

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-03

1. 山东大学历史文化学院, 山东 济南 250100
2. 山东大学文化遗产研究院, 山东 济南 250100

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目"基于环境与农业的鲁北地区龙山文化人地关系研究"(批准号:41771230)、国家社会科学基金重大项目"史前时期中西文化交流"(批准号:12 & ZD151)和山东大学人文社会科学重大项目"海岱地区龙山时代生业经济研究"(批准号:17RWZD07)共同资助

作者简介: 郭荣臻, 男, 30岁, 博士研究生, 考古学专业, E-mail:guorongzhen100@163.com
通讯作者: 靳桂云, E-mail:gyjin@sdu.edu.cn
中图分类号: K871.2;Q914


Study on the wheat agriculture in the pre-Qin period of Haidai Region

Guo Rongzhen1,,
Jin Guiyun2,,
1. School of History and Culture, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, Shandong
2. Institute of Cultural Heritage, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, Shandong

More Information
Corresponding author: Jin Guiyun,E-mail:gyjin@sdu.edu.cn
MSC: K871.2;Q914

--> Received Date: 07 September 2018
Revised Date: 15 November 2018
Publish Date: 30 January 2019


The introduction of wheat crops into China and the early development of wheat agriculture have been unresolved problems for a long time in the field of Chinese archaeology. As one of the main cultural regions in the pre-Qin Period, the agricultural and social complication in Haidai Region played an important role in the early Chinese civilization. Thanks to the vigorous development of archaeology and the in-depth study of multi-disciplinary cooperation, different scholars have discovered a number of wheat crop remains especially wheat crops by using flotation, phytolith analysis and other archaeobotanical methods.
According to the current archaeological findings, Wheat was found at 16 Longshan Cultrual sites and barley was found at 4 Longshan Cultural sites. Wheat was found at 8 Yueshi Cultural sites and barley was found at 1 Yueshi Cultural site. Wheat was found at 4 sites from Shang Dynasty. Wheat was found at 24 sites and barley was found at 4 sites from Zhou Dynasty. Quantitative analysis shows that most of the wheat unearthed from Longshan Cultural site is below 10 grains, accounting for less than 3% of the crop quantity percentage, and most of the ubiquity is less than 5%. From the Yueshi culture to the Shang Dynasty, the absolute quantity of wheat, the percentage of wheat in the crop quantity, and the ubiquity of wheat were slightly increased, but not much. In the Zhou Dynasty, the number of wheat in most sites exceeded 100 or even 1000 grains. The percentage of wheat in some sites accounted for 20%~80% of the crop, the ubiquity of wheat in most sites was higher than 30%, the ubiquity in some sites was even up to 70%~90%. AMS dating data show that 4 wheat samples from 2 sites matched the archaeological age of Longshan Culture, 3 wheat samples from 3 sites respectively matched the historical age of Shang Dynasty, 7 wheat samples from 4 sites respectively matched the historical age of Zhou Dynasty, and 1 barley sample from 4 sites matched the historical age of Zhou Dynasty.
Based on the above research, the following conclusions can be drawn in this paper:Wheat was introduced into Haidai Region at the latest in the Longshan Culture Period. In the Yueshi Culture Period, the wheat crop was still in the low level utilization stage. Although there are a little archaeobotanical work at the sites from the Shang Dynasty, quantitative data and dating evidence suggested that the utilization level of wheat might be improved. The rapid development of wheat farming in the Zhou Dynasty may prove the existence of wheat farming in the Shang Dynasty to some extent. The quantitative value of barley increased in only 1 site in the Zhou Dynasty and was supported by the dating data, but the related problems of barley planting need further study. The development of wheat crop is not only related to natural conditions such as environment and climate, but also the product of cultural exchange, technological development, tool improvement and policy support. From late Neolithic to early Bronze Age, Crops such as wheat, barley and livestock such as horses, cattle and sheep introduced into China and embedded into the subsistence of local ancestors, contributing to the pattern of "prehistoric food globalization". Haidai Region was integrated into the wave of "Bronze Age Globalization", which played an important role in local agriculture, economy and social development, and had an important impact on the history of the later generations.
Haidai Region/
pre-Qin Period/
wheat remains/
wheat agriculture/
the civilizing process


相关话题/农业 山东大学 考古 作物 山东