1.Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Waves, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China 2.Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao 266237, China 3.Center for Ocean Mega-Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 7 Nanhai Road, Qingdao 266071, China 4.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 10029, China Manuscript received: 2018-09-27 Manuscript revised: 2019-01-23 Manuscript accepted: 2019-02-25 Abstract:A new hybrid coupled model (HCM) is presented in this study, which consists of an intermediate tropical Pacific Ocean model and a global atmospheric general circulation model. The ocean component is the intermediate ocean model (IOM) of the intermediate coupled model (ICM) used at the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOCAS). The atmospheric component is ECHAM5, the fifth version of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology atmospheric general circulation model. The HCM integrates its atmospheric and oceanic components by using an anomaly coupling strategy. A 100-year simulation has been made with the HCM and its simulation skills are evaluated, including the interannual variability of SST over the tropical Pacific and the ENSO-related responses of the global atmosphere. The model shows irregular occurrence of ENSO events with a spectral range between two and five years. The amplitude and lifetime of ENSO events and the annual phase-locking of SST anomalies are also reproduced realistically. Despite the slightly stronger variance of SST anomalies over the central Pacific than observed in the HCM, the patterns of atmospheric anomalies related to ENSO, such as sea level pressure, temperature and precipitation, are in broad agreement with observations. Therefore, this model can not only simulate the ENSO variability, but also reproduce the global atmospheric variability associated with ENSO, thereby providing a useful modeling tool for ENSO studies. Further model applications of ENSO modulations by ocean-atmosphere processes, and of ENSO-related climate prediction, are also discussed. Keywords: IOCAS ICM, hybrid coupled model, ENSO simulation, atmospheric response 摘要:ENSO是气候系统中最强的年际信号且具有广泛的气候影响, 所以, 对ENSO的模拟和预测具有重要的意义. 海气耦合模式是实现模拟和预测ENSO的主要工具, 其中, 简单海气耦合模式的动力过程简单, 一般为仅限于热带太平洋海域的距平模式, 计算量小, 但无法直接模拟和预测ENSO引起的全球范围的气候异常; 而全球海气耦合模式的物理过程更为复杂和完善, 可以直接模拟和预测热带外的气候异常, 但是一直受到“气候漂移”问题的困扰. 所以, 希望发展一个耦合模式, 既没有气候漂移, 又能够预测全球气候变化. 因此, 本文将热带太平洋区域海洋模式和全球大气环流模式耦合, 构建了一个新的混合型海气耦合模式(HCM), 其中, 海洋部分为中国科学院海洋研究所海气耦合模式(IOCAS ICM)的简单海洋模式, 大气部分为德国马普气象研究所的第五代大气环流模式(ECHAM5). 海洋和大气之间通过距平的动量通量和热量通量耦合. 利用HCM 100年模拟积分的结果, 对模式中ENSO及其全球大气响应的模拟进行了分析. 结果表明, 与IOCAS ICM相比, HCM中的ENSO事件具有显著的不规则性, 主要周期为2-5年振荡, 模拟的ENSO强度, 循环和季节锁相都与观测更为一致. 另外, HCM的大气分量表现出显著的年际变化, 冬, 夏季海平面气压, 温度, 降水和异常环流的分布与观测基本相符. 所以, 该模式不仅能够模拟ENSO及全球大气响应, 而且能够避免气候漂移, 计算量也远远小于复杂的全球海气耦合模式, 进而为ENSO模拟和预测研究提供了新的工具. 关键词:IOCAS ICM, 混合型耦合模式, ENSO, 大气响应
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IOCAS ICM includes an IOM, an SST anomaly model with an empirical parameterization of Te, and a statistical atmosphere model in the tropical Pacific Ocean. The dynamical IOM was originally designed by (Keenlyside, 2001) and (Keenlyside and Kleeman, 2002), and consists of a linear and a nonlinear component. The linear component is extended from the (McCreary, 1981) baroclinic modal model with a horizontally varying background stratification. The first 10 baroclinic modes are resolved in the vertical layers, plus two surface layers governed by Ekman dynamics to simulate the combined effect of high-order baroclinic modes. The nonlinear component, a simplified model derived from the residual nonlinear momentum equations, is incorporated within the two surface layers to provide corrections to the linear component where the nonlinearity cannot be ignored. An SST anomaly model is embedded into the ocean dynamical framework to describe the evolution of interannual temperature anomalies in the surface mixed layer. The governing equation includes ocean horizontal advection and entrainment by both specified mean currents and model simulated anomalous currents. (Zhang et al., 2003) demonstrated that the performance of SST simulations in the equatorial Pacific is significantly affected by the parameterization of Te. It has been shown that the interannual variability of the sea level and Te are closely correlated in the tropical Pacific (Zhang et al., 2004). Thus, an empirical Te submodel is constructed from the historical data of the sea level and Te anomalies by using the SVD method (Zhang et al., 2005a). The surface heat flux anomaly is negatively proportional to the local SST anomaly, with a thermal damping coefficient of (100 d)-1. A statistical atmospheric model is also constructed based on the SVD analysis. The SVD is used to determine the relationship between the historical wind stress and SST anomaly, and thus the wind stress and SST anomaly fields are specifically related. As such, according to the constructed wind stress model, the interannual wind response can be calculated given an SST anomaly. IOCAS ICM spans the tropical Pacific and Atlantic oceans (only the Pacific basin is considered in this work). Its domain covers (33.5°S-33.5°N, 124°-30°E), with a realistic representation of the continents. The model has a zonal grid with 2° spacing and a meridional grid stretching from 0.5° within 10° of the equator to 3° at the meridional northern and southern boundaries. Vertically, the ocean is assumed to be flat-bottomed with a depth of 5500 m. The linear component has 33 levels and 8 levels are in the upper 125 m. The two surface layers, in which nonlinear effects and high-order baroclinic modes are simulated, span the upper 125 m and are divided by a surface mixed layer whose depth is determined by a stability criterion from the annual mean temperature and salinity data in (Levitus, 1982). The dynamical ocean model and the SSTA model have the same grids. The model time step is 4800 s. The model's climatological fields include the SST of (Reynolds and Smith, 1995), model currents generated using the Florida State University wind stress (Stricherz et al., 1995), and thermocline depth constructed from (Levitus, 1982). The climatological fields are updated once monthly. More detailed descriptions of IOCAS ICM are given by (Zhang and Gao, 2016b). A 50-year control run of the ICM is used for comparison with the HCM constructed in this study.
2 2.2. AGCM -->
2.2. AGCM
The atmosphere model used in this study is ECHAM5, which is a global spectral model based on the primitive equations. Prognostic variables consist of vorticity, divergence, temperature, surface pressure, cloud water and water vapor. The horizontal spectral resolution of ECHAM5 used in this work is T63 (1.875°× 1.875°), with 19 vertical hybrid levels up to a pressure level of 10 hPa. The model employs a semi-implicit leapfrog time-stepping scheme with a weak time filter to inhibit the spurious computational modes. The model time step is 1200 s for dynamics and physics, and the radiation is calculated at 2-h intervals. A more detailed model description of ECHAM5 is given by (Roeckner et al., 2003). Before being coupled to the ocean component, two experiments are carried out with ECHAM5 alone, in which the SST boundary data are from AMIP II. First, ECHAM5 is run for 50 years, forced by the climatological monthly mean of SST, from which the climatology of ECHAM5 can be obtained and is used to calculate the anomalous coupling flux in the HCM. Second, ECHAM5 is forced by monthly historical SST from 1956 to 2000 in the tropical Pacific Ocean and the SST beyond the tropical Pacific is set to be the climatological monthly mean. Our analysis focuses on the period between 1961 and 2000. This experiment, together with observations, is used to evaluate the global atmospheric simulations of the HCM.
2 2.3. Hybrid coupled ocean-atmosphere model -->
2.3. Hybrid coupled ocean-atmosphere model
In this work, an HCM is constructed by coupling the ocean component of IOCAS ICM (i.e., the IOM) to ECHAM5. The atmosphere and ocean models are only coupled in the tropical Pacific Ocean. Beyond the active coupling regions, the underlying SST of the atmosphere is specified as the climatological monthly mean. To maintain the continuity of the boundary forcing, sponge layers are introduced at the northern and southern boundaries of the tropical Pacific, acting to relaxing SSTs to the climatological monthly mean. The coupling frequency between the atmosphere and ocean model is once per day. Given an SST, the atmosphere produces a total wind stress field and a net surface heat flux field, which is the sum of the solar radiation, longwave radiation, and sensible and latent heat fluxes. By subtracting the atmospheric climatology taken from the uncoupled simulation mentioned in section 2.2, the wind stress and heat flux anomalies are calculated and passed to force the ocean model. The ocean sends daily mean SST anomalies, superimposed on the climatological mean, back to the atmosphere. In order to maintain the radiative-convective equilibrium, the total SST is limited to be no greater than 30°C (Jin et al., 2003). Before being transferred to force the ocean model, the magnitude of wind stress anomalies is adjusted by multiplying a scalar parameter (ατ). This parameter is called the relative coupling coefficient and represents the strength of the interannual wind forcing on the ocean. Several tuning experiments are performed with different values of ατ to examine the coupled behavior in the HCM. It is found that taking ατ=0.8 can produce a reasonable interannual variability in the tropical Pacific. Because the model grids are different in the atmosphere and ocean, the exchanged variables are interpolated during the transfer process. The initial atmospheric field is a restart file from the previous 50-year integration. The initial condition of the oceanic component is the steady state after a long-term integration of the ocean model. The coupled model is integrated for 200 years and the last 100 years are used in the following analyses.
2 2.4. Datasets -->
2.4. Datasets
Observational and reanalysis datasets used for evaluating the model simulation include the following: SST from ERSST.v4 from 1951 to 2000 (Huang et al., 2014; Liu et al., 2014); SSH and zonal wind stress from GODAS from 1981 to 2017 (Behringer and Xue, 2004); SLP, 2-m temperature, and 500-hPa geopotential height from the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis from 1951 to 2000 (Kalnay et al., 1996); and precipitation from the GPCP, version 2.2, combined precipitation dataset from 1979 to 2012 (Huffman et al., 2009). These data are referred to as "observations" in the following. Interannual anomalies of all variables are defined as the deviations from their corresponding mean seasonal cycle.