

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-29

侯光良1,, 许长军2, 吕晨青1, 陈琼1, 兰措卓玛1
1. 青海师范大学地理科学学院,西宁 810008
2. 青海省地理空间信息技术与应用重点实验室,西宁 810000

The environmental background of Yangshao culture expansion in the mid-Holocene

HOUGuangliang1,, XUChangjun2, LUChenqing1, CHENQiong1, Lancuozhuoma1
1. School of Geographic Science, Qinghai Normal University, Xining 810008, China
2. Key Laboratory of Geographical Spatial Information Technology and Application of Qinghai Province, Xining 810000, China
版权声明:2019《地理研究》编辑部《地理研究》编辑部 所有
-->作者简介:侯光良(1972- ),博士,教授,研究方向环境变化与人类活动。E-mail: hgl20@163.com


黄河流域新石器文化在仰韶时期迅速扩张,由先前的以渭河流域为中心扩张到西至青海东部,东达黄河下游地区,北抵内蒙古长城一线,南至汉水流域的广大地区。全新世大暖期暖湿的气候条件与仰韶文化的迅速扩张关系密切。仰韶时期,黄土高原年均气温较现代高约2℃,年降水高出现代约100 mm,季风强劲,降水增加,400 mm等降水量线较现代向西北内陆推进200 km左右,黍粟作种植的范围扩大,仰韶文化相应扩张。400 mm等降水量线成为仰韶文化扩张的西界,也是全新世大暖期仰韶黍粟作种植区和北方细石器狩猎—采集区分界线。

关键词:仰韶文化;扩张;400 mm等降水量线;中全新世
Yangshao culture is the representative of the Holocene Neolithic culture in the north of China. The Neolithic culture in Yellow River Basin expanded quickly in the Yangshao period, from the previous Weihe River valley in the west to eastern Qinghai, east to the lower reaches of Yellow River, north to Chifeng of Inner Mongolia, and south to most parts of Hanshui River valley. The warm and wet Holocene megathermal climate conditions were closely related to the quick expansion of the Yangshao culture. In the Yangshao period, as the powerful monsoon increased rainfall, the 400 mm isohyet moved towards northwest about 200 km. This means that the northern monsoon boundary system has expanded to the northwest inland, resulting in the expansion of the cultivation of the millet, and the Yangshao culture, which is characterized by millet cultivation, has also expanded accordingly. The 400 mm isohyet became the west boundary of Yangshao culture expansion, as well as the boundary of Yangshao millet planting area and north microliths hunting-gathering area in the Holocene megathermal. The summer monsoon in northern China in the mid-Holocene period increased. The expansion of the monsoon to the interior led to the expansion of Yangshao culture in northern China. The expanded Yangshao culture also laid the early form of the relatively unified Chinese civilization, and eventually became one of the important sources of Chinese civilization.

Keywords:Yangshao culture;expansion;400 mm isohyet;mid-Holocene

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侯光良, 许长军, 吕晨青, 陈琼, 兰措卓玛. 中全新世仰韶文化扩张的环境背景[J]. 地理研究, 2019, 38(2): 437-444 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj020171214
HOU Guangliang, XU Changjun, LU Chenqing, CHEN Qiong, Lancuo zhuoma. The environmental background of Yangshao culture expansion in the mid-Holocene[J]. Geographical Research, 2019, 38(2): 437-444 https://doi.org/10.11821/dlyj020171214

1 引言

全新世大暖期(8.5 14C ka BP-3.0 14C ka BP)是近20 ka BP以来气温最高、降水最多的时期,当时中国北方气温较现代高2~3℃,降水多出100~150 mm[1]。现代的全球变暖在中国响应明显,中国近100年升温幅度为0.5~0.8℃,变暖主要表现在中国北方和青藏高原地区。近百年来中国年降水量呈现出明显的年际和年代际振荡,但趋势变化不明显,仅有微弱的减少[2]。因此目前的全球变暖在中国可能并未达到全新世暖期鼎盛期的气候状态,但现代的全球变暖具有加速变暖的趋势,可能在本世纪内全球气温升幅突破2℃,届时可能超过全新世大暖期鼎盛期的温暖程度[3],人类社会必将面临巨大挑战。过去全球变化(PAGES)强调将历史、史前时期的自然和人类系统的变化集成制图,从而研究其相互作用关系[4]。因此对全新世大暖期鼎盛期人类活动与气候变化的研究,对当今全球变暖下人类社会的适应与应对具有一定的借鉴意义。

2 仰韶文化的扩张

黄河流域新石器文化是中国北方新石器文化的代表,早期为前仰韶文化(又称大地湾文化或老官台文化),活动年代为8.2 ka BP-6.9 ka BP(未经标注者均为日历年)[5],主要分布在渭河中上游,泾水、西汉水上游以及丹江上游也有少量分布(图1a),目前发现遗址数量不到百处[6,7]。其后为仰韶文化,时代为7.0 ka BP-5.0 ka BP,其分布范围东起豫东,西至甘肃、青海,北到河套内蒙古长城一线,南抵江汉,分布中心在陕西渭河流域、河南西部和山西西南的广阔地带,文化遗址多达五千余处[7,8,9,10,11]
-->Fig. 1Yangshao culture expansion

前仰韶文化遗址分布在以渭河为中心的狭长地带,分布范围有限。在仰韶时期,文化分布范围较前仰韶文化期有显著扩张,文化遗址沿着渭河向西扩张,沿黄河、汾河谷地向东向北扩张(图1b)。仰韶文化又可以划分为半坡(7.0 ka BP-6.4 ka BP)、史家(6.3 ka BP-5.7 ka BP)和庙底沟(6.0 ka BP-5.0 ka BP)等发展阶段。半坡类型主要分布在渭河流域、豫西和晋南的三门峡地区,其影响南达汉水上游,西至洮河,北抵河套;史家类型分布大致和半坡相同,只是在关中地区南北侧有所扩大。最主要的扩张发生在庙底沟时期,其分布中心是渭河流域、豫西和晋南地区,但其分布范围西至青海东部,东达黄河下游地区,北抵内蒙古长城沿线,南部变化不大,维持在汉水流域,在庙底沟时期仰韶文化发展到鼎盛[11]

3 仰韶文化扩张的环境背景


3.1 仰韶文化扩张与全新世暖期鼎盛期

将黄河流域新石器文化中的前仰韶文化、仰韶文化时间序列与中国全新世气温集成序列[16]、岱海降水序列[17]、公海降水序列[18]及青海湖—达连海降水序列等[19]进行对比(图2):8.2 ka BP冷事件之后,中国气温迅速进入全新世大暖期最高期,并持续至6 ka BP前后;降水在8 ka BP之后逐渐上升。前仰韶文化是处在8.2 ka BP-7 ka BP期间强盛、持续暖期与降水不断增加的环境条件下发展起来的。仰韶文化半坡类型兴起于暖期最高期后期,史家类型经历了6.2 ka BP气候波动。庙底沟时期气候进入全新世大暖期次暖期,气温保持较平稳的温暖态势。当时中国北方气温高出现代2 ℃左右,全国百年尺度的年均温较现代高1 ℃以上;值得注意的是,公海和岱海降水记录均显示在6 ka BP-5 ka BP,降水达到全新世的最大值,当时降水高出现代约100 mm;地处季风边缘区的青海湖—达连海的降水记录也达到全新世期间的较大值,6 ka BP-5 ka BP高出现代约100 mm[19]。模拟结果也显示,全新世大暖期中国季风区面积较现代增加了10.7%,而降水较现代增加18.7%[20]。由于该时段气温保持全新世次高期,降水达到最大,水热条件的组合达到全新世最佳状态,而6 ka BP-5 ka BP正是仰韶文化庙底沟类型迅速扩张,文化达到鼎盛的时期。因此,仰韶文化的迅速扩张是在全新世大暖期鼎盛期的气候背景下进行的,前仰韶文化在暖期最盛期兴起,而文化迅速扩张期发生在全新世大暖期水热组合最佳时期,全新世大暖期鼎盛期为仰韶文化的迅速扩张和发展提供了有利的自然条件。
a. 考古文化,b. 中国全新世气温集成序列[16],c. 岱海降水[17],d. 公海降水[18],e. 青海湖—达连海降水[19]

-->Fig. 2Comparison of Neolithic and Holocene climate change in the Yellow River Basin

从仰韶时期的环境格局记录来看,在仰韶文化分布的核心地区,西安地区8.5 ka BP-5 ka BP植被为温带落叶阔叶林为主的森林草原并有亚热带植物侵入,气候温暖湿润[21]。六盘山以西黄土高原西部,在6.6 ka BP-5.8 ka BP期间有温带落叶阔叶林发育,是该区全新世最适宜期[22],并广泛分布有全新世大暖期湿润条件下形成的有机质含量高、含有水生—湿生类型的蜗牛沼泽—湿地相沉积[23]
在仰韶文化分布的边缘区,7 ka BP-5 ka BP也反映出较为暖湿的气候特点。现代季风边缘区都出现较现代更为暖湿的环境特征,岱海流域在7.6 ka BP-3.6 ka BP期间是降水充沛、植被丰盛、湖泊生产力旺盛的气候适宜期[24]。毛乌素沙地南缘的糜地湾,在约6.0 ka BP-3.5 ka BP,风成砂堆积被泥炭沉积取代,气候相对湿润[25];南缘的靖边5.5 ka BP前后气候最为湿润[26]。毛乌素沙地在全新世大暖期普遍发育了1~3层古土壤,榆林三道沟在7.5 ka BP-4 ka BP,发育有3层古土壤,从7.5 ka BP,磁化率上升,并在5.3 ka BP达到最大值,指示当时气候是全新世期间最为温暖湿润时期,古土壤发育,沙地被固定,植被为灌丛草原景观[27]。现代沙漠—黄土南界大体与森林—草原走向一致,也大致上与中国半干旱—半湿润的界线一致,大约东起呼伦贝尔沙地、松嫩沙地东缘,经科尔沁、浑善达克沙地南缘,过毛乌素沙漠、腾格里沙漠东南缘,蔓延至青藏高原共和盆地一线。在全新世暖期7.5 ka BP-5 ka BP,沙漠—黄土南界在中国东部地区向西或西北移动了200~250 km;在鄂尔多斯高原以西地区,西移幅度较小,约100~150 km[28]。可以看到仰韶文化迅速扩张的时期发生在7 ka BP-5 ka BP,而这一时期,正是中国北方自然环境最适宜期,降水丰沛、植被茂盛,气候温暖湿润,沙漠固定、古土壤发育、沙漠—黄土南界西移,因此从这个意义上说,7 ka BP-5 ka BP适宜的气候与自然环境条件是仰韶文化扩张的环境驱动力,由于气候较为湿润,古土壤发育、沙漠退缩,仰韶文化已经扩张到了现代毛乌素沙漠中。

3.2 仰韶文化的空间分布与气候要素格局的关系

为重建全新世大暖期中国北方的气温空间格局,搜集1980-2010年国内外公开发表的文献约80篇,整理全新世大暖期的气温数据,证据有孢粉、动植物大化石、古土壤、地球化学元素和考古证据等,重建方法包括生物化石环境指示法、孢粉转换函数、孢粉现代类比法、植物生境共存法等;搜集整理时段为7.0 ka BP-5.0 ka BP分布于中国古气温数据(采用6 ka BP标记);最终选用152条有确切空间位置、符合条件的古气温记录,利用ARCGIS空间插值法,并进行空间集成分析,重建全新世暖期中国北方气温空间格局(图3a)。该全新世大暖期气温空间分布是在前人基础上[1],利用近些年相关研究,集成重建得到;由于技术进步,相比前人的研究,可以利用的数据更多,空间分布上更有代表性,故重建的数据更准确,空间分辨率更高,尤其是中国北方黄土高原地区。可以看到,仰韶遗址分布的地区,年均气温在12 ℃以上,较现代普遍高2~3 ℃。根据考古证据,仰韶居民主要从事黍粟作种植业,黍作种植在前仰韶文化中已经出现,但在仰韶时期得到强化与发展,并波及中国北方[29],在诸多仰韶遗址中都发现了黍粟的遗存[30,31]。黍粟是喜温作物,生育期间要求≥10℃积温1600~3000 ℃,种子发芽最低温度7~8℃,最适温度15~25 ℃,最高温度30 ℃;苗期不能忍耐1~2 ℃低温,茎叶生长适宜温度22~25 ℃,灌浆期为20~22℃,低于15 ℃或高于23 ℃对灌浆不利[32]。仰韶分布区年均气温12 ℃以上,则≥10℃积温在3800 ℃以上,足以满足黍粟生长的热量条件。

-->Fig. 3Holocene warm period climate factors and Yangshao cultural sites[35]

对比仰韶遗址与全新世大暖期降水的空间分布(图3b),可以发现仰韶遗址基本分布在当时年降水量≥400 mm的地区。黍粟是一种耐旱、适应能力强、生长期短、易保存的旱作栽培植物,生长期需水量290~310 mm,黍粟作物要求全年最低降水量约380 mm[33],因此仰韶文化分布区也完全满足黍粟对水分的要求。而暖期降水量小于400 mm地区不见仰韶遗址分布,故6 ka BP时期400 mm等降水量线成为仰韶文化分布的西界。
考古证据表明全新世暖期北方农业文化遗存北界的大致位置为:从绥芬河至宁安镜泊湖南岸,经农安左家山、通辽,沿西拉木伦河北侧向西南延伸,至化德、商都,沿阴山南麓、大青山南麓至包头、乌拉特前旗,向南经东胜以西,鄂克托旗、杭锦旗以东,向西经宁夏固原、河西走廊至南经青海湖东缘一线[33]。该农业界限的中段大致和全新世暖期400 mm等降水量线分布一致。此线以西则是狩猎采集区,如河套地区、巴丹吉林沙漠等此时是以细小打制石器为特征的细石器文化,与之相适应的经济活动是狩猎采集,全新世晚期演变为游牧[34]
400 mm等降水量线是中国重要的自然地理分界线,它是季风区与非季风区、半湿润和半干旱地区、森林和草原的界线。因此全新世中期400 mm等降水量线不仅是一条重要的自然地理分界线,也是一条重要的人文地理分界线,它是北方细石器文化与仰韶文化的界线,也是黍粟旱作农业区与狩猎采集区的界线,全新世晚期则演变为农业与游牧的界线。400 mm等降水量线在中国北方大致走向为大兴安岭—阴山山脉—贺兰山—乌鞘岭一线。大暖期时夏季风势力强劲,季风区范围向内陆推进,400 mm等降水量线向西北内陆推进200 km左右。北方旱作相应向北扩展到现今半农半牧或畜牧为主的内蒙古长城一线及西北的甘青地区[29],导致了仰韶文化向西向北的扩张。因此从这个意义上说,夏季风的扩张,驱动了仰韶文化在地域上的扩张。

4 结论

(2)仰韶时期季风势力强劲,降水增加,400 mm等降水量线向内陆推进200 km左右;伴随降水增加,北方旱作农业也开始向西北内陆扩张,导致仰韶文化在地域上迅速扩张,400 mm等降水量线成为仰韶文化扩张的西界,也是全新世大暖期仰韶黍粟作种植区和北方细石器狩猎—采集者分界线。
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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[12]袁薇薇, 韩茂莉. 全新世中期青海海东地区聚落选址与环境解读
. 地理研究, 2013, 32(5): 942-951.
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2013050016URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
依托GIS技术,对全新世中期海东地区河湟谷地的聚落选址特征进行分析,指出马家窑文化、齐家文化、卡约-唐汪文化与辛店文化时期的聚落均对海拔2000~2200 m的高程区间具有强烈的选择倾向,这一首选海拔区间标识了全新世中期河湟谷地水热条件优良的森林与草原植被过渡地带.齐家文化之后的卡约一唐汪文化与辛店文化以2000~2200m海拔高程区间为核心,分别向较高海拔山区与较低海拔河谷地带扩展生存空间,且聚落分布重心发生迁移,聚落聚集程度降低.4000aBP前后气候开始转为干冷,导致高海拔山区森林退化与河谷水热条件变化,是齐家文化以后的人类文明对环境的适应方式发生变化的主要原因.
[Yuan Weiwei, Han Maoli.The explanation on the selection of settlements and environment in Haidong prefecture, Qinghai province during the mid-Holocene
. Geographical Research, 2013, 32(5): 942-951.]
https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2013050016URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
依托GIS技术,对全新世中期海东地区河湟谷地的聚落选址特征进行分析,指出马家窑文化、齐家文化、卡约-唐汪文化与辛店文化时期的聚落均对海拔2000~2200 m的高程区间具有强烈的选择倾向,这一首选海拔区间标识了全新世中期河湟谷地水热条件优良的森林与草原植被过渡地带.齐家文化之后的卡约一唐汪文化与辛店文化以2000~2200m海拔高程区间为核心,分别向较高海拔山区与较低海拔河谷地带扩展生存空间,且聚落分布重心发生迁移,聚落聚集程度降低.4000aBP前后气候开始转为干冷,导致高海拔山区森林退化与河谷水热条件变化,是齐家文化以后的人类文明对环境的适应方式发生变化的主要原因.
[13]Wu Wenxiang, Zheng Hongbo, Hou Mei, et al.The 5.5 cal ka BP climate event, population growth, circumscription and the emergence of the earliest complex societies in China
. Science China Earth Sciences, 2018, 61: 134-148.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-017-9157-1URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The emergence of complex society is a milestone in the history of human society evolution. China is one of the few regions in the world where the earliest complex society appeared; however, its driving mechanisms remain unresolved. On the base of available evidence from both archaeology and Holocene climate, in combination with agency theory, this study attempts to address the driving mechanisms for the simultaneous emergence of complex societies in multiple areas of China around 5.5 cal ka BP. It is hypothesized that three factors, including climate change, population growth, and circumscription, jointly act and cause regional population-resource imbalance and trigger inter-group conflicts and wars. Such competitions provide the opportunity for some power-pursuing agents to break the restriction of social leveling mechanism and to become the centralized decision-making leaders, which further lead to the emergence of incipient large-scale complex societies. Increase in extreme climate events during 6.0 5.0 cal ka BP cooling period causes frequent occurrence of resource stress and increase in the frequency of inter-group competitions, which creates conditions for the legitimation, institutionalization, and persistence of centralized leadership, and finally leads to the formation of persistent institutionalized inequity. Our research result can explain not only the process and mechanism of complex society formation, but also two phenomena which cannot be reasonably explained by previous theories, that are, why the earliest complex societies in China emerge around 5.5 cal ka BP, and why they appear simultaneously in multiple regions.
[14]Zheng Hongbo, Zhou Yousheng, Yang Qing, et al.Spatial and temporal distribution of Neolithic sites in coastal China: Sea level changes, geomorphic evolution and human adaption
. Science China Earth Sciences, 2018, 61: 123-133.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-017-9121-yURL [本文引用: 1]摘要
The East China coastal plain is one of the most important Neolithic culture areas in China, where rich archaeological sites including those producing the earliest domesticated rice are observed. It is also a place where landscape has experienced dramatic evolution during the Holocene when both sea level and climate changed, such that it is an ideal place for studying human-environment interaction. This study investigated over 2000 sites of pre-history and Shang and Zhou Dynasties, with 655 of which being Neolithic ages, by using DEM and GIS methods. The results suggest that the spatial and temporal distribution of Neolithic sites has largely been controlled by landscape evolution(particularly changes in coastal line), which ultimately governed by sea level changes. During early Holocene, Neolithic sites sparsely distributed in the intermountain basins of east Zhejiang Province, far from the influence of ocean. Over the period of 9鈥7 ka, the coastal plain(including the shelf) was largely submerged,only the feet of low hills to the south and southwest of the study area, and islands protruding the estuary, cradled limited number of settlements with characteristic "maritime components". At about 7 ka, sea level rise decelerated prominently, while sediments supply in the drainage remained high value, the combination of which led to land formation and propagation. Vast space during this period facilitated the growth of settlements in both size and number. In the mean time, however, the coastal plain was vulnerable to extreme environmental events such as storms and flooding owning to its geomorphic nature, which exerted great influence on the rise and fall of Neolithic culture.
[15]李小强. 中国全新世气候和农业活动研究新进展
. 中国科学: 地球科学, 2013, 43(12): 1919-1928.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
中国科学院机构知识库(CAS IR GRID)以发展机构知识能力和知识管理能力为目标,快速实现对本机构知识资产的收集、长期保存、合理传播利用,积极建设对知识内容进行捕获、转化、传播、利用和审计的能力,逐步建设包括知识内容分析、关系分析和能力审计在内的知识服务能力,开展综合知识管理。
[Li Xiaoqiang.New developments in China's Holocene climate and agricultural activities
. Scientia Sinica: Terrae, 2013, 43(12): 1919-1928.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
中国科学院机构知识库(CAS IR GRID)以发展机构知识能力和知识管理能力为目标,快速实现对本机构知识资产的收集、长期保存、合理传播利用,积极建设对知识内容进行捕获、转化、传播、利用和审计的能力,逐步建设包括知识内容分析、关系分析和能力审计在内的知识服务能力,开展综合知识管理。
[16]方修琦, 侯光良. 中国全新世气温序列的集成重建
. 地理科学, 2011, 31(4): 385-393.
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
About 1397 temperature records during the Holocene are collected to establish a temperature data set of the Holocene in China. 1140 of the 1397 records are available after eliminated the abnormal values statistically. There are more than 10 available records in most centuries during the Holocene in China. A synthesis reconstruction method, named the converted single sample from local to regional and averaged by the multiple samples, are designed to quantitatively reconstruct temperature change during the Holocene in China. The synthetically reconstructed Holocene temperature series in China ensures both the quantification and the higher temporal resolution continuously. According to the reconstructed temperature series, the Holocene temperature change in China could be obviously divided into three stages. The early Holocene (11.5-8.9 ka B.P.) was warming period when the temperature rose to near the present with fluctuation. The mid Holocene (8.9-4.0 ka B.P.) was a warmer period named the Holocene Megathermal, when the temperature was 1 ℃ higher than the present in average, with 1.5℃ higher than the present in maximum during 8.0–6.4 ka BP. The late Holocene (after 4.0 ka BP) was a cooling period.
[Fang Xiuqi, Hou Guangliang.Synthetically reconstructed Holocene temperature change in China
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011, 31(4): 385-393.]
URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
About 1397 temperature records during the Holocene are collected to establish a temperature data set of the Holocene in China. 1140 of the 1397 records are available after eliminated the abnormal values statistically. There are more than 10 available records in most centuries during the Holocene in China. A synthesis reconstruction method, named the converted single sample from local to regional and averaged by the multiple samples, are designed to quantitatively reconstruct temperature change during the Holocene in China. The synthetically reconstructed Holocene temperature series in China ensures both the quantification and the higher temporal resolution continuously. According to the reconstructed temperature series, the Holocene temperature change in China could be obviously divided into three stages. The early Holocene (11.5-8.9 ka B.P.) was warming period when the temperature rose to near the present with fluctuation. The mid Holocene (8.9-4.0 ka B.P.) was a warmer period named the Holocene Megathermal, when the temperature was 1 ℃ higher than the present in average, with 1.5℃ higher than the present in maximum during 8.0–6.4 ka BP. The late Holocene (after 4.0 ka BP) was a cooling period.
[17]许清海, 肖举乐, 中村俊夫, . 孢粉资料定量重建全新世以来岱海盆地的古气候
. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2003, 23(4): 99-108.
[本文引用: 2]

[Xu Qinghai, Xiao Jule, Nakamura Toshio, et al.Quantitative reconstructed climatic changes of daihai basin by pollen data
. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology , 2003, 23(4): 99-108.]
[本文引用: 2]
[18]Chen Fahu, Xu Qinghai, Chen Jianhui, et al.2015. East Asian summer monsoon precipitation variability since the last deglaciation
. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5: 11186.
https://doi.org/10.1038/srep11186URLPMID:4471663 [本文引用: 2]摘要
The lack of a precisely-dated, unequivocal climate proxy from northern China, where precipitation variability is traditionally considered as an East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) indicator, impedes our understanding of the behaviour and dynamics of the EASM. Here we present a well-dated, pollen-based, ~20-yr-resolution quantitative precipitation reconstruction (derived using a transfer function) from an alpine lake in North China, which provides for the first time a direct record of EASM evolution since 14.765ka (ka65=65thousands of years before present, where the “present” is defined as the year AD 1950). Our record reveals a gradually intensifying monsoon from 14.7–7.065ka, a maximum monsoon (30% higher precipitation than present) from ~7.8–5.365ka, and a rapid decline since ~3.365ka. These insolation-driven EASM trends were punctuated by two millennial-scale weakening events which occurred synchronously to the cold Younger Dryas and at ~9.5–8.565ka, and by two centennial-scale intervals of enhanced (weakened) monsoon during the Medieval Warm Period (Little Ice Age). Our precipitation reconstruction, consistent with temperature changes but quite different from the prevailing view of EASM evolution, points to strong internal feedback processes driving the EASM, and may aid our understanding of future monsoon behaviour under ongoing anthropogenic climate change.
[19]Li Jianyong, Dodson John, Yan Hong, et al.Quantitative precipitation estimates for the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau over the last 18, 000 years
. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 2017, 122(10), doi: 10.1002/2016JD026333.
URL [本文引用: 3]摘要
Quantitative information regarding the long-term variability of precipitation and vegetation during the period covering both the Late Glacial and the Holocene on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) is scarce. Herein, we provide new and numerical reconstructions for annual mean precipitation (PANN) and vegetation history over the last 18,000 years using high-resolution pollen data from Lakes Dalianhai and Qinghai on the northeastern QTP. Hitherto, five calibration techniques including weighted averaging, weighted average-partial least squares regression, modern analogue technique, locally weighted weighted averaging regression, and maximum likelihood were first employed to construct robust inference models and to produce reliable PANN estimates on the QTP. The biomization method was applied for reconstructing the vegetation dynamics. The study area was dominated by steppe and characterized with a highly variable, relatively dry climate at 18,000-11,000 cal years B.P. PANN increased since the early Holocene, obtained a maximum at 8000-3000 cal years B.P. with coniferous-temperate mixed forest as the dominant biome, and thereafter declined to present. The PANN reconstructions are broadly consistent with other proxy-based paleoclimatic records from the northeastern QTP and the northern region of monsoonal China. The possible mechanisms behind the precipitation changes may be tentatively attributed to the internal feedback processes of higher latitude (e.g., North Atlantic) and lower latitude (e.g., subtropical monsoon) competing climatic regimes, which are primarily modulated by solar energy output as the external driving force. These findings may provide important insights into understanding the future Asian precipitation dynamics under the projected global warming.
[20]Tian Zhiping, Jiang Dabang.Mid-Holocene and last glacial maximum changes in monsoon area and precipitation over China
. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2015, 60(4): 400-410.
https://doi.org/10.1360/N972014-00718URL [本文引用: 1]
[21]李秉成, 孙建中. 黄土高原西安地区全新世的植被与气候环境
. 海洋地质与第四纪地质, 2005, 25(3): 125-132.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Li Bingcheng, Sun Jianzhong.Vegetation and climate environment during Holocene in Xi'an region of loess plateau
. Marine Geology and Quaternary Geology, 2005, 25(3): 125-132.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
[22]孙爱芝, 冯兆东, 唐领余, . 13 kaBP以来黄土高原西部的植被与环境演化
. 地理学报, 2008, 63(3): 280-292.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.03.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Pollen records from the Chinese Loess Plateau revealed a detailed history of vegetation variation and associated climate changes during the last 13.0 ka BP.Before 12.1 ka BP,steppe or desert-steppe vegetation dominated landscape then was replaced by a coniferous forest under a generally wet climate(12.1-11.0 ka BP).The vegetation was deteriorated into steppe landscape and further into a desert-steppe landscape between 11.0 and 9.8 ka BP.After a brief episode of a cool and wet climate(9.8-9.6 ka BP),a relatively mild and dry condition prevailed during the early Holocene(9.6-7.6 ka BP).The most favourable climate of warm and humid period occurred during mid-Holocene(7.6-~4.0 ka BP)marked by forest-steppe landscape and vegetation alternatively changed between steppe and desert-steppe from~4.0 to~1.0 ka BP.
[Sun Aizhi, Feng Zhaodong, Tang Jieyu, et al.Vegetation and environmental evolution in the west of Loess Plateau since 13 ka BP
. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2008, 63(3): 280-292.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.03.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Pollen records from the Chinese Loess Plateau revealed a detailed history of vegetation variation and associated climate changes during the last 13.0 ka BP.Before 12.1 ka BP,steppe or desert-steppe vegetation dominated landscape then was replaced by a coniferous forest under a generally wet climate(12.1-11.0 ka BP).The vegetation was deteriorated into steppe landscape and further into a desert-steppe landscape between 11.0 and 9.8 ka BP.After a brief episode of a cool and wet climate(9.8-9.6 ka BP),a relatively mild and dry condition prevailed during the early Holocene(9.6-7.6 ka BP).The most favourable climate of warm and humid period occurred during mid-Holocene(7.6-~4.0 ka BP)marked by forest-steppe landscape and vegetation alternatively changed between steppe and desert-steppe from~4.0 to~1.0 ka BP.
[23]安成邦, 冯兆东, 唐领余. 黄土高原西部全新世中期湿润气候的证据
. 科学通报, 2003, 48(21): 2280-2287.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0023-074X.2003.21.014URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
野外调查表明, 沼泽-湿地相地层在黄土高原西部广泛分布. 地层分布的连续广泛性说明这是大范围湿润气候条件下的产物. 测年结果显示黄土高原西部的沼泽-湿地相地层形成时代是一致的, 为9~3.8 kaBP. 该地层有机质含量很高, 水生-湿生类型的蜗牛在该地层中大量出现, 指示气候湿润. 粒度记录表明9~3.8 kaBP冬季风减弱. 孢粉记录表明, 从9 kaBP开始, 黄土高原西部河谷区植被逐步繁茂, 孢粉组合中乔、灌木成分的含量最高可达80%以上, 气候湿润程度增加. 5.9 kaBP以后气候湿润程度逐渐降低, 3.8 kaBP夏季风强烈衰退, 气候总体趋向干旱.
[An Chengbang, Feng Zhaodong, Tang Jieyu.Evidences of the humid climate in the mid-Holocene in the western Loess Plateau
. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2003, 48(21): 2280-2287.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0023-074X.2003.21.014URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
野外调查表明, 沼泽-湿地相地层在黄土高原西部广泛分布. 地层分布的连续广泛性说明这是大范围湿润气候条件下的产物. 测年结果显示黄土高原西部的沼泽-湿地相地层形成时代是一致的, 为9~3.8 kaBP. 该地层有机质含量很高, 水生-湿生类型的蜗牛在该地层中大量出现, 指示气候湿润. 粒度记录表明9~3.8 kaBP冬季风减弱. 孢粉记录表明, 从9 kaBP开始, 黄土高原西部河谷区植被逐步繁茂, 孢粉组合中乔、灌木成分的含量最高可达80%以上, 气候湿润程度增加. 5.9 kaBP以后气候湿润程度逐渐降低, 3.8 kaBP夏季风强烈衰退, 气候总体趋向干旱.
[24]孙千里, 周杰, 沈吉, . 北方环境敏感带岱海湖泊沉积所记录的全新世中期环境特征
. 中国科学: 地球科学, 2006, 36(9): 838-849.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1006-9267.2006.09.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
对中国北方环境敏感带封闭湖泊岱海获得的高质量沉积物岩芯,进行了年代学、以及有机质含量(TOC,TN)、碳酸盐含量(CaCO3)和孢粉等代用气候环境指标的测试与分析.结果表明:全新世以来岱海沉积物中TOC,TN等有机质含量的变化与孢粉百分含量、孢粉通量的变化相当吻合,并在约6.7~3.5ka BP(日历年约7.6~3.6ka BP)期间达到全新世以来的高值;6.7ka BP以来,沉积物中碳酸盐含量与有机质含量的变化也具有很好的相关性,也在6.7~3.5ka BP期间达到峰值;而在早全新世及中全新世早期9.0~6.7ka BP(日历年龄约10~7.6ka BP)期间,相对较低的有机质含量、孢粉通量却对应较高的碳酸盐含量.上述关系揭示:在6.7~3.5ka BP期间,岱海流域生产力、有效降水条件均得到很大增强,进而有可能在水动力条件增强的情况下,携带较多的流域有机质、花粉以及碳酸盐类物质入湖,并造成有机质和碳酸盐的同时富集.而9.0~6.7ka BP期间,较低的有机质含量、孢粉通量以及高碳酸盐含量恰恰说明在流域有效降水减少、植被相对匮乏的背景下,湖泊自身可能的高蒸发率.二者具有不同的气候环境背景.基于上述认识,认为中全新世6.7~3.5ka BP期间极可能是岱海流域降水充沛、植被丰盛的气候适宜期,而不是通常认为的中全新世早期或早全新世.
[Sun Qianli, Zhou Jie, Shen Ji, et al.Holocene mid-term environmental characteristics recorded by Daihai Lake deposition in northern China
. Scientia Sinica: Terrae, 2006, 36(9): 838-849.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1006-9267.2006.09.006URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
对中国北方环境敏感带封闭湖泊岱海获得的高质量沉积物岩芯,进行了年代学、以及有机质含量(TOC,TN)、碳酸盐含量(CaCO3)和孢粉等代用气候环境指标的测试与分析.结果表明:全新世以来岱海沉积物中TOC,TN等有机质含量的变化与孢粉百分含量、孢粉通量的变化相当吻合,并在约6.7~3.5ka BP(日历年约7.6~3.6ka BP)期间达到全新世以来的高值;6.7ka BP以来,沉积物中碳酸盐含量与有机质含量的变化也具有很好的相关性,也在6.7~3.5ka BP期间达到峰值;而在早全新世及中全新世早期9.0~6.7ka BP(日历年龄约10~7.6ka BP)期间,相对较低的有机质含量、孢粉通量却对应较高的碳酸盐含量.上述关系揭示:在6.7~3.5ka BP期间,岱海流域生产力、有效降水条件均得到很大增强,进而有可能在水动力条件增强的情况下,携带较多的流域有机质、花粉以及碳酸盐类物质入湖,并造成有机质和碳酸盐的同时富集.而9.0~6.7ka BP期间,较低的有机质含量、孢粉通量以及高碳酸盐含量恰恰说明在流域有效降水减少、植被相对匮乏的背景下,湖泊自身可能的高蒸发率.二者具有不同的气候环境背景.基于上述认识,认为中全新世6.7~3.5ka BP期间极可能是岱海流域降水充沛、植被丰盛的气候适宜期,而不是通常认为的中全新世早期或早全新世.
[25]Weijian Z, Donahue D J, Porter S C, et al.Variability of monsoon climate in East Asian at the end of the last glaciation
. Quaternary Research: Orlando, 1996, 46(3): 219-229.
https://doi.org/10.1006/qres.1996.0062URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
High-resolution paleomonsoon proxy records from peat and eolian sand090009paleosol sequences at the desert090009loess transition zone in China denote a rapid oscillation from cold090009dry conditions (11,20009000910,600 14C yr B.P.) to cool090009humid conditions (10,60009000910,200 14C yr B.P.), followed by a return to cold090009dry climate (10,20009000910,000 14C yr B.P.). Variations in precipitation proxies suggest that significant climatic variability occurred in monsoonal eastern Asia during the Younger Dryas interval. Late-glacial climate in the Chinese desert090009loess belt that lies downwind from Europe was strongly influenced by cold air from high latitudes and from the North Atlantic via the westerlies. The inferred precipitation variations were likely caused by variations in the strength of the Siberian high, which influenced the pressure gradient between land and ocean and therefore influenced the position of the East Asian monsoon front.
[26]Xiao J, Nakamura T, Lu H, et al.Holocene climate changes over the desert/loess transition of North-central China
. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2002, 197(1-2): 1-18.
https://doi.org/10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00477-6URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
Glacial isostatic adjustment data are commonly used to invert for the radial viscosity structure of the mantle. However, the effects of lateral variations in mantle viscosity in such inversions are not yet accounted for. Here we analysed synthetic sea-level data for the Fennoscandian region, which are derived from a three-dimensional (3D) earth model with realistic lateral and vertical viscosity variations deduced from seismological and geological information. The inversion of the 3D synthetic data for a best-fitting 1D viscosity profile reveals that (i) lateral lithospheric thickness variations can be detected with 1D model predictions, if the data are grouped into regional subsets, (ii) combined lateral variations in lithospheric thickness and asthenospheric viscosity are not properly resolved with 1D model predictions, and (iii) the spatial and temporal distribution of observational data strongly affects the resulting 1D viscosity profile.
[27]高尚玉, 陈渭南, 靳鹤龄, . 全新世中国季风区西北缘沙漠演化初步研究
. 中国科学: 化学, 1993, 23(2): 202-208.
URL [本文引用: 1]

[Gao Shangyu, Chen Weinan, Jin Heling, et al.Preliminary study on desert evolution of Northwest China in Monsoon region of Holocene
. Scientia Sinica: Chimica, 1993, 23(2): 202-208.]
URL [本文引用: 1]
[28]靳鹤龄, 董光荣, 苏志珠, . 全新世沙漠—黄土边界带空间格局的重建
. 科学通报, 2001, 46(7): 538-543.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0023-074X.2001.07.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Jin Heling, Dong Guangrong, Su Zhizhu, et al.The reconstruction of spatial pattern of Holocene desert-loess boundary zone
. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2001, 46(7): 538-543.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0023-074X.2001.07.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[29]董广辉, 张山佳, 杨谊时, . 中国北方新石器时代农业强化及对环境的影响
. 科学通报, 2016, 61(26): 2913-2925.
https://doi.org/10.1360/N972016-00547URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
人类世是当前备受关注的热点科学问题, 尚存在较多争议. 研究不同时空尺度人类活动对环境的影响, 对探讨该问题具有重要意义. 本研究系统总结了中国北方新石器时代植物考古、骨骼碳同位素和碳十四测年的研究进展, 并与古环境记录中黑炭研究进行对比, 梳理了中国北方新石器时代粟黍农业强化和扩张的时空过程, 及其对环境的可能影响. 结果显示, 距今10000~7000年前, 中国北方整体处于原始粟黍农业阶段, 距今7700年之后在内蒙古东部出现最早粟黍农业经济的迹象; 距今7000~6000年前, 粟黍生产中心转移至关中地区, 是粟黍农业建立的过渡时期; 距今6000~4000年前, 粟黍农业在中国北方广泛扩张, 推动了新石器晚期文化的繁盛和人口的显著增长. 中国北方新石器时代黑炭指标(EC-soot)的时空变化过程与粟黍农业强化和扩张过程有很好的对应, 显示粟黍农业生产活动对火灾频率产生了重要的影响. 本研究为理解新石器时代粟黍农业发展历程和人与环境的相互作用, 深入探讨人类世问题提供了重要的研究案例.
[Dong Guanghui, Zhang Shanjia, Yang Yishi, et al.Agriculture intensified in the Neolithic Age in northern China and its impact on the environment
. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2016, 61(26): 2913-2925.]
https://doi.org/10.1360/N972016-00547URL [本文引用: 2]摘要
人类世是当前备受关注的热点科学问题, 尚存在较多争议. 研究不同时空尺度人类活动对环境的影响, 对探讨该问题具有重要意义. 本研究系统总结了中国北方新石器时代植物考古、骨骼碳同位素和碳十四测年的研究进展, 并与古环境记录中黑炭研究进行对比, 梳理了中国北方新石器时代粟黍农业强化和扩张的时空过程, 及其对环境的可能影响. 结果显示, 距今10000~7000年前, 中国北方整体处于原始粟黍农业阶段, 距今7700年之后在内蒙古东部出现最早粟黍农业经济的迹象; 距今7000~6000年前, 粟黍生产中心转移至关中地区, 是粟黍农业建立的过渡时期; 距今6000~4000年前, 粟黍农业在中国北方广泛扩张, 推动了新石器晚期文化的繁盛和人口的显著增长. 中国北方新石器时代黑炭指标(EC-soot)的时空变化过程与粟黍农业强化和扩张过程有很好的对应, 显示粟黍农业生产活动对火灾频率产生了重要的影响. 本研究为理解新石器时代粟黍农业发展历程和人与环境的相互作用, 深入探讨人类世问题提供了重要的研究案例.
[30]张东菊, 陈发虎, Bettinger R L, . 甘肃大地湾遗址距今6万年来的考古记录与旱作农业起源
. 科学通报, 2010, 55(10): 887-894.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>报道了中国北方早期旱作农业起源地之一的甘肃秦安大地湾遗址Dadiwan06探方的最新发掘成果, 根据黄土-古土壤序列、绝对测年(AMS <sup>14</sup>C和光释光测年)、气候事件年龄和考古分析, 为Dadiwan06探方的地层沉积建立了6.5万年的年代框架. 考古材料分析显示, Dadiwan06探方完整记录了石英打制技术制品、细石器技术制品、大地湾一期文化以及仰韶文化陶器制品等分别代表中国北方原始采集狩猎经济、先进采集狩猎经济、早期栽培经济与成熟农业经济的4个不同发展阶段, 反映了大地湾遗址距今6.0万年以来由采集狩猎经济逐步向农业经济过渡的持续人类活动历史.</p>
[Zhang Dongju, Chen Fahu, Bettinger R L, et al.Archaeological records of Dadiwan in the past 60 ka and the origin of millet agriculture
. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(10): 887-894.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
<p>报道了中国北方早期旱作农业起源地之一的甘肃秦安大地湾遗址Dadiwan06探方的最新发掘成果, 根据黄土-古土壤序列、绝对测年(AMS <sup>14</sup>C和光释光测年)、气候事件年龄和考古分析, 为Dadiwan06探方的地层沉积建立了6.5万年的年代框架. 考古材料分析显示, Dadiwan06探方完整记录了石英打制技术制品、细石器技术制品、大地湾一期文化以及仰韶文化陶器制品等分别代表中国北方原始采集狩猎经济、先进采集狩猎经济、早期栽培经济与成熟农业经济的4个不同发展阶段, 反映了大地湾遗址距今6.0万年以来由采集狩猎经济逐步向农业经济过渡的持续人类活动历史.</p>
[31]赵志军. 中国古代农业的形成过程: 浮选出土植物遗存证据
. 第四纪研究, 2014, 34(1): 73-84.
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2014.10URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[Zhao Zhijun.The process of origion of agriculture in China: Archaeological evidence from flotation results
. Quaternary Sciences, 2014, 34(1): 73-84.]
https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-7410.2014.10URLMagsci [本文引用: 1]摘要
[32]程纯枢. 中国的气候与农业. 北京: 气象出版社, 1991. [本文引用: 1]

[Cheng Chunshu.Climate and Agriculture in China. Beijing: Meteorological Press, 1991.] [本文引用: 1]
[33]方修琦, 章文波, 张兰生. 全新世暖期我国土地利用的格局及其意义
. 自然资源学报, 1998, 13(1): 16-22.
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-3037.1998.01.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[Fang Xiuqi, Zhang wenbo, Zhang lansheng. The land use arrangement of China in the Holocene megathermal period and its significance
. Journal of Natural Resources, 1998, 13(1): 16-22.]
https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-3037.1998.01.003URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
[34]陈胜前. 中国晚更新世—早全新世过渡期狩猎采集者的适应变迁
. 人类学学报, 2006, 25(3): 195-207.
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
晚更新世之末到全新世之初是史前人类适应行为发生急剧改变的重要 时期,其代表性的变化就是食物生产的起源.考古发现的证据与生态模拟的预测、推导相对比,显示出良好的耦合性.考古证据还显示这个时期的狩猎采集者采用了 多样的适应模式以应对环境变化的挑战,食物生产并非唯一的选择;与此同时,食物生产的产生对环境和文化系统的初始条件具有强烈的依赖性.尽管晚更新世之末 迅速的环境变化促进了食物生产的起源,但是考古材料与模拟的耦合、狩猎采集者适应变迁的多样性、食物生产起源的特殊机制都显示出这个时期的人类文化行为系 统在生计模式的选择之间保持着一定的张力,以最好地适应环境的变化.
[Chen Shengqian.Adaptive changes of hunter-gatherers during the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene transition in China
. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2006, 25(3): 195-207.]
URL [本文引用: 1]摘要
晚更新世之末到全新世之初是史前人类适应行为发生急剧改变的重要 时期,其代表性的变化就是食物生产的起源.考古发现的证据与生态模拟的预测、推导相对比,显示出良好的耦合性.考古证据还显示这个时期的狩猎采集者采用了 多样的适应模式以应对环境变化的挑战,食物生产并非唯一的选择;与此同时,食物生产的产生对环境和文化系统的初始条件具有强烈的依赖性.尽管晚更新世之末 迅速的环境变化促进了食物生产的起源,但是考古材料与模拟的耦合、狩猎采集者适应变迁的多样性、食物生产起源的特殊机制都显示出这个时期的人类文化行为系 统在生计模式的选择之间保持着一定的张力,以最好地适应环境的变化.
[35]方修琦, 刘翠华, 侯光良. 中国全新世暖期降水格局的集成重建
. 地理科学, 2011, 31(11): 1287-1292.
URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
根据国内外公开发表的各类文献,搜集整理中国全新世暖期6.5~5.5 ka B.P.的定量古降水记录,采用空间集成重建方法对原始记录进行重复记录归并和空间集成分析,获得271个地点的有效降水记录,据此重建中国全新世暖期的降水格局。结果表明:全新世暖期,中国年降水量普遍高出现代50~300 mm;降水绝对增幅以长江中下游地区最大,增加250~300 mm,向南北递减,东南沿海约增加100 mm,至西北地区只增加约50 mm;相对增幅从东南沿海向西北内陆递增,东南沿海仅高出现代的15%~25%,西北及青藏高原地区可高出现代1倍左右。
[Fang Xiuqi, Liu Cuihua, Hou Guangliang.Reconstruction of precipitation pattern of China in the Holocene Megathermal
. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2011, 31(11): 1287-1292.]
URLMagsci [本文引用: 2]摘要
根据国内外公开发表的各类文献,搜集整理中国全新世暖期6.5~5.5 ka B.P.的定量古降水记录,采用空间集成重建方法对原始记录进行重复记录归并和空间集成分析,获得271个地点的有效降水记录,据此重建中国全新世暖期的降水格局。结果表明:全新世暖期,中国年降水量普遍高出现代50~300 mm;降水绝对增幅以长江中下游地区最大,增加250~300 mm,向南北递减,东南沿海约增加100 mm,至西北地区只增加约50 mm;相对增幅从东南沿海向西北内陆递增,东南沿海仅高出现代的15%~25%,西北及青藏高原地区可高出现代1倍左右。
相关话题/环境 农业 文化 考古 空间