

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-27

中文关键词:化学命名名词 英文关键词:AlcoholAldehydeKetoneEtherEsterChemical nomenclatureTerms 基金项目:2019年度国家社科基金重大项目(19ZDA242)资助
何涓中国科学院大学人文学院 北京 100049hejuanpku@163.com
摘要点击次数:311 全文下载次数:0 中文摘要: 1932年民国教育部颁布的《化学命名原则》为中文化学名词确立了统一的标准,并对于“元素及化合物定名取字”提出“取字应以谐声为主,会意次之,不重象形”的定名总则。它确立的中文化学名词醇、醛、酮、醚、酯是意译名,这似乎与其音译为主的命名原则相悖。本文讨论了醇、醛、酮、醚、酯的各种历史译名,并分析了它们被《原则》采纳的原因。 英文摘要: The Nomenclature of Chemistry approved in 1932 by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China established unified standard for Chinese chemical terms. For the choice of characters in naming chemical elements and compounds, the Nomenclature proposed the general principle that "phonograms are preferred, associative characters second, and pictographic characters are not valued". The chemical terms 醇(alcohol),醛(aldehyde),酮(ketone),醚(ether) and酯(ester) are ideographic, which seems to run counter to the principle. This paper discusses various historical translated terms for alcohol, aldehyde, ketone, ether and ester, and explains why they were accepted by the Nomenclature. 查看全文查看/发表评论下载PDF阅读器 -->
相关话题/中文 化学 中国科学院大学 人文学院 北京