--> --> --> -->3.1. Basic state
The Charney model talks about the instability of a constant shear flow in a stratified, semi-infinite atmosphere on a β-plane to quasi-geostrophic perturbations. The mean state (denoted by an overbar) of the Charney model therefore assumes \begin{equation} \bar{u}=\varLambda z ,\quad \bar{v}=0 ,\quad \bar{w}=0 , \ \ (20)\end{equation} where $\varLambda$ is a constant. The mean temperature field $(\overline{T})$ and mean density $(\bar\rho)$ are determined by the thermal wind relation\begin{equation} -\frac{1}{\overline{T}} \frac{\partial \overline{T}}{\partial y}=\frac{f\bar{u}}{g}\left(-\frac{1}{\overline{T}} \frac{\partial \overline{T}}{\partial z}+\frac{1}{\bar{u}} \frac{\partial \bar{u}}{\partial z}\right) . \ \ (21)\end{equation} With $\overline{T}$ and $\bar{\rho}$, the mean pressure field $(\bar{p})$ is obtained accordingly by the equation of state \begin{equation} \bar{p}=\bar{\rho}R\overline{T} . \end{equation} The domain of the Charney model is semi-infinite with a solid flat bottom boundary. The boundary conditions are, therefore, \begin{align*} \bar{w}&=0 ,\quad z=0 , \ \ (23a)\\ \bar{p}&=0 ,\quad z\rightarrow\infty . \ \ (23b)\end{align*}
3.2. Eigenvalue problem
Charney's problem of baroclinic instability is governed by the linearized quasi-geostrophic PV equation (e.g., Charney, 1947; Kuo, 1952; Green, 1960; Burger, 1962; Miles, 1964; Lindzen and Farrell, 1980) \begin{equation} \left(\frac{\partial}{\partial t}+\bar{u} \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\right)q^{\prime}+v^{\prime}\hat{\beta}=0 , \ \ (24a)\end{equation} where q' is the perturbation PV and $\hat\beta=\bar{q}_y$ is the meridional gradient of the background PV: \begin{align} q^{\prime}&={\nabla}^{2}\varPsi^{\prime}+\frac{f_{0}^{2}}{\bar{\rho}}\frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(\frac{\bar{\rho}}{N^{2}}\frac{\partial \varPsi^{\prime}}{\partial z}\right) , \ \ (25a)\\ \hat{\beta}&=\beta-\frac{f_{0}^{2}}{\bar{\rho}} \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(\frac{\bar{\rho}}{N^{2}} \frac{d \bar{u}}{d z}\right) , \ \ (25b)\end{align} with f0 the Coriolis parameter at a fixed latitude, β=fy, $\varPsi'$, the perturbation streamfunction, and others are conventional. In the Charney model, the above two equations are simplified by assuming the buoyancy frequency N to be constant and $\bar\rho=\rho_0e^-z/H_\rho$, with Hρ being a density scale height, which is also a constant. Under these assumptions, Eqs. (25a) and (25b) can be simplified as \begin{align*} q^{\prime}&={\nabla}^{2} \varPsi^{\prime}+\frac{f_{0}^{2}}{N^{2}} \frac{\partial^{2} \varPsi^{\prime}}{\partial z^{2}}-\frac{f_{0}^{2}}{H_{\rho} N^{2}} \frac{\partial \varPsi^{\prime}}{\partial z} , \ \ (25c)\\ \hat{\beta}&=\beta+\frac{f_{0}^{2}\varLambda}{H_{\rho} N^{2}} . \ \ (25d) \end{align*} The boundary conditions are w'=0 at the ground, i.e., \begin{align*} \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\frac{\partial\varPsi^{\prime}}{\partial z}-\varLambda\frac{\partial \varPsi^{\prime}}{\partial x}=0 , \quad z=0 , \ \ (26a) \end{align*} and \begin{align*} \varPsi^{\prime}\rightarrow 0 ,\quad z\rightarrow \infty . \ \ (26b) \end{align*}Following convention, we look for normal modal solutions of the form \begin{equation} \varPsi^{\prime}=\widetilde{\varPsi}(z) e^{i k(x-c t)+i l y} , \ \ (27)\end{equation} where k and l are respectively the zonal and meridional wavenumber, and c is the complex phase velocity. Substitution of Eq. (27) into Eqs. (24) and (26) gives \begin{align} \frac{d^{2}\widetilde{\varPsi}}{d z^{2}}-\frac{1}{H_{\rho}} \frac{d \widetilde{\varPsi}}{d z}+\frac{N^{2}}{f_{0}^{2}}\left(\frac{\hat{\beta}}{\varLambda z-c}-K^{2}\right) \widetilde{\varPsi}=0 , \ \ (28a)\end{align} where K2=k2+l2, and \begin{align*} &c\frac{d\widetilde{\varPsi}}{d z}+\varLambda\widetilde{\varPsi}=0 , \quad z=0 , \ \ (28b)\\ &\widetilde{\varPsi}\rightarrow 0 ,\quad z\rightarrow \infty . \ \ (28c) \end{align*} These equations form an eigenvalue problem. Since Eq. (28a) has a non-constant coefficient, its analytical solution is not easy to obtain, but can be solved conveniently through numerical method.
As in (Chai and Vallis, 2014), we first non-dimensionalize Eqs. (28a)-(28c) using \begin{equation} z=H_{\rho}\hat{z} ,\quad c=\varLambda H_{\rho}\hat{c} ,\quad K=L_{\rm R}^{-1}\widehat{K} , \ \ (29)\end{equation} where hats denote nondimensional quantities, and the horizontal scale is the Rossby radius defined as L R=(NHρ)/f0. Equations (28a)-(28c) then become \begin{align} \frac{d^{2} \widetilde{\varPsi}}{d \hat{z}^{2}}-\frac{d \widetilde{\varPsi}}{d \hat{z}}+\left(\frac{1+\gamma}{\hat{z}-\hat{c}}-\widehat{K}^{2}\right) \widetilde{\varPsi}=0 , \ \ (30a)\end{align} where $\gamma=(\beta L_\rm R^2)/(H_\rho\varLambda)$, and \begin{align*} &\hat{c}\frac{d\widetilde{\varPsi}}{d\hat{z}}+\widetilde{\varPsi}=0 , \quad \hat{z}=0 , \ \ (30b)\\ &\widetilde{\varPsi}\rightarrow 0 ,\quad \hat{z}\rightarrow \infty . \ \ (30c) \end{align*} The nondimensional parameter γ in Eq. (30a) is known as the Charney-Green number. It is the ratio of the scale height of the atmosphere Hρ to the dynamic vertical scale \(h=(f_0^2\varLambda)/(\beta N^2)\) (Held, 1978). As we can see, all the information on the mean flow (shear, stratification, latitude, etc.) is absorbed into this single parameter. When γ? 1, the solution corresponds to the deep mode; whereas, when $\gamma\gg 1$, the solution approaches the shallow mode (e.g., Held, 1978; Branscome, 1983).
In this study, we restrict ourselves to midlatitude (say 45°N) waves, with f0 and β fixed. The vertical shear $\varLambda$ is independent of Hρ and N, whereas the latter two parameters are associated with each other through the thermal wind relation [Eq. (21)] and the equation of state [Eq. (22)]. For instance, when Hρ=8800 m, N is about 0.0138. That is to say, γ is only determined by two parameters, $(H_\rho,\varLambda)$ or (Hρ,N). Here, we use Hρ and $\varLambda$. Figure 2 shows the relation between Hρ and N, and the distribution of γ on the $(H_\rho,\varLambda)$-plane. We see that the larger the Hρ, the smaller the N; and, if Hρ is fixed, γ increases as $\varLambda$ decreases, and vice versa. For convenience, we fix the scale height Hρ and let $\varLambda$ vary in order to investigate the influence of γ on the energetics. In this study, we choose Hρ=8800 m (other values, e.g., 8200 m and 9400 m, have also been checked, and the results are similar).
Figure2. (a) The relation between scale height Hρ (meter) and buoyancy frequency N (s-1). (b) Distribution of the Charney-Green number on the (Hρ, \(\varLambda\))-plane, where \(\varLambda\) is the vertical shear (10-3 s-1).
We remark that (Nakamura, 1992) has once discussed the effect of vertical shear on the structure of baroclinic waves. But the conclusion of this study is quite different from that of (Nakamura, 1992). According to (Nakamura, 1992), the vertical scale of baroclinic waves is inversely proportional to the vertical shear of the wind speed: $h\approx f L_\rm x/(2\pi\sqrt{N^2+(\partial\bar u/\partial z)^2)}$. However, in the Charney model, both the vertical scale h and the wavelength L x of the most unstable baroclinic wave are proportional to the vertical shear: $h=f^2\partial\bar{u}/\partial z/(\beta N^2)$ and $L_\rm x=f\partial\bar{u}/\partial z/(\beta N)=N h/f$ (Green, 1960; Held, 1978; Branscome, 1983). This means that stronger vertical shear corresponds to longer and deeper waves, as opposed to the conclusion of (Nakamura, 1992).
3.3. Most unstable modal solution
Without losing generality, let the meridional wavenumber l=0. The most unstable mode therefore does not vary with y (e.g., Lindzen and Farrell, 1980). Theoretically, the model height is infinite. In practice, it is set to be finite but with enough high altitude (50Hρ in this study). Discretize Eqs. (30a)-(30c) in the vertical direction, and the resulting eigenvalue problem is solved through iteration.Figure 3 shows the variations of the nondimensional wavenumber, growth rate and phase speed of the most unstable mode with γ. We see that the wavenumber increases with γ, whereas the growth rate and phase speed decrease with γ. [Note that the nondimensional maximum growth rate does not decrease monotonically, and it peaks at γ=0.4 (Fig. 3b). But its dimensional counterpart [multiplied by $(f_0\varLambda)/N$) is monotonically decreasing with γ]. This implies that a smaller γ corresponds to longer and deeper waves with larger growth rates and faster phase speeds. In particular, when γ=1.33, the nondimensional wavenumber $\hat{k}$ of the most unstable mode is 1.4, corresponding to the dimensional wavenumber k=1.4× 10-6 m-1 and wavelength L=4504 km. And the corresponding nondimensional and dimensional growth rates are 0.3168 and 0.0175 hr-1, respectively, implying that the wave amplitude will double in 40 hours. These results are consistent with previous studies, such as Kuo (1952, 1979), (Gall, 1976b), (Lindzen and Farrell, 1980), (Farrell, 1982), (Chai and Vallis, 2014), to name a few.
Figure3. Nondimensional (a) wavenumber (k), (b) maximum growth rate, and (c) phase speed (c r) of the most unstable mode as a function of the Charney-Green number.
The perturbation fields of pressure, velocity and temperature are required, the solutions of which can be found from the literature (e.g., Kuo, 1952; Charney and Drazin, 1961; Gill, 1982). In nondimensional form, they are given by, respectively, \begin{align} p^{\prime}&=\rho_{0}f_{0}\varPsi^{\prime} , \ \ (31a)\\ v^{\prime}&=\frac{if_{0}\hat{k}}{N H_{\rho}}\varPsi^{\prime} , \ \ (31b)\\ u^{\prime}&=-\frac{i}{N\hat{k}}\left\{\left[\varLambda\hat{k}^{2}(\hat{z}-\hat{c})-\frac{N^{2} H_{\rho}}{f_{0}^{2}}\beta\right] v^{\prime}-\varLambda\frac{d v^{\prime}}{d \hat{z}}\right\} , \ \ (31c)\\ w^{\prime}&=-\frac{f_{0}\varLambda}{N^{2}}\left[(\hat{z}-\hat{c}) \frac{d v^{\prime}}{d \hat{z}}-v^{\prime}\right] , \ \ (31d) \end{align} and \begin{align*} T^{\prime}=-\frac{i N H_{\rho}}{\hat{k}}\left[\frac{v^{\prime}}{R}+\frac{\overline{T}}{g H_{\rho}}\left(\frac{d v^{\prime}}{d \hat{z}}-v^{\prime}\right)\right] . \ \ (31e) \end{align*} Since $\varPsi'$, the eigenvector, is already known, all the perturbation fields can now be determined.
The computed perturbation fields for the most unstable mode are shown in Fig. 4. Here, we show three typical cases: two extreme cases (the deep mode γ=0.1 and the shallow mode γ=10), and one moderate case (γ=1). We can see that the wave structure varies with γ. Firstly, consistent with the analysis in the preceding parts, for γ=0.1 the wave is long (~9L R) and deep (Figs. 4e-h), whereas for γ=10 the wave is short (~0.7L R) and shallow (Figs. 4i-l). Secondly, the bottom trapping is stronger for larger γ. It can be seen that the upper-level centers for γ=0.1 are more significant than those for γ=10, especially in p' and u'. Thirdly, in the deep mode limit (γ=0.1) the kinetic process dominates the thermal process (refer to the relative magnitude of u' and T'), whereas in the shallow mode limit (γ=10) the relation reverses.
Figure4. Perturbation fields at the time instant when the maximal p' is taken to be 10 hPa at the surface: (a-d) γ=0.1, (e-h) γ=1, and (i-l) γ=10. The field in each subplot has been normalized by its maximum. The scale height Hρ=8800 m, and the Rossby radius L R=1218 km.
Apart from the major discrepancies described above, these three cases share much in common in terms of wave structure. Most conspicuous are the bottom-trapped feature in the distributions of p' (Figs. 4a, e and i) and T' (Figs. 4d, h and l), and the phase-line tilting with altitude, although the tilting varies from field to field. In the field of p', the zero-isopleths have their greatest inclination in the lower levels and become nearly vertical in higher levels, as do the troughs and ridges. The phase difference is about π/2 through the vertical extent. The v' field (not shown) has a structure similar to p', but with a phase lag of π/2. The fields of u' have two extreme centers vertically (Figs. 4b, f and j): one is at the bottom, and the other at upper levels. It can be seen that the zero-isopleths are nearly vertical at the bottom (except in Fig. 4f as γ=1) and in the upper atmosphere, and tilt backward rapidly at lower levels. The phase lag between the upper layer and the bottom layer is from 2π/3 to π. Distinctly different from u' and v', the perturbation vertical velocity (Figs. 4c, g and k) attains its maximum value at middle-to-upper levels, with phase lines tilting slightly toward the west (except in Fig. 4k as γ=10). The temperature has different inclinations in the lower layer and upper layer (Figs. 4d, h and l). It first tilts eastward in the bottom layer, then changes to the opposite direction in the middle layer, and becomes nearly vertical in the upper layer. This leads to the result that the phase of the upper layer (2π/3~π) falls behind that in the lower layer. All these structures are consistent with previous studies (e.g., Charney, 1947; Kuo, 1952, Kuo, 1979; Green, 1960; Gill, 1982; Branscome, 1983).
4.1. MS-EVA setup
The dataset obtained is in Cartesian coordinates. The series span four periods, which are divided into 28 time steps. In the x-direction the domain covers four wavelengths; it is discretized into 200 grid points. In the y-direction five grid points are chosen, with a spacing the same as ? x. In the vertical, 300 levels from bottom up are selected. Since what we are concerned with is the interaction between the basic state and the perturbations, the background-scale bound j0 is chosen to be zero. In (Liang and Anderson, 2007), it was proven that this makes a field precisely its corresponding mean field.For this study, three typical cases are chosen (refer to Fig. 4), i.e., two extreme cases (the deep mode limit γ=0.1 and the shallow mode limit γ=10) and a moderate case (γ=1). The parameters of the corresponding mean flows are listed in Table 2. Given the values of these parameters, the mean fields can be generated as shown in section 3.1. A reconstruction of the mean state of the Charney model as γ=1 is shown in Fig. 5. Finally, the mean fields, together with the perturbation fields, form the input of MS-EVA.
Figure5. Mean state of Charney's model as γ=1: (a) zonal velocity (m s-1); (b) pressure (Pa); (c) temperature (K); and (d) density (kg m-3).
4.2. Results analysis: γ=1
4.2.1. Perturbation fieldsWith the datasets generated, a two-scale decomposition is performed for each field. To present the perturbation fields, we need only consider a particular instant. This is because, as a result of linearization, solutions of the Charney model are similar at all times, only with variations of magnitude and phase. Any snapshot of a field is typical of the evolution pattern of that field throughout the duration. Hereafter, we choose the time instant, at which the maximal value of p' on the surface is taken to be 10 hPa, to display the energetics. Moreover, as established by predecessors (and mentioned before in this study), the most unstable mode corresponds to the y-wavenumber l=0, which implies that the instability structure is y-independent. Therefore, only one x-z section is enough for the analysis.
The perturbation fields are expected to be reconstructed precisely on the perturbation-scale window; for example, p~ 1 should be equal to p', T~ 1 should be T', etc., and this is indeed true (not shown). The distributions of eddy (i.e., perturbation) APE (EAPE) and eddy kinetic energy (EKE), defined by Eqs. (1) and (2) as γ=1, are shown in Fig. 6. Obviously, both EAPE and EKE are bottom-trapped. On the EAPE map (Fig. 6a), the trapping is especially strong, with most EAPE generally limited below the steering level (0.3Hρ). Above that height, EAPE still exists, though in very small quantities; in fact, on the zonally averaged EAPE profile, above 1Hρ, there is a distinctly increasing trend with height (Fig. 6b). This feature seems to be odd but very robust (refer to the inset plot in Fig. 6b). We shall get back to this point in the following subsection.
Figure6. EAPE (m2 s-2) and EKE (m2 s-2): (a) zonal section of EAPE; (b) zonal-mean EAPE; (c) zonal section of EKE; and (d) zonal-mean EKE.
EKE is more colorful in structure (Fig. 6c). Apart from the bottom-trapping feature, the distribution has an appealing structure. Below 1Hρ, it tilts to the west with height; above that, it becomes almost vertical. Besides, a secondary maximum center occurs at around 1Hρ where EAPE gets its minimum. This is more obvious in the zonally averaged profile (Fig. 6d). We discuss this further later in the paper.
4.2.2. Baroclinic and barotropic canonical transfers
The canonical transfers correspond precisely to the instabilities in geophysical fluid flows. We hence first look at these fields. Shown in Figs. 7a and b are the sectional distributions of the baroclinic transfer (BC) and its zonal average, respectively. Generally, it is positive below 2Hρ; that is to say, in the lower layer a baroclinic instability occurs, and the instability strength increases toward the bottom. Above 2Hρ, BC is even negative, though weak. In other words, the zonal flow within that layer is baroclinically stable.
The barotropic canonical transfer (BT) is by comparison two orders of magnitude smaller. What makes it merit particular attention is that it has a completely different structure (Figs. 7c and d). Its variation in the zonal direction is trapped in the middle layer. The zonal-mean BT takes its maximum at about 0.6Hρ, and vanishes at the top as well as the bottom. Since it is positive throughout the vertical extent (except for the bottom), barotropic instability is occurring throughout the fluid column, but with an intensification in the middle and lower layers (between 0.5Hρ and 3Hρ). Note that 1Hρ is the height where BC tends toward zero. This explains why the tilting begins to inflect back at this height on the maps of u' and p' (Fig. 4), since the tilting signifies baroclinic instability but not barotropic instability.
The distribution of the total canonical transfer (BC plus BT) is quite similar to that for BC, especially in lower layers (below 1.5Hρ), as BT is very small compared to BC (Fig. 8a). Their difference occurs in the middle-to-upper layers. Above 1.5Hρ, BT can be many times larger than BC, which is negative (Fig. 8b). Together, they give a positive value. This means that the system is unstable, and the instability is mainly baroclinic. Besides, the baroclinic instability is bottom-trapped, agreeing with the traditional conclusion with the Charney model (e.g., Charney, 1947; Kuo, 1952; Green, 1960; Bretherton, 1966; Edmon et al., 1980). However, here, we find that the instability is not purely baroclinic. BT, though two orders of magnitude smaller, has a distinctly different structure. In fact, according to its formula ($\varGamma_\rm K$) in section 2, the positive BT here is mainly a release of the kinetic energy of the vertical shear. As we will see soon below, it is this barotropic instability that causes the perturbation fields to deviate from a pure bottom-trapped picture. Therefore, strictly speaking, the system is undergoing a mixed instability.
Figure8. Vertical profiles of (a) the total energy transfer (BC plus BT), and (b) the ratio of BC and BT. Note that the gap around z=2Hρ in (b) is left intentionally since BC is almost zero there.
4.2.3. Multiscale energy balance
The canonical transfers allow us to reconstruct the instability structures. One would expect that they can explain the particular distributions of the perturbation energies. This is, however, not completely true here. Comparing Fig. 7 to Fig. 6, it is apparent that BC is negative above 2Hρ, while EAPE does not vanish there. Instead, a secondary EAPE center occurs there. One would naturally ask how the system gains its APE where there is no baroclinic instability at all. In the following, this, together with other issues, is addressed through a detailed analysis of the MS-EVA terms.
Figure7. BC (m2 s-3) and BT (m2 s-3): (a) zonal section of BC; (b) zonal-mean BC; (c) zonal section of BT; and (d) zonal-mean BT.
We first look at the perturbation buoyancy conversion (b1). Buoyancy conversion is important in that it mediates between KE and APE and, in fact, is the only connection between KE and APE. It is an important process in the atmosphere and ocean, which also exists in quasi-geostrophic movements. Moreover, there are many studies concerning the buoyancy conversion process in idealized quasi-geostrophic models, such as Green (1960, 1970), (Gall, 1976b), (Lapeyre and Klein, 2006), (Ragone and Badin, 2016), etc. Drawn in Figs. 9a and b are, respectively, the sectional distribution of b1 and its zonal average. A conspicuous feature is, again, the bottom-trapped negative conversion, i.e., the conversion from EAPE to EKE, with a maximum (in magnitude) taking place around 0.4Hρ high. The conversion, however, reverses its direction at the upper levels. That is to say, now it becomes positive, though by comparison the conversion rate is much smaller. The critical height where the reversion takes place is about 2Hρ (refer to the inset plot in Fig. 9b). A similar vertical structure of b1 can be seen in previous studies, such as (Green, 1970), (Gall, 1976b), (Branscome, 1983), etc.
Figure9. (a) Zonal section of buoyancy conversion (m2 s-3), and (b) the zonal average.
It should be pointed out that, besides the importance itself as a mechanism for energy to convert, buoyancy conversion has been extensively utilized in the literature for localized baroclinic instability studies (e.g., Gill, 1982). This is because of its localized nature, free of spatial averaging or integration, plus an intuitive argument that a negative buoyancy conversion, i.e., a net conversion of EAPE to EKE, implies a baroclinic instability. While this may seem to be true sometimes, physically it is groundless. If one goes back to the fundamentals, one finds baroclinic instability and buoyancy conversion are two completely different concepts. They may correspond well on exceptional occasions, but generally the correspondence may not be seen, as has been evidenced in realistic problems (e.g., Zhao et al., 2016). In this problem, the maximal conversion (around 0.4Hρ) does not correspond to the maximal baroclinic instability (at the bottom), either.
Next, we look at the multiscale transport processes, i.e., which are represented by the Q terms in the MS-EVA balance. Here, we have only these terms on the perturbation window. Plotted in Figs. 10a and c are the horizontal (-?·Q A, h1) and vertical (-?·Q A, z1) components of the EAPE flux convergence, respectively, and their corresponding zonal averages (Figs. 10b and d). The zonally averaged -?·Q A, h1 is zero throughout the whole depth. This implies that EAPE is transported horizontally without its vertical distribution being changed, whereas another mechanism——namely, the vertical flux——is mainly to transport EAPE from the middle layer (between 0.3Hρ and 1.2Hρ) to the bottom layer.
On the EKE, the transport processes could be due to both the convergence of EKE flux (-?·QK1) and the pressure flux (-?·Q P1), either of which, as that for -?·Q A1, has a horizontal component and a vertical component. Like -?·Q A,h1, the zonal average of -?·Q K,h1 is zero (Fig. 10f). For -?·QK,z1 (Fig. 10h), it is positive below 2Hρ and negative above. Its maximum and minimum centers occur at 0.3Hρ and 3Hρ, respectively. This implies that -?·QK,z1 contributes to the bottom trapping of EKE. Pressure working rate is quite differently, as shown in Figs. 10i-h. Firstly, both -?·Q P,h1 and -?·Q P,z1 tilt toward the west with height below 2Hρ, above which the phase line is almost vertical (Figs. 10i and k). Second, the zonal-mean profile of -?·Q P,h1 almost varnishes (Fig. 10j), whereas -?·Q P,z1 takes its minimum and maximum at 0.3Hρ and 1.5Hρ, respectively, and begins to change sign at 1Hρ (Fig. 10l). The vertical extent between 0.4Hρ and 1.5Hρ corresponds to the inflection region in the zonal-mean distribution of EKE (Fig. 6d).
Figure10. (a-d) Horizontal and vertical EAPE flux convergences (m2 s-3): (a) zonal section of -?· Q A, h1; (b) zonal-mean -?· Q A, h1; (c) zonal section of -?· Q A, z1; (d) zonal-mean -?· Q A, z1. (e-h) As in (a-d), but for the EKE flux convergences (-?· Q K, h1 and -?· Q K, z1). (i-l) As in (a-d), but for pressure flux convergences (-?· QP, h1 and -?· Q P, z1), respectively.
From the above observations, the energetics scenario is now clear. We summarize it in Fig. 11. From the figure, the system is undergoing a baroclinic instability at the bottom, and most of the APE extracted at a height from the basic temperature field essentially remains at that height, causing T' fields to grow. T' is only horizontally transported through EAPE flux without their magnitudes changing; in contrast, EAPE is transported from the middle layer to the bottom through the vertical EAPE flux to fill the depletion of EAPE by buoyancy conversion. A part of EAPE is converted to EKE. The conversion takes place from the bottom through 2Hρ, and is maximized at 0.4Hρ. The converted energy at a level, however, does not remain at that level; rather, it is transported upward and downward through pressure flux. Consequently, EKE from the conversion is concentrated toward the bottom by -?·Q K,z1. Besides, the unique vertical distribution of -?·QP,z1 causes the zonally averaged EKE profile to inflect between 0.4Hρ and 1.5Hρ, and the secondary EKE center at 1Hρ. The scenario here is generally consistent with that described by (Gall, 1976a).
Figure11. Schematic illustration of the instability and energetics scenario in Charney's model as γ=1. The small arrows in the diagram indicate the directions of various vertical transports (fluxes), with the width and length signifying the transport strength. Refer to the main text for details.
On the other hand, the system also undergoes a barotropic instability, though much weaker. In contrast to the bottom trapping of its baroclinic counterpart, it takes place throughout the computational domain, intensified at middle-to-upper levels. This instability causes the system to extract energy from the background flow to fuel the perturbation flow, which makes the second extreme center in the field maps of u' (Fig. 4f) and the middle-level maximum of w' (Fig. 4g). The EKE, however, does not all go to the perturbation flow; a small part of it is converted into EAPE. This can be seen from the buoyancy map (Fig. 9b), which becomes positive above 2Hρ. In fact, this is the very reason why there is a small amount of EAPE in the upper domain (Fig. 6b), though there is no baroclinic instability there.
4.3. Results analysis: γ=0.1 and γ=10
4.3.1. Perturbation energyFigure 12 shows the sectional distributions and vertical profiles of the two limiting cases. As we can see, in the deep mode limit (γ=0.1), EAPE is still bottom-trapped with a secondary maximum center at 6Hρ (Fig. 12b), whereas the bottom trapping of EKE becomes moderate and its middle-level center at 5Hρ is much stronger than its bottom counterpart (Fig. 12d). In the shallow mode limit (γ=10), the bottom trapping intensifies. Both maximum centers of EAPE and EKE happen on the surface. Besides, the secondary EKE center weakens greatly (Fig. 12h), whereas that of EAPE at 0.2Hρ is strengthened in a relative sense (Fig. 12f).
Figure12. As in Fig. 6, but for (a-d) γ=0.1 and (e-h) γ=10.
4.3.2. Canonical transfer
Figure 13 shows the vertical profiles of BC and BT of the two limiting cases. It is surprising to find that the relative importance of BC and BT varies with γ. In the deep mode limit, BC (Fig. 13a) and BT (Fig. 13b) have almost the same magnitude, with the latter even stronger than the former. BC is still bottom-trapped (below 5Hρ), but its maximum occurs above the surface rather than on it. BT is positive throughout the whole depth except at the bottom. Vertically, there are two maximum centers: one is at 1.5Hρ, and the other at 7Hρ. The upper-level center is much stronger than the lower one. On the contrary, in the shallow mode limit, BC (Fig. 13c) is four orders of magnitude larger than BT (Fig. 13d). Therefore, the system can be viewed as purely baroclinic. Note that in either these two limiting cases (γ=0.1 and γ=10) or the moderate case (γ=1), BC is always negative in upper levels (Figs. 7b, 13a and 13c), indicating that the system is baroclinically stable above a certain level.
Figure13. Vertical profiles of zonal-mean (a, c) BC and (b, d) BT: (a, b) γ=0.1; (c, d) γ=10.
4.3.3. Energy balance
The energetics balance also depends on γ. Figure 14 shows the vertical profiles of the zonally averaged b1, -?·Q A,z1, -?·Q K,z1, and -?·Q P,z1. We can see that the structures are generally similar to those of γ=1, but with a big difference in magnitude. For the deep mode, b1, -?·Q K,z1 and -?·Q P,z1 have the same magnitude, two orders larger than -?·Q A,z1 (Fig. 14b). b1 is negative below 7Hρ and positive above (Fig. 14a). -?·Q K,z1 is very strong and it has two maximum centers corresponding to that of EKE (Fig. 14c). Therefore, together with BC (Fig. 13a) and BT (Fig. 13b), the energy flow is that the perturbation obtains APE from the mean flow via baroclinic instability at low levels. Most of the EAPE is then converted to EKE through b1 and the remaining part is transported downward by EAPE flux. Meanwhile, the flow is also undergoing a strong barotropic instability. The kinetic energy transfer from the mean flow to the perturbation mainly happens at upper levels. Then, EKE is transported via EKE flux and pressure flux to the lower levels. Therefore, the low-level EKE center benefits from both BC and BT, whereas the upper-level EKE center arises mainly from BT. In the upper layer, a small part of EKE is converted to EAPE, maintaining the secondary upper-level center in T'.
Figure14. As in Fig. 13, but for the conversion and transport terms: (a-d) γ=0.1; (e-h) γ=10.
For the shallow mode, the perturbation energy is mainly balanced by three processes, i.e., BC (Fig. 13c), b' (Fig. 14e), and -?·QP,z1 (Fig. 14h), since BT (Fig. 13d), -?·QA,z1 (Fig. 14f), and -?·Q K,z1 (Fig. 14g) are several orders of magnitude smaller. b1 is negative and positive below and above 0.2Hρ, respectively (Fig. 14e). -?·Q P,z1 is positive at the surface, negative in the lower layer, and positive at upper levels (Fig. 14h). The energy balance therefore becomes straightforward. The perturbation first obtains EAPE through BC in lower levels; then, part of it is converted to EKE; meanwhile, pressure flux transports EKE to the bottom and upper levels, which results in the secondary center on u' and p'; at upper levels, EKE is converted back to EAPE, resulting in the secondary center in T'.
4.4. Correspondence in the real atmosphere
As presented above, we have found that the Charney model, which has been considered as a purely baroclinic model, actually also experiences barotropic instability processes. That is to say, apart from the energy from baroclinic canonical transfer, barotropic canonical transfer is also an important source of energy for the most unstable Charney mode. This phenomenon has actually been observed in the real atmosphere. The waves over East Asia, which have been claimed to be of baroclinic origin, reveal similar behavior. Our recent study (Zhao and Liang, 2018) showed that these waves have two sources in East Asia: a northern one, which is located on the lee side of the Mongolian Plateau at middle and high latitudes; and a southern one, which generally coincides with the East Asian subtropical jet. MS-EVA diagnoses show that the waves in the southern branch experience strong baroclinic instability in the middle and lower layers, and strong barotropic instability in the upper layer; whereas, in the northern branch, the waves derive mainly from baroclinic instability [cf. Figs. 6 and 8 in (Zhao and Liang, 2018)]. It is worth noting that the southern branch waves are located in the center of the jet stream, where the vertical shear is large, whereas in the north the vertical shear is small. These scenarios correspond qualitatively to the cases of γ=1 and γ=10, respectively, in this study.It should be noted that, although the second maximum of the eddy energy in the upper levels in the Charney model can correspond to the observed second peak of eddy activity near the tropopause (e.g., Kao and Taylor, 1964; Lorenz, 1967), they actually come from different mechanisms. As discussed above, the upper-level energy center in the Charney model is largely attributed to barotropic instability, whereas that observed near the tropopause is mainly due to buoyancy conversion and vertical transport of energy (e.g., Simons, 1972; Gall, 1976a; Simmons and Hoskins, 1978). Moreover, in the real extratropics, kinetic energy is mainly transferred from eddy to mean flow (e.g., Chang and Orlanski, 1993), which is opposite to that in the Charney model; and this process is mainly caused by the horizontal shear of the background flow (e.g., Deng and Mak, 2006; Zhao and Liang, 2018), whereas the Charney model does not at all have horizontal shear in the basic wind.