

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-05-17




有机薄膜场效应晶体管(OFET)在电子报纸、智能识别卡、大面积平板及柔性显示、传感器、数字逻辑电路等方面具有非常广阔的应用前景。在OFET家族中,聚合物半导体膜因具有机械性能好、热稳定性高、成膜方法简单经济以及特别适合于制备大面积器件等特点, 而使聚合物薄膜场效应晶体管(PFET)近几年来倍受关注。石墨烯是一种具有二维平面结构的碳纳米材料,它的特殊单原子层结构使其具有许多独特的物理化学性质。有关石墨烯的基础和应用研究已成为当前的前沿和热点课题之一。


张云朋关于无线石墨烯手性农药传感文章(与中国农业大学,上海交通大学合作)上网,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2019,141, 14643−14649.

施薇关于柔性OFET、生物电子与物联网综述上网,Advanced Materials. 2019,ASAP,**.

陈鑫与杨贺关于BN-Graphene生长机制文章上网。Advanced Materials. 2019,31,**.

刘凯,姜莹莹,蒋雅倩关于钙钛矿形成机制与多功能器件应用JACS perspective 文章上网。J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 1406−1414(封面)。

姜莹莹与陈金佯合作关于线棒快速沉积Edge-on 双极性聚合物分子与器件文章上网Advanced Materials.(2019, 31,**)

王翰林关于双介电层人工模拟神经突触文章上网Advanced Materials.(2018, 30,**)

姜莹莹与华中科大合作关于新型三受体平衡双极性聚合物文章Advanced Materials.(2018, 30,**)

赵志远与湘潭大学关于新型双极性聚合材料与器件工作上网。J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017,139, 17735 −17738.

杨杰关于高性能双极性聚合物半导体材料文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

王翰林关于无虑光片柔性视网膜模拟器件文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

付磊关于HfS2单晶生长与超灵敏红外探测文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

杨杰关于2DPP聚合物柔性双极性器件文章Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.

赵志远与湘潭大学关于超高迁移率电子传输材料与器件工作Advanced Materials,2017,29, **.





有机薄膜场效应晶体管(OFET)在电子报纸、智能识别卡、大面积平板及柔性显示、传感器、数字逻辑电路等方面具有非常广阔的应用前景。在OFET家族中,聚合物半导体膜因具有机械性能好、热稳定性高、成膜方法简单经济以及特别适合于制备大面积器件等特点, 而使聚合物薄膜场效应晶体管(PFET)近几年来倍受关注。石墨烯是一种具有二维平面结构的碳纳米材料,它的特殊单原子层结构使其具有许多独特的物理化学性质。有关石墨烯的基础和应用研究已成为当前的前沿和热点课题之一。


张云朋关于无线石墨烯手性农药传感文章(与中国农业大学,上海交通大学合作)上网,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2019,141, 14643−14649.

施薇关于柔性OFET、生物电子与物联网综述上网,Advanced Materials. 2019,ASAP,**.

陈鑫与杨贺关于BN-Graphene生长机制文章上网。Advanced Materials. 2019,31,**.

刘凯,姜莹莹,蒋雅倩关于钙钛矿形成机制与多功能器件应用JACS perspective 文章上网。J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 1406−1414(封面)。

姜莹莹与陈金佯合作关于线棒快速沉积Edge-on 双极性聚合物分子与器件文章上网Advanced Materials.(2019, 31,**)

王翰林关于双介电层人工模拟神经突触文章上网Advanced Materials.(2018, 30,**)

姜莹莹与华中科大合作关于新型三受体平衡双极性聚合物文章Advanced Materials.(2018, 30,**)

赵志远与湘潭大学关于新型双极性聚合材料与器件工作上网。J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017,139, 17735 −17738.

杨杰关于高性能双极性聚合物半导体材料文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

王翰林关于无虑光片柔性视网膜模拟器件文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

付磊关于HfS2单晶生长与超灵敏红外探测文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

杨杰关于2DPP聚合物柔性双极性器件文章Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.

赵志远与湘潭大学关于超高迁移率电子传输材料与器件工作Advanced Materials,2017,29, **.


在职员工 郭云龙
硕博在读 赵志远
毕业学生 王翰林


发表SCI论文500余篇(其中120余篇发表在影响因子大于10的期刊上),他人引用2万余次,h因子大于70,获授权中国发明专利67项,出版专著一部及19章节,在国内外学术会议上做大会/邀请报告100余次。2007年获国家自然科学二等奖两项,2014年入选汤森路透全球"高被引科学家"目录。现为科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)重大科学前沿领域第四届专家咨询组副组长、中国化学会理事、有机固体专业委员会副主任,和担任Scientific Reports, Nanoscale, Flexible Printed Electronics等6种期刊的编委/顾问委员会成员。

在职员工 郭云龙
硕博在读 赵志远
毕业学生 王翰林


发表SCI论文500余篇(其中130余篇发表在影响因子大于10的期刊上),他人引用2万余次,h因子大于80,获授权中国发明专利70项,出版专著一部及19章节,在国内外学术会议上做大会/邀请报告100余次。2007,2016,2019年获国家自然科学二等奖各一项,2017年度获北京市自然科学一等奖。2014-2019年入选汤森路透全球"高被引科学家"目录。现为科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)重大科学前沿领域第四届专家咨询组副组长、中国化学会理事、有机固体专业委员会副主任,和担任Scientific Reports, Nanoscale, Flexible Printed Electronics,ACS Materials Letter等6种期刊的编委/顾问委员会成员。

在职员工 郭云龙
硕博在读 赵志远
毕业学生 王翰林


1982.9 出生
2005 河北师范大学理学学士
2010 中国科学院化学研究所理学博士
2013.07 中国科学院化学研究所副研究员
2013.10-2016.3 日本东京大学博士后
2016.4-2016.10 日本东京大学特任副教授
2016.10- 中国科学院化学研究所研究员,博士生导师
Shi, W.;Guo, Y.;*Liu, Y.*When Flexible Organic Field-Effect Transistors Meet Biomimetics: A Prospective View of the Internet of Things,Adv. Mater.2019, ** (ASAP).
Zhang, Y.;# Liu, X.;# Qiu, S.; Zhang, Q.; Tang, W.; Liu, H.;Guo, Y.;*Ma, Y.;* Guo, X.;* Liu, Y.* A Flexible Acetylcholinesterase-Modified Graphene for Chiral Pesticide Sensor,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2019,141, 14643?14649.
Liu, K.;# Jiang, Y.;# Jiang Y.;#Guo, Y.;*Liu, Y.; Nakamura, E.* Chemical Formation and Multiple Applications of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Materials,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2019,141, 1406-1414..
Yang, J.# Jiang, Y.; Tu,Z.; Zhao, Z.; Chen, J.; Yi,Z.;Li,Y.;Wang, S.;* Yi, Y.;*Guo,Y.;*Liu,Y.* High-Performance Ambipolar Polymers Baesd on Electron-Withdrawing GroupSubstituted Bay-Annulated Indigo,Adv. Funct. Mater.2019, 29, **.
Sun, Y.;Guo, Y.;*Liu, Y.* Design and synthesis of high performance π-conjugated materials through antiaromaticity and quinoid strategy for organic field-effect transistors,Materials Science & Engineering - R: Reports,2019, 136, 13-26..
Jiang, Y.;# Chen, J.; # Sun, Y.; Li, Q.; Cai, Z.; Li, J.;Guo, Y.;* Hu, W.;* Liu, Y.*Fast Deposition of Aligning Edge-on Polymers for High Mobility Ambipolar Transistors, Adv. Mater.2019, 31,**.
Yang, J.;# Zhao, Z.; #Guo, Y.*; Wang, S.; Liu, Y.*Insight into High Performance Conjugated Polymers for Organic Field-Effect Transistors,Chem,2018, 4, 2748-2785.
Wang, H.;# Zhao, Q.;# Ni, Z.;# Li, Q.; Liu, H.; Yang, Y.; Wang, L.; Ran, Y.; Guo, Y.;* Hu, W.;* Liu, Y.* A Ferroelectric/Electrochemical Modulated Organic Synapse for Ultraflexible, Artificial Visual-Perception System,Adv. Mater.2018,30,**.
Yi, Z.#;Jiang, Y.;# Xu, L.#; Zhong, C.#; Yang, J.; Wang, Q.; Xiao, J.;Liao, X.; Wang,S.;*Guo, Y.;*Hu, W.; Liu, Y.* Triple Acceptors in Polymeric Architecture for Balanced Ambiplar Transistor and High Gain Inverter,Adv. Mater.2018,30,**.
Zhen, Y.;* Inoue K.; Wang, Z.; Kusamoto T.; Nakabayashi, K.; Ohkoshi, S.; Hu, W.;Guo, Y.;*Harano, K.;* and Nakamura, E.*Acid-Responsive Conductive Nanofiber of TetrabenzoporphyrinMade by Solution Processing,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018, 140,62-65.
Zhu, C.#; Zhao Z.#; Chen H.;* Zheng, L.; Li X.; Chen, J.; Sun, Y.; Liu, F.;Guo, Y.;* Liu, Y.* Regioregular Bis-Pyridal[2,1,3]thiadiazole-Based Semiconducting Polymer for High-Performance Ambipolar Transistors,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017,139, 17735-17738.
Yang, J.;1 Zhao, Z.1 Geng, H.;1 Cheng, C.; Chen, J.; Sun, Y.; Shi, L.; Yi, Y.; Shuai, Z.; Guo, Y.;* Wang, S.;* Liu, Y.*Isoindigo-based Polymerswith Small Effective Massesfor High-Mobility Ambipolar Field-Effect Transistors,Adv. Mater.(2017, 29, **).
Wang, H.;1 Liu, H.;1 Zhao, Q.;1 Ni, Z.; Zou, Y.; Yang, J.; Wang, L.; Sun, Y.; Guo, Y.;* Hu, Y.;* Liu, Y.*Retina-like Dual Band Organic Photosensor Array for Filter-free Near-infrared-to-Memory Operations,Adv. Mater.2017, 29, **.
Guo, Y.;* Sato, W.; Shoyama, K.; Halim, H.; Itabashi, Y.; Shang, R.; Nakamura, E.* Citric acid modulated growth of oriented lead perovskite crystals for efficient solar cells,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017, 139, 9598-9604.
Yang, J.;1 Wang, H.;1 Chen, J.; Huang, J.; Jiang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Shi, L.; Sun, Y.; Wei, Z.; Yu, G.; Guo, Y.;*Wang, S.;* Liu* Y.Bis-Diketopyrrolopyrrole Moiety as a Promising Building Block to Enable Balanced Ambipolar Polymers for FlexibleTransistors,Adv. Mater.2017, 29, **.
Yan, Q.;Guo, Y.*;Ichimura, A.; Tsuji,* H.; Nakamura E.* Three-Dimensionally Homoconjugated Carbon-Bridged Oligophenylenevinylene for Perovskite Solar Cells.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2016,138,10897–10904
Guo, Y.*,Sato, W.; Shoyama, K.; Nakamura, E.*Sulfamic Acid-Catalyzed Lead Perovskite Formation for Solar Cell Fabrication on Glass or Plastic Substrates.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2016,138,5410-5416.
Guo, Y.;Shoyama, K.; Sato, W.; Nakamura, E.* Polymer Stabilization of Lead(II) Perovskite Cubic Nanocrystals for Semitransparent Solar Cells.Adv. Energy Mater.2016,6,**.
Guo, Y.1;Shoyama, K.1; Sato, W.; Matsuo, Y.; Inoue, K.; Harano, K.; Liu, C.; Tanaka, H.; Nakamura, E.* Chemical Pathways Connecting Lead(II) Iodide and Perovskite via Polymeric Plumbate(II) Fiber.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2015,137,15907-15914.
Liu, X.;Guo, Y.*;Ma, Y.*; Chen, H.; Mao, Z.; Wang, H.; Yu G.*; Liu, Y.* Flexible, Low-Voltage and High-Performance Polymer Thin-Film Transistors and Their Application in Photo/Thermal Detectors.Adv. Mater.2014,26, 3631–3636.
Chen, H.1;Guo, Y.1; Yu, G.*; Zhao, Y.; Zhang, J.; Gao, D.; Liu, H.; Liu, Y.*Highly π-Extended Copolymers with Diketopyrrolopyrrole Moieties for High-Performance Field-Effect Transistors.Adv. Mater.2012,24, 4618-4622
Guo Y.;1Wu, B.1; Liu, H.; Ma, Y.; Yang, Y.; Zheng, J.; Yu, G.*; Liu, Y.*Electrical assembly and reduction of graphene oxide in a single solution step for use in flexible sensors.Adv. Mater.2011,23, 4626-4630.
Guo, Y.; Yu, G.*; Liu, Y.*Functional Organic Field-Effect Transistors.Adv. Mater.2010,22,4427-4447.
Guo,Y.;1 Di, C.;1Liu, H.; Zheng, J.; Zhang, L.; Yu G.; Liu, Y.* General route toward patterning of graphene oxide by a combination of wettability modulation and spin-coating,ACS Nano2010, 4, 5749-5754.
Guo,Y.; Du, C.; Yu, G.;* Di, C.; Jiang, S.; Xi, H.; Zheng, J.; Yan, S.; Yu, C.; Hu, W.; Liu, Y.* High-Performance Phototransistors Based on Organic Microribbons Prepared by a Solution Self-Assembly Process,Adv. Funct. Mater.2010, 20, 1019-1024.
Guo, Y.; Di, C.; Ye, S.; Sun, X.; Zheng, J.; Wen, Y.; Wu, W.; Yu* G.; Liu,* Y. Multibit storage of organic thin-film field-effect transistors.Adv. Mater.2009,21, 1954-1959.
Guo, Y.; Zhao, H.; Yu, G.*; Di, C.; Liu, W.; Jiang, S.; Yan, S.; Wang, C.; Zhang, H.; Sun, X.; Tao, X.*; Liu, Y.* Single-Crystal Microribbons of an Indolo [3, 2-b] carbazole Derivative by Solution-Phase Self-Assembly with Novel Mechanical, Electrical, and Optical Properties.Adv. Mater.2008,20, 4835-4839.

在职员工 郭云龙
硕博在读 赵志远
毕业学生 王翰林


2006年9月-2010年6月 牡丹江师范学院物理学院物理教育 本科
2010年9月-2013年6月 浙江工业大学理学院光学 研究生
2013年9月-2017年6月 东北师范大学物理学院凝聚态 博士
2017年7月至今 中国科学院化学研究所 博士后
1. Zhiyuan Zhao,# Zhihong Yin,# Huajie Chen,* Liping Zheng, Chunguang Zhu, Long Zhang, Songting Tan, Hanlin Wang, Yunlong Guo, Qingxin Tang, and Yunqi Liu*. High-performance, air-stable field-effect transistors based on heteroatom-substituted naphthalenediimide-benzothiadiazole copolymers exhibiting ultrahigh electron mobility up to 8.5 cm v-1 s-1. Advanced Materials, 2017,29,**.
2. Jie Yang,# Zhiyuan Zhao,# Hua Geng,# Changli Cheng, Jinyang Chen, Yunlong Sun, Longxian Shi, Yuanping Yi, Zhigang Shuai, Yunlong Guo*, Shuai Wang*, and Yunqi Liu*, Isoindigo-based Polymerswith Small Effective Masses for High-Mobility Ambipolar Field-Effect Transistors, Advanced Materials (2017, DOI: 10.1002/adma.).
3. Zhiyuan Zhao, Zhihong Yin, Huajie Chen,* Yunlong Guo*, Qinxin Tang,* and Yunqi Liu*. Novel benzo[c][1,2,5]oxadiazole-naphthalenediimide based copolymer for high-performance air-stable n-type field-effect transistors exhibiting high electron mobility of 2.43 cm2 V?1 s?1. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 2892-2898.



2007年-2011年复旦大学 化学系 化学学专业理学学士
2011年--2017年 中国科学院化学研究所 有机固体实验室 物理化学专业 硕博连读
1. Wang, H., Liu, H., Zhao, Q., Cheng, C., Hu, W., & Liu, Y. (2015). Three-component integrated ultrathin organic photosensors for plastic optoelectronics.Advanced Materials,2015,28(4), 624-630.
2. Hanlin Wang, Hongtao Liu, Qiang Zhao, Cheng Cheng, Wenping Hu,* Yunqi Liu*. Three-Component Integrated Ultrathin Organic Photosensors for Plastic Optoelectronics,Advanced Materials,2016,28, 624–630.
3. Jie Yang,# Hanlin Wang,# Jinyang Chen, Jianyao Huang, Yingying Jiang, Jianqi Zhang,Longxian Shi, Yunlong Sun, Zhixiang Wei, Gui Yu, Yunlong Guo*,Shuai Wang*, and YunqiLiu*,Bis-Diketopyrrolopyrrole Moiety as a Promising Building Block to Enable Balanced Ambipolar Polymers for FlexibleTransistors,Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.
4. Hanlin Wang,# Hongtao Liu,# Qiang Zhao,# Zhenjie Ni, Ye Zou, Jie Yang, Lifeng Wang, Yanqiu Sun, Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu,* and Yunqi Liu*,Retina-like Dual Band Organic Photosensor Array for Filter-free Near-infrared-to-Memory Operations,Advanced Materials(2017, DOI: 10.1002/adma., online)





图1 并五噻吩分子结构示意图


图3 聚合物PDVT结构式

图4 基于NDI结构的共聚物结构式

图5 顶栅底接触场效应晶体管结构图

图6 水漂浮法制备超薄柔性电路
[1]. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127(38), 13281-13286.
[2]. Advanced Materials 2007, 19, 3037-3042.
[3]. Advanced Materials 2012, 24, 4618–4622.
[4]. Advanced Materials 2017, 29, **.
[5]. Advanced Materials 2013, 25, 5455–5460.
[6]. Advanced Materials 2016, 28, 624–630.



[1]Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (27), 11060--11063.
[2]Nano letters 9 (5), 1752--1758.
[3] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (21), 7992--7996.
[4]Chemical Society Reviews 45 (8), 2057--2074.
[5]Advanced Materials 26 (9), 1471-1471.
[6]Advanced Materials 26 (9), 1348-1353.
[7]Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (44), 17548-17551.
[8]Accounts of chemical research 46 (1), 106-115.
[9]Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (31), 11147-11154.
[10]Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (24), 9050-9054.
[11]Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (17), 6431-6434.
[12]NPG Asia Materials 5 (2), e36.
[13]Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (17), 2990-2995.
[14]ACS nano 9 (6), 5792--5798.
[15]Chemical Communications 46 (31), 5728-5730.
[16]Advanced Materials 23 (40), 4626-4630.



1.Zhiyuan Zhao,# Zhihong Yin,# Huajie Chen,* Liping Zheng, Chunguang Zhu, Long Zhang,Songting Tan, Hanlin Wang, Yunlong Guo, Qingxin Tang, and Yunqi Liu*. High-performance, air-stable field-effect transistors based on heteroatom-substituted naphthalenediimide-benzothiadiazole copolymers exhibiting ultrahigh electron mobility up to 8.5 cm v-1s-1.Advanced Materials,2017,29, **.

2. Jie Yang,# Hanlin Wang,# Jinyang Chen, Jianyao Huang, Yingying Jiang, Jianqi Zhang,Longxian Shi, Yunlong Sun, Zhixiang Wei, Gui Yu, Yunlong Guo*,Shuai Wang*, and YunqiLiu*,Bis-Diketopyrrolopyrrole Moiety as a Promising Building Block to Enable Balanced Ambipolar Polymers for FlexibleTransistors,Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.

3.Hanlin Wang,# Hongtao Liu,# Qiang Zhao,# Zhenjie Ni, Ye Zou, Jie Yang, Lifeng Wang, Yanqiu Sun, Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu,* and Yunqi Liu*,Retina-like Dual Band Organic Photosensor Array for Filter-free Near-infrared-to-Memory Operations,Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.

4.Lei Fu, Feng Wang, Bin Wu,* Nian Wu, Wei Huang, Hanlin Wang, Chuanhong Jin, Lin Zhuang, Jun He, Lei Fu,* and Yunqi Liu*Van der Waals Epitaxial Growth of Atomic Layered HfS2 Crystals for Ultrasensitive Near-Infrared Phototransistors,Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.

5.Jie Yang,# Zhiyuan Zhao,# Hua Geng,# Changli Cheng, Jinyang Chen, Yunlong Sun, Longxian Shi, Yuanping Yi, Zhigang Shuai, Yunlong Guo*, Shuai Wang*, and Yunqi Liu*,Isoindigo-based Polymerswith Small Effective Massesfor High-Mobility Ambipolar Field-Effect Transistors,Advanced Materials(2017, 29, **).

6.Yunlong Guo,* Wataru Sato, Kazutaka Shoyama, Henry Halim, Yuki Itabashi, Rui Shang, and Eiichi Nakamura*, Citric acid modulated growth of oriented lead perovskite crystals for efficient solar cells,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017, 139, 9598-9604.

7. Chunguang Zhu#, Zhiyuan Zhao#, Huajie Chen,* Liping Zheng, Xiaolin Li, Jinyang Chen, Yanming Sun, Feng Liu, Yunlong Guo,* Yunqi Liu* Regioregular Bis-Pyridal[2,1,3]thiadiazole-Based Semiconducting Polymer for High-Performance Ambipolar Transistors,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017,139, 17735 −17738.

8.Yingying Jiang, Yunlong Guo,* Yunqi Liu*,Engineering of Amorphous Polymeric Insulators for Organic Field-Effect Transistors,Advanced Electronic Materials(2017,3,**).
9.Yongtao Li,# Bin Wu,# Wei Guo, Lifeng Wang, Jingbo Li,* Yunqi Liu*. Tailoring graphene layer-to-layer growth.Nanotechnology,(2017, 28, 265101).
10.Yunchang Yang,Bin Wu*,Lifeng Wang,Yunqi Liu*.The synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride via chemical vapor deposition. ished)Chinese Science Bulletin(2017,20, 2195-2207.)
11.杨杰, 陈金佯, 孙云龙, 施龙献, 郭云龙,* 王帅,* 刘云圻* 新型共轭聚合物的设计合成及其在场效应晶体管的应用,综述(庆祝《高分子学报》创刊60周年专辑2017, 7, 1082-1096.
12.Zhiyuan Zhao, Zhihong Yin, Huajie Chen,* Yunlong Guo*, Qinxin Tang,* and Yunqi Liu*. Novel benzo[c][1,2,5]oxadiazole-naphthalenediimide based copolymer for high-performance air-stable n-type field-effect transistors exhibiting high electron mobility of 2.43 cm2V−1s−1.J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 2892-2898.
13. Longxian Shi, Yunlong Guo*, Wenping Hu* and Yunqi Liu*, Design and effective synthesis methods for high-performance polymer semiconductors in organic field-effect transistors,Materials Chemistry Frontiers,2017, 1, 2423-2456.
14.Lifeng Wang , Bin Wu,* Hongtao Liu, Li Huang, Yongtao Li, Wei Guo, Xin Chen, a Peng Peng, a Lei Fu, Yunchang Yang, PingAn Hu* and Yunqi Liu *,Water-assisted growth of large-sized single crystal hexagonal boron nitride grains,Materials Chemistry Frontiers,2017,1, 1836-1840.
15.杨云畅, 武斌*, 刘云圻*,双层石墨烯的化学气相沉积法制备及其光电器件,物理学报,2017,66(21):218101
16.Mian Cai,# Zhiyuan Zhao,# Yanfang Liu, Xiao Wang,* Yunqi Liu, Zhenggang Lan, and Xiaobo Wan*,N?Alkylation vs O?Alkylation: Influence on the Performance of a Polymeric Field-Effect Transistors Based on a Tetracyclic LactamBuilding Block,Macromolecules2017,50, 8497−8504.
17.Kazutaka Shoyama, Wataru Sato, Yunlong Guo,* Eiichi Nakamura,*Effects of water on the forward and backward conversions of lead(II) Iodide to methylammonium lead perovskite,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017,5, 23815–23821.
18.Long Xu, Zhiyuan Zhao, Mingchao Xiao, Jie Yang, Jian Xiao, Zhengran Yi,* Shuai Wang,* and Yunqi Liu*, π?Extended Isoindigo-Based Derivative: A Promising Electron-Deficient Building Block for Polymer Semiconductors,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017,9, 40549-40555.


1.Meng, L., Su, Y., Geng, D., Yu, G., Liu, Y., & Dou, R. F., et al. (2013). Hierarchy of graphene wrinkles induced by thermal strain engineering.Applied Physics Letters,103(25), 251610-251610-4.
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6.Liu, X., Guo, Y., Ma, Y., Chen, H., Mao, Z., & Wang, H., et al. (2014). Flexible, low-voltage and high-performance polymer thin-film transistors and their application in photo/thermal detectors.Advanced Materials,26(22), 3631-6.
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12.Wang, L., Wu, B., Chen, J., Liu, H., Hu, P., & Liu, Y. (2014). Monolayer hexagonal boron nitride films with large domain size and clean interface for enhancing the mobility of graphene-based field-effect transistors.Advanced Materials,26(10), 1559-64.
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15.Lin, Y., Ma, L., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Zhu, D., & Zhan, X. (2014). Small‐molecule solar cells with fill factors up to 0.75 via a layer‐by‐layer solution process.Advanced Energy Materials,4(4), 1-6(6).


1.Huo, L., Liu, T., Fan, B., Zhao, Z., Sun, X., & Wei, D., et al. (2015). Organic solar cells based on a 2d benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]difuran‐conjugated polymer with high‐power conversion efficiency.Advanced Materials,27(43), 6969-6975.
2.Zhang, C., Zou, C. L., Zhao, Y., Dong, C. H., Wei, C., & Wang, H., et al. (2015). Organic printed photonics: from microring lasers to integrated circuits.Science Advances,1(8), e**-e**.
3.Yi, Zhengran, Wang, Shuai, & Liu, Yunqi. (2015). Design of high‐mobility diketopyrrolopyrrole‐based π‐conjugated copolymers for organic thin‐film transistors.Advanced Materials,27(24), 3589.
4.Guo, W., Wu, B., Li, Y., Wang, L., Chen, J., & Chen, B., et al. (2015). Governing rule for dynamic formation of grain boundaries in grown graphene.ACS nano,9(6), 5792-8.
5.Que, Y., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Huang, L., Xu, W., & Tao, J., et al. (2015). Graphene–silicon layered structures on single-crystalline ir(111) thin films.Advanced Materials Interfaces,2(3), **.
6.Yi, Z., Ma, L., Li, P., Xu, L., Zhan, X., & Qin, J., et al. (2015). Enhancing the organic thin-film transistor performance of diketopyrrolopyrrole–benzodithiophene copolymers via the modification of both conjugated backbone and side chain.Polymer Chemistry,6(30), 5369-5375.
7.Ma, L., Yi, Z., Wang, S., Liu, Y., & Zhan, X. (2014). Highly sensitive thin film phototransistors based on a copolymer of benzodithiophene and diketopyrrolopyrrole.Journal of Materials Chemistry C,3(9), 1942-1948.


1.Liu, Y., Zhao, Z., Liu, H., Zhao, Y., Cheng, C., & Zhao, J., et al. (2016). Anisotropic charge carrier transport in high mobility donor-acceptor conjugated polymer semiconductor films.Chemistry An Asian Journal,11(19).
2.Chen, X., Wu, B., & Liu, Y. (2016). Direct preparation of high quality graphene on dielectric substrates.Chemical Society Reviews,45(8), 2057-2074.
3.Hanlin Wang, Hongtao Liu, Qiang Zhao, Cheng Cheng, Wenping Hu,* Yunqi Liu*. Three-Component Integrated Ultrathin Organic Photosensors for Plastic Optoelectronics, Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 624–630.


1.Zhiyuan Zhao,# Zhihong Yin,# Huajie Chen,* Liping Zheng, Chunguang Zhu, Long Zhang,Songting Tan, Hanlin Wang, Yunlong Guo, Qingxin Tang, and Yunqi Liu*. High-performance, air-stable field-effect transistors based on heteroatom-substituted naphthalenediimide-benzothiadiazole copolymers exhibiting ultrahigh electron mobility up to 8.5 cm v-1s-1.Advanced Materials,2017,29, **.

2. Jie Yang,# Hanlin Wang,# Jinyang Chen, Jianyao Huang, Yingying Jiang, Jianqi Zhang,Longxian Shi, Yunlong Sun, Zhixiang Wei, Gui Yu, Yunlong Guo*,Shuai Wang*, and YunqiLiu*,Bis-Diketopyrrolopyrrole Moiety as a Promising Building Block to Enable Balanced Ambipolar Polymers for FlexibleTransistors,Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.

3.Hanlin Wang,# Hongtao Liu,# Qiang Zhao,# Zhenjie Ni, Ye Zou, Jie Yang, Lifeng Wang, Yanqiu Sun, Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu,* and Yunqi Liu*,Retina-like Dual Band Organic Photosensor Array for Filter-free Near-infrared-to-Memory Operations,Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.

4.Lei Fu, Feng Wang, Bin Wu,* Nian Wu, Wei Huang, Hanlin Wang, Chuanhong Jin, Lin Zhuang, Jun He, Lei Fu,* and Yunqi Liu*Van der Waals Epitaxial Growth of Atomic Layered HfS2 Crystals for Ultrasensitive Near-Infrared Phototransistors,Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.

5.Jie Yang,# Zhiyuan Zhao,# Hua Geng,# Changli Cheng, Jinyang Chen, Yunlong Sun, Longxian Shi, Yuanping Yi, Zhigang Shuai, Yunlong Guo*, Shuai Wang*, and Yunqi Liu*,Isoindigo-based Polymerswith Small Effective Massesfor High-Mobility Ambipolar Field-Effect Transistors,Advanced Materials(2017, 29, **).

6.Yunlong Guo,* Wataru Sato, Kazutaka Shoyama, Henry Halim, Yuki Itabashi, Rui Shang, and Eiichi Nakamura*, Citric acid modulated growth of oriented lead perovskite crystals for efficient solar cells,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017, 139, 9598-9604.

7. Chunguang Zhu#, Zhiyuan Zhao#, Huajie Chen,* Liping Zheng, Xiaolin Li, Jinyang Chen, Yanming Sun, Feng Liu, Yunlong Guo,* Yunqi Liu* Regioregular Bis-Pyridal[2,1,3]thiadiazole-Based Semiconducting Polymer for High-Performance Ambipolar Transistors,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017,139, 17735 −17738.

8.Yingying Jiang, Yunlong Guo,* Yunqi Liu*,Engineering of Amorphous Polymeric Insulators for Organic Field-Effect Transistors,Advanced Electronic Materials(2017,3,**).
9.Yongtao Li,# Bin Wu,# Wei Guo, Lifeng Wang, Jingbo Li,* Yunqi Liu*. Tailoring graphene layer-to-layer growth.Nanotechnology,(2017, 28, 265101).
10.Yunchang Yang,Bin Wu*,Lifeng Wang,Yunqi Liu*.The synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride via chemical vapor deposition. ished)Chinese Science Bulletin(2017,20, 2195-2207.)
11.杨杰, 陈金佯, 孙云龙, 施龙献, 郭云龙,* 王帅,* 刘云圻* 新型共轭聚合物的设计合成及其在场效应晶体管的应用,综述(庆祝《高分子学报》创刊60周年专辑2017, 7, 1082-1096.
12.Zhiyuan Zhao, Zhihong Yin, Huajie Chen,* Yunlong Guo*, Qinxin Tang,* and Yunqi Liu*. Novel benzo[c][1,2,5]oxadiazole-naphthalenediimide based copolymer for high-performance air-stable n-type field-effect transistors exhibiting high electron mobility of 2.43 cm2V−1s−1.J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 2892-2898.
13. Longxian Shi, Yunlong Guo*, Wenping Hu* and Yunqi Liu*, Design and effective synthesis methods for high-performance polymer semiconductors in organic field-effect transistors,Materials Chemistry Frontiers,2017, 1, 2423-2456.
14.Lifeng Wang , Bin Wu,* Hongtao Liu, Li Huang, Yongtao Li, Wei Guo, Xin Chen, a Peng Peng, a Lei Fu, Yunchang Yang, PingAn Hu* and Yunqi Liu *,Water-assisted growth of large-sized single crystal hexagonal boron nitride grains,Materials Chemistry Frontiers,2017,1, 1836-1840.
15.杨云畅, 武斌*, 刘云圻*,双层石墨烯的化学气相沉积法制备及其光电器件,物理学报,2017,66(21):218101
16.Mian Cai,# Zhiyuan Zhao,# Yanfang Liu, Xiao Wang,* Yunqi Liu, Zhenggang Lan, and Xiaobo Wan*,N?Alkylation vs O?Alkylation: Influence on the Performance of a Polymeric Field-Effect Transistors Based on a Tetracyclic LactamBuilding Block,Macromolecules2017,50, 8497−8504.
17.Kazutaka Shoyama, Wataru Sato, Yunlong Guo,* Eiichi Nakamura,*Effects of water on the forward and backward conversions of lead(II) Iodide to methylammonium lead perovskite,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,2017,5, 23815–23821.
18.Long Xu, Zhiyuan Zhao, Mingchao Xiao, Jie Yang, Jian Xiao, Zhengran Yi,* Shuai Wang,* and Yunqi Liu*, π?Extended Isoindigo-Based Derivative: A Promising Electron-Deficient Building Block for Polymer Semiconductors,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017,9, 40549-40555.


1. Jinyang Chen,#, Yingying Jiang,#, Jie Yang,#, Yunlong Sun, Longxian Shi, Yang Ran, Qingsong Zhang, Yuanping Yi, Shuai Wang, Yunlong Guo,* and Yunqi Liu* , Copolymers of Bis-Diketopyrrolopyrrole and Benzothiadiazole Derivatives for High-Performance Ambipolar Field-Effect Transistors on Flexible Substrates, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018,10, 25858?25865.
2. Wei Guo, Bin Wu,* Shuai Wang,* and Yunqi Liu*, Controlling Fundamental Fluctuations for Reproducible Growth of Large Single-Crystal Graphene, ACS Nano 2018, 12, 1778?1784.
3. Yonggang Zhen,* Kento Inoue, Zongrui Wang, Tetsuro Kusamoto, Koji Nakabayashi, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi, Wenping Hu, Yunlong Guo,* Koji Harano,* and Eiichi Nakamura*, Acid-Responsive Conductive Nanofiber of Tetrabenzoporphyrin Made by Solution Processing, Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140, 62-65.
4. Zhengran Yi,#Yingying Jiang,#Long Xu,#Cheng Zhong,#Jie Yang, Qijun Wang, Junwu Xiao, Xueming Liao, Shuai Wang,* Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu and Yunqi Liu*, Triple Acceptors in Polymeric Architecture for Balanced Ambiplar Transistor and High Gain Inverter, Advanced Materials, 2018, 30,**.
5. Jie Yang,# Zhiyuan Zhao,# Yunlong Guo*, Shuai Wang, Yunqi Liu,*Insight into High Performance Conjugated Polymers for Organic Field-Effect Transistors,Chem, 2018, 4, 2748-2785.
6. Hanlin Wang,# Qiang Zhao,# Zhenjie Ni,# Qingyuan Li, Hongtao Liu, Yunchang Yang, Lifeng Wang, Yang Ran, Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu* and Yunqi Liu*, A Ferroelectric/Electrochemical Modulated Organic Synapse for Ultraflexible, Artificial Visual-Perception System,Advanced Materials, 2018, 30,**.
7. Lei Fu, Debo Hu, Rafael G. Mendes, Mark H. Rümmeli, Qing Dai, Bin Wu,* Lei Fu,* and Yunqi Liu,* Highly Organized Epitaxy of Dirac Semimetallic PtTe2 Crystals with Extrahigh Conductivity and Visible Surface Plasmons at Edges, ACSNano, 2018, 12, 9405-9411.
8. Wei Gao,# Tao Liu,*# Cheng Zhong,# Guangye Zhang, Yunpeng Zhang,Ruijie Ming, Lin Zhang,Jingming Xin,Kailong Wu,Yunlong Guo,Wei Ma,He Yan, Yunqi Liu, and Chuluo Yang * Asymmetrical Small Molecule Acceptor Enabling Nonfullerene Polymer Solar Cell withFill Factor Approaching 79%, ACS Energy Lett. 2018, 3, 1760?1768.
9. Lanchao Ma, * Bing Chen, Yunlong Guo, Yongri Liang, Dongmei Zeng, Xiaowei Zhan, Yunqi Liu and Xingguo Chen*, NIR polymers and phototransistors, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2018, 6, 13049-13058.


1. Kai Liu, # Yingying Jiang, # Yaqian Jiang,# Yunlong Guo,*Yunqi Liu,Eiichi Nakamura,* Chemical Formation and Multiple Applications of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Materials, Journal of the American Chemical Society,2019,141, 1406-1414.
2. Jie Yang,# Yaqian Jiang,# Zeyi Tu,Zhiyuan Zhao,Jinyang Chen, Zhengran Yi,Yifan Li,Shuai Wang,* Yuanping Yi,* Yunlong Guo,*and Yunqi Liu* High-Performance Ambipolar Polymers Baesd on Electron-Withdrawing GroupSubstituted Bay-Annulated Indigo,Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29, **.
3. Yingying Jiang,# Jingyang Chen,# Yunlong Sun, Qingyuan Li, Zhengxu Cai, Junyu Li, Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu,* Yunqi Liu,*Fast Deposition of Aligning Edge-on Polymers for High Mobility Ambipolar Transistors, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31,**.
4.Yunlong Sun, Yunlong Guo*, Yunqi Liu*,Design and synthesis of high performance π-conjugated materials through antiaromaticity and quinoid strategy for organic field-effect transistors,Materials Science & Engineering - R: Reports,2019, 136, 13-26.
5.Xin Chen,# He Yang,# Bin Wu,* Lifeng Wang, Qiang Fu, and Yunqi Liu*, Epitaxial Growth of h-BN on Templates of Various Dimensionalities in h-BN–graphene Material Systems,Advanced Materials, 2019, 31,**.
6. Kai Liu, Yunlong Guo*, Yunqi Liu, Recent Progress in Stretchable Organic Field-Effect Transistors,SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences ; 2019, 62, 1255-1276.
7. Qiangyuan Li, Yunlong Guo*, Yunqi Liu*, Exploration of Near-Infrared Organic Photodetectors, Chemistry ofMaterials,2019,31, 6359−6379.
8.Yunpeng Zhang,# Xiaotong Liu,# Shi Qiu, Qiuqi Zhang, Wei Tang, Hongtao Liu, Yunlong Guo*, Yongqiang Ma*, Xiaojun Guo*, and Yunqi Liu*, A Flexible Acetylcholinesterase-Modified Graphene for Chiral Pesticide Sensor,Journal of the American Chemical Society,2019,141, 14643−14649.
9. Jing Ma, Zhiyuan Zhao, Yunlong Guo, Hua Geng, Yanan Sun, Jianwu Tian, Qiming He, Zhengxu Cai, Xisha Zhang, Guanxin Zhang, Zitong Liu*, Deqing Zhang*, Yunqi Liu, Improving the Electronic Transporting Property for Flexible Field-Effect Transistors with Naphthalene Diimide-Based Conjugated Polymer through Branching/Linear Side-Chain Engineering Strategy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 15837-15844.
10. Huajie Chen*, Guosheng Cai, Ankang Guo, Zhiyuan Zhao, Junhua Kuang, Liping Zheng, Lingli Zhao, Jinyang Chen, Yunlong Guo*, Yunqi Liu*, Low Band Gap Donor–Acceptor Conjugated Polymers with Indanone-Condensed Thiadiazolo[3,4-g]quinoxaline Acceptors, Macromolecules, 2019, 52 (16), 6149-6159.
11. Lifeng Wang, Bin Wu*, Hongtao Liu, Hanlin Wang, Yuyu Su, Weiwei Lei, Pingan Hu*, Yunqi Liu*, Low temperature growth of clean single layer hexagonal boron nitride flakes and film for graphene based field-effect transistors, Sci. China Mater., 62(8), 1218–1225, 2019
12.Lifeng Wang, Dan Liu, Bin Wu,* Jiemin Wang, Liangzhu Zhang, Cheng Chen, Yuyu Su, uaying Yin, Jianing Zhang, Yury Gogotsi,* Yunqi Liu,* and Weiwei Lei* Ultrafast Growth of Thin Hexagonal and Pyramidal Molybdenum Nitride Crystals and Films, ACS Materials Lett., 1, 383−388, 2019
13. Peng Peng, Hongtao Liu, Bin Wu*, Qingxin Tang*, Yunqi Liu*, Nitrogen Doped Graphene with a p-Type Field-Effect and Its Fine Modulation, Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin., 35 (11), 1282–1290, 2019
14. Peng Peng, Hongtao Liu, Bin Wu*, Qingxin Tang*, Yunqi Liu*,Air-Stable Symmetric Ambipolar Field-Effect Transistors Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide-OTS Self-Assembled Monolayer Heterostructure, ChemNanoMat, 5, 472 –478,2019.


1.Xing Du, Jianing Zhang, Huali Wang, Zhaohui Huang, Ankang Guo, Lei Zhao, Yue Niu, ianglong Li, Bin Wu* and Yunqi Liu*,Solid-solid interface growth of conductive metal-organic framework nanowire arrays and their supercapacitor application,Mater. Chem. Front.2020,4, 243-251.
2. 郭云龙,高性能双极性聚合物半导体材料与晶体管器件,高分子学报,2020,51(5), 448-455.
3.Wei Shi, Yunlong Guo,* Yunqi Liu,*When Flexible Organic Field-Effect Transistors Meet Biomimetics: A Prospective View of the Internet of Things,Advanced Materials,2020, 32(15),**.
4. Yang Ran, Yunlong Guo,* Yunqi Liu,* Organostannane-free polycondensation and eco-friendly processing strategy for the design of semiconducting polymers in transistors, Materials Horizons, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0MH00138D

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杨学礼 单篇全文显示 20-1-9 下午4:45 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
孙建哲 单篇全文显示 20-1-9 下午4:42 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
白一超 单篇全文显示 20-1-9 下午4:32 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
魏晓芳 单篇全文显示 20-1-6 下午4:35 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
杜星 单篇全文显示 19-11-25 下午1:24 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
杨贺 单篇全文显示 19-11-25 下午1:21 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
蒋雅倩 单篇全文显示 19-11-25 下午1:14 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
姜莹莹 单篇全文显示 19-11-25 下午12:52 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
刘友星 单篇全文显示 19-11-25 下午12:36 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
邵明超 单篇全文显示 19-11-25 下午12:24 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
刘国才 单篇全文显示 19-11-25 下午12:17 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
黄新 单篇全文显示 19-7-29 下午3:50 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
2019年论文 单篇全文显示 19-1-3 下午12:48 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
张家宁 单篇全文显示 18-12-7 下午10:37 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
杨云畅 单篇全文显示 18-12-7 下午10:33 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
王翰林 单篇全文显示 18-12-7 下午10:30 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
王翰林 单篇全文显示 18-12-7 下午10:28 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
刘彦伟 单篇全文显示 18-8-20 下午5:28 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙

Principle Investigator

Professor Yunqi Liu, Academician of CAS

Zhongguancun North First Street 2
Beijing, 100190, PR China
Institute of Chemistry,CAS

Our research group has long been engaging in the study of molecular materials and devices. We insist on the development of designing high performance molecular materials, new method towards performance manipulation, and the synthesis of novel π- conjugated materials with excellent photoelectric properties. We are also interested in the growth of high quality monocrystalline graphene, the preparation of nitrogen-doped graphene, and the regulation on their electric properties as well as new approaches to directly prepare graphene on dielectric layer. To realize the multi-functional devices, the influences of interfaces on the device properties are studied as well.
Currently, our group consists of one principal investigator, one researcher and one associate researcher. Also included are 10 graduate students and 2 post-doc fellows.

Research Interests
Research Interests

Research Interests
1.Direct preparation of high quality graphene on dielectric substrates.
2. Controllable growth of Graphene-like materials.
3.Novel high-performance semiconducting materials.
4.Organic and polymer transistor and flexible circuits

Research Interests

Research Interests
1.Direct preparation of high quality graphene on dielectric substrates.
2. Controllable growth of Graphene-like materials.
3.Novel high-performance semiconducting materials.
4.Organic and polymer transistor and flexible circuits

Group Members
Principle Investigator
Faculty Yunlong Guo
Bin Wu
Graduate Students

Yunqi Liu

Professor Yunqi Liu, Academician of CAS
Research Interests and Awards
Professor Liu has long been engaged in molecular materials and devices research. His professional experience are listed below: Summarized and expanded polymer design concept, proposed a new method for property modulation of molecules; Proved utilization of extended π-system as an important way to achieve high mobility of molecules, Synthesized new π - conjugated molecular materials with excellent electrical and optical properties .
His group first used liquid copper to grow graphene, and obtained high quality monocrystalline grapheme; Prepared the first nitrogen-doped graphene whose electrical property can be controlled; Developed a new method to directly grow grapheme on the dielectric layer; Revealed effect of interface on the device performance, developed a new solution-based processing technology, and brought about multi-functionalization of the device.
He has published more than 500 SCI papers (among which over 120 are published in journals whose impact factors are greater than 10) cited for more than 20,000 times with h factor greater than 70, and developed 67 patented inventions.

Group Members
Principle Investigator
Faculty Yunlong Guo
Bin Wu
Graduate Students

Yunqi Liu

Professor Yunqi Liu, Academician of CAS
Research Interests and Awards
Professor Liu has long been engaged in molecular materials and devices research. His professional experience are listed below: Summarized and expanded polymer design concept, proposed a new method for property modulation of molecules; Proved utilization of extended π-system as an important way to achieve high mobility of molecules, Synthesized new π - conjugated molecular materials with excellent electrical and optical properties .
His group first used liquid copper to grow graphene, and obtained high quality monocrystalline grapheme; Prepared the first nitrogen-doped graphene whose electrical property can be controlled; Developed a new method to directly grow grapheme on the dielectric layer; Revealed effect of interface on the device performance, developed a new solution-based processing technology, and brought about multi-functionalization of the device.
He has published more than 500 SCI papers (among which over 120 are published in journals whose impact factors are greater than 10) cited for more than 20,000 times with h factor greater than 70, and developed 67 patented inventions.

Group Members
Principle Investigator
Faculty Yunlong Guo
Bin Wu
Graduate Students


Yunlong Guo
Research Fields
Organic polymer semiconductor materials and devices
Organic-inorganic hybrid materials and devices
Hebei Normal University B.S 2005
Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences Ph.D.2010
Professional Experience
2013.07 Associate Professor Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences
2013.10-2016.3 Postdoctoral The University of Tokyo
2016.4-2016.10 Associate Professor The University of Tokyo
2016.10- present Professor Institute of Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences
Selected Publications
Yan, Q.;Guo, Y.*;Ichimura, A.; Tsuji,* H.; Nakamura E.* Three-Dimensionally Homoconjugated Carbon-Bridged Oligophenylenevinylene for Perovskite Solar Cells.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2016,138,10897–10904
Guo, Y.*,Sato, W.; Shoyama, K.; Nakamura, E.*Sulfamic Acid-Catalyzed Lead Perovskite Formation for Solar Cell Fabrication on Glass or Plastic Substrates.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2016,138,5410-5416.
Guo, Y.;Shoyama, K.; Sato, W.; Nakamura, E.* Polymer Stabilization of Lead(II) Perovskite Cubic Nanocrystals for Semitransparent Solar Cells.Adv. Energy Mater.2016,6,**.
Guo, Y.1;Shoyama, K.1; Sato, W.; Matsuo, Y.; Inoue, K.; Harano, K.; Liu, C.; Tanaka, H.; Nakamura, E.* Chemical Pathways Connecting Lead(II) Iodide and Perovskite via Polymeric Plumbate(II) Fiber.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2015,137,15907-15914.
Liu, X.;Guo, Y.*;Ma, Y.*; Chen, H.; Mao, Z.; Wang, H.; Yu G.*; Liu, Y.* Flexible, Low-Voltage and High-Performance Polymer Thin-Film Transistors and Their Application in Photo/Thermal Detectors.Adv. Mater.2014,26, 3631–3636.
Chen, H.1;Guo, Y.1; Yu, G.*; Zhao, Y.; Zhang, J.; Gao, D.; Liu, H.; Liu, Y.*Highly π-Extended Copolymers with Diketopyrrolopyrrole Moieties for High-Performance Field-Effect Transistors.Adv. Mater.2012,24, 4618-4622
Guo Y.;1Wu, B.1; Liu, H.; Ma, Y.; Yang, Y.; Zheng, J.; Yu, G.*; Liu, Y.*Electrical assembly and reduction of graphene oxide in a single solution step for use in flexible sensors.Adv. Mater.2011,23, 4626-4630.
Guo, Y.; Yu, G.*; Liu, Y.*Functional Organic Field-Effect Transistors.Adv. Mater.,2010,22,4427-4447
Guo, Y.; Di, C.; Ye, S.; Sun, X.; Zheng, J.; Wen, Y.; Wu, W.; Yu* G.; Liu,* Y. Multibit storage of organic thin-film field-effect transistors.Adv. Mater.2009,21, 1954-1959.
Guo, Y.; Zhao, H.; Yu, G.*; Di, C.; Liu, W.; Jiang, S.; Yan, S.; Wang, C.; Zhang, H.; Sun, X.; Tao, X.*; Liu, Y.* Single-Crystal Microribbons of an Indolo [3, 2-b] carbazole Derivative by Solution-Phase Self-Assembly with Novel Mechanical, Electrical, and Optical Properties.Adv. Mater.2008,20, 4835-4839.

Group Members
Principle Investigator
Faculty Yunlong Guo
Bin Wu
Graduate Students

Graduate Students
He Yang

Zhiyuan Zhao

Xing Du

Peng Peng

Lei Fu

Yunlong Sun

Yunchang Yang

Yingying Jiang

Jie Yang

Qingyuan Li

Qingsong Zhang

Jianing Zhang

LongXian Shi

Yaqian Jiang

Jinyang Chen

Hanlin Wang

2013 papers
2014 papers
2015 papers
2016 papers
2017 papers
2018 papers

2013 papers
1.Zhiyuan Zhao,# Zhihong Yin,# Huajie Chen,* Liping Zheng, Chunguang Zhu, Long Zhang,Songting Tan, Hanlin Wang, Yunlong Guo, Qingxin Tang, and Yunqi Liu*. High-performance, air-stable field-effect transistors based on heteroatom-substituted naphthalenediimide-benzothiadiazole copolymers exhibiting ultrahigh electron mobility up to 8.5 cm v-1s-1.Advanced Materials,2017,29,**.
2. Jie Yang,# Hanlin Wang,# Jinyang Chen, Jianyao Huang, Yingying Jiang, Jianqi Zhang,Longxian Shi, Yunlong Sun, Zhixiang Wei, Gui Yu, Yunlong Guo*,Shuai Wang*, and YunqiLiu*,Bis-Diketopyrrolopyrrole Moiety as a Promising Building Block to Enable Balanced Ambipolar Polymers for FlexibleTransistors,Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.
3.Hanlin Wang,# Hongtao Liu,# Qiang Zhao,# Zhenjie Ni, Ye Zou, Jie Yang, Lifeng Wang, Yanqiu Sun, Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu,* and Yunqi Liu*,Retina-like Dual Band Organic Photosensor Array for Filter-free Near-infrared-to-Memory Operations,Advanced Materials(2017, DOI: 10.1002/adma., online)
4.Lei Fu, Feng Wang, Bin Wu,* Nian Wu, Wei Huang, Hanlin Wang, Chuanhong Jin, Lin Zhuang, Jun He, Lei Fu,* and Yunqi Liu*Van der Waals Epitaxial Growth of Atomic Layered HfS2 Crystals for Ultrasensitive Near-Infrared Phototransistors,Advanced Materials(2017, DOI: 10.1002/adma., online)
5.Jie Yang,# Zhiyuan Zhao,# Hua Geng,# Changli Cheng, Jinyang Chen, Yunlong Sun, Longxian Shi, Yuanping Yi, Zhigang Shuai, Yunlong Guo*, Shuai Wang*, and Yunqi Liu*,Isoindigo-based Polymerswith Small Effective Massesfor High-Mobility Ambipolar Field-Effect Transistors,Advanced Materials(2017, DOI: 10.1002/adma.).
6.Yunlong Guo,* Wataru Sato, Kazutaka Shoyama, Henry Halim, Yuki Itabashi, Rui Shang, and Eiichi Nakamura*, Citric acid modulated growth of oriented lead perovskite crystals for efficient solar cells,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017, 139, 9598-9604.
7.Yingying Jiang, Yunlong Guo,* Yunqi Liu*,Engineering of Amorphous Polymeric Insulators for Organic Field-Effect Transistors,Advanced Electronic Materials(2017,DOI: 10.1002/aelm.).
8.Yongtao Li, Bin Wu*, Wei Guo, Lifeng Wang, Jingbo Li, Yunqi Liu*. Tailoring graphene layer-to-layer growth.Nanotechnology,(2017, 28, 265101).
9.Yunchang Yang,Bin Wu*,Lifeng Wang,Yunqi Liu*.The synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride via chemical vapor deposition. ished)Chinese Science Bulletin(2017,published)
10.杨杰, 陈金佯, 孙云龙, 施龙献, 郭云龙,* 王帅,* 刘云圻* 新型共轭聚合物的设计合成及其在场效应晶体管的应用,综述(庆祝《高分子学报》创刊60周年专辑2017, 7, 1082-1096.
11.Zhiyuan Zhao, Zhihong Yin, Huajie Chen,* Yunlong Guo*, Qinxin Tang,* and Yunqi Liu*. Novel benzo[c][1,2,5]oxadiazole-naphthalenediimide based copolymer for high-performance air-stable n-type field-effect transistors exhibiting high electron mobility of 2.43 cm2V−1s−1.J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 2892-2898.
12. Longxian Shi, Yunlong Guo*, Wenping Hu* and Yunqi Liu*, Design and effective synthesis methods for high-performance polymer semiconductors in organic field-effect transistors,Materials Chemistry Frontiers,2017,DOI: 10.1039/c7qm00169j.

2013 papers
2014 papers
2015 papers
2016 papers
2017 papers
2018 papers

2013 papers
1.Meng, L., Su, Y., Geng, D., Yu, G., Liu, Y., & Dou, R. F., et al. (2013). Hierarchy of graphene wrinkles induced by thermal strain engineering.Applied Physics Letters,103(25), 251610-251610-4.
2.Yi, Z., Ma, L., Chen, B., Chen, D., Chen, X., & Qin, J., et al. (2013). Effect of the longer β-unsubstituted oliogothiophene unit (6t and 7t) on the organic thin-film transistor performances of diketopyrrolopyrrole-oliogothiophene copolymers.Chemistry of Materials,25(21), 4290–4296.
3.Zhang, L., Wang, H., Zhao, Y., Guo, Y., Hu, W., & Yu, G., et al. (2013). Substrate-free ultra-flexible organic field-effect transistors and five-stage ring oscillators.Advanced Materials,25(38), 5455-60.
4.Zhao, Y., Guo, Y., & Liu, Y. (2013). 25th anniversary article: recent advances in n-type and ambipolar organic field-effect transistors.Advanced Materials,25(38), 5372-91.
5.A Potential Perylene Diimide Dimer‐Based Acceptor Material for Highly Efficient Solution‐Processed Non‐Fullerene Organic Solar Cells with . Efficiency (pages –). . A potential perylene diimide dimer‐based acceptor material for highly efficient solution‐processed non‐fullerene organic solar cells with 4.03% efficiency (pages 5791–5797).Advanced Materials.
6.Yan, Y. X., Dong, J., Wu, L. J., Shao, S., Zhang, J., & Zhang, L., et al. (2013). Associations between polymorphisms in the glucocorticoid-receptor gene and cardiovascular risk factors in a chinese population.Journal of Epidemiology,23(5), 389-395.
7.Lin, Y., Ma, L., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Zhu, D., & Zhan, X. (2013). A solution-processable small molecule based on benzodithiophene and diketopyrrolopyrrole for high-performance organic solar cells.Advanced Energy Materials,3(9), 1166–1170.
8.Li, T., Jevric, M., Hauptmann, J. R., Hviid, R., Wei, Z., & Wang, R., et al. (2013). Ultrathin reduced graphene oxide films as transparent top-contacts for light switchable solid-state molecular junctions.Advanced Materials,25(30), 4164-70.
9.Yu, C., Guo, Y., Liu, H., Yan, N., Xu, Z., & Yu, G., et al. (2013). Ultrasensitive and selective sensing of heavy metal ions with modified graphene.Chemical Communications,49(58), 6492-4.
10.Huang, L., Wu, B., Chen, J., Xue, Y., Geng, D., & Guo, Y., et al. (2013). Graphene sheets: gram-scale synthesis of graphene sheets by a catalytic arc-discharge method (small 8/2013).Small,9(8), 1330-5.
11.Geng, D., Wu, B., Guo, Y., Luo, B., Xue, Y., & Chen, J., et al. (2013). Fractal etching of graphene.Journal of the American Chemical Society,135(17), 6431-4.
12.X Zhao, L Ma, L Zhang, Y Wen, J Chen, Z Shuai, Y Liu, X Zhan., et al.(2013).An acetylene-containing perylene diimide copolymer for high mobility n-channel transistor in air.Macromolecules 46 (6), 2152--2158
13.Z Zhang, F Xiao, Y Guo, S Wang, Y Liu., et al. (2013).One-pot self-assembled three-dimensional TiO2-graphene hydrogel with improved adsorption capacities and photocatalytic and electrochemical activities.ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (6), 2227--2233
14.J Huang, C Zhan, X Zhang, Y Zhao, Z Lu, H Jia, B Jiang, J Ye, S Zhang., et al. (2013).Solution-processed DPP-based small molecule that gives high photovoltaic efficiency with judicious device optimization.ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (6), 2033--2039
15.J Chen, Y Guo, Y Wen, L Huang, Y Xue, D Geng, B Wu, B Luo, G Yu., et al. (2013).Graphene: Two‐Stage Metal‐Catalyst‐Free Growth of High‐Quality Polycrystalline Graphene Films on Silicon NitrideSubstrates .Advanced Materials 25 (7), 938--938
16.J Chen, Y Guo, Y Wen, L Huang, Y Xue, D Geng, B Wu, B Luo, G Yu., et al. (2013).Two‐Stage Metal‐Catalyst‐Free Growth of High‐Quality Polycrystalline Graphene Films on Silicon Nitride Substrates.Advanced Materials 25 (7), 992--997
17.B Wu, D Geng, Z Xu, Y Guo, L Huang, Y Xue, J Chen, G Yu, Y Liu., et al. (2013).Self--organized graphene crystal patterns.NPG Asia Materials 5 (2), e36
18.D Wei, L Xie, KK Lee, Z Hu, S Tan, W Chen, CH Sow, K Chen, Y Liu., et al. (2013).Controllable unzipping for intramolecular junctions of graphene nanoribbons and single-walled carbon nanotubes.Nature communications 4, 1374
19.L Zhang, T Wu, Y Guo, Y Zhao, X Sun, Y Wen, G Yu, Y Liu., et al. (2013).Large--area, flexible imaging arrays constructed by light-charge organic memories.Scientific reports 3, 1080
20.Z Cai, Y Guo, S Yang, Q Peng, H Luo, Z Liu, G Zhang, Y Liu, D Zhang., et al. (2013).New donor–acceptor–donor molecules with pechmann dye as the core moiety for solution--processed good--performanceorganic field--effect transistors.Chemistry of Materials 25 (3), 471--478
21.L Jiang, T Yang, F Liu, J Dong, Z Yao, C Shen, S Deng, N Xu, Y Liu., et al. (2013).Controlled synthesis of large-scale, uniform, vertically standing graphene for high-performance field emitters.Advanced Materials 25 (2), 250--255
22.H Luo, Z Cai, L Tan, Y Guo, G Yang, Z Liu, G Zhang, D Zhang, W Xu, Y Liu., et al. (2013).Solution--processed core-extended naphthalene diimides toward organic n--type and ambipolar semiconductors.Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (15), 2688--2695
23.B Luo, H Liu, L Jiang, L Jiang, D Geng, B Wu, W Hu, Y Liu, G Yu., et al. (2013).Synthesis and morphology transformation of single--crystal graphene domains based on activated carbon dioxide by chemical vapor deposition.Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (17), 2990--2995
24.P Guo, F Xiao, Q Liu, H Liu, Y Guo, JR Gong, S Wang, Y Liu., et al. (2013).One--pot microbial method to synthesize dual-doped graphene and its use as high-performance electrocatalyst.Scientific reports 3
25.J Huang, X Wang, C Zhan, Y Zhao, Y Sun, Q Pei, Y Liu, J Yao., et al. (2013).Wide band gap copolymers based on phthalimide: synthesis, characterization, and photovoltaic properties with 3.70% efficiency.Polymer Chemistry 4 (6), 2174--2182
26.X Liu, H Zhang, Y Ma, X Wu, L Meng, Y Guo, G Yu, Y Liu., et al. (2013).Graphene-coated silica as a highly efficient sorbent for residual organophosphorus pesticides in water.Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (5), 1875--1884
27.C Cheng, C Yu, Y Guo, H Chen, Y Fang, G Yu, Y Liu., et al. (2013).A diketopyrrolopyrrole-thiazolothiazole copolymer for high performance organic field--effect transistors.Chemical Communications 49 (20), 1998--2000
28.H Liu, L Zhang, Y Guo, C Cheng, L Yang, L Jiang, G Yu, W Hu, Y Liu., et al. (2013).Reduction of graphene oxide to highly conductive graphene by Lawesson's reagent and its electrical applications.Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (18), 3104--3109

2013 papers
2014 papers
2015 papers
2016 papers
2017 papers
2018 papers

2014 papers
1.Heteroatom substituted organic/polymeric semiconductors and their applications in field‐effect transistors (pages 6898–6904).Advanced Materials.
2.Chi, K., Zhang, Z., Xi, J., Huang, Y., Xiao, F., & Wang, S., et al. (2014). Freestanding graphene paper supported three-dimensional porous graphene-polyaniline nanocomposite synthesized by inkjet printing and in flexible all-solid-state supercapacitor.Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,6(18), 16312.
3.Xue, Y., Wu, B., Bao, Q., & Liu, Y. (2014). Controllable synthesis of doped graphene and its applications.Small,10(15), 2975.
4.Transistors Inkjet Printing Short‐Channel Polymer Transistors with High‐Performance and Ultrahigh Photoresponsivity (Adv. Mater. /) (page ). . Transistors: inkjet printing short‐channel polymer transistors with high‐performance and ultrahigh photoresponsivity (adv. mater. 27/2014) (page 4752).Advanced Materials.
5.Zhang, Z., Xiao, F., Qian, L., Xiao, J., Wang, S., & Liu, Y. (2014). Facile synthesis of 3d mno2–graphene and carbon nanotube–graphene composite networks for high‐performance, flexible, all‐solid‐state asymmetric supercapacitors.Advanced Energy Materials,4(10), 867-872.
6.Liu, X., Guo, Y., Ma, Y., Chen, H., Mao, Z., & Wang, H., et al. (2014). Flexible, low-voltage and high-performance polymer thin-film transistors and their application in photo/thermal detectors.Advanced Materials,26(22), 3631-6.
7.Huang, J., Tang, R., Zhang, T., Li, Q., Yu, G., & Xie, S., et al. (2014). A new approach to prepare efficient blue aie emitters for undoped oleds.Chemistry,20(18), 5317-26.
8.Chen, J. (2014). Controllable fabrication of ultrathin free-standing graphene films.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A Mathematical Physical & Engineering Sciences,372(2013), **.
9.Chen, J., Guo, Y., Jiang, L., Xu, Z., Huang, L., & Xue, Y., et al. (2014). Graphene: near‐equilibrium chemical vapor deposition of high‐quality single‐crystal graphene directly on various dielectric substrates (adv. mater. 9/2014).Advanced Materials,26(9), 1348.
10.Geng, D., Luo, B., Xu, J., Guo, Y., Wu, B., & Hu, W., et al. (2014). Graphene: self‐aligned single‐crystal graphene grains (adv. funct. mater. 12/2014).Advanced Functional Materials,24(12), 1649-1649.
11.Chen, J., Guo, Y., Jiang, L., Xu, Z., Huang, L., & Xue, Y., et al. (2014). Graphene: near‐equilibrium chemical vapor deposition of high‐quality single‐crystal graphene directly on various dielectric substrates (adv. mater. 9/2014).Advanced Materials,26(9), 1348.
12.Wang, L., Wu, B., Chen, J., Liu, H., Hu, P., & Liu, Y. (2014). Monolayer hexagonal boron nitride films with large domain size and clean interface for enhancing the mobility of graphene-based field-effect transistors.Advanced Materials,26(10), 1559-64.
13.Zhang, Z. (2014). Encapsulating pd nanoparticles in double-shelled graphene@carbon hollow spheres for excellent chemical catalytic property.Scientific Reports,4(6), 4053.
14.Xiao, S., Xiao, F., Hu, Y., Yuan, S., Wang, S., & Qian, L., et al. (2013). Hierarchical nanoporous gold-platinum with heterogeneous interfaces for methanol electrooxidation.Scientific Reports,4(4), 4370.
15.Lin, Y., Ma, L., Li, Y., Liu, Y., Zhu, D., & Zhan, X. (2014). Small‐molecule solar cells with fill factors up to 0.75 via a layer‐by‐layer solution process.Advanced Energy Materials,4(4), 1-6(6).

2013 papers
2014 papers
2015 papers
2016 papers
2017 papers
2018 papers

2015 papers
1.Huo, L., Liu, T., Fan, B., Zhao, Z., Sun, X., & Wei, D., et al. (2015). Organic solar cells based on a 2d benzo[1,2‐b:4,5‐b′]difuran‐conjugated polymer with high‐power conversion efficiency.Advanced Materials,27(43), 6969-6975.
2.Wang, H., Liu, H., Zhao, Q., Cheng, C., Hu, W., & Liu, Y. (2015). Three-component integrated ultrathin organic photosensors for plastic optoelectronics.Advanced Materials,28(4), 624-630.
3.Chen, X., Wu, B., & Liu, Y. (2016). Direct preparation of high quality graphene on dielectric substrates.Chemical Society Reviews,45(8), 2057-2074.
4.Zhang, C., Zou, C. L., Zhao, Y., Dong, C. H., Wei, C., & Wang, H., et al. (2015). Organic printed photonics: from microring lasers to integrated circuits.Science Advances,1(8), e**-e**.
5.Yi, Zhengran, Wang, Shuai, & Liu, Yunqi. (2015). Design of high‐mobility diketopyrrolopyrrole‐based π‐conjugated copolymers for organic thin‐film transistors.Advanced Materials,27(24), 3589.
6.Guo, W., Wu, B., Li, Y., Wang, L., Chen, J., & Chen, B., et al. (2015). Governing rule for dynamic formation of grain boundaries in grown graphene.ACS nano,9(6), 5792-8.
7.Que, Y., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Huang, L., Xu, W., & Tao, J., et al. (2015). Graphene–silicon layered structures on single-crystalline ir(111) thin films.Advanced Materials Interfaces,2(3), **.
8.Yi, Z., Ma, L., Li, P., Xu, L., Zhan, X., & Qin, J., et al. (2015). Enhancing the organic thin-film transistor performance of diketopyrrolopyrrole–benzodithiophene copolymers via the modification of both conjugated backbone and side chain.Polymer Chemistry,6(30), 5369-5375.
9.Ma, L., Yi, Z., Wang, S., Liu, Y., & Zhan, X. (2014). Highly sensitive thin film phototransistors based on a copolymer of benzodithiophene and diketopyrrolopyrrole.Journal of Materials Chemistry C,3(9), 1942-1948.

2013 papers
2014 papers
2015 papers
2016 papers
2017 papers
2018 papers

2016 papers
1.Liu, Y., Zhao, Z., Liu, H., Zhao, Y., Cheng, C., & Zhao, J., et al. (2016). Anisotropic charge carrier transport in high mobility donor-acceptor conjugated polymer semiconductor films.Chemistry An Asian Journal,11(19).
2.Chen, X., Wu, B., & Liu, Y. (2016). Direct preparation of high quality graphene on dielectric substrates.Chemical Society Reviews,45(8), 2057-2074.

2013 papers
2014 papers
2015 papers
2016 papers
2017 papers
2018 papers

2017 papers
1.Zhiyuan Zhao,# Zhihong Yin,# Huajie Chen,* Liping Zheng, Chunguang Zhu, Long Zhang,Songting Tan, Hanlin Wang, Yunlong Guo, Qingxin Tang, and Yunqi Liu*. High-performance, air-stable field-effect transistors based on heteroatom-substituted naphthalenediimide-benzothiadiazole copolymers exhibiting ultrahigh electron mobility up to 8.5 cm v-1s-1.Advanced Materials,2017,29,**.
2. Jie Yang,# Hanlin Wang,# Jinyang Chen, Jianyao Huang, Yingying Jiang, Jianqi Zhang,Longxian Shi, Yunlong Sun, Zhixiang Wei, Gui Yu, Yunlong Guo*,Shuai Wang*, and YunqiLiu*,Bis-Diketopyrrolopyrrole Moiety as a Promising Building Block to Enable Balanced Ambipolar Polymers for FlexibleTransistors,Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.
3.Hanlin Wang,# Hongtao Liu,# Qiang Zhao,# Zhenjie Ni, Ye Zou, Jie Yang, Lifeng Wang, Yanqiu Sun, Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu,* and Yunqi Liu*,Retina-like Dual Band Organic Photosensor Array for Filter-free Near-infrared-to-Memory Operations,Advanced Materials(2017, DOI: 10.1002/adma., online)
4.Lei Fu, Feng Wang, Bin Wu,* Nian Wu, Wei Huang, Hanlin Wang, Chuanhong Jin, Lin Zhuang, Jun He, Lei Fu,* and Yunqi Liu*Van der Waals Epitaxial Growth of Atomic Layered HfS2 Crystals for Ultrasensitive Near-Infrared Phototransistors,Advanced Materials(2017, DOI: 10.1002/adma., online)
5.Jie Yang,# Zhiyuan Zhao,# Hua Geng,# Changli Cheng, Jinyang Chen, Yunlong Sun, Longxian Shi, Yuanping Yi, Zhigang Shuai, Yunlong Guo*, Shuai Wang*, and Yunqi Liu*,Isoindigo-based Polymerswith Small Effective Massesfor High-Mobility Ambipolar Field-Effect Transistors,Advanced Materials(2017, DOI: 10.1002/adma.).
6.Yunlong Guo,* Wataru Sato, Kazutaka Shoyama, Henry Halim, Yuki Itabashi, Rui Shang, and Eiichi Nakamura*, Citric acid modulated growth of oriented lead perovskite crystals for efficient solar cells,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017, 139, 9598-9604.
7.Yingying Jiang, Yunlong Guo,* Yunqi Liu*,Engineering of Amorphous Polymeric Insulators for Organic Field-Effect Transistors,Advanced Electronic Materials(2017,DOI: 10.1002/aelm.).
8.Yongtao Li, Bin Wu*, Wei Guo, Lifeng Wang, Jingbo Li, Yunqi Liu*. Tailoring graphene layer-to-layer growth.Nanotechnology,(2017, 28, 265101).
9.Yunchang Yang,Bin Wu*,Lifeng Wang,Yunqi Liu*.The synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride via chemical vapor deposition. ished)Chinese Science Bulletin(2017,published)
10.杨杰, 陈金佯, 孙云龙, 施龙献, 郭云龙,* 王帅,* 刘云圻* 新型共轭聚合物的设计合成及其在场效应晶体管的应用,综述(庆祝《高分子学报》创刊60周年专辑2017, 7, 1082-1096.
11.Zhiyuan Zhao, Zhihong Yin, Huajie Chen,* Yunlong Guo*, Qinxin Tang,* and Yunqi Liu*. Novel benzo[c][1,2,5]oxadiazole-naphthalenediimide based copolymer for high-performance air-stable n-type field-effect transistors exhibiting high electron mobility of 2.43 cm2V−1s−1.J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 2892-2898.
12. Longxian Shi, Yunlong Guo*, Wenping Hu* and Yunqi Liu*, Design and effective synthesis methods for high-performance polymer semiconductors in organic field-effect transistors,Materials Chemistry Frontiers,2017,DOI: 10.1039/c7qm00169j.

2013 papers
2014 papers
2015 papers
2016 papers
2017 papers
2018 papers

2018 papers
1. Jinyang Chen,#, Yingying Jiang,#, Jie Yang,#, Yunlong Sun, Longxian Shi, Yang Ran, Qingsong Zhang, Yuanping Yi, Shuai Wang, Yunlong Guo,* and Yunqi Liu* , Copolymers of Bis-Diketopyrrolopyrrole and Benzothiadiazole Derivatives for High-Performance Ambipolar Field-Effect Transistors on Flexible Substrates,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2018,10, 25858−25865.
2. Wei Guo, Bin Wu,* Shuai Wang,* and Yunqi Liu*, Controlling Fundamental Fluctuations for Reproducible Growth of Large Single-Crystal Graphene,ACS Nano 2018, 12, 1778−1784.
3. Yonggang Zhen,* Kento Inoue, Zongrui Wang, Tetsuro Kusamoto, Koji Nakabayashi, Shin-ichi Ohkoshi, Wenping Hu, Yunlong Guo,* Koji Harano,* and Eiichi Nakamura*, Acid-Responsive Conductive Nanofiber of Tetrabenzoporphyrin Made by Solution Processing,Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018,140, 62-65.
4. Zhengran Yi,#Yingying Jiang,#Long Xu,#Cheng Zhong,#Jie Yang, Qijun Wang, Junwu Xiao, Xueming Liao, Shuai Wang,* Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu and Yunqi Liu*, Triple Acceptors in Polymeric Architecture for Balanced Ambiplar Transistor and High Gain Inverter,Advanced Materials, 2018,30,**.
5. Jie Yang,# Zhiyuan Zhao,# Yunlong Guo*, Shuai Wang, Yunqi Liu,*Insight into High Performance Conjugated Polymers for Organic Field-Effect Transistors,Chem, 2018, 4, 2748-2785.
6. Hanlin Wang,# Qiang Zhao,# Zhenjie Ni,# Qingyuan Li, Hongtao Liu, Yunchang Yang, Lifeng Wang, Yang Ran, Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu* and Yunqi Liu*, A Ferroelectric/Electrochemical Modulated Organic Synapse for Ultraflexible, Artificial Visual-Perception System,Advanced Materials, 2018,30,**.
7. Lei Fu, Debo Hu, Rafael G. Mendes, Mark H. Rümmeli, Qing Dai, Bin Wu,* Lei Fu,* and Yunqi Liu,* Highly Organized Epitaxy of Dirac Semimetallic PtTe2 Crystals with Extrahigh Conductivity and Visible Surface Plasmons at Edges,ACSNano,2018, 12, 9405-9411.
8. Yunlong Sun, Yunlong Guo*, Yunqi Liu*,Design and synthesis of high performance π-conjugated materials through antiaromaticity and quinoid strategy for organic field-effect transistors,Materials Science & Engineering - R: Reports,2019, 136, 13-26..
9.Yingying Jiang,# Jingyang Chen,# Yunlong Sun, Qingyuan Li, Zhengxu Cai, Junyu Li, Yunlong Guo,* Wenping Hu,* Yunqi Liu,*Fast Deposition of Aligning Edge-on Polymers for High Mobility Ambipolar Transistors, Advanced Materials, 2018, ASAP,**.
10. Wei Gao,# Tao Liu,*# Cheng Zhong,# Guangye Zhang, Yunpeng Zhang,Ruijie Ming, Lin Zhang,Jingming Xin,Kailong Wu,Yunlong Guo,Wei Ma,He Yan, Yunqi Liu, and Chuluo Yang * Asymmetrical Small Molecule Acceptor Enabling Nonfullerene Polymer Solar Cell withFill Factor Approaching 79%,ACS Energy Lett.2018, 3, 1760−1768.
11.Jie Yang,Yaqian Jiang, Zeyi Tu,Zhiyuan Zhao,Jinyang Chen, Zhengran Yi,Yifan Li,Shuai Wang,* Yuanping Yi,* Yunlong Guo,*and Yunqi Liu* High-Performance Ambipolar Polymers Baesd on Electron-Withdrawing GroupSubstituted Bay-Annulated Indigo,Advanced Functional Materials, 2018 (Accepted)
12.Lanchao Ma, * Bing Chen, Yunlong Guo, Yongri Liang, Dongmei Zeng, Xiaowei Zhan, Yunqi Liu and Xingguo Chen*, NIR polymers and phototransistors,J. Mater. Chem. C,2018, 6, 13049-13058.

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2018 papers 单篇全文显示 19-1-3 上午5:05 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
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Bin Wu 单篇全文显示 17-3-1 上午5:22 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
Yunlong Guo 单篇全文显示 17-3-1 上午5:21 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
Yunlong Guo 单篇全文显示 17-3-1 上午5:20 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
Yunqi Liu 单篇全文显示 17-3-1 上午5:20 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
2017 papers 单篇全文显示 17-3-1 上午5:16 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
2016 papers 单篇全文显示 17-3-1 上午5:13 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
2015 papers 单篇全文显示 17-3-1 上午5:13 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
2014 papers 单篇全文显示 17-3-1 上午5:12 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
2013 papers 单篇全文显示 17-3-1 上午5:11 已批准 有机固体-刘云圻-郭云龙
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有机薄膜场效应晶体管(OFET)在电子报纸、智能识别卡、大面积平板及柔性显示、传感器、数字逻辑电路等方面具有非常广阔的应用前景。在OFET家族中,聚合物半导体膜因具有机械性能好、热稳定性高、成膜方法简单经济以及特别适合于制备大面积器件等特点, 而使聚合物薄膜场效应晶体管(PFET)近几年来倍受关注。石墨烯是一种具有二维平面结构的碳纳米材料,它的特殊单原子层结构使其具有许多独特的物理化学性质。有关石墨烯的基础和应用研究已成为当前的前沿和热点课题之一。


张云朋关于无线石墨烯手性农药传感文章(与中国农业大学,上海交通大学合作)上网,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2019,141, 14643−14649.

施薇关于柔性OFET、生物电子与物联网综述上网,Advanced Materials. 2019,ASAP,**.

陈鑫与杨贺关于BN-Graphene生长机制文章上网。Advanced Materials. 2019,31,**.

刘凯,姜莹莹,蒋雅倩关于钙钛矿形成机制与多功能器件应用JACS perspective 文章上网。J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 1406−1414(封面)。

姜莹莹与陈金佯合作关于线棒快速沉积Edge-on 双极性聚合物分子与器件文章上网Advanced Materials.(2019, 31,**)

王翰林关于双介电层人工模拟神经突触文章上网Advanced Materials.(2018, 30,**)

姜莹莹与华中科大合作关于新型三受体平衡双极性聚合物文章Advanced Materials.(2018, 30,**)

赵志远与湘潭大学关于新型双极性聚合材料与器件工作上网。J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017,139, 17735 −17738.

杨杰关于高性能双极性聚合物半导体材料文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

王翰林关于无虑光片柔性视网膜模拟器件文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

付磊关于HfS2单晶生长与超灵敏红外探测文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

杨杰关于2DPP聚合物柔性双极性器件文章Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.

赵志远与湘潭大学关于超高迁移率电子传输材料与器件工作Advanced Materials,2017,29, **.





有机薄膜场效应晶体管(OFET)在电子报纸、智能识别卡、大面积平板及柔性显示、传感器、数字逻辑电路等方面具有非常广阔的应用前景。在OFET家族中,聚合物半导体膜因具有机械性能好、热稳定性高、成膜方法简单经济以及特别适合于制备大面积器件等特点, 而使聚合物薄膜场效应晶体管(PFET)近几年来倍受关注。石墨烯是一种具有二维平面结构的碳纳米材料,它的特殊单原子层结构使其具有许多独特的物理化学性质。有关石墨烯的基础和应用研究已成为当前的前沿和热点课题之一。


张云朋关于无线石墨烯手性农药传感文章(与中国农业大学,上海交通大学合作)上网,J. Am. Chem. Soc.2019,141, 14643−14649.

施薇关于柔性OFET、生物电子与物联网综述上网,Advanced Materials. 2019,ASAP,**.

陈鑫与杨贺关于BN-Graphene生长机制文章上网。Advanced Materials. 2019,31,**.

刘凯,姜莹莹,蒋雅倩关于钙钛矿形成机制与多功能器件应用JACS perspective 文章上网。J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 1406−1414(封面)。

姜莹莹与陈金佯合作关于线棒快速沉积Edge-on 双极性聚合物分子与器件文章上网Advanced Materials.(2019, 31,**)

王翰林关于双介电层人工模拟神经突触文章上网Advanced Materials.(2018, 30,**)

姜莹莹与华中科大合作关于新型三受体平衡双极性聚合物文章Advanced Materials.(2018, 30,**)

赵志远与湘潭大学关于新型双极性聚合材料与器件工作上网。J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017,139, 17735 −17738.

杨杰关于高性能双极性聚合物半导体材料文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

王翰林关于无虑光片柔性视网膜模拟器件文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

付磊关于HfS2单晶生长与超灵敏红外探测文章Advanced Materials.(2017, 29,**)

杨杰关于2DPP聚合物柔性双极性器件文章Advanced Materials,2017, 29, **.

赵志远与湘潭大学关于超高迁移率电子传输材料与器件工作Advanced Materials,2017,29, **.


在职员工 郭云龙
硕博在读 赵志远
毕业学生 王翰林


发表SCI论文500余篇(其中120余篇发表在影响因子大于10的期刊上),他人引用2万余次,h因子大于70,获授权中国发明专利67项,出版专著一部及19章节,在国内外学术会议上做大会/邀请报告100余次。2007年获国家自然科学二等奖两项,2014年入选汤森路透全球"高被引科学家"目录。现为科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)重大科学前沿领域第四届专家咨询组副组长、中国化学会理事、有机固体专业委员会副主任,和担任Scientific Reports, Nanoscale, Flexible Printed Electronics等6种期刊的编委/顾问委员会成员。

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    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-17
  • 中国科学院化学研究所导师教师师资介绍简介-杨国强
    课题组组长杨国强研究员联系我们地址:北京市海淀区中关村北一街2号电话:邮编:100190相关链接研究进展研究领域本课题组主要在有机光功能化合物的设计、合成、性能及其作用机理方面开展工作,包括分子结构、超分子结构和聚集态结构对发光性质和非线性光学性质的影响,环境条件(包括超高压条件)对发光性质和电子结 ...
    本站小编 Free考研考试 2020-05-17