--> --> --> -->4.1. Forecast uncertainty
Errors in initial conditions may result in uncertainty in TC forecasts. The root mean of difference total energy (RM-DTE) is used to characterize forecast uncertainty (Sippel and Zhang, 2008). The larger the RM-DTE, the greater the forecast uncertainty. RM-DTE is calculated asDTE in this equation is a commonly used measure of ensemble spread (Mitchell et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2006; Meng and Zhang, 2007) and is calculated as
where u', v' and T ' denote the difference between a member and the ensemble mean of the zonal velocity component, the meridional velocity component and the temperature, respectively, and
In Fig. 1, we show the spatial distribution of RM-DTE in the analysis field (0 h), and in the 12-h, 24-h, 36-h and 48-h forecasts. Maximum RM-DTE increases from ~0.9 m s?1 at the analysis time to over 13 m s?1 at 24 h and to over 30 m s?1 at 48 h. In the analysis, the maximum RM-DTE is not in the vicinity of the TC center, whereas at other times it is located to the right of the TC center. The evolution of RM-DTE shows that the uncertainty in initial conditions leads to uncertainty in the forecasts of the TC, and that this uncertainty increases with forecast time, with a significant and rapid increase from 24 h to 48 h.
Figure1. Spatial distribution of RM-DTE (units: m s?1) in (a) the analysis (0 h), and in the (b) 12-h, (c) 24-h, (d) 36-h, and (e) 48-h forecast. The typhoon symbol indicates Rammasun’s position
Figure 2 shows the observed and forecasted intensity and track of Rammasun over the 48-h forecast period. As expected, initial condition errors have a large impact on predicted TC intensity but little effect on predicted TC track. In other words, uncertainty in the TC forecasts due to errors in initial conditions is mainly reflected in TC intensity forecast uncertainty. From the predicted evolution of minimum sea level pressure (SLP) in each member (Fig. 2a), it can be seen that the intensity difference among members increases with forecast time, with rapid increase after 24 h. At 48 h, member 11 has the strongest TC intensity and member 2 the weakest, with the difference in predicted intensity reaching 37 hPa. Comparing the observed and predicted track over the 48-h forecast period (Fig. 2b), all members predict a track close to the observed track; at 48 h, the predicted position of the TC in almost all members is within 100 km of the observed location.
Figure2. Observed (black line) and ensemble mean forecast (yellow line) of Rammasun’s (a) intensity (minimum SLP; units: hPa) and (b) track over the 48-h forecast period. Also shown are results for individual members (gray lines), with certain members highlighted (member 2, green line; member 4, blue line; and member 11, red line)
4.2. Variation in forecasts of TC intensity
The two most extreme ensemble members are members 2 and 11, with the weakest and strongest TC intensity at 48 h, respectively. The intensity results for member 4 lie somewhere between these two extremes (Fig. 2a). The following analyses focus on these three members.Figure 3 shows the predicted 10-m horizontal wind speed (HWS10) and SLP fields in the three members at 12 h, 24 h, 36 h, and 48 h. All members predict a TC that develops slowly before 24 h. However, the TC in member 4 actually weakens between 12 h and 24 h, ensuring that the range of intensity among the members is small. All three members predict a TC that develops rapidly after 24 h, though development is stronger in member 11 compared with members 4 and 2. This increases the diversity in the intensity predictions among the members; at 48 h, the intensity difference between members 11 and 2 reaches 14 m s?1 and 37 hPa, based on HWS10 and minimum SLP, respectively.
Figure3. 12-h (row 1), 24-h (row 2), 36-h (row 3), and 48-h (row 4) HWS10 (color shading; units: m s?1) and SLP (contours; units: hPa) forecasts from member 11 (column 1), member 4 (column 2), and member 2 (column 3). The numbers in the lower left corner of each panel are the maximum HWS10 and minimum SLP in the corresponding member at the corresponding forecast time
This variation in TC intensity can be more clearly seen in the evolution of maximum HWS10 in the three members (Fig. 4). Before 24 h, the TC in member 11 is not the strongest; however, after 24 h, the TC in member 11 strengthens so much and so rapidly that its intensity after 30 h becomes the strongest among ensemble members. Member 11 predicts a TC intensity closest to the observations (Figs. 2a and 4).
Figure4. The evolution of observed and predicted maximum HWS10 (units: m s?1), together with area-averaged HWS10 (units: m s?1) from the three members. A circle of 100 km radius centered on Rammasun is used to obtain area-averaged quantities
4.3. Uncertainty in initial conditions
We next investigate uncertainty in the initial conditions, which is necessary for a comprehensive study of TC intensity forecast uncertainty. The overall uncertainty in the initial conditions is characterized by the ensemble spread (ES) and the root-mean-square difference (RMSD). The ES and RMSD are calculated as:where b' denotes the variable difference between a member and the ensemble mean and b* denotes the variable difference between two members. Ne is the number of ensemble members and ng is the number of grid points of the model inner domain.
In Fig. 5, we show the vertical distribution of the initial ES in zonal wind, temperature, and relative humidity, together with the vertical distributions of the RMSD in these variables between members 11 and 4 and between members 11 and 2 (Fig. 5). The RMSDs are larger than the spread for each of the three variables. The RMSD between members 11 and 2 is consistently larger than that between members 11 and 4, especially for temperature. For temperature below the 700-hPa level, the difference between members 11 and 2 is significantly larger than that between members 11 and 4; a similar pattern is found for zonal wind below 850 hPa. For temperature, zonal wind and relative humidity, the largest discrepancy between the two RMSDs occurs at 900 hPa; for temperature and zonal wind at this height, the difference between members 11 and 2 is approximately twice that between members 11 and 4.
Figure5. Vertical distribution of the initial ensemble spread (blue) and RMSDs between members 11 and 4 (orange) and between members 11 and 2 (green) for (a) zonal wind (units: m s?1), (b) temperature (units: K) and (c) relative humidity (units: %)
Figure 5 shows that the difference between members 11 and 2 is 0.62?2.22 m s?1 for zonal wind, 0.21?0.66 K for temperature, and 2.21%?12.62% for relative humidity. These amounts are smaller than the corresponding NCEP-assumed errors for rawinsondes, which is about 1.4?3.1 m s?1 for zonal wind, 0.8?1.2 K for temperature, and 5%?20% for relative humidity (Sippel and Zhang, 2008). The analysis error consists of the observational error and the error caused by the analysis method. The analysis error is generally close in magnitude to the observational error. Therefore, although the RMSD between members 11 and 2 is clearly larger than the spread, it is smaller than the analysis error.
Figure 6 shows initial difference fields of mixing ratio, temperature and horizontal wind vectors between members 11 and 2 and between members 11 and 4, at four different heights. For these three variables, the differences between members 11 and 2 and between members 11 and 4 are largest at 900 hPa and smallest at 700 hPa. The difference between members 11 and 2 is larger than the difference between members 11 and 4 at all heights except 700 hPa. The RMSDs in relative humidity are larger at 700 hPa than at the surface (Fig. 5c), whereas the differences in mixing ratio are larger at the surface than at 700 hPa. Furthermore, considering the difference between members 11 and 2, at lower heights (especially at the surface) the area through which the TC will pass shows a large positive difference in humidity. The initial difference fields of equivalent potential temperature (θe) between members 11 and 2 and between members 11 and 4 at three heights (Fig. 7) have similar characteristics to the humidity results. It is evident that humidity at lower heights contributed to the TC’s development.
Figure6. Initial difference fields of 700-hPa (row 1), 850-hPa (row 2), 900-hPa (row 3) and surface (row 4) mixing ratio (color shading; units: g kg?1), temperature (contours; units: K) and horizontal wind vectors (units: m s?1) between members 11 and 2 (column 1) and between members 11 and 4 (column 2). In each panel, the five typhoon symbols from the lower right corner to the upper left corner indicate the position of Rammasun at 0 h, 12 h, 24 h, 36 h and 48 h, respectively
Figure7. Initial difference fields of 700-hPa (column 1), 850-hPa (column 2) and 950-hPa (column 3) θe (units: K) between members 11 and 2 (row 1) and between members 11 and 4 (row 2). In each panel, the five typhoon symbols from the lower right corner to the upper left corner indicate the position of Rammasun at 0 h, 12 h, 24 h, 36 h and 48 h, respectively
4.4. Convective instability
Equivalent potential temperature θe is used as an indicator of convective instability. In Fig. 8 we show the forecasted spatial distribution of 900-hPa θe, 900-hPa horizontal wind vectors, and 700-hPa vertical wind speed for members 11, 4, and 2, at four stages during the forecast. Convective instability increases with forecast time in all members, increasing more rapidly and significantly after 24 h; this is especially the case in member 11. This means that the disparity among members is larger after 24 h than it is before. Member 11 has the largest convective instability, so it has the strongest convection development after 24 h. The variation in convective instability is similar to the variation in intensity (Fig. 3). Analysis of the evolution of area-averaged 900-hPa θe (Fig. 9a) reveals variation in convective instability over the entire region. After ~18 h, convective instability over the entire region is largest in member 11 and after ~24 h is smallest in member 2.Figure8. Spatial distribution of 900-hPa θe (color shading; units: K), 900-hPa horizontal wind vectors (units: m s?1) and 700-hPa vertical wind speed (contours; units: m s?1) at a forecast time of 9 h (row 1), 21 h (row 2), 33 h (row 3), and 45 h (row 4) for member 11 (column 1), member 4 (column 2), and member 2 (column 3)
Figure9. Evolution of area-averaged (a) 900-hPa θe (units: K) and (b) 700-hPa vertical wind speed (units: m s?1) for members 11 (purple), 4 (green), and 2 (blue). A circle of 100 km radius centered on Rammasun is used to obtain area-averaged quantities
Figure 8 also shows that the ascending motion strengthens as convective instability increases. The larger the convective instability, the stronger the ascending motion. The strong ascending motions are distributed around the region of high θe. Before 24 h, strengthening of ascending motions is not apparent, with the maximum upward velocity even decreasing. Based on the evolution of area-averaged 700-hPa vertical wind speed for the three members (Fig. 9b), it is clear that vertical velocity decreases before ~18 h but later intensifies rapidly after ~33 h. Ascending motions strengthen significantly from 33 h to 45 h, especially in member 11 (Fig. 8).
We next show forecasted 3-h accumulated precipitation results from the three members (Fig. 10). The strength of precipitation reflects the strength of convective activity. The precipitation forecasts diverge as precipitation increases; after 24 h, accumulated precipitation is much larger in member 11 compared with members 4 and 2, with member 2 forecasting the lowest accumulated precipitation. This variation in forecasted precipitation is consistent with the variation in convective instability (Fig. 8). An increase in convective instability leads to more convection and reinforcement of ascending movement, which generates more precipitation.
Figure10. Forecasted accumulated precipitation (units: mm) at 9?12 h (row 1), 21?24 h (row 2), 33?36 h (row 3), and 45?48 h (row 4) in member 11 (column 1), member 4 (column 2), and member 2 (column 3)
4.5. Water vapor and heat
TC development requires a continuous supply of water vapor and heat. In Fig. 11, we show the spatial distributions of the surface upward heat flux, water vapor flux and 10-m horizontal wind vectors forecasted by the three members at four forecast times. At 12 h, the heat flux and water vapor flux predicted by member 11 are both less than those in members 4 and 2. However, the fluxes subsequently increase rapidly and continuously in member 11 and after 24 h they exceed those in the other two members. The heat flux and water vapor flux reduce slightly from 12 h to 24 h in member 4, as is the case in member 2 between 24 h and 36 h. However, in members 4 and 2 both quantities increase significantly after 36 h, with larger increases in member 4 than in member 2. The variation in heat flux and water vapor flux is roughly consistent with the variations in convection (Fig. 8 and Fig. 10) and TC intensity (Fig. 3).Figure11. Forecasted evolution of surface upward heat flux (color shading; units: W m?2), water vapor flux (contours; units: g m?2 s?1) and 10-m horizontal wind vectors (units: m s?1) at a forecast time of 12 h (row 1), 24 h (row 2), 36 h (row 3), and 48 h (row 4) for member 11 (column 1), member 4 (column 2), and member 2 (column 3). The numbers in the upper left corner of each panel are the corresponding maximum heat flux and water vapor flux, respectively
The forecasted evolution of area-averaged surface upward heat flux and water vapor flux in the three members is shown in Fig. 12. The variation of heat flux is similar to that of water vapor flux in all three members. The evolution of the whole-region heat flux and water vapor flux is similar to that of the whole-region convective instability (Fig. 9a) and TC intensity (Fig. 4).
Figure12. Evolution of three members’ area-averaged surface upward (a) heat flux (units: W m?2) and (b) water vapor flux (units: g m?2 s?1) in member 11 (purple), member 4 (green), and member 2 (blue). A circle of 100 km radius centered on Rammasun is used to obtain area-averaged quantities
4.6. Correlation analysis
In this section, we investigate the correlation between TC intensity and factors affecting TC development, to explore the contribution of different factors to the uncertainty in TC intensity forecasts. The correlation coefficient r between two variables a any b is calculated aswhere aen and ben are the ensemble means of the variables a any b, and Ne is the number of ensemble members.
Figure 13 shows the evolution of correlation coefficients between different area-averaged variables. TC intensity before 24 h has little correlation with the final TC intensity (Fig. 13a); this is particularly the case when HWS10 is used as a measure of TC intensity. After 24 h, correlation between the final TC intensity and instantaneous intensity through the forecast increases rapidly with forecast time, resulting in moderate to strong correlation. Among the forecasted variables related to TC development, the strongest correlation with TC intensity is found for the surface upward heat flux and water vapor flux. Correlation between instantaneous TC intensity and heat flux and between TC intensity and water vapor flux remains strong throughout the forecast (Fig. 13b). The correlation coefficients between TC final intensity and heat flux or water vapor flux over the course of the forecast are lower than 0.4 before 30 h, indicating weak correlation. These values increase to above 0.6 after 30 h, indicating that the final intensity of the TC is determined in part by the strength of heat and water vapor fluxes. This result is consistent with the results shown in Fig. 13a.
Figure13. Temporal evolution of the correlation coefficient between (a) TC intensity at 48 h and TC intensity at each forecast time (red: HWS10; green: SLP) and (b) TC intensity (HWS10) at 48 h and surface upward heat flux (purple) and water vapor flux (blue) at each forecast time, and between TC intensity (HWS10) at each forecast time and the corresponding surface upward heat flux (red) and water vapor flux (green) at that time. A circle of 100 km radius centered on Rammasun is used to obtain area-averaged quantities