1. 郑州大学历史学院, 河南 郑州 450001
2. 中国国家博物馆, 北京 100006
3. 山西省考古研究所, 山西 太原 030001
4. 北京大学考古文博学院, 北京 100871
基金项目: 国家文物局"十三五"考古专题项目子课题"河套地区聚落与社会研究"和"郑州大学青年教师启动基金项目"共同资助
作者简介: 蒋宇超, 女, 29岁, 讲师, 植物考古学专业, E-mail:13298176355@163.com
中图分类号: K871.2;Q914 收稿日期:2018-10-09
Plant macro-remains reveals the agricultural pattern and regional variation of Shanxi plateau during Longshan Period
Jiang Yuchao1,,Dai Xiangming2,
Wang Lizhi2,
Wang Xiaoyi3,
Qin Ling4
1. School of History, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan
2. National Museum of China, Beijing 100006
3. Shanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Taiyuan 030001, Shanxi
4. School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University, Beijing 100871
MSC: K871.2;Q914
--> Received Date: 09 October 2018
Revised Date: 25 November 2018
Publish Date: 30 January 2019
摘要:山西高原是新石器时代末期龙山时代(公元前2900~1800年)具有重要历史地位的区域,研究该区域的史前农业发展状况对于理解其社会复杂化和文明化的经济基础有十分重要的作用。文章利用系统浮选的方法在山西高原的滹沱河上游、蔚汾河流域的考古调查和周家庄遗址的考古发掘过程中提取大植物遗存,获得龙山时期数量众多的以农作物为主的炭化植物种子。在山西高原两处流域的考古调查和周家庄遗址的考古发掘中,共采集、分析浮选样品218份,发现44500余粒炭化植物种子,包括19301粒粟(Setaria italica)、6697粒黍(Panicum miliaceum)、少量水稻遗存(Oryza sativa)以及18456粒杂草种子。出土的大植物遗存显示,山西高原龙山时期的农业经济是以种植粟和黍为主的旱作农业,粟居于主要地位;同时,在山西高原的不同区域农作物结构存在一定的区域差异,在滹沱河上游和蔚汾河流域黍的比例较晋南临汾-运城盆地更高;炭化水稻虽在各个区域均有出土,但在滹沱河上游和蔚汾河流域水稻的比例较晋南临汾-运城盆地要低很多。对山西高原各重要区域考古遗址出土大植物遗存的直接研究,填补了山西高原植物考古工作的空白,对理解山西高原史前社会的经济基础提供了重要的实物资料,为探寻史前人类的农业活动与自然环境、考古学文化之间的关系,深入研究人地关系提供了重要证据。
关键词: 山西高原/
Abstract:It is generally believed that foxtail millet and broomcorn millet farming originated and developed in Northern China. Shanxi plateau has long been considered to play an important role in the emergence of social complexity in Northern China during the Longshan Period(2900~1800 B. C.), which represents the transition from Neolithic to the Bronze Age. It is very important to research on the prehistoric agriculture in Shanxi plateau for better understanding the economic base in the process of social complexity and civilization in the Longshan Period.
Here we report on systematic flotation and analyses of plant macro-remains from regional survey and excavation at several sites, which include the archaeological survey in the upper Hutuo River region, the archaeological survey in Yufen River region and the excavations at Zhoujiazhuang site. In the upper Hutuo River region we have investigated 28 sites and 73 flotation samples were taken from pit fills; in Yufen River region we have investigated 5 sites and 26 flotation samples were taken from pit fills and house foundations; during continuous excavations from 2007 to 2015 in Zhoujiazhuang site we took 119 flotation samples from pit fills and house foundations. All of the flotation samples reported in this paper date to the Longshan Period.
A total of more than 44500 charred seeds were identified, including 19301 foxtail millet(Setaria italica), 6697 broomcorn millet(Panicum miliaceum), 146 rice(Oryza sativa) and 18456 weed seeds. Data from current flotation indicate that the agriculture in Shanxi plateau was dominant by millets, including foxtail millet and broomcorn millet. The proportion of foxtail millet in the crops is 62.4% and the proportion of common millet is 37.4% in Hutuo River. The proportion of foxtail millet in the crops is 81.9% and the proportion of common millet is 17.9% in Yufen River. But the percentage of foxtail millet in the crops is over 90% while the percentage of common millet is only 7% in Zhoujiazhuang Site. And there is a minor adoption on rice varied through sites. Even though mainly relied on both foxtail millet and broomcorn millet, differences inter areas were obvious in the Longshan Period:foxtail millet only had a small advantage over broomcorn millet in northern areas of Shanxi plateau, but occupied overwhelming majority in southern areas of Shanxi plateau.
Our study provides new data on the prehistoric subsistence in the Shanxi plateau. These results are significant for understanding the relationship between prehistoric agriculture, environment and material cultures diversities, especially for exploring the relationship between human and land ecologically.
Key words:Shanxi plateau/
Longshan Period/
millet agriculture/
plant macro-remains/