

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

陈晓亮1,2, 蔡晓梅3, 朱竑,1,2,*1. 广州大学地理科学学院,华南人文地理与城市发展研究中心,广州 510006
2. 广东省城市与移民研究中心,广州 510006
3. 华南师范大学旅游管理学院,广州 510631

Reflection on China’s tourism study based on the perspective of field of place

CHEN Xiaoliang1,2, CAI Xiaomei3, ZHU Hong,1,2,*1. Center for Human Geography and Urban Development, School of Geographical Science, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
2. Center for Urban and Migrants of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510006, China
3. School of Tourism Management, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China

通讯作者: 朱竑(1968-),男,甘肃临夏人,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为社会文化地理与旅游地理。E-mail: zhuhong@gzhu.edu.cn


作者简介 About authors

关键词: 旅游;地方场域;邂逅与相遇;知识生产;反思

Tourism, as a social practice, plays an important role in political and economic development as well as in social and cultural changes. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party in 2012 has set up new goals for China's tourism. It is necessary for us to rethink current ways of tourism development and its future with the perspective of new era. In view of this, this research, based on the study of tourism development and characteristics of current tourism in the West, examined China’s tourism features. This paper proposes a theoretical framework about “field of place”. Based on the discussion of ontology of place, the article integrates tourism, encounter and place into an interrelated framework to conceptualize tourism as: the empirical, experiential, reflective and practical fields of place that are shaped by the process of encounter of human and non-human. The field of tourism is a dynamic system, and it is also a politicized practice process that constantly changes and interweaves with conflict and compromising. This research emphasizes a meaningful temporal and special process of encounter. Only through a combination of unexpected encounters and daily encounters, can the truth of tourism be reflected. Compared to the classic tourism geography model (from the perspective of spatial format, the tourism system is a spatial system in which the tourist-generating areas and the tourist-receiving areas interact through the tourist routes), the field of tourism is actually a dynamic spatial relationship of mobility shaped through the process of encountering and meeting where the absence and the presence are intertwined, both of which are composed of human and non-human. The field of tourism model breaks through the limitations of dichotomy where the tourist-generating areas and the tourist-receiving areas are separated. The version of field of tourism is more a research epistemology and research perspective than a research paradigm. Finally, with the change of tourism development and tourism research, this paper proposes five kinds of knowledge production mode and research direction based on local practice, critical reflection, technological change, participation and interdisciplinary research. This paper tries to bring a dialogue on the ontological political agenda and provide a guidance for future tourism research.
Keywords:tourism;field of place;encounter;knowledge production;reflection

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陈晓亮, 蔡晓梅, 朱竑. 基于“地方场域”视角的中国旅游研究反思. 地理研究[J], 2019, 38(11): 2578-2594 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190317
CHEN Xiaoliang. Reflection on China’s tourism study based on the perspective of field of place. Geographical Research[J], 2019, 38(11): 2578-2594 doi:10.11821/dlyj020190317

1 引言




2 当代中西方旅游发展和旅游研究反思



旅游研究是一个具有多元研究范式和多重学科属性的领域[22,23]。大体可以分为两大学术体系:一是20世纪60年代和70年代由第一代****如经济学家、人类学家、社会学家和地理学家所建立起来的基础研究领域[24,25],强调旅游研究的社会属性;二是于1980年代和1990年代经济技术导向兴起下的商业和管理学方法,强调消费主义和盈利能力[26]。前者所关注的主题多集中在旅游类型、旅游者与目的地居民、旅游目的地吸引、旅游发展与影响等方面;后者则偏重于旅游市场营销、旅游接待业管理、旅游目的地管理等范畴[27]。需要指出的是,实证主义范式下,商业和管理学研究多专注于小规模、技术性问题的解决,但在促进解决基本的社会、政治和伦理问题等方面因批判性反思不足而受到广泛质疑[28,29,30]。而社会科学研究则将旅游放在更广泛的经济、环境、文化和政治变化背景之中加以考察,并与前沿的社会运动和文化思潮相结合,强调理论发展在现实中的解释作用。如从存在主义和建构主义视角对旅游体验和地方展演的探讨,发展了多元社会空间维度的旅游真实性理论(authenticity)[31,32]。引入米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)的视觉分析研究,发展了旅游凝视理论(tourist gaze),指出了旅游凝视的多样性,从更一般的层面揭示了旅游行进过程中隐藏的权力运作和权威问题[33,34,35]。基于结构主义和形式主义理论,引入符号互动主义,探讨了旅游角色和景观表征问题[36,37],以及结合社会交往概念,引入表现理论(performance),拓展了旅游地主客交往过程中的性别展演和行为分析等话题[38,39]

总之,尽管旅游学科在专业化过程中取得了丰硕的研究成果,但旅游依然在解决全球政治、经济发展不平等,强化环境正义,促进多元文化相互理解等方面还有极大的提升空间。实际上,西方旅游研究一直存在着本体论的焦虑。即表现在对旅游定义的认同一致性上,旅游究竟是一个自组织系统(包括旅游者、客源地、旅游交通、目的地、旅游产业)[40],还是一种他组织系统,即与外部世界仅存在纯粹的关系(凝视关系、意向性、交往机制)[41]。不同的研究视角带来截然不同的价值取向。同时,旅游研究也多受学科本体论层面的困扰,即所谓“合法论危机”[42,43]。在学科专业化发展的背景下,旅游究竟是一门被称为“旅游学”的“独立”领域,还是其他学科研究社会问题的对象或手段[44]。似乎由多学科(multi-disciplinary)转向跨学科(interdisciplinarity)研究是一种未来努力的方向[21,45]。在认识论层面,基于后现代主义和多元认识论视角,批判性的反思传统旅游研究中固化的二元对立思维,尤其是移动性范式[7]对家/非家、工作/休闲、主体/客体、本土/国际和日常生活/特殊假期等二元结构的消解,将旅游概念化为移动实践的生活呈现。近年来,行动者网络理论(ANT)开始被尝试性地引入到当前的旅游研究中[46,47],使旅游领域的知识生产被置于更广阔的“人与非人(human and non-Human)”的关系中加以解读,重新审视了自然、社会,以及技术主体在旅游世界中的关联重现。此外,自旅游凝视理论提出以来,旅游研究进入到了“哲视宰制(théorétisme)”时代(① 哲视宰制表达西方视觉理论和认识论对世界的理解和看待方式,它强调了视觉的特权,同时又是思想、视觉和触觉的统一体,是一种精神性的直观。详见张尧均发表在《天津社会科学》2017年第4期《重新看世界:梅洛—庞蒂论哲学与非哲学的相互蕴涵》(被人大复印《外国哲学》2017年第10期转载)。),视觉中心主义话语长期占据了旅游研究的核心位置。20世纪70年代以来,后结构主义的去中心化思潮以及本体论政治对主体间性的强调,旅游体验的重要性日益凸显,旅游研究开始进入到“通感(synaesthesia)”研究时代,人在移动过程中所产生出的多感(听觉、视觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉等)沟通和转换研究极大挑战了单一叙事话语对人与旅游世界关系的解读。旅游研究由实证主义向后实证和建构主义演变。最后需要强调的是,后学思潮影响下的西方社会科学研究对后殖民主体一直抱有反思情怀,在旅游研究领域则体现为对“非西方”旅游知识和“土著知识(地方性知识)”的热衷和关注,从而寻求对西方霸权知识生产的解构和消解,这是尤其值得重视的方面。

相比于西方,中国的旅游发展和旅游研究有其自身特殊的文化制度背景和时代发展的复杂性[48]。总结来看,中国的旅游研究不同发展时期的价值取向可以用理想主义、现实主义、理想主义的理性回归并与现实主义相结合三个阶段来概括 [49]。然而,作为一门人文社会学科,以英美为主导的话语体系对国内学术界影响甚大,表现为现有的旅游研究既要强调与现有知识体系的联结和对话,又要注重对西方知识成果的反思[50]。转型时期出现的大量社会现象成为检验和补充西方理论的重要素材而存在。尽管越来越多的学术研究强调中外对话的重要性,但中国大陆的旅游研究人员对国际学术界的贡献依然不足[51],尤其是在理论建构层面较显匮乏[52,53]。当前中国社会正经历从农村到城市,从生产型向消费型社会,从封闭型向开放型的系统的快速巨变,中国旅游业的快速发展为旅游研究提供了丰富的土壤。在对西方1986—2015年旅游研究关键词统计中,“中国(China)”作为高频关键词呈现出快速的上升趋势,位居前二[54],说明中国正成为旅游研究关注的热点领域。总之,中国的旅游研究不应该仅仅满足于为西方旅游知识提供经验分析的场域,而应该努力促生一些关于本地的知识,尤其是特定地方的理论、概念和思想[55]。同时,将有价值的“地方知识”上升为具有普遍意义层面的“一般知识”,进而构建具有中国情境的旅游理论体系。

3 新时代背景下基于“地方”理论的再思考

3.1 重构地方本体论


地方作为一种空间性概念和社会实践,对其内涵性的再认识经历了从单一抽象到多元复杂的演变过程,并且地方与空间经常作为一组辩证的概念而交互使用。毋庸置疑,时间和空间是人类社会发展至今认识客观世界的两大最重要维度,但工业革命后期交通和通讯技术的发展使得对空间的讨论一直隐藏在“用时间消灭空间”的话语叙事之下。20世纪70年代以来,列斐伏尔(Henri Lefebvre)“空间的生产”理论[58]为人文社会科学带来了“空间转向”的革命,“空间”从“时间”的宏大叙事结构掩盖下被释放出来,空间成为开创马克思主义研究的新维度。在新马克思主义时空辩证观下,空间不再是冷冰冰的、空洞的、抽象的物理容器,而是具有鲜活历史条件的社会生产的产物。不同的社会历史状态生产出了不同形态和类型的社会空间。在人本主义****看来,空间具有经验属性,人们对于某一空间的社会生活实践过程成为构建某一特定地方的核心特质。在存在主义和现象学视角下,地方成为感知的价值中心和情感维系的场所[59]。人们通过主体的自我投射活动和不断重复性的日常生活实践建构了地方特有的韵律,镌刻了地方的空间呈现样态[60]。地方营造(place-making)和地方意义的建构是一个充满文化政治的过程,其间交织着性别、身份、阶层、种族、资本等权力关系。在地方的文本化过程中,语言和话语的力量成为各种政治主体展开权力争夺的重要层面[61]

地方并非一成不变的僵化的稳定实体,多琳·马西(Doreen Massey)的“进步的地方感(progressive sense of place)”理论在理解经济全球化背景下“本地-全球”的关系至关重要[62]。她强调地方是多维尺度权力关系复杂互动的交汇点,受到地方内部和地方之间政治、经济和文化关系的影响而呈现出流动性、异质性和经验性的特点。这种提倡包容、开放地看待地方的观点打破了传统关于地方保守、封闭边界的认知。针对全球化所带来的流空间兴起和地方同质化的担忧,新马克思主义旗手大卫·哈维(David Harvey)指出,时空压缩背景下地方特质在资本的全球化积累过程中反而变得更加重要,新的产业集聚区、地方生产网络、全球城市、全球化社区等地方所发挥的领导作用愈发强大,地方形象和地方身份在“全球-本地”紧张关系中被重新定义和生产[63]。同时,地方通过多元文化主义策略和混杂性(hybridity)实践建构出了“第三空间”,从而成为后现代主义寻求空间解放的批判源泉[64]


总结来看,自列斐伏尔提出“空间是社会关系的产物”以来,在大卫·哈维、爱德华·苏贾(Edward Soja)、爱德华·雷尔夫(Edward Relph)、吉登斯(Anthony Giddens)等人的影响下,社会科学领域兴起了一场“空间转向”的热潮。可以说这种对于空间化的认知和偏好成为反思现代性弥散过程中的重要维度和批判的源泉。萌芽于15世纪的现代性过程伴随着资本主义全球化步伐而得以在全球范围扩张,在现代性语境下,科学主义和理性主义大行其道。在吉登斯看来,现代性重新定义了一套普世性的价值观念和所谓进步性的意识形态,是一整套新的社会规范和制度取代地方性的、传统的社会秩序的过程。时空的分离导致了社会体系的脱嵌,社会关系被从地方的场景中抽离出来,在象征符号和专家系统的作用下,人们完全依赖抽象的科学知识来指导社会生活与行为方式[69]。在现代性的作用下,人与地方的联系被不断弱化,地方的意义也在资本主义全球生产关系中被不断消解和重构。泰勒用“地方-空间张力”(place-space tension)描述了现代性的政治地理过程,即用理性化和无差别的空间法则作用于地方的社会文化背景并使之同质性,而地方原有的政治、文化和社会边界亦在全球化过程中被不断的挑战和瓦解,从而消解了地方的文化意义[70],地方的边界和地理界限也面临着消亡的危险[71]。由此看来,全球化背景下,似乎全球与地方这两个空间认知实体构成了一种不可调和的对立关系。更有****用“无地方性”(placelessness或non-place)理论[72,73]批评所谓的缺乏历史厚度和地方意义的人造空间,而其恰恰忽略了地方实践和地方意义生产和建构的多元性和复杂性。实际上,全球化过程远非单一的“去地方化”过程,全球化与地方化是全球化过程中不可分割的两种运动,两者相互交织、整合和分解,并且相辅相成构成了权力关系在世界范围内的再组织和分配过程。社会学家罗兰·罗伯森(Roland Robertson)所创造的“全球地方化(glocalization)”即是本土条件对全球化的反馈作用以及普遍化与特殊化趋势的融合这一过程的最佳描述[74]。也可以说,地方差异性和新的空间秩序的产生正是不同地方对于资本积累过程响应的程度和结果的特定呈现。将全球与地方关系窄化并置于二元对立的关系中无疑漠视了全球化的多种路径和可能性,也忽视了形塑全球化力量关系的复杂性。鉴于此,文化理论家阿里夫·德里克(Arif Dirlik)的“全球现代性”(global modernity)理论为人们重新认识现代性与地方和全球的关系提供了一种新的视野。在德里克看来,现代性是一种“全球化了的(globalized)”现代性,因此不能用本质主义的思维方式来理解现代性,现代性是多种力量相互作用的结果和场域,应该从关系的角度加以理解,尤其是要放在资本主义世界体系中加以观察和分析。德里克提醒人们必须把现代性放在历史话语中加以解读,而非永久化的现象,表现为欧美中心主义对于现代性的支配是一种偶然的、地方性的特殊过程和结果,它受到多种力量的反抗和抵制[75]。可见,德里克的观点将地方从现代性的宏大叙事中解放出来,并被赋予了消解全球结构性力量、反抗霸权主义的可能性和政治潜能。

总之,对于地方的理解与诠释应该超越所谓的地方“纯粹本质(unsullied essence)”,地方内部隐含着复杂而多元的权力关系和社会网络关系,地方认同融合和冲突、地方与外部世界的交流和融合都形塑了地方内部的异质性(heterogeneity)和他者性(alterity/otherness)[76,77]。另外需要注意的是,应该辩证的看待现代性与地方的矛盾和悖论,世界并没有同质化,反而出现了多元主义和混杂性、本土化等倾向,表现在对于传统文化的推崇,以及基于地方的社会实践、环保运动、创新实践等层出不穷。当然,地方本身并不是完整的,这些实践策略和地方意义的塑造无疑都是地方内部和外部世界相互建构的结果。

3.2 旅游、邂逅与地方


这一论断中,场域的概念形构了一种关系网络和关系空间,不同行动主体通过社会互动和力量竞争动态化定义了场域自身的界限[79]。本文提出的旅游场域的动态化过程能够促使研究者跳出以往结构式的固化理解旅游现象的弊端,即旅游现象总是关于某一特定范围、特定地方的社会事件,其窄化了旅游运行机制背后所涉及的隐性网络关系。同时,邂逅(encounter)作为关于“相遇”和“接触”的理论框架,它为理解“不同主体如何在与他人的联系中以及如何通过与他人的联系而被形构的”提供了一种分析性和批判性的视角[80]。它强调了主体和主体的种种相遇不是处于一个隔离的语境中,而是被置入一种集体存在的、具有相互作用的和连锁效应的实践中,并在相遇的过程中交织着不平等的权力关系作用[81]。借用邂逅这一“认识论透镜”,旅游不是由先验的、设定的“游客-目的地”和“旅游生产者-旅游消费者”等主客二元对立系统所组成的稳定整体。相反,旅游反而成为一个在移动性过程中不断生成(becoming)的有关经验性的、体验性的以及实践性的产物。邂逅是一种创造性的过程,多元文化主义的相遇和融合被期望成为塑造世界大同主义的重要路径[82]。多琳·马西(Doreen Massey)认为城市就是由相遇而产生,城市空间是多重相遇的产物,并在相遇中不断被建构[83]。对于旅游业来说,作为旅游研究核心的吸引物其差异性和相似性并不是天然形成和固定的,而是邂逅的产物,并在相遇的互动中被重塑和赋予意义[84,85]。邂逅能够带来启迪以及新的智慧,当然期间是一个充满风险、胁迫和不平等权力关系的在场,却同时也是即兴创作和交流互动的在场,在这一过程中行动者的伦理道德以及政治潜能被重新分配、赋权和确认[86]





Fig. 1Tourism research based on the perspective of field of place theory

3.3 基于地方场域视角的旅游知识生产方向

米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)的知识谱系学研究提醒人们,知识总是情境性的,是一定社会历史条件下的产物;尤尔根·哈贝马斯(Jürgen Habermas)指出,知识的构成受到三种利益的驱动,不同的利益旨趣会促进不同类型知识的生产。旅游管理领域的知识网络构成主要揭示了工具技术知识以及经验分析知识对现实世界的解释作用[89]。当然,知识的生产并不是一个稳定的实体,而是一套持续的实践。知识永远不会是同质的和无争议的,旅游研究也不会以一种一致的声音和方式来说明或呈现。对于知识的反思和理解尤为必要。

实际上,通过前述论述可以知道,全球现代性理论在元叙事层面赋予了地方以后殖民主体式的价值,重新定义和认识人与地方之间的关系,表现为地方传统的挖掘和再创造、地方内部主体的实践多元性,以及地方之间交流、融合、冲突所带来的丰富的地方想象过程。地方的内涵及其所形塑的场域具有知识解放和社会进步的政治可能性,人与地方所形塑的场域可以是实体性的社会空间,如基尔伯恩(Kilburn)之于多琳·马西、洛杉矶(Los Angeles)之于爱德华·苏贾,未来亦可以是非实体性的社会空间,比如对于遗产保护数字化处理所形成的仿真性空间。无论形式如何,其关键在于如何打开对话的窗口,释放其能动性潜能。当然,需要警惕地方本体论政治过程中的“地方主义”或领地性(territoriality)陷阱,因此,批判性、反思性研究不可或缺。




Fig. 2Tourism knowledge production based on the perspective of field of place theory




(4)基于参与共建的旅游知识生产。实际上,地方关系视角下的旅游研究不仅仅关注行动者与非人行动者在制定、组织、构成旅游现象过程中的复杂、动态、连接的网络关系,重新审视非人主体和物质性在理解社会关系中的参与性、显在性、策略性、交互性和可识别性;同时还强调知识的生产并不是某一单一类型行动者所主导的,而是行动者与非人行动者所形成的网络共同创造、共同构建的结果。知识存在于多种表现形式中,美食、诗歌、戏剧、绘画、雕塑、歌剧、舞蹈、录像、摄影、表演或讲故事等都以其特有的方式进行着旅游知识的传播和生产[104]。后常规科学时代(post-normal science),知识的生产不再是少数人员或机构的特权,在广泛分布的知识世界中,旅游研究人员(以及机构、企业和政府)不能完全仅仅依靠自身的“内部”研究,而是必须要借鉴和利用“来自组织外部的专业知识”。后常规科学的最明显特征在于公众参与[105]。通过参与联合研究活动,传统网络可以孕育出协作优势,并经常会产生出意想不到的结果[106]。尤其是当前互联网时代,知乎、百度百科、维基百科等开源网站,已经成为公众参与知识生产、讨论、修正、补充等重要交流对话平台。而推特(Twitter)、脸谱(Facebook)、微信、微博、大众点评、携程、去哪儿等社交媒体和应用接口对旅游知识的生产、建构、分配和传播也正以迅雷不及之势影响着人们对于旅游现象和旅行观念的认识。这种因“资源开放和网络共享”带来的知识生产变革方式,使得基于地方的知识网络结构被拓展到更加广阔的领域中。鉴于互联网在当今社会革命性的影响,利伯德(Janne J. Liburd)在借鉴哈贝马斯的交往行为以共识规范为导向的基础上,甚至提出了一种基于网络技术(Web 2.0)和知识版权形式(copyleft)的旅游研究范式,希望未来能够构建开放互惠交流的协作规范,从而潜在地增进相互理解[107]。不管怎样,信息技术使得科学研究和知识生产变得相对平等,并且充分释放了个人对知识贡献的潜能。未来旅游研究需要知晓旅游研究参与主体的遍在性和偶然性,尤其可以关注并探讨不同类型参与主体的地方实践的能动性,及其参与共建的模式和实现方式,从而以更加开放和对话的姿态迎接日益丰富和多样的知识创造和挑战。


4 结论




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The explosive growth of tourism in China since the 1980s has generated attendant interest in tourism research in the country, among researchers both in the mainland and outside. The dialogue between the two communities (domestic and international researchers) is also growing, but is as yet still limited, with insufficient contributions from Chinese mainland tourism researchers to the international academic world. China provides a rich field for examining the cultural, social and institutional context in which tourism develops. Recent studies of village-based community tourism development in China, with an emphasis on institutional perspectives, provide some insight on the dynamic and complex changes of rural communities along with tourism development. In general, these papers show that village participation in decision making is growing, although examples of disempowerment are as rife as those of growing empowerment. Contested resources are one of the most influential factors in this struggle, along with the rapid growth of tourism that the country has experienced since the 1980s. The papers in this special collection also demonstrate the distinct character of domestic tourism research in China, which engages the rich body of literature published in Chinese, but is generally less connected to broader international debates in the predominantly Anglo-American English publishing realm.

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DOI:10.1016/j.annals.2012.05.021Magsci [本文引用: 1]
Morality tends to receive little direct consideration in the realm of mainstream social science, but moral dimensions are an unavoidable feature of all human activities, including scholarly pursuits. The paucity of formal discussion about this issue is particularly unfortunate in tourism studies, given that those of us working here operate on loaded moral territory, confronting a phenomenon that at once speaks of light-hearted pleasure and heavy social consequences. This conceptual paper briefly traces the history of moral concerns in tourism studies, indirectly articulated as they have typically been, and then attempts to provide some grounding analysis on why overt talk of such matters has been so difficult to tackle in this domain-and why things need to change.

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DOI:10.1016/j.annals.2005.11.001Magsci [本文引用: 1]
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This article examines the extent to which there is congruence between the theorized world of tourism (the canon of its knowledge) and its phenomenal world. Adopting a social constructionist approach it conceptualizes and analyzes the knowledge force-field which is demonstrated to mediate between them. The five key factors that operate in the knowledge force-field are found to be person, rules, position, ends, and ideology. The literature is interrogated to demonstrate how these forces contribute to a double-selectivity in knowledge creation. Despite many truths being established, the whole truth about tourism is left untold resulting in gaps, silences and misconstructions.</p><h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">R&eacute;sum&eacute;</h2><p id="">La v&eacute;rit&eacute; du tourisme. Cet article examine le degr&eacute; auquel il y a conformit&eacute; entre le monde hypoth&eacute;tique du tourisme (ses connaissances canoniques) et son monde ph&eacute;nom&eacute;nologique. En adoptant une approche de constructionnisme social, l&rsquo;article est une conceptualisation et une analyse du champ de force des connaissances qui, selon ce qui est d&eacute;montr&eacute;, sert d&rsquo;interm&eacute;diaire entre les deux mondes. On trouve que les cinq facteurs cl&eacute; qui fonctionnent dans le camp de force des connaissances sont: individus, r&egrave;gles, position, buts et id&eacute;ologie. On interroge la litt&eacute;rature pour d&eacute;montrer comment ces forces contribuent &agrave; une double s&eacute;lectivit&eacute; dans la cr&eacute;ation des connaissances. Malgr&eacute; l&rsquo;&eacute;tablissement de nombreuses v&eacute;rit&eacute;s, on ne dit pas toute la v&eacute;rit&eacute; du tourisme, ce qui conduit &agrave; des vides, des silences et de fausses impressions.</p>

White N R, White P B . Home and away: Tourists in a connected world
Annals of Tourism Research, 2007,34(1):88-104.

DOI:10.1016/j.annals.2006.07.001Magsci [本文引用: 1]
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Tourists now routinely travel with cell phones, have ready access to Internet cafes, and use low-cost fixed telephone services to remain in contact with people at home. Using the guiding ideas of the intersubjective construction of space and location, the meanings of &ldquo;home&rdquo; and being &ldquo;away&rdquo; were explored in relation to the regular contact made possible by these new communication services. It was found that the easy and frequent contact with friends and family members was associated with a feeling of being simultaneously at &ldquo;home&rdquo;, with continued participation in pre-existing social networks, while also being &ldquo;away&rdquo;.</p><h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">R&eacute;sum&eacute;</h2><p id="">Chez soi et au loin: touristes dans un monde connect&eacute;. Les touristes voyagent maintenant de fa&ccedil;on routini&egrave;re avec un t&eacute;l&eacute;phone portable, acc&egrave;dent facilement aux caf&eacute;s internet et utilisent des services &agrave; bas prix de t&eacute;l&eacute;phone fixe pour rester en contact avec les gens de chez eux. En utilisant les notions de base de la construction intersubjective du lieu et de l&rsquo;espace, on a explor&eacute; la signification de &ldquo;chez soi&rdquo; et &ldquo;au loin&rdquo; par rapport au contact r&eacute;gulier que ces nouveaux services de communication rendent possible. On a trouv&eacute; que le contact facile et fr&eacute;quent avec les amis et la famille &eacute;tait associ&eacute; &agrave;un sentiment d&rsquo;&ecirc;tre simultan&eacute;ment &ldquo;chez soi&rdquo;, avec une participation continue aux r&eacute;seaux sociaux pr&eacute;existants, tout en &eacute;tant &ldquo;au loin&rdquo;.</p>

Urry J . Social networks, travel and talk
British Journal of Sociology, 2003,54(2):155-175.

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Enoch Y, Grossman R . Blogs of Israeli and Danish backpackers to India
Annals of Tourism Research, 2010,37(2):520-536.

DOI:10.1016/j.annals.2009.11.004Magsci [本文引用: 1]
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Based on an interpretative analysis of on-line diaries (blogs) written by backpackers from Israel and Denmark, this paper offers a comparison of the way in which the meeting with a foreign culture (India) is presented by writers from different national backgrounds. We distinguish between &ldquo;cosmopolitans&rdquo; who are willing to engage with members of a different culture and &ldquo;provincials&rdquo; or &ldquo;locals&rdquo; who mostly remain rooted in their own culture. Though both types of tourists can be found among the diary writers from both nationalities, the question remains whether one or the other type can be considered as dominant and characteristic of the touristic discourse constructed by the writers from these two particular nations.</p>

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DOI:10.1016/j.respol.2008.01.008Magsci [本文引用: 1]
<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper offers a systematic reflection on the Gibbons&ndash;Nowotny notion of &lsquo;Mode 2 knowledge production&rsquo;. We review its reception in scientific literature and compare it with seven alternative diagnoses of changing science systems. The &lsquo;Mode 2&rsquo; diagnosis identifies a number of important trends that require further empirical efforts, but it suffers from severe conceptual problems. It is time to untie its five major constitutive claims and investigate each separately.</p>

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Liburd J J . Tourism research 2.0
Annals of Tourism Research, 2012,39(2):883-907.

DOI:10.1016/j.annals.2011.10.006Magsci [本文引用: 1]
Are we on the verge of a paradigm shift in the production and consumption of knowledge in tourism research? Offering an original contribution to the epistemology of tourism this article outlines an emerging form of intellectual property right referred to as copyleft and a new paradigm of "tourism research 2.0" is identified. These new forms and norms of knowledge are enabled by Web 2.0 technology and based on a pluralist epistemology. Ownership, quality control, and the dissemination of tourism knowledge under this new paradigm are critically evaluated. It is argued that these changing epistemological norms and forms of knowledge present significant opportunities and challenges for the development and dissemination of tourism research.

Leiper N . Towards a cohesive curriculum tourism: The case for a distinct discipline
Annals of Tourism Research, 1981,8(1):69-84.

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Darbellay F, Stock M . Tourism as a complex interdisciplinary research object
Annals of Tourism Research, 2012,39(1):441-458.

DOI:10.1016/j.annals.2011.07.002Magsci [本文引用: 1]
Tourism is currently a complex and globalised phenomenon with demonstrated socio-economic importance. While tourism is a socially recognised phenomenon, its status as scientific object within an academic field seems to be still in question. We ask the following questions: What is the order of construction of the field of knowledge constituted around tourism? Is it a paradigmatic order or an epistemic order? In what ways do the scientific object's specificities constitute an important element of understanding of a new episteme? How do different definitions of tourism allow for a reconstruction of the field? This article seeks to summarise the current debate in the light of broader reconstructions of scientific discourse and reflect from an interdisciplinary epistemological perspective.

Lyall C, Meagher L, Bruce A . A rose by other name? Transdisciplinarity in the context of UK research policy
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DOI:10.1007/s11192-009-0041-yMagsci [本文引用: 1]
<a name="Abs1"></a>The multidimensional character and inherent conflict with categorisation of interdisciplinarity makes its mapping and evaluation a challenging task. We propose a conceptual framework that aims to capture interdisciplinarity in the wider sense of knowledge integration, by exploring the concepts of diversity and coherence. Disciplinary diversity indicators are developed to describe the heterogeneity of a bibliometric set viewed from predefined categories, i.e. using a top-down approach that locates the set on the global map of science. Network coherence indicators are constructed to measure the intensity of similarity relations within a bibliometric set, i.e. using a bottom-up approach, which reveals the structural consistency of the publications network. We carry out case studies on individual articles in bionanoscience to illustrate how these two perspectives identify different aspects of interdisciplinarity: disciplinary diversity indicates the large-scale breadth of the knowledge base of a publication; network coherence reflects the novelty of its knowledge integration. We suggest that the combination of these two approaches may be useful for comparative studies of emergent scientific and technological fields, where new and controversial categorisations are accompanied by equally contested claims of novelty and interdisciplinarity.

ángelesOviedo-García M . Tourism research quality: Reviewing and assessing interdisciplinarity
Tourism Management, 2016,52:586-592.

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