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刘奇,, 刘振, 蒋学龙, 施鹏,中国科学院昆明动物研究所,遗传资源与进化国家重点实验室,昆明 650223

通讯作者: 施鹏,博士,研究员,博士生导师,研究方向:动物复杂性状的遗传学机制。E-mail:ship@mail.kiz.ac.cn


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刘奇, 刘振, 蒋学龙, 施鹏. 新的具有回声定位能力的哺乳动物类群—猪尾鼠. 遗传[J], 2021, 43(7): 626-628 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.21-213





Fig. 1Multiple lines of evidence for echolocation in soft-furred tree mice (Typhlomys)[14]

猪尾鼠属隶属啮齿目(Rodentia)刺山鼠科(Platacanthomyidae),是一种小型树栖型哺乳动物,因其眼睛小而又被称为“盲鼠”。系统发生与分类研究发现该属至少包含5个物种:中华猪尾鼠(T. cinereus),沙巴猪尾鼠(T. chapensis),大娄山猪尾鼠(T. daloushanensis),小猪尾鼠(T. nanus)以及黄山猪尾鼠(T. huangshanensis)[15,16]。研究人员录制了猪尾鼠在运动中有规律地发出短时程、调频型、高频声波(峰频~98 kHz)。黑暗环境下,猪尾鼠在复杂空间环境中以及躲避障碍物时发出更高的超声波速率。以上结果提示猪尾鼠超声波在运动行为中发挥着定向作用——回声定位。随后,研究人员采用经典的实验装置以及严格的实验设计来验证猪尾鼠是否具备回声定位能力。通过行为学任务实验发现,猪尾鼠花费更多的时间和发出更高的超声波速率探索目标,它们在完全黑暗条件下准确的探测到逃脱平台,顺利获取食物奖励;当其耳朵被堵塞后,猪尾鼠接收不到回声,不能再探测到目标和完成任务;移除耳塞后,猪尾鼠恢复探索和定位目标的能力。在消除了视觉、触觉以及控制嗅觉的条件下,行为学实验证实猪尾鼠属是通过发出超声波和听觉接收回声实现定位目标——回声定位。

2010年,Veselka等[17]对喉部发声的回声定位蝙蝠进行研究,发现茎舌骨(stylohyal bone)和鼓骨(tympanic bone)在空间位置上接触并融合。因此研究人员利用micro-CT手段呈现猪尾鼠的骨骼解剖结构,发现其茎舌骨与鼓骨的空间位置接触并融合,这与通过喉部发声的回声定位蝙蝠的结构是一致的。这说明在发声与听觉结构上,猪尾鼠与喉部发声的回声定位蝙蝠具有相同的解剖学结构基础。



在该研究中,研究人员重新强调了回声定位的含义:动物用于定向的一种方式,是涉及发声、听觉、神经等多感官系统的动物行为,同时也是生物适应性演化获得的一种复杂性状。因此,行为学实验是检验动物是否具有回声定位能力的金标准,而夜行性、高频声波、视觉退化、高频听力等并不是生物具备回声定位性状的充分条件,探索证明新的回声定位生物需要多线性的证据。此外,由于猪尾鼠属于啮齿类,亲缘关系、体型大小与模式动物小鼠(Mus musculus)较接近,饲养繁殖容易操作等因素,有望成为研究发声、听觉、回声定位神经回路等的新型实验动物。

参考文献 原文顺序

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The discovery of ultrasonic bat echolocation prompted a wide search for other animal biosonar systems, which yielded, among few others, two avian groups. One, the South American Oilbird (Steatornis caripensis: Caprimulgiformes), is nocturnal and eats fruit. The other is a selection of diurnal, insect-eating swiftlets (species in the genera Aerodramus and Collocalia: Apodidae) from across the Indo-Pacific. Bird echolocation is restricted to lower frequencies audible to humans, implying a system of poorer resolution than the ultrasonic (>20 kHz) biosonar of most bats and toothed whales. As such, bird echolocation has been labeled crude or rudimentary. Yet, echolocation is found in at least 16 extant bird species and has evolved several times in avian lineages. Birds use their syringes to produce broadband click-type biosonar signals that allow them to nest in dark caves and tunnels, probably with less predation pressure. There are ongoing discrepancies about several details of bird echolocation, from signal design to the question about whether echolocation is used during foraging. It remains to be seen if bird echolocation is as sophisticated as that of tongue-clicking rousette bats. Bird echolocation performance appears to be superior to that of blind humans using signals of notable similarity. However, no apparent specializations have been found so far in the birds' auditory system (from middle ear to higher processing centers). The advent of light-weight recording equipment and custom software for examining signals and reconstructing flight paths now provides the potential to study the echolocation behavior of birds in more detail and resolve such issues.

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