The reasons, connotations and significance of the new paradigm of western social and cultural geography
GUO WenCollege of Humanities and Social Development, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
Received:2019-01-29Revised:2019-11-21Online:2020-03-20 作者简介 About authors 郭文(1978-),男,山西汾西人,博士后,副教授,硕士生导师,研究方向为社会文化地理,新马克思主义地理和空间的生产。
Abstract In recent years, the new paradigm of Western social and cultural geography has become a research hotspot in the domestic geographic circles, but some scholars have different opinions and argue that the new paradigm lacks the professional characteristics of geography and deviates from the traditional research paradigm. On the basis of combing the thoughts of Western humanistic geography school and the evolution of its paradigm, this paper analyses the background, basic issues, connotation and significance of the new paradigm of the new paradigm of Western social and cultural geography. The results show that the new paradigm of Western social and cultural geography advocates subjective ideas in geography, the turn of social and cultural theory, in addition, it also includes issues of "interrelationships" and "ethics, morality and ontogenesis". It is not only a reflection on positivism and space science characterized by the metrological revolution, as well as the "cultural superorganism" of the Berkeley School, but also a new interpretation paradigm of complex social space and cultural cognition caused by the growing globalization and global localization that have become increasingly prominent since the Second World War. In terms of research perspectives and objects, the new paradigm incorporates "human" into the study of geography and establishes the position of "human" in geography. The new paradigm predicts the possibility of social space as well as the significance and value of social culture through the filter of "theoretical turn". It guides people's attention to various spaces, especially spatial relations through the filter of "interrelationships", and strengthens the moral practice of social cultural geography and the promotion of human nature, reconstructs the harmonious coexistence of human and self, human and society and human and the natural environment through the filter of "ethics, morality and ontogenesis". The new paradigm uses a unique way to explain the geographic environment and the social, economic and cultural causes of the spatial process and interaction of human activities, which is a major change in the evolution of human cognition of natural and social environment practice and represents a new philosophy and thinking of geography. One of the reasons why there are different opinions on the new paradigm in Chinese academic circles is that researchers lack in-depth dialogue on the philosophical cognition of the old and new human geography paradigms, and the other reason is that the academic circles' theoretical interpretation of the new paradigm is insufficient. In the future, the Chinese school of social and cultural geography needs to actively embrace and absorb the reasonable contents of the western frontier theories, and construct a new discipline paradigm to actively respond to major issues reflecting China and the world on the basis of careful reference to the Western theories. Keywords:western social and cultural geography;paradigm innovation;connotation and significance;reference for development
PDF (4215KB)元数据多维度评价相关文章导出EndNote|Ris|Bibtex收藏本文 本文引用格式 郭文. 西方社会文化地理学新范式的缘由、内涵及意义. 地理研究[J], 2020, 39(3): 508-526 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190097 GUO Wen. The reasons, connotations and significance of the new paradigm of western social and cultural geography. Geographical Research[J], 2020, 39(3): 508-526 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190097
在此之后,后结构主义也开始在地理学中显现,该范式主要强调空间的“间性关联”和多元文化等观念[49],强化要素在空间组织之间的开放性和关系性。同时,人们也对女性主义、种族主义,以及身体转向、情感转向[14]等表现出了极大的关注[50]。在这股思潮影响下,人们开始尖锐地批判社会与文化表面的虚假繁荣,认为文化研究应该重视社会现实,并致力于以文化的视角去审视社会问题。1987年,Cosgrove D等指出社会文化景观是一种图像,是在情境中不断生产和动态变化的过程,并提出这是“社会文化地理学的新方向”[51]。1989年,Jackson P在新文化地理标志性著作《Maps of Meaning: An Introduction to Cultural Geography》中提出,文化地理学不能只关注文化本身,社会文化、空间的内部运作和符号的生产与价值内涵,等等,是社会文化构成与秩序生产的重要视角[52]。新社会文化地理学更加重视社会、文化和政治的分析[31]。后人文主义思想对地理学的渗透,更加强化了社会文化地理学实践中的人地关系和人与环境的关系。在新的研究范式中,新社会文化的视角倾向于从文化政治切入,社会文化被赋予为意义的表征,意义则是权力争斗的体现[53],新的视角均有别于地理学之前的经验主义、量化科学主义,以及伯克利学派的研究范式,非常契合时代对地理学理论创新发展的呼吁。
西方社会文化地理学新范式的议题较为丰富。本研究基于Web of Science引文数据库,借助CiteSpace引文空间分析工具,依据布尔逻辑检索“逻辑与”的表达形式,以“主题”=“social & cultural geography”为检索关键词,对20世纪下半叶以来西方新社会文化地理学外文文献进行检索、数据查重与过滤,剔除“诉讼文书”(11.92%)“书评”(5.93%)“编辑材料”(1.82%)“会议”(0.07%)等相关度较低的文献,发现共有1273篇文献可供分析,这些文献占总文献的85.72%。从文献的国家来源看,主要是英国(27.25%)、美国(23.08%)和澳大利亚(8.61%);研究方向主要集中在地理学(55%)、环境科学生态学(17.56%)、社会科学其他主题(6.73%)、城市研究(6.26%)、商业经济(5.92%)等领域;从文献范式解析分析,可归纳为早期人文主义、结构主义、后结构主义、批判性人文主义及后人文主义等。下面结合引用率较高,且具有典型性的文献,进行归纳总结:
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