本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-17
联系人:王从洋 研究员
Email: wangcy@iccas.ac.cn
名称 日期
欢迎巴基斯坦的Shaukat Ali 博士到我们组从事博士后研究工作!Shaukat Ali 博士获得中科院PIFI奖学金,祝贺! 2016-07-26
祝贺贾腾关于双核铁催化的工作被 Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 接受发表! 2016-02-29
祝贺胡媛媛获得第九届“CCME-IOC & ICCAS-LMRF”暨“若干重要元素的有机化学前沿”973课题研究生学术研讨会优秀报告奖,杨晓旭获优秀墙报奖! 2016-02-29
祝贺周丙伟和胡媛媛关于锰催化的工作被 Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 接收! 2015-08-27
欢迎印度的Somjit Hazra博士到我们组从事博士后研究工作!Somjit Hazra博士获得中科院PIFI奖学金,祝贺! 2015-05-12
王从洋研究员课题组隶属于中国科学院分子识别与功能重点实验室,组建于2010年。在2010-2018 年期间共培养国际博士后2人,学生26人,其中联合培养硕士生7人,联合培养本科生2人。目前在读学生7人,其中博士生1 人,硕博连读生6人,联合培养硕士生1人,项目聘用人员1名。
联系人:王从洋 研究员
Email: wangcy@iccas.ac.cn
名称 日期
欢迎巴基斯坦的Shaukat Ali 博士到我们组从事博士后研究工作!Shaukat Ali 博士获得中科院PIFI奖学金,祝贺! 2016-07-26
祝贺贾腾关于双核铁催化的工作被 Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 接受发表! 2016-02-29
祝贺胡媛媛获得第九届“CCME-IOC & ICCAS-LMRF”暨“若干重要元素的有机化学前沿”973课题研究生学术研讨会优秀报告奖,杨晓旭获优秀墙报奖! 2016-02-29
祝贺周丙伟和胡媛媛关于锰催化的工作被 Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 接收! 2015-08-27
欢迎印度的Somjit Hazra博士到我们组从事博士后研究工作!Somjit Hazra博士获得中科院PIFI奖学金,祝贺! 2015-05-12
王从洋研究员课题组隶属于中国科学院分子识别与功能重点实验室,组建于2010年。在2010-2018 年期间共培养国际博士后2人,学生26人,其中联合培养硕士生7人,联合培养本科生2人。目前在读学生7人,其中博士生1 人,硕博连读生6人,联合培养硕士生1人,项目聘用人员1名。
王从洋 博士 研究员
1996-2000 南京大学,学士学位,专业:化学,导师:孙祥祯/潘毅 教授
2000-2005 北京大学,博士学位,专业:有机化学,导师:席振峰 院士
2005-2007 北京大学,博士后,专业:有机化学,导师:席振峰 院士
2007-2010 德国明斯特大学,洪堡博士后,导师:Frank Glorius教授
2010-至今 中国科学院化学研究所,课题组长,研究员,博导
2015-至今 中国科学院大学,岗位教授
2019 第十届中国化学会-巴斯夫青年知识创新奖
2019 第五届中国均相催化青年奖
2019 中国化学会"中国青年化学家锰元素代言人"
2015 Thieme Chemistry Journals Award (Germany)
2015 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (Japan)
2015 Asian Core Program Lectureship Award (Singapore)
2013 国家自然科学基金委员会"优秀青年科学基金"
2011 Alexander von Humboldt Equipment Subsidy, Germany
2008 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Germany
2006 第三十八届中国博士后科学基金一等资助
2005 北京大学优秀毕业生
2015-至今 《过渡金属有机化学》,研究生专业普及课,王从洋&吕海燕
2017-2019 《高等有机化学导论》,本科生专业课,王从洋
2019-至今 《基础有机化学》,本科生基础课,王从洋
2018-至今 中国化学会青年工作者委员会委员
2019-至今 有机合成与功能福建省高校重点实验室学术委员会委员
2019-至今 西安市有机分子工程重点实验室学术委员会委员
2017-至今 中国化学(Chinese Journal of Chemistry, Wiley-VCH) Rising Stars编委
2017-至今 中国化学快报(Chinese Chemistry Letters, Elsevier)副主编
2019-至今 Green Synthesis & Catalysis,Elsevier,副主编
杨芸辉 助理研究员
2011年 河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院 理学学士
2019年 中国科学院化学研究所 理学博士
2019年7月~ 中国科学院化学研究所 助理研究员
王学敏 课题组行政秘书
2008年 齐齐哈尔大学化工学院 工学学士
2011年 北京化工大学工学硕士
? ?
刘婷 2015级硕博生
毕伟扬 2017级博士生
霍嘉琪 2016级硕博生
王泽龙 2017级硕博生
顾钊 2018级硕博生
于夕雯 2019级硕博生
? ?
鲁展博 2019级硕博生
? ?
陈磊 2017级联合培养生
? ?
2011-2012 联合培养硕士生
张 擎
2011-2012 联合培养本科生
张 磊
2012-2013 联合培养硕士
2013-2014 联合培养本科生
Somjit Hzazra
Shaukat Ali
"Direct silylation reactions of inert C−H bonds via transition metal catalysis", Yunhui Yang, Congyang Wang*, Sci. China Chem. XXXX.
"Recent Progress in Re-Catalyzed Dehydroxylation Reactions", Guoliang Mao*, Bing Jia, Congyang Wang*,Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 35, 284-293.
"Amine-Accelerated Manganese-Catalyzed Aromatic C−H Conjugate Addition to α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyls", Bingwei Zhou, Pengchen Ma, Hui Chen,* Congyang Wang* Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 14558-14561.
"Isoquinoline skeleton synthesis via chelation-assisted C−H activation", Ruoyu He, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, and Congyang Wang*, Tetrahedron Lett. 2014, 55, 5705-5713. (Invited Digest Review Paper)
"Mn-Catalyzed Three-Component Reactions of Imines/Nitriles, Grignard Reagents, and Tetrahydrofur an: An ExpedientAccess to 1,5-Amino/-Keto Alcohols", Ruoyu He, Xiqing Jin, Hui Chen*, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 6558-6561.
"Mn-catalyzed dehydrogenative [4+2] annulation of N−H imines and alkynes via C−H/N−H activatio", Ruoyu He, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, Congyang Wang*, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2014, 53,4950-4953.
"Origins of selective C(sp2)-H activation using transition metal complexes with N,N-bidentate directing groups:A combined theoretical-experimental study", Hao Tang, Bingwei Zhou, Xu-Ri Huang,* Congyang Wang,* Jiannian Yao, Chen Hui,* ACS Catal. 2014, 4,649.
"Alkene oxyalkylation enabled merging Re-catalysis with hypervalent iodine(III) reagents via decarboxylation", Yin Wang, Lei Zhang,Yuihui Yang,Ping Zhang, Zhenting Du,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 18048.
"Re/Mg bimetallic tandem catalysis for [4+2] annulations of benzamides and alkynes via C-H/N-H functionalization",Qiuzheng Tang, Dexin Xia, Xiqing Jin, Qing Zhang, Xiao-Qiang Sun,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am.Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 4628.
"Manganese-catalyzed C-H alkenylation with terminal alkynes", Bingwei Zhou, Hui Chen,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 1264.
"Manganese-Mediated C–C Bond Formation via C–H Activation: From Stoichiometry to Catalysis",Congyang Wang*, Synlett 2013, 24,1606.
"Rhenium-catalyze dregiodivergent addition of indoles to terminalalkynes", Dexin Xia, Yin Wang,Zhengting Du, Qi-Yu Zheng,Congyang Wang*, Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 588-591.
"Rhenium‐Catalyzed Decarboxylative Tri‐/Difluoromethylation of Styrenes with Fluorinated Carboxylic Acid-Derived Hypervalent Iodine Reagents" Yin Wang, Yunhui Wang, Congyang Wang*, Chin. J. Chem. 2019, 37, 1229-1233.
"Manganese-Catalyzed ortho-Alkenylation of Aromatic Amidines with Alkynes via C-H Activation" Teng Jia, Congyang Wang*, ChemCatChem, 2019, 11, Early View. (Invited article for special issue: New Concepts in Homogeneous Catalysis)
"Rhenium-Catalyzed Phthalide Synthesis from Benzamides and Aldehydes via C–H Bond Activation" Bing Jia, Yunhui Yang, Xiqing Jin, Guoliang Mao*, Congyang Wang*, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 6259-6263.
"Rhenium-Catalyzed Phthalide Synthesis from Benzamides and Aldehydes via C–H Bond Activation" Bing Jia, Yunhui Yang, Xiqing Jin, Guoliang Mao*, Congyang Wang*, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 6259-6263.
"Re-Catalyzed Annulations of Weakly Coordinating N-Carbamoyl Indoles/Indolines with Alkynes via C-H/C-N Bond Cleavage" Yunhui Yang, Congyang Wang*, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 8245-8248.
"Manganese-Catalyzed C-H Olefination Reactions" Yuanyuan Hu, Congyang Wang*, ChemCatChem, 2019, 11, 1167-1174. (Invited Mini-Review Article)
"Bimetallic C−H Activation in Homogeneous Catalysis" Yuanyuan Hu, Congyang Wang*,Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin.2019,35, 913-922. (Invited review for the theme issue "C-H Activation" by Prof. Chao-Jun Li)
"Light up the dark paths" Congyang Wang*, Nat. Catal. 2018, 1, 816-817. (Invited News & Views article)
"Manganese-Catalyzed Redox-Neutral C−H Olefination of Ketones with Unactivated Alkenes" Yuanyuan Hu, Bingwei Zhou, Hui Chen*, Congyang Wang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57,12071-12075.
"Diverse Fates ofβ-Silyl Radical under Manganese Catalysis: Hydrosilylation and Dehydrogenative Silylation of Alkenes" Xiaoxu Yang, and Congyang Wang*, Chin. J. Chem. 2018, 36, 1047-1051. (Special issue dedicated to the 90th birthday of Prof. Xi-Yan Lu, selected as Back Cover story)
"Manganese-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation Reactions"Xiaoxu Yang,andCongyang Wang*, Chem. Asian J.2018, 13, 2307-2315. (Invited article for "Homogeneous Catalysis from Young Investigators in Asia")
"Inert C-H Bond Transformations Enabled by Organometallic Manganese Catalysis" Yuanyuan Hu, Bingwei Zhou and Congyang Wang*, Acc. Chem. Res. 2018, 51, 816-827.
"Recent Advances of Rhenium Separation and Enrichment in China: Industrial Processes and Laboratory Trials", Yin Wang* and Congyang Wang*, Chin. Chem. Lett. 2018, 29,345-352.
"Dichotomy of Manganese Catalysis via Organometallic or Radical Mechanism: Stereodivergent Hydrosilylation of Alkynes", Xiaoxu Yang andCongyang Wang*, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57,923-928.
"Aromatic C-H Addition of Ketones to Imines Enabled by Manganese-Catalysis", Bingwei Zhou, Yuanyuan Hu, Ting Liu, Congyang Wang*, Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 1169.
"Rhenium-Catalyzed Annulation Reactions", Guoliang Mao,* Qiang Huang,Congyang Wang*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2017, 3549–3564. (Invited Microreview)
"Lending a hand to asymmetric trifluoromethylthiolation: enantioselective [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of sulfonium ylides", Guoliang Mao*, Lei Chen, Congyang Wang*, Sci. China Chem. 2017, 60, 1565-1566. (Highlight)
"Manganese-Catalyzed Bicyclic Annulations of Imines and α,β-Unsaturated Esters via C−H Activation", Yuanyuan Hu, Congyang Wang*, Sci. China Chem. 2016, 59, 1301–1305. (Invited for the SPECIAL ISSUE · Dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Institute of Chemistry, CAS, 《中国化学科学》2016年度十佳论文)
"Manganese-Catalyzed ortho-C-H Alkenylation of Aromatic N-H Imidateswith Alkynes:Versatile Access to mono-Alkenylated Aromatic Nitriles" Xiaoxu Yang, Xiqing Jin, Congyang Wang*, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2016, 358, 2436-2442. (Invited for the thematic issue "Base-Metal Catalysis: Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu")
"Iron CarbonylCatalyzed Redox-Neutral [4+2] Annulation of N−H Imines and Internal Alkynes via C−H Bond Activation" Teng Jia, Chongyang Zhao, Hui Chen,* Congyang Wang*, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 5268-5271.
"Copper-Catalyzed Three-Component Cascade Reaction of Alkynes, Sulfonyl Azides and Simple Aldehydes/Ketones"Yuanyuan Hu,Bingwei Zhou, Congyang Wang*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2016, 14, 3022-3026.
"Rhenium and Base Co-catalyzed [3+2] Annulations of N-H Ketimines and Alkynes to Access Unprotected Tertiary Indenamines through C-H Bond Activation" Xiqing Jin, Xiaoxu Yang, Yunhui Yang, Congyang Wang*, Org. Chem. Front. 2016, 3, 268-272. (Invited article as “2015 Emerging Investigators by OCF”)
"Manganese-Catalyzed Direct Nucleophilic C(sp2)−H Addition to Aldehydes and Nitriles" Bingwei Zhou, Yuanyuan Hu, Congyang Wang*, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 13659-13663. (Selected as Hot Paper and highlighted on the Inside Back Cover)
"Bromopentacarbonylmanganese(I)" Yuanyuan Hu, Congyang Wang*, e-EROS Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Accepted. (Invited article by Prof. André Charette)
"Rhenium-Catalyzed C-H Aminocarbonylation of Azobenzenes with Isocyanates", Xiaoyu Geng, Congyang Wang*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015, 13, 7619-7623.
"Rhenium-Catalyzed [4+1] Annulation of Azobenzenesand Aldehydes via Isolable Cyclic Rhenium(I) Complexes" Xiaoyu Geng, Congyang Wang*, Org. Lett. 2015, 17, 2434-2437.
"Rhenium-CatalyzedDehydrogenativeOlefination ofC(sp3)−H Bondswith Hypervalent Iodine(III) Reagents" Haidong Gu, Congyang Wang*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015, 13, 5880-5884.
"Direct Silylation Reactions of Inert C−H Bonds via Transition Metal Catalysis", Yunhui Yang, Congyang Wang*, Sci. China Chem. 2015, 58, 1266-1279. (Invited Review for Special Issue of "C-H Bond Activation" by Prof. Zhang-Jie Shi, 《中国科学化学》2015年度优秀论文)
"Recent Progress in Re-Catalyzed Dehydroxylation Reactions", Guoliang Mao*, Bing Jia, Congyang Wang*, Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 35, 284-293. (Invited Review Paper)
"Amine-Accelerated Manganese-Catalyzed Aromatic C−H Conjugate Addition to α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyls", Bingwei Zhou, Pengchen Ma, Hui Chen,* Congyang Wang* Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 14558-14561.
"Isoquinoline skeleton synthesis via chelation-assisted C−H activation", Ruoyu He, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, and Congyang Wang*, Tetrahedron Lett. 2014, 55, 5705-5713. (Invited Digest Review Paper)
"Mn-Catalyzed Three-Component Reactions of Imines/Nitriles, Grignard Reagents, and Tetrahydrofuran: An Expedient Access to 1,5-Amino/-Keto Alcohols", Ruoyu He, Xiqing Jin, Hui Chen*, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 6558-6561.
"Mn-Catalyzed Dehydrogenative [4+2] Annulation of N−H Imines and Alkynes via C−H/N−H Activation", Ruoyu He, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, Congyang Wang*, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 4950-4953.
"Origins of selective C(sp2)-H Activation Using Transition Metal Complexes with N,N-Bidentate Directing Groups: A Combined Theoretical-Experimental Study", Hao Tang, Bingwei Zhou, Xu-Ri Huang,* Congyang Wang,* Jiannian Yao, Chen Hui,*ACS Catal. 2014, 4, 649.
"Alkene Oxyalkylation Enabled Merging Re-Catalysis with Hypervalent lodine(III) Reagents via Decarboxylation", Yin Wang, Lei Zhang,Yuihui Yang,Ping Zhang, Zenting Du,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 18048.
"Re/Mg Bmetallic Tandem Catalysis for [4+2] Annulations of Benzamides and Alkynes via C-H/N-H Functionalization",Qiuzheng Tang, Dexin Xia, Xiqing Jin, Qing Zhang, Xiao-Qiang Sun,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am.Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 4628.
"Manganese-Catalyzed C-H Alkenylation with Terminal Alkynes", Bingwei Zhou, Hui Chen,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 1264.
"Manganese-Mediated C–C Bond Formation via C–H Activation: From Stoichiometry to Catalysis",Congyang Wang*, Synlett 2013, 24,1606.(invited Synpacts article)
"Rhenium-Catalyzed Regiodivergent Addition of Indoles to Terminal Alkynes", Dexin Xia, Yin Wang,Zhengting Du, Qi-Yu Zheng,Congyang Wang*, Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 588-591.
21. Congyang Wang*, Souvik Rakshit, Frank Glorius*, “Palladium-catalyzed intermolecular decarboxylative coupling of 2-phenylbenzoic acids with alkynes via C-H and C-C bond activation” J. Am. Chem. Soc.2010, 132, 14006-14008.
20. Congyang Wang, Isabel Piel, Frank Glorius*, “Palladium-catalyzed intramolcular direct arylation of benzoic acids by tandem decarboxylation/C-H activation” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 4194-4195.
19. Congyang Wang, Frank Glorius*, “Controlled Iterative Cross-couplings: On the Way to the Automation of Organic Synthesis” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 5240.
18. Congyang Wang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Co-operation effect of Lewis acids with transition metals for organic synthesis” Chem. Soc. Rev.2007, 36, 1395-1406.
17. Congyang Wang, Chao Wang, Qifeng Wang, Zhihui Wang, Hui Sun, Xiangyu Guo, Zhenfeng Xi*,“Highly efficient synthesis of stereo-defined multisubstituted 1,4-dicyano- and 1-cyano-1,3-butadienes and their reactions with organolithium reagents” Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13, 6484-6494.
16. Congyang Wang,Zhihui Wang, Lantao Liu, Chao Wang, Guangzhen Liu, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Cycloaddition reactions of 1-lithio-1,3-dienes with aromatic nitriles affording multiply substituted pyridines, pyrroles and linear butadienylimines” J. Org. Chem. 2006,71, 8565-8571.
15. Congyang Wang, Jiang Lu, Guoliang Mao, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Preparation and electrophilic cyclization of multisubstituted dienamides leading to cyclic iminoethers” J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 5150-5156.
14. Congyang Wang, Qiuling Song, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Reactions of 1,4-dilithio- butadienes with isothiocyanates: preparation of imino-cyclopentadiene derivatives via cleavage of the C=S double bond of a RN=C=S molecule” Tetrahedron, 2004, 60, 5207–5214.
13. Congyang Wang,Jinglong Chen,Qiuling Song,Zhiping Li, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Preparation of S-containing hetero -cycles via novel reaction patterns of carbon disulfide with 1-lithiobutadienes and 1,4-dilithiobutadienes” ARKIVOC, 2003, (ii), 155-154.
12. Xiaohua Sun, Congyang Wang, Zhiping Li, Shiwei Zhang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Zirconocene mediated intermolecular coupling of one molecule of Si-tethered diyne with three molecules of organonitriles: one-pot formation of pyrrolo[3,2-c]pyridine derivatives via cleavage of C≡N triple bonds of organonitriles” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 7172-7173.
11. Jinglong Chen, Qiuling Song, Congyang Wang,Zhenfeng Xi*, “Novel cycloaddition of nitriles with monolithio- and dilithiobutadienes” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 6238-6239.
10. Lantao Liu, Wen-Xiong Zhang, Chao Wang, Congyang Wang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Isolation, Structural Characterization and Synthetic Application of Oxy-cyclopentadienyl Dianions” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009,48, 8111-8114.
9. Heng Li, Lantao Liu, Fei Zhao, Congyang Wang, Chao Wang, Qiuling Song, Wen-Xiong Zhang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Carbonylation of 1-Lithiobutadiene with Carbon Monoxide Followed by Intramolecular Acyllithiation of C=C Double Bond and Intermolecular Acylation with Acid Chloride: Scope, Applications, and Mechanistic Aspects”J. Org. Chem., 2012, 77, 4793–4800.
8. ClaudiaLohre, ThomasDröge, Congyang Wang, Frank Glorius*, “Nickel-catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Aryl Bromides with tertiary Grignard Reagents Utilizing Donor-functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs)” Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 6052-6055.
7. NanYu, Congyang Wang,FeiZhao, LantaoLiu, Wen-XiongZhang, Zhenfeng Xi*,“Diversified reaction chemistry of 1,4-dilithio-1,3-dienes with nitriles: facile access to tricyclic D1-bipyrrolines, multi-substituted pyridines, siloles and (Z, Z)-dienylsilanes bytuningofsubstituents on the butadienyl skeleton” Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 5670-5679.
6. Tao Yu, Xiaohua Sun, Congyang Wang, Liang Deng, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Zirconocene mediated intermolecular coupling of Si-tethered diynes with alkynes, ketones, aldehydes, and isocyanates by means of novel skeletal rearrangement of zirconacyclobutene -silacyclobutene and zirconacyclohexadiene-silacyclobutene fused-ring intermediates” Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11, 1895-1902.
5. Keiichi Hirano, Slawomir Urban, Congyang Wang, Frank Glorius*, “A modular synthesis of highly substituted imidazolium salts” Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 1019-1022.
4. Qiuling Song, Zhiping Li, Jinglong Chen, Congyang Wang,Zhenfeng Xi*, “Acyl-lithiation of olefins: formation of cyclopentenones from 1-lithio -butadienes and CO” Org. Lett. 2002,4, 4627-4629.
3. Junhui Liu, Xiaohua Sun,Mikihiro Miyazaki, Lantao Liu, Congyang Wang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Synthesis of multiply substituted silacyclohexadiene derivatives via palladium-catalyzed insertion of alkynes into silacyclobutenes” J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 3137-3140.
2. Qiaoshu. Hu,Jiang Lu, Congyang Wang, Chao Wang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Lewis acid-controlled reactions of zirconacyclopentadienes with isocyanates and isothiocyanates. One-pot three- or four-component synthesis of multiply substituted iminocyclopentadienes and butadiene-bridged 1,6-bisamides and electrophilic cyclization” Tetrahedron2007,.63, 6614-6624.
1. Guoliang Mao,Congyang Wang, Jinglong Chen, Ayako Muramatsu, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Concise synthesis of multiply substituted stereodefined cis,cis-2,4-diene-1,6-dials, cis,cis-2,4-diene-1,6 -diols and further applications” Tetrahedron Lett. 2005, 46, 5369-5372.
Dalton Transactions
The Journal of Organic Chemistry
Catalysis Science & Technology
Macromolecular Rapid Communications
Macromolecular Chemistry And Physics
Inorg. Chem.
J. Mol Catal. A: Chem.
? ? ? ? ?
J. Am. Chem. Soc.
Angew. Chem.Int Ed
Chinese Journal of Polymer Science
Principal Investigator
Prof. Dr. Congyang Wang
Dr. Congyang Wang
Professor of Chemistry
Institute of Chemistry, CAS
Zhongguancun North First Street 2
100190 Beijing, China
Email: wangcy@iccas.ac.cn
名称 日期
Welcome Dr. Shaukat Ali from Pakistan, who is a winner of the prestigious PIFI Fellowship of CAS 2016! Congrats, Ali! 2016-07-13
Teng's work on dinuclear iron catalysis have been published on Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.! Congratulations, Teng! 2016-07-13
Bingwei and Yuanyuan's work on Mn-catalysis has bee accepted by Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.! Congrats! 2015-08-27
Welcome Dr. Somjit Hazra from India, who is a winner of the prestigious PIFI Fellowship of CAS 2015! Congrats, Somjit! 2015-05-12
Yin Wang won the 8th "CCME-IOC&ICCAS-LMRF" Alfa Aesar Symposium "Best Poster Award", Congrats! 2015-03-07
Welcome to the Wang Research Group!
Thank you for visiting our website! Our research is in the realm of organometallic chemistry. The success of late transition metals like Pd, Rh and Ru in organic syntheses was witnessed by three-time Nobel Prize awardsover the lastdecade. However, many challenges still remain, such as the limited availability of these "noble" metals, low efficiency and inability of certain transformations, and so on. Thus, we set to build up new organometallic catalytic systems in order to harness the cutting-edge challenging transformations. Currently, our work is focused on the development of catalytic processes promoted by the VIIB transition-metals (Mn and Re), which lie on the interface of the early and late transition metals in the periodic table.
Attention please:
Foreign Ph.D. candidates and postdoctoral position applicants who are willing to apply for the CAS-TWAS fellowship and the CAS postdoctoral fellowship (PIFI fellowship-2020)respectively are highly encouraged and welcome!
Mn-catalyzed C-H Bond Activation
The first manganese-catalyzed aromatic C-H alkenylation with terminal alkynes is reported.The procedure features an operationally simple catalyst system containing commercially available MnBr(CO)5 and dicyclohexylamine (Cy2NH). The reaction occurs readily in a highly chemo-, regio-, and stereoselective manner delivering anti-Markovnikov E-configured olefins in high yields. Experimental study and DFT calculations reveal that: 1) the reaction is initiated by a C-H activation step via the cooperation of manganese and base; 2) manganacycle and alkynylmanganese species are the key reaction intermediates; 3) the ligand-to-ligand H-transfer and alkynyl-assisted C-H activation are the key steps rendering the reaction catalytic in manganese.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013,135,1264.
We recently describeda manganese-catalyzed dehydrogenative [4+2] annulation of N?Himines and alkynes, providing a highly atom-economic access to diverse isoquinolines. This transformation represents the first example of manganese-catalyzed C?H activation of imines, with its parent stoichiometric cyclomanganation reported in 1971. Theredox-neutral reaction produces H2 as the major by-product and eliminates the need for any oxidants, external ligands or additives, thus standing out from known isoquinoline synthesis by transition-metal-catalyzed C?H activation. Mechanistic study revealed the 5-membered manganacycle and manganese hydride species as key reaction intermediates in the catalytic cycle.
Angew.Chem. Int. Ed.2014, 53, 4950.
Mn-catalyzed expedient three-component synthesis of 1,5-amino/-keto alcohols from Grignard reagents, imines/nitriles, and tetrahydrofuran (THF) is described, which deviates from the classic Grignard addition to imines/nitriles in THF solvent. Moreover, THF was split and "sewn" in an unprecedented manner in the reaction leading to the formation of two geminal C–C bonds via C–H and C–O cleavage. Mechanistic experiments and DFT calculations revealed the intermediacy of radical and organomanganese species in the catalytic cycle and the α-arylative ring opening of THF as the key reaction step.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 6558.
Re-catalyzed C-H Bond Activation
A rhenium-magnesium co-catalyzed [4+2] annulation of benzamides and alkynes via C-H/N-H functionalization is described. The reaction features a divergent and high level of diastereoselectivities, which are readily switchable by subtle tuning of reaction conditions. Thus, a wide range of both cis- and trans-3,4-dihydroisoquinolinones are expediently synthesized in a highly atom-economical manner. Moreover, mechanistic studies unraveled a tandem mode of action between rhenium and magnesium in the catalytic cycles.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 4628.
Re-catalyzed C-C Bond Activation
We recentlydemonstrated arhenium-catalyzed oxyalkylation of alkenes, where hypervalent iodine(III) reagents derived from wide-occurring aliphatic carboxylic acids were used as, for the first time, not only an oxygenation source but also an alkylation source via decarboxylation. The reaction also features a wide substrate scope, totally regiospecific difunctionalization, mild reaction conditions, and ready availability of both substrates. Mechanistic studies revealed a decarboxylation/radical-addition/cation-trapping cascade operating in the reaction.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 18048.
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Prof. Congyang Wang
Graduate Students & Postdoc.
Group Members
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Prof. Congyang Wang
Graduate Students & Postdoc.
Prof. Congyang Wang
Prof. Congyang Wang was born in Jiangsu province, China in 1977. He obtained his BS degree from Nanjing University in 2000 and Ph.D. degree from Peking University under the guidance of Professor Zhenfeng Xi in 2005. After a postdoctoral stay of two more years in the same group, he moved to University of Münster, Germany working with Professor Frank Glorius as an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow. In 2010, he started his independent research at Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS) as a professor. His research interests include organometallic chemistry, transition-metal-catalysis, and synthesis of functional molecules.
2000-2005Ph.D. Peking University, Mentor: Prof. Zhenfeng Xi
1996-2000 B.S. Nanjing University, Mentor: Prof. Xiangzhen Sunand Prof. Yi Pan
Professional Experience:
2015.3-now Professor, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
2010.4-now Professor, Institute of Chemistry, CAS, China
2007-2010 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Münster, Germany, Mentor: Prof. Frank
2005-2007 Postdoctoral Fellow, Peking University, China, Mentor: Prof. Zhenfeng Xi
Awards and Honors:
2019 Chinese Chemical Society-BASF Youth Innovation Award
2019 Young Investigator Award on Homogeneous Catalysis, China
2019 Representative of Manganese, Chinese Young Chemist Periodic Table,
Chinese Chemical Society
2017 Associate Editor, Chinese Chemical Letters, Elsevier
2017 Editorial Board of Rising Stars, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, Wiley-VCH
2015 Thieme Chemistry Journal Award, Germany
2015Asian Core Program Lectureship Award, Japan
2015Asian Core Program Lectureship Award, Singapore
2013 The National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, China
2013 ACS Excellence in Science Symposium:JOC& OL Best Poster Award
2011 Alexander von Humboldt Equipment Subsidy, Germany
2010 Outstanding Young Talent from Abroad Program, ICCAS
2008 Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, Germany
2006 First Class Grant of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, China
2005 Outstanding Graduate, Peking University, China
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Prof. Congyang Wang
Graduate Students & Postdoc.
Yunhui Yang
Email: yangyh@iccas.ac.cn
2019~ Institute of Chemistry, Chinese of Academy of ScienceAssistent Research
2019Institute of Chemistry, Chinese of Academy of ScienceMaster of science
2011Henan Normal UniversityBachelor of science
Xuemin Wang
Email: xmwang@iccas.ac.cn
2004-2008 QiqiharUniversityBachelor of engineering
2008-2011Beijing University of Chemical TechnologyMaster of engineering
Graduate Students & Postdoc.
Ting Liu
5thyear PhD candidate
BS: Xiangtan University
Email: @qq.com
Weiyang Bi
3thyear PhD candidate
BS&MS:Beihang University
Email: :bwybuaa@163.com
Jiaqi Huo
4thyear PhD candidate
BS: Central South University
Email: hohocrystal@126.com.com
Zelong Wang
3nd year PhD candidate
BS:Beihang University
Email: wangzel1995@163.com
Zhao Gu
2rdyear PhD candidate
BS: Beijing Institute of Technology
Email: BaurACOG@163.com
Xiwen Yu
1ndyear PhD candidate
BS:Lanzhou University
Zhanbo Lu
1styear PhD candidate
BS: University of Chinese Academy of Science
Email: luzhanbo15@mails.ucas.ac.cn
Lei Chen
BS: Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities
MS:Northeast Petroleum University
Email: chenl199410@163.com
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Prof. Congyang Wang
Graduate Students & Postdoc.
Dr. Shaukat Ali
2016-CAS-PIFI Fellowship
Dr. Somjit Hazra
2015-CAS-PIFI Fellowship
Xiaoxu Yang
2013-2018 Ph.D. student (ICCAS)
Yuanyuan Hu
2012-2017 Ph.D. student (ICCAS)
Xiqing Jin
2011-2016 Ph.D. student (ICCAS)
Yin Wang
2013-2016 Ph.D. student (ICCAS)
Haidong Gu
2012-2015 Ph.D. student (ICCAS)
Xiaoyu Geng
2012-2015 Ph.D. student (ICCAS)
2011-2014 Ph.D. student (ICCAS)
Ruoyu He
2010-2014 Ph.D. student (ICCAS, co-mentored with Prof. Qi-Yu Zheng)
Lei Zhang
2012-2014 MS student (Hebei Normal University, co-mentored with Prof. Ping Zhang)
Jinhui Cai
2013-2014 BS student (Xiangtan University)
Qiuzheng Tang
2011-2012 MS student (Changzhou Unversity, co-mentored with Prof. Xiao-Qiang Sun)
Qing Zhang
2011-2012 BS student (Beijing Normal University)
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2019 papers
2018 papers
2017 papers
2016 papers
2015 papers
2014 papers
2013 papers
2012 papers
Ph.D. & Postdoc
"Direct silylation reactions of inert C−H bonds via transition metal catalysis", Yunhui Yang, Congyang Wang*, Sci. China Chem. XXXX.
"Recent Progress in Re-Catalyzed Dehydroxylation Reactions", Guoliang Mao*, Bing Jia, Congyang Wang*,Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 35, 284-293.
"Amine-Accelerated Manganese-Catalyzed Aromatic C−H Conjugate Addition to α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyls", Bingwei Zhou, Pengchen Ma, Hui Chen,* Congyang Wang* Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 14558-14561.
"Isoquinoline skeleton synthesis via chelation-assisted C−H activation", Ruoyu He, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, and Congyang Wang*, Tetrahedron Lett. 2014, 55, 5705-5713. (Invited Digest Review Paper)
"Mn-Catalyzed Three-Component Reactions of Imines/Nitriles, Grignard Reagents, and Tetrahydrofur an: An ExpedientAccess to 1,5-Amino/-Keto Alcohols", Ruoyu He, Xiqing Jin, Hui Chen*, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 6558-6561.
"Mn-catalyzed Dehydrogenative [4+2] Annulation of N−H Imines and Alkynes via C−H/N−H Activation", Ruoyu He, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, Congyang Wang*, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 4950-4953.
"Origins of Selective C(sp2)-H Activation Using Transition Metal Complexes with N,N-Bidentate Directing Groups: A Combined Theoretical-Experimental Study", Hao Tang, Bingwei Zhou, Xu-Ri Huang*, Congyang Wang*, Jiannian Yao, Chen Hui*,ACS Catal. 2014,4, 649.
"Alkene Oxyalkylation Enabled by Merging Re-catalysis with Hypervalent Iodine(III) Reagents via Decarboxylation", Yin Wang, Lei Zhang,Yuihui Yang,Ping Zhang, Zenting Du,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 18048.
"Re/Mg Bimetallic Tandem Catalysis for [4+2] Annulations of Benzamides and Alkynes via C-H/N-H Functionalization",Qiuzheng Tang, Dexin Xia, Xiqing Jin, Qing Zhang, Xiao-Qiang Sun,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am.Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 4628.
"Manganese-Catalyzed C-H Alkenylation with Terminal Alkynes", Bingwei Zhou, Hui Chen,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 1264.
"Manganese-Mediated C–C Bond Formation via C–H Activation: from Stoichiometry to Catalysis",Congyang Wang*, Synlett 2013, 24, 1606.
"Rhenium-Catalyzed Regiodivergent Addition of Indoles to Terminal Alkynes", Dexin Xia, Yin Wang,Zhengting Du, Qi-Yu Zheng,Congyang Wang*, Org. lett. 2012, 14, 588-591.
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2019 papers
2018 papers
2017 papers
2016 papers
2015 papers
2014 papers
2013 papers
2012 papers
Ph.D. & Postdoc
2019 papers
"Manganese-Catalyzed ortho-Alkenylation of Aromatic Amidines with Alkynes via C-H Activation" Teng Jia, Congyang Wang*, ChemCatChem, 2019, 11, Early View. (Invited article for special issue: New Concepts in Homogeneous Catalysis)
"Manganese-Catalyzed Aromatic C–H Allylation of Ketones" Shaukat Ali, Jiaqi Huo, Congyang Wang*, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, ASAP.
"Rhenium-Catalyzed Phthalide Synthesis from Benzamides and Aldehydes via C–H Bond Activation" Bing Jia, Yunhui Yang, Xiqing Jin, Guoliang Mao*, Congyang Wang*, Org. Lett. 2019, 21, 6259-6263.
"Re-Catalyzed Annulations of Weakly Coordinating N-Carbamoyl Indoles/Indolines with Alkynes via C-H/C-N Bond Cleavage" Yunhui Yang, Congyang Wang*, Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 8245-8248.
"Manganese-Catalyzed C-H Olefination Reactions" Yuanyuan Hu, Congyang Wang*, ChemCatChem, 2019, 11, 1167-1174. (Invited Mini-Review Article)
"Bimetallic C−H Activation in Homogeneous Catalysis" Yuanyuan Hu, Congyang Wang*, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2019, 35, 913-922. (Invited review for the theme issue "C-H Activation" by Prof. Chao-Jun Li)
Site Mape
2019 papers
2018 papers
2017 papers
2016 papers
2015 papers
2014 papers
2013 papers
2012 papers
Ph.D. & Postdoc
2018 papers
"Light up the dark paths" Congyang Wang*, Nat. Catal. 2018, 1, 816-817. (Invited News & Views article)
"Manganese-Catalyzed Redox-Neutral C−H Olefination of Ketones with Unactivated Alkenes" Yuanyuan Hu, Bingwei Zhou, Hui Chen*, Congyang Wang*,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2018,57, 12071-12075.
"Diverse Fates ofβ-Silyl Radical under Manganese Catalysis: Hydrosilylation and Dehydrogenative Silylation of Alkenes" Xiaoxu Yang, and Congyang Wang*,Chin. J. Chem. 2018, 36, 1047-1051. (Special issue dedicated to the 90th birthday of Prof. Xi-Yan Lu, selected as Back Cover story)
"Manganese-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation Reactions"Xiaoxu Yang,andCongyang Wang*, Chem. Asian J.2018, 13, 2307-2315. (Invited article for "Homogeneous Catalysis from Young Investigators in Asia")
"Inert C-H Bond Transformations Enabled by Organometallic Manganese Catalysis", Yuanyuan Hu, Bingwei Zhou, and Congyang Wang*, Acc. Chem. Res. 2018, 59, 816-827.
"Recent advances of rhenium separation and enrichment in China: Industrial processes and laboratory trials" Yin Wang* and Congyang Wang*, Chin. Chem. Lett. 2018, 29, 345-352.
"Dichotomy of Manganese Catalysis via Organometallic or Radical Mechanism: Stereodivergent Hydrosilylation of Alkynes", Xiaoxu Yang and Congyang Wang*,Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2018, 57,923-928.
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2019 papers
2018 papers
2017 papers
2016 papers
2015 papers
2014 papers
2013 papers
2012 papers
Ph.D. & Postdoc
2017 papers
"Aromatic C-H Addition of Ketones to Imines Enabled by Manganese-Catalysis", Bingwei Zhou, Yuanyuan Hu, Ting Liu, Congyang Wang*, Nat. Commun. 2017, 8, 1169-1177.
"Rhenium-Catalyzed Annulation Reactions", Guoliang Mao,* Qiang Huang, Congyang Wang*, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2017, 3549–3564. (Invited Microreview)
"Lending a hand to asymmetric trifluoromethylthiolation: enantioselective [2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement of sulfonium ylides", Guoliang Mao*, Lei Chen, Congyang Wang*, Sci. China Chem. 2017, 60, 1565-1566. (Highlight)
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2019 papers
2018 papers
2017 papers
2016 papers
2015 papers
2014 papers
2013 papers
2012 papers
Ph.D. & Postdoc
2016 papers
"Manganese-Catalyzed Bicyclic Annulations of Imines and α,β-Unsaturated Esters via C−H Activation"Yuanyuan Hu, Congyang Wang*, Sci. China Chem. 2016, 59, 1301-1305. (Invited for the special issue: Dedicated to the Celebration of 60 Anniversary of ICCAS)
"Manganese-Catalyzed ortho-C-H Alkenylation of Aromatic N-H Imidateswith Alkynes:Versatile Access to mono-Alkenylated Aromatic Nitriles" Xiaoxu Yang, Xiqing Jin, Congyang Wang*, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2016, 358, 2436-2442. (Invited article for the thematic issue "Base-Metal Catalysis: Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu")
"Iron CarbonylCatalyzed Redox-Neutral [4+2] Annulation of N−H Imines and Internal Alkynes via C−H Bond Activation" Teng Jia, Chongyang Zhao, Hui Chen,* Congyang Wang*, Angew. Chem. Int., Ed. 2016, 55, 5268-5271.
"Copper-Catalyzed Three-Component Cascade Reaction of Alkynes, Sulfonyl Azides and Simple Aldehydes/Ketones" Yuanyuan Hu, Bingwei Zhou, Congyang Wang* Org. Biomol. Chem. 2016, 14, 3022-3026.
"Rhenium and Base Co-catalyzed [3 + 2] Annulations of N–H Ketimines and Alkynes to Access Unprotected Tertiary Indenamines through C–H Bond Activation", Xiqing Jin, Xiaoxu Yang, Yunhui Yang, Congyang Wang*, Org. Chem. Front. 2016, 3, 268-272. (Invited paper for the theme issue "2015 Emerging Investigators by OCF")
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2019 papers
2018 papers
2017 papers
2016 papers
2015 papers
2014 papers
2013 papers
2012 papers
Ph.D. & Postdoc
2015 papers
"Manganese-Catalyzed Direct Nucleophilic C(sp2)−H Addition to Aldehydes and Nitriles" Bingwei Zhou, Yuanyuan Hu, Congyang Wang*, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 13659-13663. (Selected as Hot Paper and highlighted on the Inside Back Cover)
"Bromopentacarbonylmanganese(I)" Yuanyuan Hu, Congyang Wang*, e-EROS Encyclopedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Accepted. (Invited article by Prof. André Charette)
"Rhenium-Catalyzed C-H Aminocarbonylation of Azobenzenes with Isocyanates", Xiaoyu Geng, Congyang Wang*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015, 13, 7619-7623.
"Rhenium-Catalyzed [4+1] Annulation of Azobenzenesand Aldehydes via Isolable Cyclic Rhenium(I) Complexes", Xiaoyu Geng, Congyang Wang*, Org. Lett. 2015, 17, 2434-2437.
"Rhenium-Catalyzed Dehydrogenative Olefination of C(sp3)−H Bonds with Hypervalent Iodine(III) Reagents", Haidong Gu, Congyang Wang*, Org. Biomol. Chem. 2015, 13, 5880-5884.
"Direct Silylation Reactions of Inert C−H Bonds via Transition Metal Catalysis", Yunhui Yang, Congyang Wang*, Sci. China Chem. 2015, 58, 1266-1279. (Invited Review for Special Issue of "C-H Bond Activation" by Prof. Zhang-Jie Shi)
"Recent Progress in Re-Catalyzed Dehydroxylation Reactions", Guoliang Mao*, Bing Jia, Congyang Wang*,Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 35, 284-293. (Invited Review Paper)
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2019 papers
2018 papers
2017 papers
2016 papers
2015 papers
2014 papers
2013 papers
2012 papers
Ph.D. & Postdoc
2014 papers
"Amine-Accelerated Manganese-Catalyzed Aromatic C−H Conjugate Addition to α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyls", Bingwei Zhou, Pengchen Ma, Hui Chen,* Congyang Wang* Chem. Commun. 2014, 50, 14558-14561.
"Isoquinoline skeleton synthesis via chelation-assisted C−H activation", Ruoyu He, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, and Congyang Wang*, Tetrahedron Lett. 2014, 55, 5705-5713. (Invited Digest Review Paper)
"Mn-catalyzed Three-Component Reactions of Imines/Nitriles, Grignard Reagents, and Tetrahydrofuran: An ExpedientAccess to 1,5-Amino/-Keto Alcohols", Ruoyu He, Xiqing Jin, Hui Chen*, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 6558-6561.
Highlighted in Synfacts, 2014, 10, 860 & Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2014, 34, 1469.
"Mn-catalyzed Dehydrogenative [4+2] Annulation of N−H Imines and Alkynes via C−H/N−H Activation", Ruoyu He, Zhi-Tang Huang, Qi-Yu Zheng, Congyang Wang*, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 4950-4953.
Highlighted in Synfacts, 2014, 10, 804 & ChemSusChem 2014, 7, 2788.
"Origins of Selective C(sp2)-H Activation Using Transition Metal Complexes with N,N-Bidentate Directing Groups: A Combined Theoretical-Experimental Study", Hao Tang, Bingwei Zhou, Xu-Ri Huang,* Congyang Wang,* Jiannian Yao, Chen Hui,*ACS Catal. 2014, 4, 649.
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2019 papers
2018 papers
2017 papers
2016 papers
2015 papers
2014 papers
2013 papers
2012 papers
Ph.D. & Postdoc
2013 papers
"Alkene Oxyalkylation Enabled by Merging Re-Catalysis with Hypervalent lodine(III) Reagents via Decarboxylation", Yin Wang, Lei Zhang,Yuihui Yang,Ping Zhang, Zenting Du,* Congyang Wang*,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 18048.
"Re/Mg Bimetallic Tandem Catalysis for [4+2] Annulations of Benzamides and Alkynes via C-H/N-H Functionalization",Qiuzheng Tang, Dexin Xia, Xiqing Jin, Qing Zhang, Xiao-Qiang Sun,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am.Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 4628.
Highlighted in Synfacts, 2013, 6, 640.
"Manganese-Catalyzed C-H Alkenylation with Terminal Alkynes", Bingwei Zhou, Hui Chen,* Congyang Wang*, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 1264. Top 20 most accessed articles in Jan. 2013,
Highlighted in Chin. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 33, 866.
"Manganese-Mediated C–C Bond Formation via C–H Activation: From Stoichiometry to Catalysis",Congyang Wang*, Synlett 2013, 24,1606.
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2019 papers
2018 papers
2017 papers
2016 papers
2015 papers
2014 papers
2013 papers
2012 papers
Ph.D. & Postdoc
2012 papers
"Rhenium-Catalyzed Regiodivergent Addition of Indoles to Terminal Alkynes", Dexin Xia, Yin Wang,Zhengting Du, Qi-Yu Zheng,Congyang Wang*, Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 588-591.
2019 papers
2018 papers
2017 papers
2016 papers
2015 papers
2014 papers
2013 papers
2012 papers
Ph.D. & Postdoc
Ph.D. and Postdoc
21. Congyang Wang*, Souvik Rakshit, Frank Glorius*, “Palladium-catalyzed intermolecular decarboxylative coupling of 2-phenylbenzoic acids with alkynes via C-H and C-C bond activation” J. Am. Chem. Soc.2010, 132, 14006-14008.
20. Congyang Wang, Isabel Piel, Frank Glorius*, “Palladium-catalyzed intramolcular direct arylation of benzoic acids by tandem decarboxylation/C-H activation” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 4194-4195.
19. Congyang Wang, Frank Glorius*, “Controlled Iterative Cross-couplings: On the Way to the Automation of Organic Synthesis” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 5240.
18. Congyang Wang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Co-operation effect of Lewis acids with transition metals for organic synthesis” Chem. Soc. Rev.2007, 36, 1395-1406.
17. Congyang Wang, Chao Wang, Qifeng Wang, Zhihui Wang, Hui Sun, Xiangyu Guo, Zhenfeng Xi*,“Highly efficient synthesis of stereo-defined multisubstituted 1,4-dicyano- and 1-cyano-1,3-butadienes and their reactions with organolithium reagents” Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13, 6484-6494.
16. Congyang Wang,Zhihui Wang, Lantao Liu, Chao Wang, Guangzhen Liu, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Cycloaddition reactions of 1-lithio-1,3-dienes with aromatic nitriles affording multiply substituted pyridines, pyrroles and linear butadienylimines” J. Org. Chem. 2006,71, 8565-8571.
15. Congyang Wang, Jiang Lu, Guoliang Mao, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Preparation and electrophilic cyclization of multisubstituted dienamides leading to cyclic iminoethers” J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 5150-5156.
14. Congyang Wang, Qiuling Song, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Reactions of 1,4-dilithio- butadienes with isothiocyanates: preparation of imino-cyclopentadiene derivatives via cleavage of the C=S double bond of a RN=C=S molecule” Tetrahedron, 2004, 60, 5207–5214.
13. Congyang Wang,Jinglong Chen,Qiuling Song,Zhiping Li, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Preparation of S-containing hetero -cycles via novel reaction patterns of carbon disulfide with 1-lithiobutadienes and 1,4-dilithiobutadienes” ARKIVOC, 2003, (ii), 155-154.
12. Xiaohua Sun, Congyang Wang, Zhiping Li, Shiwei Zhang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Zirconocene mediated intermolecular coupling of one molecule of Si-tethered diyne with three molecules of organonitriles: one-pot formation of pyrrolo[3,2-c]pyridine derivatives via cleavage of C≡N triple bonds of organonitriles” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 7172-7173.
11. Jinglong Chen, Qiuling Song, Congyang Wang,Zhenfeng Xi*, “Novel cycloaddition of nitriles with monolithio- and dilithiobutadienes” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 6238-6239.
10. Lantao Liu, Wen-Xiong Zhang, Chao Wang, Congyang Wang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Isolation, Structural Characterization and Synthetic Application of Oxy-cyclopentadienyl Dianions” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009,48, 8111-8114.
9. Heng Li, Lantao Liu, Fei Zhao, Congyang Wang, Chao Wang, Qiuling Song, Wen-Xiong Zhang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Carbonylation of 1-Lithiobutadiene with Carbon Monoxide Followed by Intramolecular Acyllithiation of C=C Double Bond and Intermolecular Acylation with Acid Chloride: Scope, Applications, and Mechanistic Aspects”J. Org. Chem., 2012, 77, 4793–4800.
8. ClaudiaLohre, ThomasDröge, Congyang Wang, Frank Glorius*, “Nickel-catalyzed Cross-Coupling of Aryl Bromides with tertiary Grignard Reagents Utilizing Donor-functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbenes (NHCs)” Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 6052-6055.
7. NanYu, Congyang Wang,FeiZhao, LantaoLiu, Wen-XiongZhang, Zhenfeng Xi*,“Diversified reaction chemistry of 1,4-dilithio-1,3-dienes with nitriles: facile access to tricyclic D1-bipyrrolines, multi-substituted pyridines, siloles and (Z, Z)-dienylsilanes bytuningofsubstituents on the butadienyl skeleton” Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14, 5670-5679.
6. Tao Yu, Xiaohua Sun, Congyang Wang, Liang Deng, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Zirconocene mediated intermolecular coupling of Si-tethered diynes with alkynes, ketones, aldehydes, and isocyanates by means of novel skeletal rearrangement of zirconacyclobutene -silacyclobutene and zirconacyclohexadiene-silacyclobutene fused-ring intermediates” Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11, 1895-1902.
5. Keiichi Hirano, Slawomir Urban, Congyang Wang, Frank Glorius*, “A modular synthesis of highly substituted imidazolium salts” Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 1019-1022.
4. Qiuling Song, Zhiping Li, Jinglong Chen, Congyang Wang,Zhenfeng Xi*, “Acyl-lithiation of olefins: formation of cyclopentenones from 1-lithio -butadienes and CO” Org. Lett. 2002,4, 4627-4629.
3. Junhui Liu, Xiaohua Sun,Mikihiro Miyazaki, Lantao Liu, Congyang Wang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Synthesis of multiply substituted silacyclohexadiene derivatives via palladium-catalyzed insertion of alkynes into silacyclobutenes” J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 3137-3140.
2. Qiaoshu. Hu,Jiang Lu, Congyang Wang, Chao Wang, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Lewis acid-controlled reactions of zirconacyclopentadienes with isocyanates and isothiocyanates. One-pot three- or four-component synthesis of multiply substituted iminocyclopentadienes and butadiene-bridged 1,6-bisamides and electrophilic cyclization” Tetrahedron2007,.63, 6614-6624.
1. Guoliang Mao,Congyang Wang, Jinglong Chen, Ayako Muramatsu, Zhenfeng Xi*, “Concise synthesis of multiply substituted stereodefined cis,cis-2,4-diene-1,6-dials, cis,cis-2,4-diene-1,6 -diols and further applications” Tetrahedron Lett. 2005, 46, 5369-5372.
相关话题/中国科学院 化学研究所
课题组现招收硕博生(含推荐免试生)、博士生若干名,同时欢迎本科生入组实习,欢迎报考!联系我们:中国科学院化学研究所分子识别与功能院重点实验室王德先研究员王其强研究员http://lmrf.iccas.ac.cndxwang@iccas.ac.cnqiqiangw@iccas.ac.cn地址:北京市海 ...中科院化学研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-17中国科学院化学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-马会民
课题组负责人马会民研究员联系我们地址:北京市海淀区中关村北一街2号中国科学院化学研究所邮编:100190Tel:86-Email:mahm@iccas.ac.cn课题组简介本课题组长期从事生物分子的光学探针与生化分析研究。先后发展了水溶性高分子类、三嗪类、含反应性桥联键等一系列光学探针,并利用特殊的 ...中科院化学研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-17中国科学院化学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-毛兰群
单篇全文显示地址:北京市海淀区中关村北一街2号中国科学院化学研究所5号楼邮编:100190单篇全文显示地址:北京市海淀区中关村北一街2号中国科学院化学研究所5号楼邮编:100190研究领域活体电分析化学生物电化学微纳材料的电化学及电分析化学课题组成员课题组长电话EmailWeb毛兰群研究员lqmao ...中科院化学研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-17中国科学院化学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-王 铁
课题组负责人王铁研究员搜索所有社区本社区课题组介绍课题组成立于2013年4月份,目前主要从事新型纳米材料的制备和组装,以及功能纳米材料在环境科学和新能源中应用的相关研究工作。现已具备比较完善的实验设备和良好的研究条件,累计发表SCI论文80余篇,其中包括Science;Chem.Soc.Rev.;N ...中科院化学研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-17中国科学院化学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-吴海臣
课题组负责人吴海臣研究员搜索所有社区本社区联系我们地址:中科院活体分析化学重点实验室,北京市海淀区中关村北一街2号5#601邮编:100190Tel:(+86)-Email:haichenwu@iccas.ac.cn代表性成果欢迎加入课题组负责人吴海臣研究员搜索所有社区本社区联系我们地址:中科院活体 ...中科院化学研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-17中国科学院化学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-宋延林
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课题组负责人杨联明研究员欢迎加入课题组地址:北京市海淀区中关村北一街2号2#信箱邮编:100190电话:+86-传真:+86-邮箱:yanglm@iccas.ac.cn搜索所有社区本社区有机信息记录材料组简介有机信息记录材料组依托于绿色印刷实验室,目前主要从事与现代信息记录介质和可再生能源材料相关的 ...中科院化学研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-17中国科学院化学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-王健君
课题组负责人?王健君研究员联系我们地址:北京市海淀区中关村北一街2号中国科学院化学研究所邮编:100190Tel:Fax:Email:wangj220@iccas.ac.cn课题组简介欢迎访问防冰材料课题组!课题组现招收硕博生(含推荐免试生)、博士生、博士后若干名,欢迎加入!近期动态王健君研究员在2 ...中科院化学研究所 本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-17中国科学院化学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-赵 彤
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