本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-17
宋延林 研究员
◇ 中国材料研究学会理事
◇ 中国真空学会理事
◇ 中国计算机协会常务理事
◇ 中国印刷技术协会常务理事
◇ 中国颗粒学会副理事长
◇ Scientific Reports,《中国印刷》,《中国印刷年鉴》等杂志编委
名称 日期
中科院化学所宋延林研究员课题组《Adv. Mater.》:在印刷三维光探测器上取得新进展 2020-03-04
中科院化学所宋延林研究员团队实现液滴的程序化操控--Science Advances 2020-03-04
宋延林&张懿强:稳定!低维锡基钙钛矿太阳能电池--Angew. 2020-03-03
中科院化学所宋延林研究员团队《Nat. Commun.》: 3D打印实现高效海水淡化 2020-03-03
未来,一滴水也能发电!中国科学家实现对液滴碰撞行为的精确控制--Nature Communications 2019-03-08
From "Impossible" to "I'm possible"
将"Impossible" 变成"I'm possible",需要的是一点创造,一点努力,一点坚持,更要有一点理想主义精神,一种"道之所在,虽千****吾往矣"的勇气与自信。
名称 日期
哈尔滨工业大学师生一行来访 2019-08-02
北京联合大学特教学院听障学生参观化学所中试基地 2019-06-25
Nature专访宋延林:绿色印刷技术改变中国! 2019-03-21
苏萌博士荣获2017年材料研究学会秋季会议——Best Poster Award 2017-12-12
更快更高更强!3D印刷书写印刷术新神话 2017-12-08
纳米绿色印刷技术献力十九大 2017-12-02
宋延林研究员荣登国际著名期刊 《Angew.Chem.Int.Ed》的作者人物专栏 2017-11-29
颠覆传统的纳米印刷技术 2017-07-19
祝贺2017年博士硕士毕业生顺利毕业 2017-06-20
科研成果荣获2016年度北京市科学技术一等奖 2017-04-27
宋延林 研究员
◇ 中国材料研究学会理事
◇ 中国真空学会理事
◇ 中国计算机协会常务理事
◇ 中国印刷技术协会常务理事
◇ 中国颗粒学会副理事长
◇ Scientific Reports,《中国印刷》,《中国印刷年鉴》等杂志编委
名称 日期
中科院化学所宋延林研究员课题组《Adv. Mater.》:在印刷三维光探测器上取得新进展 2020-03-04
中科院化学所宋延林研究员团队实现液滴的程序化操控--Science Advances 2020-03-04
宋延林&张懿强:稳定!低维锡基钙钛矿太阳能电池--Angew. 2020-03-03
中科院化学所宋延林研究员团队《Nat. Commun.》: 3D打印实现高效海水淡化 2020-03-03
未来,一滴水也能发电!中国科学家实现对液滴碰撞行为的精确控制--Nature Communications 2019-03-08
From "Impossible" to "I'm possible"
将"Impossible" 变成"I'm possible",需要的是一点创造,一点努力,一点坚持,更要有一点理想主义精神,一种"道之所在,虽千****吾往矣"的勇气与自信。
名称 日期
哈尔滨工业大学师生一行来访 2019-08-02
北京联合大学特教学院听障学生参观化学所中试基地 2019-06-25
Nature专访宋延林:绿色印刷技术改变中国! 2019-03-21
苏萌博士荣获2017年材料研究学会秋季会议——Best Poster Award 2017-12-12
更快更高更强!3D印刷书写印刷术新神话 2017-12-08
纳米绿色印刷技术献力十九大 2017-12-02
宋延林研究员荣登国际著名期刊 《Angew.Chem.Int.Ed》的作者人物专栏 2017-11-29
颠覆传统的纳米印刷技术 2017-07-19
祝贺2017年博士硕士毕业生顺利毕业 2017-06-20
科研成果荣获2016年度北京市科学技术一等奖 2017-04-27
★ 超高密度信息存储
合成了具有强电子给体和电子受体、物理化学性质稳定的有机分子,并在其规整薄膜上实现1.1 nm信息点的写入(Adv. Mater. 2003, 15, 1525-1529);通过分子间氢键和π-π相互作用自组装制备了晶态薄膜,实现平均点径2.2 nm的信息点的写入,信息点间距可达1.0 nm (Adv. Mater. 2004, 16, 2018-2021);通过对材料结构的设计和改造,在热稳定的新型螺噁嗪薄膜上实现可擦写的多层高密度光学信息存储(Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 156-160) 和基于二噻吩基烯光开关的高信噪比光学信息存储(Chem. Mater. 2006, 18, 235-237);利用刚性结构和强推拉电子基团的分子,实现真空沉积自组装单晶薄膜的制备和超高密度信息存储(Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 2170-2173)。通过对材料结构与光电性能关系的深入研究,利用同一材料实现了光电双重高密度信息存储(ChemPhysChem 2005, 6, 478-482)。基于三维光子晶体对荧光的增强效应,在光子晶体薄膜上实现了更高信噪比的光学信息存储(Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 90-94)。
最近,利用一类包含三聚茚及三苯胺的新型电荷转移分子薄膜作为信息存储介质,实现对信息点显现和隐藏的可逆操纵。(J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 4299-4305, cover paper)。进一步利用光电协同作用实现了多位高密度信息存储(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 20053–20059)。
★ 聚合物光子晶体
光子晶体材料因其对光子传播的调控性能而被称为"光半导体",其研究和应用受到广泛关注。我们针对光子晶体的制备和应用开展了系统研究(Acc. Chem. Res.2011,44, 405-415; J. Mater. Chem.2011, 21, 14113-14126)。通过结构设计,制备了具有硬核-软壳结构的乳胶粒子,进而组装了具有特殊紧密堆积结构的高强度光子晶体(Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2006,6, 596-604),实现高质量光子晶体薄膜的制备及浸润性控制(Chem. Mater. 2006, 18, 4984-4986; Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007, 17, 219-225) 。研究了三维光子晶体的慢光子效应及其对荧光的增强效应(J. Mater. Chem. 2007, 17, 1237-1241)。同时利用这种具有特殊乳胶粒子结构的光子晶体实现了在高灵敏度检测(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2008, 47, 7258-7262;J. Mater. Chem.2012, 22, 21405-21411)、光信息存储(Adv. Mater.2010,22, 1237-1241)等方面的应用。通过对乳胶粒子形貌的控制,实现了对界面浸润性及粘附性的调控(Adv. Funct. Mater.2011, 21, 4436-4441),并基于界面性质的控制制备了高质量超窄带隙的光子晶体(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 17053-17058;NPG Asia Mater.2012,4,e21)。
进一步将光子晶体应用于高效太阳能电池聚光器、光催化等领域(J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18, 2650-2652; Energ. Environ. Sci. 2010, 3, 1503-1506);以聚合物乳胶粒子为墨水,将光子晶体应用于喷墨打印技术(J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 5499–5502),提出用结构色替代染料色素,为更为环保绿色的印刷技术提供新的材料与解决思路(Acc. Chem. Res. 2011, 44, 405-415; J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 14113-14126)。进一步发展了打印制备光子晶体检测芯片及其应用(J. Mater. Chem. C. 2013, DOI: 10.1039/C3TC30728J; Lab Chip 2012, 12, 3089-3095; J. Mater. Chem.2012, 22, 21405-21411)。并利用基材浸润性的差异,设计制备了多带隙的光子晶体阵列芯片,实现了光子晶体芯片对多底物的高效检测与识别(Angew. Chem. In. Ed. 2013, 52, 7296-7299)。
★ 纳米绿色打印印刷材料
基于多年来在纳米材料和打印印刷技术的研究基础(Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 42, 5184-209; Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 2291-2295),发展了一种非感光、无污染、低成本的纳米绿色制版技术,可彻底解决印刷制版过程中的环境污染。课题组已成功突破纳米绿色印刷用关键材料制备技术、高速高精度绿色制版设备及其配套软件关键技术;授权和申请相关发明专利50余项,其中PCT专利13项,形成了从新材料、新装备到配套软件的系统自主知识产权。该技术获得联想控股等著名企业的投资,成立了北京中科纳新印刷技术有限公司。目前已成功推出高精度制版设备,并获印刷行业十佳创新设备奖、全国印刷行业百佳科技创新成果奖;入选上海世博会和"十一五"国家重大科技成就展,在多家印刷企业实现示范应用。课题组还进一步发展了环保型版基制备技术,有望解决传统版基电解氧化工艺造成的巨大污染和能耗;与企业合作,开发了环保型塑料凹印油墨,已实现产业化。
宋延林 1989 年和1992 年于郑州大学化学系获得学士、硕士学位;1996 年于北京大学化学与分子工程学院获得博士学位,1996-1998 于清华大学化学系从事博士后研究;1998年进入中国科学院化学研究所,任副研究员、研究员。现任中国科学院绿色印刷重点实验室主任,研究员、博士生导师;北京航空航天大学、北京印刷学院兼职教授。主要从事信息功能材料、光子晶体与应用和绿色打印印刷材料与技术研究。
◇ 中国材料研究学会理事
◇ 中国真空学会理事
◇ 中国计算机协会常务理事
◇ 中国印刷协会常务理事
◇ 中国颗粒学会副理事长
◇ Scientific Reports,《中国印刷》、《中国印刷年鉴》等杂志编委
★ 2004年获北京市自然科学一等奖
★ 2005年获国家自然科学二等奖
★ 2006年获"中国科学院研究生院优秀教师"荣誉称号
★ 2006年获澳大利亚 BHP Billiton 导师科研奖
★ 2006年获国家****科学基金资助
★ 2006年获中科院优秀研究生指导教师奖
★ 2008年获国家自然科学二等奖
★ 2010年获第十一届中国青年科技奖
★ 2010年获第十届"中国科学院****"荣誉称号
★ 2010年获首届"中国化学会-阿克苏诺贝尔化学奖"
★ 2011年获第十四届中国科协求是****成果转化奖
★ 2012年获中国产学研合作创新成果奖
★ 2013年获中国印刷技术协会毕昇奖
★ 2015年获中华印制大奖
肖 坷
安 粒
李 珩
徐 亮
王 森
罗 佳
王 岩
倪 彬
Preparation of metal plate for nano materials print to plate. H. H. Zhou, Y. L. Song, ZL 8.4, Granted date: 2012.08.08.
The fabrication of self-supporting colloidal photonic crystals. Z. Y. Li, J. X. Wang, Y. Huang, Y. L. Song, ZL 6.2, Granted date: 2012.01.13.
Fabrications of metal modify photonic crystals biodetection film and its applications. M. Z. Li, W. Z. Shen, Y. L. Song, ZL 0.7, Granted date: 2012.04.25.
Preparation of aluminum plate and hydrophilic coating materials for nano materials print to plate. H. H. Zhou, Y. L. Song, ZL 6.2, Granted date: 2012.04.25.
Ink resin used for intaglio printing and its preparing method. J. X. Wang, Y. L. Song,ZL 8.0, Granted date: 2011.12.07.
Preparation and application of coating material on aluminum plate for nano materials print to plate. H. H. Zhou, Y. L. Song, ZL 0.7, Granted date: 2011.08.31.
Uses of invers opal structure films. H. L. Li, J. X. Wang, Y. L. Song,ZL 7.6, Granted date: 2011.07.27.
A method of utilizing photonic crystals to increase biotesting sensitivity. M. Z. Li, Y. L. Song, ZL 5.X, Granted date: 2011.07.27.
Surface treatment of metal plate for lithography plating. H. H. Zhou, Y. L. Song, ZL 5.1, Granted date: 2011.02.02.
A method of composite stopband colloidal photonic crystals film fabricated by inkjet printing. L. Y. Cui, J. X. Wang,Y. F. Li, Y. L. Song, 0.9, Granted date, 2011.01.12.
Fabrication of polymer photonic crystals from spray coating method.J. X. Wang, Y. Z. Zhang, Y. L. Song, L. Jiang, ZL5.0, Granted date, 2010.08.25.
Fabrication of polymer PCs with controllable wettability at constant temperature and its use. J. X. Wang, Y. L. Song, L. Jiang,ZL7.2, Granted date, 2009.11.04.
Fabrication of polymer photonic crystals with stopband at near infra-red ranges and its uses. J. Liang, J. X. Wang, Y. L. Song, L. Jiang, B. Q. Liu,ZL 2.5, Granted date, 2009.11.04.
Fabrication of transfer system of solar energy containing of metal and Al or cave photonic crystal structure.Y. Z. Zhang, J. X. Wang, Y. Zhao, J. Zhai, L. Jiang, Y. L. Song, D. B. Zhu, ZL5.8, Granted date, 2009.11.04.
A method for high efficient emitting device containing photonic crystals structure. Y. Q. Zhang, Y. L. Song, J. X. Wang, L. Jiang, ZL7.0, Granted date, 2009.11.04.
A method for solidwhite light source by use of photonic crystals. M. Z. Li, Y. L. Song, Q. Liao, J. P. Zhang, J. X. Wang, ZL 0.2, Granted date, 2009.09.09.
A method for the photonic crystals with high mechanical strength and solvent resistance.E. T. Tian, J. X. Wang, Y. L. Song, L. Jiang, ZL5.X, Granted date, 2010.08.25.
Fabrication of photonic crystals with controllable wettability and its use. J. X. Wang, Y. L. Song, J. Liang, B. Q. Liu, L. Jiang, ZL 7.7, Granted date, 2009.04.08
The use of the photonic crystals with broad wavelength and high reflectivity. J. P. Hu, Y. L. Song, J. Liang, J. X. Wang, L. Jiang, ZL 1.0, Granted date, 2009.02.11.
Fabrication of the photonic crystals with stopband at mid-infrared and its use. J. X. Wang, Y. L. Song, L. Jiang, ZL 3.X, Granted date, 2009.02.11.
Fabrication of polymer photonic crystals with stopband at UV ranges and its uses. J. X. Wang, Y. L. Song, J. Liang, B. Q. Liu, L. Jiang, ZL 1.6, Granted date: 2008.09.24.
Fabrication of full-color photonic crystals and its uses. J. X. Wang, Y. L. Song, L. Jiang, ZL 9.2, Granted date, 2008.04.16.
Fabrication and application of Mirco/Nano fibers with crimping secondary structure.C. G.Du, F. Y. Li,Y. Zhao, L. Jiang, Y. L. Song,ZL3.5, Granted date,2010.12.8
Photoacid polymer doping spirooxazine/spiropyrane reversible photochromic films fabrication and application. F. Y. Li,S. Wang, Y. L. Song,D. M. Du, L. Jiang,ZL 2.X, Granted date, 2010.12.29.
The latex particles with hard-core and soft-shell structure and application in the ink of duplicators and laser printers.J. X. Wang, Y. L. Song,ZL 0.X, Granted date, 2010.9.22.
Superhydrophobic anti-icing and anti-forcing coating and the fabrication methods. H. L. Li, J. H. Du, Y. L. Song,ZL 0.8, Granted date, 2010.5.26.
Fabrication for high sensitive explosives fluoresent detection photonic crystal film. L. Y. Cui, J. X. Wang, Y. F. Li, Y. L. Song,ZL 5.9, Granted date, 2010.3.10.
Anti-forcing coating and application method thereof. M. He, Y. L. Song, B. Q. Liu,ZL 7.6, Granted date, 2010.3.10.
A wear-resisting for computer to plate (CTP) print making technique and its fabrication method.H. L. Li, Y. L. Song, K. Xiao, Y. F. Li, L. M. Yang, Y. Q. Wang,ZL 0.6, Granted date, 2010.1.6.
An inkjet print imaging computer to plate (CTP) print making method and equipment. K. Xiao, Y. F. Li, Y. L. Song, L. M. Yang, L. Jiang, Y. Q. Wang,ZL 8.4, Granted date, 2009.11.25.
The method to enhance tombarthite phosphor powder three primary colours fluorescence emission. Y. Q. Zhang, Y. L. Song, J. X. Wang, J. Liang, L. Jiang,ZL 9.5, Granted date, 2009.8.26.
A kind of nano pigment ink for inkjet print computer to plate (CTP) technique. K. Xiao, Y. F. Li, L. Jiang, Y. L. Song, L. M. Yang, Y. Q. Wang,ZL 9.9, Granted date, 2009.7.8.
A computer to plate (CTP) print making material and its fabrication. Y. F. Li, K. Xiao, L. Jiang, Y. L. Song, L. M. Yang, Y. Q. Wang,ZL 7.X, Granted date, 2009.6.17.
A kind of high performance photoluminescence light emssion device fabrication with photonic crystals. Y. Q. Zhang, Y. L. Song, J. X. Wang, L. Jiang, ZL 7.0, Granted date, 2009.4.29.
Fabrication for superhydrophilic alumina film materials. Y. Z. Zhang, Y. Q. Zhang, Y. L. Song, L. Jiang, ZL 9.1, Granted date, 2009.2.11.
A laser typing computer to plate (CTP) print making method.Y. F. Li, K. Xiao, L. Jiang, Y. L. Song, L. M. Yang, Y. Q. Wang,ZL 0.1, Granted date, 2008.10.1.
A photo/electro- dual responsive functional material and its application. G. Y. Jiang, Y. L. Song, Y. Q. Wen, W. F. Yuan, L. Jiang, ZL 2.8, Granted date, 2007.7.4.
Automatic inkjet print plate making equipment and progressive loading system.Y. L. Song, K. Xiao, J. G. Yang, Y. G. Liu, ZL 8.7, Granted date, 2012.2.1.
Automatic plate loading equipment. Y. L. Song, K. Xiao, J. G. Yang, Y. G. Liu, ZL 8.1, Granteddate, 2011.10.26.
Su M, Huang Z, Huang Y, et al. Swarm Intelligence‐Inspired Spontaneous Fabrication of Optimal Interconnect at the Micro/Nanoscale[J]. Advanced Materials, 2017, 29(7). (Cover)
Geng H, Liu X, Shi G, et al. Graphene Oxide Restricts Growth and Recrystallization of Ice Crystals[J]. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56(4): 997-1001.
Wu S, Zhu C, He Z, et al. Ion-specific ice recrystallization provides a facile approach for the fabrication of porous materials[J]. Nature Communications, 2017, 8.
Huang Z, Su M, Yang Q, et al. A general patterning approach by manipulating the evolution of two-dimensional liquid foams[J]. Nature Communications, 2017, 8: 14110.
Hou J, Liu M, Zhang H, et al. Healable green hydrogen bonded networks for circuit repair, wearable sensor and flexible electronic devices[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017.
Gu Z, Wang K, Li H, et al. Direct‐Writing Multifunctional Perovskite Single Crystal Arrays by Inkjet Printing[J]. small, 2017, 13(8). (Cover)
Li L, Gao M, Guo Y, et al. Transparent Ag@ Au–graphene patterns with conductive stability via inkjet printing[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(11): 2800-2806.
Zheng L, Jiang K, Huang J, et al. Solid-state nanocrystalline solar cells with an antimony sulfide absorber deposited by an in situ solid–gas reaction[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(10): 4791-4796.
Zhou J, Han P, Liu M, et al. Self‐healable Organogel Nanocomposite with Angle‐independent Structural Colors[J]. Angewandte Chemie, 2017.
Huang Y, Li W, Qin M, et al. Printable Functional Chips Based on Nanoparticle Assembly[J]. Small, 2017, 13(4). (Inside Cover)
Zhou H, Chang R, Reichmanis E, et al. Wetting of inkjet polymer droplets on porous alumina substrates[J]. Langmuir, 2017, 33(1): 130-137.
Li Y, Zhou X, Yang Q, et al. Patterned photonic crystals for hiding information[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(19): 4621-4628.(Cover)
Li W, Li Y, Su M, et al. Printing assembly and structural regulation of graphene towards three-dimensional flexible micro-supercapacitors[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017.
Gao M, Li L, Song Y. Inkjet printing wearable electronic devices[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(12): 2971-2993.
Zhang Y, Tian J, Jiang K, et al. A novel method for fabrication of CdS quantum dot-sensitized solar cells[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017: 1-7.
Jiao X, Li Y, Li F, et al. Voltage-Responsive Controlled Release Film with Cargo Release Self-Monitoring Property Based on Hydrophobicity Switching. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(12): 10992-10999.
Li H, Li M, Li W, et al. Three dimensional MOF–sponge for fast dynamic adsorption. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(8): 5746-5752.(Back Cover)
Kuang M, Song Y. Inkjet Printing of Photonic Crystals. Nanomaterials for 2D and 3D Printing, 2017.
Zhang J, Fan Y, He M, et al. Accuracy of Raman spectroscopy in differentiating brain tumor from normal brain tissue. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(22): 36824.
Zhang Y, Tian J, Jiang K, et al. In-situ gas-solid reaction for fabrication of copper antimony sulfide thin film as photovoltaic absorber. Materials Letters, 2017.
Jie Liu, Chongqin Zhu, Kai Liu, Ying Jiang, Yanlin Song, Joseph S. Francisco, Xiao Cheng Zeng, and Jianjun Wang. Distinct ice patterns on solid surfaces with various wettabilities PNAS 2017 114 (43) 11285-11290
Xiaotian Hu, Zengqi Huang, Xue Zhou, Pengwei Li, Yang Wang, Zhandong Huang, Meng Su, Wanjie Ren, Fengyu Li*, Mingzhu Li, Yiwang Chen, Yanlin Song* “Wearable Large-scale Perovskite Solar Power Source via Nano-cellular Scaffold.” Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, **. (Back Cover)
Meng Su, Zhandong Huang, Yifan Li, Xin Qian, Zheng Li, Xiaotian Hu, Qi Pan, Fengyu Li*, Lihong Li and Yanlin Song*, “A three-dimensional self-shaping strategy for nano-resolution multicomponent architectures.” Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, **. (Cover)
Zheng Li, Zhandong Huang, Qiang Yang, Meng Su, Xue Zhou, Huizeng Li, Lihong Li, Fengyu Li* and Yanlin Song*,Bioinspired Anti-Moiré Random Grids via Patterning Foams” Adv. Opt. Mater., 2017, DOI: 10.1002/adom.
Yudong Li, Yanan Li, Meng Su, Wenbo Li, Yifan Li, Huizeng Li, Xin Qian, Xingye Zhang, Fengyu Li* and Yanlin Song*, “Electronic textile by dyeing method for multi-resolution physical kineses monitoring” Adv. Elec. Mater.,2017,DOI: 10.1002/aelm.R1.
Su M, Huang Z, Huang Y, et al. Swarm Intelligence‐Inspired Spontaneous Fabrication of Optimal Interconnect at the Micro/Nanoscale[J]. Advanced Materials, 2017, 29(7). (Cover)
Geng H, Liu X, Shi G, et al. Graphene Oxide Restricts Growth and Recrystallization of Ice Crystals[J]. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2017, 56(4): 997-1001.
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Li L, Gao M, Guo Y, et al. Transparent Ag@ Au–graphene patterns with conductive stability via inkjet printing[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(11): 2800-2806.
Zheng L, Jiang K, Huang J, et al. Solid-state nanocrystalline solar cells with an antimony sulfide absorber deposited by an in situ solid–gas reaction[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(10): 4791-4796.
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Zhou H, Chang R, Reichmanis E, et al. Wetting of inkjet polymer droplets on porous alumina substrates[J]. Langmuir, 2017, 33(1): 130-137.
Li Y, Zhou X, Yang Q, et al. Patterned photonic crystals for hiding information[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(19): 4621-4628.(Cover)
Li W, Li Y, Su M, et al. Printing assembly and structural regulation of graphene towards three-dimensional flexible micro-supercapacitors[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017.
Gao M, Li L, Song Y. Inkjet printing wearable electronic devices[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2017, 5(12): 2971-2993.
Zhang Y, Tian J, Jiang K, et al. A novel method for fabrication of CdS quantum dot-sensitized solar cells[J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017: 1-7.
Jiao X, Li Y, Li F, et al. Voltage-Responsive Controlled Release Film with Cargo Release Self-Monitoring Property Based on Hydrophobicity Switching. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(12): 10992-10999.
Li H, Li M, Li W, et al. Three dimensional MOF–sponge for fast dynamic adsorption. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(8): 5746-5752.(Back Cover)
Kuang M, Song Y. Inkjet Printing of Photonic Crystals. Nanomaterials for 2D and 3D Printing, 2017.
Zhang J, Fan Y, He M, et al. Accuracy of Raman spectroscopy in differentiating brain tumor from normal brain tissue. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(22): 36824.
Zhang Y, Tian J, Jiang K, et al. In-situ gas-solid reaction for fabrication of copper antimony sulfide thin film as photovoltaic absorber. Materials Letters, 2017.
Jie Liu, Chongqin Zhu, Kai Liu, Ying Jiang, Yanlin Song, Joseph S. Francisco, Xiao Cheng Zeng, and Jianjun Wang. Distinct ice patterns on solid surfaces with various wettabilities PNAS 2017 114 (43) 11285-11290
Xiaotian Hu, Zengqi Huang, Xue Zhou, Pengwei Li, Yang Wang, Zhandong Huang, Meng Su, Wanjie Ren, Fengyu Li*, Mingzhu Li, Yiwang Chen, Yanlin Song* “Wearable Large-scale Perovskite Solar Power Source via Nano-cellular Scaffold.” Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, **. (Back Cover)
Meng Su, Zhandong Huang, Yifan Li, Xin Qian, Zheng Li, Xiaotian Hu, Qi Pan, Fengyu Li*, Lihong Li and Yanlin Song*, “A three-dimensional self-shaping strategy for nano-resolution multicomponent architectures.” Adv. Mater., 2017, 29, **. (Cover)
Zheng Li, Zhandong Huang, Qiang Yang, Meng Su, Xue Zhou, Huizeng Li, Lihong Li, Fengyu Li* and Yanlin Song*,Bioinspired Anti-Moiré Random Grids via Patterning Foams” Adv. Opt. Mater., 2017, DOI: 10.1002/adom.
Yudong Li, Yanan Li, Meng Su, Wenbo Li, Yifan Li, Huizeng Li, Xin Qian, Xingye Zhang, Fengyu Li* and Yanlin Song*, “Electronic textile by dyeing method for multi-resolution physical kineses monitoring” Adv. Elec. Mater.,2017,DOI: 10.1002/aelm.R1.
Meng Su, Fengyu Li, Shuoran Chen, Zhandong Huang, Meng Qin, Wenbo Li, Xingye Zhang, Yanlin Song, Nanoparticle Based Curve Arrays for Multirecognition Flexible Electronics, Adv. Mater. ,28, (2016)1369-1374.[pdf]
Jieke Jiang, Bin Bao, Mingzhu Li, Jiazhen Sun, Cong Zhang, Yang Li, Fengyu Li, Xi Yao, Yanlin Song, Fabrication of Transparent Multilayer Circuits by Inkjet Printing, Adv. Mater. ,28, (2016)1420-1426.[pdf]
Jue Hou, Huacheng Zhang, Bin Su, Mingzhu Li, Qiang Yang, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song. Four-Dimensional Screening Anti‐Counterfeiting Pattern by Inkjet Printed Photonic Crystals. Chemistry-An Asian Journal (2016). 11, 2680-2685.
Bin Bao, Jiazhen Sun, Meng Gao, Xingye Zhang, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song. Patterning liquids on inkjet-imprinted surfaces with highly adhesive superhydrophobicity. Nanoscale, 2016, 8(18): 9556-9562.
Min He, Yue Ding, Jing Chen, Yanlin Song. Spontaneous Uphill Movement and Self-Removal of Condensates on Hierarchical Tower-Like Arrays. ACS nano, 2016, 10 (10), pp 9456–9462
Jie Liu, Haoyuan Guo, Bo Zhang, Shasha Qiao, Mingzhe Shao, Xianren Zhang, Xiqiao Feng, Qunyang Li, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Jianjun Wang. Guided Self‐Propelled Leaping of Droplets on a Micro‐Anisotropic Superhydrophobic Surface. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2016.55, 4265 –4269
Meng Qin, Yu Huang, Yanan Li, Meng Su, Bingda Chen, Heng Sun, Peiyi Yong, Changqing Ye, Fengyu Li, Yanlin Song. A Rainbow Structural‐Color Chip for Multisaccharide Recognition. Angewandte Chemie, 2016, 128(24): 7025-7028.
Yu Huang, Wenbo Li, Meng Qin, Haihua Zhou, Xingye Zhang, Fengyu Li, Yanlin Song. Printable Functional Chips Based on Nanoparticle Assembly. Small (2016). DOI: 10.1002/smll.
Yifan Li, Meng Su, Zhandong Huang, Shuoran Chen, Gao Meng, Wenbo Li, Dan Su, Xingye Zhang, Ying Ma, Fengyu Li, Yanlin Song. Gas/liquid interfacial manipulation by electrostatic inducing for nano-resolution printed circuits. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016.DOI: 10.1039/C6TC03955C
Meng Gao, Lihong Li, Wenbo Li, Haihua Zhou, Yanlin Song. Direct Writing of Patterned, Lead‐Free Nanowire Aligned Flexible Piezoelectric Device. Advanced Science, 2016.3, **
Heng Li, Zhaohua Xu, Bin Bao, Ning Sun, Yanlin Song. Improving the luminescence performance of quantum dot-based photonic crystals for white-light emission.Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2016, 4(1): 39-44.
Minxuan Kuang, Lei Wu, Yifan Li, Meng Gao, Xingye Zhang, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song. Sliding three-phase contact line of printed droplets for single-crystal arrays. Nanotechnology, 2016, 27(18): 184002.
Pengwei Li, Chao Liang, Yiqiang Zhang, Fengyu Li, Yanlin Song, Guosheng Shao. Polyethyleneimine high-energy hydrophilic surface interfacial treatment toward efficient and stable perovskite solar cells[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016.DOI:10.1021/acsami.6b09063
Boxing An, Ying Ma, Wenbo Li, Meng Su, Fengyu Li, Yanlin Song. Three-dimensional multi-recognition flexible wearable sensor via graphene aerogel printing[J]. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52(73): 10948-10951.
Heng Li, Zhaohua Xu, Bin Bao, Yanlin Song. Enhanced light extraction by heterostructure photonic crystals toward white-light-emission [J]. Journal of colloid and interface science, 2016, 465: 42-46.
Yanan Li, Qiang Yang, Mingzhu Li, Yanlin Song. Rate-dependent interface capture beyond the coffee-ring effect [J]. Scientific reports, 2016, 6:24628.
Wenbo Li, Fengyu Li, Huizeng Li, Meng Su, Meng Gao, Yanan Li, Dan Su, Xingye Zhang, Yanlin Song. Flexible Circuits and Soft Actuators by Printing Assembly of Graphene[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces,2016, 8(19): 12369-12376.
Jiazhen Sun, Jieke Jiang, Bin Bao, Si Wang, Min He, Xingye Zhang and Yanlin Song. Fabrication of Bendable Circuits on a Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Surface by Inkjet Printing Semi-Wrapped Structures [J]. Materials, 2016, 9(4): 253.
Yang Wang, Jin Zhai, Yanlin Song, Ling He. The Ag shell thickness effect of Au@ Ag@ SiO 2 core–shell nanoparticles on the optoelectronic performance of dye sensitized solar cells. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52(11): 2390-2393.
Lei Wu, Zhichao Dong, Fengyu Li, Haihua Zhou, Yanlin Song. Emerging Progress of Inkjet Technology in Printing Optical Materials [J]. Advanced Optical Materials, 2016.DOI: 10.1002/adom.
Qian Xin, Su Meng, Li Fengyu, Song yanlin, Research Progress in Flexible Wearable Electronic Sensors, Acta. Chim. Sinica. 2016,74,565-575.
1. Lei Wu, Zhichao Dong, Minxuan Kuang, Yanan Li, Fengyu Li, Lei Jiang,and Yanlin Song.Printing Patterned Fine 3D Structures by Manipulating the Three Phase Contact Line. Adv. Fun. Mater., 2015, DOI: 10.1002/adfm. (High lighted by Nanowerk)[pdf]
2. Lei Wu, Zhichao Dong, Ning Li, Fengyu Li, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, Manipulating Oil Droplets by Superamphiphobic Nozzle, Small,11, (2015)4837-4843.
3. Meng Qin, Fengyu Li, Yu Huang, Wei Ran, Dong Han, and Yanlin Song, Twentynatural amino acids identification by a photochromic sensor chip. Anal. Chem., 87(2015),837-842.
4. Meng Qin, Yu Huang, Fengyu Li, Yanlin Song, Photochromic sensors: a versatile approach for recognition and discrimination, J. Mater. Chem. C,(2015).
5. Guo, Y.; Li, L.; Li, F.; Zhou, H.; Song, Y., Inkjet print microchannels based on a liquid template. Lab Chip 2015, 15 (7), 1759-1764.[pdf]
6. Libin Wang, Fengyu Li, Minxuan Kuang, Jingxia Wang, Yu Huang, Lei Jiang and Yanlin Song,Interface manipulation for three-dimensional microstructure by magnetic guiding. Small, 11, (2015)1900-1904. [pdf]
7. Bin Bao, Mingzhu Li, Yuan Li, Zhenkun Gu, Xingye Zhang, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, Patterning fluorescent quantum dot nanocomposites by reactive inkjet printing. Small, 2015, 10.1002/smll..[pdf]
8. Jiazhen Sun, Bin Bao, Min He, Haihua Zhou, Yanlin Song, Recent Advances in Controlling the Depositing Morphologies of Inkjet Droplets, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, (2015)28086-28099.
9. Huizeng Li, Qiang Yang, Guannan Li, Mingzhu Li, Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song, Splitting a Droplet for Femtoliter Liquid Patterns and Single Cell Isolation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, (2015)9060-9065.[pdf]
10. Jue Hou, Huacheng Zhang, Qiang Yang, Mingzhu Li, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, Hydrophilic-hydrophobic patterned molecularly imprinted photonic crystal sensor for high-sensitive colorimetric detection of tetracycline. Small, 2015,11, (2015)2738-2742.[pdf]
11. Shuoran Chen, Meng Su, Cong Zhang, Meng Gao, Bin Bao, Qiang Yang, Bin Su, Yanlin Song, Fabrication of Nanoscale Circuits on Inkjet-Printing Patterned Substrates, Adv. Mater. ,27, (2015)3928-3933.
12. Bin Bao, Jieke Jiang, Fengyu Li, Pengchao Zhang, Shuoran Chen, Qiang Yang, Shutao Wang, Bin Su, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, Fabrication of Patterned Concave Microstructures by Inkjet Imprinting, Advanced Functional Materials,25, (2015)3286-3294.
Lihong Li, Yuzhen Guo, Xingye Zhang, Yanlin Song, Inkjet-Printed Highly Conductive Transparent Patterns with Water Based Ag-Doped Graphene, J. Mater. Chem. A,2(2014), 19095.[pdf]
Meijin Liu, Jingxia Wang, Min He, Libin Wang, Fengyu Li, Lei Jiang and Yanlin Song, Inkjet printing controllable footprint lines by regulating the dynamic wettability of coalescing ink droplets. ACS Appl.Mater.Interfaces, 6(2014),13344-13348.
Shuai Liu, Lihua Wang, Yue Ding, Biqian Liu, Xutong Han and Yanlin Song, Novel sulfonated poly(etheretherketon)/ polyetherimide acid-base blend membranes for vanadium redox flow battery applications.Electrochimica Acta, 130(2014), 90-96.
Xiaodi Shi, Lei Shi, Mingzhu Li, Jue Hou, Linfeng Chen, Changqing Ye, Weizhi Shen, Lei Jiang andYanlin Song,Efficient luminescence of long persistent phosphor combined with photonic crystal. ACS Appl.Mater.Interfaces, 2014, 6, 6317-6321.
Huige Yang, Meng Su, Kaiyong Li, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, MasaoDoi and JianjunWang,Preparation of patterned ultrathin polymer films. Langmuir, 30(2014), 9436-9441.
Yifan Zhang, Renmei Dou, Huige Yang, Jianjun Wang and Yanlin Song, Water adhesion-tunable film prepared with morphology-controllable core/shell particles. Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 445(2014), 92-96.
Kaiyong Li, Shun. Xu, Jin Chen, Qiaolan Zhang, Yifan Zhang, Dapeng Cui, Xin Zhou, Jianjun Wang and Yanlin Song,Viscosity of interfacial water regulates ice nucleation.Applied Physics Letters, 104(2014), 101605.
Mengmeng Deng, Xingye Zhang, Zhiliang Zhang, Zhiqing Xin and Yanlin Song, A gold nanoparticle ink suitable for the fabrication of electrochemical electrode by inkjet printing.Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 14(2014), 5114-5119.
Linfeng Chen, Wenqiang Wang, Bin Su, Yongqiang Wen, Chuanbao Li, Yabin Zhou, Mingzhu Li, Xiaodi Shi, Hongwu Du, Yanlin Song and LeiJiang, A light-responsive release platform by controlling the wetting behavior of hydrophobic surface. ACS Nano, 8(2014), 744-751.
Bin Bao, Bin Su, Shutao Wang, Shuoran Chen, Lei Wu, Zhimei Jia, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Stretching velocity-dependent dynamic adhesion of the water/oil interfaces for high quality lithographic printing.Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2014, 1, DOI: 10.1002/admi. (Cover).
Jue Hou, Mingzhu Li, Qiang Yang, Yanlin Song,and Lei Jiang,Bio-inspired photonic crystal microchip for ultratrace determination, Angew. Chem. In. Ed. 53 (2014), 5791-5795. (Inside cover).
Minxuan Kuang, Libin Wang, and Yanlin Song, Controllable printing droplets for high-resolution patterns. Adv.Mater., 26 (2014), 6950-6958.
Bin Su, Cong Zhang, Shuoran Chen, Xingye Zhang, Linfeng Chen, Yuchen Wu, Yiwen Nie, Xiaonan Kan, Yanlin Song ,Lei Jiang,A general strategy for assembling nanoparticles in one dimension. Adv.Mater., 26(2014), 2501–2507.
Minxuan Kuang, Jingxia Wang, Bin Bao, Fengyu Li, Libin Wang, Lei Jiang,and Yanlin Song, Inkjet printing patterned photonic crystal domes for wide viewing-angle displays by controlling the sliding three phase contact Line. Adv.Opt.Mater.,2 (2014), 34-38.(Back cover)
Controlled inkjetting of a conductive pattern of silver nanoparticles based on the coffee-ring effect. Z. L.Zhang, X. Y.Zhang, Z. Q.Xin, M. M.Deng, Y. Q.Wen, and Y. L.Song,Adv. Mater., 2013,25, 6714-6718.
Anti-icing surfaces based on enhanced self-propelled jumping of condensed water microdroplets. Q. L.Zhang, M.He, J.Chen, J. J.Wang,* Y. L.Song,* L.Jiang, Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 4516-4518.
Patterned photonic crystals fabricated by inkjet printing. J. X.Wang, L. B.Wang, Y. L.Song, L.Jiang, J. Mater. Chem. C. 2013,1, 6048-6058.
Study of an organic fluorescent material for nanoscale data storage by scanning tunneling microscope. Y.Ma, Q.Wang, F. X.Shi, X. M.Wang, Y. L.Shang, Y. R.Su, and Y. L.Song,Current Organic Chemistry, 2013, 17, 771-774.
Photonic crystal boosted chemiluminescence reaction. X. D.Shi, M. Z.Li, C. Q.Ye, W. Z.Shen, Y. Q.Wen, L. F.Chen, Q.Yang, L.Shi, L.Jiang, and Y. L.Song, Laser Photonics Rev. 2013, 7, L39–L43. (Cover)
Aquatic plant inspired hierarchical artificial leaves for highly efficient photocatalysis. J.Liu, Q.Yang, W. T.Yang, M. Z.Li, Y. L.Song, J. Mater. Chem. A. 2013, 1, 7760-7766.
Organic dye sensitized spongy-like TiO2 photoanode for dye-sensitized solar cells. J.Liu, Q.Yang, M. Z.Li, W. H.Zhu, H.Tian, Y. L.Song, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 2013, 371,2012.
A multi-stopband photonic crystals microchip for high-performance metal ions recognition based on fluorescent detection. Y.Huang, F. Y.Li, M.Qin, L.Jiang, Y. L.Song, Angew. Chem. In. Ed. 2013, 52, 7296-7299.
pH-responsive dual fluorescent core-shell microspheres fabricated via one-step emulsion polymerization. B.Bao, F. Y.Li, H.Li, L. F.Chen, C. Q.Ye, J. M.Zhou, J. X.Wang, Y. L.Song, L.Jiang, J. Mater. Chem. C. 2013, 1, 3802-3807.
Patterning of controllable surface wettability for printing techniques. D. L.Tian, Y. L.Song, and L.Jiang, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 42, 5184-209. (Back cover)
Hierarchical porous surface for efficiently controlling microdroplets’ self-removal. M.He, Q. L.Zhang, X. P.Zeng, D. P.Cui, J.Chen, H. L.Li, J. J.Wang, and Y. L.Song, Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 2291-2295.
Continuous microwire patterns dominated by controllable rupture of liquid films. Z. Q.Xin, B.Su, J. J.Wang, X. Y.Zhang, Z. L.Zhang, M. M.Deng, Y. L.Song, and L.Jiang, Small 2013, 9, 722-726.
Surface-mediated buckling of core–shell spheres for the formation of oriented anisotropic particles with tunable morphologies. Y. F.Zhang, T.Lu, X. P.Zeng, H. J.Zhou, H. X.Guo, E.Bonaccurso, H.-J.Butt, J. J.Wang, Y. L.Song and L.Jiang, Soft Matter 2013, 9, 2589-2592.
Hierarchical TiO2 photonic crystal spheres prepared by spray drying for highly efficient photocatalysis. Q.Yang, M. Z.Li, J.Liu, W. Z.Shen, C. Q.Ye, X. D.Shi, L.Jiang and Y. L.Song, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1, 541–547. (Back Cover)
pH responsiveness of two-layer nano-composite membrane with ultrathin cylindrical nanopores PS-b-P4VP film. S.Liu, L. H.Wang, B. Q.Liu, Y. L.Song, Polymer 2013, 54, 3065-3070.
Multilevel conductance switching of memory device through photoelectric effect. Changqing Ye, Qian Peng, Mingzhu Li, Jia Luo, Zhengming Tang, Jian Pei, Jianming Chen, Zhigang Shuai, Lei Jiang, and Yanlin Song, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 20053-20059.
Colloidal photonic crystals with narrow stopbands assembled from low-adhesive superhydrophobic substrates. Yu Huang, Jinming Zhou, Bin Su, Lei Shi, Jingxia Wang, Shuoran Chen, Libin Wang, Jian Zi, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 17053-17058.
Large-area crack-free single-crystal photonic crystals via combined effects of polymerization-assisted assembly and flexible substrate. Jinming Zhou, Jingxia Wang, Yu Huang, Guoming Liu, Libin Wang, Shuoran Chen, Xiuhong Li, Dujin Wang, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang,NPG Asia Mater. 2012, 4, e21.
A selenium-based cathode for a high-voltage tandem photoelectrochemical solar cell.Jin Qian, Kejian Jiang, Jinhua Huang, Qisheng Liu, Lianming Yang, Yanlin Song, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2012,51, 10351-10354.
Condensation mode determines the freezing of condensed water on solid surfaces. Qiaolan Zhang , Min He, Xiping Zeng, Kaiyong Li, Dapeng Cui, Jing Chen, Jianjun Wang, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Soft Matter2012, 8, 8285-8288.
Hierarchically structured porous aluminum surfaces for high-efficient removal of condensed water. Min He, Xin Zhou, Xiping Zeng, Dapeng Cui, Qiaolan Zhang, Jing Chen, Huiling Li, Jianjun Wang, Zexian Cao, Yanlin Song,and Lei Jiang, Soft Matter 2012, 8, 6680-6683.
Investigating the effects of solid surfaces on ice nucleation. Kaiyong Li, Shun Xu, Wenxiong Shi, Min He, Huiling Li, Shuzhou Li, Xin Zhou, Jianjun Wang, and Yanlin Song, Langmuir 2012, 28, 10749-10754.
Elaborately aligning bead-shaped nanowire arrays generated by a superhydrophobic micropillar guiding strategy. Yuchen Wu, Xiao Chen, Bin Su, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 22 (21), 4569-4576.
Small molecular nanowire arrays assisted by superhydrophobic pillar-structured surfaces with high adhesion. Bin Su, Shutao Wang, Yuchen Wu, Xiao Chen, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang,Adv. Mater. 2012, 24 (20), 2780-2785.
A heatable and evaporation-free miniature reactor upon superhydrophobic pedestals. Bin Su, Shutao Wang , Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, Soft Matter 2012, 8 (3), 631-635.
Elaborate positioning of nanowire arrays contributed by highly adhesive superhydrophobic pillar-structured substrates. Bin Su, Shutao Wang, Jie Ma, Yuchen Wu, Xiao Chen, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang,Adv. Mater. 2012, 24 (4), 559-564.
Terminating marine methane bubbles by superhydrophobic sponges. Xiao Chen, Yuchen Wu, Bin Su, Jingming Wang, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Adv. Mater. 2012, 24 (43), 5884-5889.
Superhydrophobic surfaces cannot reduce ice adhesion. Jing Chen, Jie Liu, Min He, Kaiyong Li, Dapeng Cui, Qiaolan Zhang, Xiping Zeng, Yifan Zhang, Jianjun Wang,and Yanlin Song, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2012, 101, 111603.
The naked-eye detection of NH3-HCl by polyaniline-infiltrated TiO2 inverse opal photonic crystals.Cihui Liu, Guizhi Gao, Yuqi Zhang,Libin Wang, Jingxia Wang, Yanlin Song, Macromol.Rapid.Commun.,2012,380-385.
黄羽,王京霞*,宋延林*,江雷,功能型聚合物光子晶体的制备及应用. 中国科学, 2012, 42, 688-701.
Research progress of high-precision patterns by directly inkjet printing. Minxuan Kuang, Jingxia Wang, Libin Wang, Yanlin Song, Acta Chimica Sinica 2012, 70, 1889-1896.
Inkjet printed colloidal photonic crystal microdot with fast response induced by hydrophobic transition of poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide). Libin Wang, Jingxia Wang, Yu Huang, Meijin Liu, Minxuan Kuang, Yingfeng Li, Lei Jiang,and Yanlin Song, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 21405-21411. (Back Cover)
Research progress of fast-responsive polymer photonic crystals. Li-bin Wang, Jing-xia Wang, Yan-lin Song, Acta Polymerica Sinica 2012,10, 1118-1127.
Hierarchical optical antenna: Gold nanoparticle-modified photonic crystal for highly-sensitive label-free DNA detection. Weizhi Shen, Mingzhu Li, Benli Wang, Jian Liu, Zhiyuan Li, Lei Jiang and Yanlin Song, J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 8127-8133.
Directwriting colloidal photonic crystal microfluidic chips by inkjet printing for label-freeprotein detection.Weizhi Shen, Mingzhu Li, Changqing Ye, Lei Jiang and Yanlin Song, Lab Chip 2012, 12, 3089-3095.
Large-area, crack-free polysilazane-based photonic crystals. Zongbo Zhang, Weizhi Shen, Changqing Ye, Yongming Luo, Shuhong Li, Mingzhu Li, Caihong Xu and Yanlin Song,J. Mater. Chem.2012,22, 5300-5303.
Photo-induced amplification of readout contrast in nanoscale data storage.Changqing Ye, Mingzhu Li, Jia Luo, Linfeng Chen, Zhengming Tang, Jian Pei, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song and Daoben Zhu, J. Mater. Chem.2012, 22, 4299-4305. (Cover)
A flexible DNA modification approach towards construction of gold nanoparticle assembles. Yongqiang Wen, Linfeng Chen, Wenzhong Wang, Liping Xu, Hongwu Du, Zhiliang Zhang, Xueji Zhang and Yanlin Song, Chem. Commun.2012, 48, 3963-3965.
DNA-based intelligent logic controlled release systems. Yongqiang Wen, Liping Xu, Chuanbao Li, Hongwu Du, Linfeng Chen, Bin Su, Zhiliang Zhang, Xueji Zhang and Yanlin Song, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 8410-8414.
Bioinspired fabrication of colloidal photonic crystals with controllable wettability.Jingxia Wang, Youzhuan Zhang, Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang,Acc.Chem. Res.2011, 44, 405-415.
Controllable underwater oil-adhesion-interface films assembled from nonspherical particles. Yu Huang, Mingjie Liu, Jingxia Wang, Jinming Zhou, Libin Wang, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21, 4436-4441.(Cover)
Highly reflective superhydrophobic white coating inspired by poplar leaf hairs toward an effective “cool roof”. Changqing Ye, Mingzhu Li, Junping Hu, Qunfeng Cheng, Lei Jiang and Yanlin Song,Energ. Environ. Sci.2011, 4, 3364-3367.(Back cover and Highlighted by Chemistry World of RSC) http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/News/2011/March/**.asp
A novel bulk heterojunction solar cell based on a donor–acceptor conjugated triphenylamine dye. Qisheng Liu , Kejian Jiang, Bo Guan, Zhengming Tang, Jian Pei and Yanlin Song, Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 740-742.
A pH-driven DNA nanoswitch for responsive controlled release.Linfeng Chen, Jiancheng Di, Changyan Cao, Yong Zhao, Ying Ma, Jia Luo, Yongqiang Wen, Weiguo Song, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 2850-2852.
P3HT as hole transport material and assistant light absorber in CdS quantum dots-sensitized solid-state solar cells. Jin Qian Qi-Sheng Liu, Gang Li, Ke-Jian Jiang, Lian-Ming Yang and Yanlin Song,Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 6461-6463.
Mixed DNA-functionalized nanoparticle probes for surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based multiplex DNA detection. Zhiliang Zhang, Yongqiang Wen, Ying Ma, Jia Luo, Lei Jiang and Yanlin Song,Chem. Commun.2011, 47, 7407-7409.
A piezochromic luminescent complex: Mechanical force induced patterning with a high contrast ratio. Jia LuoLiyi Li, Yanlin Song, Jian Pei,Chem. Eur. J. 2011, 17, 10515-10519.
Highly effective protein detection for avidin–biotin system based on colloidal photonic crystals enhanced fluoroimmunoassay.Weizhi Shen, Mingzhu Li, Liang Xu, Shutao Wang, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, Daoben Zhu, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2011, 26, 2165-2170.
Flexible Au nanoparticle arrays induced metal-enhanced fluorescence towards pressure sensors. Changqing Ye, Mingzhu Li,* Mianqi Xue, Weizhi Shen, Tingbing Cao, Yanlin Song,*and Lei Jiang, J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 5234-5237.(Back Cover)
Programmable DNA switch for bioresponsive controlled release. Linfeng Chen, Yongqiang Wen, Bin Su, Jiancheng Di, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang,J. Mater. Chem.2011, 21, 13811-13816.(Back cover)
Ultrahigh density data storage based on organic materials with SPM techniques.Ying Ma, Yongqiang Wen and Yanlin Song, J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 3522-3533.
Fabrication of functional colloidal photonic crystals based on well-designed latex particles. Youzhuan Zhang, Jingxia Wang, Yu Huang, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang,J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 14113-14126.(Back cover and Hot paper of J. Mater. Chem. by RSC) http://blogs.rsc.org/jm/2011/07/12/a-selection-of-hot-feature-articles/
Amplifying ?uorescence sensing based on inverse opal photonic crystal toward trace TNT detection. Heng Li , Jingxia Wang, Zelin Pan, Liying Cui, Liang Xu, Rongming Wang, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, J. Mater. Chem. 2011, 21, 1730-1735.
Controllable synthesis of latex particles with multicavity structures. Yu Huang,Jingxia Wang,Jinming Zhou,Liang Xu,Zhirong Li,Youzhuan Zhang,Jianjun Wang,Yanlin Song,Lei Jiang, Macromolecules 2011, 44, 2404-2409.
Super-hydrophobic surfaces to condensed micro-droplets at temperatures below the freezing point retard ice/frost formation.Min He, Jianjun Wang, Huiling Li and Yanlin Song, Soft Matter 2011, 7, 3993-4000.
Superhydrophobic surface at low surface temperature. Min He, Huiling Li, Jianjun Wang, and Yanlin Song,Appl. Phys. Lett.2011, 98, 093118.
Reversibly phototunable TiO2 photonic crystal modulated by Ag nanoparticles’ oxidation/reduction. Jian Liu, Mingzhu Li, Jinming Zhou, Changqing Ye, Jingxia Wang, Lei Jiang, and Yanlin Song, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 98,023110.
Enhanced nanoparticle-oligonucleotide conjugates for DNA nanomachine controlled surface-enhanced Raman scattering switch. Zhiliang Zhang, Yongqiang Wen, Ying Ma, Jia Luo, Xingye Zhang, Lei Jiang, and Yanlin Song, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 98, 133704.
Synthesis of monodisperse silver nanoparticles for ink-jet printed ?exible electronics. Zhiliang Zhang, Xingye Zhang, Zhiqing Xin, Mengmeng Deng, Yongqiang Wen and Yanlin Song, Nanotechnology 2011, 22, 425601-425608.
Fluorescence enhancement by heterostructure colloidal photonic crystals with dualstopbands. Heng.Li, Jingxia Wang, Feng.Liu, Yanlin Song,andRongming Wang, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2011, 356, 63-68.
High-temperature wetting transition on micro- and nanostructured surfaces. Tong Zhang, Jingming Wang, Li Chen, Jin Zhai, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50 (23), 5311-5314.
Fluorescence switch of dye-in?ltrated SiO2 inverse opal based on acid-base vapors or light. Yuqi Zhang, Jingxia Wang, Yanli Shang, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang,Appl.Phys.A2011, 102, 531-536.
Superoleophobic surfaces with controllable oil adhesion and their application in oil transportation. Xi Yao, Jun Gao, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21 (22), 4270-4276.
Amphoteric polymeric photonic crystal with U-shaped pH response developed by intercalation polymerization. Hongwei Xia, Junpeng Zhao, Cong Meng, Ying Wu, Yijie Lu, Jingxia Wang, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, and Guangzhao Zhang, Soft Matter 2011, 7 (9), 4156-4159.
Utilizing superhydrophilic materials to manipulate oil droplets arbitrarily in water. Bin Su, Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Soft Matter 2011, 7 (11), 5144-5149.
A miniature droplet reactor built on nanoparticle-derived superhydrophobic pedestals. Bin Su, Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Nano Research 2011, 4 (3), 266-273.
“Clinging-Microdroplet”patterning upon high-adhesion, pillar-structured silicon substrates. Bin Su, Shutao Wang, Jie Ma, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21 (17), 3297-3307.
Recent progress on organic and polymeric electrochromic materials.Jia Luo, Yuguo Ma, Jian Pei, Yanlin Song,Current Physical Chemistry2011, 1, 216-231.
Green plate making technology based on nano-materials. Haihua Zhou, and Yanlin Song, Adv. Mater. Res. 2011, 174, 447-449.
Enhancement of photochemical hydrogen evolution over Pt-loaded hierarchical titania photonic crystal. Jian Liu, Guilin Liu, Mingzhu Li, Weizhi Shen, Zhaoyue Liu, Jingxia Wang, Jincai Zhao, Lei Jiang, and Yanlin Song, Energ. Environ. Sci. 2010, 3, 1503-1506.
Applications of bio-inspired special wettable surfaces.Xi Yao, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang,Adv. Mater.2011, 23,719-734.
Bioinspired fabrication of functional polymer photonic crystals. Youzhuan Zhang, Zhirong Li, Yongmei Zheng, Jingxia Wang,* Yanlin Song,* Lei Jiang, Acta Polymerica Sinica 2010 (11), 1253-1261.
Recent research progress in wettability of colloidal crystals. Jingxia Wang, Youzhuan Zhang, Tianyi Zhao, Yanlin Song,* Lei Jiang,* Science China-Chemistry 2010, 53 (2), 318-326.
Facile fabrication of tough SiC inverse opal photonic crystals. Jinming Zhou, Huiling Li, Li Ye, Jian Liu, Jingxia Wang, Tong Zhao, Lei Jiang, and Yanlin Song,J. Phys. Chem. C2010, 114, 22303-22308.
Fluorescence switches of dye-in?ltrated SiO2 inverse opal based on acid-base vapours or light.Yuqi Zhang, Jingxia Wang, Yanli Shang, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Appl. Phys. A 2010, 102, 531-536.
Tough and hydrophilic photonic crystals obtained from direct UV irradiation. Yuqi Zhang, Xin Hao, Jinming Zhou, Jingxia Wang, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Macromol. Rapid Commun.2010, 31, 2115-2120 (Cover).
Coassembly system of aromatic donor and acceptor: Charge transfer,electric bistability, and photoconductivity. Jia Luo, Linfeng Chen, Jieyu Wang, Ting Lei, Liyi Li, Jian Pei, and Yanlin Song,New J. Chem.2010, 34, 2530-2533.
High-performance optoelectrical dual-mode memory based on spiropyran-containing polyimide. Qisheng Liu, Kejian Jiang, Yongqiang Wen, Jingxia Wang, Jia Luo, Yanlin Song, Appl. Phys. Lett.2010, 97, 255304.
Synthesis of amphiphilic mushroom cap-shaped colloidal particles towards fabrication of anisotropic colloidal crystals. Liang Xu, Heng Li, Xi Jiang, Jingxia Wang, Lin Li, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2010, 31,1422-1426. (Back cover)
Super-hydrophobic film retards frost formation. Min He, Jingxia Wang, HuilingLi, Xiaoling Jin, Jiangjun Wang, Biqian Liu, and Yanlin Song,Soft Matter 2010, 6, 2396-2399.(Highlighted by New Scientist) http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg**.000-lotus-leaves-give-up-the-secret-of-frost-freedom.html
Enhanced sensitivity in Hg2+ sensor by photonic crystals.Liying Cui, Wen Shi,Jingxia Wang, Yanlin Song,Huiming Ma, and Lei Jiang, Analytic Methods 2010, 2, 448-450.
Recent research progress on the fabrication of colloidial crystals with special wettability. Jingxia Wang, Youzhuan Zhang, Tianyi Zhao, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Science China-chemistry 2010, 53, 318-326.
Fabrication of colloidal crystals with hierarchical structure and its water adhesion properties. Chengguang Du, Liying Cui,Youzhuan Zhang, TianyiZhao,Jingxia Wang, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, J. Nanosci. Nanotech. 2010, 10, 7766 -7769.
A white-lighting LED system with a highly efficient thin luminous film. Mingzhu Li, Qing Liao, Ye Liu, Zhiyuan Li, Jingxia Wang, Lei Jiang, and Yanlin Song, Appl. Phys. A2010, 98, 85-90.
Distinct electronic switching behaviors of triphenylamine-containing polyimide memories with different bottom electrodes.Qisheng Liu, Kejian Jiang, Lihua Wang, Yongqiang Wen, Jingxia Wang,Ying Ma, and Yanlin Song, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2010, 96, 213305.
High effective sensors based on photonic crystals.MingzhuLi,and Yanlin Song, Front. Chem. China2010, 5, 115-122.(Cover)
Effects of diazonaphthoquinone groups on photosensitive coating.Haihua Zhou, Yingquan Zou,and YanlinSong, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2010, 117, 2360-236.
Multicomponent phase change microfibers prepared by temperature control multifluidic electrospinning. Nue Wang, Hongyan Chen, LingLin, Yong Zhao, Xinyu Cao, Yanlin Song,and Lei Jiang, Macromol. Rapid. Commun. 2010, 31, 1622-1627.
A biomimetic asymmetric responsive single nanochannel.Xu Hou, Fu Yang,Lin Li, YanlinSong, LeiJiang,and Daoben Zhu, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 11736-11742.
Nanowire-in-microtube structured core/shell fibers via multifluidic coaxial electrospinning.Hongyan Chen, Nu Wang, Jiancheng Di, Yong Zhao, YanlinSong,and LeiJiang, Langmuir 2010, 26, 11291-11296.
Thermal-responsive hydrogel surface: tunable wettability and adhesion to oil at the water/solid interface.Li Chen, MingjieLiu, LingLin, TongZhang, JieMa, YanlinSong, and LeiJiang, Soft Matter 2010, 6, 2708-2712.
Capillary force restoration of droplet on superhydrophobic ribbed nano-needles arrays.Qinwen Chen, XiYao, Liang Xu, QikaiLi, YanlinSong,and LeiJiang, Soft Matter 2010, 6, 2470-2474.
Energy harvesting with single-ion-selective nanopores: Aconcentration-gradient-driven nanofluidic power source.WeiGuo, LiuxuanCao, JunchaoXia, FuqiangNie, WenMa, JianmingXue,Yanlin Song, DaobenZhu, YugangWang,and LeiJiang, Adv. Funct. Mater.2010, 20, 1339-1344.
In situ electrochemical switching of wetting state of oil droplet on conducting polymer films.MingjieLiu, FuqiangNie, Zhixiang Wei, YanlinSong,and LeiJiang, Langmuir 2010, 26, 3993-3997.
Bioinspired ribbed nanoneedles with robust superhydrophobicity.Xi Yao, QinwenChen, LiangXu, QikaiLi, YanlinSong, Xuefeng Gao, DavidQuere,and LeiJiang, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20, 656-662.
Current rectification in temperature-responsive single nanopores.Wei Guo, HongweiXia, FanXia, XuHou, Liuxuan Cao, Lin Wang, JianmingXue, GuangzhaoZhang, YanlinSong, DaobenZhu, Yugang Wang,and LeiJiang, ChemPhysChem. 2010, 11, 859-864.
Bioinspired smart gating of nanochannels toward photoelectric-conversion systems.Liping Wen, XuHou, YeTian, Fuqiang Nie, YanlinSong, JinZhai,and LeiJiang, Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 1021-1024.
Integrating ionic gate and rectifier within one solid-state nanopore via modification with dual-responsive copolymer brushes. Wei Guo, Hongwei Xia, Liuxuan Cao, Fan Xia, Shutao Wang, Guangzhao Zhang, Yanlin Song, Yugang Wang,* Lei Jiang,* Daoben Zhu, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20 (20), 3561-3567.
Advances in bio-inspired smart surfaces with special wettability. Chenguang Du, Fan Xia, Shutao Wang, Jingxia Wang, Yanlin Song,* Lei Jiang,* Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese 2010, 31 (3), 421-431.
A biomimetic zinc activated ion channel.Ye Tian, XuHou, LipingWen, WeiGuo, YanlinSong, Hongzhe Sun, YugangWang, Lei Jiang,and DaobenZhu, Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 1682-1684.(IF=6.169)
Amplification of fluorescent contrast by photonic crystal in optical storage.HengLi, JingxiaWang, LiangXu, WeiXu, Rongming Wang, YanlinSong,and DaobenZhu, Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 1237-1241.(Highlighted by NPG Asia Materials) http://www.nature.com/am/journal/2010/201003/full/am**a.html
Improving the on/off ratio and reversibility of recording by rational structural arrangement of donor–acceptor molecules.YingMa, XingboCao, GuoLi, YongqiangWen, YeYang, JingxiaWang, ShixuanDu, Lianming Yang, HongjunGao,and YanlinSong, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20,803-810.
Closed-air induced composite wetting on hydrophilic ordered nano porous anodic alumina.ZhirongLi, Jingxia Wang,Youzhuan Zhang, JianjunWang, Yanlin. Song,and LeiJiang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2010, 97, 233107.
Influence of deoxyribose group on self-assembly of thymidine on Au(111). Bing Yang, YeliangWang, GuoLi, HuanyaoCun, Ying Ma, ShixuanDu, Mingchun. Xu, YanlinSong,and HongjunGao, J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113, 17590-17594.
Color-oscillating photonic crystal hydrogel. Entao Tian, YiingMa, LiyingCui,Jiingxia Wang, YanlinSong,and LeiJiang, Macromol. Rapid. Comm. 2009, 30, 1719-1724.(Back cover and Highlighted by Materials Views)
Tough photonic crystals fabricated by photo-crosslinkage of latex spheres. EntaoTian,Liying Cui, JingxiaWang, YanlinSong,and LeiJiang, Macromol. Rapid. Comm. 2009, 30, 509-514.(Back cover)
Patterned wettability transition by photoelectric cooperative and anisotropic wetting for liquid reprography.Dongliang Tian, QinwenChen, FuqiangNie, JinjieXu, Yanlin Song,and LeiJiang, Adv. Mater. 2009, 21, 3744-3749.
Synthesis of 5'-functionalized indolinospiropyrans with vinylene unit as linker. Chengshan Niu, YanliinSong,and LianmingYang, Chinese J. Chem. 2009, 27, 2001-2006.
Photoelectric cooperative high-density data storage in an organic bilayer thin film.YingMa, YongqiangWen, JingxiaWang, YanliShang, ShixuanDu, LidaPan, Guo Li, Lianming Yang, Hongjun Gao,and YanliinSong, J. Phys. Chem. C2009, 113, 8548-8552.
Stable and reversible optoelectrical dual-mode data storage based on a ferrocenlylspiropyran molecule.YingMa, Chengshan Niu, YongqiangWen, GuoLi, Jingxia Wang, HengLi, ShixuanDu, LianmingYang, HongjunGao,and YanlinSong, Appl. Phys. Lett.2009, 95, 183307.
Bioinspired design of a superoleophobic and low adhesive water/solid interface. Mingjie Liu, ShutaoWang, ZhixiangWei, Yanlin Song,and LeiJiang,Adv. Mater. 2009, 21, 665-669.
Hierarchically macro-/mesoporous Ti-Si oxides photonic crystal with highly efficient photocatalytic capability.Jian Liu, MingzhuLi, Jingxia Wang, YanlinSong, Lei Jiang,TaketoshiMurakami,and AkiraFujishima, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 9425-9431.
A high ON/OFF ratio organic film for photo- and electro-dual-mode recording.HengLi, YongqiangWen, PengweiLi, RongmingWang, GuoLi, Ying Ma, Lianming Yang, YanlinSong, Qinglin Yang,and DaobenZhu, Appl. Phys. Lett.2009, 94, 163309.
Thermochromic core-shell nanofibers fabricated by melt coaxial electrospinning. Fengyu Li, YongZhao, SenWang, Dong Han, LeiJiang,and YanlinSong, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2009, 112, 269-274.
Reversible switching of water-droplet mobility on a superhydrophobic surface based on a phase transition of a side-chain liquid-crystal polymer.ChaoLi, RenweiCuo, XiJiang, ShuxinHu, LinLi, XinyuCao, HuaiYang, Yanlin Song, Yongmei.Ma, and LeiJiang,Adv. Mater.2009, 21, 4254-4258.
Investigation on oxotitanium phthalocyanine bistable resistance switching characteristics for memory applications. Yongbian Kuang, Zhe Yu, XiaoyanXu, YingMa, Yongqiang Wen, Yalnin Song,and RuHuang, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.2009, 48, 04C165-04C168.
Novel thermally stable single-component organic-memory cell based on oxotitanium phthalocyanine material.Yongbian Kuang, RuHuang, YuTang, WeiDing, ZheYu, YingMa, Lijie Zhang, DakeWu, YongqiangWen,and YanlinSong,IEEE Electr. Device L. 2009, 30, 931-933.
A novel ruthenium-free TiO2 sensitizer consisting of diphenylamino, ethylenedioxthiophene and cyanoacrylate groups. Kejian Jiang, Kanseki Manseki, Youahi Yu, Naruhiko Masaki,J. B. Xia, Lianming Yang, Yanlin Song, and Shozo Yanagida, New J. Chem. 2009, 33, 1973-1977.
Photovoltaics based on hybridization of effective dye-sensitized titanium oxide and hole-conductive polymer P3HT.KejianJiang, KazuhiroManseki, YouhaiYu, NaruhikoMasaki, KazuharuSuzuki, YanlinSong, and Shozo Yanagida, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2009, 19, 2481-2485.
A biomimetic potassium responsive nanochannel: G-quadruplex DNA conformational switching in a synthetic nanopore.XuHou, WeiGuo, FanXia, FuqiangNie, HuaDong, Ye Tian, LipingWen, Lin Wang, LiuxuanCao, YangYang, JianmingXue, YanlinSong, YugangWang, DongshengLiu, and Lei Jiang, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 7800-7805.
Greatly improved blood compatibility by microscopic multiscale design of surface architectures.Honglei Fan, PeipeiChen, RuomeiQi, JinZhai, Jingxia Wang, LiChen, Quanmei Sun, Yanlin Song, DongHan, and Lei Jiang,Small2009, 5, 2144-2148.
Ultra-fast fabrication of colloidal photonic crystals by spray coating.Liying Cui, YouzhuanZhang, Jingxia Wang, YibiingRen, YanlinSong, and Lei Jiang,Macromol. Rapid. Comm. 2009, 30, 598-603.(Cover)
Fabrication of large-area patterned photonic crystals by ink-jet printing.Liying Cui, YingfengLi, JingxiaWang, Entao Tian, XingyeZhang, Youzhuan Zhang, YanlinSong, and LeiJiang, J. Mater. Chem. 2009, 19, 5499-5502.(Back cover and Highlighted by NPG Asia Materials) http://www.nature.com/am/journal/v2/n1/full/am20106a.html
Photonic crystal concentrator for efficient output of dye-sensitized solar cells.YouzhuanZhang, JingxiaWang, YongZhao, JinZhai, LeiJiang, YanlinSong, and DaobenZhu, J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18, 2650-2652. (Inside cover)
Molecularly controlled modulation of conductance on azobenzene monolayer-modified silicon surfaces.XingyeZhang, YongqiangWen, YingfengLi, GuoLi, ShixuanDu, HaimingGuo, LianmingYang, LeiJiang, HongjunGao, and Yanlin Song, J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112, 8288-8293.
Electrically tunable polypyrrole inverse opals with switchable stopband, conductivity, and wettability. LiangXu, JingxiaWang, YanlinSong, and LeiJiang, Chem. Mater. 2008, 20, 3554-3556.
A facile method of shielding from UV damage by polymer photonic crystals.JingxiaWang, JieLiang, HuimengWu, WenfangYuan, Yongqiang Wen, YanlinSong, and Lei Jiang, Polym. Int.2008, 57, 509-514.
Colorful humidity sensitive photonic crystal hydrogel. EntaoTian, JingxiaWang, YongmeiZheng, YanlinSong, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18, 1116-1122.(Cover and Highlighted by RSC and Small) http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/News/2008/January/**.asp& http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/smll./abstract
Ultrasensitive DNA detection using photonic crystals.MingzhuLi, FangHe, QingLiao, JianLiu, LiangXu, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song,ShuWang, and Daoben Zhu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 7258-7262.(Highlighted by ACS and Nature China) http://portal.acs.org/portal/acs/corg/content?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_ARTICLEMAIN&node_id=840&content_id=WPCP_010974&use_sec=true&sec_url_var=region1& http://www.nature.com/nchina/2008/080827/full/nchina.2008.201.html
Superoleophilic and superhydrophobic inverse opals for oil sensors.HuilingLi, JingxiaWang, LianmingYang, and YanlinSong, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2008, 18, 3258-3264.
A colorful oil-sensitive carbon inverse opal.HuilingLi, Lixia Chang, JingxiaWang, LianmingYang, and Yanlin Song, J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18, 5098-5103.
Organic molecule modified silicon surface.HengLi, YongqiangWen, QinglinYang, and YanlinSong, Progress in Chemistry 2008, 20, 1964-1971.
A rewritable optical data storage material system by [2+2] photocycloreversion-photocycloaddition.FengyuLi, JunpengZhuang, GuiyuanJiang, HuohongTang, AndongXia, LeiJiang, YanlinSong, YuliangLi, and Daoben Zhu, Chem. Mater.2008, 20, 1194-1196.
Organic functional molecules towards information processing and high-density information storage.GuiyuanJiang, YanlinSong, XuefengGuo, DeqingZhang, and DaobenZhu, Adv. Mater. 2008, 20, 2888-2898.
New responsive property of poly(epsilon-caprolactone) as the thermal switch from superhydrophobic to superhydrophilic.ShuxinHu, Xinyu Cao, Yanlin Song, ChaoLi, PingXie, and LeiJiang, Chem. Commun. 2008, 17, 2025-2027.
Wettability alteration of polymer surfaces produced by scraping. ChaoweiGuo, ShutaoWang, HuanLiu, LinFeng, YanlinSong, and LeiJiang, J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. 2008, 22, 395-402.
Nanostructural effects on optical properties of tungsten inverse opal. XiaoChen, FeiZhou, JingxiaWang, MingzhuLi, LeiJiang, YanlinSong, ZhiyuanLi, and DaobenZhu, Appl. Phys. A-Mater. 2008, 93, 489-493.
Fabrication of closed-cell polyimide inverse opal photonic crystals with excellent mechanical properties and thermal stability.Xiao Chen, Lihua Wang, Yongqiang Wen, Yuqi Zhang, Jingxia Wang, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang and Daoben Zhu, J. Mater. Chem.2008, 18, 2262-2267.
One-step multicomponent encapsulation by compound-fluidic electrospray. Hongyan Chen, Yong Zhao, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 7800-7801.
Solid-state fluorescence enhancement of organic dyes by photonic crystals.Yuqi Zhang, Jingxia Wang, Zhuoyu Ji, Wenping Hu, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song and Daoben Zhu, J. Mater. Chem.2007, 17, 90-94.
Enhancing fluorescence of tricolor fluorescent powders by silica inverse opals.Yuqi Zhang, Jingxia Wang, Xiao Chen, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song and Daoben Zhu, Appl. Phys. A-Mater. 2007, 88, 811-811.
Micropatterning of polydiacetylene based on a photoinduced chromatic transition and mechanism study.Wenfang Yuan, Guiyuan Jiang, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2007, 103, 942-946.
Microscale and nanoscale hierarchical structured mesh films with superhydrophobic and superoleophilic properties induced by long-chain fatty acids.Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, Nanotechnology 2007, 18, 015103-015110.
Photoresponsive surfaces with controllable wettability.Shutao Wang, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, J. Photochem. Photobiol. C 2007, 8, 18-29.
Fine control of the wettability transition temperature of colloidal-crystal films: From superhydrophilic to superhydrophobic.Jingxia Wang, Yongqiang Wen, Junping Hu, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007, 17, 219-225.(Inside cover)
Electrical bistable behavior of an organic thin film through proton transfer.Deyu Tu, Liwei Shang, Ming Liu, Congshun Wang, Guiyuan Jiang and Yanlin Song, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 90, 052111.
A triphenylamine-containing donor-acceptor molecule for stable, reversible, ultrahigh density data storage.Yanli Shang, Yongqiang Wen, Shaolu Li, Shixuan Du, Xiaobo He, Li Cai, Yingfeng Li, Lianming Yang, Hongjun Gao and Yanlin Song, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 11674-11675.
Study of an organic nonlinear optical material for nanoscale data storage by scanning tunneling microscope.Z. B. Qin, YongqiangWen, YanliShang, YanlinSong,*andY. Z.Wan, Appl. Phys. A-Mater. 2007, 87, 277-280.
Light-driven conformational switch of i-motif DNA.Huajie Liu, Yun Xu, Fengyu Li, Yang Yang, Wenxing Wang, Yanlin Song and Dongsheng Liu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2007, 46, 2515-2517.
Coherent control of spontaneous emission by photonic crystals.Mingzhu Li, Andong Xia, Jingxia Wang, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2007, 444, 287-291.
Energy transfer boosted by photonic crystals with metal film patterns.Mingzhu Li, Qing Liao, Jianping Zhang, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, Daoben Zhu, Dong Chen, Fangqiong Tang and Xuehua Wang, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007, 91, 203516.
c-2,t-4-Bis(2-benzoxazol-2-yl)-r-1,t-3-bis[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl] cyclobutane.Fengyu Li, Shutao Wang, Junping Zhuang, Lei Jiang and Yanlin Song, Acta Crystallogr. E 2007, 63, o1171-o1172.
SPM-based high density data storage.Guiyuan Jiang, Wenfang Yuan, Yongqiang Wen, Hongjun Gao and Yanlin Song, Progress in Chemistry 2007, 19, 1034-1040.
Photo- and proton-dual-responsive fluorescence switch based on a bisthienylethene-bridged naphthalimide dimer and its application in security data storage.Guiyuan Jiang, Sheng Wang, Wenfang Yuan, Zhen Zhao, Aijun Duan, Chunming Xu, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, Daoben Zhu, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 13, 2064-2067.
A non-planar organic molecule with non-volatile electrical bistability for nano-scale data storage.Junping Hu, Yingfeng Li, Zhuoyu Ji, Guiyuan Jiang, Lianming Yang, Wenping Hu, Hongjun Gao,Lei Jiang, Yongqiang Wen, Yanlin Song and Daoben Zhu, J. Mater. Chem.2007, 17, 3530-3535.
The interaction of a novel ruthenium (II) complex with self-assembled DNA film on silicon surface. Yuqi Zhang, Cuiling Bao, Guojie Wang, Yabin Song, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, Kezhi Wang, Daoben Zhu, Surf. Interface Anal.2006, 38, 1372-1376.(IF=1.180Other-citations=1, Citations=1)
Temperature/light dual-responsive surface with tunable wettability created by modification with an azobenzene-containing copolymer.Wenfang Yuan, Guiyuan Jiang, Jingxia Wang, Guojie Wang, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, Macromolecules 2006, 39, 1300-1303.(IF=5.167, Other-citations=30, Citations=32)
Reversible nanometer-scale data storage on a self-assembled, organic, crystalline thin film.Yongqiang Wen, Jingxia Wang, Junping Hu, Lei Jiang, Hongjie Gao, Yanlin Song and Daoben Zhu, Adv. Mater. 2006, 18, 1983-1987.(IF=13.877, Other-citations=15, Citations=24)
Simple fabrication of full color colloidal crystal films with tough mechanical strength. Jingxia Wang, Yongqiang Wen, Hongli Ge, Zhongwei Sun, Yongmei Zheng, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2006, 207, 596-604.(Cover) (IF=2.361, Other-citations=28, Citations=65)
Control over the wettability of colloidal crystal films by assembly temperature.Jingxia Wang, Yongqiang Wen, Xinjian Feng, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Macromol. Rapid. Comm. 2006, 27, 188-192.(IF=4.596, Other-citations=14, Citations=35)
Hydrogen-bonding-driven wettability change of colloidal crystal films: From superhydrophobicity to superhydrophilicity.Jingxia Wang, Junping Hu, Yongqiang Wen, Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Chem. Mater. 2006, 18, 4984-4986.(IF=7.286, Other-citations=15, Citations=33)
Fabrication of tunable colloid crystals from amine-terminated polyamidoamine dendrimers.Mingzhu Li, Jingxia Wang, Lin Feng, Bingbing Wang, Xinru Jia, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, Daoben Zhu, Colloid Surface. A 2006, 290, 233-238.(IF=2.236, Other-citations=6, Citations=7)
High-yield self-assembly of flower-like ZnO nanostructures.Lei Jiang, Xinjian Feng, Jin Zhai, M. H. Jin, Yanlin Song, and Daoben Zhu,, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2006, 6, 1830-1832.(IF=1.563, Other-citations=18, Citations=18)
Highly fluorescent contrast for rewritable optical storage based on photochromic bisthienylethene-bridged naphthalimide dimer.Guiyuan Jiang, Shu Wang, Wenfang Yuan, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, He Tian and Daoben Zhu, Chem. Mater.2006, 18, 235-237.(IF=7.286, Other-citations=93, Citations=97)
Photoswitched wettability on inverse opal modified by a self-assembled azobenzene monolayer.Hongli Ge, Guojie Wang, Yaning He, Xiaogong Wang, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang and Daoben Zhu, ChemPhysChem 2006, 7, 575-578.(IF=3.412, Other-citations=13, Citations=23)
One-step preparation of polystyrene colloidal crystal films with structural colors and high hydrophobicity.Hongli Ge, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang and Daoben Zhu, Thin Solid Films 2006, 515, 1539-1543.(IF=1.890, Other-citations=17, Citations=23)
Surface arrangement of azobenzene moieties in two different azobenzene-derived Langmuir-Blodgett films.Chuanliang Feng, Guirong Qu,Yanlin Song,Lei Jiang and Daoben Zhu Surf. Interface Anal. 2006, 38, 1343-1347.(IF=1.180, Other-citations=4, Citations=4)
A novel thermally stable spironaphthoxazine and its application in rewritable high density optical data storage.Wenfang Yuan, Lei Sun, Huohong Tang, Yongqiang Wen,Guiyuan Jiang, Wenhao Huang, Lei Jiang, Yanlin Song, He Tian and Daoben Zhu, Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 156-160.(IF=13.877, Other-citations=80, Citations=87)
Photochemical-controlled switching based on azobenzene monolayer modified silicon (111) surface.Yongqiang Wen, Wenhui Yi, Lingjie Meng, Min Feng, Guiyuan Jiang, Wenfang Yuan, Yuqi Zhang, Hongjun Gao, Lei Jiang and Yanlin Song, J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 14465-14468.(IF=3.696, Other-citations=18, Citations=20)
Highly regio- and enantioselective thermal [2+2] cycloaddition of coumarin in a crystalline inclusion complex under high vacuum.Yongqiang Wen, Yanlin Song, Dongbo Zhao, Kuiling Ding, Jiang Bian, Xue Zhang, Jingxia Wang, Yang Liu, Lei Jiang and Daoben Zhu, Chem. Commun. 2005, 21, 2732-2734.(IF=6.169, Other-citations=2, Citations=2)
An atomic force microscopic investigation of electro-sensitive polymer surface.Wenlong Song, Taolei Sun, Yanlin Song, Yubai Bai, Fengqi Liu, Lei Jiang, Talanta 2005, 67, 543-547.(IF=3.794, Other-citations=7, Citations=7)
Photo-switched wettability on an electrostatic self-assembly azobenzene monolayer.Wuhui Jiang, Guojie Wang, Yaning He, Xiaogong Wang, Yonglin An, Yanlin Song and Lei Jiang, Chem. Commun. 2005, 28, 3550-3552.(IF=6.169, Other-citations=62, Citations=65)
High-density data recording in an optoelectrical dual-responsive thin film.GuiyuanJiang, YanlinSong, YongqiangWen, WenfangYuan, HuimengWu, Zhi Yang, AndongXia, MinFeng, ShixuanDu, Hongjun Gao, LeiJiang, and DaobenZhu, ChemPhysChem 2005, 6, 1478-1482.(IF=3.412, Other-citations=2, Citations=10)
Crystalline thin film of a donor-substituted cyanoethynylethene for nanoscale data recording through intermolecular charge-transfer interactions.G. Y. Jiang, T. Michinobu, W. F. Yuan, M.Teng, YongqiangWen, ShixuanDu, HongjunGao, LeiJiang, YanlinSong, FrancoisDiederich, and Daoben Zhu, Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 2170-2173.(IF=13.877, Other-citations=22, Citations=32)
Efficient method to functionalize carbon nanotubes with thiol groups and fabricate gold nanocomposites.JunpingHu, JiahuaShi, ShoupingLi, YujunQin, ZhixinGuo, YanlinSong, and DaobenZhu, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2005, 401, 352-356.(IF=2.337, Other-citations=35, Citations=36)
Crystalline thin films formed by supramolecular assembly for ultrahigh-density data storage.YongqiangWen, YanlinSong, GuiyuanJiang, DongboZhao, KuilingDing, WenfangYuan, XiaoLin, HongjunGao, LeiJiang, and Daoben Zhu, Adv. Mater. 2004, 16, 2018-2021.(IF=13.877, Other-citations=16, Citations=25)
Crystalline organic molecular thin film with electrical switching property: Scanning probe microscopy and optical spectroscopy study.J. C. Li,Zengquan Xue, K. Z. Wang, Z. M. Wang, C. H. Yan,Yanlin Song, LeiJiang, and DaobenZhu, J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108, 19348-19353.(IF=3.696, Other-citations=7, Citations=12)
Large-area fabrication of a nanostructure-induced hydrophobic surface from a hydrophilic polymer. Chaowei Guo,Lin Feng, JinZhai, GuojieWang, YanlinSong, LeiJiang,and DaobenZhu,ChemPhysChem 2004, 5, 750-753.(IF=3.412, Other-citations=67, Citations=70)
Influence of surface hydrophobicity of substrates on the self-organization of chiral molecule. YanjieZhang,RanLu, QingshegnLiu, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, YichunLiu, YingyingZhao,and TiejinLi, Thin Solid Films 2003, 437, 150-154.(IF=1.89, Other-citations=10, Citations=10)
Atomic force microscopy study of self-organization of chiral azobenzene derived from amino acid.YanjieZhang, ChanghuiTan, QingshengLiu, RanLu, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, YingyingZhao, TiejinLi,and YichunLiu, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2003, 220, 224-230.(IF=2.103, Other-citations=1, Citations=4)
Synthesis and characterization of conducting polyaniline/gamma-Fe2O3 magnetic nanocomposite.Q. L. Yang, Jin Zhai, Lin Feng, Yanlin Song, M. X. Wan,Lei Jiang, W. G. Xu, and Qianshu Li, Synth. Met. 2003, 135, 819-820.(IF=1.829, Other-citations=18, Citations=21)
Progress in materials and technologies for ultrahigh density data storage.HuimengWu, Yanlin Song, Yongqiang Wen, TongZhao, HongjunGao, and Lei Jiang, Prog. Nat. Sci. 2003, 13, 247-253.(IF=1.035, Other-citations=2, Citations=2)
Nanoscale data recording on an organic monolayer film.Huimeng Wu, Yanlin Song, Shixuan Du, Hongwen Liu, Hongjun Gao, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Adv. Mater. 2003, 15, 1925-1929.(Highlighted by Technology Research News) http://www.trnmag.com/Stories/2004/022504/Film_promises_terabit_storage_Brief_022504.html(IF=13.877, Other-citations=25, Citations=39)
Electrochemical deposition of conductive superhydrophobic zinc oxide thin films.Mei Li, Jin Zhai, Huan Liu, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, J. Phys. Chem. B 2003, 107, 9954-9957.(IF=3.696, Other-citations=131, Citations=132)
Superhydrophobicity of nanostructured carbon films in a wide range of pH values.Lin Feng, Zhenglong Yang, Jin Zhai, Yanlin Song, Biqian Liu, Yongmei Ma, Zhenzhong Yang, Lei Jiang, Daoben Zhu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 4217-4220.(IF=13.455, Other-citations=60, Citations=62)
Creation of a superhydrophobic surface from an amphiphilic polymer.Lin Feng, Yanlin Song, Jin Zhai, Biqian Liu, Jian Xu, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 800-802.(IF=13.455, Other-citations=242, Citations=250)
Template based synthesis of aligned polyacrylonitrile nanofibers using a novel extrusion method.Lin Feng, Shuhong Li,Jin Zhai, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Synth. Met. 2003, 135, 817-818.(IF=1.829, Other-citations=6, Citations=7)
Interfacial-dependent morphologies in the self-organization system of chiral molecules observed by atomic force microscopy.Yanjie Zhang, Ming Jin, Ran Lu, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Yingying Zhao, and Tiejin Li, J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 1960-1967.(IF=3.696, Other-citations=19, Citations=20)
Molecular rectifying behaviors of a planar binuclear phthalocyanine studied by scanning tunneling microscopy.Yanjie Zhang, Yingshun Li, Qingsheng Liu, Jian Jin, Baoquan Ding, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Xiguang Du, Yingying Zhao, and Tiejin Li, Synth. Met. 2002, 128, 43-46.(IF=1.829, Other-citations=14, Citations=14)
Reversible, electrical and optical switching on silver 3-phenyl-1-ureidonitrile complex thin films.Haoxu Zhang, Dongxia Shi, Yanlin Song, Hongwen Liu, Shimin Hou, Zengquan Xue,andHongjun Gao, Chinese Phys. 2002, 11, 1196-1199.(IF=1.185, Other-citations=5, Citations=5)
Ultrahigh-density data storage on a novel organic thin film achieved using a scanning tunnelling microscope.Huimeng Wu, Yanlin Song, T. Zhao, Lei Jiang, Hongwen Liu, and Hongjun Gao,Nanotechnology 2002, 13, 733-735.(IF=3.979, Other-citations=5, Citations=7)
Atomic force microscopy studies on the chemical treatment of nanocrystalline porous TiO2 films.Yuan Lin, Fengzhi Jiang, J. B. Zhang,Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, and Xurui Xiao, Chinese Chem. Lett. 2002, 13, 484-486.(IF=3.979, Other-citations=1, Citations=3)
Super-hydrophobicity of large-area honeycomb-like aligned carbon nanotubes.Shuhong Li, Huanjun Li, Xianbao Wang, Yanlin Song, Yunqi Liu, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, J. Phys. Chem. B 2002, 106, 9274-9276.(IF=3.696, Other-citations=172, Citations=177)
Molecular organization and electric property of azobenzene derivative at liquid/graphite interface studied by scanning tunneling microscopy.Jian Jin, Yingshun Li, Yanjie Zhang, Wensheng Yang, Xia Chen, Yanlin Song, Yingying Zhao, Yubai Bai, Tiejin Li, and Lei Jiang, Colloid Surface A 2002, 198, 249-253.(IF=2.236, Other-citations=1, Citations=1)
Super-hydrophobic surfaces: From natural to artificial.Lin Feng, Shuhong Li, Yingshun Li, Huanjun Li, Lingjuan Zhang, Jin Zhai, Yanlin Song, Biqian Liu, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Adv. Mater. 2002, 14, 1857-1860.(IF=13.877, Other-citations=992, Citations=1016)
Super-hydrophobic surface of aligned polyacrylonitrile nanofibers. Lin Feng, Shuhong Li, Huanjun Li, Jin Zhai, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2002, 41, 1221-1223.(IF=13.455, Other-citations=375, Citations=387)
Completely interfacial photoisomerization of 4-hydroxy-3 '-trifluoromethyl-azobenzene studied by STM on HOPG.Chuanliang Feng, Yanjie Zhang, Jian Jin, Yanlin Song, Lianying Xie, Guirong Qu, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Surf. Sci. 2002, 513, 111-118.(IF=1.994, Other-citations=18, Citations=19)
Chiral discrimination in Langmuir monolayers of N-acyl glutamic acids inferred from pi-A measurements and atomic force microscopy.Yanjie Zhang, Yanlin Song, Yingying Zhao, Tiejin Li, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Langmuir 2001, 17, 1317-1320.(IF=4.186, Other-citations=15, Citations=16)
Recording at the nanometer scale on p-nitrobenzonitrile thin films by scanning tunneling microscopy.Dongxia Shi, Yanlin Song, Daoben Zhu, Haoxu Zhang, Sishen Xie, Shijin Pang, and Hongjun Gao, Adv. Mater. 2001, 13, 1103-1105.(IF=13.877, Other-citations=21, Citations=31)
Super-"amphiphobic" aligned carbon nanotube films.Huanjun Li, Xianbao Wang, Yanlin Song, Yunqi Liu, Qianshu Li, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2001, 40, 1743-1746.(IF=13.455, Other-citations=290, Citations=301)
Self-assembly of uniform spherical aggregates of magnetic nanoparticles through pi-pi interactions.Jian Jin, TomokazuIyoda, Changsheng Cao, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Tiejin Li, and Daoben Zhu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 2135-2138.(IF=13.455, Other-citations=118, Citations=118)
Local conductivity study of TiO2 electrodes by atomic force microscopy.Fengzhi Jiang, Dongshe Zhang, Yuan Lin, Yanlin Song, Xurui Xiao, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Surf. Interface Anal. 2001, 32, 125-129.(IF=1.18, Other-citations=5, Citations=6)
Reversible wettability of photoresponsive fluorine-containing azobenzene polymer in Langmuir-Blodgett films.Chuanliang Feng, Yanjie Zhang, Jian Jin, Yanlin Song, Lianying Xie, Guirong Qu, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Langmuir 2001, 17, 4593-4597.(IF=4.186, Other-citations=65, Citations=72)
Reversible light-induced wettability of fluorine-containing azobenzene-derived Langmuir-Blodgett films.Chuanliang Feng, Jian Jin, Yanjie Zhang, Yanlin Song, Lianying Xie, Guirong Qu, YuXu, and Lei Jiang, Surf. Interface Anal. 2001, 32, 121-124.(IF=1.18, Other-citations=10, Citations=11)
Novel organic thin films for ultrahigh density information storage.Yanlin Song, LipingMa, SishenXie, Shijin Pang, Lei Jiang, and Daoben Zhu, Mat. Sci. Eng. B-Solid. 2000, 76, 79-82.(IF=1.070, Other-citations=0, Citations=0)
The third-order optical nonlinearity of C-60 and biphenyl derivatives.Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Daoben Zhu, CongfangWang, KunZhao, ZongjuXia, and YinghuaZou, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 2000, 61, 1141-1144.(IF=1.632, Other-citations=23, Citations=34)
Direct observation of a local structural transition for molecular recording with scanning tunneling microscopy.Dongxia Shi, Yanlin Song, Haoxu Zhang, P. Jiang, S. T. He, S. S. Xie,Shijin Pang, and H. Gao, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2000, 77, 3203.(IF=3.844, Other-citations=7, Citations=7)
Growth and characterization of polyaniline 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquino-dimethane (TCNQ) complex films grown by vacuum evaporation.J. C. Li,Zengquan Xue, Y. Zeng, W. M. Liu, Q. D. Wu,Yanlin Song, and Lei Jiang, Thin Solid Films 2000, 374, 59-63.(IF=1.89, Other-citations=8, Citations=14)
Parallel molecular stacks of organic thin film with electrical bistability.J. C. Li,Zengquan Xue, X. L. Li, W. M. Liu,Shimin Hou, Yanlin Song, Lei Jiang, Daoben Zhu, X. X. Bao, and Z. F. Liu, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2000, 76, 2532.(IF=3.844, Other-citations=3, Citations=6)
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哈尔滨工业大学师生一行来访 2019-08-02
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Nature专访宋延林:绿色印刷技术改变中国! 2019-03-21
苏萌博士荣获2017年材料研究学会秋季会议——Best Poster Award 2017-12-12
更快更高更强!3D印刷书写印刷术新神话 2017-12-08
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A 3D liquid self-shaping strategy is reported for rapidly patterning materials over a series of compositions and accurately achieving micro- and nanoscale structures. The predesigned template selectively pins the droplet, and the surface energy minimization drives the self-shaping processing. The as-prepared 3D circuits assembled by silver nanoparticles carry a current of 208–448 μA at 0.01 V impressed voltage, while the 3D architectures achieved by two different quantum dots show noninterfering optical properties with feature resolution below 3 μm. This strategy can facilely fabricate micro-nanogeometric patterns without a modeling program, which will be of great significance for the development of 3D functional devices.
New Research
名称 日期
A 3D Self-Shaping Strategy for Nanoresolution Multicomponent Architectures 2018-05-24
Precise Assembly of Particles for Zigzag or Linear Patterns 2018-05-24
Wearable Large-Scale Perovskite Solar-Power Source via Nanocellular Scaffold 2018-05-24
Scientists Advance a General Patterning Approach by Manipulating the Evolution of Two-dimensional Liquid Foams 2017-03-30
Swarm Intelligence-Inspired Spontaneous Fabrication of Optimal Interconnect at the Micro/Nanoscale 2016-12-08
Fabrication of transparent multilayer circuits by inkjet printing 2016-12-01
Direct Writing of Patterned, Lead-Free Nanowire Aligned Flexible Piezoelectric Device 2016-09-08
Guided Self-Propelled Leaping of Droplets on a Micro-Anisotropic Superhydrophobic Surface 2016-06-08
Rate-dependent interface capture beyond the coffee-ring effect 2016-04-08
Nanoparticle Based Curve Arrays for Multirecognition Flexible Electronics 2016-03-08
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Group leader
From "Impossible" to "I'm possible" ---Prof. Yanlin Song
Relevant link
Chinese Academy of Science
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Institute of Chemistry, Chinese of Sciences
National Science Library, Chinese of Sciences
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Nano Think
Contact Information
Prof. Yanlin Song
Address: Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
TEL: 86-
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Email: ylsong@iccas.ac.cn
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Reaserch News
A 3D liquid self-shaping strategy is reported for rapidly patterning materials over a series of compositions and accurately achieving micro- and nanoscale structures. The predesigned template selectively pins the droplet, and the surface energy minimization drives the self-shaping processing. The as-prepared 3D circuits assembled by silver nanoparticles carry a current of 208–448 μA at 0.01 V impressed voltage, while the 3D architectures achieved by two different quantum dots show noninterfering optical properties with feature resolution below 3 μm. This strategy can facilely fabricate micro-nanogeometric patterns without a modeling program, which will be of great significance for the development of 3D functional devices.
New Research
名称 日期
A 3D Self-Shaping Strategy for Nanoresolution Multicomponent Architectures 2018-05-24
Precise Assembly of Particles for Zigzag or Linear Patterns 2018-05-24
Wearable Large-Scale Perovskite Solar-Power Source via Nanocellular Scaffold 2018-05-24
Scientists Advance a General Patterning Approach by Manipulating the Evolution of Two-dimensional Liquid Foams 2017-03-30
Swarm Intelligence-Inspired Spontaneous Fabrication of Optimal Interconnect at the Micro/Nanoscale 2016-12-08
Fabrication of transparent multilayer circuits by inkjet printing 2016-12-01
Direct Writing of Patterned, Lead-Free Nanowire Aligned Flexible Piezoelectric Device 2016-09-08
Guided Self-Propelled Leaping of Droplets on a Micro-Anisotropic Superhydrophobic Surface 2016-06-08
Rate-dependent interface capture beyond the coffee-ring effect 2016-04-08
Nanoparticle Based Curve Arrays for Multirecognition Flexible Electronics 2016-03-08
Research Interests
Research Interests
★ High Density Data Storage
The explosive increase in information and the miniaturization of electronic devices demand new recording technologies and materials that combine high density, fast response, long retention time, and rewriting capability. Among the various recording media for ultrahigh density data storage, organic materials have attracted many attentions for their low cost, simplicity, good stimuli-responsive properties, and versatility in molecular design. From the structure and function of materials, a series of organic functional thin films were prepared as information storage media, which could write, erase and rewrite nanoscale information dots. The results provide new approaches for the design of erasable ultrahigh density information storage materials.
A stable organic material (N,N′-dimethyl-N′(3-nitrobenzylidene)-p-phenylene-diamine (DMNBPDA)) with a strong electron donor –N(CH3)2, and an electron acceptor –NO2 was synthesized. By applying proper pulsed voltages between the STM tip and the substrate, information dots with diameter of about 1.1 nm was achieved successfully (Adv. Mater. 2003, 15, 1525-1529); Based on intermolecular hydrogen bonds and π-π interaction,,single crystal films were prepared via self-assembly. recording dots with the average diameter of 2.2 nm and the spacing of 1 nm were realized (Adv. Mater. 2004, 16, 2018-2021); through the structure design of materials, erasable 3D high density optical information storage (Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 156-160) and high signal to noise ratio optical memory (Chem. Mater. 2006, 18, 235-237) were achieved; utilizing strong electron donor-accepter molecules with rigid structure, the self-assembled film for ultra high density information storage was prepared by vacuum deposition (Adv. Mater. 2005, 17, 2170-2173). To further study the relationship between the structure and photoelectric properties of material, the photoelectric dual high density information storage with the same material was demonstrated (ChemPhysChem 2005, 6, 478-482). Base on the enhancement effect of 3D photonic crystals on the fluorescence, high performance optical information storage was developed (Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 90-94)
Recently, the film of a new charge transfer molecule was prepared, which exhibited reversible control of appearing and hiding of information dots (J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 4299-4305, cover). To further improve the density of individual storage devices, multi-level memory device was demonstrated by using the synergistic effect of photo-electronic switch of a meta-conjugated donor-bridge-acceptor molecule (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 20053 - 20059).
★ Fabrication and Applications of Photonic Crystals
Because of the regulation performance of photon propagation, photonic crystal material is called "optical semiconductor", which has caused intensive attention. We focused on the preparation and applications of photonic crystals (Acc. Chem. Res. 2011, 44, 405-415; J. Mater.Chem. 2011, 21, 14113-14126). Based on structure design, latex particles with hard core and soft shell structure were prepared, which were assembled to photonic crystals with close packed structure and high strength (Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2006, 6, 596-604), as well as controllable wettability (Chem. Mater. 2006, 18, 4984-4986; Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007, 17, 219-225) The slow photon effect of 3D photonic crystals and its enhancement effect on the fluorescence was demonstrated (J. Mater. Chem. 2007, 17, 1237-1241). The photonic crystals were used for high sensitivity detection (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 7258-7262; J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 21405-21411), optical information storage, (Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 1237-1241) etc.. Through the control of latex particle morphology, the wettability and adhesion could be controlled (Adv. Funct. Mater. 2011, 21, 4436-4441), and photonic crystals with ultra narrow band gap was prepared based on the modulation of interfacial properties (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 17053-17058; NPG Asia Mater.2012,4,e21)
Furthermore, the photonic crystals were used in high performance solar cell concentrator, light catalysis and so on (J. Mater. Chem. 2008, 18, 2650-2652; Energ. Environ. Sci. 2010, 3, 1503-1506). The polymer latex particles also could be used in inkjet printing technology (J. Mater. Chem., 2009, 19, 5499 - 5502), which allowed the dyes pigment was instead of the structure color, and provided new materials and solutions to environmental friendly printing technology (J. Mater. Chem. C. 2013,DOI: 10.1039/C3TC30728J). Printed photonic crystal detection chips and their applications were further developed (Lab Chip 2012, 12, 3089-3095;J. Mater. Chem.2012, 22, 21405-21411). Based on the difference of substrate wettability, the photonic crystal chip with multi band gap array was designed and fabricated, and the photonic crystal chip could efficiently detect and identify multi substrate (Angew. Chem. In. Ed. 2013, 52, 7296-7299).
★ Green Printing Materials and Technologies
Printing industry is one of the backbone industries in China. The mainstream plate-making technology in China is Laser Typesetting, and Computer-To-Plate. Both technologies are based on the photosensitizing process. Therefore they inevitably include complex processes, which cause problems of high cost, and serious pollution.
Through the long-time and in-depth research with nano materials and printing science (Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 42, 5184-5209; Adv. Mater. 2013, 25, 2291-2295), a kind of non-photosensitive, non-pollution, and inexpensive nanometer green plate making technology is developed and the environmental pollution in the process of plate making is expected to be solved completely. So far, the green printing technology has been broken through in critical materials, high speed and high precision green plate making equipment, as well as the bundled software, and more than 50 patents were applied or granted. We further developed environment friendly plate-base technique as well, and the huge environmental pollution and energy consumption in the traditional electrolytic oxidation process could be solved completely. The water-based ink for plastic gravure printing has been developed via enterprise cooperation and also realized industrialization.
The green printing technology has been extended to printing electronics, printing and dyeing textiles, Printing and patterning of building materials and so on. It is expected that completely green printing industry technical chain will be developed based the innovation of nano-materials.
Group leader
Graduate Students
Our group
Our group
Wenow have15associate/assistant professors,3postdoctoral,and more than 30 graduate students.There are3~5 graduate students received doctor's degree inour groupevery year.Most of them becamethe experts in chemistryand materials science.From the basic research ofchemistry,we try to usethe idea and methodof "green chemistry",in a moreenvironmentally friendlymeans, todevelop new materials with more efficient,excellent properties.
Group leader
Graduate Students
Group Leader
Professor Yanlin Song
Prof. Yanlin Song was born in 1969. He received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Chemistry at Peking University in 1996. Then he conducted research as a postdoctoral follow in the Department of Chemistry of Tsinghua University from 1996 to 1998. He has been working at Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICCAS) since 1998. His research interests include information function materials, application of polymers photonic crystals, green-printing materials and technology. He has published more than 200 academic papers in scienti?c journals, 1 book and 5 chapters and has been granted more than 50 patents. He won the First Prize of Beijing Science and Technology Award in 2004 the Second Prize of National Natural Science Award in 2005 and 2008 the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 2006 the Prestigious Chinese Chemical Society-Akzo Nobel Chemistry Award in 2010 Outstanding Youth Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010 and the outstanding youth science and Technology Achievement Award in 2011.
Group leader
Graduate Students
Group leader
Graduate Students
Group leader
Graduate Students
Graduate students
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