

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-27

中文关键词:生物质超疏水溶剂制备方法 英文关键词:BiomassSuperhydrophobicSolventsPreparation methods 基金项目:山东省高等学校科研计划项目(科技类)重点项目(J18KZ004)资助
刘学亚齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)化学与化工学院 济南 250353
任金瓶齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)化学与化工学院 济南 250353
陶芙蓉齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)化学与化工学院 济南 250353frtao2015@126.com
崔月芝齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)化学与化工学院 济南 250353
刘利彬齐鲁工业大学(山东省科学院)化学与化工学院 济南 250353
摘要点击次数:241 全文下载次数:0 中文摘要: 超疏水材料因具有超高的拒水性以及自清洁能力而备受关注,但是在制备过程中也因所选用溶剂和低表面能物质不同给环境带来不同程度的压力。生物质材料可再生、价格低并且绿色无污染,常用于超疏水材料的制备。本文介绍了生物质基超疏水材料的制备方法,并按照制备技术中所用溶剂不同分类,将生物质基超疏水材料分为有机溶剂型、水基/半水基型、无溶剂型三类,同时分析了三种不同类型超疏水材料的优势以及劣势。最后,总结了制备环保型超疏水材料的方法,并且展望了生物质基超疏水材料未来的发展方向。 英文摘要: Biomass materials are renewable, inexpensive and pollution-free, and are commonly used in the preparation of superhydrophobic materials. Superhydrophobic materials have attracted much attention because of their high water repellency and self-cleaning ability, but they also bring different degrees of pressure to the environment during the preparation process due to the choice of solvents and low surface energy substances. In this paper, the preparation methods of biomass-based superhydrophobic materials are introduced, and according to the different solvents used in the preparation technology, the biomass-based superhydrophobic materials are divided into organic solvent type, water-based/semi-water-based type and non-solvent type, and the advantages and disadvantages of three different types of superhydrophobic materials are summarized. At the end of this article, the measures for preparing environmentally friendly superhydrophobic materials are summarized, and the future development direction of biomass-based superhydrophobic materials is prospected. 查看全文查看/发表评论下载PDF阅读器 相关附件:版权转让声明书附件1附件2 -->
相关话题/化工学院 化学 齐鲁工业大学 材料 生物