1.China Meteorological Administration Training Centre, Beijing 100081, China 2.Zibo Meteorological Bureau of Shandong Province, Zibo 255048, China 3.State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China Manuscript received: 2019-12-23 Manuscript revised: 2020-06-14 Manuscript accepted: 2020-06-16 Abstract:By employing NCEP?NCAR 1°×1° reanalysis datasets, the mechanism of the easterlies vortex (EV) affecting the short-term movement of the subtropical anticyclone over the western Pacific (WPSA) in the mei-yu period is examined using potential vorticity(PV) theory. The results show that when the EV and the westerlies vortex (WV) travel west/east to the same longitude of 120°E, the WPSA suddenly retreats. The EV and WV manifest as the downward transport of PV in the upper troposphere, and the variation of the corresponding high-value regions of PV significantly reflects the intensity changes of the EV and WV. The meridional propagation of PV causes the intensity change of the EV. The vertical movement on both sides of the EV is related to the position of the EV relative to the WPSA and the South Asian high (SAH). When the high PV in the easterlies and westerlies arrive at the same longitude in the meridional direction, the special circulation pattern will lower the position of PV isolines at the ridge line of the WPSA. Thus, the cyclonic circulation at the lower level will be strengthened, causing the abnormally eastward retreat of the WPSA. Analysis of the PV equation at the isentropic surface indicates that when the positive PV variation west of the EV intensifies, it connects with the positive PV variation east of the WV, forming a positive PV band and making the WPSA retreat abnormally. The horizontal advection of the PV has the greatest effect. The contribution of the vertical advection of PV and the vertical differential of heating is also positive, but the values are relatively small. The contribution of the residual was negative and it becomes smaller before and after the WPSA retreats. Keywords: mei-yu period, easterlies vortex, western Pacific subtropical anticyclone, potential vorticity, diagnostic analysis 摘要:本文利用NCEP/NCAR 1°×1°分辨率资料,从位涡理论角度研究了梅雨期热带东风带扰动影响西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高)东西向异常活动的机制。结果表明:梅雨期东/西风带扰动(EV/WV)向西/东相向运动,到达同一经度120°E时,西太副高出现突然东退。在对流层高层东/西风带扰动均对应正位涡异常,在其移动过程存在高位涡下传,其正位涡值可较好地反映东/西风带扰动的强度变化;东风带扰动东西两侧的垂直运动在西太副高东退前后发生转变,与西太副高、南亚高压和东风带扰动的相对位置配置有关;西太副高东退时,东/西风扰动的高PV在经向上的不断接近,使西太副高脊线上的等1pvu等值线位置降低,强迫低层气旋式环流增强,使西太副高东退。等熵面位涡收支诊断表明,348K等熵面上东风带扰动西侧正PV局地变化开始加强,并与西风带扰动东侧的正PV局地变化在经向上连成带状时,西太副高异常东退。其中,位涡的水平平流项作用最大;位涡的垂直平流项和加热的垂直微分项贡献也为正,但数值相对较小;余差项贡献为负,在副高东退前后,余差项变小,有利于西太副高东退。 关键词:梅雨期, 西太副高, 东风带扰动, 位涡, 诊断分析
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3.1. Vertical structural characteristics and evolution
According to the study of Yao et al. (2008), the structure and intensity of the EV itself also changes when it affects the short-term movement of the WPSA. Some of these changes occur prior to the short-term movement of the WPSA, which has a certain predictive effect. In order to reveal the structural characteristics of the EV in the PV field, the vertical-cross-section distribution of the dry PV is discussed without considering the influence of water vapor. Figure 2 shows the longitude?height cross section of the PV and the potential temperature along the center of the EV. It can be seen that the high-value region of PV above 200 hPa is wave-like. There is a PV tongue extending to the lower level at the longitude of the EV, and this PV anomaly is distributed symmetrically along the zero line of the meridional wind in the EV. The isentropic surfaces converge to the center of the EV, indicating that the EV is a region with large-value static stability, which also has a structure that is warmer at the upper level and colder at the lower level. Here, 1 PVU is regarded as the characteristic line that represents the activity of the high-value region of PV. From the figure, it is clear that the PV anomaly region continuously moves westward. Before the WPSA retreats eastward, the lowest position of the high-value region of PV locates at about 250 hPa on 22 June and it extends down to about 300 hPa on 23 June, accompanied by the significant strengthening of PV in the upper troposphere. At this time, the isentropic surface closes strongly inward, resulting in an increase of the distance between the upper and lower isentropic surfaces over the EV center, a decrease of the static stability, and a strengthening of the cyclonic circulation. Therefore, the downward transport of the high PV is beneficial to the enhancement and vertical expansion of the EV. After the WPSA retreats, the PV anomaly region shrinks up slightly, corresponding to the decrease in the intensity and range of the EV. Figure2. Vertical profiles of PV (shading; units: 10?6 m2 s?1 K kg?1), meridional wind (solid line; units: m s?1) and potential temperature (dotted line; units: K) field on (a) 22, (b) 23, (c) 24 and (d) 25 June.
According to the analysis in section 2, the development of the EV is accompanied by the entry of the external high PV. In order to illustrate the influence of the high-PV transport from the high latitudes on the intensity change of the EV, the evolution of the meridional PV transport north of the EV (near 25°N) on the 348-K isentropic surface is analyzed by using the equation ${T_{\theta,y}} = {v_\theta }{(\partial {P_\theta }/\partial y)_\theta }$(Fig. 3), where ${v_\theta }$ is the meridional wind speed on the isentropic surface, ${\left({\partial {P_\theta }/\partial y} \right)_\theta }$ is the meridional PV transport on the isentropic surface. From 0000 UTC 21 June, the high PV corresponding to the EV strengthens and moves westward continuously, the central maximum intensity reaches 4 PVU at 0000 UTC 23 June, and then weakens during the westward movement. The large-value area of ${T_{{\rm{\theta }},{\rm{y}}}}$ above 1 PVU appears near 137°E from 1200 UTC 21 June to 1200 UTC 23 June, indicating that there is a continuous southward transport of PV on the east side of the SAH. When the EV moves to the vicinity of 137°E, its intensity increases rapidly due to the transport of the positive PV. When the EV continues to move westward, the meridional transport of PV decreases, and the intensity of the EV weakens. Figure3. Evolution of PV along 17.5°N (solid line; units: 10?6 m2 s?1 K kg?1) and meridional PV conveying ${T_{\theta,y}}$ (shading; 10?6 m s?1 K kg?1) along 25°N on the 348-K isentropic surface.
The above analyses show that the high-value anomaly of PV in the upper troposphere or lower stratosphere corresponds to the location of the EV. The maintenance of the EV is the result of the downward transport of PV from the upper troposphere. Also, its central intensity is determined by the intensity of the downward transport of PV and the meridional propagation of the positive PV from the high latitudes.
2 3.2. Vertical motion -->
3.2. Vertical motion
Hoskins et al. (Hoskins, 1974; Hoskins et al., 1985) proposed the concept of “potential vorticity substance”, considering the isentropic surface as a semi-transparent film, which can be freely passed through by ordinary air substances, but on which the “potential vorticity substance” could only make two-dimensional motion. Therefore, not only can PV theory explain the occurrence and development of cyclones, but its conservation on the isentropic surface cloud can also provide an interpretation of the change in vertical motions occurring on both sides of the positive PV anomaly at the upper level. The vertical motion on the west (east) side of the EV changes from subsidence (ascent) to ascent (subsidence) before and after the eastward retreat of the WPSA, which could be used to predict the short-term retreat of the WPSA (Yao and Sun, 2016). The inversion of the EV’s vertical motion is discussed from the viewpoint of PV. Based on the PV viewpoint (Hoskins et al., 2003), the $\omega $ equation can be deduced as $W = {W_{{\rm{IU}}}} + {W_{{\rm{ID}}}}$, where the isentropic up-glide is ${W_{{\rm{IU}}}}$ and the isentropic displacement is ${W_{{\rm{ID}}}}$. If the system maintains a constantly thermal structure, the vertical velocity of the system depends on the isentropic up-glide ${W_{{\rm{IU}}}}$. When none of the reference system is stable, the ${W_{{\rm{IU}}}}$ tends to dominate the vertical motion field (Hoskins, 2015). Since the vertical motion of the system is related to the velocity of the reference system, ${W_{{\rm{IU}}}}$ mainly depends on the relative airflow on the isentropic surface. According to the above analysis, the isentropic surface and cyclone circulation are relatively stable during the process of the westward advection of the PV anomaly corresponding to EV. Figure 4 is the vertical profile of PV on the isentropic surface. With 1 PVU as the characteristic line, the intensity of relative airflow can be roughly determined according to the position of the PV anomaly. Taking the EV center as the origin of the reference system, before the WPSA retreats eastward, the EV, which is located on the south side of the WPSA, is in the relatively strong easterly airflow at the lower level, but in the relatively weak westerly airflow at the upper level. The continuous shrinkage of the isentropic surface forces the airflow above the anomaly to ascend (descend) at the east (west) side. The airflow under the anomaly shows the same motion state as well. In addition, connected with the shear, the poleward side of the isentropic surface tilts upward, forcing the poleward-moving air on the east side of EV to rise and the equatorward-moving air on the other side to sink. After the WPSA retreats eastward, the EV, which is located on the south side of the SAH, is in a relatively strong easterly airflow at the upper level and the easterly airflow becomes very weak at the lower level, causing the air at the east (west) side of the EV to move down (up). From the meridional cross section along the EV center (Figs. 4d and e), it is found that the isentropic surface north of the EV lowers significantly after the eastward retreat of the WPSA because of the SAH, especially the 350-K surface, which falls to 250 hPa at around 30°N. The isentropic surface becomes low in the north and high in the south, resulting in the poleward-moving air on the east (west) side of the EV to move down (up). Figure4. Vertical cross section of vorticity (shading; units: 10?5 s?1), PV (isolines; units: 10?6 m2 s?1 K kg?1) and vertical circulation (vectors; units: 10?2 Pa s?1 along 17.5°N on (a) 23, (b) 24 and (c) 25 June. Meridional cross section of PV (shading), isentropic temperature (white isolines; units: K) and the zonal anomalous height field (black isolines; units: gpm) along the center of EV at (d) 0000 UTC 23 June and (e) 0600 UTC 24 June.
In conclusion, the EV is a deep tropical system, whose vertical movement depends on the ambient airflow. The changes in vertical motion on both sides of the EV are closely related to the relative positions of the EV with the WPSA and the SAH. This can be well explained by the “isentropic up-glide”.
6.1. Local variation of PV
According to the above analysis, the EV and WV both correspond to the funnel-shaped high PV anomalies at high altitude, while the WPSA corresponds to the low PV anomaly. Figure 7 shows the local variation of PV at 348 K from 22 to 25 June, representing the intensity change and moving direction of the PV anomaly. Before the eastward retreat of the WPSA, the local variation of negative (positive) PV corresponding to the east (west) side of the EV strengthens, indicating that the intensity of the positive PV anomaly corresponding to the EV strengthens while moving westward. The east (west) side of the WV corresponds to the local variation of the positive (negative) PV, and the positive center moves towards the southeast side of the WV center while developing, indicating that the WV has been continuously strengthening and tends to move equatorward. On 23 June, the weak local variation of positive PV in the WPSA begins to weaken, and the area corresponding to the negative local variation appears on the south of the local-variation positive center of PV corresponding to the WV, which is beneficial to the development of the low-level anticyclonic circulation and the westward extension of the WPSA. However, due to the close proximity and enhanced development of the positive PV anomalies of the EV and WV, the low PV anomaly corresponding to the WPSA is squeezed into the belt-like distribution by the positive PV anomalies on the north and south sides. As the EV and WV move toward each other, when they reach the same longitude, the local-variation centers of positive PV on the east side of the EV and west side of the WV are connected. A belt-like zone with positive local variation of PV is formed to the west of 130°E, which enhances the positive PV anomaly over the WPSA west of 130°E and is not beneficial to maintaining the anticyclonic circulation. The intensity of the WPSA decreases, indicating an abnormally eastward retreat at 500 hPa. On 25 June, the high PV anomaly of the EV (WV) continues to move westward (eastward), and the positive local-variation center of the positive PV anomaly also moves to the west (northeast). The WPSA begins to develop westward along with the negative local variation area of PV on the east side of EV. Figure7. Distribution of PV (shaded area is the region with PV larger than 1 PVU; units: 10?6 m2 s?1 K kg?1) and the local variation of PV $\partial P/\partial t$ (units: 10?6 m2 s?2 K kg?1) on the 348-K isentropic surface from 22 to 25 June.
It can be seen that the short-term movement of the WPSA is related to the evolution of the positive PV anomalies of the EV and WV at the high level. Due to the enhancement of the positive PV anomaly at the high level, the distance between the isentropic surfaces at the upper and lower levels decreases, the static stability increases, and the cyclonic circulation weakens, which leads to the weakening of the WPSA. Next, to further explore the causes for the short-term movement of the WPSA, the budget of the PV equation on the 348-K isentropic surface is analyzed before and after the eastward retreat of WPSA.
2 6.2. Evolution of each term in the PV equation -->
6.2. Evolution of each term in the PV equation
Figures 8 and 9 show the distributions of each term in the PV equation [Eq. (1)] before and after the eastward retreat of the WPSA. In the calculation, it is found that among them, the effects of the horizontal advection and residual are the greatest, while those of the vertical advection and residual terms are slightly weaker. The horizontal distribution of the advection terms of PV is very similar to that of the local variation of PV, which increases (decreases) on the west side of the EV (WV) and decreases (increases) on the east side. This shows that the conservation terms make an important contribution to the local variation of PV on both sides of the EV and WV. However, it is noted that the value of the conservation term is much larger than that of the local variation, especially for the positive PV variation on the west (east) side of the EV (WV), which necessarily requires an equilibrium from the non-conservation terms. Before the WPSA retreats eastward (Fig. 8), the positive PV variation on the west side of the EV not only comes from the advection term, but also from the vertical advection term and the vertical differential term of heating, which make the PV variation on the east (west) side of EV tend to be negative (positive). However, the distribution of the residual term is opposite, thus weakening the distribution of the PV variation mentioned above. For the WV, the intensity of the PV variation on the east (west) side caused by the PV advection is greater, but the vertical advection, vertical differential of heating and the residual term all tend to weaken the effect of the conservation term. After the WPSA retreats eastward (Fig. 9), the negative variation of PV disappears between the EV and the WV, and their corresponding positive variations get through from north to south. The distribution of the advection term clearly reveals this characteristic, similar to that of the PV variation. The remaining non-conservation terms are quite different from those before the eastward retreat of the WPSA. The distributions of vertical advection in the EV and the WV both correspond to the positive variation of PV. The vertical differential term of heating becomes negative (positive) on the left (right) side of the WV, while it shows a positive value corresponding to the EV. Contrary to the advection term, the residual term has the effect of offsetting the advection term. Figure8. Distribution of PV (shading; units: 10?6 m2 s?1 K kg?1) and the terms (a) B, (b) C, (c) D and (d) E+F in Eq. (1) (solid and dotted isolines; units: 10?6 m2 s?2 K kg?1) on the 348-K isentropic surface on 23 June.
It can be seen that the PV at the upper level is not conserved due to the existence of residual and diabatic heating, and its local variation is related to the horizontal and vertical advection of PV, the vertical differentiation of heating and the residual. Although the horizontal advection term of PV—namely, the conservation term—describes well the distribution of the two regions of the positive PV variation in the north and south before and after the eastward retreat of WPSA, the intensity is inconsistent with the PV-variation field and requires corrections from the non-conservation terms. It is worth noting that we only diagnose the nature of how the EV affects the WPSA by using PV in this paper. For better application in manual and numerical prediction, the influence of the WV and EV’s strength and position on the WPSA’s short-term movement needs to be considered. Therefore, in future research work, we will consider using numerical sensitivity experiments to examine the impact of the two systems, so as to further study the quantitative contributions of the WV and EV.