Teaching practice in human genetics integrated into general education
Hanhua Cheng, Rongjia Zhou
通讯作者: 周荣家,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:遗传学。E-mail:rjzhou@whu.edu.cn
编委: 卢大儒
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General education is an important part in higher education, which emphasizes the educational idea of integration of generality with specialty, and practices people-oriented education concept. However, there are some difficulties and puzzles in general education. Now the general education system with Chinese characteristics is needed to be established through practice and development. In this paper, we enumerate how to integrate knowledge of human genetics in practice of general education, teaching cases, and relevant analysis with concepts of general education. Using questions as “what are human beings?” as a leverage, we introduce teaching contents closely related to daily life. For example, we explain the past, present and future of human beings through contemporary evolutionary genomics teaching. In addition, we introduce problem-based deep thinking for students, thus integrating classical attributes of human beings into general education.
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程汉华, 周荣家. 通识教育中融入人类遗传学的教学实践. 遗传[J], 2020, 42(2): 222-229 doi:10.16288/j.yczz.19-292
Hanhua Cheng.
1 通识教育的核心理念
在通识教育的实践中,各个大学都有自己的理解和实践,也都遇到各种困惑和困难,包括理念的建立和课时的安排等,例如如何从繁多的专业课程学时中给通识课程分出学时等问题。狭义上讲,通识教育是通与专的结合,而更广义的理解应该是如何践行“以人为本”的教育理念。清华大学成立了通识教育实验区新雅学院。北京大学不仅成立了元培学院,而且在“通专”结合方面进行了各种实践。复旦大学在教与学两方面推进改革举措,建立“以人为本,以德为先”的人才培养理念。浙江大学建立了竺可桢学院,在通专结合方面开设了一批高品质的荣誉课程。武汉大学系统地发展了通识教育的核心理念,即“博雅弘毅,文明以止,成人成才,四通六识”。秉持“人文化成”之理念,以“成人”教育统领成才教育(http://gec.whu. edu.cn/tszx/zxjj.htm)。《人类生物学》作为该校最早开设的通识课程之一,始终践行上述通识教育的核心理念,坚持“以人为本”作为经典。从2008年开课以来,一直深受学生欢迎。历经“武大通识1.0”到“武大通识3.0”的建设,已经成为通识教育的重要组成部分。
2 人类生物学的教学实践
2.1 教学目标、大纲与教学方法
素质教育正成为当今大学教育的趋势。作为通识教育课程,《人类生物学》课程旨在培养大学生健全的人格,拓展与完善大学生的知识结构,造就更多有创新潜能的复合型人才。《人类生物学》是为各专业学生开设的全校性通识课程,适合于文科、理科、工科和医学等专业大学生学习人类自身知识的课程。该课程通过现代化多媒体教学手段进行展示,强调人类生物学知识的基础与前沿、科学性与趣味性、实用性与交叉性、热点问题与系统知识的有机组合,注重联系实际,贴近生活,易于了解和接受。教学中反映人类生物学与理、工和人文社科等学科的交叉渗透,反映现代生命科学发展的最新成果,以及地球与人类生存发展的密切关联。课程以“人是什么”为切入点,对人类自身的过去、现在和未来所涉及的生物学问题进行讲授。《人类生物学》教学内容选择上始终体现人文关怀,贴近生命和生活,按照人类生物学知识范围,设计若干知识模块。教学共分6章(表1)。为了便于各专业本科生选修的时间灵活性,在总学时上压缩到最小,安排一个学分,共16学时。在教学方法上,全部采用多媒体教学。教学手段主要包括自制幻灯片、自制多媒体链接、视频短片,VCD播放,以及精准个性化教学与小组交流等丰富多彩的方法。Table 1
Table 1
教学内容 | 教学方法与手段 | 学时 |
第一章 人类进化与未来 第一节 人是什么? 第二节 智人的特点及与其他动物的本质区别 第三节 智人的起源与未来 | 多媒体;VCR短片;PPT | 3 |
第二章 人类基因组与个人精准医学 第一节 人类基因组组成 第二节 人类基因组计划 第三节 个人精准医学 第四节 人类基因组计划的负面作用 | 多媒体;短片 PPT;讨论与互动 | 3 |
第三章 人类遗传与遗传性疾病 第一节 人类给下一代遗传了什么 第二节 人类遗传规律 第三节 遗传性疾病 第四节 遗传因素在遗传性疾病发生中的作用 第五节 癌症遗传 | 多媒体;PPT;色盲基因测试; 分析讨论 | 3 |
第四章 人类的生殖与人口性比 第一节 人类的生殖生理与健康 第二节 有性生殖是人类生存繁衍的必经途径 第三节 人类性别决定与人口性比 第四节 辅助生殖策略与潜在新技术 | 多媒体;PPT;试管婴儿 案例分析;讨论 | 3 |
第五章 现代生命科学技术对人类的挑战 第一节 转基因技术 第二节 人类干细胞技术 第三节 实验室设计婴儿 | 多媒体;PPT 转基因案例分析;讨论 | 3 |
第六章 精准个性化教学与小组交流 | 多媒体;PPT;小组交流 | 1 |
2.2 教学效果与评估
从“武大通识1.0”到“武大通识3.0”,《人类生物学》始终贯彻落实“通识”教育理念, 满足于大学生对人类自身知识的了解和渴望。至今已开课10年,共有1470余名学生选课,每次选课平均110余人,选课学生覆盖全校文、史、理、工、农、医所有学科专业(图1)。教学评价由学院组织,百分制进行,平均得分为94.92分。不仅学生选课踊跃,而且获得了很好的教学效果。为我国培养具有通识知识背景的高级科学人才做出了贡献。图1

Fig. 1Subject distribution of students signing up for human biology and teaching evaluation
3 以“通”为境界的人类生物学通识教学
3.1 以“通”为人格境界的总体设计
培养健全人格,以“专”为知识纵深,以“通”为人格境界。人类生物学课程的建设始终贯穿从认识“人”、了解“人”到培养“人”,以及了解自己到了解世界,以“通”为人格境界,打通文理界限。有关人类生物学学习,已经出版了不少教材和参考书,国内以陈守良和郭明德编写的《人类生物学》较为系统[1],中文翻译本有尤瓦尔·赫拉利著的《人类简史 从智人到智神》[2]。人类生物学课程教学中反映了人类生物学知识与理、工、人文社科等学科的交叉与渗透,体现了现代生命科学发展的最新成果及其产生的意义,同时关注地球与人类生存发展的密切关联。引导学生从喜欢学、主动学到无形之中塑形自我健全人格的“通”境界。3.2 人是什么?

Fig. 2Phylogeny of Hominoidea and feet morphology of Ardipithecus ramidus
3.3 美洲人起源自亚洲

Fig. 3Asian ancestry of the Clovis people in America
4 贴近生活的教学模式
人类生物学教学以通为引领,贴近生活的教学模式最能让学生热爱通识教育,从而达到塑形自我健全人格的通识教育目的。在人类基因组与个人精准医学章节的教学中,着重讨论了人类基因组计划的前因后果,以及个人基因组计划的实施对每个人生活的影响。比如,随着个人基因组测序的普及,如何保护个人基因组的隐私。在个性化给药与精准医学方面,不仅介绍最新进展,使学生了解最新学术成果,更要让学生结合自身健康,以及生病时吃药情况进行思考。目前的治病用药基本是“One-Size-Fits-All”即“一种剂量适合所有”,精准医学的发展不久将实施“Right Drug-Right Dose- Right Person”即“正确的药物-正确的剂量-正确的人”。通过体验贴近生活的教与学,学生轻松掌握了人类基因组与个人精准医学知识。同时,也提出一些问题让学生讨论,比如,随着基因组测序费用的降低,你愿意测序你的个人基因组吗?因为人基因组记录了一个生命的全部奥秘和隐私,包括疾病基因等,一方面这对于疾病的预防、诊断与治疗很有帮助;另一方面,如何保护个人及家人的基因隐私也是普遍关心的问题。在人类遗传学章节的教学中,以色盲基因的遗传为例,让每个学生都亲自参与到教与学的教学过程中,学习和了解自己的色盲基因。为了保护个人隐私,课程通过对学生一对一的教学测试,让每个学生了解自己的视力与色盲基因的遗传方式。统计显示正常视力为绝大多数,色弱也不少,还有少数色盲(图4A)。通过贴近生活的教学活动,学生普遍关心的一些问题也就迎刃而解了,比如,为什么色盲总是出现在男生,而女生没有?因为色盲基因位于X染色体,属于性连锁遗传。为什么有些人得病是绿色盲,另一些人得红色盲,因为这是两个连锁遗传基因的控制,即红视蛋白基因(red opsin)和绿视蛋白基因(green opsin)。为什么会得色盲?因为这两个基因的染色体区域DNA序列的相似性,在减数分裂时容易产生配对交换错配,导致产生突变配子所致(图4,B和C)。

Fig. 4Genetics of color blindness
5 教学展望
通识教育已经成为高等教育的重要部分,科技社会大发展要求高等教育适应新形势,对高级人才的培养要求通专结合,强调素质教育。人类生物学是通识教育的很好模式课程,坚持“以人为本”的办学理念以及素质教育的教育实践在人类生物学教学实践中得到了体现。在教学中以“人是什么”、“精准医疗”、“红绿色盲”和“现代人起源”等一系列详细生动的案例,突出了教学内容在“人格教育”中的重要作用,并以此贯穿了贴近生活的教学方式,把人类遗传学知识巧妙地融入到通识教育的教学实践中。10年的教学改革与探索,取得了较好的效果。我国遗传学教学40年的实践探索与改革,成效显著[10,11,12,13]。我国早期****编著的经典遗传学教材(如方宗熙主编的《普通遗传学》[14]、刘祖洞主编的《遗传学》[15]以及戴灼华等主编的《遗传学》[16]等)为人类生物学中遗传学知识的教学奠定了基础。这些背景知识为人类生物学的教学提供了借鉴。近年来的遗传学教学改革实践逐步建立了我国遗传学教学体系。然而,人类生物学的教学在人类生殖、人类演化、人类伦理、人类生活与环境等方面还将继续补充和加强,争取更多的通识教学学时,逐步完善人类生物学的课程和教学体系建设,同时,在教学手段上采用线上如MOOC等手段,使其成为通识教育的典范课程。参考文献 原文顺序
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Several elements of the Ardipithecus ramidus foot are preserved, primarily in the ARA-VP-6/500 partial skeleton. The foot has a widely abducent hallux, which was not propulsive during terrestrial bipedality. However, it lacks the highly derived tarsometatarsal laxity and inversion in extant African apes that provide maximum conformity to substrates during vertical climbing. Instead, it exhibits primitive characters that maintain plantar rigidity from foot-flat through toe-off, reminiscent of some Miocene apes and Old World monkeys. Moreover, the action of the fibularis longus muscle was more like its homolog in Old World monkeys than in African apes. Phalangeal lengths were most similar to those of Gorilla. The Ardipithecus gait pattern would thus have been unique among known primates. The last common ancestor of hominids and chimpanzees was therefore a careful climber that retained adaptations to above-branch plantigrady.
DOI:10.1126/science.326_36URLPMID:19797636 [本文引用: 1]
URLPMID:19810190 [本文引用: 1]

Hominid fossils predating the emergence of Australopithecus have been sparse and fragmentary. The evolution of our lineage after the last common ancestor we shared with chimpanzees has therefore remained unclear. Ardipithecus ramidus, recovered in ecologically and temporally resolved contexts in Ethiopia's Afar Rift, now illuminates earlier hominid paleobiology and aspects of extant African ape evolution. More than 110 specimens recovered from 4.4-million-year-old sediments include a partial skeleton with much of the skull, hands, feet, limbs, and pelvis. This hominid combined arboreal palmigrade clambering and careful climbing with a form of terrestrial bipedality more primitive than that of Australopithecus. Ar. ramidus had a reduced canine/premolar complex and a little-derived cranial morphology and consumed a predominantly C3 plant-based diet (plants using the C3 photosynthetic pathway). Its ecological habitat appears to have been largely woodland-focused. Ar. ramidus lacks any characters typical of suspension, vertical climbing, or knuckle-walking. Ar. ramidus indicates that despite the genetic similarities of living humans and chimpanzees, the ancestor we last shared probably differed substantially from any extant African ape. Hominids and extant African apes have each become highly specialized through very different evolutionary pathways. This evidence also illuminates the origins of orthogrady, bipedality, ecology, diet, and social behavior in earliest Hominidae and helps to define the basal hominid adaptation, thereby accentuating the derived nature of Australopithecus.
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DOI:10.1126/science.1153569URLPMID:18339930 [本文引用: 2]

When did humans colonize the Americas? From where did they come and what routes did they take? These questions have gripped scientists for decades, but until recently answers have proven difficult to find. Current genetic evidence implies dispersal from a single Siberian population toward the Bering Land Bridge no earlier than about 30,000 years ago (and possibly after 22,000 years ago), then migration from Beringia to the Americas sometime after 16,500 years ago. The archaeological records of Siberia and Beringia generally support these findings, as do archaeological sites in North and South America dating to as early as 15,000 years ago. If this is the time of colonization, geological data from western Canada suggest that humans dispersed along the recently deglaciated Pacific coastline.
DOI:10.1038/nature13025URLPMID:24522598 [本文引用: 2]

Clovis, with its distinctive biface, blade and osseous technologies, is the oldest widespread archaeological complex defined in North America, dating from 11,100 to 10,700 (14)C years before present (bp) (13,000 to 12,600 calendar years?bp). Nearly 50?years of archaeological research point to the Clovis complex as having developed south of the North American ice sheets from an ancestral technology. However, both the origins and the genetic legacy of the people who manufactured Clovis tools remain under debate. It is generally believed that these people ultimately derived from Asia and were directly related to contemporary Native Americans. An alternative, Solutrean, hypothesis posits that the Clovis predecessors emigrated from southwestern Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum. Here we report the genome sequence of a male infant (Anzick-1) recovered from the Anzick burial site in western Montana. The human bones date to 10,705?±?35 (14)C years?bp (approximately 12,707-12,556 calendar years?bp) and were directly associated with Clovis tools. We sequenced the genome to an average depth of 14.4×?and show that the gene flow from the Siberian Upper Palaeolithic Mal'ta population into Native American ancestors is also shared by the Anzick-1 individual and thus happened before 12,600 years?bp. We also show that the Anzick-1 individual is more closely related to all indigenous American populations than to any other group. Our data are compatible with the hypothesis that Anzick-1 belonged to a population directly ancestral to many contemporary Native Americans. Finally, we find evidence of a deep divergence in Native American populations that predates the Anzick-1 individual.
DOI:10.1038/nature12736URL [本文引用: 1]

The origins of the First Americans remain contentious. Although Native Americans seem to be genetically most closely related to east Asians(1-3), there is no consensus with regard to which specific Old World populations they are closest to(4-8). Here we sequence the draft genome of an approximately 24,000-year-old individual (MA-1), from Mal'ta in south-central Siberia(9), to an average depth of 1x. To our knowledge this is the oldest anatomically modern human genome reported to date. The MA-1 mitochondrial genome belongs to haplogroup U, which has also been found at high frequency among Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic European hunter-gatherers(10-12), and the Y chromosome of MA-1 is basal to modern-day western Eurasians and near the root of most Native American lineages(5). Similarly, we find autosomal evidence that MA-1 is basal to modern-day western Eurasians and genetically closely related to modern-day Native Americans, with no close affinity to east Asians. This suggests that populations related to contemporary western Eurasians had a more north-easterly distribution 24,000 years ago than commonly thought. Furthermore, we estimate that 14 to 38% of Native American ancestry may originate through gene flow from this ancient population. This is likely to have occurred after the divergence of Native American ancestors from east Asian ancestors, but before the diversification of Native American populations in the New World. Gene flow from the MA-1 lineage into Native American ancestors could explain why several crania from the First Americans have been reported as bearing morphological characteristics that do not resemble those of east Asians(2,13). Sequencing of another south-central Siberian, Afontova Gora-2 dating to approximately 17,000 years ago(14), revealed similar autosomal genetic signatures as MA-1, suggesting that the region was continuously occupied by humans throughout the Last Glacial Maximum. Our findings reveal that western Eurasian genetic signatures in modern-day Native Americans derive not only from post-Columbian admixture, as commonly thought, but also from a mixed ancestry of the First Americans.
URLPMID:369473 [本文引用: 1]

End-stage kidneys in patients who are receiving long-term intermittent treatment with hemodialysis are metabolic structures that participate in many body processes and that themselves develop and change despite severe excretory deficiencies. Nephron loss is severe. Other lesions in such kidneys include the following: smooth muscle nodules that arise in necrotic arteries and arterioles; embryonal hyperplasia of Bowman's capsular epithelium; remodeling of the arteries and veins; tubular atrophy; dilation and cyst formation (acquired cystic disease); arteriolar granular cell hyperplasia and hypertension; deposits of oxalate, calcium, and immune complexes; interstitial fibrosis with collagen and smooth muscle; mucoid change; and cellular infiltration. This list does not include all pathologic conditions found in the end-stage--dialysis kidney. The necessity of and the criteria for an experimental model of human long-term intermittent hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease, presently lacking, are indicated.
URLPMID:369473 [本文引用: 1]

End-stage kidneys in patients who are receiving long-term intermittent treatment with hemodialysis are metabolic structures that participate in many body processes and that themselves develop and change despite severe excretory deficiencies. Nephron loss is severe. Other lesions in such kidneys include the following: smooth muscle nodules that arise in necrotic arteries and arterioles; embryonal hyperplasia of Bowman's capsular epithelium; remodeling of the arteries and veins; tubular atrophy; dilation and cyst formation (acquired cystic disease); arteriolar granular cell hyperplasia and hypertension; deposits of oxalate, calcium, and immune complexes; interstitial fibrosis with collagen and smooth muscle; mucoid change; and cellular infiltration. This list does not include all pathologic conditions found in the end-stage--dialysis kidney. The necessity of and the criteria for an experimental model of human long-term intermittent hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease, presently lacking, are indicated.
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DOI:10.16288/j.yczz.16-192URLPMID:27867153 [本文引用: 1]

The classroom is the main venue for undergraduate teaching. It is worth pondering how to cultivate undergraduate's research ability in classroom teaching. Here we introduce the practices and experiences in teaching reform in genetics for training the research quality of undergraduate students from six aspects: (1) constructing the framework for curriculum framework systematicaly, (2) using the teaching content to reflect research progress, (3) explaining knowledge points with research activities, (4) explaining the scientific principles and experiments with PPT animation, (5) improving English reading ability through bilingual teaching, and (6) testing students' analysing ability through examination. These reforms stimulate undergraduate students' enthusiasm for learning, cultivate their ability to find, analyze and solve scientific problems, and improve their English reading and literature reviewing capacity, which lay a foundation for them to enter the field of scientific research.
DOI:10.16288/j.yczz.16-192URLPMID:27867153 [本文引用: 1]

The classroom is the main venue for undergraduate teaching. It is worth pondering how to cultivate undergraduate's research ability in classroom teaching. Here we introduce the practices and experiences in teaching reform in genetics for training the research quality of undergraduate students from six aspects: (1) constructing the framework for curriculum framework systematicaly, (2) using the teaching content to reflect research progress, (3) explaining knowledge points with research activities, (4) explaining the scientific principles and experiments with PPT animation, (5) improving English reading ability through bilingual teaching, and (6) testing students' analysing ability through examination. These reforms stimulate undergraduate students' enthusiasm for learning, cultivate their ability to find, analyze and solve scientific problems, and improve their English reading and literature reviewing capacity, which lay a foundation for them to enter the field of scientific research.
URLPMID:1106780 [本文引用: 1]

The kinetics of the inactivation of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide were studied. Micellar forms of detergents were shown to be an active reagetns under conditions tudied. The possible scheme of the inactivation including reversible formation of the micellar-protein complex and subsequent penetration of the bound detergent molecules in the protein is proposed. The enzyme ionogenic group with pK 7-8 by 25 degrees C is found to be responsible for conformational changes of the enzymes. The influence of the specific ligands on inactivation of yeast pyrophosphatase by SDS is studied, and dissociations constants of corresponding enzyme-ligand complexes are calculated.
URLPMID:1106780 [本文引用: 1]

The kinetics of the inactivation of yeast inorganic pyrophosphatase by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide were studied. Micellar forms of detergents were shown to be an active reagetns under conditions tudied. The possible scheme of the inactivation including reversible formation of the micellar-protein complex and subsequent penetration of the bound detergent molecules in the protein is proposed. The enzyme ionogenic group with pK 7-8 by 25 degrees C is found to be responsible for conformational changes of the enzymes. The influence of the specific ligands on inactivation of yeast pyrophosphatase by SDS is studied, and dissociations constants of corresponding enzyme-ligand complexes are calculated.
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