

本站小编 Free考研考试/2022-01-01

中国农业大学农学院 北京 100193
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目3167164

通讯作者:曾昭海, 研究方向为现代农作制。E-mail:zengzhaohai@cau.edu.cn




Progress and perspective of legume-gramineae rotations

ZENG Zhaohai,
College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
Funds: the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China3167164
the Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China20150321

More Information
Corresponding author:ZENG Zhaohai, E-mail: zengzhaohai@cau.edu.cn


Abstract:Legume-gramineae rotation is an important technology for sustainable agriculture, as well as an essence of traditional agriculture in China. The rotation of leguminous and gramineous crops is of great significance in reducing the use of synthetic N-fertilizer and pesticides in agricultural production system, maintaining soil biodiversity, and improving the utilization efficiency of nutrient resources. In this paper, we reviewed the importance of legume-gramineae rotation in the view of the current agricultural situation and issues. Progress on legume-gramineae rotation effects on yield effect, nitrogen effect on crop yield, pest and disease control, and biodiversity increase of farmland were discussed. The major challenges and breakthroughs on legume-gramineae rotation were proposed. Work could be done in the following fields:1) coordinating the rotation crop stubble, developing and promoting the integrated management techniques of legume-gramineae rotation, and improving the comprehensive effects of crop rotation system; 2) designing long-term experiments to investigate the frontier issues of agricultural ecology in response to rotation; and 3) evaluating the ecological effects of crop rotation and establishing a mechanism for ecological subsidies of crop rotation. The role and prospect of legume-gramineae rotation was reviewed in this paper and it is of great importance to the sustainable development of agriculture.
Key words:Crop rotation/
Leguminous crop/
Graminaceous crop/
Sustainable development


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