,采用WDP和PDP者分别占23.40%和76.60%,体力活动不足和充足者分别占48.98%和51.02%;在调整了性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、职业、家庭年均收入、体质指数(BMI)等混杂因素后,多因素条件logistic回归分析结果显示,采用PDP者发生高血压的风险为采用WDP者的0.208倍(OR=0.208,95%CI=0.160~0.270),体力活动充足者发生高血压的风险为体力活动不足者的0.756倍(OR=0.756,95%CI=0.593~0.962),采用PDP且体力活动不足者、采用WDP且体力活动充足者和采用PDP且体力活动充足者发生高血压的风险分别为采用WDP且体力活动不足者的0.124倍(OR=0.124,95%CI=0.084~0.183)、0.357倍(OR=0.357,95%CI=0.237~0.539)和0.103倍(OR=0.103,95%CI=0.068~0.156)。结论 采用健康的膳食模式和保持充足的体力活动均可降低高血压的发病风险,2种方式联合降低高血压发病风险的效果更好。
[ Feng Hongwei, Hong Xin, Wang Zhiyong , et al. Joint association of dietary patterns and physical activity with hypertension among urban residents in Nanjing
Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2016,32(5):676-679.]

DOI:10.11847/zgggws2016-32-05-31URL [本文引用: 1]
目的 探讨膳食模式与体力活动水平对江苏省南京市居民高血压发病风险的联合作用,为高血压的预防控制提供参考依据。方法 于2007年5-7月采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法在南京市秦淮、白下2个行政区抽取7个社区共3376名30~75岁城市居民进行高血压筛查,将其中筛查出的418例新发高血压患者和782名未患高血压人群分别作为病例组和对照组进行问卷调查和体格检查。结果 418例病例组新发高血压患者中,采用西式膳食模式(WDP)和精明膳食模式(PDP)者分别占58.37%和41.63%,体力活动不足和充足者分别占56.22%和43.78%;782名对照组未患高血压人群中,采用WDP和PDP者分别占23.40%和76.60%,体力活动不足和充足者分别占48.98%和51.02%;在调整了性别、年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、职业、家庭年均收入、体质指数(BMI)等混杂因素后,多因素条件logistic回归分析结果显示,采用PDP者发生高血压的风险为采用WDP者的0.208倍(OR=0.208,95%CI=0.160~0.270),体力活动充足者发生高血压的风险为体力活动不足者的0.756倍(OR=0.756,95%CI=0.593~0.962),采用PDP且体力活动不足者、采用WDP且体力活动充足者和采用PDP且体力活动充足者发生高血压的风险分别为采用WDP且体力活动不足者的0.124倍(OR=0.124,95%CI=0.084~0.183)、0.357倍(OR=0.357,95%CI=0.237~0.539)和0.103倍(OR=0.103,95%CI=0.068~0.156)。结论 采用健康的膳食模式和保持充足的体力活动均可降低高血压的发病风险,2种方式联合降低高血压发病风险的效果更好。

Ewing R, Cervero R . Travel and the built environment: A meta-analysis
Journal of the American Planning Association, 2010,76(3):265-294.

DOI:10.1080/01944361003766766URL [本文引用: 1]

Smith M, Hosking J, Woodward A , et al. Systematic literature review of built environment effects on physical activity and active transport: An update and new findings on health equity
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2017,14(1):158.

DOI:10.1186/s12966-017-0613-9URLPMID:29145884 [本文引用: 1]
Evidence is mounting to suggest a causal relationship between the built environment and people's physical activity behaviours, particularly active transport. The evidence base has been hindered to date by restricted consideration of cost and economic factors associated with built environment interventions, investigation of socioeconomic or ethnic differences in intervention effects, and an inability to isolate the effect of the built environment from other intervention types. The aims of this systematic review were to identify which environmental interventions increase physical activity in residents at the local level, and to build on the evidence base by considering intervention cost, and the differential effects of interventions by ethnicity and socioeconomic status.

Sallis J F, Cerin E, Conway T L , et al. Physical activity in relation to urban environments in 14 cities worldwide: A cross sectional study
Lancet, 2016,387(10034):2207-2217.

DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(15)01284-2URLPMID:27045735 [本文引用: 1]
Physical inactivity is a global pandemic responsible for over 5 million deaths annually through its effects on multiple non-communicable diseases. We aimed to document how objectively measured attributes of the urban environment are related to objectively measured physical activity, in an international sample of adults.

Handy S, Cao X, Mokhtarian P L . Self-Selection in the relationship between the built Environment and walking
Journal of the American Planning Association, 2006,72(1):55-74.

DOI:10.1080/01944360608976724URL [本文引用: 1]

Putnam R D . Bowling Alone
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001.

[本文引用: 2]

Moore S, Kawachi I . Twenty years of social capital and health research: A glossary
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2017,71(5):513-517.

DOI:10.1136/jech-2016-208313URLPMID:28087811 [本文引用: 1]
Research on social capital in public health is approaching its 20th anniversary. Over this period, there have been rich and productive debates on the definition, measurement and importance of social capital for public health research and practice. As a result, the concepts and measures characterising social capital and health research have also evolved, often drawing from research in the social, political and behavioural sciences. The multidisciplinary adaptation of social capital-related concepts to study health has made it challenging for researchers to reach consensus on a common theoretical approach. This glossary thus aims to provide a general overview without recommending any particular approach. Based on our knowledge and research on social capital and health, we have selected key concepts and terms that have gained prominence over the last decade and complement an earlier glossary on social capital and health.

Ho E C, Hawkley L, Dale W , et al. Social capital predicts accelerometry-measured physical activity among older adults in the U.S.: A cross-sectional study in the national social life, health, and aging project
BMC Public Health, 2018,18:804-814.

DOI:10.1186/s12889-018-5664-6URLPMID:29945588 [本文引用: 1]
Older adults receive important health benefits from more robust social capital. Yet, the mechanisms behind these associations are not fully understood. Some evidence suggests that higher levels of social capital ultimately affect health through alterations in physical activity (PA), but most of this research has relied on self-reported levels of PA. The aim of this study was to determine whether components of social capital, including social network size and composition as well as the frequency of participation in various social and community activities, were associated with accelerometry-measured PA levels in a nationally representative sample of community-dwelling older adults (≥ 62?years).

Pinillos-Franco S, Kawachi I . The relationship between social capital and self-rated health: A gendered analysis of 17 European countries
Social Science & Medicine, 2018,219:30-35.

DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.10.010URLPMID:30359904 [本文引用: 2]
Women live longer than men, but they report worse self-rated health. Using data from 17 European countries, we sought to test whether gender differences in social capital could account for the male/female gap in self-rated health.

Villalonga-Olives E, Kawachi I . The dark side of social capital: A systematic review of the negative health effects of social capital
Social Science & Medicine, 2017,194:105-127.

DOI:10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.10.020URLPMID:29100136 [本文引用: 1]
There is a growing literature demonstrating the health benefits of social capital (defined as the resources accessed through social connections). However, social capital is also acknowledged to be a &amp;quot;double-edged&amp;quot; phenomenon, whose effects on health are not always positive. We sought to systematically review studies that have found a negative (i.e. harmful) association between social capital and health outcomes. Our objective was to classify the different types of negative effects, following a framework originally proposed by Portes (1998). We conducted a literature search in Pubmed, Embase and PsychInfo. We identified 3530 manuscripts. After detailed review, we included 44 articles in our systematic review. There are at least two negative consequences of social capital besides the classification proposed by Portes: behavioral contagion and cross-level interactions between social cohesion and individual characteristics. When leveraging the concept of social capital for health promotion interventions, researchers need to take account of these potential &amp;quot;downsides&amp;quot; for health outcomes.

Kim J, Kaplan R . Physical and psychological factors in sense of community: New urbanist Kentlands and nearby Orchard village
Environment and Behavior, 2004,36(3):313-340.

[本文引用: 1]

Mazumdar S, Learnihan V, Cochrane T , et al. The built environment and social capital: A systematic review
Environment and Behavior, 2018,50(2):119-158.

DOI:10.1177/0013916516687343URL [本文引用: 2]

Morris E A, Pfeiffer D . Who really bowls alone? Cities, suburbs, and social time in the United States
Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2017,37(2):207-222.

[本文引用: 1]

Foster S, Giles-Corti B . The built environment, neighborhood crime and constrained physical activity: An exploration of inconsistent findings
Preventive Medicine, 2008,47(3):241-251.

DOI:10.1016/j.ypmed.2008.03.017URLPMID:18499242 [本文引用: 2]
Personal safety is commonly cited in qualitative research as a barrier to local walking, yet the relationship between safety and constrained physical activity has received mixed support in quantitative studies. This paper reviews the quantitative evidence to date, seeking to explain the inconsistencies, and offers recommendations for future research.

da Silva I C, Payne V L C, Hino A A , et al. Physical activity and safety from crime among adults: A systematic review
Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2016,13(6):663-670.

DOI:10.1123/jpah.2015-0156URLPMID:26694628 [本文引用: 1]
The aim of this study was to review the evidence to date on the association between physical activity and safety from crime.

Rees-Punia E, Hathaway E D, Gay J L . Crime, perceived safety, and physical activity: A meta-analysis
Preventive Medicine, 2018,111:307-313.

DOI:10.1016/j.ypmed.2017.11.017URLPMID:29157975 [本文引用: 1]
Perceived safety from crime and objectively-measured crime rates may be associated with physical inactivity. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to estimate the odds of accumulating high levels of physical activity (PA) when the perception of safety from crime is high and when objectively-measured crime is high. Peer-reviewed studies were identified through PubMed, Web of Science, ProQuest Criminal Justice, and ScienceDirect from earliest record through 2016. Included studies measured total PA, leisure-time PA, or walking in addition to perceived safety from crime or objective measures of crime. Mean odds ratios were aggregated with random effects models, and meta-regression was used to examine effects of potential moderators: country, age, and crime/PA measure. Sixteen cross-sectional studies yielded sixteen effects for perceived safety from crime and four effects for objective crime. Those reporting feeling safe from crime had a 27% greater odds of achieving higher levels of physical activity (OR=1.27 [1.08, 1.49]), and those living in areas with higher objectively-measured crime had a 28% reduced odds of achieving higher levels of physical activity (OR=0.72 [0.61, 0.83]). Effects of perceived safety were highly heterogeneous (I2=94.09%), but explored moderators were not statistically significant, likely because of the small sample size. Despite the limited number of effects suitable for aggregation, the mean association between perceived safety and PA was significant. As it seems likely that perceived lack of safety from crime constrains PA behaviors, future research exploring moderators of this association may help guide public health recommendations and interventions.

Jacobs J . The Death and Life of Great American Cities
New York: Vintage, 1961: 29-54.

URLPMID:2662752 [本文引用: 1]
Modern scientific techniques may be applied to solve historical--even ancient--mysteries. Many such mysteries have been studied by forensic scientists, including anthropologists. One example is the recent examination of the artifacts and grave sites at the Little Bighorn in Montana, the scene of the battle between General George A. Custer's troops and the Northern Plains Indian tribes. Similarly, skeleton remains of the Indian tribes of the Pre-Columbian and Columbian periods have been studied to answer many questions regarding life and death in those early civilizations. The Ripper Project began as a research activity of the Milton Helpern International Center for the Forensic Sciences at Wichita State University Wichita, Kansas, in 1981, after the concept had been discussed in a night session during the annual meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences in Los Angeles. These century-old serial murders of five prostitutes--The Whitechapel Murders--in London in 1888 were discussed in great detail from the standpoints of the forensic pathologist, the forensic psychiatrist, the criminalist, the forensic historian, and the forensic dentist. The information gained during this phase of the project plus the advances made possible by the development of criminal personality profiling by the FBI led to the present status of this project, which was recently discussed in a live telecast, and which is the subject of this article.

Newman O . Defensible Space: Crime Prevention Through Urban Design
New York: Macmillan, 1972: 1-21.

[本文引用: 1]

Collins R E . Addressing the inconsistencies in fear of crime research: A meta-analytic review
Journal of Criminal Justice, 2016,47:21-31.

[本文引用: 2]

Bruinsma G J N, Pauwels L J R, Weerman F M , et al. Social disorganization, social capital, collective efficacy and the spatial distribution of crime and offenders
British Journal of Criminology, 2013,53(5):942-963.

[本文引用: 1]

Lorenc T, Petticrew M, Whitehead M , et al. Fear of crime and the environment: Systematic review of UK qualitative evidence
BMC Public Health, 2013,13:496.

DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-13-496URLPMID:23705936 [本文引用: 1]
The fear of crime may have negative consequences for health and wellbeing. It is influenced by factors in the physical and social environment. This study aimed to review and synthesize qualitative evidence from the UK on fear of crime and the environment.

Lytle L A, Sokol R L . Measures of the food environment: A systematic review of the field, 2007-2015
Health & Place, 2017,44:18-34.

DOI:10.1016/j.healthplace.2016.12.007URLPMID:28135633 [本文引用: 1]
Many studies have examined the relationship between the food environment and health-related outcomes, but fewer consider the integrity of measures used to assess the food environment. The present review builds on and makes comparisons with a previous review examining food environment measures and expands the previous review to include a more in depth examination of reliability and validity of measures and study designs employed.

Sacks G, Robinson E, Cameron A J . Issues in measuring the healthiness of food environments and interpreting relationships with diets, obesity and related health outcomes
Current Obesity Reports, 2019,8(2):98-111.

DOI:10.1007/s13679-019-00342-4URLPMID:30879246 [本文引用: 2]
There is a broad consensus that policies to create healthier food environments are needed to address obesity. However, previous reviews of the relationships between the healthiness of food environments and diet/obesity-related outcomes have typically reported either mixed associations or none at all. This paper aimed to synthesise measurement and interpretation issues in this field, based on findings from previous reviews.

Caspi C E, Sorensen G, Subramanian S V , et al. The local food environment and diet: A systematic review
Health & Place, 2012,18(5):1172-1187.

DOI:10.1016/j.healthplace.2012.05.006URLPMID:22717379 [本文引用: 2]
Despite growing attention to the problem of obesogenic environments, there has not been a comprehensive review evaluating the food environment-diet relationship. This study aims to evaluate this relationship in the current literature, focusing specifically on the method of exposure assessment (GIS, survey, or store audit). This study also explores 5 dimensions of &amp;quot;food access&amp;quot; (availability, accessibility, affordability, accommodation, acceptability) using a conceptual definition proposed by Penchansky and Thomas (1981). Articles were retrieved through a systematic keyword search in Web of Science and supplemented by the reference lists of included studies. Thirty-eight studies were reviewed and categorized by the exposure assessment method and the conceptual dimensions of access it captured. GIS-based measures were the most common measures, but were less consistently associated with diet than other measures. Few studies examined dimensions of affordability, accommodation, and acceptability. Because GIS-based measures on their own may not capture important non-geographic dimensions of access, a set of recommendations for future researchers is outlined.

Kirkpatrick S I, Reedy J, Butler E N , et al. Dietary assessment in food environment research: A systematic review
American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2014,46(1):94-102.

DOI:10.1016/j.amepre.2013.08.015URLPMID:24355678 [本文引用: 2]
The existing evidence on food environments and diet is inconsistent, potentially because of heterogeneity in measures used to assess diet. The objective of this review, conducted in 2012-2013, was to examine measures of dietary intake utilized in food environment research.

顾丽娟, Rosenberg M, 曾菊新 . 社会经济及环境因子对不同收入群体自评健康的影响
地理研究, 2017,36(7):1257-1270.

[本文引用: 2]

[ Gu Lijuan, Rosenberg M, Zeng Juxin . The impacts of socioeconomic and environmental factors on self-rated health status among different income groups in China
Geographical Research, 2017,36(7):1257-1270.]

[本文引用: 2]

Doyle S, Kelly-Schwartz A, Schlossberg M , et al. Active community environments and health: The relationship of walkable and safe communities to individual health
Journal of American Planning Association, 2006,72(1):19-31.

[本文引用: 1]

Wang D, Lin T . Built environment, travel behavior, and residential self-selection: A study based on panel data from Beijing, China
Transportation, 2019,46(1):51-74.

DOI:10.1007/s11116-017-9783-1URL [本文引用: 2]

Wang D, Zhou M . The built environment and travel behavior in urban China: A literature review
Transportation Research Part D, 2017,52(S1):574-585.

DOI:10.1016/j.trd.2016.10.031URL [本文引用: 1]

Xue X, Cheng M . Social capital and health in China: Exploring the mediating role of lifestyle
BMC Public Health, 2017,17:863-873.

DOI:10.1186/s12889-017-4883-6URLPMID:29110657 [本文引用: 1]
Although social capital as a key determinant of health has been well established in various studies, little is known about how lifestyle factors mediate this relationship. Understanding the cross-relationships between social capital, health, and lifestyle factors is important if health promotion policies are to be effective. The purpose of this study is to explore whether different dimensions of social capital and lifestyle factors are related, and whether lifestyle factors mediate the association between social capital and self-rated health (SRH) and psychological well-being (PWB) in China.

张延吉, 秦波, 朱春武 . 北京城市建成环境对犯罪行为和居住安全感的影响
地理学报, 2019,74(2):238-252.

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201902003URL [本文引用: 1]
犯罪地理学领域存在&#x0201c;街道眼&#x0201d;理论、防卫空间理论、破窗理论、环境设计预防犯罪等多种观点,但在开放与封闭谁更有益、设计与管理谁更重要、以及客观犯罪行为与主观安全感知的影响机制差异等问题上仍有争议。本文整合北京市的大样本调查、刑事案件及空间数据,系统探究城市建成环境对犯罪行为和居住安全感的影响。研究发现:① 社区出入控制有助于提升居住安全感,并能抑制小尺度上的犯罪活动,但封闭式居住小区存在犯罪现象的&#x0201c;挤出效应&#x0201d;,无法有效削减较大空间尺度上的犯罪总量。② 人流活动密集、城市功能集中、可渗透性较好的开放性空间对增进居住安全感具有正面影响,但由于为罪犯提供了更多作案对象和逃逸机会,助长了犯罪活动的发生。③ 城市环境的管理维护比设计建设环节更能增进居住安全感,也是在较大尺度上阻遏犯罪行为的关键手段。
[ Zhang Yanji, Qin Bo, Zhu Chunwu . The impact of urban built environment on criminal behavior and residential security in Beijing
Acta Geographica Sinica, 2019,74(2):238-252.]

DOI:10.11821/dlxb201902003URL [本文引用: 1]
犯罪地理学领域存在&#x0201c;街道眼&#x0201d;理论、防卫空间理论、破窗理论、环境设计预防犯罪等多种观点,但在开放与封闭谁更有益、设计与管理谁更重要、以及客观犯罪行为与主观安全感知的影响机制差异等问题上仍有争议。本文整合北京市的大样本调查、刑事案件及空间数据,系统探究城市建成环境对犯罪行为和居住安全感的影响。研究发现:① 社区出入控制有助于提升居住安全感,并能抑制小尺度上的犯罪活动,但封闭式居住小区存在犯罪现象的&#x0201c;挤出效应&#x0201d;,无法有效削减较大空间尺度上的犯罪总量。② 人流活动密集、城市功能集中、可渗透性较好的开放性空间对增进居住安全感具有正面影响,但由于为罪犯提供了更多作案对象和逃逸机会,助长了犯罪活动的发生。③ 城市环境的管理维护比设计建设环节更能增进居住安全感,也是在较大尺度上阻遏犯罪行为的关键手段。
相关话题/健康 环境 社区 生理 社会